BOWMAI8VILLE STATION. GING EAST -uINse WEST Eress ...8.4i;a.M Express_.....22 a.M lgsinger .8..1 pin. Pasenger .... 1l48N '11..... 4 , 1 tPassenger ... 7.44 J'7R7 & LcvELL, Town AgentS Are you contemplating getting a Businfess Edu= cto? Then f111 in your name and address, mail this Coup= on to the REMINGTON Business College 269 College Street, Toronto. and get by returu mail a copy of their handsome Catalogue. ADDRE~S............. .. . . . . . . WIIEN WE TEST EYES IT 15 DONE PROPERLY JURY andi LOVELL (5iaduetes o! : Chicago, NeW York, Detroit sudi Torontoa Opical Cotteges immm-em t coo Supe AT "BIG 20 N,4ecw Pub3lic School RE.-,ADERS Reeéved to-day alse CBank Eooks cf alt' kls, W.T.ALLEN Big. 20 Bookstore Best Value in Tea and Coffee Grive me a trial order. ïdeal Feiice { -,i't be bea-i in Qualîty Redleelin Price,ý -, Poultry and Stock T Foods on hand, 'Fe ed now whien eggs and dairy produce are ithigh. PETER MURDOCHI IB OW M ANýVL LE. ROYAýL MAIL STEAMSHTPS TizpeSrwT n Serew'-, Lageit auid sw-t ode seaers ou St. Lai- rence rout Lateefroution of th- îlxtp- preben day ravel an',l ,ou triy h MoteiQuebec Liverpool )asada ArIg. 91 Sept. 25 Ct. 30 Laoeî ic . Ag ~t Oct. 2 1Nov G Dami ion. Set. 4 Cet 9 Nov. 9 Megatie.. Sept. Il Ct. 14 No.1 Oitawa Sept. 18 ct, 3 Th &rsteanmer "CANADA" u atm ilitusci d to carr tIree classes of TAWA 'antihe ofralSteesrOtN heod lss re'ey atrate ttmo et For ai&nomto pply te0 -A Aj JME-,S, Aget BOWMANVILLE, ÂUG. 19 1909 Frea J-Sparllngr, Toronto, t3pout SUn- div ut lia latler's. in John Harveyyand wife, Est Liver. pool, 01110, are lu fowu. Mu. W, W. Tamblyn, M. A, recently visîtet Whltby friouta, Mus W H Ives andi son Claude ara ziait ing relatives ut Edville, Miss Mauda Wiilis, Taront o, la viaif- lug ber siaf or Mis W Maynard. Fred Quick aud wlfe, Belleville, lave returnet frein fhe Pacifie Coat. Miss Lta Ruse, Hlampton, spen: Sunday wlîh Miss Marie Paint on. Miss Maijri Moore, Toronto, lis visttiîîg ber =osn MISa Eva Pascoe, Mr, Uoy Moyse, Rochester, N. Y., la visiting lis uncle, Mr. Wilson Neads - Markus Roeuigk o!fIe Royal Bank staff,. bas beau lolidayiug lu Trenton. Mis W H Chapln, Newcastle, lo vis- iting Mrs L. Cornish and other friends lore. Mr N Dickson, Akron, Ohio, le guest of lis brotheri-law, Coun. J H CuTter- Man. Miss Thompacu andi Mus W A Quibîll lave beau vting fiauta lu Porf Perry. Mi. J.Urymal Young sud danghter, Marlan, Winnip eg, viaited Mr Wilson Neade. Misses Isobai and Lana Bird are vîsif- Iug f heir aunt Mus William Westlake, Whitby. Fred Cr-vdanmau la takiug a course at the Remilngton Business Collage, Toronto. Mes J Yuall, ChIcago, 1I1, la vislting lier aunt anti uncie, Miss andi Mi M MeTavish. Miss Mai-ian Lyle, Peterboro. Is visît- ing hieu cousin Miss Margaret Allin and of heu relatives. Dr J C Devltt anti Mi anti Mis F C Vanstone lava îeturned fhum a pleasunt trip up fIe Tamagami. Miss Evelyn Gouit las returnet froin seveal waekb' vi.3it wilh hieu sister wîo bas beaui 111 ut Picton. Dr anti Mus W P Moore have refuru- adte f0 flir home ini Manitou, Man, affer a pleasant riait wit hIfiante, Jas. Hunter, tIe Bobaygeon lofai- min, wll be triet