-. _______________________________________ , , I Uýiss Irene Dyer, Oshawa, le vtsitIng Send this paper te absent frîend9-25c ' Re Demur ofthe Post -Office Dep, N1ro W C Tyle r, Owen Sound, le visit- .g relatives here. Mrs J B Taylor, Toronto, te vising nt Mr F A Hadd_ 's. Mrs John Wood, Rochester, N Y, ts Vleitln1g Mrs S Mitchell. S Mr WV H Hastie, Mentreal, is vilting nt Mrs W R Il Cawker's. Miss Hattîe Bartlett. 18 vlsltlng ber gra-ndather Mr John Hellsar, Mirp J R Pya and daugrhter Isobel are viîtiag friends lni ToroYAGo, Mrs Jos Fletcher le visiting with D H ~Fctcher, Victoria St, Toronto., David Grey, Chatham, receritly vist- ý,d bis cousin, Mrs W H Williams. Mr, W. M. Ivs bas gone on a busi- tn p te Winnipeg and the West. Tebig milliers of Canada have re- dtuced the price of fleur 40 cents a barrel. 1Rev, Geo, Honey. Princeton, Ontario. Wa% freet ggiest of the Misses stephens lire Frank Evans, Toronto, le vsIitIng Miss Theresoa, Joues and other [diends here. 14r. Robt. L; Gay, wite and daughter STronte have been guets of Mir. W. -ann R3v and Mrs Edwin A Tonkin, Cam- bray, are visiting ln Prince Edward Misses Edythe and Lila DeLeigh Wëilson, Toronto, are visiting MISS macle Mr, Wm. Balkwiil and wife, Toronto, spent Suudlay with ber sîster Mrs. E. S._teamer Argyle will make her laet tÉp ïf the season te Toronto, ffiday, Return tare b0e. 1t wao Miss Agnel; Hialop, mot Janet, ,wbo was le! t a legacy of $60,000 by the1 late james Corbett, WhItby. ,%%Isses O)live and Violet Stevens and Lefilie Stegvens, Peterboro, were Sanday gueste nt E. N. Qould'a. The regZular meeting ot Bowmanville 'Women's InstItute wlll be held Satur- 'daY next at 3 p. m. in Councl Room. Miss Ge.rtie Yeung and être. W. Y ,'3rittaÂn attended the faneral of the late William Brîttain ut Toronto on Mjnday. Wm. Hope, wIte and son Fred, Ham-. ilion Ma.Geo - Wright. -Brantford.- NUre.S, n Edwards, and miss Edna Windatt, Toronto. vi8ited ut xr. Thos Rev. Dr. Neil MePherson and daugh- ters Jean and Helen and son Neil, în- ~dianapoIis, lad, and Mr,~ David Me- FHtrson. Toronto, are visting theirb sister SMrs John N. Lawrle. LIFVERYBODY SHOIJLD ,VISIT CAti- ADA'S GRÉATEST EXHICITJUN. 1 Oin acconnt of the Canadian National ýExhibitïon, the Grand Trunk Raliwaye 8Vstemr wIll Issue return .tickets uta SI-NGLE FARE te Toronto from &Ilj 5-.tatïone In ktaiwest et Cornwallo and ttwAurust 28th te September llth in3cluîsive,. Good returning from1 Toronto on or before September 14th, Speciai low rate excursions will beN zmn from ail points on certain dates,Y eWgazn patrons et the Grand Trunk au iopport'nIty et vlsItIng Toronto ut very8 'emwail post.0 Dont fail te euit nearest Grand Trunko Agent for full particulars. 9 Get Ready. d Our cliasses fer the Fail term organ- S SWednesday. September Jet. : S Thorough, practical, and modern 0 Buelines and Shorthand courses. 0 b; Enter the 11REMINGTONI' and yeur atisfaction la assured Z~ Better send us your naIne n e~Remington Business Collee 269 College 'St., Toronto. I WIIEN WE TEST EYES .T P5 DONE PROPE1RLY JULIRY aud LOYELL Grauaea f:Chicag., New York, Detroit ýl and Toronto Optical (lolleges1 c - J C rr Y ~.1V.V...TjVj3 ~ . -Y,,., rv v.., .t.s v h Best Value in STea and Coffee in town. Gî0-ve mue a trial order, Ideal Fence ,iutbe bea' lunQuality Reduced in Price, ~Pou1try and, Stock: Foods on. hiand. -Fe ed 110W when eggs audda:r~produce are high PETER MURDOCHU PlO1-j 1 -IZV1i LE, V CV Y YYY Y r.x2r-V-T'r~ MrmN Ferry anti tiaughter, lMaaitou, Van, are gueste of ?Aies Carrne Pewer. Mjiss M. E, Bryeon, 1Zew York City bas been vislting lins. j. M.