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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Aug 1909, p. 8

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An Elegant, DressIng Makes Hala' Grow ýCômposed af Suiphur, GlycerÎn, Quinig, Sodium Chlorid, Capsicum, Sage, Alcohol, Water, Perfume. Asic your doctor bis opinion of sucli a hair preparation. ~~~ A reTp to The for the man who buys a haif-section of ~ Su y ~outhern A1beta at prices ranging from $10.00O per acre up s Easy Terms of Payment, Now is vour cha rce, only 4 more excursions. fLon't miss themL Now is the time to buy your lands wile they are s CIIE AP, in 5 years they will be worth over s $50.00Oper acre s For information write s UEO. I. LAING$ BowrnanvIlle, Ont,.s Tho Alberta Realty Exchange, Box 254, 5 Lethbridge1 .Alta, Spr ing Suggestionls. 4*These are oniy a few of the many articles you S are 'needing at this season of the year that we can supply you fromra tH lard-~ ware Departmentý La wri Rakes Charns S Gar den lices Sulphur,ý S Lasvn Shears Sprayers S Gardon Forks Milk Paii.s ; Lawn Mowors Milk Can3j S Garden Spades Viue Stoae+ ~4 Gar den Trowels Paints and Gits Po-a«try Netting Wash' ng Machines,. SPORTING GOODS. SNo need of ,zaing- out of town for yGotr Sporting .. goods -when we carry such a large stocokof Sthe famous Spaul diLng brand. We eau supply: BRse ialis Foot Balls Base Bal Bats Shin Guard3 S Catchner's Mitts Lacrosse Stýizcks Catcher's Masks Tennis Racn.etsk Fie1der loe Tenns BaIs3 j* ý'piam Uniforms Fisihing OnuVts Base Bal Guîdes Body Prot.eoors 21 If we haven't what you wantwe WLil -get it Sfor you in short order- Our stock is the., Iargest in tow'a J.a B3,9MARTYN9, You gel a de11icate flavared gratif vIng cup of ton whenS ou f drink Ideal Tea, C The 25. Tea gives generai f '~. satisfaction, You can gel il in black, green, or mixed . The 40c Tea is unequaled at4 the pri eî ltact ft la equal ta + many 50cTonsBiaci, Green* orMi. F utsAre Our Spec("aZ i n th A Snap in Vénner Sets' Wewee --runate enougli to bave a ew Dinrar ets arrive ruu preitago of brealknge a ' and treplace 3the4 ~i~cc To hose who car use thera we ~Iiseýi chem eheap, GrcciiescroeeryFr-uits * F, A.7H FHAMPTON. Alý-Y PIS t IAR Vi GOR'ý SOLINA. Frank Westlake lied a cow break lier ueck: recenly. Quarterty sesvine aet Zion on Buntiey woe largely attendeti Ai5nea i aanil, we are pisasedti t bear, ta Impro ring nlceiy. Mev C W Reynolds. Bond Heati, who' le visîing boe, assisteti la the services Sunday. Misses Verua anti Doreen VanNest lave retumnotifiuam a pleasanl y1siî aI Part Penny. Peney Weetlake, Bowmanvîile, vialteti fionde bore prevlaus 10 going 10 Wind- sor ta resido. Ris fi ientis will le eoîry ta hear that Tios Bhortnidge's crope have bean laileti out lu Manitoba. Rinh, reti blooti is produnsti by Mil- ler's Compondt Iron Pille. Solti by R M. Mitchell & Ca, DuuggIsts. Sami Champion visîbeti home recently aller 27 sesus' absence. Ife keepe a tetuperanne houe atManille. A very exciîing game of football was playet Inl W Chas Wer's fiseld Satan- day evening, young vs mariieti men, Neither teani ecoreti, Rugi Aunis reterse. See liaIyoa gel ils eeltliing, Un- senupuloas makera are puttîag up a coainterfelî o! The D, & L." Menthol Plast8r, 'rir genulas la miade by Davis &Lawrence Ca. Sauina Women's Inslitute hlid lelr next meeting Tliursday, Augas; 12 aI 2 30 p mai a Mrs TIos Baken's. Ail