fou wife murder ut September Assizes ut Lindsay. Miss Pye, Boston, Mass, andi Mua Robt Pye, Oshawa, wara racent guesta of flahir slsfar-ln-law, Mis Jos H Pye. 1Misses Mauui Alunv, Orono, anti Etta Alfin, Newcastle, lave beau viltling flaIr cousin Master Eveuett Hardy. Miss Jessia Webster, Naw York City, and motler Mus Webster, Wbifby, are %lait ing heu sister Mis A M Hatiy, Elgin es, Miss Mabel Welsh, Toronto, azti 1ev J Poilick, pastor ai Wycîwood dhurcI, Toronto, waue guesfs ut Mr W C Cole's aveu fIe week-end. Little Brifain, a village lu Mairiposa, lad a , 30.000 flue Saturtlay when tan acres of chopeand bouses ware consuin- et, ail trame buildings but oue. Reave Taesud Roati Comisionar Hutchinson are ta ha cougrafulati auo- the fine place of roati they have lad hut teatlng f0 fhe new Fuir Groiunds. The fiftl Cobourg Summer bouse Slow opens Aug 1711 anti coulinues fe 201h. Spealan wd attractive features on tle prograni. Spaciai ratuin fuies on G T R. Mias W W Aluin and Miss EditI E Allin lave relurueti from a nîne weeks' vîsit wItl Mu anti Mus George W Aluin, Vancouver, B C. Thar lad a çeryt auj vable tr-ip anti a pleasant visif. If you jutent taklng a, business course get in touaI wllh fhe Remiug-ton Business, Collage, 269 Coilege Street, Toronto, rîgît away, Thelu classes for tle tati ferni organiza Wadnestiay, Sept. laI. Clara Andrews trIo lost ner lire ln the Hanian Point fire was burieti ut Cobourg on Satuîday, tle uerai becg largety attentat anti floral tribut as- beatfifut SIe liad $1000 lire polie with tle Chosen Ps-lentsi. Mi. E J Andrews, Oshawa, -.s a brother, Mu ,N C Hocken, P Ai,ofilhe Hactien LainIer Company, Limitet, 011cr Lake Station, Ontario, gave us a friendiy ca!] TŽsuriday. We are sonry te leain since that flair blg saw miii was dastroyeti hv flue fhe nigî balaie bits visitflhaie, No inburance Mu W I Smle, a Bawmanville boy is editar sud publisher of Tise News, Cerbairy, Man, seciatary of fhe gagricu:- turat socieiy anti geneuallasimo o!flhe farinera' organization, laving been uppointe tet meet incaming Ontuio harvebtens sud engage 700 fou tlec Carberiy Distritl.t We receivat a cail Wednesday froni Mr T H Rogers. Portage, Wis, a friend -i Mr lIat N MeUcocîle a! thaf i4, son-In-law at Mis J O Rowa o!flts towu, Mi Roeimrs laid nal bea l'Are E ÈE: NEWV MUSIC TEACHýER. Miss . Haw il ofToronto (lic ~ ~ ~ ~ ýid 1pwogna fS. eî' îrl Bemî vieîtei- IPaoatOgti late-0titor DrbtG, r, nxii Jt,;D~i 'nd M se-.f5 ~isrouanBrntfrd GrndSl',ea7 -J B Ring, ToraCtIa;GadTetu -Wi.ciorncTrat ru Dinner sets at reduced prices at F. A Hladdv's. Tee Cream supplied ln any quantit3 at Luttrell'e, Send thîs paper te absent friends-25c ta end of 1909. R E Osborne and wlfe, Courtice, speni Sunday at Mayor Mason's. 5 F. A Hladdy has on sale soma largt and Insolons watermelons. Cati at Luttrell's anv time and get a îefresbing ice cream sundae. Mrs Geo Frank bas returned from a visit to friends ln Northwest. Peternoîo bowlers are runuing au excursion te Cobourg horse show te day. Mis Robt, Hunter, Pleasantylle, N. Y, is vlsitlng Mis Margaret Trebilcock. Misses Neilie and Jenie Hayctraft, Bîooklin, are