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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1909, p. 7

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RYPOGHNIRIc SINear to Hypocrites- That They. Have the Same Effeot on Others 'That they do good; that thcy bc ricli in goed works." I. Tim., -% 18. There are at lcast two kinds cf good people; those who are good fer nothing and these nie are goed for something. It is easy to imag- ine yen belong in the seceud class whilc actually placing yourself in the first by allovuing ail your piety te) evaporate in speculations as te the past or in anticipations for the fu;ýture. They ýonly are, good who aegoed for something in the pre- Eseît. TIhe good fer notlîing peopie are ait cf oe evalue, thoughi they seem !te diff er greatly in appearance; the good for nething saints and the- food for nothing sinners, the leafers, sirkers, parasites, wea,- ings , and plain nonentities,an the whining, sighing, demn pietists arc ticd to itirin the ,ame bundle ýo! worthlessness, they centribute uothing te lite. The Sooner we recognze this the quick- his godness is in the giving Of ef- ficient service te hîs world. To ho good means that you have caught the vision of the possible geodricss eft the complete, ordered, trained lite, that lite ha- become worth the living for the sake ef the value and meaning you may put into it. The rcally good people in' this werld neyer have time te stop and take stock cf themsevcs; they are su busy doing thrdir work and fig-ht- iiig their battles that they cannot stop te loek in the mirror an--.d sec w,,hether tncir helmets arie on straight or count their pulses te sec, whetber they are healtby. They do net even know whether thcy are goed or net. Real religion moust eitber be eut for business or go eut of business. It must either miake the world bet- ter, be deing tbings for the ideais hihit secs, or acknewledge that it is nothing but A DREAM OR A DELUSION. IIALF THE TOIL o! ousehold work la token away when Sufflght Soap 15s brjouglt Into the homne. For thoroughly cleansln-g floors, nietal-work, walls m:-d woodwork, Sunllght ls the Most ecolnical bath lutinie and nlýoney. SOINE KHISSING cusOIms FESTIVAL OP ROCKTIDE AT HUNGERFO1ID, ENGLAND. Barge Day at Newcastle-oný-Tyae, fthe otterliarsi';,ga,,oc. THE SEWý"ING ROOM. Butten Hlp.-Wb 'ei removiug buttons frein old garments bave your neodIs and fbrend ut baud and threu<-Ieach h-1nd lseparatelv for use place the bag in a basin -of ,warm water and use as a sponge on the article to be cleaned, wiping with a dry clotb. After using dry the bag and it will be ready for an- other time. t is a god idea to niake twe bags and, use ene for light miaterials and the other for dark. Soap bark will remove spots frem ciotbing in a satisfactory way. Press the goeds after cleaning. DOMESTIC HINTS. Bild Up A Reserve Nl-ovv Now, whi!e your earning power is gaod, why not canvert part of it ýitO a Cash Reserve that wiII, later on, yiel a competence for oid age ? You can easily do it by regularly depositiag a part of your incarne in Establislied 1873 0F ~AMAflA i~ i 77 B3ranches> and tic iii a bunch before puttùng When abut te iron a drers begin juite the butten box. This save'at the bedice, ne.ct iron the sîceves, One Dollar and upwards open time and trouble ef hunting tbrough and lastly the skirt, commencing ian n opudIt~st ail of the buttons te select the eues at the upper part. aigndCmod aeetth wanted when nieeded fer use agaîn. The corners of rngs may bc pre- Begin to-day. When Cutting Ont Dress-It You vented from curling by sewing on an i eEr must de yeur d1ressmaking and their under edges a narrow piece planning on your dining-room table cf webbing, sncb as is used in held- Bla clst ock buy a piece e! table oilclotb the 111g furniture springs in place. lc-ngtb o! your table and put upon. Always select a toothbursb. witb Branmches also at Newcasu 't. and Yen will net disfigurea care. Violent rubbing witb a hard OsawWhitby peolishec1q top witb pin scratches uer brush eften injures the enamel of run the risk of dutting a tablecletb. the teeth. Therefore, buy a medi-1 Pin Tncks.