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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1909, p. 2

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r ,-,-,.-~.--<...,-,,-- .--..--~---- y Cenuino Littie Liver PRIS. Muet Bear Signature of Se ac-cSimlle Wrapper Below. V017 amacf u ma sea6y te taLz u arè C e- FOR IIEÂOACU< SR FOR TCRIO LIYLR1 rueL ~COMSTIPATIOft FOR IALLOW S$KIN. FOR THECOMPLEXI8N QumZ- < KHEADAGH&~L 1A. E. McLAUJGHUIN. Bai-tinter, Selîcîtor and Conveyancer. omfce.-Bleakley Bilock* King Street, IIownanvilic. Money to loan at remaiso- tblii rates. 48-lyvr. Wïm. TEINNANT, V. S., f C4,ORARY }R-ADUArE 0F i Otario Vetrlnary College. Office la tear of Mr- Williams. furniture store. Gaila «nmwered day or night. phone 59. 1. B.J.Hazlewood, M.D. .0.11 DOWNÂNVILLE. , *- ONT. C OL D MEDALIST of -'rinty Uni ,c lveslsy, Tentol Pour races Attcadlag physi clan and Surgeon at MI. Carmel HOspîla' rittebncg«, Ks. tmce acd ItesidanCe Weli-gton lit. Tait. r 1',one No. lir. 'VICRFUt3 & QALBRAÎTR. ilarristerirSoîitors. Natattes publiec WILLIAM W- VICES.emaD. G. ?à. QALaRAîria (formerly of Bnwmanvile) 7Yrk St., Toroento. Tthe reetice formanT carrissi on ty Mr. Gaitrith }smwmanville sai te c nlnued by thc nasa trm. Mn, Galbraith salli t e nBew mnvIlla every Saturday and alao during tire v eak if reqnir-ed. 2f Wc slict th heinee fo!Manufactucere, ~Egieecs and others who realile tiheadvisabil- iy et having tle Pr atent business tcansacted byExperts. Prelirainacyadvicec ree. Chargea moderaie. Our Ieventor's Advlser cent upon Tequet. MUarion & Mýarloni, New york Iitc fldg. Mont real -.aed Washinzton, D.C.,U.S.A. 3vmm 01 o oflI MIIIIIIRquioIimls. C OALmI lig rigtts of tte De;t'n,. I M&Iiiî LA. tasSa tolwan. Aibeera the Yukson Territcry.te Nrth-We,t Terri t'ries and Brittît 0Olamen. ,may ha Ieased fer a taern fttWenty-one Years at an autnw reatti vf Îl AU acre. Net soure than 2.560 acres waliN ta lea"ad te aile apphoa1tý Applicattin foc a lagse must te ruade te the .A gea or Sub-Aget uft te district linshitc tc. Ilhs applilotierar ltotld, la surveyed lrrit'ry te Iand must bu des cilted by ?ortlons. or Iýgal oIdiî ofe tections, aud in un@uryeyed terrltony the tract a pPlied for shail ta staked ont. ia s tIlaPPlicatiOn mugt te aecompanlad hyb fi. wh usaie li b11 e refundad if the rgýtts aî5Pli e.1 for arc nc t avallable bt nelt othersaise. A royalty @liait e paid on ttc mrotantatie aultPut f the mime uit terata of flan caîts ker ton. Xvary bas,-e of etal mlnlag rigtts satleh are mot heng operated she Il furnitît ttc distit aent nf Domnivion Lands n 11h a swora state- maent t, that eff.'et ai icasit once Inee eyar. Ttc Iea4te sili Inclnda ttecocaI mlrnig rights 0111Y, but ttc lescEe any te permitteilta' pur- clisse ahatevar availa bIc surface rgtts nsay bea0ccneldered ncceEsary for te wonbcug eniee mibec amtbe rate Of $10 an acre. Fer fuIl Information application Ehou'd te madea te the Seretaary of ttc Departimelt cf the luterior, Ottawa., or te a»Y, Agent or 8ub Agent of Dominion Landis W. W, OORY, Dcputy Minster of ttc Interlor. N. B.- Unanttorizad publication cf Ibis ad- ver tlsemcist sl neft ta pald for. 8 -C syncipsis of canudian Northwest Land Regulations A ersan wli»i la ttc sole tend of a famhly or any maie aver 18 ycars nid, A mnyttmasîeada quarter section of avail able floîîîiuon land Ir Mt'itoba, Snskaîimc or Alberta. 