- H. FOwtex Miss Mujary Brittuin, Strathroy, fi viAitingr ber gruîidmotbem MMs J.- M Jonese. Rev andi Mme AlexlMcLaren, Hamil ton, were recent gueste of Ens J_ Gibson. lire James W Johnson anti two chiid. ren, Napanee, are vlsting ut lme JJ GIbeou's. i re licyse. or. anti ber sou Johi Moye are vieitlng relatives lu- Rochest lire Thos Asbley anti daugbter Della, Hamilton, are vislting lire John Eliiott, Cenfre-st. Boss Penfounti bas metunneti freina -t!p -wilha grv-eylng punty-to --Lçtlk bridgé, Âta." lme8 E Draper who bas been visiting ber sister la Gariale renewing as. quaintances bore. Misses Muggîe Cnosey anti Olive Osborne are attending the. MuIlnery Openinge ln Toronto. lire J H Campbelt, Master Roy and Mies Puy, Isaflelti ure vleitlng wltt ftnes nea)r Belleville W G Runtile and wife, Toronto,, are visiting bier mother Mye Geo Mitchell anti ether relatives boe. Mn. anti lire, E, Caieron,: Toronto, @pent Suntiay wlth Mr. anti Mme. D.- Harrison, Victoria Cottage. Mesers. Fred Neatis, Harry Martvn, Ichu Webster, Alan East anti Doiph Tuoker le! t Tuesday for the West lire. John Heekin anti aece Miss Carpmael, - The Dale," Rosetiate, Tor- enta, are summemiug lu Maukoka. Mre Geo Sandercock bas hunieti us a Bettiwin upple cf 19C.8 grewth fairiy well preserveti for noarly a yean olti. lirsE. E A. Rutherford anti two'chilti- ren, Edyille, are visiting ber, parents Mir. andti r. W. M. lys,-Centre St. Oswald Folaltrt anti wite, Toronto, have meturneti home a! ter a pleasant, holiday boe anti ut Wbitby anti Brook. ln. lme (Bey) J Garbutt, sou George anti daughter Helen are vilting ber parents Rev anti Mme George Robinsau, Port Ferry, Miss Ammoun, J>epucy Registrar, bue returnedf ram a very pleasant holiday lu MuskekawIth lire. (Dr.) John Hos. klm anti niece. T Prunk Wright, Priînci pal of Ram- ington Business Caulege, Toronto, spent Sunday witb bils brother W A-Wright, Munvrns Roati. Misses Laurel Clayton, Wbitby. anti Lyle Frise, Peterboro, Mies Memnison anti Mr. A. Harris, Klrby, have been vleitlng ut Mn. John Prise'e Misseliadeline Sharpe bus neturaid home ta the city a! 1er spentilug four weeks very pieasantty wIth hem grand- parents Dr anti lre L Potter. Master Willie Hune', Otiessa, hanu, whO bas been vliiug ut Mr' Joeph Pattlneou'a, ieft Baturtiuy fan Clîten Springs, N Y, en route fer home. hie Greta Scott siang lu St liarv'e cbnmch, Liffordt, recentiy anti the 'Linti- say Warder saje she sang -tu ber nouai get style, Greta le joungesit iughter ef Mir Wm Scott, Ierseyiet. - Misses Bessic Cunningham, Gertrude Thompson anti Sarah Hlarrison o! Belle-- ville anti lra. E. G. Kenr anti tiugbter o! Blindi River, une gueste cf Mr. sud Mrs. D. Harrison, Victoria Cottage, King St. Il the managers et Cobourg Herse Show wanlte kili thein exhibition, tbey eniy neeteta epe&t the jutiging fiaaco of last week Who nune Il anvway P A Tarante jutige-aeoa3 ett assume the rotebut with tisuetrous mesuits te tus shuw C E Palmer, Esq, Tacoma, Wueh, anti nîsce Miss 1)onoher, alec lins Heuru, wifeofa E 1 Boau Esq, K C, anti tiuughter Inule, 'Tennte, une vliiug Mn 1-almer's si6tor, lme W- R Goodwla, Demasur Cottage, Bowmuuville Beach, Lake Ontario. A my stenieus cuttîs diseuse bus broken eut ta the bard owned by lin. James Diekeon, near Campbettcroft. Inspect- or Stark, a! Tenante, was up antInl- spectetitho bord, but be titi net say what the trouble wae. It mesaxubles black leg, thougb the bord bas beon