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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1909, p. 3

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The- Kind YoilaeAwsBuh, and whieh has been In use for ve 0years, lias borne the sIF-natnre ce and lias been made under b is per- ~~ ~sena spervision snc is nfancy. Allow iootedeceive you lun thh-e E~priens hat tilewt zadedangerthe eaz oe 1Infants andCide-EprneagisExrmct CUastoria is a harmless sbtiuefor Castor.7l Pare. genec, Drops and Soothing Syrtips. h is P10aat.I contains neither Opium, Morphine ue ohe Nreti eubstance, Its age Is is guaranteQ. Tt dsry on and allays Fevenishness. hI cure irroaau f; ]oEt h relieves Teethiug Troubles, cures Constipation an.dýý Flatulency. hI assimilates tho Food, regulates tha f-&ormach and Bowels, giving heaithy and natural sleepo, Thie Chilren'ls Panacea-The Mother's Frieud. Tile i~d ilHayeO i ys Bolh In U e Fo Ove 30 ear TU~CTR OM~~. 7 URAY T~a7. 0 B YRI C0Y I3UIBANK'S WON!DERBERRY. (Byý Chane M. Bice, Denver, Colorado.) Candie letic-clti-iists lbavo doub)i lase beard and rend mucl con- ý thec great "betanical" wen- «er, of Cabifornia, Luther Bar- h aak, of spinelese cc tas faine. Hie ba's b fleidly eulogized nîl over îlffe wo dmipiacad upon a ped- otlfar nIera île grean thiecruti- cý,al ,-ea-ia'Liisswhowrite iearned moasimthîe ahin.osi incradibla wenders --cf île reýýgeabhe kingdem, âad ho conpatey eimaster - In,.U Bu pcby ire aie net maay wio ndereaud is atest acheva- metiî opncducinz whaila lias cabhe the sunber," or "won- derlery,"as etheme termî t. hii nd, tînt Bnrýbaak, "ahi on at seuirmn's day," teck a -couple cf wild plants cf thiepoite ofarniiy, eue a antivea cf Afriea, and île otlen f Califýomnin, beLl of n lichs bre unediblla ernies, and cncssed îleý recuit was an eniirely nan' Pat.goeeating truc frein île aednad ienniug in a grant pro- frina barry nlicl Mn. Bur- innai easi, prenýounces te lae '<debici1ons, wloleeornc, and bealili- Truc o t meîcan instinct,' be wýns iuspircd wIh thîe Lummerciali 2dautages bisis disexvery porend-, cd hu e duly iransferred, for alI haadI'sernc eoacidaraticu, île plant te auchuisi orticuhinnisi, WIoin tmaprocaeded te udver- tis nn exol le scntsof hie. puirase, andl to sell it ai over this ande other countries. But it seerns that re'arly, every fam 0ie 7. 'S. is from "Mee- zooîe" fn ias te lie shown. Thoy egnin lojui ohortis a protest, aligattention te the fact that this "wondýiîerbèrry" was shy of the A rural paýýper of national repu- taton ç~n sefar -as to assert- that thiswonerbrrywas nothing more uür lesthan the ordiuary black ng-sliade. Jf omet this aeou'ation, and te <lefesîd lis own reputation, Bur- baril hung up $10,000 for any -one who hould prove that statement.' Thef edýitor of tlie af.oresaid paper dams t have earned the money, admade the preof, but so far lias neti c-aptured the wad. Tt really looks as if Dame Nature had.,ý played it low dowa on iBur- ba',te punish him for thie liber- t~he lias dared. te take with lier. TeI West African plant lie use--d was ýteelinically oalied Solanum aujaîse, and the Americari wcedcrsewil '1is1)e common selanum villesum. The iglit shade is called botanical- ly olaumNigrum, i srclIy Ieeks