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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1909, p. 1

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-t e, $.Oa year in advanee; $1.50 to United States. BOWNANVILLFE, ONTARIO, TIf1SDAYï SEPTEMBER 2, 1909. VOLUME, LV. No. 35 AI. Ao' JAME 5 & SONS rpitr Gi reat Clern ae * of Summer Goods.M Coucli, Johnston & Cryderman will from to-day sell:loff a lot of O other linos of Summer goods at greatly redueed prices, ome av- lines at hall price.e Ladies' Prineess Dresses and" wash -skirts 2 at cost. All faucy parasols below cost price. Men's two piece suits and fancy vests at greatly raducedqpricesj Men's Stiaw Hats at hall price. See 'our Special lineo f Musli.n Blouses at ONE DOLLAR, Best you ever saw for the mone, * Couch, Johnston&i j Crydermian GROCERS' DUE BILLS TAKEN AS CASH. -gm 66 à ài î M,àè lé7 1 L à à ù 46àI 'BANK 0F MONTREAL -0-1 Established 1817 Capital 8 14,400,000 ReSt a$12,000,000 SavngaDepartment. l'iead Office, Montreai i'.d. A. MoCLELLAN, Manager, Bowmanville Brîznch. 4 Royal Bank% OF CANADA I NCORPORATED 1869. I Pays pca Attention to SvnsAccounts, ?Capital paid up $4,600,000 Reserve Fulad $5,300,000 Total Aqstz- $53,000,00 F. J. ithkl-' I - FAI ERM OPENS SEPT. , Toronto, Ont, Tiss boll nuestionably one ef Canada's Gnealt, est andMoiSce- lui Collegea. Onr gradeates neadily sîcure emplyent. Li u e.cte you for pos- itiIns verts frmai $55 lu $100 a mentis.W kuow 1mev. 'Write for magniricent csa. logne to-day. Con, Yonge and Alexander W. J, Elliott, Principal --ILBRRI --CULLEGl- BellevîlIe, Ont. SCHOOL 0F FINANCE ia now one of the Ieading seboola of practical1 edutation of Canada. Attendance doubled 1v last three years. $57 pays board, rooïn, tuition, electrie light, use of batiis, gymnasinm, ail but books and laundry,-orà weekg, longer period at redueed _ te, pays tuition alore for the entire scbateyear. A staff of experienced specialists gve in- dividual instruction in'five distinct courses. An evening clais free for ail reglstered stud: ents in this department, tiraduates holding best Positions. Candidates prepared yearly for the examinatîonna ld by the Institute 0f, Chartered Accountanîs of Ontario and for Commercial Speciallats, speelal attention given ti) Matriculation Teachers' Courses, Elocution, Fine Art, Physical Culture. College reopens Tuesday, Sept 7th, 1909. For illustrated Calender, address Principal Dyer, M A, D D, Belleville, Ont. MOTHERS, TAKE TIRlE TO REST. A young lady was r,3latlng an amus- ing expertence whieh e 7eryone present seeined tei enjav but ber mnother, and appareritly she was paylng no attention at ail to anything around lier, fer jmat at the moet initerestiug point, ln a iist- less tired tone she sald: 59Daugliter, dont talk so loud; 1 have the headache." Then notlcing the dampenlng effeet of lier remark she added, 1'Reniember mammais gettIng oId." Mer dau*,hter, hurt athler moth'- er's lack of Iintere5t and provoked at the Interruption, replied sarcastically, "and it's a plty for a girl te have as old a mother as you are." True, It Io a pity for a girl full of Hife and exubarance of siits te have a mother, not old tu 3 ears. but s-e ag( d with toil and care as net te appreciate her society or to enter- into her girlish plaus and Fports. Lters, do be wlse and, take time te reit. Patroizo the OrDno CrOamery and retain your voizth. IT PAYS. ORONO CREAMERY 00.1 J3nbie Scools in town opened o Welueffdayliset. , wbie the iligli Sc hoo will ne open n thefolwu Tus NOTICE 0F APPLICATION FOR 1ý DIVORCE. N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ihat George Robent Butioushav ot tisetovu of Rowmanvills mn the £lounty