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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Aug 1909, p. 5

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Goîssa E0ST ç*Mg WEST t~~~~~~~~~. Exrs ..~54 . ~~o5 4.22 a&M 'p s . 10.13 , o'l I4 ý.ne..8 .,I s3o.1 49 ,f . 9.58 . Jqx&LovyELL, Town"Agents. Arc you contemplating getting a Business Edu- cation ? Then fil ini your name and address, mail this Coup- on to the REMINGTOIN Business College 269 College Street, Toronto. and ýget by return mail a ýropy of their liandsome Catalogue, MME........... ADD)RES S.. ............ WREN WE TEST EYES I-T-LÇ -DONE-PROI5ERLY' JURY andl LOVELL eraclnuatos of, Chicago, New York, Detroit. -and Toronto Optical Coileges iE - 1 nnwmAN17TT1Iý &TT< 12.1909,, n. Local 'and Personal. îHigh Sohoole open Tueeday Sept 7. Henry F. Cope'e sermonette Je fine. Bert Reid, Clarke, was at Lakafieid recently, Dr. Harris, formerly of Blackstock, lo at Huntsvlleo. Pageenger trafice acrose Lake Ontarlo has been good iately. Fred'White was ln Peterboro hs week. saïs The Review. AIT Pennington vlelted Miss Clar& Penalogtou, Port Hupe. SThe Eeview says Senator Robt. Belth was ln Peterboro recentiy. Dr. Etmo W. Sisson epent Sunday wltb friende in Port Hope. Mr8. B. Bernhartt. Preston Springs, ls visiting bMrs. W. Qalck. D C Bette of the Bank of Montreal recently visited in John Louis Grosjean la Licenoe Com- miesioner lu West Northiumberland. Mise E 0 Mitchell, teacher, St Marys, le pending holldaye in Bowmanvllle. Miss Amanda E. Bond, Oshawa, epent Sunday with lier cousins at Lorne Villa. About 185 went on ldeai Band's Nia. gara Falls excursion trom Port Hope. Miss Stella Blackburn-, Darlington, bas been vleitlng Mrs Geo Runnalis, Zion. Miss Bella Bingham, Tvrone, Is violit- ing lier elster, Mrs, 0, A WVatts, King et., E. been vlsltlng lier ecouin, Mre Elgin Wîight. HJn. J. R. Strattoa, Ni, P., Feterboro, was guest at Fotel Bowian on Wed nesday. Thomae Evans, St Mlarvo, la vlidtng old acquaintances lu Osihawa and vrIelntty. Mr H Odell. Orono, las been visïtlig bis eon IessAI et and J.ohn UdelT, Cobourg.- Mr, and Mrs John Mcil , Toronto, are hiolldaylng at her motlier's Mra. R. Windatt. Dr Frank Trebiicock and wlfe, Tor- onto, reeentiy visited Rev T Snowdon, - ~ iJanetvIlle. Summer Term~ ODpen.sJunc th In ail Departments of CENTRAL Business College. of TORONTO. Spcctai provisions for SenIior fligh Sehnool tudents, al for Teachers Cho uciay wlsh to prepare for Comme,.ial kSpeuillîst Examiin-aiIons, Particulars sent free on requcat. W. H1. SHIAW, Principal.I rSchool Suppies AT "BIG20" 'New Pub, liC School~ READERS Receied'to-day a[so îtank Books et/ai! kfnds, -ï W-T.ALLEN Big.2O Bockstore Best Value lu Tea allnd Colfee Gi,,e m ne a trial order, Ideal IInCe aRedueei.Aiîir'c abond Feed Umar amen eggs addaîry poueare-l ihich. PETER IVURDOCHl TO NWSJSRBR Thispapr wll e set b CandiL 25ssbcioet a» ,11,froi Mr, snd Mns. J. C, Hedire were cali. ed liane tlirough the ilînemi cf lien eloter MXIss Marie Lnttneli. ; - 1 Mn J E H Jury lias beau ra-elected