as if Nature, be- ing lý'iard,,p for ane- sElanurn for tli hyrid ha sukedand -I:iped )f "' Tk t bi a 1itl ,~, L ml ~ across a aigu ebhadeounibis inno- cent, unensectiîig natamalisi - a bcsitly arne if sic did!I Buýýteir ah, wliy mouma. if tIis iylnid lamny he rcally "dcli- uions, nholaserne and healhiul," *wlat cf it if it is a more aight *shade? We kuew tînt the tomate is a soînnuin, alec, and île writaýr eau raemben wlcn it was tienghi ly evcne-ylody to la peiseneus, and ba- causa cf ius assuned worthiessucss, -,a- used teOpRUt it te euetrAs ihsante pat ca i cr nltiai as a dierion n we cond, e havesahe fer the purposom,ý. Oun frcenemIbere grew teornate3es in their ficv.'ei lads, and called ileni "loea appes"'sureiy a simangaeeusomeîut nibircoe- tien -cftisai tneren bhn ut tbtînt i aoiLier soand, as île iawyCms sa"y, unet genmIane liera, Tic po'ut is, îteý2tmate proved iLs iglit toexciii for eotler puà:pes- as tiln uman sport, hnian ce t- ier-rentunesomc ffoe aecd te place hinseif ouiside of ilha toniateo, imnspective cf tise poison it wae supposed io cor tain, and actiali survis cd thedcub. it was tison île worondn'eut cî-nzy abent tisete- mate, until now it las lecomea a staphe anticle cf great commercial1 value a aseet d'Hiciounaid itutri- tiens focOd. Wc mulasit -,erleek tle fnct, thttebIack a.ight slade, whici eollasert isidenuica i w usB-ur- baak's wortderbarr,, hnet the cicadiy uigitsi lade or bchiadoîîna, jusihy drcaded by ail. We bppen te kno,,v- isalîighîtyb geo pis liebea-nu made f the Nýigmuin 'ianieîy. lest Lhe dasire te take pnide ha hem itis eaid tisati acc'aiîîi ired 1ieeks, mnaiaie cf oeeof thse pics bloea Tiiay did net quarrai. A goed laing teld by thefWnunes nife flanc up nculd, possilly, lave beau that le lad beau alec bing thie be-îter for loti; but sIc wns- net fruit cof tisa dmcaded niglit sînde. tint sort., Tîey iespiyioek ileir Turming pale, lic ecideraiely cwu ways-le te 1-ic îrorkanud phen- teck maniai stock of bis sensations, sure, cie te lier houceboid concerne emnemlered bow geod the pic wa< au' bnoodsu-g. Oh, yes, I ceuld see ncgaiued bis colon, and pleaded nulý it. Tieugîhan front cf lin sIc aci- île--good isaîroa te "please-picca ced tle "don'i cane," sc-conld net hum agia 1 ome." bide frein use tint sue was wretci- Wiho ns, but tint Nature, l-ecd, ing arable te make geod wt thîe it ooked lîke a liard casa, but, nigli ehade under uts old d ispt- ns turne pasad, and h get te knew able naine, aighi net laiaesîritcl eremand hîl eltter, and sic ieaaned envehopes on poon Burlauk, and te lîke and trust mea, tisa eacon banded hum the solanamNi ïgmonim, cerne clearer, and h coud cee it in thc lope cf haring t cîniate wne my job. itc hucky cousin, île temato, aîîd Tle trouille wihlier wae tînt seccume a coveted pepuharity. Ai sce'd aiion-cd hersaif te get ie lâny rai-e, farmers shonid net lae a sidhhi sia eo' mmnd, and, for tle teehasy ii oaug p tsi lyi d. cufit cf ail couccmned, h set abent Gîve it a chance te vîndicate As îhe cure. Earhy ca cie lad objeci- rigli te iî'e nndwhenaih lc- edie my habit e' singin' whiieI dih ee i ii, ianibi leni'salteoaisworked-said it get on- 1cr narras. te paie a celer, sensiblc verdi-cit ' cpisssdonna, FIn nware, on the usas