ana tte, $1 O0O a year in advance; $1.50 to United States. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, TairR$DAY,, AUGUST 12, 1909. VOLUM1E LV. No. 32 M. A. JAMES & SONSPoitrs Th~ J~m~s Papers Vi~it Thfrty-five Huridred Homes We~k1y. Great Clearing S*aleM * of Summer Goods. Couch, Johnstou & Cryderman will from to-day seil off a lot of Dress Musîjus, Criuk le-Cloths, Linenand Cotton Suitiug'os and ýother limes of Summer goods at greatly reduced priceg; Soma a>- lines at haif price. Ladies' Princeas Dresse3 and wash skirts' at eost. Ail fancy parasols below cost price.M top- Men's two piece suits and fancy vests at ureatly reduced prices ,Men's Stiaw Rats at hal E price. See our Special lime of Muslin Blouses at ONE DOLLAR. -.f Best you ever saw for the money. * Cuch, n9Johnston& i * Cryderm-an j GROCERS' DUE BILLS TAKEN AS CASI--Mm Év- -st- BANK 0F MONTREAL Establlshed 1817 0apital 8 14,400,000 Rest 8 12,000,000 Tojtal Assets 88,6,5 Savings Bank Department. t-Ieai, Qffice, Montreal j. A. MeoOLELLAN, Mazlager, Bowmanville Brmnch. 1Royal Bank' 0F CANADA INCORPORATED 1869. PasSpeclal Attention to ~ asSavings Accounts. Capital pai - p $4,600,00* Reseve Fnd S5,300,000 Totl Assets 053,000,000 ~ uý Classes lu BookkLeplgArtmie Wr ting hrhud yerting and th. soummer months Slpeeial rates of $6.00 ver nth or $100 lrth womntfhs, J. ulad Auguat, will afford an excellent opport. unity to get firat-elais instruction ai al c ost. ClaEs hourB f rom 9 to i o'elock. For further particulars, 'phone College, 2777, caI or write the Remington Business College 269 College st., Cor. Spadina Ave. TORONTO, C AN, Chas. E. Smith. T. F. Wright, Shoîthanfi Instructor Principal LAWN MOWERS SIIARPENED AND) REPAIRED. Don't put off gettiug -ydur Lawîî Mower sharpened Do it now, so that it willi be ready when you need it. I use the Ideal Lawn Mower Grinder which has given such good satisfaction lu the past. A trial wlll convinep you cf 115 superiortty over others. Orders promptly attended te, BICYCLIS TS TAKE NOTICE. I amn deing al kinds et hi. cycele repairlng, Brtug "your wheel lu and haro l put lu good runialug order. My prices are very moderata. AW, PJCKARD Crner King & Otarie Streets. ~i il FRLL IERM OPENS SEPT. 131. I I Toronto, Ont. IThis s chooI id unquestloaabiy one of ICanada', Greatest, Best and Most Success- Ifui Colleges. Our graduates readily secure jempinayment. Let us educate yen for p s. know how. Write for magnîficent cata- logue to-day. Cor, Yonge and Alexander J.Elliott, Principal ALBERT COLLEGE. Belleville, Ont. 0verW80 Studeut8 enrolled annually ~ of whom are young ladies. LITERAIIY.-52 studenta wrote thiyero Departmental and university exam;Sno Leaving 10; Junior Leaving 10;il", Marcu- lation 6jJunior Matriculation 2s; Commercial ,Speciallet 2; Bcholarahl p1. Splendid scien ce Lzaboratories. MUSIC.-PuIll onservatory and univeraity courses are provIded in voeal and instrumental music, harmony, etc. New Pipe organ recent- ly adde5l, piano and vocal depts. in charge of male teachers of experieuce and ability. Over 300 certificates awarsled Fine Arts, Elocution, Physieal Culture, Domestic Science. Commercial ayâd Literary Courses lu charze of Speialisis. The College provides a two story brick gynl.nasium and a five-apre thietie ground. 