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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1909, p. 6

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God Is Not for Purposes of "Argument, But for Our Aid in Livi-ng "As the heart panteth after the deny nothing that science may say water brooks se pauteth my soul and stili denand that more must Pfter thee, 0 God."-Ps. xlll. 2. be said and insist on ýour liberty to As soon as you take one ged away seek further wvhere microscope and irom man ho looks for another. The scalpel can discoveru nothing. Lunger for an infinite object of love In us sem1ething answers to this, and confidenice, for the lieo in which -that ther, e is one who cures, that all life explaîns itself, is commen love and sympathy, the best we eal.The uges show it to be ineru- ikne-iw and the highcst we have, are dicable. Whatever it might have, at the hcart cof ail,'that we are net sigified in- the pust cf fear or wor- a dust on the whirling wheels cof ehip, te the, mid of man to-day it reientless nature, but thut through la the seurch for a persenal centre ail, as in us ail, mnoves thut o! which Lýo the universe. tenderness, compassion, and affec- Long sinon we have eutgrown the tion are hemn. old theologian's god, the mighty Such being defies ail description, man who made the earth wîtb his such being makes ne formai de- flngers and guided the stars with mands cf us. No questions cf loy- bis hands, who, sitting aleft in the alty, cof wership, or of anulyticul %Ïies, dictated human affuirs, an belief can enter here. But given a xrblîtrary, awesemne, omnptent heart te the universe, one there te Sovereign, a king lifted to the high- whom we can tura, tewurd whom bat degree. That picture once con- our love can go out, bal! the preb- tented men because, just as regal lem. of living is soived aud ail tukes "0 wer then soemed essential to a cri new meaning. itate , se did that superbumun sov- THAT IS WHAT WE NEED; ereignty seem te .bc essential te the universe. net definitions cf the infinite, net But we have noet outgrown bur agreements en attributes or numes, P-eed of a center and a life te our but the sense that just as our own living; we have neot eutgrowu the lives find unîty in a persoual spiri- need cf sucb being as wiîl answer tuai center sel doos ail life, that we Ibe problem cf living in terms of can only reud the mystery cf liv- Dur own lives, Just as a normal ing in lettf-rs cf love. life neceds other lives, necsp It mtters net at ail whethem our Tspread a little butter, then a la S U L ýCI T of Neufchatel ~hce then a la cf chopped pimneuto. Coveri another buttered round of br< bread. IN THFE SEWING-ROOM. Parasol Border.-A new idea a parasol border is to make a sý cient number of wheels in tone; \ EZI' e crochet lace about one andc fi half juches jn diamneter. These basted on parasol about five inc frem the, edgc. Teneriff e wh( m ade in plain or elaborate desi HIL F THE! TOIL of black siik- thread, formning a b of huseold orkls tken der on a white linen or silk pa ef fol-sholdworkîs tken sol, are strikingly pretty and Bway when Sunlight, Soap la fective. The color of wheels ru brought into thec home. contrast and also harmonize M For thoroughly cleanslng color of parasol. floors, metal-work, wal Fancy Buttons.-Wr tops Land, woodwork, Sunlight cloth-covered buttons in a butt s themot econmclbt hole design fler edge, with spi4 lu Urne and nuy web in centre. Are so pretty3 in t me a d mo cyýwill bave no other designs. ho_________________ Buttonholes.