amgmmarisin1 Saes tous> n Ex eenPac o i Bridgewater Street ; entranrce less moment. Greta gave a erv that o,:us: e maildic e e tobe had by seccaitddkioor window. a rn rm irvr ol ASTROUT C0., Book C 1 Wdedy tmdiagtt-nr Cs!Nrom-nro er sul amarma-,seess.,s-g - ere ils another lesson for West Toronto hears this hle naturally a. al'Tid gtt-o- "hi o-o! Durha m pple naril wihsmies, ot there are- folks right Hplcdtef - .YseItcm nasne oc CI~~~~ ment in huipckt-book. He was froml' -d lips.Fea emd appeared recently ini the Toronto enouowtwnhodnt moving across to, the door H o v p.. a emdt ee ne umo ofth siuatonand °a have paralyzed his himbs. Only- 'Sar stated that 'oronto is the sch uo ftestain n turned there, as if hie could now. nyteewsalo nhsgae mrost expensive place in the world large itly seto eirneother orsieel just a s red of commiseration eyes, a note in the voice, that held -to live, and a few days after the do conside:·able of their shopping for the rusguided man who had so themn spellbound. "Yes ! The man Mayo ofTornto ote th st y mil.. ooften sat at his table--the man whoc wac not worthy -of a womnan's Mayhrthod ooronste a uoterine youate- . ,mai..who had come so near winning lv a oehsdnalta e1eSh aitakenor u8r8xU ro ng st h is 0et toIprlve ,a point, showing con- If you have no ia of what it Gloeanets oe l ta ed and thoroughly reHi&ble schoot lusively thfat lie was in accord w ith costs to run a City store, it would •oemncudd o-" loggm anet ctafhewitrofreericeeTi mydo you good to hear the expriences S o ae! esibut tde ukl wy atbe bei1 J may noa t e r t e an t e a ggiceraTisn utoms n a'ha e co d ctd bu i y. 1ou put your i ead into the staring round at the disordered , , on fat isevientto n sen nss nderthoe cnddnt W nose nd yu, re ekyto take room, made one more effort toe, ontes h A m e n c a n i ent t~ ~ a y e r mo iei, C " o ut "a iri I' on g ou o whisle -r n c h nmef froe; but G r t ' u g n Toroercan -h b s o or any e oher ageConcliasnoild ivnu frup a Constable anid put hmm <n rms held him fast. "You shal / ilig n Tornto C aregothr lare Co"ci" a° to; ndrevene fo Cetaac C uho oot.e the t enoïmous bond debt of the ri1 ¯¯sttonfr ie ny trick And the sow , sunken voice camne sPeeon. HOW about a neW Cou CetrlY C B:ling Trnt. .Th nte ntoeol aeti uncpliy; n ls h t eE~now, any attempt at a double move, again. - igt sowaethe ejbo th e e aseticigh >payad h and lIl get you seven years. 1 "Yes. let me speak--while I can., htcno esrasd faray's rom the cyte omtes et cmpay nt oavndivnd es bthave given you p>ur (one chance, Nothing is solen. I came --Icame Udra 199S possible, enduring the hardhi ps what we'want to ask you to consider and not many men would have done to say good-bye. I could not go ?irn1h n receivot e pr ideiýnt to long car¯rides and poo seriously is a Why should the resitaUderstand ?" , without -one last look--one Word. orngtadWdootmka Zl }©d a Si 0 rrse hna et fBonYlehl oms es. He swayea up, enoking I -loved hier. And there was somne- Agyl steaiship Co. exact r>lsiefthclandlbm odthe deth ose xpnesT'e heto me ut the wods with an effort. "I've, thing to tell- you that you would PHON] eA-eybtcherofth city aglrdce -inor owpn ttestaxehethv s he Ideserve it.You don't not stay to hear. But yu had co eXE TE a t fctalltcherhunded an one is-tnt vey hig, butstill e hae ah nhave [Uged me as gone. I had left it until just too .laLA M very Tue-day and Frichy Boateaves advantages and addit;<>n:îl expenses done our duty whien we have paid ooly let e yn o ionly-- lat selasto tarain ak. lid hoe Neweftaue G.ýOa m.Return Pare me00 of City lFfe. Ini thýese suýburbs Ivuithemn, without assisting the citizes t'O lee. ay oine uit s good-bye Th at sipof papewiasta bind Pon 3 • 13w l 7o 0 ill find prosperouisisores spring- of T<oronto to pay theirs. ,hr nypometa h hl Te a o olwn atngt WMb e . In p Tepopewo oeawrD6yunt0hn0w r dignever know why 1 sami it--vhy I they tried a trick. 