cf tise wonderberry. but iL ain't ahi ilai acpy. Tise -- _.7e -__ iid turne of ne-kia' h lai oui. Myt QIEOUT 0FDATE. ilte sermon lit hine,.fier face QUhTEnwo aspïdb flosled, and sIc scemed inciined A wekrnn, bo ac aidby sny soir.eiling short. trne, wae susected by lis -wifa f eof ce, mai," hsaid î'oL gising ber all lis par ai île "Iuynv aame a lit b tg end cf the weck. île c,-,nsubted a cm1, yeulln e me tter. hil earra neiglîber, wlo adriscd Ici te get MYnenyairight, if you'Illeic rac rcntcoer. use." This she prOcumed, anid whea -j did iî ail myseif fer tic flrst ý îîex,ýt lic bianded hie w ages île ask- four yac"sic tcid me. "W'e ced lins: "re ye sure tbnt'e ail, VVcre"net ech off hn those days -0f cus, ue repliid. "WVhaýt yen aut te kcaep yeoun "Becaise 1h lare leen booking aoibucyis a prcions little kiddy," 1I a neady r-ckoner, and h sbouhd gaieaid nye inkin'.t more.'-)e.bock-d ai me qaeeî'ly, and t "Let m(,sc i." fie boeFibr aewa uddeuly drDaw7n. Br,- miframiue ndcaepuonslyfr h'l d donc bn' ny eiy vtongue h Iad't gtOte lzzle any -preý I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ïps is-e iiF)p s'owyiw-h oreu m c I' aflash that 1 1 c~i. ' t"-ti~ii'ti ,ccf ai oua la fcnd emrealo.Thoaihd Ï IIER WEDDING DAYj Tic vry finsi day h spent ha hiosedale coavinced meý as ilinge werca't as iIey sîenid le bein'aen the missus an'- masteýr. As h ent on tle cdge o' imy led ha tic nitic bafor ue mmm' ha h bad it ever ini my mind. Itwns none o' rny bizness, ef' course. Sbaries nin'i' paid tel coudera tbamseives i haîe pnirata affaire cf tise farniiy, but you eau take il frein oun ho kuons, they do, an' h'm jusi a female like tle rosi. 'Orneiy Liz, tlîey cali ina, an' I'vc got te plcad guibîy; lui, for ail tim chippia', I pride ase-elf tisera's a big -,tmain c' ceniasui- counse gees wiil tise wibiin' baudý an' tho cofi lienri. Afier wlinit l'd boen accnstoernd te sec ha mly bnci place, it seemcd te me a ter- rible puty tintthiiy elonldbc, aven fer an heur, tic lappinees5ý ilai cught te ha' heen ilîcirs. But' two jobs h'd lad since fa1- ibar iold me te make oebase mentI te fecd. The firsi lactcd for nine- icea y cars; thl nc, juet eue. Tint Oee mîght lava lasted me eut, fer l'inoneflighty Jane, lutithiwasn't tep bce. They vnere quite yong, and newiy married, wlea h went tep ibem, and tlic brighitesi, suanicet Cen-ple, as ae-er breaîed. Made fer caci etlier, ili-ey were; neyer ha ibis womld was tiare a liappier litiba paradise. And tien, aitich end of jusi coeshort Seam, God teck lber witb tic baby, and'lefi hum with îtii île hbednshed ont ef bis bifo. Tlicy tell me I'x-c get mnnsrny ideas tit In 'a oid-fasbiened. Perbape h an. But, anyn ay, my notion e'- married bifa was jusi liko ilicirs-- se-et-beartin' tegeiben tîrongh tIc, i glad yeams, N'îîh ne day wasicd in fceeliss hqnarreiling, wiii ne cause,,! grnfor mgret-jnet a dbeary jou- ney-3 tegethar, encis ichpiag the otîer over rthe rougI places, until ti meet. My day ia Rosedale eiowad met vcry clearly tînt île new mastert an' mussus were net takhng tic 3 îounxney togaiher, and it wricd1 ne. Tic signe ceuldn't ha mistook. h Tle lare cirility ai maab turnes, the 1 geiag- ouite ibte club wiiliont a wodafiarwirds-a-&li __ewdmi planly tint