vlslting friends in Roch- ester. Wm Buttera, Assistant Postmaater. Cobourg, visited at J. D. Carruthers' Sunday, See oui new Limoges stock pattern ln China, F. A. Haddy, China Hial Grocery. If vou want the nets of Bo wmanville and Durham county ý ou mnuet read The~ James Papers, Miss C Philipe, Peur3 n, and Miss NI Philips, Port Hope, are gueste at Mr [W W Dickinsons. Mrs. Frank Duff v,, Batavia, N. Y., le zuest ci Mis. W. F. Stearna, Durhami Villa, Beech Avenue. Nel Mutton, Penîyn, parchased the Sharp farm Iately near Bowmanville, where he intends te reside, Misses Maud Holmea, Toronto, and Ida, Blackstock, are vlalting their uncle Edward Channon, Lindsay. Don't borrow vour nelghbor's paper when a new subscriber eau get this paper for 25e te Jan, 1, 1910, Mlen's two-piece s uits aud fancy vestb selling off at greatly reduced pr3ces at Couds, Johnton & Crydarman's, Major Green. Divisional Officer, wili visit the 27th Corps on Mondav Aug, 23 te begin ut 8 o'elock, Ail welcome. Mis S D Dudley and two sons retuin- ed frein a vleafaut visit witl fîlends ln Bowmanvlille,-Colboîne Enterprise. We are seling lots of oui 25a ten, lIoIf anv wonder? If would be goocl value at 30o a ln. Have you fiied it at Arabie Talt'a ? Treasurer Jack Maxweillof Toronto Waterwouits Departmenf caughf a 'lungo ln Stouy Lake 43î luches long, wvelghlng 20 lbs Apple drap lu Ontario fIls year will faîl short ln quantitv of early anticipa- tions, but the quallty promises to be excedingly good. We have a number of piezes of furnl- fura, slightly defeetîve through belug Inaned. etc., wiiJ seit regardlesa of cost if sold qulckly. L. Morris & Son. Drowning accidents multiply these daýs. Papers are fuillof fbem The tact seems te ho fIat people who cannot swim ahould keep eut of deep water and avoid eaunces. Sherifi Jarvis cf Toronto, passed through town Saturday conve.jing f0 Kingston J A G Audeî2?on, who was ienteuced te three 3 eaîs ini fhe peniten- tiary for ba nk f randa. Get your funerai desiguns &t S. Jý Jackmurs's, A large number of shapes ýkeptin stotik-Societ.yexnblems,wreaths, Llarps, crossei, broken wheel, gates ajar. stars, etc. Phone 8), Ontario Gnveînmer.t bas appointeit Ris Hantai E C 8 Huycke, Jndge of the Conuy Court of the Ceunty cf Pet erboro to ne Judge o!f te Surragate Court snd Local Mlaster o!fIe Supreme Court of Judicature Stirling News-Argus -We belfeve we tre witbln the limait wbeu we sav that ninety per cent o!f te resîdenfs of Stirling wonld Bay that local option, bas been one o!fIe very best thlngs ln the history of tle village. In fhe past nine months nmûre students have enrolled at the Remington fluai- rsess Collage froni Durhami Counly flan athe fC oher business colleg-As ln Tor- onto cotnbined. TIare's a reasan. If interesteti stnd sour adtiîess ta 2639 College, Sf, Toronto, Major W C Ring, Lieut F H Morris, Sid Morris, Lieuts Lorne MecLaughlin and Wilbeît Heur, Sergt Geo J Rowe and L Tapson are shaotinL- at the Ontario Ri-fe Association matches ut L.ongr EranEc, Toronto. Ve hope to have a long litt o! wlnnugs ta record next week. Rain feli in enfilaient abundance Suuday aIl over Ontario lasing