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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1909, p. 1

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tmate $1.00 a year in advance; $1.50 to Unùited states. BOWMÂNVILLE, ON TARIOý TURSDAY, AUGUST 26,1190)9. Vozump. LV, No. 31 M. A. JAMES &SNPrpitr ~Yh Jme Ppes ist F1-iry-iv1IItrirecHrpe, ,s lAE:,,ekly ENGULISII LETTER Ureat Clearing Sale *of Summner Goods. IWM Couch, Johnston & Cryderman will- frorn to-day seil off a. lot of Dros Mueljns, Crinkie Cloths, Linen and Cotton Suitiugs and other'lines of Summer goods at greatly reduced prices. Some linos at hall price. Ladies' Princess Dress8es and wash skirts at eost. Ail fancy parasols below cost price. Men's two pioGe suits andl fancy vests at greatly-reducedïprîce,3 Men's Staw Hats at hall price. Seo our Special line of Muslin Blouses at ONE DOLLAR. Best you ever sa.W for the money. BANK 0F MONTREAL Established 1817 Giapital -814,400,000 Itt 812,000,000 TotaI Afisets 88,6,5 savinge Bank Department. Head4 Offi'ce, Moý.treal J. A. MOOLELLAN, Manager, Bowmanville Brrnch. 'RoyalBôank~ 0F CANADAI INCORPORATED 89 ~Pays Speclal Attention te, Savings Accounts. > Capital paid up $4,600 ,000 Re"Scrve Fui s$3,30o00O Totail Assets S513 ,00000 E J5, ichI, fEL IERM OPENS SIPT. 131. Toronto, Ont. IThis ochool la unquestionably one of jCanada's Greatest, Beet and Most Success- IfuI Coleges. Our graduates readily secure Iempl ayment. Let us educate yen for pas. know lîow. Write for magnificent cata- logue to-day. Cor, Yonge and Alexander Sts. W. J. Elliott, Principal ALBERT CULLEGE. Belleville, Ont. Over 300 Students enrolled annually half of whomn are ycung ladies. LITERAItY,-52 studen)ts wrote this year on Departmnental sud university examse Senior Leaving 10; Junior Leavîng 10; gr. Ydatricu- lation 6; Junior Matriculation 23; Commercial Speciallat 2; Scholarsh 1 . Splendid science Laboratories. MUSIC-Full conservstory and universîty courses are provi ded ln vocal and instrumental ninslc barmony, etc. New Pipe orga recent- 800 certIfi at es aate Fine Arts, Elocution. Phyaical Culture, Domestie Sele'xce. Commercial aîýd Literary Courses Ia charze of Specialîas. The, College provides a two story brick gymnasiumaad a fi ve-acre Athletlc grouad. Wil re-open Tuesday, Sept. 7, 1909. For Illustratedl calendar address Principal Dyer. , D. ) C ENJRRL CANADAI [ IR,'. -OTTAWA- I Sept. lOth to l8th Bigger and Bettortlina Ever. New Fireproof Grand Stand seatIng 12,000 people. Magnilicent Niobt ,Spectaeu- lar '-Seige ot Sebastopol" witi Fireworks Dispiay. Omer $t16,000 in casi Prizes- Sixty.flve speeial Medais ani d Pl izes. New Procees Building.- Herse raeing and Outdoor Vaudeville, Many 110w, attractive and lnteresling tentures. Cieap rates on ail1 railways, Entnies cose Sept. 8th., Fer f,111 informattion Write NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE. NOTICE I HEREBY GIVIGN tiat et Bowmanville lu the Oounty of Durham lu the Province of 0,tsi@ and cter, wiil apply toh0.rimeto &Cnda at the next sesfiion thereof for a Bill of Divorce from hi, wife Rosins Mande Hlor Bnttlonshaw of the city of Toronto lu the County of York ln eaid Province on the ground o! aduiiery sud desertion, Dsted ai Bowmauville aforesaad July 8tb, 190W. D B SIMPSON, of nowmauvilie aforesald solieitor for the appiicaiut.281 4w Autumn Term Fr,>1 August 3Otb, in al depart. ments of'The Central Business Coilege, Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. Catalogue mailed free on