vaccinated, Three valuablo auinals hase dieti. MisHawkins who bus sueeedeti Miss Luttraîl as ergaalat o!St John's cburcb antli gving excellent service, lnteutie organlzlng a due for Organ ati Piano pupîle lu Bowmanville as undicateti by cunti otsowhere She le au expaniensoti music teacher anti hopes te raceive former membore ot Miss Lut- trell's des anti moveat new once. , i l letairble (but applications be matie ut one., Papis prepared ton Conservatony examlnations. St Mary'e Jaunal editontaliv extentis Who for îtrty-one consecutive yeare bus ably stut thea hels and successfaily f uldied the Bowmanviiis STATESMAN as te editor und proprietor. His papon hue alwayB been a trong faotor lu tho Ilile o! the ccmmuaity upholtiing that whlcb was gooti andi condsmnbng ltai. whieb was net. Hie Fiunulistîs friendq throughout the country hope te sce hlm for many veare 3et wearing bis badge o! office, as bis beet work is bis tutest work. Benj Werry dieti ut General Hospital, Toronto, Fridav afler a criticai sargieul eperation for bladder trouble andi wae burieti ut Batheeda an Suudav, the faneraI cortege being a very long ene. Rev 118S Spence, B D, Tyrone, assistcd by Rev Geo Honey, Princeton, sonduct- cd the service Thons wus a large tamiiy connection present. lie is sur- viveti by two Pons-Artbur B3 Werry, Ebenezar, anti Wesley Wenry ut home. Alarge concourscofo!people awaited the arrivai o! te cortegEe ut Betbesda. Paîl-beaneme were: Meâsers R ýCollacott, W R Cols, J H Werry, S J H-onev, Geo A Stephens,' j B Oke, (oot) ,Miss Ruse Phiip, Port m-pe, attendedithel funeral. For Infants eaud chiletreii. !The Kind You aveAlwys oumhi Boume the inarecf UD uAouFUI . t.i.s,.Aat~uUUAALLH 'al] the other business collae8sl lu Torr ente couibineti. Tbere's a measen. f inteneeteti senti jour atidrese ta 269 College St, Tononto. Tuget wur two mon trylng te rip a pair cf th6 Cetebrateti Poabedy Overatîs ut the Mason Cbotbing Ca,'ti store, Ou besen altitauj hotir ef the dus', They paycash 25c tornv rip anti 10e Ion aay ballon tbat cornes off wilhin 80 da,~ e. Gi¶o0 (hem a t il1 , they are the best aven offenati. Mýç,ss e Pter anti John H. Wenry, Tyrone, John McMurtry, FPlM, Mis Ida Stephaens, Mme. M. A. MLcan, Mme ul. B. Fostellr, Bowmanvihio, Meses.s G. A. Sîsphane, F. L Squair, Robt Colla- satt, B. J. Houes'r.ns W. E. Pollard, Salem. utteutiatithe lunerat af the ltle ire. bMilligan ut Fort Hope Montiuy. Mise Tonkîn, dtighten of Bey Edwin A Tonkin. pustar cf (Janbray liethotilet church, suje a correspondent, tok tut] charge of the Suntiav evsning service te honr father's absence anti preacheti a veny cannest sermon (bal was greaCTl atppreclateti. Bey Tonkin boughL a # tlock offlhoaseâ bere receutty nti ex ceti utestug iL- hut slanbectended euae Lui, bra nipassetI aP.lfstr TheoCry etPhsiaiTrain ng iclai or;apructicai courue la (ho Univer. Mise Fra.unkle Jcweil was guest of Mre G W Grant ut Drumeen Cttaga. T Chas Jeweit anti wifo warie Sandzy viellons (bers. Dolpb Tucken bas goeste -Carx.duff, Sask, whene bis brother Haroiti bos a g-ood position lu a generat store anti haut one secureti for Dolph, Misses Elva Fower, Baby- Palme-, Aitoan V Koyes, Ethel Power, Hartsy and Violet Mlaion' are ut Camp Renia anti are having a jolly lime. Wai J Webster, iiife anti sou Gev, GOshuwa, were Sunday visitons there. Mrs w j Wanti andi nIece Saste Dosh, Owen Sound, are visitiug lire Roger FI9bleigb. Blerb Fletcher, wjLfo end fumuly, Mesdames J Luwrie anti Davis Latlreil anti daugbter Do.rolhy were recent vioitons aldb. John Grlýg und wlioanti Mariol Dech Eperl Eunday' there. BORSE NOTICE. Parties dasiriag the services cf! the poputar lnoltinZ stuition Hariry Wllks -.y a.rrange for incb aller thergu lar seaýson by commuaicating with O A GÂ4tm$Ln, Muple Ait anus Furm, Oreo,o k3ell Phono. 