$,0a year in advance; $1.50 to United States. BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIQO, , R DAUGUST 5, 1909. VOLUME LV. No. 31 M. A. JAMES & SON, Proprietors., The J~me~ aper~ X[i~it Thirty-five undred ome~ Woekly. Ureat C1learn Sale ffl-Couch, Jolinston & Cryderman will f rom to-day sell. off a lot of Dress Muslins, Crinkie Cloths, Linen andi Cotton Suitings andH other lines of Summer goods at greatly reduced prices, Some - Unes at haîf price. Ladies' Prineess Dresses and wash skirts at cost. Ail fancy parasols below cost price. Men's two piece suits and fancy vests at greatly recluceti prîces Men's Sti aw ilats at hall price. See 'our Special uine of Musîj Blouses at ONE DOLL &R. _à Best you. ever saw for the money, 0 u o hn s-1- ou-- BANKý,OF . Established 1817 Capital 8 14,400,000 Rest 8 12,000,000 Total Asaets $183,169159 Departmellt. fiead OffIce, Montreal ýJ. A. MeCLELLAN9, Manager. Bowmanville Bra.uch. 0F 'CANDA > -Capital paid up $ 4,600,000 ToaÀssets' $53>,OOO4,OO kR 5W LAWN MOWERS SHÂRPENED AND REPIRED,. Don'e put off getting your Lawn Mower sharpened. Do it now, so that it will ho ready when you need it. I uso the Ideal Lwn Mower Urluder which bas given sucb goad eati6faction in tha past. A triai will couvInce you of its superlority over others. Orders prornptly attended to. BICYÇL1STS TAKE NOTICE. 1 amn doin.- aIl kinds of bi- jcycle repairing. Brlng' your jwheel la and have It put in goodi runnIng order. My priaes are veéry moderat 3. A. W PhCAR1,D 131,a ck si i Toronto, Ont. This, sebooil Isunque,tlona,,bly ore of G anada s Greateat, Beat aud>Most Sucess- jfui Coleges. Our graduate$ readily seure I mlymeui. Let us ed.wate you for cps- itiona worth from e35 toe10amni.W logue to-day. Cor, Yonge and Alexander ta W. J. Elliott, Principal SFred, T. Hobbs AGENT FOR and ail ltin da of %Two DooRS EAST OF' Jos. JE]?- .- MBNT, EOWMANVILLE. 18 Get It at MITCM ELL'Si Quality Drag Store. Big.-Sunimer Sale 1 01 O Medicines, Tollet Articles AND Rubber Ooods Reg. For Talcum Powder 25 c 150 Tooth Pasto 2 17 Little Liver Pis 25 2 for 25 Hypophosphites 1.00 50 Beef, Iron and Wino 1.00 50 Castoria 35 25 Mitchell's Pink Iron Pils 25 6 for 1 0 Yucca Ointment 50 40 P'-eston'8 Hair Renewer 50 37 Veloute Face Powd 50 40 Qunine Wiue 1.00 75. Fig Syrup 25 I Toîlet Pâpor 6 rolls 25 Phono elh recoive prompt atten- tinPhono 92 a For niight cails 9ý2 b Store opens 7 30 a. im. Clo-ea 6 30 p. M. Saura'store coe lp i DONT 'FAL-,Tî'GT T 1 TRE EDITOR TiLKS. This issue begins ur 3'2nd ryear as editor and proprietor of Tua 5'STATES- MuAN. At the ensd of '31 years our love for newspaper work bats not waned an iota but we are uqs diligent, active and ambitions as whlen we be;gan ,our jou- nalistie career ou AugUst 1, 1873- Natioual Pelicy year. We are veiy glad that we have net lest iaterest la the work and we are very thanktul that bealth has beon veuchsated te us te continueluibothedisecharge ef the arduous and exacting dluties of editor and business manaý'ger. Il is a source of personalgrtfcioo, that THE STATESMAN basuot dcindwith the grewth of ils volumes. Gar readers who have knewn tbis papo,,r intimatoly for the last thre or four. docades will agree with us that ii, ls a mucl e btter aewspaper today ta t li !as ever before been, It ests far morin mýtýîoney and labor to preduce it, hncit, is worl'h more, Its value as afaml newspaper Lu three decades lias inàcreased threetold, aI least, and yet thesusritinprico has net been