ilcy warc apari. Their 1 colduess towards cadi ciher struck s a eh in me. h didn'i feýel at home. 1 As h teck dcwa asy min île ques- t tion ebept hie omy Imain, "Wiat yem a gemn' te do about it, Lic 1" And, r becauce h knew wlnt bappinees per- Iv feci nndareiandiag Iminge, h want- td ilani te k ncw it, tee. hI wanied -B tia e e sweethcamis aiways. n The picinre of île mucsus, sinil- ing isappiiy in lis arme, cent ne te q sieap. f. Iu île days tînt follewred h qui- r e ly watcled tces. it ras plain c as tle nose on my face tînt tisey lsad married for loe, and tîntthe tl ceoluese had cerne gradual. Tlcy F waeabeili, h lcnned, about île uà carne age, Juetturmcd tiuîy, and a: Lad len married aigli ycnms. Ha was a siroag, wcll-rnadc, landiense d man, and, frein. lie hook an' man- I. lier, yen ceuld teli lie n'as eue who et geL tii'ge dene. si île nec a dalîcate-lcoking wo- fi iman, wlo, in bappier days, had becs pretty. Tise tirad look ha hier ah eycý s, hnite2, liaed face, tîle ,gray haire ebowin' in îlhe black, lad al l com sice ho)se days, wil cier te tîcyundemstcod cach - wahl,' h said. "h ibink it fort hlin iitIc dark hlent e& us to-day cau sec cnt mow. " Slie lay lack silcut, wrt ctraiued face, for quite a Io Thea slowly sIc put lier ha and daciad thoin cn my ch "Thaak yenu, Liccia !"s Th-art wns- al; Isut-h jan emihia', becansa I knew h ber round. "Now, lisica, rna'arn!' "h'rc got a plan.fie'l b as acual, n a eu nfor dinae have a specîilepraad ha the day, and yen cmii bc for bim in yeur n eddhag-i, "'My waddiug-dress !" s! "Oh, ae,Liz; it's lopelass faslioucd!1 h clouldlbok a "Wc'Ii ccc yen don'i," "fie is geing toeoen haie and land his oid swcetlieai jusi as sure, yen willf again !" "Yen thiak se, Lic l" s! irernliug. "Sure cf it!" "Coernud dig eout tIc cia said. And, laugiin' ni car1 ihoeughie, we, tripped upst jîle nesi of ibat day, ur usuni heur ef hie hoe pa-diiih- a dmeam, The It'-ý> missus you'd har dit. Sic scemcd anciler aliogether. Now tînt Iif iw2a given tgit, iotlinigt amseRis fariic dishies ýCC)kcd; tlena muet le, fie1 iho tabla, lis siip-pere muý tIhc fanden; 9verytîing mus as h l ikeci it. ,At six o'cloçk cIe went, ýte drzs. As h put on miy1 e0m ýQbar4 liar quîeiiy W'hoa shfE çý'Ca hedite sce [o)okade(, X Ttoan' snil1ed,é yer socmé reasear, hcad ýwo rdCI rnnýt g ~prûjtably conesrrn tietîn tsjs - ""7i0nt poiurpd eut 1with Spr'ig and summer lias tIeý melebile or pnouesck condiîo'ic mainuouibutliiin ccied by tu' afect iwcrak Asteiochcfti ng, n" ers i l 1boùC Oels.P i n c Alb d ut o c , e o s 7 n e 3 s d c ' l- a m r nt e jet m ttrwich, put liu(,si lu in- m e tr cotup, ju-t abuer- 00canio i 1continue if rigt wthla i~r t cc ucn le- potd ah: cot oi uttd dteaidi a ne"oi -a lest a- ~ 'Pt seàd'i , on !iutaCe u i'e cînga'. uri'em Tsa b nt uamnic m odi s-ie Dr be-causeroic oui icibasmrpmepCrCias it yr îestoc en d btic owe1 'tsyalakief il aii h' h o rrtns conima - ts c s-, L J o~ Eeiyhe-e a n- b1 ent ro~tve riab t1 rwC ad AC 00%îe rgn 0 Whea, a bit laVecr,I tisa diaing-meoi te say1 h found ber stmýetcbcd e o with hem face hiddeen ir soblin' ns if berhnr iii', h tried te lad Otwc fort hem; but tley wcrn Soeeiug seemed t-,el back. Al htt it me ,came upon me wiih aui feund meseif