1 was to con- s hildreunder45 ycas,,ha rare fromThe typetone (u1 oe enoou nforth irk e e by keep_ ent. HCar rme-let nme tell you trive to let you find the paper, and R Arrivîg tuToronto11.15a m beganse the keepers of tem are ing uip good roads for their auto---- it succeeded within the hour, as Retarhgavl Toronto. Yrge stre t wharf not compell'ed to Charge City prices mobiles, without lping them to 'a- fevrIlsen to you te oe.Iwudhv dyu COBOURG•. týo t udligt raes eingexcssiv aet may pple nOteecontr ho àse." and refused me that good-ye!Dr. and Mrs. Henry Hough, To~ vile o- 0;OshawA anid 'we ithy. $ý 0. TheseDTire> dicants burdens are less districts ob et very strongly to sbrl iitocekwe e oe osoeofyu n otsettewe n ee tet are good either wajydaris thesass and his prices are accordingly more legislate against them. We Wonder e stood with Chris olar on the to take your attention to that guests of the Misses McEvers. FeI î hrlecarfuy1a.d roptl a d erate. "" if they realize how many of them Cntmnental platfor, atVitorahouse while they brought off a coup lRev. lstweattiertusred the at veýry 1 - ,ra tes.The peculiar part -of the situation they pay for by tFeïr shoPpingm-- _genn!y awaiting the ail-boat ex- eisewýere. . . . I was in their pow-asofatwekrmhitipo no Lke New le:FC Pethick, ils that people who live a little far- mail habits. pres for Dover and Calai-,. In 1t, er. A ganibling debt Il it long the Old Country. Bron sh literfam Troto-ha mst % i th mrb a itlecDnidr-camne. Pgle, silent, crushed, Fol-' ago. They used my knowledge Mrs. H. W. Mit.ehell and Mrs. M- 1',pnsive town--do not appreciate ation, and you will fond ihat you kard sang nohi et. dte neo ossa ec. And FrntafaPrhopeted F Te L cl 2 Smeoe Street, Tornto. their himsings, but-actually beleve are Iln the advantage of life in Bastable drew breathquite freely. then-then they-held the sword over ed the regatta here. ' thnAnrhptbte dvnaeBomnile SI S.u <ionot do you The day ticked quickly by. If me. They threatened to expose me Mrs. Cornelius and dauighter, in Toronto than they can in thei o pp ing here, miore than once, as lie heard GretatoyuadtloemGra.IPrarvsingtthhmef om tws.Wente iiznofpyiht-90.simgig to herself, he felt a sharp struggled to avoid thein, but I was her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jos. Joice, twinge of his nerves, it was more in, the toils. Heaven knows the Eddystn.- - --- ------ an balanced by the certainty that struiggle -the fear of losing hier ! . . Mrs. Wilbur Winter and daugh- aLU10 ,been weak in the past ; that hielhas When hie turned, it was te, see that within a few hours his two carking Yes, I waited in here, in hopes you ter, Mrs. W. G. Hancock, -Douglas, lost at cards; that he has been in the other man had whipped out the pr"blemis would stand solved. rnight return. I would tell you all Man.. and the latter's little son, deo ad diTculy.Bu whn ou eyandwa sandngsenini.In Tn minutos to il p.m.:Gea-1I would plead for one last ece; \ilbur, were in town' over the Nafl and Express Service brand'the man I love a confiemed, silence they'looked at each other_ had sd himi and goneu ohrtego-y ishdwaee eek end, guests of Mr. and Mrs. B WENreerless gambler- " until every trace of blood seemed room. The emnergeucy revoh·er and me. It was dark. I heard a Sound. C. H.- Winter. They had just re- BE, rWÉEN ~"I do 1" he put in, with passion. to have drained fron Folkard'shlandeuffs were ready at hand. Il A man was forcing the French win- turned fromta visit with friends at 808 olHp a c c I go farther. I brand a, man of face. sliped out, pieled up one by one dow there. It was Long Sorreill, Newcastle. tha ya efs aotie "htwld "Bubesi afdznpaneme unyith two others. And then I rea- Miss, Clara Andrews, burned to, SthNrt Kngtp" asa so f ven a woans in gr ht im"Il ad on implsait doff to awat s instrucions, ilized. The coup they had planned death at Hanlan's Point, was a t S'fr. ort Kig@ iluence to redeem!" should thrash you within an inch whispered to each in turn a, teo lay here! .1 .1 stood beland the member of St. Andrews Presby- Commenleing IMa\ 31 A seamer wil "Never !" she said. "No maniwas of rour despicable life for tvn a a foadwn nltpety afi ero ylfra hrch nd stemedb ll a te Coborg at 1Bu p. in and Port ce eodtepwro oa' otikm ilit arae[gahead by himself. The one risk1 but thrilled at the tl ought that it wcho kniew hier. IIer lamentbe fo art e, NM. o i c u 'e rht onty poerof" o ns te, i'mygirinto arrst youInd thatChris Folhard might have was my revenge upon you: They <>eath in hier 22nd year has caused HetuChring tee .Y rtoves Cheto a ihestoodrigi, hikig ar I pace you inn te dock for omplan-flasned a telega of wrning to, had got to work. you see. And deep sorrow, and the sympathy -of 900unii a st.arlexeSunday only a H sow ie , halived haIfpacltl o-eit naseisobrlres .