'rua ,ppàianM muet appear lin pet- son ai thc Domliio ia Agçncy or ihisîs Agea o rcdarît ntry ny pux,' sUey "i mtý alsnyagn on certaI'n icondhtîce. Z~ fa1er, nsý. that. soi], dangtr, brother or Pnfe:-l 3mnthe' reeldane tapon andi -slt, et,.. the Ibaui lu ace nf Ibrea r cari 4 eataa may lîve saithin aine mlles of bi o t~ on a facm o! et east 80 acres suely cwOs a uc occupied by hlm or by bis ather, mQtlter, son daughter, brother or .151er. lu certain digtricis a tomaîstadr la gond stanclîg May pre-empt a qoarter-sacion alcsig flde hi* hoeisistad. l'rtcc sâ.0 pa acre lIchees-Misai nesIde six moulus in cadie of six yet tara !e data of tomeâtead entry (Includli g ttc lime reqnlrad te ea# lomestead patent) a.ud culitflty acres extra. A hompseaadar sato ha. axhanstefi bis toma stead right and cannt ottale a pPs éaption ny taise a purcta*eud lhometaad ln cer taie dtricts, Priée 83.00 paýr ixcre. iutc-Must refifla six mnoitt. la ctels ofiré years, cet tvata flfty acres ané etect a hnYtaa worth W. W. CORY. Daputy MIuter ni thc Intaciar. N. B -Unatterzefi publicatioani ofbis adi. vem.Iisemeuit miii nt ba pnsd for., Cm, --,IJl<I<tfNT -TI P1ý__ We are living on an international plane. A large part ai the popu- lation dwells in towns, and net cniy ie travel tu distant places rapid anmd frequenV, but tbe nmovement cf po- pulation from lecalîty te leculity and frorn country te country je a decidedc feature oi tbe times. Tbrough the utilization of steumn and electricity viliages and coun- tries bave been bsought fleur te eacbhertheteegapefor ex- ample, almos)t xnbiaigdiÎst-ý ance; liemee the developmnent cof in- ternational omrnrce on an un- precedented seule, eaeb place ne- cerving tise producte -of the fartb- est lande. Sirnultuneausiy tise de- mocra tic trend in polities bocanse more and more noticeable. Accord- mnigiy to-day the total absence cf coustitutional govemfiment se a rar- ity, and noV ouly bave mest mon the vote, but worien wiii sean hav e it, tac. Even the -orient, wbich wae supposed te ho unulterubiy absolu- tistie in governiment, bue offened us receutly the grutifying spectacle cf eue nation aiter another, Egypt, In.dia, Japan, China,- Persia, Tun- ke y, dcmandiug a constitution, -ind in mauy cases obtaining iV. Rapid transit and rupid news have, bon ever, net only led toa.aclose contact between individuals cf the several 'nations, but betweeu thse nations tisemselves. Heacc village pelities bas graduaily given way to national polîtice, and thie te inter- i.ational politice, and mon, are con-ý sequently lmeet as sensitive te-day ccncerning nisat happons a thou- sand miles away as te what happons uext dean. The grcwing intencounse betnoen nations xnd the evolution of deme- cm tic gevernment are Rot tise oniy signe of cur period. The progres e science during tbe luet century hues deveiopedl in men a novel ceuse, the seuse ai caution, a ceuse wbich is providing mamkind n itb a ncw view coftise wonld, and inaking us cee thinge far more steadily than our ferefuthers suw thons. Wiist irsiencc, by its international char- acter, bas forgod a further link ho- twecn the nations, it bus ut the1 samne 5tinse played bavec nithis ii- founded blie. In analyzing cur- rent neligious views cf buman na- ture it wus led teaxffirm thut mun is primunily a social bein-g 1asd therofone fan froirsidifferent ta the suitability or unuitabiiity of bis envircumient. Hence the igid ortbedexy ci a century ugo hue ho- cerne impossible, and a freer and fiiendiier relation