dabhin' D Shen'as a truclo wlio Lad dreauscd, asiinf Mi tise fumbi' uil snngghin' litle face, ,o cwu, and île crown ofi liad been de hdler.hIn r st-ood tîce suý1ent, h and rny leari acbed f1 orh Peinineni lad changed and tIc days anld w breodung, wlile blicwas clanged lier, tee. Dreppin' dewn l i put my arme about hm lest te comfeît lier. ICI knDw, missus," h wien ee lad grown qu it's wmong te grieve. Th worse troules ilian yo have, yonm iusband-. "My husbaad camas t me!" sic cmicd. "h 1an < fbis life 1' "'Ycn s,utyonirsclf e T said gcaily. "h arn- h'rn oniy,'Ornaby Lic. N, 'vr cali me wife new,b 1 eanunderstand wliy yci gene, apari, and h'd like happy togeiler again. dren corne te hind afféct truc enongli, and whoe cia' h deaicd île greaiýt for lcvin'-kiadnecs. Th. y-ou've faiied, dearie.F if 1h Inn you ly rny pli lut it.ceains t'O me y<, n ith disappointmeut se made yen, bitter, A m&s diffement te us; ha ic dlay. fie would net u -hy yon slcuid continue "fie was tee lbusy maki tion te came!" sic cmîed. "Oh, ne!" h said. ' but 1 h iik le wonld car see tic change ha yenu. gnieve hIm te sec you so Tlinge do net crnete st bctweea man an' wife un pfairs cf ekindling affe tbyc-came hava beau wrE i-ou, tiey lare beau a! hun; and, lecause ha ha pleasume ha lis homo h:f beeu tempted te, seek i wi so widening tle gulf batN lVhy uci mcct im Ln t-ni1 mila' face, an' cay yenu I know ho would emibe, bat hie arms wouid hbld are togeibar for butter or raybe many ycears. Wl: vays for leitar?" "Hielias Ioaed neic nid luttemly. "fia wonld, me nulh a langh!l" "h tik net,ý dearie,' uietly. I"h have ceea il hic cyceswlien yen hare cern, and h knew haý, t,,, he.Make i up to-day "To-day!" sie criad. I se annivrrary cf our wcd or tle firet four yeams hi twiih a gifi; ha las for itegeilier new V "Oh, ne !" h caid, sii leily. "Mcci hies wîcn orne te niglit as I wnut y< ;eif le has fergoiten. îch a pity ycu sIen!4 ricade. Listen te me, dE And, vry quiatly, I sont rny bnciplace. Sic beard me tîmough, ac end lay back, wiih tic ears in 1er cyce. I crrpti mie The wliute siik dress still fitted >W w V as sorry, ber perfectly; lier eyes were chia- J1 1 1 1isi I J J \J Af1 I ntlie couelji';ilemiiin' lips liad given a, 1- AA-4"LE N.4wLI) ni lier arms, new expressien to lier face. w Vas -break- She looked a liappy, blushin> U H M C U T irds; to eemn- bride. w R n'A V W ( N ý" aldn't come. "Sibn1l I doi, Lizzie?1' she said, choke tleic witli a playful cùrtesy, cant te lier "Oh na'am, yen look beautiful 1" Cau-ses flore Loss Than Olanders, Hog ChoIera, and rush, and I I exclaimed. otadlot i s o rOy eyes. "Yen think hlcl1 know mol" sic 0tad luh Dses o vn' woman, said, It Ilay Be Eradîcated. ýost cf us do, "1Youl'll see,' I answcred, laugli- bauds, tlie in'. LOSS FIIOM S0W TI-ISTLE. These can be pulled. A field badly )f our very From behind niy back I lieid eut Thos. Baker, Solina, Ont-Ithiinfested two yuar- ago was sewn mnotherboed the. spray of flowers I lad geL from was witii satisfaction that h neticed to rape and cultîv ed asdecid. n te minute ih lie hp with thc otliers down- yonr strong editorial against per- Tliis year, after a areful Struîiny, ber tod D sap "Jwniyu o werths ennial sow thistie, in Farm and oniy five plants coWLd ho found. hier. rD, a'am,-I aid. "et eatsnDairy, Aug. . If any action thai PEJIENNIAL SOWTHISTLE. 