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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Aug 1909, p. 2

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t otea bioe ineofte ,ytm. such AS 0ating. Pain lu the ido. Le iWhle theirtmnt Rtehe. yttOrte's LiLtver Pilflaare çorrect allsoro-J1,f;thctmac,timniate til lirer and zreigniatotheb:l . Evenif they oniy Mnffe- fro-m tdsditrsin c1uiint ; but fenil. Btately tholrgoodn;Ud,)î netudhre.and thosa who once try thsm Ivlll1: d thseutle illa vahi' c in 90la nny *yta tL t t t 1inet be wil.. gel atu du withon7t te.Bu fo alsci o . Iath. beneeof Bo many lives tht bre is whera lwerakeouorgrat boaat. Our pllis-'rait wiile ethers do pot. Cartsr'a Little Liver Pilla are voiy %mal and yory easy to tale. one or two pil malte a dose. ?Whey are strlctiy vegetable andi do not griple Or c l-,11 y thoir gentis action please a&il Wlho CARTES XIDZ~I O.00,m ro t. A. E. 'Dot. -GHLIN. ot ]Barrnter, Soltcîtor- and conveyancer. Ofllc:-Iîleakleï, Block. King Street. JBOWmanviîle. ~!ney to joan at reason- Ible rates. l48-tir. -Wm. TENNANT, V., S., J10fN0RAPIY 0R %,DITA rE 0F Ontarioe Vtoneryr Coloege. office In Tsear of Mr. Wïilliems. üiture store, Oaik arîawered day or night. phone 68. 101 B.-J-11azlewood, M.D.,O.Mî fl0WMAIxvILfE. a*1 ONT. ODMFDAIL1ST 01 'r$n1ty tir, G ivoneîîsIy, Torento;t r o ra'-Ated PhysicieRn anudSurgeon et Mt. Cà, metoi epit&, Pittsbnrg. Kg, Ofî çe and Bel1iednce Weirýgtoj% Rt. Toit r Il QueNo. 11. Ilarristers Sohe &tors N otaries Publie WILLIÂSS WVClEaIS D.G. Ù.CGAL13SAITS! (formrory of Bowm&nvltlg) U? Yrk St., Toronto. Th 'aprs.etice formerîy carri.'d on by Mr. Gaibr'e 1th L' Bowmevier will be , entinuerl by the new firmn. Mr Galbraith wili be lu Bow anvillse very gaturday,,and aloo lisring tho wtçek if requlred 2-1 te 1olit the business fMnfatrr Engineers andi others who realize the ativisabit: Ily f havng tlieir Patent business tranisacteti by E"xperts. Prcltmiinaryadvice free. Charges mjoderate. Our Inventor's Advser sent upon zeqllest. Marion & Marlon, New Xorklife Bldg. Moutreal and 1Washlnzton. D.C.. U.S,.ýe MlOIS o! cool milifq Roquolioo3, (WOAL ai-l ijg rights of the Dominl"n , i:ý >leaniaba, hSukatehowan. Aberra. the Yukon Territâiy the N grth.Weît Terri leries andi British 0, lumbie. aiay be leasati for a term ofet wenty -00e 'yetra sitan A1umnIl rsetal of fl an Acre. Not more than .65e acrea wiîl be leasetita one appieailt Application for a lease must ho madie te the Agent or sub-Agerit of the dstrict iu whieim thée rigbtse pplii for are etuateti ; tsrvoe et territ'.ry the land must ho des CriDe~Is~ sotiosor tz:gal tut) divisions of 'ei â et diIn unhmurvoyeti territory the tract %Piie or shail ha staketi oui. &(I nlIcttmu.t hoe acompnnied Il f(e 0!$5-Swhieh -a ii be re' indotiif thse ighus eppJiea for are mc-t evaliabie b ut tiet otherwise, A reyaitl shall ils aid on the merchentebie output oa'the mine a tho rate of tive cests par ton. Kvery 1laire cf coaI minln, g ie bwich are miot heing eperatectishall furnish the district agent of ¶bcmluton Lands with a swcru mtete- mit te that effect et leaât once in eacis yea'. Tisè et so llt niu~de the coal rmîning rights onsy. but the bssee y Ihs permitted t 5 ur- chaswhataver avai1leble surface rights may be consideroti neces*ary for the wrking of Oie moine eithtie rate of $4W an acte. Fcr fuill înfermtloatirppication shoulti be matie te thesa ûeretery cf tise Departîment ci libe InLt)riot. Otiewa, or te any Agent or Sub Agent cf Dominion Lands W. WCORT, Depty Mitster of the Inteater. N. B.-Unasslborized publication of tis ad.