towards thoso cf other faithe prevails. Tisese num- erous changes bave trancfornmed the spirit of the period., Distinc- tions ai clas, of nation, cf race, ci religion, and cf education bhave lost miucis of their ancient sting and a hurnnr tone is everywhere discernibie. Tise aimeet total dis- appearance af cruel sparte,'tise kindiy treatment cf thse insane, tbe, ncarly compiete abolition ci cor- paral punisbment, aud tbe grawing respect for the sensibilities cf the young are other lacets of tieseamne fact. Finally, tise expenience cf tise luet century bus given a deeper meanumsg te tbe conception of bu- mnan saidarity. Tise stoic defini- tien of man as beiug ruled by lange considerutions and wîde sympathies Iu contrudistinction te the, iower physicai,, intellectual, aud moral A SLAM. eduasioit:,in. Tise etisicl conception!s "Wuld y ""11 beieve it. my Aj! ;sud mc tis es n'iih ule tisecivilized jeulous cfnie C 'eI'd iutybeiv t'anol uC aise ule oun echools serne men are bemeleseannd1some ia wil ply aantisy part ,on tSe isa~nt eue nctîugiste g oe ainland internationalcstg.1 01E ENYEABS-, AN INVALID' Than Sha Took "Fruit-a-tivesl' And la Now Wei. Ampiar, Ont., Nove. 27, 1908. I n'as an Icvuuid for seveu yeas from fearful WcrnbTrouble. I tsd faliing xvomb, n'itb constant pain in the tacS. and front ef my body and ail dowu rny legs. There nus a heavy disebhange and tbms made me n'eak, sleepiese, restiese and miserabie. Often 1 n-as obiiged te te in ted for a montis ut a time. I1n'as treated -by ccx cra1 deeturs, but temr treatmeut did mnie permanent geed. A few imenthe ago, 1Ivas persuaded te try *"Fruit-a-tmves.' I tool. sevetral boxes, and froni theoûoteet of this treaitmniit I ias better, the Constipa- tien -,as cured, and the diseharge îr-sseneM. 1 tenr, for the paleneas. 5ev- eral bottles of the Troc Mixture as recommendcd lu the "Fruit-a-tives" buook, but I1l:cel that it was "Fruit-a- tives" alone thfat cured me. (Mire.) LElza Levesqeii'. Tuke Mire. Levesque's advice. TLake 7"Fruît-a-tives" und cure yourselt. 50C a box, 6 for $2.50-, trial box 25e. At dealers or frama Frssit-a-tives Li:mited, Ottawa. An increasing body cf persene ex- iste n bich boids that tbe histomy -cf tbe buman race je an evolution fromn formiesenless te organization or or- 3der, culiminating ultirnuVeiy in ai parliameut cf men and a fe'leration cOf tbe world. If this bo so, the bis- tory cf this ruce nmuet be interpre- ted1 in etbical termes, nbile if n e focus human life we sbaîl probably find the ethieul faculty eupreme sud ali pervadîng. >1 It bas become the fuebion amongl iBritish jingoes and ecaremengers to denounce vioiently tbe English raseicu for sport. The Englisb- irman"'e hbee jeuppesed te be open V o tbe Gorman invader because the latter bas been drilling, toiling, dis- é,plining himieif and learning to shoot, fiy and wh at not, wbile the Briton bas been piaying ping-pong and compoeing Limericke. Unfer- tunateiy -for the British ji&goes, stemu, scientifie and m.ethodical 11Germany has cof laVe awukened te the necessity of spert for the main- tenance of physical and mental healtb, and many of bier beet cdu- catQre and statesrnen bave been preu.cbing the gospel of ess mid-j ri;gbt cil and more cutdocr exer- cise. The kaiser, it jerpotd basdirected tbe inclusion cf foot- bl'al in the military exercises, and this wil eem a surprising fact ta many. It je net, bewever, an mea- leated phenomenon. Sport and ex- ercise