councIllon for District No. 3, Oitarno Collage o! Pbammacy, Mark Prout sud wile aud Wlllir H Mallon and wl!e, Toranto, vislted at their father's, Hugh Maibon. Meea. F. C, Pethl'ck, W. J. Funze and Davis Luttraîl are atteuding Grand Lodqe, 1. O. O. F , at Ottawa. Misses Imena Roblin, Hamilton, sud Minto may or, Buffalo, N Y, have been guestg o!fMiss Florence Mayer. ,Mise Frances E Couler et imu STAT- SAN staff le yiaitlug bel? mother aLd, ather relatives lu St Catharines. _ .Port Hope conneil lis voted 8100 ta the Ideal Concert Baud for elght con- cents, That town gets off easy. ' Master Lamne Bnimacombe, Rochester, N. Y., le vlsltitg bis ncle, MnGao. W Blkell sud other relatives bore. Frank Lonug. Las Angeles. Cal, visit- Ing bis fathen, G M Long, Oroai, was lu Pont Hope Tnesday te see his unais Thomas Long. W H Stînsan sud daughter Laura. Janetylîle, sud Mise Ly île, VIctoria Road, necentir took a trip ta Bawman. vîllls.-Warder. Misses Yale, Toronto, sud Hutch in. sou, Pont Hope, sud Mre. R. Woodlev, Tyrans, woee ecent gueste o! Mmre. T. Woodlsy, Duke St. Rev H Britten, rector of Si Matthew's Churdli, Hamîlton, bas realgned ta beome science master et Tmlitrv Col. loe School, Part Hope. W L Cuurtice aud wife, Pickering, visitad lu Danilugton owing ta the serions ilînefs a! bis brother and wife Mr Mnd Mne A J Courtice. 1Mra. Bradford, Winuipeg, Man., wbo lias beau vislig hem sisten, Mrs G. C, Haines, le viaitlng relati zoo at Cobourg. Rochester aud othar places. Mn. Joshua W. Adams, Guelph, fer. merly o! this towu. gave us a f riaudîr cali Thursdav. fHand hie daugnter ans visltiug Newcastle friands. Rev. L. S. Wight, B. A. B. D., sud àIfe bave natumned freim their trip to Seaattle,- Vancouver. Winnipeg and other points.-Brighton Ensign. Mise Florence Belîmai, hbad mililuer for Brown's Limlted, Portage la Prairie, Mai), bas beau spendlng a few dai s at bar fatliers, àr E Balîman, "Baisam Grae," J R binIou anti wife, W L Courtica e. tid wlfe sud Harold and Garnet Court- Ice were ut Westea isSI waak attariding the itîneral o! thea late Jas Carruthars, wbo was a brother cf Mrs lioi and a 1father of! Mte Courticee-Picceîing Mîts V B -Marvin, darigh'er cif e Dr kirîn Iats w, fotn Irlv off 'l-1 Etit' cc'Jte Nrmnal ýcboIai nd 1crie nec,- :'ars- xaminations at Aibert Coi. Dr ectiM'-sA. S Vcgi tlr-1 atil Joronto, à_-a spenia-te ns ntbo h' sasb~a. t Bitta Rocks, Goo.îr a.l k-a, P, cf essi rall NwX r~lBoston, on dUtýiastlîv it MIss l-Iwkins who hbistceJr Miss3 Luttreli as erganîlst cf St ih' c uri and Is giving excellent servlce hitnds nrgantzîng a chats fýror ra n and Piano pupi's lu Bowwmniille as îndica teti by card eisewbsre. Shac is au experienceti mi c taaýcbeî al ntipes te, receiva former nmembabrs o!f iss bt- dasirabia thas4 applicatiDins bmti l'or infants and Chuidl(ren, B3ears the sigrUatvrae Ç" Fort Ilope's tax rate le 27 mille. Dînuer sete at reduced prices at F. j Raddy's. 1Mie Eva Spry le vlsltlng lier- aunts Kingston. Send this paper to absent friends-2,1 te end of 1900. Special patterns cf Wall Pa per at 1 