-When making b tonholes in material it is a gi yolkof ne gg romwhih eeryplan to use a thread twentyi -artl of oewhg it as b e verlevbers coarser than yen use for1 1d eat torougwhlye aas n piin E st of the garment. For examp t ed bea thooughy, ad a inchif sewing a piece of materialw ) f sait, then a few drops of French No. 80 Cotton, you will mneet -w iolive oil, mixing well. When the! better sluecess by using No. 60j dressing begins to get thick add a the huttenholes. 3littie lenien juice, keeping this pro- Excellent Idea for Curtains. cess up, first the olive cil, then the The unbleached muslilu costing lernon juice, until half a smnall bot- cents per yard, and the'old-fashic tIe of olive oil is used. Pour. this ed candle wick at 35 cents p dressing over the ehopped ingredi- Pound, used together mnake inE ents and mix thoroughly. Place pensive and beautiful curtains. C areund the edge of a large saladj the muslin the length of windoý) dish crisp leaves, leaving the tips rnaking the heuding at the top, hei cf the beaves to extend above the ming the bottoim with sinall fo dish about two inches. Put in the hemmer. Punch holes one-haîf in salad, then stick a fcw smnall lot- ail around, and tic in the caný tuce leaves into the salad a few wick in each hoen. eitting 'O ma. ilt--- ýiips g «esinervii, ý c z, centri unii--î'nhs pamt iand5 Otieen tnfringe -ena and crie-bl i!moes loni tise langer h!0 o! eery man neach iriglii!emy agmen. If maffers oniy lou'ves lay a fei smial suices cf ripe hygv accm o t lihme Dut info t'e nirfinif n wifh ifs long-,iwhether t'en nhole o! liE etubes ou temutees. This is a heuntiful as 'eung. Ing for langer this persouaýl mnaniug, nbether in5 mli as an appetizing dish. To Avcid Puckering Fine Materi FRIENDSRIP AND LOVE, the damk and tmyiug heurs we eau When Servirig Suiad,-Wben yen al.-Place ahi thin mufemiais te b Thi isthosere' fo Gd, achbh sure t'eut through t'en efemities, wish te serre suiad and salfiins lace trimmed on paper, thon cd Tnhoi ns inf the serhfrGdauiht w'eee oun frierids canet go and make a liff le box cf t'en four sul- t'en sfitching ou o! t'en lace righ Ing ur and ino te drk igh nhoeeothen heipers faih, bauds cf inos and ie a nmmcm nîhbou thnoug'e t'epaper, w'eh cari cas ft'en infinite aud unknown, hep- love are stetcbed te us and a heurt aronnd tec hoid thein in place, thonu iby he tenui eut after tise momk i Ing that me may find theme t'en touch cf tenderuess bouts with ours. place thse sinaîl lettuce louves lu- doue and net louve a punker. SeN Pt a baud t'eut cea ed tismongi the This is a man's hungen for Ged, side the squaret'eus formed und ahi thir i mafeiais this way and t'e B'eudows and feel the fhrob cf a nef for pictures o! eue who muy ho upen tiseint'en ingredients irithout keep their sisupe pefoctiy. heurt t'eut mihi assure ns of L'en un- woshipped in spieudor, nef for the subad, dressing mhich muay be____ ___- jailing goodness and rightuess nul- particulars cf eue who made t'en pussnd bter. T'en bcstess untins Ing thmoug'e ail. We senk nef a worlds, nef se mucis for a creator, hon ihhon, (miicis carnies ont t'en BOWNANVI1LLE. kinîg non a first cause, but a life lien for an inflîtite lord, and sfiii colon sebeme o! t'en lunch), places t'eut ausmens in the measuî'eof t'eut mss for t'en theologian's musfni'- t'en saltines on eue side of t'en saiad Corespoudence o! Oreno Noms. langer living te our cmn. p inca, but fer t'eut tendnmness, a!