- ve tiseait wilhinet be pali for. 3-- 6m -EYncPsls of Canadian Norýthwest Land Eegulations porion v.ho Is the soie beati cfa faiyor &D aie over 18 yoans old, may hcmesteed a quarter section of avait ab]. IJminlon tend lho h tiitoba Sakatohewan or Atherta. The eppicant muât appear ila por- ion netisbe Dominion Landis Ageiley or Suis .eney for the district. Entry by proxy may homde at aîy ngeney, on certain conditions, by faîher, m thon, r-0,, daughtor. brother or iisien cfiaitesîding hemestsader. D)utie:-Slx mcnths' residenco upen anti enîtiNethen oet he tend ln eaéhî of Ibrea years A homesieador may tive wlthln Mne.mîtes of bis homosteat ic a ferm cf et lea.t 80 &cres solely osineti antd oceupieti by hlm or hy hie f ather, incuber. son, daughter, brother or sister. In tletain districti e homostender la gooti fitaficlrg meyUpe-emn: t e quarter section nlotig Ide his hometeati. Price $800 per acre Bstie-Must reslde six months tu ech, cf six 'earg fromdate of hemesteed entry (tncludl, g tbtmo requIredt t earn homesteati patent) and cnitlvatu liety acres extra. A hcenteader wl.c han oxhausted ishiehome îteati rigfit anti cennot obtain a pre emtien may laite a perchaseti homeatead ln cet tain diétIiblts, Price $3.00 per acte. Duties-Muèt reFide six menthe la each cf ibree yoarî, csîtîlvate fifty acres and rect e hose worth W. W. coaY. Deputjy Miiter cfithe Iteri,>r. N. B.-Unathceitzeti ublctio oiis ead. %-e) tizesaýitt l oct ho paîtifor. 5 6m DISL)ED "Pa, what is meanCt bya decent living salry l" "A decnjt, liin1s1aymyboy, is wa-ges that dntlaea mian Inor11e than sevea dolars iin debt atf the en1d o! the wCe."ý CURRENT TOPICS. The real tbinking peo)pie of France lhave muech reason, for genu- une alarmï. over the decay of their splendid country, and they aüre waking upte this fact, as is sbhown by the numerons books and pamiph- lets being written and earnestiy rcad. One of these books deals witb,ý the "S5evýen Piagues of France,"' wbic,ýh are çdes;cribed as religions unfideLJity, de.pplatiocn, ummirnorality, acblsmaterial- iSM, anti-Militarism and political corruption. The decay of religions faith bas undoubtediy brouglit about much -of the decrepitude whichb las now assume-c alarming proportions. The determincd effort o! the French to have but one church and to impose one religions eie! upon the. people is unqces- tIc0-,ably responsible for a large part -of the decay of religions f aith. It inevitably follows that wben the churcb becomes part of the state and is maintained by the civil pow- er, witb as mucb intolerance- as the civil laws ar-e executed, that the churcb wilI get into the hands o!f unworthy mien, wbo will so corrupt it that it will drive -people into in- fideiity. France is tryi-xg to rem- edy this by a racial divorce-. of the churcb and state, but as yet is not gctting mucb o)f the benefits wbih we derive in this country from ab-. solute freedom f rom'lawsý on con- science. Socialism is doing its best, te min the army and navy and make patriotism as abhorrent as the "superstition -of religion." The decay in population cornes from a thrifty, ýsavîng people liv-1 ing in a country wbere ail of the -I was told to try "Fruit-a-t1ves," and 1 sent for six boïxes, andtis was the only înedicine that dld me any g'ood. 1 arun now entireiy well, 1 can esaat or- dlnary food andi I neyer have a head- ache, and for this relief I thank this Weonderful remedy "Fruit-a,-tives." My case is wel knoxvn in this vlcinity and You may publish this staternent. ALCIDE IIBtERT. 5&oc a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial size 25c. If, for an- reasen, your dealer doee net h.anCle "Fruit-a-tivies," they wiII be. sent postpaid on recelpt oti Irîce by bIuit-a-tives LimIteti. Ottawa. EVERY LITTLE MAKES A resour-ces bave been exploitcd, aiid there is no hope o! any new indue- In one cew testing association tries and opportunities in life. the average production o! 126 'cows: EeyFrench couple has carcfnlly was 52o lbs. milk and 20 ibe. fat, Ervddisl ihmast.lvery not very much bclow the average! provded tsef wib mens e .l-ef exactly 126 cows in another as-: and