the duat and doing natold benefit te. pastures andt growing crops, fIe extremely bot wea fIer of the previaus fortnlgît having -aused a seriaus drougît lu some sec- ions. Rcat cîaps are very promisîn and se la coin,7 --A-letter bearingpastatî1cSandg e.A* Kent, England, Au-- 6, 8 p m, ra ed Rowmsrrwt!e Saturdlay marnlre g ug t -~ Lt Tollet Sets from 81.50 up, uàt F. A, Haddy 's. Mr. Wesley Daste>., Toronto, speut Sundav ut home. Misses Mlngay, Toronto. are vlsltiug Miss Mateline Dusétan. -Cannet peas, coin and tomatoas, 8 for 25e &t F. A. Haddy le. Miss Olive Hlslop la vlsiftng hu uncle Mu John Hilop, Whttby, Miss Mina Hancock, Toronto, receuf- lv visited Mia. Thos, Nichols. A dîsh of Luttrell's ice creani on ai lot day zoes gîcat. Try one. Miss Mabel Davey lsatatending fIe millinery opeuings lu Toronto, Miss Florence Werry, Betheada. waa recent gueat of Miss Aima Polait, Mr and Mua, J. W. Ker. Vancouver, B. C., are vlsltlug Mr. W. F. Allen, J, P. Mus Chas Hooper, Toronto, la vlslng Mus W Jackman sud aller fiands bore.j Men'e traw lata selllug off ut hall pruce at Oouch, Johuston & Cryder- man 's Haddy's Ideai Tem Is aili the stan- dard. To be lad oniv from F. Ad Hadd,, Mis. Cap'in John Wright, Bowman- ville, la viciilg lier brother C Brown. -Port ffope Guide. Misses Nellieanau Eva Sunfer, Toron- f0, are vlslting flair aunt, Mrs, E.1I, Osborne, Temperance St. Dont fi,%l tg pecqro îçme of the baugaina in summer goods at Couh, Joînston & Crî derman's. Geufle and Osborne Moore, Lualia Wiils anti A. Corner, Toronto, are vlslflng Mis, Wm. Maynard.F Messrs, C. M, Cawlier,, W. H. Wi- liams. Jacob Pollard, Chas. Paînton mtendet Cobourg House Slow, Mi. sud Mus. TIos, Sharlu lave re- turnad frein s pleasunt vigit with th3ir daugîfer, Mis. F. Mason, Peterbor o A Snap-2 baby carrnages, beau used V coat, $25,00 andi $28.00, respectloely fûors saleaut $10-00 and $1200. L Marris &c Son. Mr anti Mus FPce anti Mis, (Dr) Coack, Teronto, Mr and Mrs. N. Dick« son, Akron, Ohio, weie guesîs ut Dr. L Gîeeubauk scloai trustees luâvo won oUt altici a stîong fighl ugainsf rate- payais lu uievldiug allequate selool accommodation; The new Restersansd Spelllug Books, aise speclul value lu Exarcîse anti Seuil- bllug books anti everythinz nccessaay for seloal af P C Tîehilcock's, LadIes of Bawuianville Meflodiat clurch seultuss ag.ft 57 jars of preserveti fruit ta tle Deuacaness Fresh Air Home at Poil Whitby. Goat acf, ladies, Mis J Poulon, son Roy andti uece Monîca also Mis J M bain anti taugl- tais Anale. anti Gertrude anti MIE6 Pateon-, al cf Toronto, visifet necantly ut Mr Geo Vaîcoe's, Odeli-at, Cobourg la anstfhlng but dull tht8 seasoii. What wilh tle regaf fa, hanse slow anti reuntatous caurespontiauce fIe leading local papars sue admiltling luto a icr columuns, Slaapy Hoilow tani- zoes are agog wlf h axcitemant Hon Senator Beltl's fine slrlug of Hacknleys weîe greutly admis-ad Mon. day inornlng as feu of thain passeti tiown Klng-st au routa 10 flrc train for transport fa Cobourg herseslow. Thie prize 1sf wlll iikely lucluda mobf ai Mr. D. Harrison, C4nadian Express Agenit, inuveti home Fritiay anti las resitieuce