- the gang fromn Dover ha limd ren-thn hnI gto Greta. levery eitizen goes out to the par- 9 ulla txcpt " ~ .onlhi. idered doubiaritteremoteCtyby aasrdisereetglarAndedyreu hady rcalled a mecrat Adeper.adents, meherlpethreets sisterse sandrsa hdriebro- Eomaonrmait agents ger ! Then presently hie asked,' Arrestl" lie wispered, wth official messae or his own to the [ don't-I hardly know what hap- in their agony of grief. .ý E. torsey, Sot&drcarelessly "Is ris calbnrg here dry lips; --arreSt atoii1"hr.pnd. Isr -o aeyu.Mr. M. Davey, Fenella, hs just n Gen.Manger N. . Jme -night? "Exactly. 'All you knew, or Bridgeae tetlvi h house and reputation. We fo'ught returned from a four weeks' trin - KigsoA;nt Yes. Then, perhaps, you will cared, was thait I had mioney, and quiet outskirts of Claph;un. Reach- In the darkness. The other two got to the West and brings a glowing Orýnt •nAens speak out to his race, and let him i as apparently retired fromn busi- ing it within twenty minuteslhe awar; but the one you wanted account of the prosnerity noted on Onario. Bormnanville -defeud hinmself-for niy sake." ness . As i t- happens, Mr.- Bas- took aquiet-sulrvey. It shýowed him. most M he -one- who plansllleYeery hand in ftatlan<Ì of prom- n -. -. .HuSh. __ ay rathing at all. I table' is Detective-Inspector Bas- a row f d-ahned ch|thýere! ise.> He visited among ýother Weilh +o+o+>+ot + s++oo uspend mny deemson. .1 wih to be table of the Yard, and youi are one houLses, and iha mnerSeven|HpindhsbetcongnkonpelMrSa.Cre, Y j~~ust. Greta, if you know me in the of the men Le wants. You 11 put hiad,a deep belt of eveur1ý eenls run-:gasps And then, only then, they M.P.P. for West Northumberland, 1 east, you know that." these on. It's late, and the pol:ce- ning -benreath therorkd idow. realzed. There, at the foot of the at his farms near Wolseley, Sask. ó ('T T 01'1A kiss, a stifled sob, and she was stton is inly a few Streets away. .\ minute later hiewa comfra cnh, the tapestry hangings tornl Mr. Clarke has 3,400 acres into h + Lidil i 19U ji] gone. Ile sat down againi to find At -onee!" enseonced behind the, b!t of ever_ into strips and bounid about him, whetadiisttdthtewll somre path through his mental laby- Folkard Il slowly round, as greens. A minute later still there: a gag thrust within his teeth, lav probably have 35.000 bushels of that r 'yý ~~rth. But it was not to resolve fur a way to escape. There was came the faint signal which told la man., I was Long Sorrell. Bal- alome, besides barley and outs. He t • itself-not yet. none. With a sudden wild laugh, that his men Lad c:ompleted a cir-; lau's scourge was baaged. expects to put the biniders at work 1. It was ten o'clock. Chris Fol- that was half a sob, hie lung out cult of the premises.| They took in the bare fact, and on Monday next. Six binders will 0++++++++++ kard, whose fair face looked a trifle his hands. Twehve : Some clock boomned out no more. The "leper"-the man he kept ait the job until the grain W nmore haggra than usual, had "kes, if yon want to kill hier or the notes; but nothing else sound- to whom they owed it all-had sud.. is harvested, reaping an agernge h -u intena deiibeately toe rush Closed the piano and was whisper.. shame hier for life, put them on.- ed. Twelve-thirty---oneý o',clock - denly thrcwn back his, head and of about erne hundred acres a day. n 1 fe--and his ?, ou mean that mng good-bye to Greta in the hall. take me 1" but no sign of Long Sorrell and fallen. With a hoarse cry Bastable The grain will be taken to the ele- S -am to give hima up-let nim drift Bastable, Cool geniality up till that Bastable hadl taken a stride. H-e Co. For a little longer Detective- -went down on his knees beside him, vator by means -of a steamn engine, ana:y vithout even a woman's eno ment, listened keenly. As the halted. The tragie note imd been Inspector Bastable endured lits to stumble hack in horror. Thero which will haul six 'or seven loaded