bave been advocated vigor- cously by the tbougbtfui inoends cf the German sebool chiid. The eover- werk, the nervouenees, the increase cof suicide and of meluncholia and eother diseuses tending te self-de- struction, wbich have marked the ýnonderful progrese ef education, general and technicai, in Germany, bave been gruvely discuseed. i.he rtredies propeeed are varieus, 'but arneng thon emtis te cultivution cf I eaitby, dlean sport amcng ail 'classes and ail agos. A rocent magazine article gave facte bisowieig liîat tiheupper oie- mente of Gcrmany bave been froc- ly imitating England in this dlirec- tion and ieumning te play the fav- orite British games. The estub- ishment of uthietie grouinds and re- ci-eation centres in ail great cities bas been urged ut meetings of edu- cators and in the populur pros. -Perbape the Engiisb ecuremongors, n ho sc notbing but decay and blue romn stuning tbem je +lie national face--iP"2-rsiofl.destruction, clav- t--ry-null cheer up wben tbey bear that even the kaiser je a couvort Vo sport. Footb)all, nithout abuses, is, -ej-ailiv good fer body and tem- per, but golf, tennis, crickjet, but- iOF 'iin n ia odfmn I MatVison'6. 28. RYGENIC DIIESS, On the suhject of hygenic attire for women, there bas always beer a great deal of honest nonsense talked anid mucb misspent troublie itaken -for tbe reason that great Lnumber of people have the typec, o mind that irresistibiy associates the ugiy with the heulthy and the fln Lseous With the wbolesom'e. Just as tbey think medicine, eue- rwt be efficaujous uless it is thick and black and nasty, so they thihýk women cannot breathe and prosper unless tbey look like a bale of niay mitb tbe middle boop eut; and ili pursuanrn of tbi.S conviction the,, refuse muey of the aileviations of lif e, among wh ich sugar-coated pi i'r and well-made corsets sbouid take bisgh rank. Wben looking at the portra 'its of tbe Spanish schoo1 of wbich Volas quez ie master, one: is constant.y struck by the way thp wcimen see l Vo, ho confined in corne barubaric in- strument of torture, so fiat are their chests and so narrow and tiiyý tbe uneomnfortable-iooking drawn- dewn waist. Surely no materiaIilte'_3 rigid than wood o-ould he. trustcd to produce tbjs invariable effec1 iii -nomen of ail ages and degree., Now turn from these women -of medieval days te a modern pictura- gallery, and observe the freedom, the individuality, tbe graceful easýc which, for tbie im'est part, tbe we mRan cof Vo day permnits herseif, auri jr permitted 'by modern sanctionis- Indeed, it is noV necessary te cei- trast her with tbe woman cfte middle, agýei..She jese omucb mo.e comfortable and sensible in bei dress than was ber grandmother, or even her mnother. Tbis f act je largeiy the result < f the general acceptance of uthietics for woen. With the invasion of the tmp-to-date girl cf tbe tennis- court, the golf course and th-, lakes and rivers, the seventeon-incb dam- sel who seemed te spend a large portion cf her time in fainting spells vauisbed, one may hope for- ever. It je possible te knock a croquet bail about in tigbt clotbes, but for ,a game like tennis, that calis for rcui play of muscle and free action fioni head te foot, one must bo pro- periy dressed. Se muehbahuebeen donc c-f late ,yeurs to improve tbe corset thut its reproach s a menace to bealth Las, in fact, been wviped eut. The best corsets no, longer interfere witb the breatbing appuratus, and rnany modeicn corsets leave the 4ijaphrag-r. fieç, und support and restrain astbey _Vsbuld. Wtb their b.elp, and provided thaut skii'ts are, net too beavy and dragging from the bips, women are often botter off witb corsets tban witlmout tbem.