-Sew pintu on ee, and soak iii in warm water amuse bimself. As a result liebas1 pntcks lli,n mntsbfr sn.grown up ignorant, reactionary, speliermtrawtbutukro There is art in putting on a veiî and as i nsanely prend as be is in- taein y marking distance on ceîadeerapable, and bis conduct in the past thnnîb nail. Fold goods for first el'an vrything depends on the bas lest humi the sympathy and re-, holding goeds easily between start. Always tie a new veil iri aspct o! his future subjects. thumb and ferefngr makwt small knet in the centre of -the up- falteGetPwrRsi leadpencii on tbnmb nail where the per edge. This wîll give a littie fuil- Oasprably a the a ost besis ncss that permitshathehveilstehliescas feld cernes; measure three-eigbths' ily ci ernt the ae ith otebin apparent addicted te piaying the inch scant measure f rom first markis beter thef-e pithan tetchaig.fascinating but oecasionally expe'n- tein oths ie cf theaistandemark at the back. Pin the twe upper sîve gamne of duck and drakes. The aannt-k.edonteatadifncsay nist tragically fîmomus -of al was twcn tcs Guide stitcbing, by -add another pin lower down. 1 Alexis, the son cf Peter tbe Great. laiggoeds under presser foot of - Milk puddings--sheuid -bc cooked 1-1e vwas a drunkard and a gambler. niaciyi jh~ setbeedgeis astve ry slewly, se that the grains bavePerlodbibuheeedus the needie epeuing; aftcr stitching t;mec te swellan <mkearc sia better. He asked himself -what - press each tuck down witb fingers, * amypuding;in at, a iîk d1wuld b appen te the Empire if bis then ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . prce eiynx ukfo ings containing cggs will coek sncm te the tbrene. The answer - edge of first by imarkings on nail. better if the pie-disb isplaced in.a was a terrible eue. Byv Peter's The resuit, is 'lovely flat work with- tncnann ae nteeea orders Alexis was tried and ceon-< eut any puckers. tislesntho chgaenecftheir eu asdem ned te deatb. lHe was neyer To Shir Without ]3nffe.-Tighten ing tee much, Two ounces of rice ,publeinxenedoutb dsp the tension ef machine and iength-et.teapt fikissfcitpardnea prison, and the werld e the stitcb. Put the g0ods ûtherwise it does net icave enuhnever swbmaan throngh and itgathers as eue stitcb- room'for the grains te seneugb Another Russian beir-apparent swel. was the G-and Duke Constantine,t es. Yen will be surprised te see To Stop Lamp-Chimneys Crack- tbenx letbohrc lxn sucb niesbrin ueeu oinig-Place the chimney in a pot der I. , is hlf e was full o! thisway.filled wîth celd water and add a Scrap Bag.-A bag made aftcr littie coelcing sait; ailow it te ho-u1WJLD FREAKS AND REYELRY. laundry bag desigu, fastened te the nehl, then cee1 slowly. Chimneys~ Finaliy hoe feil madly in love witb framework at lcft of treadîne!fma' become very durable by this pro' arwoanle iruth.e Ceuld netr chane is fonnd te ho convenieut, cess, wbicb may be exteuded te ar brwtbinheCa'spr for scraps, keeping the floor free crockery, steneware, porcelain, mission, and Alexander, fereseeing from scraps, ends of tbread, etc. china, etc. The process is -simply that fearful tbings would happen if -on ee o! annealing. and the slower Constantine weuld formaiiy re- LITTLE IIELPS. the process, especialiy o! cooliug, nounce bis rights te the thi-ene. the more effective will be the werk. 