lttiies are cordialiy invileti ta brng bas¶te's fbr tie pieuic. E'ven one le expecteti to essiat; with mu2lc, renitatian on sang an wlt thîe enîjecta ion discus- sion: 1119 worry warse than work?' anti "Canning anti Pickliag. "Home-matis Candy," takea by Mme Chas Wenry. Gooti crowti expecleti anti a goodti me ton all wio attend, Coure prepamedti t beip. Fourtânv's S SIS'TOUBLS. There are limes la lie lits ai nennly overy chilti wlin Dr. Clasa's Olutaeat proves itsoif a blessing The tender skin claie anti is imitateti by the clathfiug. 0f tn- lmes baby eczemn tievelapes tramn thîs c&use. Ia a dozon ways Dr, Chase's Olulmeat eau be uset tasooli anti heal the skia anti prevent sufing af the litIle ans. No uealmont la fon this sulteti for t11e purpose anti noneseo le so satis!actoîy. Recnasvilitars: Jon Laue anti wlle, Pont Penny, et Sulas Williams; Miss Irons Argue, Toronto ai home; W N Pascoe anti wite et Eniflt; Mms Moore anti daughtem, Brandon, Man, at Grand- ma Hognîli's; Haîîy Faillas, Oshawa, ah W-N- Pseoé!s; John--McCrae,-Ump- tan, at D Yoliowsees; A Short ant i fe, Fa ey, aI A L Pascoe's; Mme Roît Miller anti son Barstow anti Fred Spnfolirt,' Stoudilie, Res' E E Howardi anti wif e, Myrtie. Harry Pearce, wif e anti son Kennelli, Newcastle, aI Thos Baker's; liso Colton anti wite, Port Penny, at Wm VauNest's; Vincent Farrell, Brampton, wlth inientis. Doera It Play aut first when you havé, steedy work ta dlo. tJnder these circuaistances yen can hoe pretty sure that the -itineys are weaki and tilsordereti andti tît the baek pains are really kçidney pains. Other symptoms arc deposits in the urine after stanoýing, pain and smarting whea passing -water, frequent desire to urinate, also beadache, drynessanad baraliness of thc skia anti pains ia the limbs anti bodiy. Bacîac' soon disappears whert Dr. kidueY disease la thoroughly cured by tuis treataient. Mr, Cen. Trr7on, Westport. Leeds Co., Ont., writes.-"For two years I iras completely laid np wibi'lame back and could i either waflk orrilde. y tried uany medicines, andth le doctor 's treat- ment tiid not belp) me, "A friead told nie about Dr, Chasens Kidney-Liver Pills and tis rmcdicinle completely cureul me. TI havo nover had a lame back or !lne rouble ince and ïy -,cure bas been 1the mea'nsni sciling rnyb-'xes n r Cofs i'eLv (or Oiî,'fne t a do--, 25 centsaa bo Ii dne or Edmnanstonl, Bates CAÊTWRIGHT Stops rallIng liai. Mrs E Tronouthli8t very îli. Grandpa Allun is quite 111 again. C Stonhouse lost a ino cow la8t week. W G Doidge is threshing alsike claver. Sev'eral young people frnm here had a picale ta Scugog Lakte Mouday, Rey C W Beyaolds, Toronto Conter- ence, preached an excellent sermon liore Sunday eveaing. Wliether the corn lie aid or new growthmuisI yield to Hollowaý ',iCarn Cure, the sîraplest and best cure offored to the public. Recent visitor-. W W Horne and wile, Migs Gertie Martin, and Wilbur Moore, Toronto; Mrs W Burnett vlsited Orono lrionds; Mrs T Holdge aad d augl- ter, Southera Alberta. are visitlng finonds hors; Mrs Frank Wilbur, Osh- awa, la vislrlng finonds here; Miss Lena Salisbury, Toronto, ta speadiag holidass hors with lier sîster and other tniends; Chas Walters, Toronto, was recent guest of j iE L Colo. Smart Wood sud Belladona, combined witli theo aller ingredisars used la thie besl porous piasters make Cater'8 S, W. & B. Backache Pîaers the best ta the markcet. Price '25c. The