ý-Yeutb's eompan- ion. FOOD, WATE1{ AND AIR. A buman being cannot live witb- eout f ood, water and air. These are the tbree essentials. The lînge muet be plentifu1iy euppiied with pure air, or they cannet give geed Llecd te the body, and every part suffers. Tbe germe cf disease can pot ho destroyed unless the sys. tem through the lungs receives pdenty cf fresh air. Tbe lungs eau net geV thjs eupply uniese the air passages are free. If one breathles througb the mouth, it means that the air doos noV enter the iungsý either in sufficient ameount or ii, tbe condition th'at it sbouid. If the cbiidren are mouth breatbers their condition should be examniae4 te useertain the cause. "Wbieb d0o ou prefer," said the artistie yonng womman, "musiec or peoetry?" 'Poetr.y,ý' answered Mies Cayenine. "Yen can keep pcetry shut'1 up in a bock. Yeu don't bave, te listen ta it unlese ycu eboose." Wben tbe police get a man' s Whei touMd wthSun- soire icet, or b~ ahs SsrrIlghow qmickiy it cases theaaantngand stirnin,! Cures Écie r onYoung babies due te &cfifcng.%!r Za~-ukl mdefei pr 'aL 1 1 Wbere intereet in nature Was oumnest and keen A nigbt-blocmîng cactus In hînssernswas ceeu. That blosseni xsas fasbioned Witb infinite-cane: With sn'ootnose of inconse It scented Visexir., Uniqu6 in its structure And strange in its plan, iV wisoily discarded Inventi-ons oi mac; For wvilc it n'as lacking Iu branches and stem, IV bore as its blossons This beautiful gem. Befone ite possession 0f bcauty ce prizcd Fer long it waited And oit been despised. Thon camne its fuir bleoss 1This trutis1,o nmake plain: The lfe oai sneet patience Je nover su vain. IV nover n'as noticed To murmur and sigis That montais were careless And dark n'as the sky: IV sought net a suminor Long-lusting and brnight: It bioomed in its beauty For scarcely a night. Its beauty refflected Tisat Eye whicl scurveys With equai precision Our nigis and on days. lIt teld of that wisdom And patience sublime Whieh bnigbtess witb beauty E«ci moment of ime. It ecboed tise teachinge 0f naturnes greut King: "Receive frein tise bîcesorns The message they bring;" For tisose wbo une patient Inusceusons'of pain Iie glory immortal AB.OUT MALAI PIRATES 1WIIAT TIIEY A.CTUALLY W'EIE IN THEIII GREAT DAY. Recorded That thse Worst Maiay Pirates Were Not Nalays ut Ail. Witis Jcsus shall reigu. About 1850 Rajahs Brooke put tise T. WATSON. csîrber Of those 'who 5n'opt tise Granhurs, On., iog.coaste ci Bome alone, goimsg and GnutbustOnt, 109.retunuiing with tlisemîonsoons, at five thousund. Whec Consul ut LITERAR1Y NOTES. Bruni, s-eornwat lutter, St. John estimated Vise populatiomn hicis Tise Cunadiurm Magazine ion Au- lie, us eue muy say, by pracy, guet je composed usostîy ai short as ssxty tisousand. And il "casu- storiesud travel articles. -'ieais" isad beon snciuded, with thein Varia tise Aristocrut" ie tise titie n amen and ebjîdren, it n'ouid have of a pîeasing uhîprecatien cf tise t- beens vastiy langer. n'nitee Froder- pital ai Vancouver Island. "In tise ick Boyle in tise Pull Mail Gazette. Lard ci Windmilis," by thse late The jîdicious reader instanitiy E. M. Yeoman, ie fili cf qtaiut replies tisat trado must have corne cI cervations on bolund sud