88 2w JC1 udri Cry =1 , Toilet Sets, trou 81.5-0 vnp t P. A ', es Crsum supplîet In lu anquantit3 ut Luttreil's%. ea Miss Helen Belth, Ottawa, lo holiday. I. ng ut borne, Just tbink et it a 82 straw but, for 95C 1-The liason Ctotblng Ce. - F. A iladdy bas un sale some largi and ltusclous watermelone. Cuit ut Luttrelt's any time anti gel J refreehing ice creuse sundae. MissesOive Allen le ý isitIng ber !riend n Mise Annie Dwysr, Oshawa. Mises Llzzie andi Edra Taylor ur; vieIting relatives ln Hamilton. Mrs Gso Gray, Newcastle, was guest o! lire W Hisiop and lins Geo Mitchell. lin. G. W. Guy, Buffalo, is vlsItIng a hie br9thQ,7,,r. F, XT; fQuy. ParlIngten, sies -1elue6- . -_Guy, D - gte spent a week witb ber fIrenti Mise Ii EliIott. Ses our uew Limoges stock pattern lu China. F. A, Haddy, China Hll Qrory. 51Master Gso Mitîchell, Toronto, speni the week eud wltb bis graudmethen, Duke-et. Mr.-Frank GrIgg and, Miss Murjenit Grigg., Oahawa, visiteti ut Mr. J. Gnlgg'î 8Suutiay. Fred Lyle anti wite anti Myrtie Me-' Reynoldis vislted ielnds lu Oshawa ireceetly. Ens,)ohn Collacett anti son, Detroit, are vîiîig ut Robent Collacott's, "The Evergreeue." Kathleen lieGlI bas returued tram a deIigbtal visit wlth Marlon anti Neil 9Fait, Oshawa. Mrs. George Jumieson, Newcastle, wue guest o!ci'r. John Gllddeu,, Port Hope, recently. Miss Olive Bellmun hus returneti tram a pieusant two weeks' visit wlth rela- tives lu Toronto. lirs W C Washington ana, grandsen Day Warnlca are. viBitIug Sire Albert Washington, Zion. lire. Wm. J. Wurd anti niece Susie Decb, Owen Sounti, are vlsiting ber father lin. J. Grlgg. Mr'. anti Mme. J O. LaBeile spent EundeLy with Mn. andi lre, W. T, Greenuwuy, Port Hope. Don't bonnow your nelghbor's paperi when a new subscnîber saun gsi bis paper for 25a te Jan. 1, 1910. Mr. anti lro Chas Willls anti uug hter Thelma, Toronto, vIîteti ut Mm. Wm. licleynolde, Brookbili Dairy, lien'e twe.piece suits anti funey vestb ae lg offal greatly relucee pr)ses u ICouch, Jobnetou & Crytionmau's. Mrs W J Stacey feels very gratefal te ah whe ehewetikintinesanti helpfal- ness lu hem asbantieis eanti deatb. Dora Freet, Belleville, murrieti a sllck-tougued ativeuturer who got ber money and teft ber strandeti ut Denver, Col. Town Publie ceele wilt reepen Sept iL Mise Luwton, and Mise Neltie Goulti are the new members of the teaching staff. o A Snap-2 baby canniages, beanueed, ceet 825.00 anti 128.00. reepectIvely,fo sais ut $10.00 and ti 2.00. L Morris & Son. Messrs. McKenzle, M S Shieltis, Har- oid Moatb anti Miss Kathleen lieutb, Tarante, have been yisitiug lire, E, 8, Meatb Frank Oke, wite anti son Wilbun anti Fred I,le anti wite visiteti Suntiay ut Mme Oke's mother, huis J Stevens, Onano. Don't forget Jas. licConnochle wben -veu have Ilve pouttry for sale. He pays hlghest cash prise, Otti stand, Bow- maLvillo, Mise Effie M Brooks, Rockwelt Green Villa, Sotina, visiteti lme Rieh Brima- combe, Elgîn-et, and Mme W G Mttôn, Church-st. The eewliendere and Spelling Books, aise special value lu ExerciEe anti Scrib bting books anti everythîig necoseary tor echool ut P C Trebilccck's. Mise s Pearl anti Olive Skinner, Tyrone, anti cousin Mn Orial James cf Dominion Bank staff, Huutsville, wene guesîs .ruesday ut