- piafte, thon adds a spooriful o! t'en We notice cur old fiend Jim Jar Yeu eau nover safis!y thse heurts ilecticu, and misdom t'eut in the dressing as it is pussed. If t'en vis o! Toronto police fonce takiri cf mon witb t'en mest elaborate wider, fui-thon moches e! ife 1,il dresing mus added mmen then salad i feir more prizes ah t'en polie( scisemes cf tise worbiug o! lind 1:e te us m'eut fatiser and friend are mas made if would ho ikely te souk gaines in tise cify ecently. force; t'en lasf mord e! sciene iu t'en sialher cincle cf their P05 in and miaS tise mafers soggy. Mn. Rd. Coigafe, Torouto, an ohc eures much unspeken for t'en seul sibîlifies. Chieese Saîad.-Raif a Pound o! baudsman cf this fomu, paid th- o! man. We may uccopt ail and RENRY F. COPE. stale cisense, crn head cf lettuce, burg a visit Sutumduy and calec teyoîk of eue humd-hoiind egg, eue on a eîbr fod acquaintances, Ssix allew eue pint e!ftl bp ablospocuful o! saiad cii, eue Mm. Ed. Saunders, Oshama, m'ec ~ped meut, te mhic'e add a table-tabhsou ub vi neacun feu- had bis 'eund badly lucerated hy a é tspoonful o! enion juico rnfe-ponsgaue teasponu machine iu McLaughlin-W"rsbsh £~N~T"~ speufu o! aitauda sat-spon-made mnsturd, bai! a teaspoonful mi coubie evu cb U1Vknfu c f per tdhis itohesait, a littîn paprika. and a littie in ten oid Fumuitume Fucfony sever- spaes!ne meice en av taoubluck peppon. Put t'en yeIk c! ngg ai' yeums. ~to eeds Pa nucmbes toeth nad oil in a basin and merb them Mm. ;and Mrs. Thomas Goodman, * *** **~* *~ fe oraste then It skeersand ogeten mii odnspon. Chicago, have heen gueîssc-f his USE F CUUMBES. tofantein tin a pan. Put ,ndenNexf add t'en sait, popper, and pap- bol ptand tfeusi peoufu PcftsieemSa nthesue admut rd. on, Mr. Chas. Goodman. Mn. USE O CU( J21BES. pa a tespooful. f sal, onerikathontheGoodmadunusaEL.foodmnsltoîvuist thirtyrtleurr ltfe unnesPn u hpe d oui ou, tire pebd and GraLet'en cheese fineiy, udd.if. ao oligatta iei h choppod Lomatons, aud bal! and cup-PLastly add t'en vinegar, dnopurg, okigu 'u un nL cuit jute haires, 'enigfbnise, good fnl o! inter. Baste nvery feu if in gnuduulhy. Ileap t'en mixtuecaunnge fasty o!aMn. Wm. Mc Bized nueumbema. Scoop ouf t'eh ansuei reri p reng'eîy i ii îme scfces. o slsthee ue oîfe secds nifis a spoon. Mix oeecup- minutes. tansuei a hno lte n ragteltuefcsiri temu nom tht'e oecog- euueres une doue and peur ever c leaes and inaraneteder. fucesth lpeleaeftps fnl fine crmins, eue tahiespeonfulfisein. Seirve ut once. Tse cnooked lueirud nabne.nîzes, t'enod tpe oeune !rs pass c! nelfed butter, n scauf fnaspoen-igayudte eusnsbr fnlo!sat, uetaleseofu c nonk squash may he stnffed anîd grenu out f o!al ecciection, and [il fSloetbepofl-babed t'en saine. SADWCHS.Se if gens. gated cajou, and a finehy c'eoppedSAD IH . Kreen pepper. Fiib t'en cucumbers.,Th tesa'sprigdto -Bet in a bakig pan and in thse bof- SEASONABLE DISIIES. Banana Sand ic'es-Divide the maufs te kuom "Wby canuot mc tomof he ariputonehal eufulbananas cresswise jute haires, thoen have non g ruces umoug local uau- Sf atr ad ri fahnpoofu c Pineappin, Layon Cake.-Use any eut nan'e pince b1engthwise int o sîjees final sponts b" Nom t'eut is ariot'eeî butter. C'ook in a quick oven thirn goed nenipo for ha'yoncake and haSe a quarter inch in tbiekness, Mix good idea for our civie holid4y, and ty inuesbeaie~ srenl Lme. r tbron lange tins. Put hetween six fublespocufuls o! pnivnnizedfor our people te tube up' irit'e ' 0oach hayon the grated pinoappie and sugar mit'e eue teaspcoutni o! le- future. The hesf day's sport me Fnled CuinhMers.