1 lief ionly it in yourIgoaxn !"Le efat you can takc will stanîp ont this k,- f loeIYit i yor gon!"weed, the very worst cf weed pests, S. A. Norihcotî, Taunton, Ont- 3away, liad "A lunch cf rosemary!" slie viu ill accemplicli more good than Teeioiietdd"e hsi cried. l> W per cent. cof the gentlemen wlie must be cliecked," in Farm and hc coucli, I "For remembrance, ma'am.' tepyscats as cur represeatatives Dairy, Aug. 5,' h can strongly on- aad didJ my "Tliank you, Lizzie," slie said in Iu eiitv Hls fyu dorse as not exaggcrating the situ- quitl, pesin'myliad;ansmi- agitation will sncceed in making atien witi regard te the perennial whi;specin ipiy ewnidw l w ldsc rss, or grain grow ssow thistie in Durham and Ontario s rnany "Wtienyu atdinrsevdwiere one sew thstie now eccupies dounties. Sow thistie lias been hre.s Yn y Weu'iipleae rn, ma'm," Isaivd' tiesoul, yeu wili be, a publie bene-gaining ground tilli o ields are ous Yuyu h tnred foritnekitchen." t'sadfactor cf tlie higlesi erder. iafested to sucli an extent that tlie Il a I urn d f r th ki the . 't's H ow is he goed work to be ac- grain crep is niirely cliokcd eut, nýotingfornearly seven. ha ten minutes he'll complislicd ? Men wlie grow tlie Lew iying lands and farms whii lm shut out Asche ccksrukIsoo vtî o e titr wili neyer sec yeur have been rcnted for a number cf editorial. Tiey den'i, as a rale, at- ycars are mest infestcd. the kitchen door open, watin' for tend hastitute meetings -or read ag- Cempared with other wecds, sew att dearie,? thc sound of lis keST in tlie lock. Inrocultural papers. Some action thistie heads the list cf bad weeds sure cf Î'. the dinn-omIke h o 1 Foran iî wa iingree Ikne sIe, y ,sheuid ho taken te, arresi their ai- ever knewn in1 this section. Canada thma inkwa listeain'. For five, tcnait-e tentien, to preveat them frein con- tiitie and wiid oats arc tamae but1 tinkminutes wc sat iliere, quietly at utg hi a oeaona awncmprd ihswtid, mu two have in,. Hedid net cemle. thig ii frno etos ai a hicn c opad wibosthistie,)ý) to sec yen hIstle along tlic hall, and, seft- b 5ss te tiemselves andîlco u- liiispeatdbtibyoc Little chli- n in which they reside, Ne man and sCecd Pand ili seed being wne iy openin' tic vestibule door, loek- sol c loe o.swafed fWl lyfraiesadiys tincoser, edaong the road hr was ne ,e the cls sgn cf him. Backwards and for- any cf the cemmen grain creps thai at a dtistatnce as weii as tiose ad- ward frm ktchn tedoe I cntle adly infestcd witb 50w thîstie. jeîaîng. i is evideat that it is im- ai's thee l adezen tc, n til th I e dcnt8cb seding wili net ouly be de- pssible for any farmer te keep en- Eorgive meicstruck c it. And then I ent trimental te his besi interests. but tirely free from esow thisibe wben m'vsealivcd back, and, sittin' by the, kit- .s y g tcarse and a menace to maay on ether farme, eitier far or near, aro i long lit's chen table, sobbcd like a kid. Thc land adjoining tlicm. Tic law or- infcsted like thc sections mca- ,ln is ' m de dnner was spoilcd. A.11 cur lutile ders tiai ail stock affected with tiened. This weed Is as yci a par- planigias asmade1 ws1etcertain