raised. h, sivould have been, theugh. Oompared w-,ith manyot ils dellar-a-year cnenorreit t easily worth tsvice te,-h)ee s icuci because it contains se mch or local news, useful and tcoyifrain and cr'sts se much mnore teodue It is a source of satisfacti n ad sm cere gratification te sus lso that every member ef the office stf shares with us the pride, ami pleaisiuire ef having somte part in the oafn e the newvs- paper thal is sopopular wilý-h its wide circle ef readers. Il is net oas t 1 stale that not a singie isseÉet Iis paper ia the last year hsbeen duli or uniateresting. We hav, ac, s ant office staff, striven te ke,(ep Èthe 3paper iup te standard pitch. overýy weIt îisthe preduot et our combiaed efforts aud we alLshare iu the praîse it receives. W*e roter te these matters here because we desire that every person associated with us shall receive a proper share et credit for the newsy, higli-css family journal ,r0 publisb. la this counoction, tee, we desire te express our thanks, 10 all outside et our office who hiave coatribut- ed la any measure te tue unews-sevice of Ibis paper. The couatry correspond- ents deserve and we graîtuily accord thom a liberal mode et crodit fer;keep- îag Up the iuterost in their respective localities. We stri ve te maintain and we certninly have at the p'resent tâme a splendid corps et fil,)d corresp)ondouits. Their set-vices are g,,eati Pprcito both by the public aad thepblses and we regret thaýt the psyfo t service is cotadequýate t) h alew roeve 'ut reallte .rc twhichi the expendîiure wo oudgladlý!y make did the profits admit 0f il, But like maay services that we render it is largely a labor et love and the appro- ciatien et our frieads is our reWard, One can hardly heip being remînîs- cent ccc auuiversary occasions aad wlth a, residoace and familiarity ef over 45 yeara iu these parts a lot et hlstory contes lu roview betore us. What changes the passing years de effoct, tee. Very few et the prominut business mon aud farmers who were active in the aiffairs of the district in our boyheed are in charge et the faruts to-day. The fathers have passed away and the sons in many cases are the owners and operators now, The whirligig eftlime has aise brought great material changes. Ia a somewbat extensive drive throngh Durham and Ontario ceuntios recenlly, we wero greatly impressed with chaîîg- os that have laiton place iu those years, for with few exceptions, we regret te so that tarmsand farni homos are net; kept ia as goed condition, the surreund- inga as neal sud lidy as they used le be. As we have intiusaled Ibis is a world et change aud eue who bas knowu a home in its beauty sud lovely surroundings cannot but feel sorry on revîsiting the place and seeing il going te delapidation sud lthe tarm abeowing every evidence et negiocl, doterieration sud waut et proper attention and thorough cullivation. We coufess with sincore aorrow that the once mucb lauded townships et Darlingleni and HBasI Whitby show maay, very mauy, instances et decline. decay and un- tbrîttiness, Mr, Chas, M. Bice, Lb. B,, Kiltedge, Building, Deuver, Colorado, sends us papers lu wbich we sec that Denver is growing rapidly ail the lime'but tbe building pormîts for Juiy break al records boîug over two millions with a possible total of $12,000,000 for 1909. Nover in the bistery ef Colorado have the ci eps shown such excellent pros- pects.,_Wbeat Le reperted at 59 bushols te the acre, Fruit, potatoos, melons and ýgrain are aleclln