-Cnt t'en nu- inn mit h plain iciug, flavored mith non juice, Spnnad on t'en hmnad, os on bud jn t * n teck place-çomu eninhors i'st eslices balai!unirch a littic nmnen juico. Thse pinieupple anid put tire strips toetisor mitb ut tise labo frout and ma u m by >ùdi, si 'e ioulouve Lisentdco by itself makes a rich, moist fiil- ee suice e! b nana. the Durhain Rubier Co.s. eîply- dranflurL'eta aidcek thon lfing and s'eeuld net be uiiowed Le Ricb Fruit Sandwiches. - Grind nos and otiser lnuding peopleo-o! tlýe brown ini hciling fat. Tbis vego stand mone than n feir boums befome in t'en food, chopper onie cupful o! Lomîm some yeurs, ugo, and cousis>ç table is a dainty uccoînpanimrnufte seiing. If t'en cake is te ho kept ras, eu cupfuh o! figs, eue cup- cdo oig races, .smmmnming races, gaie c fonlonger scîne o! t'en plain fnosfing fui o! dates, and eue cupful o! nulkiug t'en gneasy pole, etc., etc. Stuffed Cucumuber Salud.-Pei seeuid hoc stirred jute t'en piuoup- pecaus on Englisis mainuts. Grnd Nom oun Ciric holiday sbould ho cucumbeis uand cnt in tire, ieugth- pin hefore t'en cake is put togethen. nîth t'en finest Suife and Put set apant for suc' a days sportas gise, scnapo- frein each halE al the String Beaus and Ciseese-Strinig t'emougb a second f me, alter mi'x- -t'en ahoe, thon oun Mayor aud ,seods uudi fili mit' t bis mixture, eue quart o! greenu hours. Cnt iu ing al mil together. The resulf City Fathers would attend and Lbey Tube eue sinaîl tender leafo e u nalul pinces and houl in suIf mater is a rich fruit aud nuf isaste mhich meuld son n'eut is ueeded te make cabbage, tireo or Lhrnc fine lettuce iii doe. Drain and then put t'eem vwiih keep'fer'a long imre lu a cool oun sou front eue o! t'en mosf ut- leaves, balE a do zen pitted olives, iri a saucepan îit'e eue lange cup piano and may ho used for siront iactive places in tomn. Our foin wi r on hiee, spîigs c pamsioey, cf grafnd parmesan canese (other sandwiches eit'enr oun m'eite om Fathens s'eould cetaiuiy lbob te this Bomne Sprays cf n atencmress, chcp cheese iii do), 'tuhlespooufui but- irbole wheat hnead. Ciildreu miii1 important matten, and iftwnecau- rat hem finie and dress mith oul,vne- fer, smuih cup e! milk, atisen lange profen tbese sandwiches te cube. nef induce mnanunfctuners te iocatn gar, pepper andSaît in t'en usual dash cf cayonue peppor, and cook Aimcnd and Pneserved Ginger.-. hem m e shnuld ho uble mthouf proportions, and add, ifyenuSlie, fise minutes, S 1tirrng censtantiy. Mix three tahiespo)onfuls c! finely rnuce utlay te secume considerabie a bit o!f'eenseradis'e. Serve wiibo ht, Wax bonus are c'eepped hhanched almouds, tie ï)f L'en tennist trade te oun fown. Baked Cucuîubes.-Peei goed- good ccoed this mal'. tahiespoonfuls o! fiuely cisoppnd____ sized greenu cucumbers, To eacb Sweet Potatoes.-Cuf cold hoii 1ed pi-serred ginger, and oeeand eue- ___________________smnet pofafees lengfhîise. Put hal! fablespoonfuis cf orange juice. LESKARD. a layer poinfed part on t'en im Spread on unsabtnd mfters om on- S o k Oo! a Stone soup plate. Sprinkle tisin suices o! gingerhmead. Mn. Thos. Putterson, wf n granuiated suigan and cinuainou on Mursismahîir and Pecan. - Chep duughten, Gardon 1H11l, visifod bis eh athe potatees and dot mitis sinuhi four tahiespoonfuls o! pecan Son- motisen. ea h Y p fcs !butter. Do tbîs toeaocis nils mcderteiy fine and