diseases be dcstreyed. feci stranpgr to farmers in seme cf cearser coînnîng.wa at ewsntTiere is more loss every year fremn localities,, but unicss teej e undcrstand Iew long I sat there I couldn't tic cow ihisile than frein all tic operation te prevent tic weed frein to fret- Say; but pr1ýetyIloe P, and lesses, resulting frem glauders, ieg seeding, everyoue wili kuow it toe cng a posi- tiere was tle missus, siandin' ha choiera and foot and, menth disease, ticir sorrew in a short time. Some- 1.iehcarcd; wiite er face iad gone and yet ne Legisiative action is thing mut le donc, te check ibis 'Hecard;whiean' drawn again; tbe duil taken to prevent tic spread of the fochit appears tic besti way re more te loek lad ceaie hack ie ler eycs. so thistie. wenid bho fer the Ontarie ove i woUld She didn't dry. 1 think sie Our Legislainre siould niake it ment to foliew tic course snggesi.- diff erent. conîdn'î, cempuîsery on'all municipal ceun- cd hy Farin and Dalry cf Aag bsu, ;ucl a ptass "We've been a litile foelisl, Liz- cils to appoint an 'officer whese namely, adept Manitoba laws re.' ctin eue 7,1ce," sic said ' wiîî a qucer, liarsi dniy it sienid ho wie-rever île cew garding ibis weed. ~cin~ laugli "Yen sec, h li as quite thistie flourisies io take hercic If the weed was prevcnied from ,etclied fer forgotten 1" measures te cee tiaitlchy are net seeding and cenditions made mere ae mach to For île life cf me, h ccnldn't alicwed te go te seed te polinie the favorable for tle growii cof creps 's found ne find words te eay te lier. free air cf beaven and to, infesitiche rocis ceuld seen le kiled. Un- fe, lie bas "Peer, sentimentai Lizi"',shc ibair neigibers' farine. derdrahning -wci places is a move ii friende cricd. "I'm afraîd, afier ail, you Sew thisile can le eradicated in tic right direction; low, wet ,wcen you.don'i know imach cf mca." frein our sitl, ut it will require bland j nfvrhi arp ~n-cre1And wih ia ele md -andUïeernalhviiancc ëa-n-d-ilieoren-ügiand and hs an ideal spot for sow thistie,. glit with a went îack again. sysiemnatie werk. Drainage on al l Hed crope wilb chcckîle weed but me sormy? i Nne o'cleck etmuck, aad sIc sui le w, wai or epingy land is one cf will net kibi it uniese persistent ltoc, and ratin he i dining-mocm, boeding an' tic, firsi essentials te tle emadica- hand ieehng is practised near tie ye.Ynmiserabie. Tea came, and, witli a tiont of ccw thisibe. Tliey fleurieli parts wieme tic cultivator caunot Cy nse ai - teavy berIcarcd away thc in loew spingy soul. Land iafested be nsed. In badly infested fields hy nt a- meal. Eenad I lad heard iti sew thisiles shlnbcl sown' bis mctlied seems impracticabbe. arec!" cIe ne sound of hiem., Wbcn île haîf- te lnckwieat, he crcp or rapc aud Tic trop, whtler grain or liay, heur dliimcd, I took my alarmedock tlieroug4by cltivated. Slip-sbîod shcnld le cnït eariy and the greund taPfomad, a fter whndia' it, crepite îlte cnliiaîioanuil oaly aggravaîe tie plowed clialbow as coca as possible, sd cuîng-reem te say go.od-night. Qui- evil. Land badly infested wiili eow and piowed or cultivated wih the he look incllyhIopened île door, and lookcd thisiles sliould lce cuber pasiurcd hread-slared cutivator for the me- elefi th ini, te fiad