'fli Grand Duke consented. Pic Crust.-Te preveut a pie crust Il! the glass chimney e! a lamp ho Whon Alexander died Constan- frem shrinking wbiie being baîýc cnt with a diamond on the convex tine was forced te keep bis word, turu pie tin betteinnp, and shape ide it will neyer crack, as the in- and bis younger brother, Niîcholas, dougb over it, instead o! inside: cision afferds room for the expan- became Czar. But Constantine Bako in quick oven, and pie crust sien cansed by the beat. was sulky and discontented, and will retain shape, perfectly. A Warning te Mthers.-Babies' gave se mucb trouble that hie xas Attractive Yard.-De not allow are like delicate plants, and sbould fiuially banisiied te, a dreary littie a weed te grew in the yard(. Ctlobegtn n spr naio-frentier tewn in Lithunia, wbich them ont by the rootsJ.- CnLt thegrass' phere and witb as much snnsbine was practically bis prison,- since -le once a week, timn close along te bask in as possible. hyshndxas forbiddcn te leave it. Here lie wals i astrîgt ue.Bauîsh ail net beceddled or baudled mncb. died in 1831. forsadsbrub)s From the front, The mother, who is for ever baud- HIisteurical novelists and draina- litut place th ein i th e background. Jing tossing, or jumping er baby tists ar fond of depicting Don Car- then low bedding plants and ber- is sleepy, and thon rocking and Spain, as a hero o! romance, wbo ders. Exceptions are made te bang- jumping it again te get it te sîcep met a tragie fate becanse hie was ing baskets ý and -wîndw oxsxven its-nerves are"ai.on dge a friend o! liberty and wished te which seemi a part o! the bouse it- -ls doing the littie 'eue a great beëlp thosie- wbo wei-e-,ppressed7 As self. This mile if faitbfnily adhercd wrong. Mauy o! the brain diseases, a matter e! cold f act, however, Don te caunot fail te resuit in an attrac- of cbîldren are eften traced te the Carlos was anether Crewn Prince tive yard, whicb is a pleasure te fûolish habit 'o! tossing tbemi up or George, enly worse. H1e shnnned the oye. "making them take notice" at an the great soldiers and statesmen Seasouable Hint.-Wberc thore age wben te "notice" would show wbo threnged bis fatber's Court, arc small cbildren or pet animais an abuormal precocity that wouid,,aud sougbt bis friends and associ- te pusb against the lower bal! o! bede iii for their future bealth. ates in the lewest drinking shops.' the sereen doors the sereen is ci- Fîually, just for the sakc o! en- ther tomn or made te bulge. Toe - -jeying a uew excitement, bie jeined preveut this cever the iower section acspracy agaiust bis fatber's cd the seree'n with wire uetting o!f R O UTFRCR NIlîfe. He was thrown into prison, about oiee uch mesb and -replace and-it--a given out-that he had the moldîng around the edges. If- died. But bis actual fate is oeeof netting is paiuted the saine celer LRSA ARN FOFID the darkest mysteries of bistery. of the sereen it is scarceiy notice- '-TITE BONAPARTES. able and wil nreiong the life cf TUEuR RIGIT TO REIGN. It is net ge)ing teeý( far te say that the door iudoefiitely. the Bonaparte f amily migbt stili Remedeling Hat.-If yen bave a have been on the tbrone e! Franýce last season's leghorn bat, it may ho Young Scoundrols'Who Led Lives had it net been for the feolisbness made modemn hy procnring a wire frae wtha mdiu lrge rond o! Vice in ail Its Worst 4-f some cf its wildest members. fram wit a mdini lare, rundWben Napeleon III. xxas on the crown. Detacb crown and cever Forms. tbrene ho inmade desperate- efforts witb net or other thin mnaterial for te, win the respect o! the French foundatien, cever witb straw as If the too volatile Crown Prince people, but the eother Bonaparte neariy the shade