Lerne Villa, Get jour faneai deelgue ut S. J. Juckman'e. A large number of shupes kspt ln stock-Socety amble ms,wreaths, harpe, crosses, broken wheel, gaies &jar, stars, etc. Phone 80, That tireti iunguld feeling, antInld is- position te effort of any sort willi be rpdy removetihy the use et Millier't3 Comouni ian itt. dlt by R, M. Mitchell & Co. Dnuggliits. A Clans W iitiams anti wife, Portage la Prairie, are guests of hie parents Mr anti Mrs W Hl Wiliiame, Churcb-st. Mn Wlliams 1e membor of the legal firm cof Anderson, Wiliams & Garland, Bar- ristore.' lthe paet aine menthe more students L Dinner sets ut redueed pries u t F. A. y Ebenezor cbureh re-opeuiug nexi Sunlday &nd lEonday., j. BowmanvIlle Fuir Tuesdey zaud Wed. nesday Sept 21 and 22. ë Canned peas, corn and tonhutces,E for 25e Mt F. A. Haddy'u. ýe A dish cof Luttrell's Ice creuse ona bot day gees great. Try ene. a D O & P Co band bas been engaged te furnish music on botb da-va of the d fuir. Man's rtraw -bats sellIng off ut ball a prieseut Ooucb, Johusten & Cryder- man 's, ;t Haddy's Idéal Tea Is seuh the stan- [dard, To be liad ouly frein F. Aý Haddy, :he greatest enap ef the'yeur, *'Any strawlzat-la -the- store -o 9e"Tbî Mason Clething 00e, Dont fail to secure some ci the barguins lu summer goode ut Ooucb, Johnsiton & Cryderman's, Jas MeConnac-ble la buying live poultryaut the higbest cash prise Ai the oid tand Bewmanvtlie. The best value lu boxed statlonery at P C Trebibeock'a, Try a package oi linen lawn note, 8â quIres for 25ec.' We are selIng lots "61 our 25o tes, Ii; Il any wonder? Il would be goýod value ut soc a ln, Have Yeu tnled It -ai Archie TaIt's? We bave a number et ples ord fmmi- turc, slightly defectîve tbrougb being loaned. etc., wili soli regarôlese of cosi' If eoid quIckly. L. Morris & Sou. Il you intend. taklng a buàiness course get in touch wiib the Remington Business College, 269 College Street, Toronto, rigbt away, Their classes fer the fuît term erganize Wedneeday, Sept. lot'. Apple pickere, and Harvesters wil be lnterested te know that the celebruted Peabodyv Overail, the kind that you eau- net rip, are for sale by The Mu son Ciothing Ce 18 dozen paire iu tbree weeks, shows their vopularity,. once tried alwuye usaet, $1,26. APPLIS WAIITED. Any quantity.of apples for evaperat- Ig purposes delivered beglnniig Sept 1 ut Clark's Evaponator, South Wurd, Bowmanviîle, Hampton or Oshawa, CLARKE & HOWIILL, 81 aw'* Proprietors. MINISTERS AND CHUIRCHES. Ebenezer churcb re-openlng next Suaday and Monday. Tyrone Hurveat Home on Sunday Sept 5 and Labor Day. League Ralty and social at EAniskll. len next Sunday and Monday. Rev J. U. Robins, Bluckstook, wîlll preach iu the Methodiet church next Sunday lMr. Robin@ la ene of the cern- lng men ln the Methodiet churcb and un excellent preacher, BOWNANVILLE-ON-TRE-LAKE WESqT SîIDe Miss Leta M^rnard la home for bll- Mms Frazer bas returned 1P tber home ln New York. Harry GrIgg was recent gueste ef Leon Damas. Gao Grant and Ed Calder were borne for the week-end. O Wilcex, Toronto, spent Eunday ut Flonadora Cottage. WilI Tait ban leit for Edmonton sorry te leave bis old friende bore. E A Loveli wuq guest of Charles H Anderson, West Side Cottage. Str Argyle bail a reugh time Tueiaduy of luet week the wayes were running bigh. TBH Lockhurt and family left for To rente and Hamilton and returu te Red Deer, Aug 81et. liarrv Allun andi John Wannacott were visitons at Sunnyside Cottage guests of Herb Dilling. Mrs E R Bounsali, Chas Coi andi wife spent Sunaday