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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Aug 1909, p. 8

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Grand Anniversary Sale SatudayAug.21 Now cornes the Sale of Sales. The Selling Event ofthe cSeason. Saturday will be one solid day of Bargains. Read our offérisigs and yuu -wll ho oonvinced that every iteni is a positive rnoney-saver. sjottage Curtain Polos, sale pice------------------------------------.......0e Wiîndow Shades, reg. 40e sud 500, sale prîce---------------------------...25e Toilet Paper, reg. 5e, sale price-------------------------------......3 for 0e Elastie Boîts, White Ernhroidered Belts, your choice for........., ..100 Tracing Wheels, reg, 10e, sale pice............ ..................... -.50 Tin Dippers, 1 qfi sizo, silo price-----------------------------------.......Sb Wire Fiy Kilier, saie price----------------------------------------......10e Moulli Organs, reg. 15 and 20c, sale pi-ice-----------....---------------10c Eclipse Soap, reg. 5e, sale pice----------------------------------3SC Olive fOil Floatina Soap, regfie, sale prico-----------.-e. Ac] mones' Best, reg. 5e, sale p)rice---------------------------------ý.2 for 5e Coat bauigers, reg, 10e. sale price ........... ................... . -.- Pot Covers ail sizes sale prico---------------------------------------....5c Granite Tea Pots, reg. 50e and 60c, sale price-------------------------..25e Table of Granite Ware, Sauce Pans, Pudding Pans, Roast Pans, Stew Ketties, Dippeîs, etc., reg, '25e to 35c, sale price..-----------------------...15e Sebool Stockings a big sas1îng for you, al sizes, reg, 25e, sale price ..... 15e a pr. jardineres, your eboice, sale prîceý.---------------------25e Gup sud Saucer, large size, sale prices.................. ..OC Rosehud bat Pins, sale prîce-----...-------------------------------e Wax Candies, sale price------....---------------------------------4 for 5c Corset Caves- Erbroidery, reg. 25c, sale price ......... ................ ý. 15C Embroidery sud Insertion, sale prices- ..- - ,------------------- pries Apron Gîngîarn, reg. 15e, sale prices--------------------------------10 4 inceh Taffetta Ribbon, reg. 20o sale prices - ......... .... ,.... 10 White Stoekîngs, al sizes-, sale price--------------------------.0 Tayloys tuick leaner, sale pries------------------------------ Waliett Sbaped Envelopes, reg. 10c., sale price .. ...,....,,....... S Pearl Buttons, sale prices----------------------------------------5 Crepe Faper, sale prices............ ...... ..... ...... ........ ...... be Collar Buttons, reg. 25e doz., sale prices---------------------------10e.W a doz. ILisle Tbread Glus-es, reg. 25e te35c per pair, sale prices-----------------..15e Music, î-eg. 10e, sale prico.--- ..-..........-...--------------------.Se 'ilken Handkercbiefs, reg. 15e, sale prices--------------------10 Matches, reg. ûe per package, sale pries................... ....8 for Meë Einon Tbread, sale pries------------------------------..----2 spoals 5e 8cihhlensrg e sale pries----------------------------------2. for 5e seri,,fntç ,-n, 5. ~lriw>o--------------------------------------.... Soap chips reg. 5e plg ... .......- ..... .... 2 for 5c 'tove Polish, any kçind, sale price .............l.........5c Il air INets, ail shades, sale price ... ....... .i ....l.......5 Bring This List With You, Ret-nember the date, AUGUST 21st. During this sale we cannot accept due hbis. 