lier stretched ou île or mown, plowcd about the middle mainder cf île scasen ai cuci in- ô, lswet eamilirug, with eue amui under lier cf Juby, given thorough surface cul- tervals as tle weed makes uts ap- ýyV h, ead, asicep. tivation al ceason, or le summner pearance. Plow again in the epring 'T dy s Gently clcsing tlie door agaîn, h fallowed or thoronghly hoed or and keep weil cultirated till île ici lding-day. stole lack te île kitdien, and sut worked once a week wiib twinpl*ow cf July and s0w te luckwleai eor e mamked down te wait. A few minutes le.- or broadsîeared cultirator until rape. This routine las leen suc- ýrgotten i fore twclve lis kcy gratcd in île July ici, tIeýn sowed te rape in cessful ha eradicatiag sewihisile door, and ai île sound Ih dci up, drills, cntiratcd and gone over nult us, and if ticre were ce oper- inýý confi- with my land presscd te my berast i. nultîe hbs once cr inice until ation te preveai tle wced front lihe cornes 1 leard him boitthîe enter deor. rape takes full possession. This secdiug, farmers coubd coca clear ou te, andI stood iliere shakin' while lie bnng practice will finish ncarly ail sew tîcir farmc. Untîl sncb co-opera- i seeme bis ceai an' lai on tle stand, and thisiles. A rn-y few may maka tien je practised, the, fight whll le dleî crosscd te île diuing-ro*em. ileir appearance tle nexi year. discouraging. ci be , bd "Mary!" tobd lier 1 car'gît hiscdry, and the door gr n hto h ,oaàb clint behind Iiim. Then-I arn net gaadtacfleso c l aslamed te owa it h. siele quickly vptoaizing tIh abmnoesb ,nd ai aong thc hall, and iisteaed. stances, itaseares iti t îl glisten-in Hie client muet have aroused lier, bile tIc propcrty cf em ulsifyiug , nwhtfor heard lier whisper,, as if dazcd: 4,ty niatter, tha-t je, 4-fidivid-»îîft other o Ned ie tîny Tdrepbets iJ hc befcr'n ii othe 50 "Mary !" le cried; and h1iliink hdii xssh ik willin 'mle must have siepped te l'aise berlha add4itiea te ii1Ceefrc r S. Nonc op. "Whai cn caril " TEP-NwEA.yhich sa11jppement tise)F the tne 1to-mer- And tIen lie siopped, as if theTE ANCIES digestive fluideý, hi las sac ecia meauuag cf lier dress and the set- htish only wiîbin a eompaatirely t(iseif, namely, h Èi p,î,iî ie iic tI1 whie, out table iad comae te hirn; and fer rocent perîod thai aaythiag deflaite fat of tle food-tliai st eû- ong tusse. quite a epell 1 Icard ne Sound, un- has bee, kaowa cof île pancreas, poses it hie fatty ncîd and gilycc v- sunds oui, tii came tise pitiful onibuirsi cf whatithi uses arc in tIe ecoaomy ia, jusi as iappens te Fat in suap- lieniders. chokia' cols sic, could ne longer of île body, wliai diseases it hs sul rnaking. hit>his way ibis otlcrvisc cIe said. bold back. jeciteo -and -n bat are tIe--symp-tos- useless matemial- is--rna<l - cpalbe > Cf npdu, "yporgr "lei." d won ihch ilese diseases cause and ly absorption ie the sysite,. hdenont îîîak yen: cared any longer!1 wbicli ihey may le diagnesed. hn- Besides al ihie. it i.- eiiavedJ liai I said. Yenu have Icca waitung for me ail deed, even yet tIc, sulijeci of ius île panemeas, ike ihetliymoid and be1- +om,'ti 1 WT _ bTk i îud foo*- l ds a c i4!-f-lle ato s s i ra t e ga d, sc m ts t 1

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