request. W. H. SHAkW, Principal. Telegraphy, Opens the door to steady einplo y- ment at a good salary. Yeu oan learn it under best conditions at Central Telegrapl School, 3 Gerrard Street, Toronto. Prospectus mailed free on request. W. H. SHAW, President. GetlIt atà MITCHELLS' Qility Drng Store. Big Summer Salet OP JJMedicines,, Toilet Articles AND Rubber Coods Rieg. Paste 2 Lver Pille2 2 hosphiteâ 1.00 ou aud Wine 1,00 i1'3 Pink Iron Pis 25 3fo Oimeut 50 Phono cails roceive prompt atte-- tion Plouc 9ý2 s For night calisý 92 b p. ni Saturday stolrGeces11 ,il . m DON'TFAIL TO GETI'A MiçeIsQuality Drug Store ~lI ________________________________ 'I y MISS J. E. MARTIN GuVEts IYTEU tEST1NG PlAccouN OP 'TRAVERL IN E.NGLAND WITH MR.AN 4.DA» EDITOR'S NOTE-Iilaier at pn3blishoder P ltte Mis ennie E. Martin, Profession - 0 al Nurse et Edmonton, a, who is Pvisiting blrhomo in auigto MCeunty Cavan, 1reland, aiud travelinig in Englaad with Mt-r. and Mrs. David Davis ef Bowmanville, rold et the lbearty welcornesheo eived on visit-ing lber parents atter au absence ut nia ny y ears durîngwhich sie bas grewýa from a 0littie maid tetalaud gmeai wi ,oman- iuhod, from a echool girl te a snceeseful Itrained nurse, iaving the3 respect and jconfidence et-a wîde cîrcle cut friends lu different parts ofthte DominioLn, tiongl ot late yearshe berneIbas beon, at Ed- monton, Alberta. It wlill ho romomenber- ed thin lier letton publisied jlaithis journal ot Angust - sie t1oid et tho iome-coming oetlher bretîers udofthe oujoyabie tamily rounion sud the pleasant days parents sud chùlbdmoa spent together sud tion ur tie patbetic imncviug aud farewells, a ýîbriet visit witb hiem brotiers ia tie tovns wboroe thoy bave good positions, and ber dopanturo on July 22,frein Dublin te rejoin the Davis party and resumjelien travels witb tber n aEaglaad and p4essibl.y the 0Goeutiiient. Atter readiug outhlie at- 0tectionate meeting with parents sud brothers ia the eid home sud et the re- gret e! panting again and bidding good bye and receiviag hen parents' blessïing, unr mondons will beo muet surry te leama that hem dean father took sick sud at:ter a vomybriet ilînese passedte ils beaÎvon- iy borne on Aug. 2nd. isMnî recoivednt Stratton, Cemnw,?all, a tele-! grain annenncing hie serions ilhiesesudlo iastened back te Ireland wtiail pos- sible speed sud arvod ut Caningstowui in timo te, attend bier tatlier's tuiteral, Whiliere sorew will ho great the stis- faction ef baviug the priviiege et even a short visit witi liin at the oid home beoe one passed away wîll ho a linger- ing satisfaction sud a ploasant mernory. We are vemy sure that Miss Martinlisa rthe sincene syrnptiy et hiemr nasnyv triend la this nexpected saud pouiirly1 sad beneavement wii hbas cnt s hort tic anticipated jenmneying outWtie Davis party. We now give acceunjt out:s trip te Devonshire, Egad Stmatton, Cornwall, JuLiy 30, 1909. ItmySoer amost sapjerfinonJý 'silsy about uny native" cunutr- fouuâd the Irish peuple very interest ing. bespitablo, generous and ohlgig-niotbiag ýtieyý posesss etoo good tom the "etmauger-i within their gatbes. ' Wierever a rouit tmue sou efthte Green Isle is met, thet big genemous heart tint is withiu iimQ wil manifest itsoif in heiptuluese te bist guest un friend. 