o! the legborn as George o! Servia is not called on! princes- led sncb scandalous lives possible, and fasten te the leghorn te pay any worse penalty for bis that these efforts were frustrated. frame after cuttîng the original 'escapades than the loss o! bis rigbt One of them, Prince Pierre, shot crown from the frame. t- the thronec, f the Balkan king-j dead a jonrnalist, Victor Noir, and' --Wben U-Tnable te Sleep. - Wbenkdem-ho -i-F-e-very-lucky. - wblen a j ury-acqui tted -humn -p e(Pl e- unable te go te sieep try this way lie bas preved bimself eue o! thel knew that the Emperor bad sbield- o! ceunting : One, eue two, eue two stermy petrois o! Reyalty. Even ed bim from justice. tbree, eue two three four, one two whnee a more boy, as a student in Eugiand would have bad a King tbree four five, eue twc tbree four Paris, hoe was beyond ail centrol; Frederick bad eue particular prince, five six, and se on. Ceunt slewly. and since lie became Crown Prince net thrown away bis p1rspects cf ho bas made himself noterieus by the tbrone. Th.eleidst sen of CLEANING. bis preceedings. George IL., Fredemick, Prince e! A full list o! bis escapades would Wales, ivas as wild and dissipated Kitchen-A fbox containing bm.rus- ma1lke -uîpleasant reading.* --uHs- hf e- as-c-nid be. lic gambl-ed-awayr an - es of diff erent sizes is useful in the lias heen full o!feioly, vice, and acts appalling ameunt e! money, and, kitchen. Thore sbeuld ho brushes o!f mad cruelty. But at iast the quarreliing bitterly with bis father, for eieaniug vegetables, for butter- climax bas come. One o! the -was emdercd te bauve the Court aud ing boaves cf bread as they come Crown Prince' s servants, Kelake- net appear there again. One of frem the oven, te, use in gmasing vîtcb, died, and it was gis on ont bis favorite amusements was te, help pans, griddles, etc.;: for wasbiug that lho bad fallon dewixstairs by te fasten watchmen in their boxes dîshes, soit brushes, for cieaning accident. But soon it began te ho and roll thein down Ludgate Hlli. ntglass and many other things. whispemed that ho bad been knock- He ced as a resuit o! bis own fol- For oee who prefers a dainty kit- ed senseiess and kicked te death lies when stili a yonng man, and chouwitout nchlabr a ene- b Prince George as a punishment bis son succeeded te the throne F10cýl'113 J -3 er will we ho, relieved e! one hind- Non' wben oee is in the tbick of as -Feast of St. Theodore in. - anfboreai -religion. big air undertaking- as -religion-sets On,- o! the oromt types e! charac- betere hum, nething less than the ]Rouma nia. ter is, that n'bich fortifies ibid!f with edemption o! the wbele výorld, hoe the boast that it nover did any bas noecnergy iett te wonder n'he- Though kissing is said te. go hy harm. The test e! lite n'ili net ho, ther hoe is as goodi as hieoogbt te faver, yet it sometimes gees, by by the miscbief ve have left un- ho.cutan casoly aw donc, but by the positive good 'eý The sickly saints are always n'er- Fer instance, there is a customn coni- have doue. Tbe mari Who is tee n ying over thoir sels; their spimi- nected xith liecktide at Hlunger- lazy te get into trouble or te dQ ùxtal livers are alwe.ys eut o! eorder ford, Englnnd, a festival wbich any bamrir wins noieriet by bis nue-, because they are pepetually exain- talkes pla. e every April. A penny ccnee.