cuL six- M.udMs oiisdoet Trhat many ask e what ah. ha layer- Iu t'en îniddle put a mas'eed teenu munshmailoms in pinces with Lakefield and nisitod Mn. and Mms. been using. sireet petate and cross if each way scissens and add te t'en almionds. J. W. Cemuisis. Tt is a cornmon thig ebava people to look liSe the contre of a sun- Place in a double hoiler and 1bout Mn. and Mms. Jas. Sonch, Ty tel yoilhowpae aýi sikl yolokflwer Pt sga, cr-aÀ,,oi, ndoser hot 'inter, stiriing constant- roue, vjsited ut Mr. Joseph'eLui- but v0îen thay begia toenommient en butter on top. BaSe iri ove 1î yu~ilte asualir oi esns yeur 'eealt'ey appearanoe en a byre ereinsi e nish. spmud, tho n urse ut eusege n tin Ms.AiotMrsi rsig sure- tie chainge io remnarkable. -- rw- Srei an-dsi sra, ue-t o tin Ms-AletMors-i- stig Mn. Sanson King, Box 15, Strafferd, Scailopcd Poftates.-Purhejl a îslices o!fm'ete bread. !ninnds ut Enuisbiiien. Ont., înites. "My mîfe bas,.used quart o! sliced potahoos. Put ai Egg and Sardin Sadwichses. - Lomue Rohhins irbe gof sorue n'es Dr. Chase's Nerve Foo(2 te snch goed kLayer o! these potaton's in a hak- To tire bard boiied 'eggs udd six, 'eoken in basf gaine e! foot bal rdvantugo that people are asking hem iu disih, sprinkle with sait, pep-! bued sardines. Maslial fogether mith Orooby sgtigaon what s'es bas taken te muke hem se Iper, gratnd cream cheese, and c'ep- ïidao ihmsad e an well and 'eeathy ookiug. ,lier nerveus lp d pîînoes. Add a foîr smulil)nd soý u tsusiflrd a Eewagui. Aro u boys is asofin u sYsten mas al mn demn and s'en uf- pdnops o!fmeuttsauceoifinieedisaynMn.aAi!. Saundeds 'eus giron np !cred geatl1y fren headanhez, sleep- picsc-utr otnetisen n ata on r t h ten Stupies farm, anid nill go back essuen inges tin Bqer gpnocess nutil t'en potatoos are uised smoot'e paste hy uddiaig l.;ither may- t,~ the SQtutes. air, iehbodDr hsesNev Fo p. Pour cvrail about a cupfulI onuaise cm boiied sa]at'drdessing. Mr lbFidi,ývstefins has bhtnp-,hon hýeajfihmud ,uhyd of imlS.BaSe in.tise oven unfili redon rather thiok suices o! Mm, Gaeden ilrd ly.stdEird ma L ersý o ý ai, 1 ï a row.rwite breud and serve nithont a Pleus. o Le sonMn. S. E. Burn- ise' tîs meuîrint if' gmaf eneiftop pince, bain arund ugaini. Stan. ii ai- Thee sCe gesmmkaotDr-A D RELPS. Date aind NuL Sandwich-es - Chop nv shomecme acS Le Les- i'ese'sNerv Fed. Cenain infinle oeu haiEna cup,1u f fates andSad oudnse ad esiy as'aiîtod~ obserSald.lab fur modladOlaacpfîc ich eam- i am, tison lbas etnd the 1qmnd te h1,!t; î>oebn e otnc u~o h s ic me.'- isnImm ~~b'~ orinLePtmoorPent"agood ha rîn emii ssten. 0 Cets bo, '~i~ed o'e~e,- e in cf-ai i'ep c n i 1 r o tci nuit 'eoad Ià me t L r c: ti si (t ayerf O -:p- p 1 wth YOUNG ýown for THE LITPTLE HELPER. rifle Grandpu wus sitting in the porch on-one warm spring day, when Tommy are came in from bis gurden witb two ches littho wrinklcs puckered right across, ieîs his forebead. grs c(Grundpa," ýsuid hie, "wby did b-Nah Jet any toads corne inte his ef- "What de yen mean, Tommy?1" ust asked grandpa, hiding a smile be- vvt hind bis newspapeï, "'Cause I just wish he had Jet of them ail druwn," said Tommy, in on- a disgusted toneý. "I went oufte- der~~~~ 5 ee we Illiam seeds, ou',cause you know William is papa's naine, and there was a great big STNADBN Î& a great convenience ini handling the family funds. It is opered in the names of two members cf the family, and both may make deposits, or draw checks over their own individual signatures. This