tisa'ta an end promptly under this in- Duteis. "The XVtcbery -of tise Ifiction - But tise ruffians did noV -Alps," by llcdley P. Senuer is a depond on plunder. IV n'as nel- wellililustrated description ci! came, but they sougist slavos--and Sxvuse mouintain scenery. Tise cen- bicod. Inexplicable as it ceorne teuary Of Vise birtis cf Alfred Tec- t'O us, tise parempake, tisougis most- nyson sud Oliver Wendell Hommeý-s IY Moisummeduns, regarded their takes place this August, sud tisere- enpio ment as a callinlg or proies- fojre tise number centaine appreci- sii-onte nhicis Vieyxvoe em. W itis aive ai-icies on tise wonks sud ne tbcught cf wrongdoing, appar- cliaracters cof these tn'o.cebehnrated ently, tbey murdered isarmiese fisis- authens. Tise fiction contributions erruen, sailors or peasaute dn'eliiug are particularly strang. Tise ciic on tise shoe, if tac oid on feeble poom is a patriotie eue by Wil fned te o n'orth transport, and tontuned Campbsell and eutitled "Tise Sea tisose n'iom tisey carried off. Qucen."Ameng tise meet dreaded pirates -~~ aise n'ere tise Seribas and Sakarrasi Dyaks, Rajah Bnoeke's future suis- Tise-holiday feeling pervading tise, jcte, n'io n ant-ed beads sud ne- land during tise iotteet mentis-oi tising mono; xli plunder tisey sur- tise year je n'ell represented in tise' rendered te tise Maiay cisief, whio -Auguet issue ai Rod sud Gun in pnevîded tise prue and navigated Canada, publislsed by W. J. Tay- them. But tisese wore lor at Woadsteck, Ont. Hen'tise A LOCAL SCOUIRGE. jîeple in tise Maritime Provinces, knewu hy neasons ef tise sou breezes It je net very eurprieiug te lern ai tise "Kingdm oa Cooidom," en- that tise n'cnt Maiay pirates weme jey tise beautiful sommer n'eatber noýt Malays ut ail; that uniortu- mc told in a proinsely illustrated niate race heurs a gaod mny ins- aiticle. A deligishtin ulpon er "Srip utatione wbich it does net dosenve. rbuuting n'itis a, Camera" ; n'iile ai Tise Lanuns, Or Ilianuns, dweit cri- eqrîaliy absorbing intenest is eue ginaily in Mindanuo, a great islaud au similun lines-"ShoVing Wild es tise Philippimnes, whe-re Damnp- Geese Witis a Kodak." Tise anti- 'ici ieund thons peaceable enougis, cle an Vonaciaus Exters by Martin Iwerking geid. Tbey n'ere net a Hunter is wortis attention irons ail seaiaring people thon, tisouîgistise sportsmen. Tise King oi Furbear- chief s had their gorgeons barges. ers is a stery of a succeseful at- 'fise Balinini carne iroin Sil; in tempt ut fox rearng for tise sake fuet, that n'as a piratical name ion cf pelle. BI-ood-isounde and Trail- thiselundens, othern'ise ealledC Su- ing n-su uappeal te aIl dog levers, lus. Perisape it n'as they n'ho stant-- Mr. Burtlett's papen on tise Wolves cd tise abominable pructice, for tise f olcn'c up tise intereet created Spaniards wore provoked inte send- tismougistise Magazine' in tisis ins-> ig au expedition againet tisem us portant subjeet. eariy as 1589. IV lailed, us did maty anether, "and frcm tisat tise," says tise eid historian Zuni- In tise Anguet number of "Suc- gu, "it is incredible wbat a nons- cees Magazi-,so" begirs a serie ai ber oi Indiaus (Filipines) bave been Lttle comedies oi commence onder made pnisouens, n'hat villages bave lise titie, "Non' Taies cf tise Roud," been destroyed, and n'hut vessels by Charles N. Cren'dsen. lu "Sise have becu captîmed." But tise [s 'au Actrees," Mabel Talialerro Spaniards succeeded at lengtis in cries out against