berry social Wadnesday eveaing was a great Quccess. Prograni: two olioruies bv the League; readlng by Rov T il P Anderson; recîtations b *v Miss Rulledgo, Salemi, Miss Slemon, Haydan, Miss Lauginaid, Zion, and Wm Chalize, Tyrans; solos by Dr C W Siemon, Miss Jewell, Enniskillen, and Miss Gartde Pascoe, Satina; trio by hea Salter, Mrs E Ward, Groenbauk, and Mrs F G Kersiake, Hampton; duet by Misses Miaule Horn and Hilda Cryder. man, Hlampton; the acconîpanists wers Miss Siemon, llavdoa, Miss Jewell, Enniskilisu, Miss Naute Horn and Mrs Theo Baller, Hampton. A splendid luzich was served la tihe bassinent-. bread and butter, cake, bernies and creain, be crenai. Proceds S$10, F H Frost anti wllo wore in Toronto lasI week Kalie Blackburn lias been visitlug ai; Whitby, 'Mariey Burgeslias beon visitlag bis gmabtitathen, OaPower. tawn. Milior's Grip Powders cure. Sold by R. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggists. Samuel Eyerson la In veny poor bealli andti linluToronto ton an oporatian. Nancy VanCamp, Miss Stewart, and Edna VanCamp bave hean ta Toronto. Mme Lewis Truli la tiking medinnu treatment ah Danavilie, N Y. She is accompauisd by Wlnnie Poawer. A veny pleasant lime waa spent on Bu-k's beach Wcdnesday last at the Sunday Sehool pIeute. Amone' those present wsne Jas G Riekard and wite, Newcastle, Harold MarIs a, B A, and lails, Berlin, Wm Jenings aLd wile, Shannon-ville, Miss Evenson, Oshawa; Lyn Coates, Medicai Colage, Taronto; Mme Bamiord, Oshawa, andifriands tram Providence, Maple Grave and Cour- tics. Dyspepalailalits wonel larme will sîlud ta the use o! Carter's Litle Nonne Pills, aideti by=Cno's Little Liver Pili they nat on1y rleeproesaIditres but slreugthon the stamacli and diges- tive apparatus. Miss Etiith Hoar, Toronto, was bomne oyen Sunday. Miss Maggle Kelly, Landau, vietted fiaonda hore. Mr Goodman is aI lis fatlier's, Mn Thos Gooiman 's. Z acharlali anti Mrs Pollard, Oshawa, visited friýendisliens. Mme Ruaghson and Gwer.dolyn Rugli- son, visiteti Mra Robt McCullaugli. Winnlfreti auj Lonoma Wiilianisan, Orono, are gusts ai Mmes Bessie ruawkey. Wm and Mme Dabson anti daugliter Muriel, Toronto,, wene guesta ai Mme W aHRicks. Misses Dora Penny, Aima andi Mabel Wight, Bawmauville, spent Civic Holi- day witli friauds. Miss Julia ooaper, York Cils', Foit, Mis F Rundýe and baby Fred, Port Pemry, spent a lcw days at Mus S Vir- tue's. Mme J R Charlton anti son Nelson, Taronto, ivslted lier brother, Mr H C Hoar. who continues qatte îII. Ho la now aI Ils brothera, Mn S V Roar. "TheCentemary ai Tennyson." an able article written by Miss Etta Camp- bell, appeareti lu the Toronto Globe Satamday. Friends appreciate anti enjoy Miss Campbeli's literary produc- tions whInh ar'e atways iuspining, anti extenti best wlshes for saunasse lu ler future efforts. An open air meeting ai the W M S wa8 belt aI the Pars3ouage Aug Srd. Aller the opening exercisîs tho Presi- dent calleti ounArs T Tati anti Miss -Janess, District Organizer, Bownian- ville,-wbuogave~ a very Intemestlng taflku on "Chistian Stewardshlp" rvhinliwas1 weil lollowed up by au, sarnest appeal tram aur pastor Rev R S penca, aller wbich a social boum was thon spent wltli barries, cake anti nream. The membre expresa«I mach appreniationla Mis 'o-leke, Mue Tat and 11ev anti Miss Spence fon their kintiness. The E L~ Social on L Skinnom's lawn pas nt off very pleasautly Friday