'These psices are for cash only as sorne lines are rnarked helow cost. Corne one1 Corne al BOWMANVILLE. The HOUSoC Old TIHRE SETTER It is cur motte ta keep un.- t date ini ail Ues of aur buai- ness., Reaesons why this tire does Îts work hetter tban the old 'wa3r The tics ýtay tïght longer There is no charln4g or burning cf the w ood. No danger cf overdishlng the wheel, The Paint is uct scratehed or injured, Cmin get your job doue hnonee-quarter the time. We will guarantee ail work doue bv thli machine. We are elso prepared to cut down wheels.or any other repairs that your riZ may uead(. Lawn MoWers sharpened and overhauled as usual and ail kinds '1 e! lesle repairing doue promptlIv. A. W. yPI1CKr-i.ARD, Corner King & Ontario Stç, BLACKSMITH SA Free Tn'p to The West*41 for the man who buys a hafsection of s SSunlny tSo;utlicrn tîA1berf> a' at pr:«ces rauûginor from $10.00 per acre Up ,J A Easy Ternis of Payment. Now is your cha.uce, only 4 more excursions, Don't miss them. s Nowi the time to buy your lands while. they are s CHEAP, in 5 years they wiIl bc worth over s q$50.00Oper acre s À?For information write s CiEO. N. LAING? Bowmanville, Ont,.s Ï." The Aberta Realty Exchange, IBox 254, s Lethbridge, A1tA. M - AUCTION S.ALES8 MoNDÂYý, SEPr. 20-Mr. John Spry, lot 32 Con. 8, Clarke, will seli bis valu- ab!e farma stock, implemeuts, etc. Sale at « P. m. See large posters. L. A. W. TOLU, auetioneer, HAMPTON. J il Burraws has beau quite 111, C J Kerslake racently lost a valuable brood mare.- W 0 Daldge i-as iinished'thresblng alslke-crop good. Apple buyers are acting rather rock- bass lu this iocallty. Principal Groat and Miss Ethie Johns opeued school Manday. Mrs C Horn and daughter Nonte have retnrned from Toron ta, F LESquair, Salem, preached aecept- abir hlera Suuday eveulng Mrs C N Ruse efficiently preslded at 1the ergan for Suuday services. Howard Cewling and Misses Martin and Horn receutly visited at W Mart- iu'e, 7th hune. Charles Pasecelle Saturday evening andbroke bis leg.- Dr Shemon raduced the fracture. C Hrn bas purchased another car of Manitoba wbeat, He wili give bis eus. tomera the beet -Word bas been rëaceived -that- Mr, Jl T. Pollock, Viola Dale, Man., had the fingers cf bis rigut baud eut cff lu a sawlng machine, PrIncipa 1 Frank Wrlght of itaming ton Business Cahlege desires ta ose ail studentsanticipatiug a business course Saturday ut Hotel Bowman. My friend,laook here! yen know how weak and narvous your wife, lo, and yen know that Carter's Iron Pis w111 re- lîeve ber, now why net be fair about it and buy ber a box ? Rteeent visitora: Miss Cook, Rochester Frank Anderson, Aurora, ut the rar- sanage; Mrs J Yuiil 1 Chicago, with har cousin, C N Ruse and other _relatives: Misa Annie Johns, Saginaw, at home; Miss P Stewart , Cobourg, with fionda. Bsarine (Tram Canactian Bear grease) applled te the roots of the, hair, keeps it glossy and preyents its falling out. 50a a jar. The Hampton Women's Mlssionary Society wili hold their second annual entertainment in the church on 'rues- day, Auguat 24, when an excellent pro- gram will be given by Miss Ethel A foreigu talant. Admission: Concert aLd luncb, Aduits 15c; 2 ion 25e; cbiid- rau 10e. Ice cneum and bananas extra. Came and eDjoy a rare treat and belp the ladies lu their good wotk. TYRONE Arthur bloum la home iram SI Thomas. If yenu are lu need cf gaa tny