C.Trebilcock's. Miss Stella Mason, Toronto. la bl daying at home, Freali reliable garden and field seed at F. A.,Haddy 's. Mise May Scott, Toronto, @pont Sui day with Mre. Jos. B, Pse. Mies Irene Norrîs. Port Hope, ie vieil lug at Mr. F. B. Whitlng'a. (l at Luttreil's anv îne and get. refreahing ibe cream oaie Dr. and Mrs. G. M. Trewln, Ohw epent Eunday at hie father's. Mra W J Solomon, Toronto, lias bo visltlng tIhe Misses Stepliens. Mr. W. Prower, Bank of Montroal Peterboro, opeut Sunday Isere., Mrs John ,Elford la vIitiugr ber soi Arthiur A Elford, Buffalo, N Y. Wmn Folcy ie vlsîting hie scn Rev 1- WFoley, B A, B D, Bobcaygeou. Mre John HamibIyn speut a f ew' dayý nt Kingston and Cape Vincent, N Y. Cali and get a free sample bottle ci Furniture Pouaeh. L. Morris & Son Maddy's Ideal Tea 13 stili the stan dard. To be bad ouly'from F. A. Haddy. Mie Blanche Walter, Brunswick Ave. Toronto. la summsring at Port BoW mauville. Mls'g Florence Trewlu, Enniekillen la boiidaying wlth MiW Elsis Rundie, Betliesda.1> -Hom "JRYtrtto-n-aud -Senat-,î Beltli were guests, Tuesdav, at thE Arlington House, Dr and Mrs L B Williams and daugli. ter. Luelia, Toronto, bave been vleiting st Chas Williams'. Mr, and Mre. Harold Pearson, Tor. wltli Mr. Fred, R. Foley. Mr Thos Goodman and wlfs, MeirosE Park, 111, are visîitng ies brother Chat Goodman and other frIeuda. Don't borrow vour neighbor's papez wbeu a usw subseriber eau get thît paper for 25e to Jan. 1. 1910. Men's two-piece suite and fancy vestk selllng off at greatly reducsd prices al Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman's. Mrs W. G. Yule and son Fred, Chic- ago, ElI., are vis lting lier brother, Mr. Wm. Qalck and old friends bore. When la need of patént medîcînes remember that sou can g et thora at Jury & Lovell's for the wholesale prîcces. "IOte, Bowman la given nearly a êpiumu article ln ug 6,Issue of The Pioneer , Toronto, and eredited te thîs !journal. Mrs Downa, Miss L Downs, Miss NeIl and Charle Carruthere, attended the funeral o! the laie Mrs Caleb South.on, Colborne. Robert Moment was a good man, and bis life was fuillaf goed worke. We pubîleIs an cbituary on an muner page rrom Orono News. Port Hope Times wanta the Canidian Nontheru Rallway station lu the town lnstead o! east oi Trînlty College whIch Ie too near Cobourg.- Misses Olga Williams. Toronto, andi Leta Gifford, Oshawa, who bave been' = Iivng at Chas Williams, bave ne- îundto their homes. t3unday was thse botteat day lu two y'etis. A Ilttîs child named Kelly alnted In Sunday Soboal, and many bave Euffered more or less. Master MeTavial teills us that tliis town was named aiter Charles Bowman, not John as stated ln a recênt iesue. We are thanIkfui for the correction. Get your faneral dosigusa&t S. J Jackman'e9, A large number of abapes ke tint,>ck-Soclety emblems,wreat ha, harps, crosses, broken wheel, Cateas 9j r, stars, etc. Phione 8), August 2lst wiii ns our firat anniver- sary lu our new store and we lntend to celebrate it; b giviug a day o! bangains. Watch this paper for partîculara uext Get a