wbat the husband and wife ecansain close by, wbich was 609 live on wiii be sufficient to'support ibe. milk and 26 lbs. fat. But ne-j tvwo children a!ter tbey arc gone. tice bow treniendousiy that coin- Therfor, tey ill aveno oreparatively smail diff ereuce affects1 Therfom, thy whl ave e mre~the total yieid; foi in the one ýcase than two children. The Govern- tbe 126 cews gave in the mentit ment is trying Vo grappie this end, 86,845 lbs. nîilk aud 3,267 ibe. fat, o! its probiem by offering a bouuty but the eother lot o! 126 cows gave upon large families.; This wiil be~ oniy 65,546 lbs. milk and 2,510 ibs. . fa; orailowiug butter fat te bel unsuccessful unies the bounty is wourth 25 cents per lb., actually ai big enongh te provide for the snp- diffe rence o! $189.25 in one montb. port o! eacb chîld in addition Vo Wby are not thousande more o! our thie conveuti-onal twe. dairy cows made to eamn an extra _____dollar aud -a bal! per mouth for their'ewners? Wben the owners In the midst O! its troubles cornes are perfectly certaintbrough bav- an undeniabie increase in the use ing tested each cow in the berd ia- o! intoxicants. In the latter bai! dividually, wbicb animnais are bring- o! the luth century more than dou- iug in a gocd profit, then the av- bletheamnntofalcholwa drnkerage yueid and the total incoen bic~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a teaono!aohlwsdnkeube lamgely incmeased. in its varions forme o! wine, Anotber coutrast shows that 100 brandy, whisky, absintb, beer, etc. cows un eue association produced This ieads directly te an increase juet tweuty-seven pounds o! fat inýinmra.Lyinant and cie lees that 72 cows in anether asso- iuîunoraury, cime.ciation 10 miles away ; there were France was once OeeO! the moet thus 25 cows moi-e te be milked, anJ patriotie, the meet ide alistic and te, have capital locked np in, ani the moet genereus o! countries, but to tramp round on the pastures t is claimed that she is rapidly eating goed !eed that the other ksig tese hareteistis ndercows cotuld have uscd te better ad- lýGingthesechaattritié unervantage, for twenty-seven pounds the pressure o! duil matemialiem l,,s fat. Weigbing and testing is and depressing ýsocialism. the qnickest and sureet way o! de- _____ tectiug those that are below par value. The !act that ceai emoke, as one o! the mauy causes o! -impure air, is f avorable te the deveiopmnent o! tubercuiss as long been recog- nuzed.- Since- the cusadere againet tubercuiosis have been giving se mucb attention to thc removai 0et conditions favorable te the disease -in ether words, te social preven- tive measures-it ie natural that Ithe emeke nuisance bas corne in fer more and more discussion from tluis peint o! view. One -o! the lateet volumes on tuberculosis, which treats the dis- case as prex entable, gives -mucb space both te discuesing thre rela- tuons between emoke'and the dis- case and te detaiiing the specialI waye fer abolishing smoke wbicb sbould be adopted. We are given Professor Jacobi's statistie, wbicb show that tuberculosie, bronchitis and pnenmenia have decreased in large Engiish cities since the time succeseful, efforts to. lessen emoke weme undertaken. But these oniy serve as additional evidence Vo, the direct medical arguments. Lu corne cities the use o! soft ceai i prohibited. The substitution o! the elect-?ie engine or o! the "fine- lese locomotive" wbich bas a steam tank filled at a power station, for its ýmotive power is advecated. The cîty o! the fiture, wili ne doubt, tbmocugb ue ag-ency -or another, se- c'ire socesar Wben -1a henpecked nian-detalk 1r'e epak is ifý;e's mmld. C. F. W. Ottawa, August, 1909. TRU ST AND DO. Psalm 37:- 3-5, R. V. Unto a fiend onice brave and brigbt, Who bad become in sormow'e nigbt A much discenraged man, An earuest belper spoke the word, "«Cast aIl your came upon the Lord, And do