Amble, Tait. fIn Chus Virtue spersî Suuday wllb bis' mothar Mrs S VItue. Miss Mena Vice, Saulna, viaited ber sister Miss Edith Vice. Fred W 0 Werny, B A. Saranac Lake, N Y, la viating bis parents, For sera bouda andi shins use Yucca a!tmeut sold ut Mitcheii's, Miss Tenie Seott, Toronto, la visltiug bon sisten Mra John Pooley. Mrs Atlle B sens, Tarante, la nenew- ing aid acquaintunces hene. Mies Mausi Virtua bus ralurned frcm a pleasant vistiln Port Penny. Thresblng la the order o! the day and the crap la a veny average eue. A travelaer's hast companien la toath paste. 17a ut Mitcbali'a drng store, Stanley Jardine and daugbter Lama, Newmurket, visiiad friands recalhy, Paui Curtis sold bis vainable f anm ta H MaeRoberts-lust week for a handsome Mn Wallace Staples3 and famliy Intaufi Inovî in m Mrs Bý ers' cottage lu the neun future, Mrn Wm Little bas added a self feeder le bis tisreahing anifit wbich Io provIug very saaisfactory, Mossns Frank and Lovi Jamiasan ut- lendad the funenai of Iboir futher Mr James Jamieson. Misses Ellu andi Ia laîanton and Mausi Arnot, Taunton, ware necent guesta ai Miss Lizz!e Virtua. Miss Man de Emmensen, Buffalo, N. Y., and Miss Olive Bedford, Bawmuu- ville, aie visiîing Mrs. B, T. Moore. Oswahd Pollard and wife. Tarante, and Mrs S kPollurd aud Misa AIma, Bow- munvilla, vîtasi ut Blaika Polnrd's. Mrs Thea Bimucomba, Hamilton, andi son Dr B C Brîmacombe, Marion, mnd, are vIiling ber daughter Mrs Fred N. Farrel. Sehool apened Morday witb Miss Leta Noble, Orona, as principal and rMifso Wlnulfred Cunran, Pont Hope, tacher ai the junior division. Ail pensons îucklug sap abaulsi gel a 15e eau. It la suie, ecanomical, tffec- tive and pleasaut. At ail kinds cf stores., Suap Ca,Limited, Moutrul. Peler Werrv was culed le Toronto Monda v on account of the serions ilinesa ef bis brother Bouj Wermy wbo recautly uuderwaut a cilîcal aperation lu the hospital, Naw la tha lima ta aharpen up the young ideas and aise te gel your.iawn mowen sharpened ut A W Pick- and'a blacksmltb corner of Kirg and Ontario streets, Our foitball club are justly prend o! the tropby oi their succesa this season, viz the Mason Clotbiug Ca Silver Cnp wbl ch la an exhbibtion lu the post office wludow, Hold on ta Il, baya. Ai' er a llngar>ng iluesa James Jamie con, au old and respocted rasidenit e! tbis Eection passed aWay Anguat 101h. The romains were lnterred iu Baîbeada eemetery Fnidav. Friands extaud tsmoatby ta Ihebe hemeved widow and famlly. The chnrchbhourd bas beau tld by eue wbo bnews that they bavabseau ex- ceedingly lucky lu securng bey W. H. -Emsiey e!f Nupunea for tbehn blarvest Elamo services on Sunduy Sept, à ansi LbrDay, Ha w-l11 preacb ut l'O. 80 a in and 7 p m-Sunudayand lecture a fter thEý public aupper Meuduy eveuing. Tickiets as usual 85e for supper and lecture. Plan loba presantt laeur iis ri nan. See ls,â MAPLE GROVE t MISS HRZ81 Powers, Providence, Ie v sltlng relatives bore. Mies Lola Snowden la visitlng ber aunt Mrs John Bandera, towu. Miss Taule Scott, Tarante, ani Mar- garet Kerr, tawn, vtaited ut Mr George Trlsuble's. HOT WEÂTLIER MONTIIS KILL LITTLE CILDREN. If 3-ou want ta keep your children rasy, heaitby and full of life during the bot weatiter months give tbem 'au au- casional dose of Babs' Own Tablets. This medielue prevents deadly summer complainte by cleansmng the atamach and boweis; or Il cures the trouble prom- ply if il comas onunuexpectedly. The