ut Sunehîsse Cottage guests cf Gus Bounsail. Fred J PattInson and i wfe, Torontoe, Wirnile Gage andi lrs Murdoif wore visîtors ut the Bungalow. Miller'a Compound Iron PISeculsy 25 cents for 50 doses. Sold 'by R, M. Mitchell & Ce. Druggiste. Roger Fiehielgh bas resumed duties la the clty ; bis tather Wm Fishleigb epent Sunday wItb hlm bore. Mis Elle McIntvre was guest ut Konora Cottage cf Mre R Damas* John Melntyre andi wife spent Sunday there. Miises Barbara and Bella Calder andi aunt Miss Calder, Toronto, have been gunests or Mrs E CuIder ut fSneCet0- FARM EOR SALE OR PENT-100 acres more or less, ounloti, con. 7, Darling- ton, in g cedstate of onîtivation; on it are gooti franc bouse, good barn and @tbhiig, well watored, ,vover faiîrig streani. Ajîply te THos. WËîTg, grocer, Bowmanvifle. 31-3w ILIOUSE TO liENT - Gooci brick .A..A.residence contai'ing 8 rooms. Eleetrie Liight ad xur,,ace, etc on acnggniet B manvfi e, owsed by lire. Job, ud.l sesmton imm 4diately. F'or termes pply to lieS B. WINDATT', Scugog Si Bowmauvillc. 2911 FI ARNI FOR SALE- 70 acreq, beiig lt90 21, con 5. Carke, on wbich are gooti bulnings, orchard anti water. Tise fa'-m is n geod geaim sud pasture faim and ist spIeýdidiy 8itateti If fot ,old wîlbe renteti. For par- tieniars address lins IIAAC JEWEL,,l.amiptOn, or IIAAC COaEanCK, Orcue. 31 4w F ARM TO RENT-150 acres cf firsi cf aose iati n exeilent condition; one mile Sentiso e bctown of Oshawa. Rnu,îiiug Water and waierwc>rks ia buildings. Splendid orebard, good lieuqe anti barns. Plongbîag privilegcs immediately; full pos.session At ru tsi 1910. Apply ti G. D, Co.*4ANrq, Oshawa 31-tf F ARMI TO RENT-130 Acres of tandi Aýin goed. state ot cuitivation, lot J8, con. 3, Dar-lirgîon. Gond buildings. Flougising poï- session iL the fali; fuJi POSeïScîîl nAprit 1, 1910. For fuJl particulars apply on the premises toe MPS. W, 1J FFREY, nortb of liajle ýGrove, or to box 155, Bowmanville. 26 uS F ARM FOR SALE OR REN T- One JOoftise best farmas in Darlingtoa con sistng of 145 acres. beiag loisî 22 anti 23, con. 5 Darling- ton. On which are gooti frame house, bit>- rouf bain 100 by 45 wtb Stone siabliug, ceme.,t floore. litter carrier, vater works; wîad mlfa gond condition up 4years; 9 acret orch- aid, 7acres pianteti 5 years. balansce la gooti neariag connition. aovet f aiiag stream -ru ning ibrongIrrhfam. Possuession tbis Sai For firtiser pan&iieniars apply ou tise premnises te Ma lvn emeoMar, Slis. JOt ûI, IIe nc Far.î-in, onta01)Into are are une Ln bndrvngtjSto rm aes, )ý strytraîne iîotso, v bard e sudlf anS l gondstatocf tiitivïation.If ccisoi ju eretS Ploisog ,b pe ýtsuhiIou aStýer brtt.For fou par-oticýulses ;i iPy £ ea b - prenicol t1-1 G.ARuEt. Scolos P. O. 2-if NEW MUSIC- TEACI-ER. Miss B.Ilawkinâs oet lortntg,j thte new organist et St. Jobn'e Chumch, Bownnvilte, teachen o! Piano anti Organ, wilt organize a otass for pupits in (hie town ta open Sept. L. Pupits prepared for Conservalory examinations. Atidmess applications to DRAWER B. Bowman- ville, 32-3w. 50 cents; Deaths, 50 onta, cach In. soi.tien. When ftzncrai carda are iprinted ait thl offc. Insertion fa-cc BOIXN ZIALLE BNk-In Oshawa, on Âug. 6, te Mr. and Mir& John Hallbran, a sou. MILEsU-At 47-31st St. Détroit, Mieh, Aug 13, te~Rs and lire J E Miles, a sen, RoacH-In Ilowmanvîlis. August 19, teb M. and Mir#, Lewis-M. Roac,a daugbter.-.--__ J£FJaglr-At Dalston, Aug. 17, to Rer. and Ilr Chao. B. Jeffery, a son, Howard Wiifred, BoNw-At King Edward, Manitoba, Aug. "dth 1909, to Mr. and lir@. Arthur J. Bond, subi born>. I Aachnu-tmetbodist pa dng pn iord, Auguat 4, to Rev. andi âtre. A. J. 0. 