form of account is particularly convenient for those who fiye some distance from town. You can open a Savings Account with One Dollar. Why not do se et onceTil ~owmnvi1 Brnch:A ,MCLAN Brancesa1so at Newcastle, Newtonv1Iee roo Oshawa, %Whitby and Brooruin, ut- "s"ou rgli'IntheMiddlce OfMY gar- ENTER THE TILRESR cool den. 1 most know lhe is waitingflj nu- t heme toeaet up ny,,seeds." £10 IMLKIY O NGAN the 0'od do nt eut seeds," -saidla rnlgo h luhns aa ple, griandpa. "Do yen suppose that Rîa Estate. itb toud is net good for sometbing?- " k s probabîy true that thesriN EWS BY RAIL ABOUT JOHIN ith "Yen said the earthwornis uere neyer sets on the fhresbing-machine, BULL AND RIS PEOPLE. for little spudes, and dug my gardon fuoi, thut device bai, penetrated al- me," said Tommy, thoughtfuliy. no< "BtatndcntdgadId n't - cvery l1usd where M bout is 'But a oad cant diggrown 1uddn'br-ad made and enten. Oceurreles iu the Land That r5sec what use he is, lu "Days Spent ou a Doge's Farm,' on- "elthnI lshwyu Margaret Symonds describ-es thenicilWl. per said grandpa. eaping n laigo yia lin urm atecm ex- Se hoe went te tho wcrksbop, and 1taliand glaeauwing ou eastpca lCelSSpmre atieCon lut chose four blocks o! weod o! the whemee, statowicb there, aselso d isf_1wdsonb h Theme, were rccently svnsi , right shape and size, fHe curried thresling The bmingi.nG on or the cids in tweli e days ut Lietr m-fhe o h gardon and built a lit- Iti ng.sdtoris o th fi toe them eiea o fmachinesmmoy f spepsd omseammoel Dottleboue o thmleidea- ow of An imperial triumiph an -montry of toï theluto Sir W. 1filume ch youug squash-plants. Thou, he gave the Caeasit le the tend n ride on the cai shovel es s ino I me--could yle ke feinTemy'sgardn f th litiescamcely have excited more propor- Lieut.-Generai Sir Lsi .ul jkefrinTomy' grdn o te itletionate attention than that of the bus been uppoinfedGo-rean ,lg biockheuse. iva f"aMchn' ùteCmadri-he tMli tn "This is Mm. Toad's bouse," snid arai f'uMuciu uhleCousîmandnriroChEggst Maldt. grundpa. "We wl evhiboe arm. Th'e furin hud been duly ur- Toundcfggwceesoy s nd ne er ditu b um" anged and prepared. Its inhabit- cd i 'f" hîcl, d umged a cick- eo Mr. Tod semed te tke kindly anits hd a sense tht the dignity ouencuaoreblishrent t Py- eo to bis uw quarters. Ho ns ften and importance of events about te inouth recently. ,lseen sitting in is front dOor and bc prformed on its promises were Au unsiged -donation o! $12'i - ,- loking ouf with a vey serions ex- scb thaf theymusi; put on their 00 ws ecoveci for the Quen ii- is pression, winking bis bright cyns bnst clothes and dispiay their finest eaduSntrnnu ue Hg ew and sprending ut is fingema, just cpper. Tihe threshing-floor )va,_ Alps), for British cnsumptives. ye us baby sproad brs wheu Tom-my weeded, scrpd and mscaped;, thile Mm. Chaude lay is te introduc-ea counted, "0, u, t, eut," on them. sacks laid eut in oder; lions mmiï- bl noteHos fCmoz Tommy was vnry rmuch umused, but punt and ducal coioneLs put Le ulsmonefrtbn rsonfote cx-1i' stiil lhe couhld net son how the tond front. puain of niis, caitd fcr did nny goud. Tboie are two machines on the Tin of Mrfononsbaý-:- ,'Neighbor Smith says that the doge's farmi. Tbe one cf the late st ThF ltaenkFlnoiirhsteAbmrabain bugs bave eaten up ah bhis squash- date ini the admiration and envy cf Hyde Park London. and of the L-vines," said grandpa,, eue day. the wboio Grombeelian universel banking firmno! Samuel Meufagu & ng 'Why bave they