mother wbo keepa this medicine on baud may f Ol, as safe as If sha b.d a doctor iu the home, Mrà C C Roe, Georgetown, Oat., saa-' ai heurt- lly recommeud Baby's Owu Tablets as a great belp ta baby during the bot summen months Il have used thern for summer troubles and am much pleased with the result." Sold by medicîne deuiers or by mail ut 25 cents a box frum the Dr. Williams' Medicine Ca Brackvilhe, Ont HNFIELD John Aruot's farm la te reut. Sea ad. H Branley, New Jersey, làa t Frank Bru dley 's. Miss Campbell, Toronto, ts guest ut W Haaley's. Miss Miller, Brougham, is vîsitxug Mrs W J Ormiston, Miss Burroughs, cur popular teacher, has resumed dutîes, Miss Gracie Nlddery, Hampton, la vislting relatives bere. Misses Weîtfala Detroit, are welcome guestsaut Jos F Ashton's. Mrs Julia Bray VanNest and son Lanry, Bawmauyllhe, are ut Braeside vîsiting bar aged father. Hon many friands bere rejjice ta learu af Misa Janet HILslop's goed fortune. She la sister aI Mrs George gray, Newcastle,. PREv1ENT1(Oq 18 WOErll WHIILE--WbOn you consider the rlsit ta lfe, the expense the anxlety which prevuils ln an attaek ai appendicitis and a surgical operatn it la certalnly warth wbNle ta avoid It by lieeping the iver and bowels reg- Pil. Da)ctora are now uuanimaus3ly o! the opinion that appendicitîs cames from negleet to keop the Ilver and bowela lu bealtbini condition. ENNISKILLEN Attend the soaial aI Hampton naxi Tuaesday eveulng. Promotion examlnatioua-uumei omittad fnrom report lat week: Passec lu Junrior Seond'Book-Roy MeGlil, Mabel Mauntjoy, Francis Werry, LamnE 3GnIffin. Henry J Werry and iumily at'tendcd the crystai weddlug oe! Mrs. Werry'E Elater; Mn. and Mra A. 1 Knox, Orono, wha wore married Ang, 8, 1894, by ReN J Il Real ut Mn Albert Tamblvnt3, ahE boiug Loua Mary, bis second danghter, Mis Knox wus presented witb a coin- blned dinner andtaset. Master Frauk Knox pbologruphed the eompany af 1ez la Caugratnlatomy messages aaere ne- eived irom Ho-g J Bannes, Courlica; Mi J Rowo, Wehcome; Dr J H Alib, Con- ununa, ld and M j Tumblyn, Tarante. A repart appears aise on au inuer page. 1 We recommend Perrovim, the lnvig- onallug Ioule, ta alderiy po)le whese stnengtb la beginuing ta waue, and who suifer iraquentiv from attacha of suddou axhauation, chilhineas, weuk heurt action etc. Ferrovim coutaina iresh bean beet, Citrate of Irani, ansd pure aid Spanlsb Sherry Wina. $1,0 per bottlo ut drug- glats. NEWCASTLE Mrs Penny la visling han faîber Mn Byers, Lesitard. Thos Eihisou's new home la nendy for the platerars Mis Kuay Marks, Taronte, lu vît- lug ber sîster, Mrs F, Tbackary. Cooper Edwurds bift on Monday ta work lu a bumnal factony ut Port Hope. Miss Mý-innia Milligan, Pleasant Paint, la vlitlnîg bar niece Miss Wugstuff, T M Gibaon's son. Fred, bas taken a position lu a hunk lu Taronte. Rev Scoît Howard tuas passage from Eugiaud for home on 21st inst. Raya Inwin and Gale acb caught a nice pike oua day recently. William Law bas gene ta Regina, Saab, te tube a posiitIon au teacher. Earl Flahar's cousins, the Plettitta e! Brantford, ware bore ou a vlit. Miss Florence Bailwood- who lived the puaI vear lu Spakaneý, Wash, la naw lu Phoenix, Arizona. Mrs Wills buneock, hiisou Wllbur, sud ber motber ana visitiug lu Cobourg. If 3 ou ara nerveus or dyspeptle try Carter's Little Nenve Pilla D3 spepsia mal.ea yen norvous, and nervouneOss mak-es you dý peptic; ecuber oua rendors mîsorable, and these littie pila cure both, Mise Wagstaff who bas been Ili the pa iwo weeks la conyalaselng Milièr's Compound Iran Pilla, only 25 cents for 50 doses. Soid by R, fr1, Mitchell & Ca. Drugglsts. 