crops. The preoduets et fields,oc )nd ad gardons now rivai the mne.Il la ýclaimod that Denver is'the nïest desirable rosi- denceA city Lu the world, boîng a mile also '.isited Dunclalc, s stirriug littiel DARLINGTON' LEAGxUE ST-,-ÏA ND 1NGU. town of some business preteutions. To-night (July 22) I a-n 10 beave 'Dub- W L T P lin for England to visit ut Bude aud Bewmaîîvillc 2 0 2 6 Stratton with the Davises. My enjoy- Tyrene 3 i O 6 ment was very groat up to the itst dsys Mt Vernon 1 i 2 4 of my stay at home, but the partinu« Hamlptea 1 2 1 3 froue ioved oues is the Leenest kind ofb Taunton 0 3 1 I offiset to it. I hope 10 writo again from. Ingland. und tice inccceased pleasure, makirig hima 130 mncli happier. A happy and content- cd citizen la a valcable assýet 10 uny counnt-y, xvile one dissatisfled may be instruimentalinl brooding mucb discon- lent. The marn too, fromr the city or town, haviug business in the country, or desirous of enijoyîug the beauties of nature, doos se with eîlaaIncd apprecia- tien whcn lho bas good roaaste0 ravel orer. The goond roacte agitation, is in koepiug, withý advuacs being (derýna-nded sud niadeo along ncmany other linos in ibis coinparativelIy- new snd rapidiy dovebop- ing countr'y. Alniceiy graded road kept ic ffleal corndit-ion froc ef weeds and grass from gutter Lo gutteru, is attractive and adds To-y jmter-îially10 lw iceimprovcd uppearanc sud vafleof the sdjoining faris nasd Le'svlue or Ihe in- telligence cIth pope.The ides of lice road from dice g ttest the fonces should net be ueg.Wlctd -sid alowed, as is frequently thce case, ob be overrun wiîb weeds, nnsightly groths 1ý, and used as a dumping grournd foù r u'bbsb of every concoivable vsriety. HAMBLES IN IRELAND. Miss Jonioue E. Martin who cent 10, iroland w,,ith Mr and',Mrs Dai Davis lu wiiugtea Bowmianýviibe friend fo _Foýu-_ Courts _Hotel, !912 Inus Quat:,y, Dubiln, tola of lice enjoyable lime sblo bas ian li er ranebles about Ir-land sudroîsiin the scenes sud haunts of bler 1 gi0ld uys Sice is now aI Strat- ton, Corniwail, witb Mrs. Davis. Arririug ut Livecrpool the Davis Party broke up, Mrs James Sauniders sud Mrsi James Guy proceeding te Stralten sud Pacezauce, respectively, wbile Mr sud Mts Davis sud Miss Martin t,,ok the Belfat steamer to Ireiand 10 riait frieuds at Canuiîîgstowic, County Cavan, ari-y îug aI Belfast on Suuday aI 7.30 a m. Belfast was accorded oniy a short riait, as they were dosîrous of reacicing ticeir destination. Travel on Suniday la very iimito'd, so the.,)onlýy rosciced Clores for dinnor sud took a euh aI 3 p m for Coote- hill Wberc tbey stayed ut Mc-Dermoiî's hoteýl tili next ncorning. Meuday was1 wet but they ra e isglts during the1 day nl the evening took a jtnting caro ont the village of Ccîuningatownc where Mr and Mrs Davis fouud a wel- corne at b er breticers, Mr James Bai-cou, ctnd Miss Martin roeived an equaihy heatîty weiconîe ut the home of lier1 parents. Sce shahl tell ltce reat lu lieri Owîî words: Oh the thought of agaîn viîsitiîîg rmy left when bt a 11ý11egi-. Svotne myi biothers ,were boru ut ter IbeI1 u liiose I had seeir wece gcowý,n ftrýa boy- h'tood 10 nîunhood Iineed hardly say[ fibat I wss very lovingly weicocned bacli le the deur old fireside. What a glad aud happy meeting 10 be witicny dear parents afterso rny yeara' absence Witb thce oxcitoieot of the meeting ovet-, il was ual lon g bcfore 1ivwss outinl lice iovely green flelds 10 sOO the pretty feld daisies, bluebeils snd bawthorn lu full bieomr. I wish 1 ceuld, commund words te picture 10 cîîy dear Caccîdian frieuda the glorions sight that feasted rmy gaze ail arounfi. 