47dS 4'1ANLAR-In Bowmanville, August, 21, toelMr sud lire, Roy Candiar, (nec Leah Lander) a son. (Stuart Roy Etivard) y ears, John Gamble. Hoâ ii-la Darlington, Auguet 19tb, Henry 0 Hoar, ln hie Tist year. MILLWRD-At Port Hope, AU, 22, Lousie Hyacinthe, beloved wife et i'red L Mihuard, ýVER- lu Toïconto Hop'tal. August 20, Benjaimin Werry, Darilngton, ageti 73 Vears. WHiT-In Reacle, Aug. 13, Aun Pranee, widow of the laie Wm. Whiite, aged 86 years. SMITH-In Osh1aW0, aitbteseeldeneof ber Son Mir. Chas. Smith, Aug. 16. Margaret Wainwright mllet pi thse late John Smiîth, Port Hope. MIHUL-In as at Whitby, Ang. 18, Jane Wiloa, beloved wife of the late Alexander Michael, aged 98 years. MoRoNA-In Toronto, Ana, 23, at 875 Cion- cord ave., Lucy LeÉora Goodman, wtfe of Wm, Moonay, aged 30 years, formerly of Bowman- ville. Mî,.LioAN-At Pcrt Hope. Augnet 20, ifansais lioaey wîdow of the late Davod S, Nilligan, aged 9,4 yea?5, A'int o! Peter Werry, Tyrone. and 8. J. Honey, Dowmanville, BIITIAN-In Toronto, Aug. 20. Mr Wm. Brittain, formerly ln businesa Bownanville, agýeds73 years, Interment lionday, in St. James ý. . frein the residene of hic daugister Mr. Wibaç», 77 Doïçrçoiirt l%,id, "Lest We Forget E, R. BOUN8ALL, Designer andi Dealer la Monuments, Tahîcts, Markers, etc., ln Granite anti Marble BOWMANVILLE. ONT Farrabrr WORK FOR 20,000 MEN IN MANITOBA ALBERTA AND SASKATCHEIWAN SPECIAL ( GOING ~1 Additlcnai fer the Rature Ticket EXCURMSIONS, $ 10Yi TIRt!Pol entier conditions as below. . Sept. ON'E.WAY SECOND--CLASS TýîcCTS VIILL BE SOLD TO WINNIPE.G ONI.Y ,Repeesentative farmers, appointed by M.%anitob. Si katcheexan and ALu oeasns 1 ill nictd engqge laborees on arrîval it Winnipeg. Frcc t"ansPo rtation mi'ill bL fiu-niqh ied dW innipeg to points on ('au. 7'ac. ihere Ish ccc, ies ,ieeded, east of Mooe J:w, including branches, and et eue cent a ,nilec a y we.9t tic reof in S kt ac n d AtIherta. Acertificate ta fiiidîcsld w ith ech tickct, and fliic critificate achen e i c I l b farmner showing that hborer ha, i orkcdl thirty diiiý or wore, w iii Le h0onnýtI C f iladt point for a second çIa'8 ticket back to stariig 1oints i1Ontarjo. c au D.peine to Nov. 7th, M,19. lickets aie good oniv on 'PeCial 1aine 'ieri t and % l eut cs-i n no vomen as celi as to men, bu, w iII not be jineud ntan îsi te to childien. For [tilt pariculos sec teenresi C.I',R. adent, corI scieR. L. TfIIPSON, il.I.A.. C.P.it.. TORONTO e.B. KÇent. Agent Bowmianville, I .u lOwAugust Cern saleof Dry Uods 18 NOW ON And the Genuîne Barjgains we now offer sho uld induce the heenest Duy- 'rmalle their purchases ers~tat home-, The following are a few of the nîany snaçs we now offer, andi you, witl flnd at our store many ba'rgains not mentiened ln tbisIlist. 400 yds eolored delainette, reg. 15e for 10e a yard. Lad!es',long Liste Gloves in black, white, or tan, reg, 50 and60 for 35c a pair, Ladies' long govree, extra qnality eiik lîisie, reg. 75e for, 50p, a pair., ~J 3 d oz white embýlroiderîed, wasb be'tý, rag. 25c, noiw 2 for Ladies' white miuelin waists, reg9 $1.25, gàa)e price 98c. 1 doz. only. fine black ilikelote ivaists, reg. $1.25 for 98c. 1 doz, onty black sateen underskirts, reg. $1.25 for 98c. Ladies' whlte*ear, underekirts, night gowns, drawers and corset covere at exact wholesale prices. Laces and embroideries, good assoi'tment of patterns, any - . wGOING DATIES" "FrmnStations north of lUae of G.T.R, Toronto tigiarnis, anti (an, 19 Foc acStations en e nti ssofaToronfo-SuklburY lUne. '~Froa Toronto andi ail C.P.R. Stations w est la Ontario on andi Souths 23 ofn main line of Grantd TrunaiR y, Taronto ta Sarna an astal Stations la Ontario on M.C.., ['. endstiT.H.