camera. Tbey pisase and lu- struct old and young and are now no cheap as to be wlthbn easy reach o! ail. PrLses from 81 up and jury & LevelI will teach yen ta use them. Jimmisl Reynolds saye ho wlll waik from King Edward hotel, Toronto. ta Port flops and back lu 14à hours and push a cart. Don't be so foolish, Jîs»- mie, Stick toyour liather and shave". Miese8 Maude and Elsie Rundie, Bethesdi, entertairoed a nàumber of Young people Wedaesday evening lu bonor of their friend, Miss Florence Osborne, Ceut tico, who le vl8iticg thom. Blliott Business Collegc, Toronto, 18 haný t s erdinlnY jpnize iLa, Any o'erson I.ntereýsted il ý;rac vs, a copy by en3,ding addss to Secr-etary icar ~px45Y, Cshawo. Mr JohnHe!vanr, jr-, hËF eura rom moth'etnpto Seattle, yWash, gning 1via the Ultd tats ndretra-, ng via Canada througb the iRockiee Lc is delilghted kwilhLis tnp h favIbn neýt mnanv ld Ifrienda on theIway aul easad is yeson emao! hamost IiiignatitruPeýg Toliet Sets frcm *1.50e up, at F.1 A. Haddyv'e. TceeCreain upplled lui any quantit Brighten np wîth P. C. Treblcoci 5c Wall Paper. Newcastle, Orono and Oshawa uew p. on Insîde pages. Misa Lottie Cawken le visltlng nel. Il- tives lu Taranto: Mre. (Rev,) R. Hinde lias been visitink le relatives lu Graiton.11 Caned pase, corn and tomatos, Sfor 25e at F. A. Haddy'le. F. A fiaddy liae on sale some larLy Sand lusclous watermelcns, Miss Gertrude Coi le' vlslting be a brother Reuben lu Toronto. Watch for Nîcholîs' Aniversary sale bîRemember the date, Aug. 21st. A dlali o! Luttrell's Ice cream on n hot day goes great*, Tryone. Have a look at cuir Baby Carniageâ 1,uad Go Carte, L Morris & Son, Mr. Samuel Gaies feil fnom a barn 0 set week and broke several ribe. Mies Nellie Oram, Toronto. le vlsitlnj 1Mrm. Alex. Taylor, Concession Street. We have ail sites and priees of! mat- Stresses and aprînga. L Morris & Son. Misa Arvila Cox and Mise Hardy ane Evlstlng frieuds In Toronto %ad Graven- Shurst, Mene E traw bats eelling off at hll price at Oouch, Jolinstais & Cryder- man's, See our uew Limoges stock patten lu China. F. A. Haddy, China Hl Grocery. 810 te Wînnlpeg-20, 000 nmen wvanted. iRead about fartm laborers'1 excursion on lusîde page, home after an enjoyable visît with friandsetiere,' If yan want thse news or t'Owmanviiiî and Durhiam county you must read The James Papere, Thse many fnienda of Mn. H. C. Hoax ment lu bis case. B Footballs. shin pada and aIl sporting gonds at Trebiicock's Wall Paper and Stationary depot. Dont faîl ta secure some of the rbargains in summer gonda at ConcIs Mn. H S. Grifflu and wile, New York, are enjovlug a pleasant holiday witL Rev. and Mna. T. W. Jollîffe, Wbeu Jury & Loveil test eysyca 1le doue properiy. and if your eyes ueed attention tIse best service le none toc good Mr. and Mrs- S. O'Brler, Town, and Miss Ruby Palmer, Treherue, Man,, axre vleizbng Mra. Truman Power, Maple Grave. Mrs. M. Hern and daugliters Annie and Gertrude and Miss Margaret Pat- ton. Toronto, vleýted at Mrs, J. Me- Int3 re'e. We are seliing iots oi aur 25e te&. Ia It any wouder? It would