aven- ing. Aiter a hmn antipraver anlt Ib addmess by the chairman, Rev Spenne, an interesýiag program was cheerially anti well giveri by tbe toliowing: solos, John Loveili; âiss O.,borne, renitationc; Dr C W glemon, sola; Misa M iit, reci. tation; Miss L Bragg, solos; Miss L Mande Smith, readlug; Misses Hill antià Curtis, duel. Eacb number ofthIe1 prograin was muni appreciatoti espec- lally the selention 'IGwen's Canyon" sa beautifully reniteti Iy Mies Smithi, Park~-1 tiale. Relroîlimeute of bananas anti1 crearn, lune, cake anti!ce croam werei tiaiatily seîyoti nt close oi pmogmam, Sunday services were more tan uually tntorestiug. At 10350 the qure-'s.ramental service wits we'i an uplitîiug anti he'plal discourse tu-an 1 Cor, 18. A goodly aumben of nom- municeuts, a noticeeble numbon of wham were 3~cung people, partook cf the sacameat aftetohele lilowship meeting sa ably coaducteti lis-Rcv T W lulffe At the eveniog service insteati ai a sermon by ths pastor, an cruellec rnutering ai Rev Rlenny VanDyle'sï Etomy cf "The Otirer WNise Men"wa givea ly MiEs Sailth, Parktiale, wvhosoý ladylike presence. unaffecteti mannen, clean enuniieation antiderneat dtivemy won the heants oi hembegre ,ant imun presseti en ail tînt in unselflsb servJice îa liumanity cae ta sure tla lad île OSHAWA conjsLItr~uuu ctine aieuveriaut bridge over Wabigonn River, One .thing 15 certain Newton will utal alow anything to belightei as Itis hîs nature ta le Ihomougli in wialover he und4ur- takes. IRis hasts oaiindts wish liai the succes lie merrîs. -Meticali St Bandas' School held their 141h annuel excursion 10 Lintians on Tliumsday wbea between 3C0 anti 400 ' 0?k ativantago if tie oppotnnily tae, visit thnt tliriving tawn anti aiso 11cmir papua a sumnner eant Sturgeon Point, ln"ýspile af i îledlsagrneoebIe weatber bnpA-, ati sp oak ncoblgli eprtera ainle turfing ho rion ailrportefinhe receptian* gl en1Ihein. Tnur paston , I Prmoton xemnatonsfor S S No S, ICartwright, are as fo1lowý:, IEnîtranice-Helea Carscadden. Jr IV ta Sr IV-Maggie Green, Annie Bnown and Floronco McKee, (honors) Adella Hyland. Meari McQuade Sr III1t0 Jr IV-George Devitt, Arche Dean. Sr Il ta Jr II[--Mae Bruce, (honors) Orma Hyiand., Pt 1 toJr Il-Venora Hylaud, Geor- glua MKe RasNA F. BEINTHIAM, teacher. Mauy mothors have reason to bless Mother Graveb' Worm Exterminator, because il lias relisved the 11111e ones of sufferng and mada them hoalthy. ENFIELD Severai tram here attended Hon John Dri den's fanerai at Brooklil on Sunday. Visilors. John Gray and wife, Miss Heolen and James Gray, Mn Laver and wloe, Toronto, guests at Arthur Ormis- ton's; Miss G Stavia, Greenbank, at Alex McCulloch's. Mrs W and Miss Maggîe Healey at Ballantyre; Mrs W llysiop, Bowmanville, with lier sons hoe; Editor James and wife, Bowman- ville, Mrs (Dr) William A Whibte and two chuîdren, New York City, at S Braý's, Braesids, Misses Evorson, Mr George and Miss Ireas H Bray ai; Don- ald MaCuiloch's. Hloward Coedy, London, ai lier faili er'o. Wiil Thomas is on a trip to St Paul, Mina, Miss Flassie Benneîtt ia olidaying ln the city, Mn and Miss Gaty are aI thoîr cottage la Muakoka. Willle Carruthers, Peterboro, to aI F A Whaîley'o. Fimank Lýarke and son visited R Bligit, Myrtle, Sunday. Franki Essory recsntly visited Samuel Wilson, Napanoe. Frank MePherson, Cleveland, Ohial la vlsltiag relatives, Miss Grata Bond lias been visiting relatives lu the city. Miss