net fouched ours, and toc ieuet black monster is un- Co., hoft $120,000 te charity. ce Tommy 1" doniabhy an impressive sight. Hie The officiaI mofumus for June show-ý Tommy did net knew. needs ut least twchve oxen te draw un imprevement in trude in Bni- Id "Hlow about our ledger in the bim, tain. Beth imports aud exports eo gardenV" suid grundpu, sniliiug. Each machine lias ifs keper ard arc bigber, and considemahly highi- cd "Do yen mean Mr. Tondl ' sked groom. IL weme impossible te ove-or antewr lslu. s.Tommy. "Donslbe cat-ch the estimate tbe importance of thosoc r'a byweols ue ho ugs b?" gentlemen irbo uppoar upoîs the ti n oxpause o! 9-50 at Cas- S "If y en watcbed hum long enoug', scenos f eue w ek o t of the fifty- aBri iiichg oundb y en Bsmmsng-ý1 ý s yen wouid see," said granripa. two, and durig that peiod boss bain d District fionsiug Ieoi I"Wheu be sits in bis front door, ho the entire show. The-keepers are and Open Spaces Ascaiw -is taking came o! our garden, and meu o! ýeducation and Intellect, and A espectubly dressod d4îi irben a trespasser comes aioug, Mm. oeeof them-a Venetianadds te $650 damage te plate glass wi- Toad urests hum uat Once. The these other chaÉms beauty and a drsaiong the Strand Lodea Àslasf thut we eau de for bim is te great conceit. It is their office te Shle had a pince of gas pîpîg smap r. give him a bouse mnt-fre, don't sec thuf their machines are in good 'f t brnit huametd rs y en thiuk se " w rking order, and wel greased by he n se mci e i n ao uon polic e "0,, graudpu," suid Tommy, oug- their grooms. Beyond this they are court, a female shopliffer was c- erly,, "is everyfhing in t'e wholo careful te pcrform rie sork cf any founndte ho woaring a ,sepit w w r i d o f o ï î ý -, ,i e ? "s o r .o r s " a p r e n , a g a m i n eo n t w t 'e c u a -9- I formed their acquaintanco and Ic:ons poekef s worn 1boneutb tu S- OROJNO'S NEW P.N. feunud their converastion delligbtfui. d'ress skirf. 7e, ~T'e eautifni Venefian first lifted Royal iHumanSojciety rls>ý' Mm. R. Z. Hall bas heeon efilci- me te a seat on bis charge and thonno prsndutBiolecny ally notified frein Ottawa, cf bis exposed te me nîl the dotails of t'e teWM, Jouesanud John Gaule, cor- )appointment te t'e Omono Post Of- mechanisin, sfroking t'e mucbinn's pration workmen, for nescuing a fine su succession te t'e nfe Rob- imon fianks, us if was some heast ef uniconsciens comrade frein a sewer(ý nrf Moment. Mm. Hall is a weil- hmeedirig gmeut beuuty. manhele. ,ku*wn business man in t'en village, WXe drove eut late euee o3oning te Work bas been hegun h1 tho e- -d for many yeums a pummuer witb his nîttcvs thc ai rivai of the tbre-shirig- don, Tilbury, and Sout'eend R"ail- ifather in thnehld establisbed fimni o! machine ut t'e Pioppa, w'eich iras n \ay' Compan' ou a nir sttion N. F. Hail & Sou, Merchant Taih- the fimst farm where it iras te 'omk. w vbich 'iii enablo passengers te ýjoin ors. Tliut the pest office wili ho For many weeks there bad heen a cm hleave the imain lino trains- t 'weil couducfed unidem bis direction stir oaid a clash cf iron and shuffi Upiinster. is assured fmom bis cameful busi- iug o! tarpaulin ander the bar- Severai worn and chiidreu om ness metho s. T'en appointinent chesse. Ou June 30L' t'e machines brnised in rshing eut cf tise Hip)- bas been Eavomubly received bhte iere te son t'e light. pedrome, Blyth, Northumherland. ledrof hetis parties and The sonne iras impmessîve. We n'hero a cineinstograph fire, ah_ tise publc ýgencaiby, suys The toek our stand ut t'e gutes of t'e tlough iL iras easiiy cxtinguishedî, News, whicb congrafuintes Mm. Rall Pioppa. Aftor soine waiting, a mum- aunsed a puni i. cri bis pmefemment and wishes bimi bliug noise as of distant thunder Omiug te an accident ut Bun dmany ynams o continuons bealtb unnouuced the loi iatbun. Our sychan ceiliemy, near 1,ýewpr yt'eut ho May enjey the emolumeuts heautifuill white friends, L'en oxen, (Mn)recentiy, acage cotiilg. of- thaeoffice. 