uf D,,rham in the Provinoe of Ontario. sand cuiter, wiii appiy toihe r'anliamest of Canada at the mext seaau, thîreof for a Bi of Divorce from hi- vufe Rosina Mande Horm Bttonshaw of tise city of Toronto ln the Cocnty of York lnsaid Province on tise greund of adutery aud desertinu. Dated ai Bowmanville aforesaad July Suis, 1909, D B SIMPSON. of Bovmanvilie aforeild solleitur for the appirat k8 14w THE EDITOR TALKS. j than a grad fPhos-phorie The whirl,iig of time dues bringj of earth t Changes. The once fa4mous institute of ipr ofbl If learning forming an annex te Victoria elir 0f lif University known as Faraday Hall bas Tart, aples been soîd for building matrnal .The f5 wieetan writer was preseut at t'he ceremonies at- flyrp t.ending the opening of Faraday Hall. ;Ku Autumn Term ill ta Froni August 3Oth, in ail depart- su monts of The Central Business V ollege, an -Yoýnd itUGerrd -Sts,, -Toronto -ho Catalogue mailed free on request. 'an W. H1. SHIAW, Principal. fai ou Telegraphy. sc fir Opens the door to steady employ- fo] ment at a good salary. You can learn S, it under best conditions at Central te] Telegraph Sehool; 3 Gerrard Street, ai Toronto. Prospectus mailed fi-ce on h requ'est. WV. H. SHAW, i President. i la( dr wi th, Corner Drug Store 3Ib,, The House of Quality. iii Abigger demand and a growing d repu tation lias caused us of to place o YUCCA IHZMA OINTIENI p on the market at to 3 bOXe3 for $1 Don't fait to taire advaatage of> Little Lîver Pills 2 fo: 2.- h Ta cum Powder Reg 25e u1r4 Pa!lue,& celery Ccmlpow'd $13 5e 5 Mitcheli's il.n Blood Pflis 6 bO Dis 11)O The fitting of Trusses P our Specialtv. art We test eyes and M charge you. nothipg. lo. We want yeur business act It wili be appreclated. al. Opticias. Iac Phos 2a ~ gt ous9AIs readers. It, vas n wedseatter Michael Faraday, the once uoted English chemn- ist, electnician aud philoso)pher:, whceý conduct and early life should be an a i- spiration te other yonng miea wh ose- par- ents are poor. Faraday was an aPrenýï- tie. His f-ather was a hladksm,î IlhfDr 0ance, a customer of bis enmplo1vir, in visiting the shop o)f ]R*ie afund Young Faradaytolbowig a couirse of self-~utr in his spare timew, bis mmlid !]av"ing bent tovard thse experîme(_ntal studyetN ne se Dr. Dance î-equet Faraday to at dir wstb huim a course o f for ecurs)y Humphrey Davy, die eiacuýtüCornish natural philosopher a lad y h is osvu initiative cos:on suggeýstion of b s friend took notes oun tîmese lectures. A copy of these notes ýws sent to Sir Davy and he vas pleasnd and mdeFaraday' s acquaintance. S(t i iss n recuai- asendation of Sir Davy ho vas_ appointed assistaninlathe laortor c te Royal [ustitutien of Greaýt Bian Later he' s'as made a Director aud iniJ18,33 a ap- pointed Fullerian Profeser4f lîemistry n the Institutioîi for li Fe,,andid v1been at leath coisnected wit iLfor- 54 years. If îoung Fraayha ot sonself-inter- est a4nd hecomne iastude(nt in bisspor liee -,wold neyer biav-e become a dis- *ing~4sbd prfeso f wor-ld-wide faîn)e and had bis name eretatdthrough .11 the -ages.- Fa-rada;y dîe lu18 t lamptiion Court n.ean- Lodo, The latest discioeries for thkepooto ot health include pjur-e trdraigin regular and cons;idorabl draughts. There is a goodly ainasure cuf truth in he dlaim thatwtedikigcnibes e health and it alse 'nriue avoir- dupois te the person wi4ýo partakes tully of it. it is not a nov zt(eory but oe hat bas been thoreugbly tested- drink- ing wtrfeely te aid tisestoaiaeh and ueinsin pa'op'r dspsa fe food1 aken. It is a qetinif tee oldh one dyspeptie wbercje thero, are nov a; mundred if vtewas jproperly sed ad' tiiscickwrkreubniyas acasarel 'entatuive and e-ven cure of d.ysp)epsia is fte Linki a:baî-pin cf war o r htî rater atIatthree l usafter oaý,tiîîg and nrot Ls tisan ta f1u1 ý! fos ing, a ueal. Tise tbieo-y oet this timing thé drinks is tîsat three heurs atter a ineal should find the stomaach froc et the food ind the flushiag with water cars-les iet [me intestines any accumulations aud 'nes the stomnacis for performance et its !