Reid ba been hoiidaying wltà relatives at Aslibua. Mr G D Canant adverîlses a splendid farto terent la this Issue. Miss Franikis Houlden ta çisitiag Mii Raymond Davey, Orano, Ontar. Bond, Grand Rapids. Midi, lias lieta holidaying with relativet. Mrs Guy Lake, Myrtie and Marjory Luke, Hamilton, wlîli relatives. Miss Florence Gnose, Toronto, spent thie week-end wlîh lier parents, Mrs Arthur Germond and chuldron are vlsiting relatives aI Wlarlon, J S Bond, Toronto, was recont guest of lis sister Mrs Wm 5MoLaughlin, Mrs'Fred Patte holidayed wllh lier daugliter Mrs P Forsythe, Toronto. Reta Cote, Bawmauville, hag bean holidavlag aI lier ancle's, C T Oas, Mrs A Curtis and sons, Montreal, are with lier niathen Mrs Wrn Gummow. Mrs Win Fitzgerald and sou, Toronto, are visltiug lier lather, W H Wilson. Stewart Storie and i fe are bolldaying at Port Sydney, Lake ai Baye, Muskaka. Mr Mc hi illan and wife, Poterboro. are visitlng lier sister Mrs J 0 Clatwnrthy. Mme W Tod and son Harvey, Toron- to, vlsited relatives ln town over Sun- day. Mrs Sol Rombougli and ehiîdren, Bowmanvilie, are vlsiting Maud Par- sous,ý Herbert Elliote, wits and 11111e daugli- ter hôlidayed with lier tather C H Crys- dale. Miss Madge Mothorel was necent quest of lier sister, Mis PhIlip Bunk, Lindsay. Mis C R Bailes and chuldren and Misa Garley are holidaying at Port Carling, Muskoka. Mrs Harvey and Miszes Cara Harvey and Cille Wiibur spent the holidav in Pickering. Mrs H Sauderson andi chuldren, Tor- onto, are wltli ber maiher Mrs Gifford, Division St Mr aud Miss Pearl Baoth. Clevelandi. Ohio, are visittrg their aunta Mis E Pascae and Mrs F Tanton, Misses J Margaret Fisher aud Ellwaod Reid, Toronto, are liolida d ng wltli their enustas Edilli andi Ethel Kirby. 1MaS Dillon la prosiding et the organ ln the Rîverdale Methadist churcli, Tor- onto, during the monîli ai August. Miss Barbare Leask, Jarvîs Streot. Toranto, andi Miss Editi eakTaun- Ion, were guesta af Peterbomo fi lenis, Messrs J S Beaton. Geao Liller,L Stevenson, Chas R Balles, Jack Bale, W A Hans and W Holland are on a fishlug trntaICasRill, Lea Quinn, who îecenlly accepted a position hors waa prosented wlth. an address and a sjuitease by lis friands belons leavlng Lakelield. Misses M Dillon, M Ford anti Mr R Pals asslsted on the pragnam aI Ilie Preabyterlan chureli gardon party aI Columbus Friday ovoning. Mn C C Washington. Bowmanville, a -student ai Victoria Collage, Toronto, la, suppls ing the pal pitaif Slmoe St churcli during the mon'li ai August. Res' Jas Rodgés, B A -wile aad ehilti- sou, are holtdayiug aI Stouy Lakte in companv with Ros' W Benj Tueker, ýB A, B D, wlle and littho son, Norwood, Miss Williams ofi Phuladelpbia, visit- ag the Misses Cole, Botheda, wae thrown fram a buggy Taesday anti sustaineti a fracture ot an arm near tlie ihoulder. Mrd and Miss Servies, Chas Servias and wiie, Misses Carnie and Eva Bale, Pmauda Band, Mamie Ford, Wi White. wifaandi ManiLa hoidayeti aI Rosebank. Mme R Latimer autd Miss Gretolisu, Mrs D M Tod, Misses Ina anti Laraine roti, Mns Geor'ge Miller, Doris Miller and Fred Miler are sta3ing ai; the Strattan Hous, Pont Carling, Musktoka __Femnovim atepaigmeaitle- best prepamation t(f Beet, îroa anti IVino ever placeti an the market, If vou or n y ai aur- inends are auentic, Zeneraliy rua down, palilti, easiy ex- hausteti, try one bottUe ai Ferrovuin and 3ou will be gratified by the