lu Victoria Cottage, Kiug-et Mu. anti Mis J A. Feile cf Belleville, parents of Mr, Harri3on, ivîli resida wlîl flein. Wa welccme them ailtot cifizaushrip lu oui beautifui fown. Mr Chas E Smith's taxI bocks on ahorîhanti aud fypawrlllng are uset inl ail fha large business collages lu tle Dominion. Ris text books ara constiaer- edthîe besl but lis paîsoual instructions aue baffer. You gel bith wlan aftendi- thgfie Remington Business Collage, 'rouanto. Isis CANADIAN STÂESMAzN, Bowman- ville, whicl hegmu publication Il earus ugo, ou Anguct 1 entereti apan its 32nd yeau under the confrol of Mu. M, A. James. A veîy creditabie home news- paper la THE STATESMAN, ana whInh lias- well eurueat i Iesuccesa camling bia wav.-RenfreîvMercury 11ev. W. Kenner writes froin Pipe- stone, Mai), ilaf ls soi-in-law, Mr W ,Farder, who usedti tarasite lu Cart- wright, Ont. las a faima oh 610 acres anti about 200 acres lu wheaf, besliaes aller.-rain. The prospects o! un shun- tant haivestilu fat localliy are good as nu starm tas blîgîtat the anticipa- tionp o! thea anxiouî fariner. 1 DthefI wii o!fIah late James,-Coîbett o! CÏob,tt's Point, BasaeLUe, Whttby, Misa Janet Hlslop, sister af Mu William Blsap.Roinavltefa-lsla u i-to- $60,000 00, Miss Meilntosl, s uteca, ra- celinlg a slmilar ameunt-. Mus Wm TIrc m'psan, sistecu, 1-elves 810,000. Rie was a bacîclor anti le! f an estata wiorfl 8150,000, if is suld, "ýý'TilS FECRET- "SiX nMonthe ega I wus care o! pilias by tle use af Dr. Chast5's Olutînent," wîîfas Mr, G. Swayze. Copanlagan, Elgin Ca., Ont. "I bat beau s fliiteti foi over lhirtv vears and triet aIl sorts a! treaulmaus in velu, se 1Iwas surprîEetsandideighted tÔ bo curai. 1 toc. t cure fer pablicity t)it woald. lîaa ta tell every oe u uferlug from piles about Dr. Cbuseý's Oî'utnent. A Darliugion b:r's cac lshntet by Lindsay Post wWlgb t-ays b uo mobile fever les efruck LncvIt can now houst oah living svrlflue cris. The lut-est addition 10tIc-at ber arrivet itn town to-day andir- s de- livereti te Ki Zh!. M. Ieal anti is un- -iaubted.y a m'fgnlfmceent machine, matie bv the .El'îgia~uck Compatie cf Dislawa if la a fine passeng,-er toîîrlng car, r- nlsi -',ed lti xvine celor sçîh Musolog- foc ormmnorpholatered la bauid buffet lu aller'lhe âadent, M. ea.1 L. Stýevens. pet"rTbcrri coco th cai froni (jslhmwa Ssudyat Spent ttc da(Iy icrn'g ifs cer. Geor.,ola, so]d no teïs ian ioMe- Lauhii-Balîcars ibU sesnInlas disitrict. TOMLINSON-Near Bowmanvulle, Aug. 16 to Mr. and Mn. Frank Ný. Tomioson, a son. YOUNG-Onl Augubb th, to )Er. and Mrs. P. V. Y01111, 61 Swanwtck ave., Toronto, a son. MILLSON- At 12712 Woodside Ave, N Eý Cleveland. Ohio, Aug, 14, 1909 to Mr. and Mrs lfarry A. Milison, a Bon, (John case). 