the best yen can." Weigbed in the ceaies ce truc and Hie said, in Him I Surely trust Who schapes Ceation'e plan: But trust is unassaiied, I cleariy cee that I bave f ailcd To do the beet I can. Then said bie, "with this trutb in t îew, 11e xii my failing strength renew For wemk wbicb nowI scan; Hie wili bestow the grace I ask That I may gladly meet my task And do the best 1 can." "Net less e! faitb do I desire, But more o! that all-conqnering fire Whicb faitbful work muet fan; Net lese I trust the will divine, But more I seek witb what is mine To do the best I eau." The' patb wbich seemed se bard and long Was brigbtened soon wîtb ligbt and Song, And brighter days began: Made wisem 'by thec ýhastening rrd, He says Vo otheris "trulst in God,ý Auld d the best yenu eau." T. WATSON. GrantbumsIyt, Ont., 1909. are in any donbt as to date of ex- ,cursion from yonr district apply te local C. P. R. agent, who wiil ai- se fnmnieh times ofeps'cial train 's, or write Vo R. L. Thompeon, Dis- trict Passenger Agent, C. P. R., Toron)1to- DISTINCTION. Some one asked Max INordaîu te - f iiit telisicr-op -wi cuuc uctn i CUt f TROUBLE For Four Long Yoars He Suffered- Tncn "Fruit-a-tives" Brcught Relief. Stratford Centre, Wolfe Ce., Que. May litb Ai,198 I have heen completely cured ef a frightful condition of my stotnach throu,-h this wonderfui mnelicine, "Fruit-a- tives.' I suffered for fo>ur long years with this troub--, 1,My Iead acheti incessantly. I cüulti net eat anything but What I sî'freu awful pains front tndigestIon. 1 useti every known ncimedy a-id was treateti by physicianý3, but the dyspepsta anC, heati- aches persIsteA un spite ef the treat- ment. and insa .yntity Wel," said the- ', antho'r e!"Dgeemaio," "te, luieis>, a, lassure o!fis The pen se iason for enake etories bcaird anid clothes." i ere. 40" txn1g, 1are being treated to a diver- - sity o! dJecoration, wide tuck.s, di- *fVided bY grouIPs of pin tucks, pe i-asii 1011 sentiing an extremcly cbarming 'e!- fecet iiiany of the transparént ma- -~ va.teniais, nIlnts. ,~LOCAL OPTION IN ORILLL4. Before the licences were canceiled FADS AND FANCIES. there were seven boteis in Orillia, Artificial flowers are more worn a place of about 7,000 inhabitants. than ever.- Each had an a-verïage bar trade of Oriental colors continue Vo bc $65 a day-a yearly- expenditure 'O! popular for triminig. 1oser $146,000. gow the merchants Linens are h most mnodish say that unoney goes to thenu and among the new !abric bats. te the banks. The town is quieter, Tucks and sbî bave crept but more prosperous.- Strict en- in as bip decorait,5ns, forcement of the law is "making Black and white combinations are bacon" -o! the "biind pigs." Tbe ail the rage for bats. treating systemi is practically abol- Crinoline and the coarsest wcaves ished. The amouint. o! lîquor con- of strtiw are alike fashionable. sumed bas been greatly reduced. Black hats trimmï,d with coiored Several hotels give flrst-class -ac- fiowers are baving- a decidcd vogue. commodation to traveilers. ,,Bnsi- Some of the new imnforted para-, ness is good. Everyone wluo votcd sols are, completely covered witb for the measure ltolds that it bas fring-e worked successfully and mnany wbo Many summer gowns are made voted against it acknowledge their o! the figured or stripcd cotton mistake. Local option bas at least marquisette. removed the bead centre o! rowdy- This summer',u aegligee may be ism, disorder and political corrup- anytbing froua dotted Swiss te tion that makes people blusb for crepe de chine the credit o! their country. Chie! It is predicted that puffed eleeves of Police Reid says :-"I'm flot a will return before the end -of the itemperance man, but the sooner summe r. any town abolishes the bar tbe Gray suede is pepular for low better." sboes, while for standard wear tan bolde its own. WA 8ICIDR? Many o! the new