roason ?I s that iV hall door clieked he slipped out by set vibrating. Grim revenge uapon eramped position. and then hie uas a pool of crimison on the car- wagons at once. Mr. Clarke has It was dusk. Grlt' face at the the rear. One minute inter, his this veneee villain reeolled upon stole out to reconnoitre. No; his pet. While they stood the life-le his own threshing outfit and person- S doorway had a sort of phophoresc. face half hidden by a cap-peak, hie b mself. Up before im fl ashed a men had seen or heard nothing of had been silently dripping îrom the ally looks after the harvesting on emt pahlor. }or more than an nour was walking thirty paces behind pidture of Greta's agony and his thre projected burglarv at Number man who was thought to be beyond these farms, besides being.interest- a DeteMtive-[nspector Bastab!e had the othe· man. Greta had wanted ýown Chagrin when it becarn known Seen. The obv ions truth had to> the ennobling influence of womnan's cd in other farms which are worked sat alone motio>uless in his private proof. booner or later it mnight bc that the man with whom site had be met'and swallowed at a gulp. love. Long Sorrell had carried a for him on shares.-World. fa -<-a before he could bring him- piaced at her feet. îance and walked so ofe - the for sone reason or other the at-'kIfe and had used it. The price E seforn h el h eih Su<ddenly Bastable crossed the man whose ring she proudjy wore- tempt had been abandoned The had been paid.l nis h career hie found himself con- road and made for a patch of sha- w as to stand his trial at the l coup had failed to materialize.* * * * * TORPEDOESAN DESTROUlRS d flmdby two seemingly insoluble dow. His breatn was hield in ; his' Bailey-a felon ! Slowly and reluctantly, leaving "No, hie is not to die," the doctor - prolmskeen eyes had never pierced spacel He drew in his breath, glaring his -men, sab md his way said, hours later, in answer to a Ty'3Pes of Each Rapidly Changing- in ] 0-ne, purely professional was the So intently. And as nie stared, thrill back ait the white, working fae(l homneward. He was not beaten, woman's hushed whisper. "There the British iNavy- myM;ý,ery of the burglarious gang after thrill triekded along his per- and then suddenly an alternative but he was baffled. He would g<o was only a margin' of minutes, I , • wo>r months past, had kept Bal- 'eet nerves. srn into the blanik. to his study and think things out mvn, but-well, there is every hope The day has gone by when theu na nhoushobirs i a tntatoe aid had halted, and wa "ou shall go, for hier sake, he over a Ciga.Tenintf on you let him know there is such torpedo ýcan be regarded as an un- . qu r ndwoslpe truh i hispering with a man obviously said, between set teeth,""on one jin,-anietvefrhmolve, reliable instrument of war of strict- ir eeyeffort to runn the.-don.T awaiting im there. One minute' condition. On the condition that Ú a utcoe h aldo And Greta must have whispered, ly limited use. To-day the British Pl aspcas in that claSs of 1c 1rime, ocf that was suffheient. Bastable ýou leave England to-morow nev- guietly. A'creak on the staircase for Chris Folkard lived. Through Navy is about to be equipped with ti wo e on residence happened to " .wthat 1t was necessary simply er to return--that you never at- sounded very queer just then. Tip- love he had found his redemption!1 a torpedo which will Carry a de- t l' li a te vry h>ecality affected h 'strip away the blue spectacles tempt in life to see or write---" toeingforwa'rd, lhe made out a pale,-Lndn itBis.strctvearge ll o upwad of 200 lac; of la tangible clue had become and false beard to dis-lose the man "Mr. Bastable !" It rattled in intent face craning over, the baius- . ons n ilpsesa fe- abne.t maddening. The newspapers w hose photograph and thanto-prints mis throat desperately. "Hear ne ! trade. Ilt was Greta's. tive range of ove 7,000 yards, pr ha brown out veiled sneers; Scot_ were treasured carefully at Scot- 1 love her:1 1 cannot tell you all. "Dad 1" she whisperd in a dazed KIlRRY. which it will be'able to cover at ba 1-A -ad a- -imatenlyf A land ar-fl--theman h 1,-e1hd1LT - u-I-:ei-gi-e ereemwy I htyu? Icudnta vrgesedo hryoe an homr passecih Then, as Chrîs'feared from him nw a-o ad 1 o'so.Tesl a)ýr i ïn ntig icila ihr HwHow doc,-es he snend his time u om en eni teiiÏih ay.TeoT "' e im n w--a cow rd la cofusion. he silk apestry A -.