1AMHIBED AVERY-ST,ÀOav-At the parsonage Tyrone. on Monday Aug. 9, 1209, by Rev. H. S. Spence B,A.. B. D,, Clarence A. Avery and Miss Ger- trudeNf. Stacey, bath of Haydou, VEALB-MASONÇ-At Waterford, Auguet il, at hlgh Doon, by Rev. P. C. Elllott, Lottie C., eldest daughter of.Mi, Wallace Mason, anid Mr Lewis Walter Veste 0f Taronto, sonfl Mr. John Veale, Nestleton, BÂTTi-BRAPST-At 115 Welleslev St,Toronto, A ugust 17, by Rev. S. T. Rose, of Sherbüurne St. Methodist Church, Mr. Clarence '11. Batty, Manager of Standard Bî%nk, Pickering, and Miss Nellie Lousie, youngest daughter of Mr, T. S. Brant, Whffby. DîItLD MoasîISON-At Port Hope Aug. 17th, Thomas Morrison in bis 67th year. JAîntîasoN-Near Tyrone, Aug. 10, Mr. James JamieSon, iu bis 75th year. Conawrr-Af Corbett's Point, Whitbyio Aug. 3 Jas, Corbett, aged 79 years, RbCHAsRS-At Port Ho pe, August 12th, Hugli Randolph Richards, aged 52 years. HÂRis-At Whitby, July 16, Eva J, Hari is, daughter of Thos. Harris, Almonds, aged 15 yrs T,&mBLytq-At Sakatoon, Saak., Aug. loth, Fraucis Tamnblyn iunlits 52nd year. luferment at Port Hope. BLooMP'îrnD-In Oshawa, Aug, l2th, Sarahi Edwards, relief of the late Mr. John Bloom- field, aged 74 years. TIIENBIiTH-At Port Britian Aug. 12, Edith Mary, eldest daughfer cf Mr. Frank Treubeili Herkimer, N. Y, ageti 20 years. 5~-~ th reidece f r brother in- law James lay, Wo'ndgt9ek, J,%re, eldest dangh ter -of tiselate John Short, Nwst GREENwAY-In Oshawa, Aug 7, ait the rosi- donÇe of his son l.Ia.Mr. W. 13, Nott, Ce!ina St, Wm. L. Greenway In bi3 62r.d year. PEHRYit-At Montreal, Ang, 17, Albert A lfred Perry formerly of Coteau Landinq, aged 59 yr1s brother o! MIS. John McClellan, Bowmsnvill. SMITrn--At Oshawa. et flie residence cf hier son), Mi. Chaanes Sithf. Margaret Walnmrigýht roet o!f te late John Smnith. Interred'at Port Hope. GasGooa-SLVvESTFaaAUgUSt 17, at thie're- sidence of the bride's tparenits, Lmdsay, by the Rev, Water Creigliton of St. Mary 's Churcu), West Toronto, Arthur Keele Gregory, fourth son or tte lafe Edmond and Mis. Gregory, Lindsay, and Addte second daughter of Lieut- Col. and Mis. Sylvester, Lindsay. IN 1MEMORIIAM DIED-Io Toronto, on Snnday Aug. lttb. 1908, Gref a Mortel Willis, youngest daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Joha A. Wî'llis, aged 1 yr, 10 inonfîs Two lîttle bands crossed over the breast, Twio little feet laid down to rest, Twa littie eyes lu siomber closed, How oui heaits bled noue but Codi knows, O)ne littie voico that prattled lu love, Sweet song 1a Cow making in Hecaven above, And 'an get is wafchin)g and waitlug for mue, Titl 1 shall cross the dark rolling sea. This lovel y bud so ycung sa fair, Calted hence by early doom, lnst came fa show low sweet a fiait or, In Paradise wou'd bionr, tBîe sin coulfi barm or sorrow fade, Deafai came withfriendly care, Thie opeuiug bud te beaven conveyed, And bade t blossoin there. MOTIîIv. AND FATIJER Aud. Aud. Sept. Sept. GOING DATES 19 F,-omStations nori of tinte of G.T.R. Toronto togSaru5a. and (Sun. From'lToro n andnli C. P. R.Stat ions scst iii (),trrlo ou anti îoutl 23 of maIn fine of (sr., rîrnk lia'-. T-ranto t» SauI, and alitSafn i-lasrai. 0u . .ta., IX.and , Rysh5 . î' siýotTîro.f nciud est ninîlshurLiot Lakte ,nd fi1ls 27 S t.uoua nuï <ý t',rîc val !ofReofrewse. tation&S on C.ti. & ni. o!f(Q. iys., ,15-,d ,ts oss ,l. .,of ciIeafrew. Fr tatillaTtt- f o'to and es ct, (~nrOu Oton uC.P.H. 7 Troui t e Izrtnt. 