cotton fabries VA ISTC DRT show,,a toucb o! the Persian in color L steodAgoSxnnm and- design. I steodAgoSxnnm Immense liues have appeared in for Dandruif and it's a good one. bat trimmings, as well as feathers If you have dandrufi you have itch of liuge dimensions. dirt and the littie microbes tbat The white lace veil that in the are part and parcel of dandmuff earîy spring was a no0veîty is now are working persistently nigbt and the veil cf the dy day and sooner or later will reach The lace scar! is iised to deck the vcry life of your bair and de- manysmat hae aid tkesthestroy its vitality. manysmat brs ad tkesthe Then you'll be bald-Bald te place of ail other trimming. stay-for noV even the wondcrful The lace veil in rich -brown is ai rejuvenating properties in Parisi- favorite with burnt straw, leghorn, anSg.a rwhi fe h and brown bats. iarbl rro sda.Prsa 1Wbeat ears of ahuormai size are irbborooisda.Prsn taki-ng the place oi the aigrette inj Sage cures Dandruf!. Jury & fashonabe ciffues.Loveil, the druggusts, selîs t-re- Newest lingerie !rocks froifi Paris' commends it adgaate t show less lace and handwork and oniy 50 cents a large bottle and morelitle rffis an pufs. your money back if it fails to cure Dandruif, Falling flair and Itch- The long black silk coat, wbich -n !teSap is again modisb, ir one cf the gen- erally useful fashions of the hour. There is a strong rumor that bats taller in the crown and narrower LITERARY NOTE. in the brim are Vo bc brougbt ont. Linen coats witb foulard gowns, The August issue -of Busy Man's the linen inatcbing the ground col- Magazine is an educationai num- Or, is one cf the whîms of the me- ber. The rapidiy passing mid-sum- ment. mier vacation reminds parent ard Corset covers and chemnises fit child, teacbcr and taugbt, tbat aimost 1traight across the front, Iscbool days are again'not far off. there being littie or no fulluess at There are brigbt, snappy special the top. articles on the great subject of edu- Batiste, fior the fir't time in the cation, among tbem teing "Life in history o! the fabrie, is-making up Itesidential Sbos""In Advanec, coats te blworý witb silks and o! the Pulîmnan," "'Wbat Canada's voies.Public M en Read," and "h Ne- Some o! the-nsiartest o! the late cessîty o! a BusinessTring millincry impjortatio)ns are straws Otheieer antrstn 1cn in a cinnamoinn shade, timmed witb tibuin are, <tWhen an Emper-1 black.' or Ruled in Canada," "The Rivai A novel sleeve arma 'uýt is te, Rain-Makers o! the Yukon," and cover the stitcbing x'. -- a row o! "The Liglit Side o! Finance." Therei soutache bra d, ending under a are bai!-a-dozen eatcby and capti- small flat bu 'tton. vating novelettes. The August edi-ý Black collars and often bands or tion o! Busy Man's je supembly il- lapel !acings, withblback hats, ac. lustrated from cover to cover and company many naturai coiored lin- is unduoubtediy the best waÂn 'ev.t- en or pongee suits. ther copy yet prodnced. Some o! the prettiest imported________ Japanese parasols are o! pongeel silk, with bandl]sm -wondem!uily i IARM LABOIRERS' EXCURSIONS' carvcd in oriental designs. Jet buttons are lused even on lin- ý20,000 Men Wanted for Western en suite and petted chains and flex- aesng ible brooches and bracelets areIlrctig among the many forme that appear. To meet the demand for !amm lab-ý For the usefi tailor mnade the orers in Manitoba, Saskatcbiewani girls are having either the wvhite and Alberta, special second classe linen waists embroidered lightly in excursions will be the Cana- the color o! tbe materiai or o! white dian Pacifie -Raiiway from ail On- madras ,striped with the color. tario stations. Cost o! -one-way Chaiýs glove-s in ceam color ticket i_)Vo inýnipeg je $10.06, and and paie yellow are extremely !rom V" nnipeg to points wbere smart witb t'ailomed- suite -o! wool -or laborers cortract te work they