îîctiOns. Tisosa wlso practise this c 3ystematie water-dninkimg déclare that -it )ositively stinsulates the digestive organs id xvhets the appetite for food. They lse affiim tisat iL is a aiuld stimulant and .se-ivifies and strengîbens, in other words s "thie cup tbat cheers but dues not8 ichniate." We have known cases viiere Js metlsod of regular water-driîikiug1 is dloue vonders iu helping délicate 1 omiels and inactive liverlanid kidanys. îyuu are trouhled with indigestion, dney trouble, constipation and kindred ls gîve the water a fair trial, discard ' ca, pastries,< niciscakes, tress bread and: a ýubstitute mulk, stale bmead, freslî fruit id vegetables and yen viii be -suirprised 1ow much botter you viii cnjoy work k id lite, We firmly believe tisat as a peuple we r il te use as plentifully as would be for o sr good fruai a peint utfisealth tvo other , rtiýiies ut natural, unadulteratnd, viole- n Ome tood-aiik.and apples. Nature's '1 irst andI lite-long food îs aiuîk and is goudv r peuple et ail ages and conditions. irnme stomachs connot take milke, we aie h old, but the numier we tbîuk is reaiark- h ly smaîî, Almost evn'ry stomacb eau b )educated te the use of aiilk, by begin- ing in moderato quantity and graduallyiy cereasing tise draugit. Indigestion is ibannier te the rensonabis' use uft tus ateai fluid. Everybody eau and should riuk mulk as freely as their sýtoînachs ïi11 permit. It sisould aise ho used in eo forai et buttnrmilk. No imoîn ewiole- ome drink eau be partakeý(n tHan fresis nitteonii1k. Iflîeople oily appsnciated r31 ne trime isealt-giving vîstuews ut good 0 îttermilk the tai-mers' calves and pigs si vould not hsave as large supplies. It is B [cunsng quite a favorite aniïrotreshing 0 rink now in the restaurants and where 0 umor drinks are sold. Diink treely $ ýfgood nsiik and buttermilk and dîscard istries anmd the vonious creations that ass by the imame et cakes-nuL et the 9 in varîety-and tise occupation et ducU rs wiii secoîve a SeNvere Jfit Apples is antlier heal-gJLiving fùýodC hat, shouid bc consuînin tn i, e a est quantitios as thyis ar by u)Ost per- uns. Dietitians tellLuS thýa ripe, raw piles contain morophspatsii pro- ortion to their bulk thorn any other tîcle ut food, lisis flot nxeeptnd.* A cent writrontuspoin boily nc---- dual procesa of ossification. ENGLISFILTTR lished in this lovely part of Deoen. acid contains theljeast anieunt After a day spent ini and around thia saîts, and for that reason isE MISSS j.E rmtF ocltyw vste rBily e nearest approach te the ý .PI IE NEETN oaî oaiyvevstdM.Bi'y knon e te cietiic ord, ACCOUNT 0r, TRÂVEL IN a friend of Mr. D. Davis where if wq ar far mre hoe snie than dDEVONSHIRE, lad been King Edward and Royal party alllik poatoe, soul bewe could liardly have received a warmer aillikepotaeesahoud be--1 welcome or been treated more kindly. ,heu eaten. (Concluded from last issue) Farming is net carried on on quite as Englandhasgtlead on Canada in extensive scale here as about Edmonton, )U-- ~CUURCH RE=OPENING. EBENEZEIt PBOPIE GivE A VFRY Suci- CES5PF JL SUPPE R AND) PROGRAM. Flavored with fine weather Ebenezer dhurci re-opening services were a very j1gratifying success. Sunday servicesj and sermons by Rev. George Jackson, iB.A., of Victoria University, were a ricli treat' arid inspiration, Gladly to the clear-cur gospel discourses. He is a preacher of the simple gospel in a! ~plein way se that ail eau understand. [~eaanc ~vas large and collections lidu,,The silging was a feature tee. 0f cou ý verybody c 'ouldn'tlielp but admire thie beautiful interior of the dliurcb-mnodest, tastef ni, protty and restful ta the eye are paper and painting, The new srýeats are comfortable. Few rural churclies have more inviting and attractive interiors. 