begod value at SOca-1b. Have yoixtried it at Arche Tait's P Mns. Daniel--Gilbent, late 0f Wood- stock, le guest cf her sieter, Mn.s. W. R R. Cawken, prier ta takilng up teýsidece Iyr-,chester,NY Sons o! Engiand asud Pouzudry cm ~ oeaatteuded the funeral o! Wm. J. taceyWednesday, Hifslaves a wlfe nti thnee ehiidrenw who depended on rEi.M MLea i, Barrister, New- asîile, bas urchased thse practice o! Mn ouald Galbraith Re wlil attend the owmanville office ou Tuesday, Thure- a and Saturdav. Ses business card, -ho1 marniage o! Ruby Ethel-, eldest daugliter o! James F. Hoxior, Port Hope, ta Harry S. White o! Toronto, eldeet son o! H. White, Port Hope, le auucunced te take place at Port Hope Septemben BIb. An impossible tbiug ta fiud a piaster equaled ta '-TIse D. & L." Menthol, and Iioe nîg imltated. Get tIsegenlune. For aide aches, backaches, stitchea, uotbxng equale it. Made by Davis& Lawrence Coa, Citlzens who mat Mercy E. Powell. wbe as a girl vlsited at Counclilor Trebr licock's, wili read the Cauad Ian Nation- al Hymu eomposed by bier, 11or whlch s waa awardad n valuable prîze wltb Intronet-on an muner pace. Mr. W. J1. Trenoutb, teacher a!o Nev tonville sehool for 8 yaars, bas accpptedi the PIincIpalship of Norwoadi SeùooL. He wil ha sueeseded hy MssBessis! Staples. Mr. Treneuth moved tblbs new home last week -Orono, New.._-, Castoria 25c, Nerviline 17c, Piuk }'ilI9 3 for $1, Dodd'k Plilla 8 for $1, Carter 'S Pills 15c, Burdock Blond Bitters 65c, Bec!, IJoo & Wiue S50c, Eciectnie 011 15e Zam Buk liSo, Talcum Powder lie, sud othèr patent madicines at whoiesaie prices at Jury & Lavell's. Physicai Diractor Roe s ofe!Boston BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Lom,,p loo %a........82 90 to $8 0 W.a ,Fail, bush ...O0 m leO087 tg Sprig e.... n00 fi1D 82 il Red Fife ......o000"et3 87 et Goose ....000 et 082 BaaLsl, Pbusho1 ... o05o"t o55 OAms, white fg,...... 000"es05U Rvnm, Il.............000"00,73 BUOKWEA f.............O0 0elO080 PimAs, Blackeye, V bush.. 0 00 1 o 00 fi Canadian Beautles 0 90 te 1 00 il Smnalî ' 000"il0 85 el Bine " 001,11 0 75 CLOVEIISEID.............4 50"il5 50 Tx imovS»icr>......... 225 4 2 75 BurTER, best table, f lb... O0 0"tu 20 EGO3S, idoz ..........O0 050go20 POrA'rBSi, V bush......0 00"t 6 RAY Utor,.......001. 900 L OST PEARL SUNBURST witb ostone b the cent-e. Sltable reward wlll bu given. Please leave at tbis office, 32-t! -lEMOVED-Dr G. C Bonnycastle 1-bI bas removed his, office te rooms upstairs ln Luttrell's new block, Bowmanville. 25-lyr SERVAN £r WANTED-Midlle aged, kperson pre!erred. byflrst oet Septemba. Mite.IR. C. HÂisEs, Bowmanvllle. 32-2w* M/ONEY TO LOAN-at 5 and 5.& per A.YA. cent on mortgage securlty. Private fonds Apy te R R. LoscomisE, Barristcy, Dowman- VIlle, 32-tr F ARU FOR SA 0 RENT - 155 acres. enc ew !Bowmanvllle, Rood buildings,iwtth ýt.7.2sta.blîug, For par. ticulars appiy to ST4TES iN 0roacz or box 340, Bowmnanville. St-tf H 'vOUSE FOR SALE-A crum!ortable 1-7 roomed traine hause; bord and so't waier many kinudî o! fruit; situattd on the corner o! Ontario and Dui bam»St. Bowmanvllle, pl to GOO E. MÂYNAc~RD, Bowsnanvilie. 