tise injustice doue making Mindano tee bot te iscid tise ber profession by callhng ah ise- Taisun fre.ebo.ters, n'bn dispe- hind tise ieetligists "actreeses. c omigstteetso n Mtary ileaten- Verse, in an article dewn tise China Sea, oucis of niicis called "WbaV Women Migist Do became Far Their Towns," peints eut corne duties n'bich every lse-loving A CENTRE 0F PIRACY. n-eman siseuld keep inber heurt. One eanunodorstand tisat tisis n'ay "Bren Bell Weevi," by Harris ai ile festers courage and enter- Diekeen, je an article n'hiah telle ai prise as n'el as ceamanchip. Tise tise romn doue cettcn and credit by darng ci tisese tn'o peopies especi- P, more bug. "To ilappinese by ally n'as supers, lu tisein praus Trolley," Robert Hayon Sehauffier cf fiity te a hundred tons burde!(n shows tise eco:iomnicand social berse- tbey started every year with tise fits,,tise West bas derived irons-tise moonsoon for a croise -oi six or troUlleýy system. Orison Sn'etV Mar- don's ,editoial ion tise mauthis j "Tise Struin te Keep Up Appeur- unices." Among tise stories of Vise mentis are:;"\Vhen Cupid Pluyved Fui ," by Ernest Poole; "Tise Sky Mu," hy H ýenny Kitchel Webster; -,eTunm car,- ey rree<sonimc un Biartiett, x is le "Unregenerate," by Rýicha;rd WaeI bur-n Chi.Od. T]itere arepacseby nichr- iita sud Eis5 M. Thimnarsu a dou- "Ti .s e e 1i pfouon d. Eiant 2ud bStreetINon YYork City. tn'elve om even eigistecu moutis. Ne',tising daunted thonsutil tise treacherous Europeau inveutedi steam. Once tise Lanuns cent a for- mai challenge te Batavia, inviting tise Duteis foot te a duel en regle; tisey did noV turu up at tise rendez- . ous, but experts bolbeve tisat tise cartel n-s-is iered in good laitis. Tise lenigtIs îci tiseir croises jes scurce- i~ cedile.Wallaee s-ays iseSus tohadee, fI) cf il sud nergy non cf Lanuns in 1862, o)f wbichý Biehap MaeDougal wrote a fams- eus accesut in tise Tirnes, CumieOd te Saraw'ak, theseuin, instant- 'y put tbemselvee at tise ead f tise native youth, und organiized it for miscisief.« I once iseurd tise con-- Mandant suy te Rajah Brooke:i "We shahl noxer have good onder se tise town again until you senýd those Lunan bruts uway !" 1, is a questien whether these races took te, pinucy because they werc nmore intelligent, of STIRONGER CHARACTEIR, thun their îseigbbons, or nisethen piracy developed their fauuties;ý, but centuiniy tisey were tise meetf vîgorous anmdisopeful cf tise p pies cul led Muiay. Cran-ford ad- inits that the Sulus liad xttuined a- "ýconsiderabie civilization" of their ownu; in fuet, Honte report on tiso main island, drawnu sp for S Stamiard Raffles, pictures it a gar- den, adnsinably cultix ated by a ifnee amsd happy people. Doubtless tiseý pirates xvene ian'abidiug and ins- dsstrious wheîs ut home. But tiseý bîgis prospem'sty represente0 hy car iy trux elers carne te an eud iund er the nepeated attueke ýjîSpaniîi,ý Jioteis and Britisi sequaidronsII. l 1878 tise Spanisis were-,able ta <ýcon- quer Sein. Tisut incnulus ha been nesnoved, bappily, and -- nmay boe that tise former piraftIs will show tiseir cupacity as leaders in tise usarcis of pregness, unden Ans- enican mle. IIESTORED 1115S SIGT. Bflinud for a Veai', but Operation w"~ Sîîecesstill. Hon' tiskill ai a London surgieat-, hue bnougist back sight te a mars n'ha iad been blind for more tisun a year n'as tcld by Mn. B. Cahi, nec- ently treated ut tise Royal London Opistislumie Hospital. Tise injury whiicb