îning theus. They complain aîîd fax is coliecýted on that day by tîvo There is ne goed in the goodness groan se much that tbe' ignorant, clkonreiet o!lug- that is only innocence cf cvii. boaring tbem, iniagine reliint frw .r eird"ntM'aî, Whei-never a lit c is givoen over te ho a meuruful affair. and nho go frein door te deor, eacb negetdon, te the solo aicf ho- lie only is goed whe does geedl.cayigasaeti ed itgy in)g absolutely Lvery man is good in the miensure1 ibbous. FEE F ROM ALL WRONG, of' the lite lhe gives the wem1 d. He lb is net recordexl whethem this il~~~~~~ a.nsfnsta sso si only is fit for heaven wbo is enly honos-ary Post e! "tuttyman"ý is. id o! asninn eue foras thsed nem y fofficient, for tbe service o! bon Put np te epoen cempetitien, but it risenteing in aneozmte o n wy.von here. Tbe greatest uced o! the certanly eught te ho, fer there is iý enerin in dozn ne wa n'emold is men and wemen te wheîn eue vcmy vahuable perquisite atbach- There is ne goediiess save positive the divine plans o! lite are 11oI es tteuoie-adyineucb aily vis- goeduoss. The only way te over- glerions that they will pay any price1 couseecvii is te put the wbole l!0 Vis become preficient in renlizing lied. It is said, mereexver, te ho into the pursuit e! the geod. thein. Elungoîford te yield It is n'bolly a vain esîdoavor te There is a worid o! good work te 9mracosly te thîs customs, especi- hope te find geodness by niegatien. ho donc rigbt bore. Yen maycease ally if tbc "tuttymen"- happen te Yet it is bire oasiest thing in the te n'ery as te n'l-ethem yen arc ie yenng and bandseme bachelors. world, nitbeut ci on giving voice geod cm net if yen vwill but hegin te "Beating the boundi" is etten as- te) the ooeiîsh p-ayer, "0, te o d wibh al y-car powers the geod sr)ciated witb ether emarkubie cus- nething, ' to npsv or patically the ier htle ett .u ad.teris, and at Maidenhead kissing is pmaer eryonrel. be trageThe cniy n'ay te ho is teo do. Evomy immnemorialhy associated witb it. tin is that tho,e people who try mari ealy reflocts the bhîug tom Any lady, eld or ycung, nih or m~a suceî!ulyte ~ ntbug rewhicb bie works. lie n'b works fer peer, who is enconntemed on the mo~tn'îlingto give theinselvos the ideal kingdom shows its glory rend must have the faim alterntv uwa o an atarorin nicaue.tbougbh l1news it tnet. submtted te bier o! being cithor, Hie enly -is good who is geod fer c" bnmped" or kissed. ut speaks seetinand the reai mensure ýo! HENRY F. ('OPE. volumes for the good sense cf. Mai- d-enbead maideus that the vast ma- THE CANA DIAN NORTHRN. proper (frein înst annunal report, jcrity cf thein prefer tbe latter xl-1 - Jue, 908)epeato in he esttemuative te bbe former, althenugh Bids Fair te Shortly Becomo a 2,s895 miles. Befere the close o! the tbey mgt prefýr i as a private Transcointinental Lino. ienm 248 additiennl miles n'eme com ate h sapulcfucin One of the most interesting of ipleted and utilized-a total e 3,_ Nevertbeiess, themo are cases on th rmace i Cunia dveop j143 miles, record wbere ladies bave chosen te ni sthe acstoin et the mdesto- The Caindian Nertbern Ontario ho "bnmped," and, as this takes mieignuraid grryoften'dtb !bc ' îlnay owns a line-Tomonte te place on the boundary stenes tboy Canadian Northcmn Raîlmay. Iu Sud hury-n'hich, witb extensions bv rbbyrpnewe e 1886 Messrs. Mackenzie and Mann and branches, totals 310 miles. The late, o! their undue coyness. formmd a partnership as rilxvny Canadian Northern Quebec Rail- KJSýlSED FOR A SOVEIREIGN. wan-un amni amnatien o! sevomai theytacthe ad ir firt stos ters sialler rends in the Province o! Barge Day is a festival ap- theyto hr Gunu-dian Northemn. Quebec-hns a total mileage of 350. peurs te ho peculiar te New'castle- tartiang in bbent o Mui-Other milroad companios are oWn- en-TIyne. -it -nueins--te -b-o -akhm te Stoxih int ht earing lMai o in bbe Provinces o! Non' Bruns- the pmctice e! beundary heating, moa itgfrit heatbCity cf inu i 'ik and Nova Scotia. To the fig- fer the mayor aud corporation, wbo peflag, the ana i yNothennbas ures motoned, n'ill he udded, bhisls dcubtless, iin