resait. Si el dmugglsts The CHAS. H. ANDEUSON'ý- Men's Store, and lleadquarters for up-to-dajte,3 high-class Men's Yurnishings 1lev, A R Sanderson, Messrs J 0 Clat- worthy and Robt Furpey, Snperlatend- enta, and R Oke, Secrotary, are ta be con gratulated on the succes. Rev Dr PEtlc, the popular pastor ot Triaily Baptist churcli, and Mrs pethie are visiting bis mother bers. Dr Pelli- le preiched strong and cloquent ser- mons in the Baptiat Chureli Sunday ta deiighled congregations Miss jean Keddle sang a solo verv sweetly aI the evening service. Dr. Pethie attonded the tuneral of Hoin John Dryden in the afternoon. He was partially eduoated aI Dryden's School when living an the Deharlt arai west ar there, The change of dietary that cornes with spring and summer lias the elient la weak stomaclisofisetting up lnfllm. matîon, resuiting lu dysenlry and choira mrbusThe abnormai ondî- lion wili continue if not attended ta and will cause an exhauEtive drain on the svsteaj. The best available niedicine ta Dr. J. D Keiiagg's Dyseatry Cordial It clears tlie stomacli and bowels of irritants, counteracta the infi iimBîlon and restores the organs to healthy action .5l ISIL'dL~L.lLi.N Recent visitais: L B Williams, wile andi taughter, Toroato, nenewing aid acquaintaucei; Ina Herring visitoti fionda in Bowawnviloe; Rosas.Iewell, Port Ferry, visiteti bis parents aI lie Parsanage; Frank Virtue, Toronto, hoiida3 lng e a'.hme; Mrs R Washington -and- Miss- Washington, Bowmanvlile, wltli ler brother Gao Arcue; Guano lemon wlth Florexice C'leme,;,, Tyroue; Rassit l1Wotlcn bas retumnedt ta its home ia Feterbero alter speatiing a voryplea sut viBil home; Jao leman anti wiie taok in the excursion la Peter- bora: Mme D F Walsh, Orono, visileti hem 'brother Rev J A Joweli; Tenu tainbn, Bawmeuviiie, spent the week- end t aholme; Mme L Paterson, Bjwmaa- ville, aI Fred W Loe's; Mme Hierbe-; Siemon anti Greta, I cranta, at Dr Siemon's; Fred Re&doa and wife, Col- umbus, at ber fatlien's ina Orcianti; Ga Argus ant i wf eandi James S51cm- tan accampanleti by AT'amblyn, 0zoo, atteatioti on John Dry deu's funerai an Suuday. BABY'S IIOLD ON LIFE, Baby's Owa Teblels cast 25. a box. A box bougit now may save baby's lite, Buumer complaînts coae utiden- ly, anti carry away thousantis oai 1111e anes evemy year. If tle stamadli anti bawele are kept lu ortier tiers le Ilitle ljabi's Own T1ablets is the cest medîcinE) iu the worid for preventing and curing stornacli and howel troubles They can be givtin wlth perfect safety to the new born baby or to thie wetl grown child, An oceasional doee of the iablet8 wpI regulate sturaeb and bowels anid pro- vent sumurner comriaints The nio ler who keeps these Tabletls baside ier lbas a reo-sonable pssurance that lier littie ones are safe. If .jou.have flot got a, box of Tablets, get one witbout de'av. Do not watt untîli trouble cornes hj mas'thouibe too la te. Sold by medicine dealers or b)y mail at 25 cents a boxj from The iaL WIlims'Medicine Cu, I BrocILltvle, Ont. TAUNTON Dm, Norman HeaFtie an4i ls Maa ai Pontypoal are visitlug azi;rIL Pas- cae's. Bld Treval, Couanime, las parchiaseti the 200 acre tarm tram Dr Clame Lang. maiti ion $10),oo0, Ycu cau't dadzs tiomai al. Mosqultaý bites, subau, braises, skia injurie, Borne ai Ihern iwll attack you tus, sea- Son. Rave a tin of Davis' Menthvol Salve on bandi. 