29-yf H OUSE TO RENT - Good brick residence containtng 8 roons,, Electrie Light and furnace, etc, on 'ecgo Street, B3ou manville. ownod loy mrs. Joh. Gand, Pvus- session imrntdiatûly. For terms apply toMn.s ». WIIiDATr, ScUigg St. BOWM&nVille. 29t! F ýARMrPOLZSALE-70 acres, belng 1lots e20,21, con 5, Clarke, un whicb are good buildings, orchai d aind water. '1'io fars» i8 a good grain and pasture fari and la splendidly Bitluated. if not soid will bc rented. For par ticulars address Mns I"ÂÂO JEWELLHaMIpîon, Or IiÂÂC COBBJLLIICIÇ, OrÇno. 31 4w F ARM~ TO RENT-SO acreg o! firat -V lass land lut exeW cnt condition; one grill àouth of the town of Oshawa. Runniug water anti waterwcrks lu buildings. Splendid orchard, giond bouse andi haras. Ploughing pr 3 îga mmediatly;ý full possession AlîI)l 1910, Alpiy to G, D.00CNANT, Oshawa Il-tf F IARM 'TOTRENT-if30 Acres of land -Vui gooti siate of cultivation, lot 18, con. 3, Darliioton. Gooti buidlngsFlougbin)g hoý spssion iL ii.e fali, full possession Ap"il 1, bl, -For full particulars appiy on the vproiîse tL mils. W, J. JsEe'aaty, norlb of Mapie Gr=.0 to box 1,15, Bimemanville. 26 t! IARM FOIR SALE OR RENT - Oiie .I.olflîe fi tf. ,n s 1lu Darligton consisth; o 15 acres, bPrix g lots-a icn. i x Oni vu !il c ,"! l,-, g Ir , ame flouse, hi- bain 10(r rI ay 1 i iie 'fablJng, renieit mrois, Iiîter tri r x . i oork,; winx' ~ go xixtiîn. evri'n g sr~sm f. ~ 0L tte nî ~î~mx h (wxilees trs i . l' :. !atIcs - i at oint cm as,1 c' arc LIlf I aptto the0 o! lt 4 au.I Daliîîton.On to pruaif eOIC C p pLý 7iCATION n: TRC I. FOE N TIC.E 13EREBY GIVEN thosi C etg IfahrtButton'elaw O! the tr.wi clov Bow nvile mnchu Cipcyo!f lurbamIin te oi,'eof Otro Aît catter, v ll apply blO yalimeît ! Cnaa a, ie etses'ion thereo fr Bla Dvocefrom lhi, If bruein th Ccuîtyo!f 1, lisaid lProvinceý Daet 3GtBwm-ïanvýilie aforesanlît July 511, 5905 o!f amntseaoe.idslctrfor bie NEW MUSIC, TEACI-ER. Mie& E. tlawkins of Toronto, the new onganist of St. John's Church, Bowmanvilie,ireadher of Piano and Orgaîî, wili organizu a class for pupils in Ibis town te open Sept. 1. Addrcss applica- tions te DRAWER B. Bowmanvihiu, Nottice of Births, 25 cents;-, awrnges, 80 cent@; Dcatks, 50 centsc i n- merltion. When funerai a,. r vrinted at thie cilie. Isserton froee VOLxgaBT-In Montreal, Juiy ZSib, to Mr. and Mis. Chas. W. Voikert, a son. CÂWKE-în Oshawa, Aug 8, 10 Mn and Mra Prank Cawker, a daughter. WÂBRES-....1OU1TIAN-At the reidenceof the bride'. parente, Kendai, Ang, 4. Mary SVictoria Christian and Hlenry William Wvarren both of Cobourg. IR,%&& qi- At QshAa-on-the lake, 89 Aug. à 2,l. . as odges, B. A.. Mr. Wm. Prederick Hall# and Mias Elizabieth Mary Gregory both et Onhiwa. SWA&KBrLY-NICHOL - A t Ail Saints 0horçh, Whltby,. Augnet Srd. b y Rev. A. Fordyce Barr, Mg ise Lilian Gatharino Nieholson, and Mr. Max- ~'well Vivien Wakeley, Oshawa. TAâMBLY1-FYLBR-At St. Peter's chiireh, ý,Toronto, Aug. 4. b y 13v, F, Wilkinson, rector, Mr. Chas.,0C Tamiilyn, youngest