1 tound my visit inu the Emerald Isle all tue brio! but my1 engagemuents witi tie Davuses calledo me te Euglaad. Af ton a short visit ini the beantiful cityi ut Dalinasdut is as intereeting toee as aay place I bave visited-I iett oni Juiy 22 by cisunel steamner for Holy-i bond sud tien tnined via Bangor, Riylt simd etier Welsi tewns te Chester wieme i 1 ilxade a short stay. This tiecoenutya town ut Cheshire sud a very saient1 city surmounded by a wail 2 miles long. It w as n Roman camp aud miivsmy base.s The wall top bas a pavod patiway. Pho enix Tower, Theo atiedral, thec baudeorne Town Hall are notable but by 1 fan tue muet interestiug tentures uft Chester are feuud in ils quaint eidt boeuses sncb as Stanley House, the homo l o! the Stanleys-(possibly the ancesterss ot Ooancillon James Stanley sud Mn Robent Stanley, Bowmauville. - E».) Ac short trip frornChester je Bawardenf Castie the home et the late Rigit Hon. W., E. Gladstone. 1 Exeter was my uext stepping place i wboee1 visited the Cathedmal a*- stateiy edifice dediaated to St Peter,, a niagnifi- cent deconated Englisi composition ut I great merit enected lu 1394, but, the original Saxun chanci was hut lu l2ti century. It le said te be tic most un- toresting lu ite iist nsd associations of auy ehurch inb Great Britain, except- îag Westminster Ontiedmal, Exeter le the capital uf Devonshire sud 1 wasV sorry tiat rny itiaerary would net per-n miit me te epend anther day. Takiug a train for Plymnouth 1I md a long cberisied desiro grtified ut seeîg0 the beet et English rraa scenery whicht lu Devonshire is a composite et curieasly miîgltd seaside anud rural beauty. Few m5\vsy joamneys can open more pleasamutily tiatic une wve passed alungt froi Exeter tçi Plymouth. Juet befere Dmawisi vas reachod wide ocean views on eue side and- mngged red verdure- clad cliTfs ou the otier greet the oye, Skirting tuiewave-wasied shore bositb-p fui leigamouthisl passed, tien tunaug 0 westwsrd Newtonu Abbot is reacied, the gsteway te Torquay the peaees of xiter wateiug places. Neanby is the r chsrmiug bay o! Paîguton, Brixharn tic home ufthte trawlers, Dartmouth alike a hayon for Yachtsmen. onremen waving gafin fîëlds and gardons. Plymouth, the popuions sonport lu tic sentuto Devun is next eched aud the student of English i bitery wonid ho fiiled wbth deligit te visit tic piace se notbl i tc artie laom -thtu contysu hich eapisacharmîng- ly pctuesqe sie o ti coaîlieou sent-wesernEuglnd. Plymuonîl, SÉtonehbouse sud Dvae thle neted "Threo ows. Eglislov-ry me- conde thaýt Stto e 0original ame buÙ 1430wnscluagedte Pymoth.Dningl, ti , bae CIa ys et Qucea Eli'ýzabeth il J evasien would sotu have be ul antieipaPed sud met in its sweep)iug pro- IF tint sert oet "preihiitiou wllnet prolibit.," we may w-eh deepair et t raml- iag at biul tint wili du se. We S11ai1 * v tcis practucal working vii mýuui anieysd take4 due note eofthle effoaýt. Denvor, ,.,tg. Coi., 17, 1,909. CAS TO0R îA THE LATE H. C., bAR. ef Bowmanviile Lodge No 99, A 0 U W& r wcaring niourning badges, cf West Dur. ham Farmera' Institute, and of the Agri. jDAR.LNGToN. LosEs A MAN WHo HAS cultural Society precededi the hearse. j RENDRED VALUABLE PUBLIC Th 1e coi toge numbered uvor 100 vehicles j SERvICit 1N TRE INTER- and a largo nunîber of peuple went on IESTS OF~ AGRCULUREa. foot and nry waited the arrivai of th e was the port whenco sailed snob noble mariners as Sir John Hlawkins, Sir Francis Drake, Captain Fenton, Sir Hunîphrey Gilbert, Thomas Cavendish/ and lu 1620 the Pilgrimi Fathers 1'tb mon uf the Mayfloer" who committ9 their tiny crat t te the grand old At ic ocean and landed on the fair western continent snd tounded the grea1ost Republie the werld has ever knoWn. Plymouth was aise the port of embalrk- ation for Canada