'licou I wandered tlîcongb the very saine pathways sud over the sauce sales as 1I id se of ton doue as a ciild. Frequerit visita wece excbanged w î th lice Devises fer a f ort- niglît w-hon Mr Davis desiriug 10 secebis beioved Strutton, tbey bade adieu te Iceiand and frieudsa cnd retürnned te Liverpool sud on to Cornwall. My lhree brothers camne ihome ton holidays and yeu cen fancy th6 enjoyable pastirnos sud outinga- we bcd al togethen afler yearset separatien. My breticeca ahi hold splendid positions-oee t Pert- arlînglen, one ut Itaticdowney, both in Quecu's County, sud the rther ut Dum- dalk. WNe aih sei eut te celebrale the Twelftb of Juiy wbîcb la stili doue bei-e in truc Iriali fashien., Canniugstewn Otaugemen wenlte Bailiebeco wbere lice assemblage waa ouneabil whece speeches were made by acvral clergy- moin. The day passed very pheasaniiy ai dl we reached home ut 8. Ail next <rock breticers sud 1 were kepl busy tespeuding 10 invitations 10 dine er te teas, aud it was nice te mool so uîany fine people. Leaving two brothers witb our pcarents on the bomestead, lwe others sud mysehf heft for tlubliu. I speuit s day witl ney eldeat brother lu Porta- ington, s quiet tewu but good business centre. Next day 1 speut seeing Dublun. I visited Phoenix Park, about whidli îuch was viitten yoacs uge, other put-ha sud Zooiogicah Gai-dons, Richmond sud iRotunda Hospitals. Dublin lsa a riv 1fine city with substantiai buildings. L HON. JOHN DRYDEN DEAD. F'oncig' ONeTAInO MINIsTRmuOF AGRICUI,- eTÜEE PASSES An AY. The Hoa. John Dryden fot a nuiber of youîs Minister of Agriculture in tlier Ontario Liberal Govecument, died Juiy 1191h ot sucoinia, aI bis residence, 9I Prince Acthur aventue, Tonouo. oe hed been ili for ovrr a ycar, sud bbc end Ian ecfly Sauriday atternoontheo dy n'as leken' te Maple Sîcade Facm, the old homne-t btead at Brooklui, wlieeotheo funerai took, place bo lthe -Bptist Ceiuetecy Sunday atternoon and crac lai geby atteuded. f Thce laIe Mr- Dryden lai sucvived by bis widow, one sonanid ire daughtens. 1 The chiildi-en are !Mn, W A Dryden, t Breoklun; NMrs C Lb Stari, <ite ot Dr. f Suprr, Tor onte; Mca W W -MeMaster, St. John, N., B. :Mca J C Sycamone, Haumiltont ; Mrs. W E Mabthews, Chat- humn, ail thi-ce wivea of Bapliat miniecas and Mca E J Za -vitz, Guelph, wife et Professer Zavitz, efthlie Ontauio 4gcicui- titre Coîbege. Mc Dryden cracthce ficist colonial ever ,ppointe i by the Britishî Gevetunent te deel <111 a pureiy Britishc niatter. H1e s'eut tborougbly mbt the wbhe question of agriculture in Irelaud <bice country he risited, Thcece were iriccuded lu lus report recomuieudations fer lice ceulir-d iaion of wbicb active measures bave siice been l aken by the Bcitish and E [rish Geverncecits. Hon. John Dryden was a son of lihe sate Mr. James Dryden, <ho eînigrutod froin Sunderlanîd, Engiaud, lu 1,320, sud i seltled lu Whîitby. Hie <as bei-n ut ltape Sicade Fetîci, Brookhlît, lu 1840, and <as educated utthe local scîcools, afterwurds bukiug onp facmoiug. Hie <asf mîse s brccdor of catîle sud sheep of a Ligli cacchai-acter. lu 1863 be was ebccted t le iomuicipal coucril, sud fot coron ycacs ser"ed as deputy reeve and reeve. Ho represented Senth Ontario in theLe-ialciirAsmbyfot 3f util thîdte tîtheRoss Gorerumeul and wu., ci.s, roragricuiîetrn 1890. Hoe-a presidour of lice Rebiance