1 ey ScaIt Howard had the plessure ai witnessiog Lieut F H Morris, Bow- mauvillo malte bisrecondaboot at Bisley.' Rev Mn Gaie and wife leave Ibis week f or bis charge ut North Tarante. Both R.,v sud Mrs Gala made mauy friands duning their short stay haro. John Treleaven, Boudhead, bas been sick. Ha is now Iu bis 92ad vear For many ye-ans ha wuas a leasing citizen filinz the office ai reeve savanal limes, Fred Treleavan was down from the city to see hlm Snnday. George GDoderbani, M. P. P , South Toron ta, put mb b arbon wlth bis beaut-' iuI three-mustan yacht aven Suudayv. She was mauned wiîh a crew a! tif teen experlanced yachtman, lnu uiform They -we ---noturning -from--C-obour- ragetta fIrs Gooderham, wbo waa a M.iss Nortbrup and a former Newcastle y7ouug lady, 'was an- hourd wîb ber OSHAWA 3 Miss Lottie Richarde is lu Ottawa. Geo Toombo, Toranto, la gueýst cf 0 Penkins. Wm Lang and sons, Hagerovilo, are ut W Rundie's. Miss H Stevenson la bolidaying ut' Sagluaw, Mhb. John Arnat, Taunton, offers bis faÉrm ut Enfield ta reuI. Miss Currie. Stirling, fla guasit of bar utc!e John Curnie. Miss Luka, Columubus,. vlsited< ber cousin Mrs H Gray. Misses Annie and May Brashey vislted relatives lu Tarante. Ed T Sleman, B A, Normal Sehool, Ottawa, vipited bore. Mrs Pay ne, Toronto, ia viiting ber daugbter Mrs C r Oke, Miss Lily McNeil, Woadbridge, la vis- iting Miss Jean Garrow. MISS Craig. Peterboro, la guest ef ber con-lu Mrs A N Ellis. Burt HunIer, Standard Bunli, Pe-s tan-g la home Dn vacation. Charles, Frank and Orval Tuttle, Detroit, are ut home bere. Miss Aces Hughsou, Orono, visited ber aunt Surs W E. Scnch. 11 j barris and wife, Toronto, wae lu town over the week-end. Miss Lamna Beck-er. Barlin.- Is-on vacati-on w ith ber parents. Miss jessie Fisher, Tenanto, is with bar cousin Miss Edlth KIrby. Simcee-st Parsouage Ia being' greatly impnovodt by a coat of paint. Mrs Reginald Geikie, Onhhia, la gnast et ber futher's Geo H Padiar, Mrs Porter-GlmbWott, Michigan, ha witb ber sister Mr@ J Doriand. Miss Wluifred Gumpricht, Peterboro, is ut ber Grandiatlier Mundy 's. Mrs W H Rossanad baba are holiday- ing ae, Llndsay and Sturgean Paint. J Boue, Dominion Bank, Belleville, lo on vacation with Thos Henderson. Mrs Gea J Scott la visiting ber duugh- ter Mrs Ilerbert Gregory, Oollingwood. Misses Fraukie and Stella Haulden are vislting Philadelphia aud Atlantic City. E and B Jewelh, Tarante, spent the week-end wltb their cousin Frank Hawkinis. b T Carswell, wife and daug-hterb, Blanche and Ethel, are on a trip to the Paeific Coast. two menths' visit to thôir daughter at St Paul's, Minu. Mrs Warem and.ebldren,, Whitby, Mrs (Dr) Dales, Dunbartan, are guesta o! Mns W E O'Brien. H E Morpby, Erle Gibson, Geao Lun- u, Geo Grierson and S Joues are ai Camp Notocus. Coboeonk. Corps cannat exist whea boloway'î Corn Cure ha applled te tbem becausa il gees ta the moot and kilis the gnawtb. Geo Morris and wife, 0 Durnant and wife and Thos Boue und wiie, ýDetroit' camped ut Plue Point, Lake Scug-og. Mr-ý J B MeCuliaug-h and daughtera. Adelaide and Maries are home fromn six weeks' holiday trip ta New Bruns- wick No Eubstite for "D. & L Menthol Plaster, reeemmended bv averýyhody,for stiffaeoss, pleurlsv, &c Made liv Davis &Lawrence Ce.