fromn whieh the stuy pieneors from D-oen and Cornwall st eut for ehe thon Qanxada West but knowa homoe ifyas"lç ,iAmrica." The towns of Cobourg, Port Hope, Bowmanviill and 'Whltby were the înost popular objectivA points for the muet of the early om$grants fromn thoso two coun- ties and tie boads of the present fmmii- ,iosilaDurbam and OntarioCounties trace thezir engin la vomy many instan- ces baek te thoso voyagers by the slow- going sailing vessels from Plymouth te Quebec and Montroal. Leaving Plymouth'I procoodod te Hoswmthy, then to Budo and Stmatton wbero I joinod the companions ofur ocean voyage-Mm. and Mms. D. Davis- Who aire gnests eofhia brother Mr Niai- olas Davis and other old friende et Mr. Davis-. 1 canniot say tee, mnch of the kiud meception and meal Oomnish wol- corne I received froi Mr, and Mrs, Davis and fnmily îla their bospitablo homo swiero wo were nsed nigit meyaily and ne maistake. One happy day was ailse spent as gueste et Mr. Niebolas Troiuen and sister Miss Margavet Tro. leven, brather and siâtor of Mr. Rebt. A1 Troloven, Bowmanviiie, We 4îiad a very pleasant visit, indeed, witi theso ged people. We visited Bude by tbe seit, s growing populan summer watering plafce. The drives threugh the country boýre remýind ene seottenuto my native Ïrelsad wvith i ts green fields, tberay1 hodgos, moiiing land surface, k Iind. heamteýd people everywioro wo go. Wo visitodý several Anglican charches, semee ef tiemi very quaint with beautifal carvings, stone floors, dires eofuIs sud othen teatures that intemest a Can- adian tourist. It le a custem. bore et Enaglisi tonnists, sometimes called 1trippers' te visît the eiurcbes-English churclies ot course. For some unex- plaiued resua the Nun-Contormist ch-urclies de nut appeal te the Englieli J. E. MARTIN. (To beo0Coutinued.) A SUPER-DRASTIG PROHIBlTORY1 DMEASURE. Wu TIIE CANDADIAN ST-ATrESMAN.- As a suggestive guide, if net as a model, it may ho important te preseat te Canadiau tempemance vorkers, timongi the 'columus ef yeur ever staunci and progressive paper, some et the chiot provisions et a measuro now being passed by the Legisîsture ef Ahi. bama for the suppression o! intemper-E once, This bill appears te guard effectuaiiy muet of the uînai loup boles tirougi which prohibitory srtats are se uftea mnade nugatumy aud uselees as practicals measumes. This Act ie cunsidered lu this country as the meet advanced stop ia the rigit direction towamds a perfect aud all-comrnpmoensive law for the sup- pression ofthe evils cf intemperance. By its provisions ne liquors can bea sold in the State, sud no advemtisement Of liquers eau appear lnansy paper or other journal ot auy kind, nom upon snyc hîliboard. No train eau beave a car tint contains liquor upen any track iun the state, No place tom the sale ut anya kdnd may ho called a saloon,, nomean sach word, or any ether of like mea- r .ug ho used. Officers may raid placesl uader suspicion sud destroy ail liqaursd round. The presence ut au internai revenues liouse, wbether liquo erhond or net,c is made prima facie evîdence o! gult,f and the prepriotors of any place where 1] sach license is displayed or fonnd, may l )O arrested and prosecuted. Sheriffs are ealied upon to discovor aii wbo seure a license trom. Uncle Sam, and un poril et bis position hoe fluet 1"dean, out" the place.1 Withont notice or warrant auy placeJ wbere there is troquent assembling ut mon, may be maided ou suspicion L and every corporation ot wbatever krnd f inust promise wheu the charter u is l- sued,-te