'RHeteck charge eon theu app eamed su t'e mue, wuving 20 mon was for a finiesspne Moniay, 16tb iust. Miss Nellie thse mcd tassels fromn off tiseir spmead- irn the shuft; 700 other moudiiie nLong, the pesent capable assist- ing bonus. Bchirid Ltem truried to womk iu ceunsequonce. ant. wil ho continued ou in liem pompensly the unwieldbî' inster Au offer b1' an unkuomu gie, 1t le- peseut position. whicb nas te swaîbeir np t'en fruits man te give tenuty-fivepr e)o c f ail thse montbs cf iabor. T'elos. nacb te t'e triest cbsklmreu i e CIYSTAL WVEDDING. oxen kew exacty m'et thney were fthe scobels ns accpted byhe about, and hem digniflnd and super- Education Comiffen cf t'eon Nm. and Mm1 A. J. Enox,' Orolu, ion they ookd, and boîr iL mas don County Ceuncil. Pmeseuted nifli a China Liseir heautiful big eyns--t'et fascin- Lord iinnaird eceutby tumomed ated us, and nt t'en smoky Eunnul t'en first sod on t'en site, o! thn ew Diauci Set. w'eich. t'eey dragged. h-'adquartems of the Young Men's Satumday, 7Lb iust., heing the flf.. T'e procession moved into the Chreistian Association ut the ýcein teentb anuivn.rsary e! t'e marriage pmoperty, and the nnxt usorning ut 1 Tottenhain Court rond àami, of Mr. and Mms. Aridrcm Knox, daybreak't'e îork of t'emeshing bco Uî.ýat Russell stmeet. about twenty-five o! thoîn relatives gan. A/ tt'e baptism of t'e twsin ebib- arid fiends met ut, their homne. ý dieu o! Mr. and Mrs. A. Gilinýg- Tables more set on t'e laîvu and bain, ut Kirkhai. near Preston, laden witb good tbings t'e gunsts WHAT RA13ITS COST the fathnr's twin sisters acted as lîad Eunis'ecd. Rev. W. Liinherf AUSTRALIA. gcdinothers, and t'e n others tsîn_ teld t'e object cfth gathering brothers nome godfathers. admade the presentation, and-cn T'e ru biit is-au expensivý_ littie 1 n ndF-ranue--have-cou,,i;i oeab f t'e guests cougratlated j animai. A etumu 'eus jnst been cdAn uagreement, Mm.G]doe Mr. and Mms. Knrox on attaiuiug1 presented te t'e Pumiainnt o! alnotunes, h y which a -itîi' t'e flfteent'e universa r, of theiv Queensland s'eowing hem u h te worcuan in France miii geLin unddiug and wished thîncetisud esruction o! the pest bas cost t'eut îp2nsutien for accidents hma 'eappiness and pmcspernimy,pm-ueor-q_ .T'e figure is a tidy ýoee 0imiianly a French, workeriiB- iuchi ibacmit china dini- £1.252,591.- Until tise early '60stan 'hn170pi,. iLom set. th1ere wre ene mubhits in Australia. iMre n170 rio LIe'm Mr. Knox, wbe nus cm p1'-tî Thon sonee ialignant fate prompnt- bave suhscribed te the fund i. îsod tabou by surprise, esponded in a cd a squatter te imlport a foir for for Miss Rogerson, former m- mou neuf littîn speech. sýpcrtiug puirposes. ibese înc n f Reading Prison, Lond,, n'eý1!o tise progenitors o! ceuntless ii-nus enfyijndyanonu 1 r ea1M4 d c i n e -T e u _ _u e- ! lio n s , a n d th e " r a b b it pin gi, o " p ris e n o m t 'e no w n i g v itro l o e r h n Ettabli-hed 1873 77 i W-h OFCANADA

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