- - p . iina sma ati th u bs ? Shll I pm it ýall inte o l rdpm - qielyinoand villain in one! . been torni down ; the cosýtly souven- t tai an i asma < pensenmte ta ay sy all plan wrds& H ro T h ds ane ee inwhich lhe!One glance at a few eryptic signs ir-casket had gone. With sometin9smpenica-are tohave ad a emnt of ron t a ma ihvomtee bfao cthardJ a little' upon the slip and Bastabqlle's quick 1like a moan he took another stum i i tysont era rr a y i 3 I t o 1.030 tnsj, way; h seed t tion is the card -e and scithe brend bain had done the rest. THe need b1 le through the portiere utisiat me e msad tet svnko ny hyn ing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t CaedramanhsooesT a t o leats to er a intheir linto the room beyond. And there, taato srip i ii ran app:o·ently full one doa .*re . a .d a crouehing p ,poition, his hands namne cm l l g pdhn u h uhiaoryrD empty the neo-N the m ant a nere with n hsgt.gipn h alsod a mntal"t a bigariver, the igure 71 "Fulkard 'ThieF' Tra> ed"oi, il- u1, 'taelaed u on e i conen ! n e(1cond11))I -flo indow, anid H okoelapthiat woulmd have Prove that she per ,. •- wih an or n he aHei, whih isnot t le, d t t he 1-rner. oHe ,read i uta S thugh -e a s plueke(,d ba ck, aniid b laub la nup. o h a rm le.i a enacids itr-u-Jmns adta a tegh m L or a lounginæ- place to be delightfull o igia Must partake of the or:onta1lin Ecme way., Our ful l IL Pof 'new and p-t dae frniture are Wan f or your in. -uh We have a line at 8G 75 M mpt and personal 'attention day any extra charge for distance. )> 4E 58.11 W ILL IAM BOWMANVILLE. devote themselvesto h o,ýr asset-of such ciaft ae atiol al timewht o omanipr ancea twhe nhne torpedo is looming whriolcrasing menace on the SEEDS A CENT APIECE. They're From Gî eng Though and Are Mighty Scarce. CGin-seng secas are worth one cent apiece or fromn eighty to <>ne hun- <bed dollars a pound. Dried root is worth $6.25 a poundJ. WVhen first growing from the seed0 f the ginseng plants have twofrk °,r stalks and one leaf on each) st alr. 'The second year 16 adds Ianotherw leaf on each part. and the,. third year the plant grows ini three parts with three leaves on each) par':t and this year a seed ball formIIs. This grows direct from the mai-in stalk of the plant and from four to five inches above the foliage. 'The average plant, says a writer in 0 tig Tpouees from. fifI,-ty t sixty sees.Wl plants yield bet- ter than cultivated. The fourth and fifth years one leaf is added to each stalk. The fifth -year the plant is full grown,, hav- ing three forks and flye leaves on each stalk . It grows from one to tro feet in height; some times as high as twenty-s-even inches. Thc leaves are broadand l a, aout f>ur inches long iand oice wide when full grown withecl loPed edg-es- 1It takes five years to grow the root from seed for market and eigh- teen months to germinate the .seed for growth. There is more culti- vated root now on the market than w.ild. The plants are found on uigh, dry land in the woods. and, never in swampy places. SENTENCE SER MONS. ,Looking like an undertaker on Sunday will not lead the world toý a etter life.w He has no friends who knows only faces. bympathy opens the windows toi ife's sunshine.: The farther'your life reaches the deeper-its roots will strike. Lust always puts a chain on you branded: "Free Lmvng." The man who buries his talent asually gets busy sowing his vices. A man never has much interes5t nr the church until he, has somne principal there. A small life often takes all its -ime waiting for a chance at a big job. It is better to be regarded as a rude than to rot as a mental gar- age can. Where a man's life does noi reach his preaebing cannot I nsespeakl lidr than oids, w hat a 1et -unis deaf nutes must mkewhen they talk. A man won-ders whiether -)r not e ought t(, marry until he des- hen he wondeirs wlhy bhe did it. Lia dvTeacher (rwiv-Wa 3 iTm?" To----Ji mniv's sweýar- g!1 " Lady Teacher(tildws v)-VýWhat did he say C (Pause.) m-aWell, iss, if you say over ,1 the had words yo'n knowv!Ill ell you when yo-u cme to it **"al Ca"iNI