10 Prou, slt Statio.ns îîa o! ofTrcut lu Onlarto. GNE-WAY SFONO-C AN ¶1.1T [gVOLI PIIOl 51P3TO ViurNtP~G CtOMY Rrpcsnili r "ser, ciciidby tiobSti ttt an rd A.11oria Ckvenments, Freel Il W il 'oga10 I. bmoC-amrPAS.,i,.re W iotaip' s' nmt. r d- o W oe cJsv rc MUSg bitrw l -,~,lmi t Umee m ta nvtt. wwy me tbereot iniS a awa ~0)I - A c rofir--tc srio .1 id xî î tl (it and ijis Nrrrf't' n týc e y f = fîa îo, l-n, tc.îb-tk 1o r0t- poit, lit ttat (50 1prirto ljirkýetsare g i o. m t- mohd Fvn o lb ct tt ani n . i ut! s n u W wrmea as utS ai-teoment, bu-,wttnot bo4 tî t tl utal o u Tu.r fLtl n-£ ci-------- ' 1C v F. c otr e. B1. fKenfît, Agent Bowmanville. hOur August Clearing P Sale of Dry Gloods 1NOW ON And the GenuÎne Bargaîns we now offer shoulci induce the heenest Buy- at home. lIhe followinig are a few of the rnany snaps we now offer, and you wiIl find at our store many bargains not nientioned in thîs ]ist. 400 yds colored delainette, reg. 15e for 10e a yard. <Ladies' long Lisle Gloves in b:aek, white, or tan, reg, S and 60o for 85e a pair, Ladýes' long gloves, ' extra guality silk lisle, reg, U75e for do white embroideried, wash be ts, reg. ý2ýýc now 2 'or 25c. SLadiest white mus lin waisto, reg, 8%25, sale prie 98c. I. doz, only. fine black silke.te waists, reg. $1,25 for 98c. E 1 doz, only black sateen underskirts, reg. $1,25 'or 98c. Ladies' whitewear, underskirts, night gowns, drawers and eGreteoeratexact -wholesale, prices , Laces and embroiderie3, good assortmeut of patterns, any quality, short lengths to elear at about j price, 95 yds of linen towelling at 5c a yard, Bng'tish loom table linen, 1 p!ece oniy. reg. 50e for 38o a yd Table lineri, 1 plece only extra special for 23e&a yard, 5 pieces best Loch Lomond shirting, reg 15o for 12ýc a yd.. 3 pierces striped flannelette, reg, 10e for Se a yard. 'E 75yrscoIored eottou asmr,4 nh wd al 75yrsprice 1~, csmr14 uhswdsl lleînants of aIl destiriptIons at s1auýh'ber priees, Me'scoordGents' ruirnishiilgs. fezs ooe cambrie shirts, reg $1.00 and $1,25 ehoice - Men's wash vests, reg $1.00 and -$1.25 choiee for 75c. Aien'e white duek p,%nta, reg. $1.25 sale pr'ce 75c. do,,z, only Vice-.Presîdent Lraues, reg. 60o For 29c. S3doz. 4Men's hea-vy union sock , 2palfor-c, ensstraw bats, reg. 25ec for 17c, SOc or c for 5Qe r e1,00 ead 1,21)for 7., $1,50 4ùr $1.001 $2,00 and$,5fr150 $2,for50e. for u $t1.50s.a Gro-erd ueIL's Z, 32j 2 Ô. Su'Y GEM JARS BRITISH GRANULATED SUGAR. At this season of the year, most people require gem jars and granulated S sugar. We have the flnest line of gem Sjars, a jar that will keep fruit perfectly. Our British granulated sugar is the finest grade of suigar ever offered to the S publie. Get this for your preserving Sfrom ý0POULA 'rrhl l it PHONE GRCR r l , 65 4Highest Price ?aid for al Farm IProduce. wOC1I< FORi 20LIEtIN IN M .?IITO8A ABRA AND SASKATCHEWAN SPECIAL ~G OING Addifional % e lE ItUP11 iokct EXCURSIONStl l f TIP uridtr conditions as below. "Lest We Porget ~ E, R. BOIJNALL, Designer and Dealer in Monnuments, Tààbtets, Markeîs, etc., in Granite and Marbie BOWMANVILLE. ONT SFUNEMAL OIREOCTORS L» MORRIS cg 501V Most ectuplete'equiptuent Sunday and i ngbt cails BOWM.5NVILLE PkiiON1ES 10 -4 Branches ORONO HAMPTON VICKEI<S & GALBRAITHI Bai risters and Solicdfor2. NatarlesPoli lic. William W.. Vickers, D. G. M. Galbraith, 77 York 5treet, Toronto. F ARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT -,South 110 actes t,.f lot 38, cen 9, Darttngtonl, Iear Entield; stone etab!lng andi ruuuiag wafer. Appty tu Jouis ARIOor, Taîsifion. 