1Will re-apen Tuesday. Sept, 7, 195. For lllustrated caiendar address Principal Dyer, D. Ù. Get It at MITCIIELLS' Quality Drng Store$' Big SUMMer Sale i 0F JMedicines, Toilet Articles Tabum Teoth P bLle]L ]iypoph Bec!, Ir Castonie MitoSel Yucca( Presto, Veloute Quinine FiR Syr Toitet AND Rubber Ooods Reg. i Powder 25 c l'aste 25 L.ver PRIS 25 )hosphites 1.00 trou and fWîne 1.00 !a .35 ,Il, Pink Imon PIla26 6 fC (lIntment 50 n'à Hair Reuewer 50 s Face Powder 50 teWitte boa rýUp 25 ape r 6 r( For 150 17 for 2,5 50 50 25 for 1.00 40 37 40 75 ro1l5 25 Phono calîs rccivo prompt atten- tion Phono 92 a For night calîs 92 b Store opens 7 20 s,.rn. Closes 6 30 p. Mn. Satuirduy' sto -re ýcloses Il P. im. DON,\'T FAI L tOu GET IT AT I i NORTHI WEST HARVEST. (Spedlal te The 8S'atesman.) Winnipeg, Man., Ag.8, 1909 - Con- servative crep reports show excellent conditions throug haut he West gener- aily, Berne damage bas been done by hail, but this-as usuali-has been cou- fined te smaii areas, a,d leayes the- gen- eral cr0 p undamnged ' la spite et some- what late soeeing, the grain la weil ad- vauced, aud shows every indlication cf ripening iu goed season for cutting,. Berne bnrlay hasý alrea dy been ha-rvested in the Branden and Poùrta)gedJistrictýs et the middle West, and tewhent 1harvesit wiii begin with the next tortaight. rirom ail repents receiv7ed, îh aeems pre. bable that tbis year's coep iNill be as geed as that cf 1908 in yîeld- per acre, plus the planting et a muchi larger acorage. Between the !9W9 crep and the po sensen cf 1907, thiere is ne, cer- There wilbe the usunal demand fer harvest bands, and tha, varions agenGies have beeu busy xaitng necessary arrangements for filhiing ibis de5manid. Last yenr it teckr 20,000 e3xtra hands te gather the hnrvest cf the XWest, and the 1909 crop will eall for as many nas that -pehas afe thusndemoe.Heavy immigration figures b letween seasons will keep the deandi don semeiwhat, since thousands cf inew setî1r3rs have been sent ie the West this vear, and these will be availabie, very largely fer use ns barvest bauds by farmers who have been, longer in tirece untry. MINISTERS AND) CEURCUES. Mr Thos H Loekba&rt, ass!stant prin- lipai Indian Seheol. Ren Deer, Alla, Il 'give an address aIt 1ho Tbnrsdav le,ening prayer meeting hi tho Meibo- dfst charcb. Rev. T W JQli!ffe ni thîs tuwu will by rë est supoly the pulit e the Pres vierlan Cburcb, COshawa, for the neit two Sabbalba Rev, W. C, Wash. ingten willi supply bis werk on T-vroue Circuit. The Prirnary lass oî the Methodist Sunday Schoo.1, numb,3ring about eue hundred, with their tenctiers and parents enj&yed a pïcnlo on the Drilt Shed grounds Weinesday afteraeom., Games er varlous klnds, ga gond tea and athietie competitlons occupied the tigie and fully amused the litte eues durlng the afternoon. Rev John Garbit pIreaehed iwo capital sermens Sundieay lu ths3 Methodîiii eburch lu spite cf intetnsely, bot wealhejýr. His morniug rermaon w on rth e wor id s "The' love ef Christcistrainetb us>, and the evenlugr the Seventh emmstna- ment Mrs Willia-m A White sang a sweet solo "Divine Redeemer, I come" ai the morning service and lu the even. Ing Misa Ida Trew In as8isted the cboir and sang in the duet lu the anthem 'asîer Fred Yule sang the solo "Fear ve net 0 Israei" witb splendId effect. Rie aise sang a solo la tbe Pr,ýsbyter1an chureir in the mernndag te the great delighi of ail wlîo heard hina. Master Yuh, la a son of Mr W G Yuie, for merly organial ef the Qusren 9treet MethedIst church, and bis mothen was Louisa Qaiek, daugbter cf the late Lswîi Qulek oethIis tewn. Master Fred poci- sesses a remrakabie goed tenon voice and singe excellently We hope le bear hlm agaîn befone be leaves town. The Wcman'a Missionarr Auxilisrv oft he Methodist Cburcb, Bowminville, held thelr regulan Meeting Thuraday atternoon ai tbe reg!dence et Mrs j M Brimacombe, <Greencourt." The Pres. Ident, Mrs (Rey) J GarbÜti presided1 and after devotlonal exercisea, MitaA, J Motion rend the scriplure lessen;-,a misslonary dialogue wns glyen by Mra W Coombe. Miss Young, Mrs B Warnl- ca and Mrs P Ji, Feley; Mrs William A White et New York, sang a sole; Misses Young and Ethel L VanNest sang a duet. Mrs W A Quibeil, Port Arthur. red avenr humerons selection, "Auut Sally's Expenlence," Mr T H Loekbart, assistant principal et the Indian Sehooli at Red Deen, gave au lnteresting hait heur talk