son of Mr. W. W. Tamblyn, Bowmanvlbe, and Misa Anna re only danghter o! Mr. F. F. Fyler, formerly of >Richmond. Va. fCOCIIEANE-At the residence o! hie mother, Mrs. Samuel Cochrane, lot 34,con.3, Dariington August 6, John James Cochrane, aged 36 years, ADAU&-In Guelph. On JUlY llth. HaYrlett 8Y e ldest riaughter o! Mr .losbua Adams, ag<-d I 5yoars, formerly of Bowmanvlle. JàAssox-In Darlington, Auiut luth, John jamiffson, in bis Tth year. , Lest:LWe Forget E. R. BOIJN8ALL, Designer and Doaler ln S Monuments, T&blets, Markers, etc., ln Granite and Marbie BOWMANVILLE ONT j9UEA IETR cil L. MORRIS d, SON J Moet complote eqnipmel t Sunday and night cal 's prompiiy attended to.J f OWMANVILLE PHONgO go - 4 Branches ORONO HAMPTON T winffeç W. Ha DUSTAN PHONE 74, Our August Clearing, 18 NOW ON And the Genuine Bargains we row offer should induce the heenest Buy. at home. The follawiug are a few of lhe many snaps we now offer, aud. you will find ai otir store irgny largainsnfot menlboned in this lisi. 400 yds coored delainette, reg. 15e for 10e.a yard. Lad' es' long Lisle CGbovas in bVaek, white, cr tam, reg. 50 and 60e for 35e a pair, Ludýes' long ga.ves, extra quality silk Iis!e, reg 75e for I 5ea pair. 3 doz white cmbroideried, wash bets, reg. 25c new 2 for 25C. SLadies' white munslih waiste, reg. 81.25-, sale price 98e. 1 dez. only. fine black salîkette waists, reg. $1,25 for 98e. 1 doz. enly black satean undarskirts, reg. $1.25 for 98e. Ladies' whitewaar, ýunderski.rtF, night gewns, drawers sud corset covers aI exact whoesale prie" Laces and embroideries, goed assartment of patterns,.any Tbe qua]ity, short iengths te elear Raboh ut r pice. Ei2g1ichl oom table lîner, 1 pice on'y. reg. S50c for 38e a yd Tbelinen, 1 place eniy extra special for 28c a yard. 5 rŽ:eecs hast Loch> Lemonti shirting, rcg -15e for 121c a yd. 3a placces stnpcd fianrxeietta, reg, 10e for lc a yard, S75 varda Ci o7orcd cotto-i cashmere, 40 mol !-es wide, sîale p rie el , a lthe rcs Riotîaunts of aIl desuriptions a __ e -.5- fcr 79c. MenI'F -ah vests, reg $1,00 ld 5L,25 enoice(fo 75c. - t- dutik pânti, reg. $1,25 sale1ce 7z. y 2 donly V.,ce-Pî,e'.eIct irraces, rag. SOeo 9c 3 c.Men's heavy unkn cocka, 2 pairfr 25e., Maza~ ozahts, reg. 2ic for 17e, 10c o5, 7-c for 5 31,00 and. ,5for 75e, $î,0OfC' '9_1220 ad $2,25 fer 81.5% IJ, i e~ r Beys' Linïen Hate, reg. 25er. 7e Iekor): 75e or 0eGrocrs'duebile tak'en asoasb N ExI Door to Standard bardi Manufactured by The Peterbero Cord-I age Co., Golden Sceptre 650 ft at 1lOle. Canadian Xedal 600 ft at 9ýc. Every bal guaranteed. Suapport home industry and get your twine f rom GEM JARS BRITISHI GRANULATED SUGAR. At this season of the year, most people require gem jars and granulated sugar. We have the finest Une of gem jars, a jar that will keep fruit perfectiy. Our British granulated sugar is the finest grade of stugar ever offered to the publie. Get this for your preserving from POPULAK A ChPeHONE GROCER t ~65 Highent Price Paid for ail Farm Produce. Binder

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