&B. Itys. 27 Fr""o..tlinas Tarantoee at,.inclaliad Sharisot tLaeandi Kinds- ton, .-d ,ait Stations ln Ontario west of nfre..,, aisa stations on 1C'-. & B. of Q. Jfty., enti stations on~ K. & 1P.. aoah of Renirew. a it 11Stations Torantoeanti west, inciudin Sttons on C.Pr%, ,7 Toronto ta Sudbury. -uaiy shr aegh teetu banar to Ebout M prAs I 95 ytie o! linon towelling ut r5c a yardi. 10ciliom. table linan, 3 pieca onty. reg. 50o for 88ea yd t Table linon, 1 piece only, extra epecial for 23c a yard. 5 places beet Loeh Lomond shîrtlng, reg 15e for 12jc a y d. 3 pleeos triped lannelette, reg, 10e for Fe a yard. 75 yards côord tton cashmere,40 lnch:: wid:, sale /Men's colored cambnie shirts, reg $1.00 and $1,25 choice for 79c. Men'e wash veste, reg $1.00 anti $1,25 choice fer 75c. Man's white duek pant3, reg. $1,25 sale price 75e. 2 doz, only VicePresident Braces, reg. 60e for 29e,. LZ 3 doz. Men's heavy union sockg, 2 pair for 25c. Men's straw ba 1ts, reg. 27,c for 17e, 50e fer î35e, 75e for 50e, $1,00 and 81.25 for 75c, $1.,0fcr 1.0,$2,00 anti $T.2,25 for $1.50. eneor Baye' Linon Hats, reg. 25c, for li, 50 for 35,c, [2~75efor 0eGr-ocers' due bills takcr. as ca, N ext Deor to Standerë, Bisn , cowmr n via M7 GEM JARS É RITISII GRANULATED SUGAR@ 1 "~At, this 'season of the 'year, most people require gem jars and granulated sugar. We have the finest line of gem ,Ijarsj, a jar that wiil keep fruit _pertectly. Our British granulated sugar is 'the fietgrade of suzair ever offered to the public. Get, this for your- preserving ?OPUA r chje TailtHN mligest Price Pa id for ail, Fe. TOUO i 9 , J FUNERAL. OIREC TORS JL. MORRIS cf SON j Ment complote equipinent I Sunday andi aigbt caile promptly atteadoti te, SOWMA#JVILLE PHONES 90-4 Branches OROITO HAMPTON VICKERS & GALBRAITJI Barrie toe suad Solleitors. Notaries Pub lie. Willliem W. Viekers. - e. 0. M. Galbraith, 77 York Street, Toronto. G-- OOD SERVANT WANTrED- Dutles ttet commence Sept. eih. Apply te lias. JOMN GauOG, (Ontario st. 111wmanvIlie. 34-tf RE>MOVED-Dr G. C Bonnycastie -b as removed bis office te rooms upatairs ln Luttrelles new block, Bowmanville. 25.lyr B OARDERS WAN rED - Two or thi-ee High Selicol boys cau inti geet board at 46 Livision St, atitziv. W. 0. WAsie- IttOTORIO 84 if G ENERAL SER VAN r WANTED- Dnties tne enace Ociober lot. A ppiy before Aug. 2 te Mme». (G.C. BONNYCASTLU, Bowm.avile 33-2w. FABU FOR SALE OR TO RENT - South ICO acres of lot $3, con 9, Darliugton. near Eniield; atone stabling sud uLing water. ApplY ta JOEN AMOtT, Taunton.- 8-w MONEY TO L9-N-at'5 andi 5? per. cent on momigage security. Private fonds A ply te H R. LescomiE, Barrieter, Bowmau- 32-tf T OST-Breast coller and tuge ou [JJAug. 7 betwoon Rowland Cale'@ sud lot 8, con.5. Daallagton, Findem pI asereiumn teW. J. Basai or ROWLANDCfa Bowmaaville. YtNARU FORJSA iOU TO liENT - Z -1m4 acres. n, n, west of Bowmaaville, izood buildings, -ith atone eiabllr.g, For par- ticulars appIY t',e TE8XAN OFFICE Or box 340. Bowmanile, 1-tf T.TO-CUSE F0OR SALE-A crim!ortabie î 7reemeti trame boupe; lbard anti sofi wator many kind't of fruit; situati dce theo cerner ef Ontario andi Dut bainSi. Bowmanivllle, Aiply tC GaE. E. MAYNARO), BOWManiiie. 29 if : 1 [ 1 ..r, - 1 LL 1- il j- 'al ft ý 1 Wanted