refrain trom. brnging liquore of auy kind into the stato, The viola-h tion of suai pledge or promise will sut. t omaticaliy nevoke the chiarter.t Soft drink stands muet net store or f keep intoxicating drinks o! auy kinds he possession of any umouint bein sufficieut evi once te conviet of an la- fl tent toeovade the law, Officers et the ci aw are forced to investigate every cein- 'J plaint made and solicitors are giveuN I ample funds and cbarged with the duty p of prosecuting, sud muet do se or for- E 'oit their official positions. 't Grand juries must ladiat on testi- C 1, A, Ca iyfl5un £n,y wJ ms. AU walkçed beside île b earse from thec buse te the gravesido(. Aniiong the chiot mnoumuers frum a distanmce o u oticed Mr J H Hloar, Indianapolis, Ind; Mr A E Hoar, St Thiomas. Misa E boar, Tor-- onto Mr W awbIyan11udlsun, Mm sud 'I' Geo Ruinnalîs, Ziou; NMrs T Hoaýr, Mu sud Mrs A Micel ownanviliu-; Mm F ~ Ar lur ar, Barie; MmsudMr J~~~ ~~ A hrtnsu oTrot;as ton,_M M sudMrs Macusw esigt HopeTownhip.Offiers ud embers a Couch, Johnston & j Crydermanj GROCERS' DUE BILLS TAKEN AS CASH. Talcun Tooih F Little L Castorie Mitebel Yucca( Prestout For uSe for 25 50 5e 25 for 1.00 40 37 Qunine waec Fig Symup Teilet Paper 3.0 75 25 10 6 rolis 25 Mr. lHenry C. Hoar atter an leroi< conflict witl that insidious disease- aSuomia or anSmotrophy- slept pence- fully te eternal rest early Thursday morning Aug. 19, iu lis 7lst year, bis st birthctay beig tomrrow-Friday A ut 27. During last witer, ho con- tract coid froni which lie nover tuliy recuvere d whiclî almost iucapacitated hlm at times ficf aftending te hus Sun- day duties, but his ludomitable pluck, sud love for the chuî-ch sud Sabbath school took hlmt regularly te lis duties, till weakuess overcame him on June 26 when ho was obliged te give Up ahl active work. Ho had aise continued lis work as Secretary-Treasurer ut the Farmers' Institute sud AManager of West Durhamu Fair, guing te Whitby soveral rimes te assiat lu takiag down sud renierai ot the grand exhibition stand te the new grounds hero, when lie really shouid have boen rtngam.d uecuperatiug bis stmengtli. Ho had aaYs been su active, heiptj)ul when le sýaw au oppurtunity, generous in thec support etf every cause that appealecl te limai ud kind te everybody within the circle ut his activities that ho seenued unable to give up work tilile oreally lad te. Thc late Henry C. Hoar was heu-n ut Christian parents lu the Township ot Hope iu that memorable yemmr 1838 on August 27. The tamnily lived for seme years near Welcomo sud inu 1846 moved te Bowmauviiie settiug on Batos farm. Whiie timere' Henry atteruded services of the Primitive Mtethodists sud exprersed a desime te join the Church whîle a mere boy, Ou March 5, 1849, the tamiiy moved te tic preseut homestead, lot 4, cou 6, Darlington, where ho died. Very soon atter parentesuad chldren united with a baud ut Bible Christiaus who worshipped in s bittie trame chnrch lu the ueighborhood with 11ev J. H. Eynou as pioncer mussiousmy. -mlu1864 at Love Fest Heuryjoined the peuple ef God sud cuntinued a consistent sud tamthful follower of t'le Mastur 'te the end of lis earthiy career. Ho w asi a menuber et Sabbatlî Sciîol over 6U> years sud filled ate officesý from scbolar te Supperin- ted ntsd was Secretary utW'eýst Dur- liam Saîhbath Sohool Association, Tun tbe1 urcI at Bethesda le was for years Seuretary-Treasurer ut the Trustee Board, leader ut the choir, delegate te Annual sud General Contereuces sud at tle Board in conmmitteeor