- The Grand Rapids Veener Ca bas lu- stalied wbut Is known us 'The Proirres- sive Dry Kilu Systeml"aI a ceaI e! $5000 lu Williums Piano Works. Mn and Mra J F Nicholson formerly ai Oshawu, annaunre the engagement of their second daughtar, Gertrude Victoria ta Frankinu A Dale, Toronto, We uiways look for T-uE STÂTEsMAN Wednesday a mn ta gel the uows of O-h- awa. Your correspondent nover sleepa doas ha ? wnltes a former Ontario boy. If yen desire ta tua the hast business cahlege course, sec Principal Wright of Remington Business Caliegeaut botel Bowmau, Bowmunvilie Saturday. Bo advt. PArs (Rav> A R Bauderson sang "The Ninety and. Nine vairy effactlvely ut Marini! St. chureh Bunday avenlog. Mns F Huhlît pcasidad ut the organ ut bath services lu a hizhly aatIsfuctory mariner. Rev Dr Pethle preachod capital cn mens lu tho Baptitt Cburch Sunduy Miss Manie Ford sang ut aveniug ser- vice verv sweetly "One Swaotly Solemu Thought" with vlolin obligato by Mr Robu Paie, Mrs E J Jacobi stands tbird witb 121,- 285 votes lu District No. 10 Nortb Ont- aria in tha Toronto Wonld's $15,OilO coutest. Amcong Ihe pr*lz3sarea baud- some New Seule Wihhiams piano and a flue Mebangblin Buick uutem)bile. Mr, D. NI. Green. unnouncea the en- gagement o! bis duugbter, Edna Banks Marnice, ta Frank Inwin Armstrong o! Hamilton, son oi Mn. and Mrs. Frank Armstrong o! Oshawa; the marriage ta take place the ist oi September.-Belle- ville Iztellingence-. O-,bawa correspondent May miss soe oyants. Persans buving knexvledgae of happenings shculd soud tho particulars direct t0 Tua STATESMAN, Bewmanviiio. IL costa ane ecýnt if envalops is not e,1- ed. W'friler should alwuys souci nume -notifon publication Through indiscretion lu eating green fruit in summer maris ebldren bacame subject ta choiera morbus by innitating acdas that act vialently an the lining o! the intestiues. Pains and dange-ona pUrgings onsue and the delcate a;stem of the chilld suffers nouer the drain. Iu sncb cases the safest, and su-,est medi- cie la Dr. 3J D. Kelhoge'i; Dyaeutry Cordial. It wîll checks tho inflammation and savo the ehild's Ilfe. HAYDON Visitons: Mïiss Mande Creopar, Tar- onte, at home, Dr. B. C. Bnîmacombe, Marison, Ins , and Mrs T Brimacousba. Iaitnt ut S. T M4ountjoy'ý; Mrs G Welech and 'aughtar, Toronto, ut Gea Avcry's; Eg;bert Wnigbt, Pouty pool, ut !home; Ms asSsith, Brighton, ut iohn Runule'aý; eimmanuul Lobh),Sat 0ic, Wush., rnwn-odacqaiaee bere Alcases i we-vak sud l ame hckor rh3umutisgs, wlfinsad by wsarln.g doua Bac.,u che PlasterZs. Pnice 26cents' -rr' th'r-l KE'EP A FEW HIOT WEATI-ER SUQ6ESTIONS,? Negligee Shi*rts* White Net with. or witbout collar 50g, 75e and dollar. Cream, BIue, Pink, plain and stripe with collars attacbed 75,c and Fancy Hal l Hose. Cotton, liale, wool, cashmere, silk, ~plain, stripe,> dot, black, green, 1 5e, 50e, 7ýc, 81.00. Suminer Underwý%ear, 0 al Briggan, Linen, whiîe-, bine, ~5,35c, 50C. Linon, wool, and cottlon ï)t.esh4 75c, $1.00, $LSwo, B. V. D. Athietie Unerear, 0 and 75c. Parons Knit, ail in shor' cor long -' aleeves and drawers. Two Great Snaps for this Week. camp Hlats Men's Faucy Hall Hlose IFancy stripes and dots, bon MaIle4 and plain, green, bine,! grey, green, red, b..e, r.euar *35e White, regular 50c, sale price 39e. andi 25e for 19c' THE MASOAN CLOTHIGaGO J. J. The MASON Men' s q- Store, and Headquarters for up-to)-date high-class Men's Yuraishings Botter Ihan Soap* S N AFP is an antisceptie hand cleaner removes grease,0 aeid and oiua of &Rl kînds, better than soap does. It dees not inpireL even the daintiest liands. Get a A4V fifteen cent can and try il and 11 ýpk yonr househDId wili never be with- ONT ont il. It la safe. Il is economical Il is- effective. It is pleasant. At ali kincs of Stores. 