Loan & Saviiîgs Cem)pany, Toronto, sud had been presideut oethe Internatioci Shr-opshire Siîeep Bteoders' Asaccialion of lice United States and Canada, and was toi mamcy yeurs presideni of licei Domininiome Sbortboru Breeders' Associa- tion adccirctor of the Xumeciccn Ciydesdaie Association Ho crvac chair- nîsu ofthlie deborîîiug coîimrittee, ap- pointed seoute yours ugo. Mr Dryden c orgenized fruit expocînent stations threuhontOntario dîccing bis 10cmn as. iniiler. Iu 1896 ho <as eppoiuted ono of lice comueissionera for- the revision off the Onutaio Stabutes. Iu religion Mr-. Dryden <asas memnber oethlie Baphist1 Churchu, sud <as oi the hourd ef gevecu-1 oca of McVlsster iUniversity. Ta 1867 lie mari-led Mary Lydia, daughtec et Mr. Thoncus Hoimati, pubiaber, New Yorkç.t Deceaed iras <eh knowu sud respocted by bt ai-mors et WestDui-hum, sevecal of wbom bed personai demiliiegacritbhum.ni HIe was lice beal Minister of Agricultureo Onltrio ever bcd, SPORTINO NOTES. Busehalblai taking a i-est., Tayler's skating rlnk la a cool place theso days. Citizeus are <elcome at lice bowling green always. Port Hope bowlers had a pleasaut day bore lest week. Association football bîlks speul itsoît tor- Ibis seaVoný Wiîy was thal ladies' bowling club net organized? Did auy eue hear bakeîball mention- ed thiasoason ln tewn? A bowling tournuenent toi- the dis- trict te ho hold bore is lalked et, Wby cannot cve have rowing races amoug local nautical sports. Oshawa bowlers rather took rthe cou- coit eut et some et oui- expert hus day. A lively pastime now la chasiug flies out et the bouse aud killiug mesquites aI uigbt. A lewn busehali team wouI te Peler- bore Oivic Holiday sud had a geed garne with a City Loague team. The Electric City's aine woen, score 9-4. A challenge bowling match cvas play- ed Fi-iday atternoon between playors aI Niagara-on-tbe-Lake and Han-y Rice's rink, the Itomaters wiîcning hy big odds. Gi-eut interest centenod icn a bowling match hetw'eeu W. F. Allen, J. P., and bis graudsen Alleni Service Bail on Friday. The lad, of ten won ('ver bis Classes in Bookkeeping, Arithmetice Wvr ting hot 'ad Tpwitiug and kindred ,,jci ilITY.tilueduring the au mmer months special rates of $6010 ormote r Î 10.00 for tbe two montle. uiyan August, wili efford an excellent opport- unity to get dirst-elass instruction at Small cost. las,, boucs from 9 to 1 o'cloek. For further particulars, 'Phone Collage, 277T, cal! r write the Remington Business College, 239 College St., Cor. Spadina Ave., TORONTO, CÂN Chas. E. Smith. T. F. Wright, Shorthand lustructor Principal Bowmauville 0, Hampton 0. The final scheduled game lu the Dar- [iceglon Football Loague was played, Weduesday uight belweou Bowcuan- ville and Hampteu on lthe latteras field, ne score rosultiug. This new pute- Bowmanviile sud Tyrone on a lie fer firaI place. The game as usual was laIe in starticig, owiîcg te tbe inabiiity et H-amuptocn te muster up the neeary, elou-en mou. The games was piayed ton in a aide sud could not ho called a geed exhibition owing te the lacket conditionofethle players. The tewn boys had several good chances te score iu thefi-at hall' but dld net make goed. lIt the seconcd hall' bel aides made dangerous abioIs but thce goaies were on the job alI the tierne From the lipe-up il wiillho seen that the boys Lu green did net haro theïr streugeat team. Dr. 0. W. Siemion, uiakilien, handiod lthe gante wîlhout a dispute frein cither side. Tho tourna- Bowmanviile, - Geal, Fred