atconveutiou ho always stood firmly for thetrmuth as le understood it. Atter bis remuval te Hampton lie resigued the office of Sup- erinteudeut uwing te thc distance, but ever aaxious te soervobis Master acaepted the position et teacmer of the Aduit Bible Class, performuiug the duties oacli Suuday until stricken down hy the lasI lnes When on June 26 lus iliness took on s scrieus aharactex luis brother at once called O1r Beitil wbo duagnosed ut aumemia. Atter some days fanding ho. improvemeut aconsultation ut Drs Beith sud Tiliey was blod, But the discase fiiled to f'ield te the best ut medical troatment and the came et a skuied nurse and ho gnr dually weakeaed. sud tailed. Atter eight weeks et serions ilincess thlenod came but death lad ne terror fer him. Hie was conscous almost tte lat heurs and was fuliy prepared sud ready te go. Luttera ut regret sud sympathy were received fronu relatives sud frieuds from Toronto, Otterville, Bowmauville, Ken- dli, Orono, Plainvilie, Hampton sud othor places during bis iliness sud great solici'tude wss manifested by lis wide cirche et triouds, The tuneral toek place from tle old houîestead, tle residence ut mis brother Mr S V Hear, wlen s very large gatheriug et his muany friands fol- lowed lis romains te Bethesda comctery. TIe rclugious services ai îlehe use were most apprepriate sud were couducted by [1ev HI S Spence. B A, B D, pastor, Rer T' W Jolliffe, assistaut paStur, 11ev WVin Johliffe, Bowmuanvilie, sud Boy T H P AudersoD, Hampton. A letter ut cou- loleuce wvas resd hy Rev T W Johiffe from Rev L S Wight, B 1). Brighmton, s f1ormer pastur. The large arruY ut floral )ffenings testified te thc respect ia whicii îe waa bld. Among otlersweme a beau- titul wreaîh fromt Bethesda Churcl; cross froua Junior Epwerth Longue, Hampton; spray ut asters truimSenior Epwo-tl League, Hamupton; spray ut c-urnatious frmit Mr L Johns sud famuly, Hamptol"101; crosa trom Mr sud Mra H Guodmau, Toronto; wrcath trom Mie T Huar snd Mr sud Mrs A Mitchell, Bowmauvilie; pliow from Mr J R Cale sud tamuly, Bethesda; piiiow witb "Brother" iu im- mortelles fu-om Mrs P Wery, Mra J A lharîton, Mrs T R bar sud Mr S V Hoar; haudsome wreath "jucnle" froiu 7 nopIonss sud ulecea, wrestl, Mrs J Nakelcy sud Misa RZoaI, Hampton; shat tmom Mrs R Steudel sud Miss Williams, Philadoîphis, Ps, The pall- Warers were eighit nephews-Mesar" il J Verry, M J Werîy, A W Clemeus, S T- lu-ar, Elgin Wight, O W N Charlton, beasA EWHoarFred W "OWer- 1-r- -1 il - 1 'v .10. t. lwfece Vu 50 W-tn 0 - LLL -1 il 1 il - icani remsrked thatl the funeral of no - 1 other resident of Darlington wouid have >- brought out in the mîdst of harvesting ysuch a concoUCurse of people. L_ STANLEY'SIIILL. d By Nellie E. Watts, Bowmanville. k Saturday 2lst inst was an ideal August hday. We had waited for this perfect ;clesrness of atmosphere ta visit again a 6 spot of which one never growis weary, sa evarying la the view, A better view of kthe town of Bowmanviiie maiylbe obitsined from an eminence to tho orhwstof the Electrie Light Power House, but this particular view from Stsnley's H-il on 0 he Fideline running soutbwardof King- 8ston Roa-,d, is obtainable just bore, snd wellt repsays the lover of the besutiful to corne_ many miles to see. What a sujeet for .an artist in theý granId panorirîe wep- whnt an oppor- tunity for \vivid color ings nielting dowrn to softest toiles. Sureiy Ontario's white- 1capped waesseemp 'd nover sO near nor 1of snch a deepiy-purpiislî bine as tuday. Two or three stea mers are slowly fad ing fruni sight on its brosd expanse, while fnearer a tiny sail -boait spreads its whlite fwing aud lits light]y niong, wave-dipped 1but unafraid. To the south-east, Bow - 3manvilie-oa-the-lake groups îispreýtty 1cottages. picturesque and enticing. 