eiden Ïtimes used te pgewnte anirad itNor 3 bayenr, the lengtb cftbbc varions ox- sail in barges, non' ombnrk upon miles e!t ackin the beitovr tthe tensions and branches o! 1909 con- four befiugged steamers and, foi- miesoftre i te erior t testruction. lowed bybwd eld stute barges, Wesb cf the Great Lukes, and there H-on' have, theso mon boon able te stouin up bbc river, te dlaim. the are ether integrul parts aieudy ceustmuet a big ailn'ny system, and sou cof the Tyne. But the piece de constmucted and opomting in On- that nitheut issuing any stock te esistance is reserved for bbe land- tarie and fthe Pros inces cf the East. the publiceh Iu the fist place tbcy irg. A big crowd is uln'ays n'ait- Viewing a map o! bbc rend with have sbowu greut shren'dness in ing -on the Znlundîng-stuge for the tbe linos alreudy coustructed, n'ith cboosing locutions, and it is their arrivai of the "grave and revemend bb, c extensions under bbc coutmac- Ibeast that ail their liinos bave paid signons,>'anud frein the assembled toms' bauds, and witb bbc prepesed frein bbc sbrt. multitude the mayor bus bbc very n,,vlinos, the Candian Nothern I ln bbc second place, cbiefiy, delight!ul, but ýextmemely invidiens, bids fir te sborbly become a rans-j threugh bbe shen'd and eonomical privilege cf selectiug any young -n-nu-l-hi-sendi-xg--its-4mnffiei horowlng,hbave--Maýdlenzî1e -nd -lady -ho pleasesannd --giving bhera- froin tidowuter te tiden'ater. 1 Mann been able te censtruet this kiss. For this osculutery per .form- Many eaui eclli wbeu theme n'as Lig aiin'ay systeus. Botb the De. ance shE> rocoives a golden sever- ne Canadian Nortmemu Ruiiwny- minrion Goverumeut and Previnci- eign. -wben thbc naine o! Mackenzie and al Geverument cf Manitoba ha 'e it is said that there bas nover Mann had ne grent import. An lent their nid te bbc Rnilway by boon n Mayor e! Newcastle who bus analysis themefore of bbc ailroad gurnnbeing bbc bonds. In bhc net deemed this priviiege cbenp at properbies e! these tn'o mon can- inter duys the Province o! Ontario the prico. Nom is this ail. No seen- net but heofe interest te ail Cana- bas similarly treated linos witb% eî' bas bbcz mayor reccived bis kiss tlians,--- -ifs-boundaries,-as -hav-e aise bbcand--peseted -bis severeigu than The Cunudian Northemnî Ontario Provinces of Saskatchewan nuni the shoriff, net te ho. oubdone, aise Alberta. cbeoses a fuir lady, dnly kissos lhem, Mos o!thefiuancing bus been and preseuts bier wibb a sovereigu. o e donc 'in G reat Brituin, that ce rstm- But the fuir muaid wbem bbe mayer te n'bicb alhebb ssrld bumus for fin- bus kissed bas stili unother gift te T ha a oId ancial id; but Candians have eceive, and this tume frein the doue mach for this and other Cana- mayeresa, n'ho is beunid by custem, Often developa rapidlly intopnuoi dian onterprises. The Canradian n'batovem bier feelings on the mut- -cue l fondin r. heeu's yrpNorthomn. Ruîlwny censolîdabed ber may ho, te presenit n'mbbsomo cf Line s ud iTurpentine Sypmnrtgage bond s, guaanteed by ù}ie, usoful gi!t the lady whom bîi er bus- Auyecl isserou onugl wlen lsProvince. e! Manitoba, are feoid1 baud bas kissed. dýnu ld s seiou enogh hen tsnmeng the assets -e! uîny Insîi- RES deadfulpessibilibies ure eonsidered, ance Cempunies and other finaLýec'- FREE TRADE IN KISS but wliou there is soeress or tiglitness a' institutions. O! the $16,000,Ûo hmei sr f isngfi iu flie choat and n dri hlard congli yen Cunadian Nertheru Equipusent ohb- ld yrl in eueso!t t eir cau look for brouchitis, which is eften ligtions which have been issiîod, edyalin ofhprv- eonuse(2n'itli an ordiuary cold, uain.aeba ntelrecial t,)nso!fRoaminiaý. pou that it is usuaily known by aching Iimliq aýia sudaveteUnitelarge