wîll mohair, but wbca the weatbcr je bc, carried -withont charge. After varm noting but the siik giove is at ieast eue montb's work in the bearable. harvest field, ýa ticket back te, On- Most o! the summer frocks are tarie startung point will bc issued made witb sligbt puf! s at the elbow at $18.00. Tickets are enly good or sleeves that -are nuodcrately on Farm Laborers' special trains. pur1ffed at the shonîder and gaather-, Tickets will also be issued to wo- EVIRIWOMAN It toits about the rleaniugatigzd (yeing SHOULD HÂVB et 8e g arme nte. our BooK. eDp-a eoato isti. etîtteandisatins. M loves, laes5etoeuî lteec ih(. ' crtie edxaylotenioo! t,11toil o itt .1 bn go eflc andi,,irt.ainw et the home beauiw The iugvstfonuit mazrv, will ave you niany a ,do,,ar ia the <eceot a yeer. Wtvrite for n frce py. We afiy express cba-ee; îloe ao wy on " M Y VALFT" FOUPNTAI4 'tUE CCLEANZR J FASHIONS KINGS KILYJ. Render Theni Unsaleable if They Do Not Like Them. That Royalty can kili fashions, as well as make tbem, was pmovedý in Berlin, Germany, wbcre tons o! tbousands cf the beebive bats for ladies have been rendered sudden- ly unsalcable owing te, the bitter denunciation o! the Prin.cess Pan'- line o! Thurn and Taxis, h e cently wound up a, fumionstrd againet the new types o!fheadgearl by likcning them ,te "wastepaperi zbaskets turned upside, down." 1 Iu tbe camne way, the Directoire style o! gown, lateiy revived, wae nuad.e unfashionabie for fifty ycams by the, Emprese Engenie, wbo chose 7iruetead the; wide-flowing skirt, wbich later developed into the cri- noline. Similarly, Queen Alexan- dra, wben Princese o! Wales,, de- creed that the bat sbouid supereede the bonnet for ail fashionable wo-, anuen, wbether married or unmar- ried, and it was soe. Some ton or twelve yeams ago m nen adopted a silly littie fashion *of tgoing about ttitb the bottome of their trousers turned np always, 1even in fine weather. This idiotiei idea -wae kiiled by King Edward, ivbo appearcd on the lawn at As- -cot witb bis nether garments osten- tatiousiy strappcd tigbtly down vcr a pai r o! snow-white spats. A seýaseno tw-o laVer he put in an .jppeaLrance witbout tbe, spats, and ferthwith every man wbo aspimcd t,) be censidered even moderately v. cli greomed did likewise. The oid-fashioued "fob" watch ribbon e! watered silk, witb ceaie attacbed, that used te be wemn by our gandfathers,, was distasteful to Prince Albert, Queen Victoria'sj l-usband--, who iutmodnccd a plain chain o! gcld in its stead. W,, cal tluem "aiberte" te this day. Queen -Victoria disliked Garibal- di, the Italian liberator, and weuld. noV wear, nom aiiow any o! these, about ber te, wear, the sieeveless garment calied after bim. As a me- suit, the new fashion, wbich cap- tumed Europe, neyer eaily caugbt cri in Englaud, but populamity amongst what used then Vo be con- temptuonsiy designated the "Iower nm*" WOMEN LYNCII A FLIRT. Dmagged by the Hair Through a lVillage Street. Details o! tbe lyncbing cf a yonng and beautîful woman by a crewd o! jealous me6mbers o! ber own sex are te baud from St. Petersburg. The affair took place mest wcek in the Village o! Veleckbi, in the Rus- sian Govcmnment o! Voîhynia. The -îictim had incnmmed the hatred cf the othèr women in the village by hem flirtatieus witb the men e! the neigbborheod, both married and single, and feelings reached a cli- mfax when it became kuown that n ber acconut one o! the yonng men e! the village bad broken hie promise te marry anether girl. On coming eut cf chumch the ctber day the womnen, botb old and youing, tbmew tbemselvcs upon the flirt, and in spite o! ber cries for mercy tome ail ber clothes off. They then dragged ber tbmougb the village by the bair of ber head, bcatiug and stening ber mercilessly. At fumet the nmen iaughed, but, wheu tbey saw bow savagely the girl wae being maltrcated tbey attempted te rescue ber. Tbhe infuriated women, howcver, drove, tbcm off and then dragged their unhappy victim, who w-as by now a mass cf wounds, te a large tmee juet enteide the vil- lage, where tbey banged hem Vooee et tb«e branches and then iighted a fime o! bmnshwood under ber. Wben the police arrived on the scene tbey folund the vic'ýtim o! )the women's fury iyiaig under the tree, blackened tVo a cinder. 