25 cents. MAPLE GROVE R ',ceas ',iitars- Miss Iva Eversoýn, Oshiawa. wîtn Mias Shinlie Sodu Jame-B Woaods, ifieant ielîdrea laIz Oshiawa, r-uward Woodis anti Ceeui Jef- tery aI Lawreuce Woods, iaicas; A J Blek li, wlisanti Olive in Oshawa; mr's 0 Bnowden anti baby ai; C Cox's, towu;. Wes Kerr anti wife, Ruby antid li Jankman, towu, at Geo Tnimbie's. Apply Beanine (prepanedti rain tîle grease cillhe Canadian Boar) anta 1veý your bain, when il begIna ta fait ouI or la brllîle, .50e a j n. A BRIGHT OUTLOOK, The markcet for ail kiatis ai fanasý protncoe seme 10 possees a bniglil out. lok. A large wholesale dealer receat- ly remarkedti laI ic nover expectedti t sec aymonoelillteen cent" oggs Dor bu' ten- io-wever--tint may le, cone thing la certain, thaithîe Mala posse,- Sion of a lerti of gooti dai?rty caws isiî4 a pcsatl-on ta unake a siýbstauI.aI addian ta hise aris' baak accant-eapenciaîîy if lo patronizathe Orona Creamsmyr, Thius e bw ans patron figires onu thk ativenînge oi a creameny, Fot-meiýry soven cows were kept qad most of the miihinig In summer feul l te lat ai tie women. Tic, fouati that ehunnîug spolled a whle morniag anti lhadti t lie dans tIres limes a week. N,,ow t'hai; the-y prîrouize the Creamery tliey Sud thay cau milk ton cows wfiitîspDeut- îng any more trne on tiroir ds1ir-y, anti average a greater retau per caw. la Ibis way the lucome tram the daimy le increeseti neariy ane-balf. - O! course allowance mastl1le matie fon the f eet i o tls extra caws, Do ycunscia the pint P Il pays la patronize THE OIIONGO CREA ýM«ERY. ALBBRT COLLEGE, Belleville, ont« 5UIiOOL OF FINANCE last years.Atedneoui ; ý57 pays board, room, tuition, eleetri , ,,ight, use of bates., gymnsumn, ail but àok nd, laulndrfor 12 weeks, longer period aàrdue rate,.,Y,, pays tuition a1oýe foribe,I'enfJr,- soholustieyear. A staff of exPerlenced speoc!a!istagiv dividual instructions in Ove distinctjo rs jAn ovening ciass free o i eitrdsu. ents in this department. GraduÙateshol"ding best positions. Candidates preýpa1rd yearly for the exsminatioup held bTyr the1,.-titure 0 Chtartered Acecountants i ofOntario and for Com)meretial Seil~s Speclal atningiven tl Mtr'l ato) 'lPachers' Courses, Elocution lu Ar, phy'stoCal Clitre. CQollge repens Tn'resday, >Sept 7t, ý9O Dyecr, M A )D eieilOnt, E- s I i TheQreaest lothng namp of the Vear. 40 Men's unlined, two-piece suits, lig-ht and md ium colors, Halifax tweed, Home spur, Canadian Tweedsý single and double breast, trousers made with cuisan loops for Beits. Regrular$00, 80,an 750 hl they last your choice for 3nap Number T wo, 75 Men's Wash Vests, tan, grey, white, strip-e, do)t, check, real beauties, made in the vory latest style, fancyl5 pockets with button, long points, right up to the minute in, style, These vests are not the ordinary kind, that erally seIl at $1.25 and $1.5-) but high class, up-to-date, well madle garmeûts, altogethet out of the ordina-ýr, Regular price $3,00, $2,50, $2,00, $1.,75. Just to see if there is any money laying arouad loose, we wý-iil oJffter them for Now do not loose any time but get one b0f these, Ail Straw Iiats at Cost, This means a $2.5 0 bat for $1. 75. ,a $2.0hat for $1.25 ,,a $1,50 hat for-$1.00, ,,a $1.25 hat for 75c, See our windows for goods advertised, 111 MAONCLOTHIG 0 DAR LIN(iTON -uev b ne Piffis are m"M -ffl !attended whell Il b Po a -11 ý ý T -T- -1- 1-( J-r( -U -1- -f -L ý-4 J. J. MASON

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