caused total blindîiss in botis eyes was tise ce- colt oi un explosicn in a gold mine at Johannesburg in "Murcis, 1908. "Aiter tise explosion," Mr. Cais stated,' "I called eut in tise da rk - nesion same ai tise beys te brng a9 candie. Wiseu oeeof thons finâal - !y insicted hoe -'as holding a light- cd cundie before my face 1 kn% I 'as hlind. I1n'as in isaspitul -Js Johanunesburg under sevenal dcc- tors for tise uext tbree monthe, andý titen in Juiy cause te Londeon and n'as tneated ut tise Lndon Opistisai mis Hospital.* "Beceming impatient 1I n'ont f4 Vienna, n'bene I cusulted t' dif- fenrent epecialists. Betis teld me tisere n'as ubsoltmtely ne hope ai siy ever negaining îny sigist, and ad- vîsod me te, enter a homne for tisE blind. I neturned te tise Londor Opstisalmie Hospital, and in Fois- ruary of tisis year au operutiot n'as periermed on my îeit oye (tb< rigbt baving-been totally destnoy. ed), and non', by mofe ai ghsof I eau sec fairly wel and even rî-o flue pint." Scene-Grammar dclas. Dialogue Letween toucher. and Jbrnie. Teacbon-"WhuV e is e future Ai 'hoe drinks' V' Jhnie lese drunk." Tise man n'be taîke te ii3l heurs a lot of sîliy remnark"s. f-ý ý i I-r 1 n 1 i i Heywok, severe etraining and evil habits ln oîh ryhto doulevalecee.Whe I worlsed bard theacig oudeom severe and 1ws0 teli up tor a week at a Uie. My fimi1vy i ehystgcian toii]eanoprainwsn my oul,,y ho pebtIdedd Isidseveral specialists, but se udotalthey wanteýd) a as sy 57 money. 1 cornmleneed to look upen ail docters as little better thla, rous One day sny boss asked;mey why 1 was off xwerk so ruchce 1 t'oid Ilm. y condition, lie adivised me te consult Drs, Kenne dy& Kennedy, ai ha hiad taken treatment Icom them hîmself and knewý, they were square and skiliful. 1 wrete themn andl got THE NEW METEeo REA&TMENT. Mly progreas was aemewhat slow and during tli ficat inonth'e treatment 1 was somewhet discouraged. IIowever, 1 con- tinu-d trearment for tbree months longer and waa rewarded witb a conmplete cure. I could only earn $12 a week ln a machine shop e- fore treatr.ient, now 1 arn earning $21 and neyer lose a day. ,I wish S ail sufferers knew of your valuable treatment. w IHENRY 0. LOOUST. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED. BLOOD POISONS are the most prevalent and most serieus dIseases. They sap the very lIte bloed ni the viuthn and unlesa eutirely eradiuated fiom the aystem will cause serionsi complications. beware ef Mercury. 15 eely suppresses the symnptema- our 1NEW%ý F1ME FR00 cures ail blocil disease. Y OUNG OR MIDDLE AGED MEN.-Imprudent acte or later excessea have brokeni dean your syetem. You feel tbe symptems atealing ever yen. lientally, phys- cally, an t vitally you ara net the mn ue used te te or shouîd be. Will yen heed tho d'anger signaai n rinn Ar yena vitimHave yen lost hope?, Are you intendlng to nmarry? la I LIJL1our bloo been diseased? Rave you aey weakness? Our NEw MaTiico SRYATMFNT Will Cure yeu. W bat it bas done for ethers it will de for yen. Consultationý Free. NO matter *he bas treated veu, write for an honeet opinion Fraceai Charge. i 1ooLs Free- The G olden Moneitor, " (Illustrated) on Diseaseseof en. 4, NO NAMES' USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No, ame. on boxeas or evlpa Everythinc confiýdentwa. Questions list and cost of Treatosent FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT. 'J

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