Spry . backs, A CJarter, George James: hait bseka, Percy Westlake, Percy Glînhieýt; ferwards, Dr. Elmo Sisson, O.Adamas, M1. Bradley, Fred- Crydermau, Arîhur Frice. larnpton,-Goal, T. Gibbeiî; acha, J. Oarruthors, F. Browuv; hait hacha, Hloward Colo, E -gar Hemn, Roy Mont,- gomery; terwarda, Chus 'Carruthers, 'N Doîdge, A Peters, J Cowlîug, BOWMANVILLE-ON-TRE-LAKE WEST S10E Carl Maynard was home, forlthe heul- iay. Charlie lien! was at bis usuai place Situday. Rosa Sinte, Toronto, was guest of Geo W Grant. Chas R!cýe and famiiy spent hast week in liceïr cottage. Miss Zilpica Hardy, Toronto, risited at Gus Bounsah's. Ed Caldec sient lthe holiday whth bis fkrnlv ai "Sunset Cottage ' Hugli Ieming, Tarontc, is guest of Ed Calder, ,'Suni;et Cottage," Campera bave euj yeil the lovel2r weaticer bathing hein.- the order. Mill11e was homne frcm Terouto'for'lie ao]idayr. Miss Mildred Garner, bondon is guest of bier sîqter, Mrs Andtiraon, "lWeet Side Cottage." Heri3 Dlilleg attended the Painters' Convention at Peterboro and lbad a sp'ezdid tirne. Wrn Berry', wi!e sand cbiid spent Sun- i at «t Snnyside Cottage, guests of M1rs Herb Dilliug. Mesdames Granger and Stl'os, Tor- onto. spent lice ho iday ai "Sunuy aide Cottage," guests of Mr8 Herb Dilling. Chas H Anderson fil the ýM1son (,ioth. Lng Ce bas rented 1,West-slde Cottage" for Augusad sl oi'iulg lthe change. Mrs John Grlgg and granddaughter, Murlel. Dech were guests of ber sîster, R Flshleigh aI 'MoonshIue Cottage."* Geo P Freelaud and Policeman J'as JarvIs carne dowu lu a launeh and visit. ed friends aI thelr old camping ground. E R Bounsali and wife and Jackr Noble and wIf e, Lansing, MIch, were guests o! Gusa Bouusali on, tte holday Norman S R~ James and f arilv, Miss Inez Mason and Efmo Staplei are occupy Lug Sandhcurst Cottage for Aug- net. Leiand bockhart. Red Deer, Ait%., and Mies R Maynard, T.oironto, are at "Floradora Cottage," guecîs o! Gao E Maynard. Chas Grant, wife and two sono ne- cornpanied Geo W Grant ln bis auto from Toi-ente spendlug lthe holiday at ',Drumden Cottage," Mark Bredin, Jack Keith. Phhl and Jack RoIfioson, Toronto, Lave reuted "lKenora Cottage." Lee Jobnston spent thce holiday wlîh thon'. Florence aud Alec Martyn, Port Penny-, fia-i-v sd Carie Martyn speut Sunday at "bakie Breeze Cottage," guest o! Fred W Coucb. Wm Fisbleigh, Norman Plummerd wifle and famlly, and Misses Edra Grigg and Rae Waiker, Toronto, were icod- day visitons at R Fislhleigh's. A jolis bevy of young ladies are en- îconced In «'Roialie, Cottage," Misses Reed, MeLean, Arbuthnot, Mouldy, whitehouse, and Mrs. Scott, chaperon, D 1r H-9z] ewojod and Iamily, E A Lor- ol], H W Harper, Royal Bankl, W Konneth Young, Montreai Baiaki, were guests of Chas Anderson, "West Side Cottage," on the holiday. Miss Ahice McKevitt aud Mrs W b Campbell. Chicago>, M! îiý 1cke. Wash- ington. D C, Mrs J Mclnt,-e sud Mrs W b Keys. Misses lIene B;!koll, Greta Richards, Tewn, suad Ohadys We3,tawav,* Pont Hope, wero recent gîteEts aI R Thoit H bookicart, wif e and aughiter, ontyRed Deer, Aita, Alex b-ck. (/ionne ood I'eltSl, avid ïHood's OarýDa- parîlla lc-s an uappro-icha-d rerord a3 n, blcod-puriFier. This nli'cire c, ý s scrof L. a, ec'ncru1 l'ors, -ri' rrh, c0, uma- tisrn, a.reme, nrvou. r , ,that tiref feeling, dyspepsia, ioý of ap petite, w'eneral del iiy. arnd bÀ.is up the It offecets ils u'ond ru -1 s.mpip be acse ' k cor'n apir! femeial 'io~ o~nio '1; v 2"c f 1 shn" c k furIi obu n -i"aaio ait 0 js o c