on his work lu that institution. At the close of the pnogram Mrs F A Haddy rend an address and Mrg J Ni Jones-, on behaîf et the membors, vre- sented MIFs M A Bunnen with a L te Membership lu the Woiuen's Mls8lonars SocietY of the Methodist . Churcir et Canada. Miss Bunner, the secretary, bas, been an officar Oet Iis auxlliary nearly ever sInce is erganizition about twenty-tour years ago and ber fellowi worliers ieok ibis meana et sheowingi their appreelatien et bar services. At the close the eompany adjourued te the tawn where retresbments were serve i ln abundance and a very social and pleasant heur onjoyed, urFrml THE EDITOR TALKS It is au oucouraging sigu of theonwand marcir ef civilization thnt two cities, iweiîty-five towns, eighteen villages aud sixty-one rural inunicipalities in îireProv- ince ot Outanio are campaigning in favor et Local Option by- laws, te be voted on at nexi Januany elections. Coboung aud Port Hope, tire leading tewns in these United ConnUetàs, are, we are glnd te sec, on the list. YDunham County, excepting thre towa of PQnt H 1ope and the village of Newcastle, î8 new unden local option, and eveny muuiclpality îs sntisfied with its oponatin Repeal weuld net havea shadow cf chance in nny Durnam munici- pality, se wel aatiafied are the people afior a tain ril We saw afn ue re:p cf altalfa or lu- cerne ouie fnrme ofMn. Samuel Beay, EsiWhitby, ati week, and as ît was new te us wcl, ma-de inquinies about it. MnI. J3ray teld us that he oxpected te irvesi thnee erops frein ihat field this season on pes-sibly eut two cnops aud pas- ture it laie lu tire Fali. Gui onnly betere tire bleoom is fuliy ou it makes excellent hay snd tire second crop grows on apace witb tavoring conditions. The animais relisirtire altalta hay splendidiy tee. For a soiling erop it is very grwid and can bc eut ail1uirrougi tire soason, A£s a pastura crop il is said te bc even botter tran clayen and timothv. but cane sirouid ha exercîsed net to ashow it te bc eaton tee close. Aboutîweuty pounds et seed te tire acre is sewn. If this information is et any bonefit te tire tartn readers ofthis journal tirey are weicome te it. The mnuwbo eau drink or Ica vo ht alone usually drinlks, Thre man wlîo ssys it is uobedy's business if he drinks usuel- ly proves thre errer et bis own words. A Cavan man went te Peterbero, get drunli-, eniered a bouse, frigirtened tire ininates, toek a chair, cemrnittod au offense snd was anrested sud taken te boozers' den. If a drunken man entons a home sud frigirtens a delîcate weman iute hysîerics, its nohody's business, eh-? Saturday last at,143O a. mn. John Huntre, a Bobcaygeou irotelireeper crazed with drink shot iris wifi- fihrougi thre ircd wi'h a rifle kiiling ber inst.autly as she iay sleeping. When sober he was a geod hiusband. Two chiidreu are motirerless. Was it any iredy's bvsiuess; tilt Joe iluntr e dran1k, Fanm weekiies are altogetirer tee numn- erous in Cutarie, Few lanciers wili sub- scribe for iiore than eue agricultu rai papor, sud frin ma journalistie istandpoint tire uo1Iok is ,ýnet full ef promise. Our asiociation wavib armers givos us thre im- pression ihat they are flot regular and extensive neaders et tarm papers as a class Scarcity of irelp iras ranch te doe with ibis regrettxable condition. Tire live local newspapor wiil hoid the liveiy inter- est efthtie wiroie faîuily, and duning tire surumer mentis ht is tire only publication tiratisn regulariy and tirorougiriy read. Tire wemeu felIc sud cirildren may i-ead thre siory page of tire provincial weekly, but tire papeî as a whlîoe is net rend. Tire big weekly papr in summer montirs ofien gees unread for want eft ture on tirej tarins. We are net sure tiraitirhe preî-eni generation do as mucir reading of wirele- seme literature as tiroir ancesters'did. Personal observation iu the homes we visit