d'y, ut uuy mute. thore s bede and body patins, chiîîy feelings, woari- proportion athUiedSarii kisses. Thý, is festival is ness nd woalcnoss, pain in fli c cest invsors bave been genenous in i sinuthirs, eeacd tugue nd c~ýîi ,in"f is said tanlto irs n h pstin~sr oter e! these loans. The credi,ý to nne Ily lln-tenslest Dr. has's ymu cfLinoedandthe (Canadian Netheru Railvuy ho kissedo, ha-abu-fe Turentne oem slob huee and îr the wold's market, stands hightesevsfobcpmpe-L - fo roeltsbeasel l esuccess deon Tif Bita. fu i eS iup fl[W onliaiin laiaonfrein rec Ingboelng. A MODEPIN SAPPEHIR.- Dm. Chsac s ymup c Linsvasany Tupeniei epop u fodr he ink"eecmabc AB sNESp ORMLA re 2fm 0toogisdfnnal ayuowrb toeatce n " utsyh 'svn uies mS an account, and with systematie, ,â f tid wiIJ rapiclly accunulate.' 1 72' h A. N. McMILLAS, g' w~J. WH7!T-E, Ac«eiÊ Manager. -Faslhiionr1 + LÎ ut, FADS AND FANCIES. Fashionable fans are srn.all, Most of the new coats show ad- ded fullness. Soeo f the smartest hats are cinnamon tone. Many summer parasols are made oi English chintz. .Shadow striped mohairs are e-x- cellent for traveling wear. Ail the, pretty, faded, washedJ-out dyes continue to be modish. Birds perched on top of parasol handies are seen everywhere. New turbans are, ail large anrd generally are siniply trimrned.4 Oriental designs and coleri-ngap have a great vogue, among parasols. High n aisteil, one~ piece f r-cks a-,re quaint and charming for ebjîdren. Narrow embreidered silk tics are worked in colors on whiteuort a col- or.' "Middy" blouses for young.girls are pepular for out of door sports. There is a rumor that jackets will flot figure in the autumu styles. A number of the straw bats are df the color @-f corn ripe, frein the fields. Black sashes accojmpany many colored gowns, andJ are even worn IRoumîmnian emrideryappearsu on mlany btbluefreck1s, Jand ceat suits. Messaline silks ,in exuiiteDrs- den pattern i1akýe the da-cinticst o! underwear. Gold and silver trasand ol orecl siiks are much usdLooru nient filet netlae ,--Ski-rtings are înearly ý,-aill triiped, wbîch adds te eloglincd effects of the seasoni. Cross stitch e2mbroidery has a re- vival. It is used on cushion cov- ers, table ýcovers, 'bags, etc. Filet lace or embroidery on net-. ting is one of the most fashionable trimmings of the hour. Bronze pumps, finished with t single, strap and large rosette o-r buckle, are in great favor, ,Sashes _are _,used wherever a linoe needs l.engthcniing orfoaigns will enhance an effect. There is a, fad fer scenting fans by keeping sandalwood in thec fan box or by the use of sachet. Net ovcrskirts are seen oý) n many of the sumiimer dresses, and are par. ti*cularly pretty over celors. A mass of mixed blossomiis that ,aclipse the crown -of the hat is, the milliner's favorite trimnming. One of the late season fads is thec linen coat of pale color with a long roll collar eof black satin. Shaded chiffon in two colors is to, be worn extensivcly this fpall over A few gathers have crept in- as a relief frora the tight skirt, and eve-n plaits are once more employedc. The black ribbed silks miake ef- fective facings fer the large hats ei white and ligbt colored straw's. Fans of spangied gauze are nuxu- erous, each with a chain to match the de'sign of the fan in color. Silk covered hairpins area rc- ent invention. They are said to1 stay in the hair longer than the oli kind. Leaves and serolîs are seen in -bundan-ce in new laces, and de signs which saver ef heraldic dve eq are pepular. In direct contrast te the seasýon' fashion of buttoning the long oat xxith two or three buttons jus,,t be- 1o th4 olklars-a.n-w modMh o. us1iie

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