'lho iighthouse sud 1'ACiellan & Co's coàl buildings are aiso clearly defined A trail of smoke iu the distance warns of an approaching train which presontiy crawls 7from East ta Vv'est like a giant centipede. 1We turun our attention now ta the North 7sad Liast where the deiicateiy. pnrpied 1Laurentian Bis merge into loving con- >tact witb a shy of sucli ethereal lovceliness as cornes to us oniy on such days-a cloudlesa sky, Save for a few soft piles of 3strata-like formation ta intensify the 1coloriug. An unspeakabie restfulne"s te 1the eyes,ý is feit ini the fali sud ruse of the huils indented bore and there with mon- archs of spiral grecen. Circling round sud round on the sloping meadows sud harveat fields are beautiful evergren glades and orchards arranged iu as tri M, precision as if waitiug "toa be ta" whiie to give added rest u_ d variety one, sees standing singly or, iii g roups the statoly Canadian Elun, Where willun fiud-more ma~jesty sud bcaiuty combiued. than iu its towering stitcugth and foathery foliage ? Conspicuous on the Scelle is our own tuwrn, but so hidden by trocs as to- ho barely distinguishable, were it nol for the spires, beîfr ys sud lofty chimueys, the Towu Hall, McMurtry & Co, the Ilegistrar Office sud a few othler buildings stand out with distinctuess but it remains for Durhamu Rubber faýýtory ta reveai itseUf pro- eminently tuview. The main build- ings look oxceedingly modern sud pros- perous while the water tank has a very brilliant effeet in its briglit coat of Indien.- Ried. Ih remincla une of s huge cannu lire cracker mounted ou a ioftv pedestal. Bowmanvîiio is esseutiaiiy "The Tawri of the Maple Leaf", She actuaiiy effaces herseif to give proruinence to our beauti fuiý Canadian embiem, or su it would appear, But we khtiw how appearauces are de- ceiving. Orle has but to walk throuegh the streets sud soe the weil kept homes,ý and beautiful surruundings to know how desirable a place of abodeBomnii may bie, wbile as a magnet tubler children of former dsys she occupies a positioz altogethor unique. Judging fromn the elevatod position of Staniey's Hill, ont conflInover imagine the tuwn te be its rosi height above the lake level, which is very cunsiderabie, as may be viewed front aly passiug train. Wo must net nr qgiect ta take a glance at-the Western , w from -tho bli, uporn as swoet su ai 'as pastoral scelle as ever delighited the oye uf the most thrifty, artistic sud poeticai. As une takes lu the full sweep uf the far off huis, the goodly land, the peaceful town, the words of an immnortal writerc spring involuntsriiy to the mind "As the mounitains are round about .lernsalem à0 the Lord is round about His peuple". Bill and vale and grassy plain, lake sud sk-y and woods sud town ail go tu makea most cutrancing picture, une of which, the oye nover wearies, but that oid, oid thoughit of thie inspired une la the first,, last sud aliugetier enduring. TheP Fight Is On Every moment cf your life, when you are at home or abroad, wvhen yoti are awake or when you are asleep- Bet-veen the poison germs that. are in a!ir, food and water, --everywhere lui fact,- and the billions of your in- visible£rieîîs, thelitte eiie-cr ELLIOTT s

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