gives us tire ides tiat very uitile profitable reading is doue lu tire average home, eitrer in towu or country, and whaî is done is superficial sud airnless, A sturdy applicant fo r outrance te every tarn horne iu ibis ceuuty la Tire Gan- adian Paru,, "s weekiy agnicuitural jour- nal for tire Doninion," published by Tire Farmn Press, Limited, 12 Wellington Si, E., Toronto, ai $1 a year, J.H. S Jeohn- stone, editor. it will ire a leader among tire agricuirural journais if tire promise et uts prospectus la noalized. Tire firsi two numbors have heen very readable and instructive.- its nake up and typograpir- ical appearance appeai strongiy te evcry pýracticai newspaper mn, being ail tint couldbhodesired. Asitsscope is national ratirer tran provincial it will find a choun- tele lu tire bnoad Dominion. fis iros t fnfiends woîe piesod te bear 11ev. 'Wm. Jotiiffe's reice in tire puipit again Sunday wien ire assisted Pasior Garbuit in tire devetieuri exor- cises for tire firsi lime sinco iris long ili- uess, Fatirer Jolliffe is vpeciaiiy gifted in praying aud veny feu' mimisiors wiroî we have ireard de iver tire Lord's Prayer as irnpressiveiy yoi foncctuliy and soi- eilnnly as tee does We once kuew a youug minister who paici s vory igh beuýus-we iirmuk il was 8201-to au ýelocutonisitet teach i hlmiow s deliven a patculan sermon tiraiire was to' deliver 1befere a great body et minisiers, and we have ofien tiroucgi since trou tirai it suess in tiroir callings. W/e ail sirare SILVER WEDDI)ING in tire joy sud satisfaction tirai well-doîng brings, and as we have efien said tire uews efthtie succoss et Duriram boys sud Mn. AND Mua, 1R.1H. WOOI) PLEASAýN TL girls always gives us greai pleasune. S RRISFO TicTETDIFT Personaily, wc are kepi nu sucir close MARRLAGE. toucir wiui se mny oethtie absent Dur- , hamitos tirnougir our papors tirai we feel' soewiai of a paternel interesi in tire On Pniday, Jniy 301h about 180 rela- tirai otirer citizens de net experience 6r Wosead redofM.nd sR.. apprecisie. Tircy are lu a newspa Dnlngon etaitioi hm taîiiycirieet iriir e re rou tebequite unexpecîed by thema, tirs occasion taire ci" bfwîh ea eys d t ýbebeizng tire tweuiy-fitth anuivsrsary cf tepater, ireuce, wieu "our by their weddïing. The day was s magni- girls" corne home with apprecistive WO 8 ficent oeeasd friends carne frcm tan about our service as editors sud punve - sud near. A game cf basebali passed ors efthtie happenings efthtie towu an tire tinte for tire yeungcn sud more se- ceuuiryk1e mus ire pardoued if we de lys, while eld fniendsand acquaint. uces teel a particulan pleasure lu grecting tire *e mýd net seen sacir othefer oa home-corners. Tiren haui s te inquirs of sacir othires' v- Coeein tire evoning, or corne in tire fane, a- about tire old trnes wheu iiry morning, o'cloe were boys, sud diseuse tire prospecta of Cerne wireu'r oke for, or cerne grain sud fruit . Tire indes, tire yeung- wiîtouî snuig, ~or were ont te tire fi9ld te encourage tire' K--ises ud werloe o'l iubr iebal players; ptire wives sud urcihena forse Yoan weuoery ome t ir e re b- gatbsned in: groupsanad discussed tire fore youthinga o interesite them in particular, And tire otnryo oivh oe e'l chîîdreu, fruit pressrviug anîd fashioîîs, adore yen. About 6 p. mr. tables weresost on tr a Iawu sud tire "quarter a ncentury," A revival adventîsing canspaign amoug brideaund groom were called forward tarmers la heiug presecnted acreas tire by 11ey. R. A. Deive, Seagnuve, and tirec linos, i seoins sirnge te us tirat expert fellewing addness was rend te hiem: and experieuced advertiscrs sirould flot To MIr. and liPs. R HI. Wood. bave known long ago tirai publicity DEAn FRIENDS: Ws arc gatirered hernê ameng tire rural -homes nS tire most on ibis occasion to congratulais yeou effective trade producer Tire besi resuits ibis tire twenty-fifih