15nap Company, Limi*ted=tl"ýontra DARLINGTON Misses Ethleon and Eelen Johns and brotber called an Mrs W H Wood. W H Wood. wife and daughter spent Snday at E Moore's, Hampton. No child sbculd be allowed ta auffer an heur froni worms when prompt re- lief can be got fram lu a simule but strong remedi -Mother Graves' Worm Ex'erminator, Miss Hazel Lanugst,5ne has returned home ta Torontoalater two weriks' visit wlth ber ceusin Y1hss Marry Wood. Liveri~ Aiys Punctions such that each suifera when the ather îs deranged. When the liver becomes sluggish and tarpid in action, or is given tee rnuch workç by ever-eatinig, the kîdueys have ta heip out with the work, of fihra- tien. Whcn the liver fails the kidneÏYs have ail this work to do. The begînning is hiliousness, indigos- tion and constipation and after a time the ki4neys hegin ta be affected and there cornes hacliache, urinary derange- Ments and finally kidnrey disea se. Dr. Chase 's Kiduey-Liver Pil are the rational cure for kidney disease, just as tliey are the most successful, be- cause they get at the cause of trouble and exert a combined and direct influ- ence on lIver, l.idneys and bowels. 1They prernpthy and thoroughly eleanse the bowels or intestines and hy uwakening the action ef the liver take the burden off the kidaeys. Thon by their direct action ou the kcidaeys bring about -the -naturai and heaithful work- ing of these organs". Dr. has 'sKidney7-Liver Puis, eneP pilIý a dse 2 ents ao,t at aIlda- era r Edauso, Btes Ca. Tarnte EBENEZER intenosted Iu bn'dInee8 reiowhLi fifid ilt totheir adsitnlage ta -ail on Principal T F Wbr ofc- th(,emngo Business Coll8e -e Tronfto. formeonly a teucher Dt Meunt CrsehutHoe Bowmanon sutu'rduy A1!gust 121, Ebosnzmr cLurcl wfihi ho n-opeuaàd on. sunday August 29 Sermns will ho! preached ut 10 3) a m sand7 ï)n Ho-v Gergie Jackison, B A, VhcIa Ž U niverslty, Tenante, Collections ina acý a! cburcb maS .Special aingLîno-, On Mronday avenlng a ebteken pie auppes, wilha served beginng aI 4 -p n m t wbich au inteiesîing progrrsn wLb h gis-eu. Soe hbis for particu1ai-e. SOLIN A. bas rcturned h( me. flias Lyla Osborne, Countcisvat ing ber ecbccl frlend MisGiet John Bulcem's Bide won the ebt fs week aI Diviaiou favominz tbe et ,Dr L N Hogarth's many fn!eicis bo8re regret ta heur cf bis 'vife's dieat-h ut De- trait. Ica crean will te serv"eS i ut Divisice, on Friday Light. Eeymeýmber Lconie anS gel coed cff. D'eil misa the VW M S cc;i a at um- plan n au esdav nei, ltrlu prograns aud good lime pais Prof J B Heyvuolde, B A', an,,fanly retumnosi ta Guelph I iswek Mi- May Rej-noids uýccî-mpaniýesitos P:rincipal Fr-ank agIcBeia 'an BusiressUheewi au ee fBawman inext audy iehmi i-ou are -cou:siderîiug a blosCourse. Handý lu thea hantse ius a2ock.DFuVL4 Menthol Salve Salve entes qlkya lot o! the simple ailiments ncb s enta kMD Injuries, ivseCt hles a'S'st;(-, 2ea lin It draggf- la, .......... .................... Auuiony 'I'oro 1 - 1 -,'-r bv nolinz Dr. Chase's r iý v -L j-ý L- 'oýC U',- OL CHAS..Hý ANDERS(Y.Ni

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