'NEWCASTLE. Mr. John Dyer, Port HopT.e, vie. ited hère recently. Miss Thgrmpson, Ciao s"n iti'ng her 'cousin, Asa. The Misses Hedges visited frieDidn in Toronto. Fuller Cator, Darlington, výisited Mr. Wm. Parnell. Miss Sara Moise will teach at S, S.- No. 3, Darlingcon. Frank Bone and sister-in)-la,, iMrs. Hemn,, Montreal,viie friends in Oshawa. Mr. Frank Gibson is down fo the city visiting his mother, -Mrs. Jas. Gibson, who is ill. Mr. G. H. Waterbouse, Canadian Express Co. Route Agent, iset cd their office-here Tuesday vteek, Mr. Young, Building Inspect,( Toronto, was in the village Monday inspecting the work on the Method. ist church. Miss Bertha M. Wilkinson, Port Whitby, former teacher of Eût' y. prise school, spent the past inointhi at Belmont. The Village Treasurer at lasit nmeeting of Cour1cil reported a cash balance in bank of something over $MO. Mrs. (Rev.> Willis G.,ace and young son and bier mothýer, -of Manitoba, are visiting at M4rs. John llancock's. Dr. Stanley Uglow, wi t h is wifo and son, of Chicago, Ili. , ýrti at his fathcr's, Mr.. Iow, speuding their holiday. Mr. McKay and daughter w-ith Mr. Charles Thorne autoed downi from tho city and remained ovecr the holiday at Mr. Tbornc's. James Rickard and Herbert Hani- cokwere delegates to the Mectbo-. ist Financial District mneeti;ng at Maple Grovc. Mîr. Charles Brittain and sistier, Miss Gertie, acconïpanied bytei cousin, Miss Aima Douglas, bavc rcturned to their home in Toronito, Miss Leta Allen, Lakefield, auc companied by, Master Russel Al1- len, are spending their vacation witb ber sister, Mrs. John Moffatu,> ai, Belmont. Mrs. (Dr.> ConlY, nee Cir-istina Bigham, ieft Tuesday to joL in be husband in Victoria, Asrla 11cr iany friends bere wisb b ler bon voyage. Foster of Bowmanville, shipped ai ,car load of cattie to Montreal, -among whicfr was a beast- fed by Ilceve Colwiil whicb wcigbed 1960i pounds, and three e<,wvs hc scaled 4,000 pounds. Howeli iRowland and, sister Mai on visited theirsitrnla, rs Ralph Rowland, 0f Wiïînipeg w1wo is visiting ber pins ~.&Ms J. F. Clarke, Port loc Hie ilonor Judge T. . Chapple, FortFrances, an old Nextcatle oy, recently xvas prcsented witht a vert complimentary address in appreOl- ation of the splendidl services ren-, dered as judge in the Rainy Rive District. The district bas now beeil clivided and the judge's duties wilI. lre muých lighter. The Rowland familYrcevdtf sad news of the sudden death o!d their cldcst son, William, at sel- kirk, Man. Rie was married o)nly two years ago and leavem a wido-w and a six-months-old cýhid. liq was in the 42nd year. A brother in Toront-o ]eft to be prceent at the funeral. The f amily hav-e tho deep sympatky of the commurnity in their bereavement. ervous, iseIs DRS. K & K. ESTABISHED 20 YEARS, Conulttio Question Blank ~« Feu for A NERVOUIS WRECK ROBUST MANH,;-OOa Kld~ey, la~der nd UIn nr Disase, aidal Don't -aste youyr tme nad nonsy on eheup, danmgerous, experimental treatment. Do(n't inerease ai, your own cstgour sufferirgs by being e rnented onh with remedles âh they dai tohaù. ut dIscove*d., But coïne to US ln confidence. W~e will treat yen eonsclentioly, honestly and skiliffuiîy, an,! restore you. to heaith ln the shoitest pos- sle titue with the leasi medicine, discoiorin and expen1se practicablo. Each case la treted a th symptoma indicante. Our New !,%oi soriginal and has stood the test fer twentyy7slie 1 1,

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