anuiversary ef cerne frein advertinsing lu papers tirai go- your wedding day. To prove tire biess- ie tireiromeofetcountry people. flore singa of tirs feilowsirip et tweuiy-five iswierc thre ive local weekiy paper gets years is net given to eyeryoue. As lu its ireiptul,_ profitable service. Tire people yen teok upon yen tire sacre daily paper is rend hurriedly sud tirown vews, sud tirnougirtire long intenval ef asîdo. With tireborne piper it is diffor years tirrougir anshine sud' starm, eut Every memben efthtie farnily fiuds tirnougir auccessansd defeat, tirengi joy mucir te intoresi urem n sd tire business sud scrrow yen have clung toe enir tuien men are ail knou'n toe ire se 4iey rend sud te God,' And uew mn tire scftenedý wiat îirey bave te say lu tiroir advertise-sulgttmareyaswshpye mons cerywee. h isiroe uews aud may reuew, your youth sud cniu iras hoe ierwei. IEvs ory vêtuuee geuiatnany years lu tir saweet sent onttluntire local paper iras a personal yer may heutri l ft rai t ofiu* ciraracter tirai is absent lu tire City daihy. nipened aud ebasteued love, freeing oack Tis being unîluestienably tire trutir, tire otben frem every caro sud annoyance, local menebaut who doos net adveriise is filliig tire eemiug years witir increasing shrt sigirted an:d beind tire age. Ail jey sud irappiness, reundlng oui iný ita tire langer and mosi successtuh merchauts perfection tire love sud taiti wiih are liberai adventisers, sud tire local have added te yeur wedded lite uts newspaper 19 tiroir favorite ujedinin. sweetest cranr., Witir confidence lu tire untnîliug pcw-' er et a gracions sud loving God we, bld PLEASANT S. S. EXCURSION, yen Godspeed thrnougi tire, comîug, years. Thre iand whicir ias sustnined Some 250 pensons eujoyed tira excurns- 'YOu tuirQugh sl tne varying cincum- ion te Toronto under auspices cf Beu'- stances oet tiose passîng years ia neithar manville Metirodisi Sunîday Scirool ou weak non withrawu ; tire watchful sye on Tnesday, tire ssii heur ways beiug tiraiiras taken note et ahi yeur dowuï deligirtfnlly pleasaut. Tire weaiher ail sitting sud upnising is neitirer dira uer day was mesi favorable, Judge Mon- iurned aside; aud tire tender heurt tint son sud tire officons sud management etfiras kuown sud sympatiized with sveny AÏire_ St. Angyle lofti nolhiug undone tirai grief sud sennew ils yvour,-lite tirat iras would ceutnibute tÔ tire comfont et tire Nooed yen from tire wnong sud urged excunsionisîs. Tirese who had tire re- yen inu tirigiri is stili puliîg wlth a~ peusibility for lire excursion are highly stnong affection lu youn boirait, pieased with tire boit sud tirese wlr Tire ceming yeans hava wenk sud love were in change. A few pensons woensd gladuessansd uufailiug hope for left behind ewiug te tire big fine ai yen, Tire hanvesi lime cf lite permîts Haulan's Point deiaying traffie betwesu tire plucking sud snjeymeut cf tira tire Island sud City. Tire company- swetesi sud mosi maclions fruit, Majr realIred tireir homes about miduiglir. yeun sioe be lange, and niay tirere be iucneasing yeans ton ils enjeymeul. A CAPITAL PAINTING On thir appy occasion we deaine te present yen with tis silven service as a - teken et our estem suad affection, hop- PORRAIrT OFDR., JOHN HOSIN , K, G., ing yen may leng live te enjey tÉir HUses IN vIIF UNIVERSITv Or TeOR. uSe, oaxo OGALLmIy 0F NorAunLEs, Tire University Moutirly says: 'Di'. Jolin Hoakinvwas appointed a member et tire Board et Trustees efthtie ZUivensity inu Novemben, 1887, imrnediately atter tire confederation efthtIe Victoria Univer- sity wiirtirte University of Torcnto. He becarne ciaimn of ettire Board lu :suceession te Mn. Edward Blake, in October, 1892; sud ho occupied ibis position untilthle furetions oet-tire Board carne te au end by tire psssiug et tise University Adct 1906, Ini accord- suce u'ith tirai Adctire