33-4w, sERVAN LV WA NTED-inîddie aged peisrson preferrefi by tiret o! September. Mao. 8. C. RIAINES, SOWmauIVille. 89i Iw IE»EMOVED-Dr G, 0 Bonnycastie .LL b as rermoveil hi', officee otoons up.aitR su Luttreli's uew hock, Bowmauville. '23 lyr MONEY TO LOAN-Rt 5 and 51,pgr, ecentouiorfgao fetrity. Pîlvate fonds Apply tet R R, Luseusiste:, Banrtlr, Eowman- Ville, 32-tf G ENERAL SERVAN P WANTED- Dotiestf0c3iimeneco Oct aber 1sf. .pply before Aue. 1 to Mrs. U. C. Bosa'YCASFr., Bowmans lte, 133-2w. ~HAAL LO8T--Bewk'en Bowman- KJ ille anti Orono in July, a lsdý's Ulbf gray and whitOe haw-l, Ftr.der please retumo t0 STAJaRMAN OfIUce. 33 1wý TOT-Breast coilar axid tuzs on LJAug. 7 etween Rowland Calets andi lot 8, con.B1. Dtatgtoo, Finder p1easo returu f0W. J.,Bs,.aav or N-WLAND CALE, Bowmoaliile, I3 t! F AR ý FOR SALE Olt TO REN F - 1155 aOre, one tmile wet of Bawmaoville, unod buitdhnigs.wvith- atone- 4tabltig,--For--par- ticnlars appiy to STÂnTESss OFlOCEs or box 340, Bawmanvîlte. SI-t! 11 008IJErFORSALE-A C'-mnfiitsble --7 roometi fraies buse; lard anti soft water mnany.kinds of fi nit; situafecl on thse corner of Ont aisand DoîhemSt. Bowmanvlle, Apply fa GEo E. MÂvIsALa, Bowîanviie 29 fi FARM E OR SALE OR IIENT-OO Facres nioro or lois, on let 1, con. î, Darlng- ton, s goodstate o!cîsttivation; onIltaýe good l'aine house, gond harn sud stshhilng, weil Wiqtered,ueoverizallng streaiii. Ai ply ta Tos. WHITE. grocer, Bownsaisvitl. '-w I 00E TO BiEN P Gooti brick roiduencee cantal, ing 8 rocmn-, Etc ttnio Liî,ýt anîd fisînace, etc. ci nScugog Street, BO'& Mnville, wned by Misý John Gautl. Pos- messin iiamMAiafely. For termis apisiy an MRS R.\nÂ. ý NDTS(cugog St. Eow-manvs le. lOt! Ilots £0 21. con 5, Clarke, on whiel aie good bufilngs, onchard sud wafer. Tihis fa-m le a gooti e-rais aindipasture farm andi1lq iple,,(Idly siroateti., If net i-old wîtl t, reiïte. For p-ar Or- 1AAC CEaELODst, Orcno î 4 w FAiLM, TO REiNT-15O mores ti fî~rt tiasu lanud in exetent e înditioo; ve site andi waterwcrks, i1 bildings. P 1n u orcbard, gootihoonse anti basrils. Pagn pniviV 'as tmmetiialelyý; fuil po'-565i0. Ati1 1910. Apîtly tu G. D, COs'AN-i. Oshawa -t F ARNITO lIEN -139 Acreq 0fi înrd lis pou fi ate o oeultivation. lot 18.tcon. 3 Darlirgtoon. Gooti buildings. I ntigpt S, sgon i. île faU; ftilt pos-teussitA rtI140 For, fuit paorticolari app'g on tle preos t ts.W, J. Juttpintv. i;ùil c f 1Maî,le oe or, Lbox 155, So-nvnitle. 061 FARMN FOR SA1LE OR lIENT- O"le lo etfayniti la Iptitasnîg o! r5 es, bbg Lot 2 sali'23, CUn,, r-îig rOt Onxi tJcs ae god trameItu. i t l lof I at h y 4) îlioestbîg ee it~ ~ ~ ~~ý!. tr ltr -:irslrwok;sn nantI~ ~~~v su1o oîiîi pIy-r;9s iod ardcerc plateti5 yensb"~l-a sgo bea'i! Lotttii iviliiîgm mti Tor ir.faxîtt r r d Chuldren, Tho ~ Y~ ~ A!n~~s Bought Beors t> o 8lEIîatlil-e tuf -Il