mombers efthtie Board et Governs iustituted by ht were appointed by onder-in-council, daied June 2tirofethtie saine year, sud Dr. Hoskin becaisie cirairman efthtIe uew administrative body. For upwsrds et iu'enty-two yosrs, tirerefore, Dr. Hoakin bas licn oumstinitiuîstely coucenned witir tire management efthtie University finances sud properiy sud in addition, during reconi yesrs, ou iug te tIhe greathy enlanged pewers efthtie uew Board, iras also been cencerned withî ils general ad-1 ininisiration. Last simmner it came te ire u'idely tirougiit te lirte tinne iad« annived wiremîtire importanît services et 1)r. Hoakin toe n uversity sirould be appropniately neeoguized; sud Dr. Hes- kin was, tierefore, iuvited te sut for a portrait, te be added te tire nou' very considerable gaileny et sucir memorials, in tire possession efthtie University. The portrait iras been painted by Mn. Robent Harris, R. G. A., tormrny presîdoni et tire Royel Canadian Academy. As the doyen et Ganadian portrait painters, Mn. Hannis iras long ago acquired distinction, aitirougir tins is tire ouly oeeoet iis u'orks u'hnci, se fan, tire university la fotonate enougir te pesseas. Its fidelity as a por- trait is uudou-bted, as is aIse ils titie te bce reganded as a woîk et art. Tise pres- entation et il is iutended te show tirat tie, meerbers efthtie University desinie te recegnize thse long sud disinterestod service et Dr. lloskin as weil as tire abiliy and geuislity svth wirich hio las discianged iris nesponsible sud voluntary duties as trustes since 1887. A sboching case is repented cf alleged unnatural crime commited by eue Jas R.t,)bnson of Warren, 43 miles ?iest et NeïtteBay, hi' whieb ibrese ofbis daugir- uorsi are dlsgraced and bis wlte is under, arreFt. bnrgOd wilb infanticide, haviugr conleEsnd tosmothering two iLitnuis b)orne b j ber daughters Rçv T Dun- lop W81l nown be-es Mg'e the tacts kueWn It 18ouso tZ1Ir 3 moî' o t'-rg omîmMes lu Canadien auLnaIsp,i TrIos H. P. ANDEIIsox R. A. DELvE. LOTTIE Il. ANDERSON, ALBERTA DELvE, WESLEY N. IIOSKIN, MÂY HOSHIN, The silver service was presented ta them by Mrs. <1ev.) R. A. Deive and Mrs. (11ev.) T. H. P. Anderson. The groom, Mr. Wood, made a srntabie reýply, thanking the friands for their kindnàesý- te his wife and himseif. Aftte" r 'Woods' reply a number of cengratulat. ory, short and impi cruptu speeches ere made by many of the gentlemen pree. ent, Then foliowed supper. No aiguâ cf that smnal~l baker~s ion! new se greatly discussed in our papers, but inotea4 every viand, that the mistresses cf the cuiinary art in Darlington couid place befora the company to tempt them ta eat. No one, however, needed greatiy to be tempted. It was flot until nearly nine o'ciock that the last guesta were served. After ibis the, guests de. parted wishing to Mr. nnd Mrs. Wood the greatest ef happiness, of tching ,yPiles Ini dreadful agony day and night- Da. CMASE'S OINTMENT brought relief and cure. Mr. G. 'W. Corneli, who is with tho 1Shaw Millin Co., St. Catharines, Ont., writes: "In justieto suffering human. ity 1 write to tell you of the world of good 1 0obtained from the Use Of Dr. Chase 's Onmn.Foi' about six years I waa tue victim e)ït ihing and Protruliug pieadwas inj dreadful agony dIax and iglt Doctoùr3were unnitl), Q Lilp lue, and 1T eould get notbing to rejiev-e the sufflering. I was abouU as~ ~ ~ ~ ~~eU mîeabeacraue sw W e ifouudjý on the face of the erh to tr r hî sOiutmenlt, whiieh I didund btaied rlief from thle first box, and 'ompletis curewth hesco My tobewas cnused by heavylft ing adI cnsider that Dr. Cae' Oitetwould be eheap at fifty do1- lasnbxin view of the good it diC ~ Tereis li quesý"tioni that Dr, Chas 's inmnt is; the moi stife torytreamentfor itching, bedn n prtuigpile's thýatwas cever diseGVerýs ed 6I. b a box, al denirs, r Edes son,~Bats &Co., Trn,