'The cest o!repairs, renovation and improvements exceed $1900. From, the Trustees' financial re- port rend hy Mr. R. E. Osborne, Ti eas- urer, at the meeting Monday evening the outlay includes the followhig: New seating $726, furnace $285, paint- ing $221, suasonry $123, parsonage $105, llghting, $80, oarpentry $67, labor $60, carpet $50, work te be doue $250. Sub- scriptions prior te entering ou work ( $1410, Mrs, J. F. Brooks lieading tlie list oanI this lady Wiaethe first -tu niler an additionual subseription when the appeal was made for an extra 8200 te round up the required sum. te liquidate all inde btedun es. Rev. W. Limbert lad thse task of soiciting subseriptions and and lad the supreme satisfaction of getting the amount reqnlred and a littie over. Ebeniezer people deserve great praiso, for the good work tliey have ac- complished. Chieken pies galore-and they were, the s4traight goods-real chiciron pies, 1 usouwell seasoned, tender, hot and aientY. The rest of the menu was recherche and vaniety equal to all tastes 1 Ehnzrladies are excollent cooks sudi thiere was great ahundance.t Thle evening program. in addition to t ho part already îîoted was long andff inteestng.Rev. J. Barnes, B.A., thle energetie pa),stor, presided and openied withx a brie! speech, Mev. W.Lmer led in praper and atter the adec sang hymniOS8, Editor _'. A. Jameiits,i -President e! the Laymen's, Association of Bay ef Quinte Conference, was calledI on for a speech and gave a short talk on -Men whose lives have helped me and iiow" clesing %vith a sketch of the lite etf Michael Faraday, the neted Yorkshire t chernist, electrician aud philosopher,. Oshawa Quartette sang "Farewell, my~ owu truc love" and received a, recall{ when they sang "The Fly'. The mem-t bers are Messrs. R. Henderson, W. j. f Browu, E. J. Pull aud W. Paul. Tbey îl sang several selections during the eyenîng t and they sang spleudidly. We hope to f have the pleasure of hearing therm in r Bowmaiîville some night seon, f Miss Laura Bragg of Providence sang 1 "If I but knew your beart was truc" ini c clear sweet voice îvînning well menitedZ applause. Solos and duots were also sung in the course of the prograni hyt M,'essrs. Brown and Henderson and Prof. ?uIT-l ayed-a -piano -solo- withs its --elI known musicîanly skill.r Rev. L. S. Wight, B. A., B. D.. Brighton, gave a 45 minute taik on bis recent trip to Denvers, Pike's Peak, Cave t of Winds, Garden of Gods, Greaýt'ivide, v Salt Lake City-with a sketch of Mor f- mnisai and its tfao forais of mariage- n TIhe Rose City (Portland), Seattle, bisc visit te its Great Fair and Epworth League Convenxtion, Vancouver, and trip Y tome tbro' the Roekins. Wn must bear his entire lecture at another time as it is c both interestiug and instructivee Votes of thanks and the usual forumy ties closed the meeting at Il paI.p Proceeds of supper and' collections about a $180. BOWMAN VILLE FAIR IlO TES. t. p -- t' Farmerd' Turnout (Specil)-Best single driviug herse in harness and lftit, style, speed and value te be cou- sidered; te bu owtied o07 exhibitor who must be a farmer and driven b iy owner n or awner's son; conteSt as ta SPeed te lbe ' onosarand tracir. Best two lu three; tl 8800, $4 (CO, $ZC-0.Ce. Everybody will wish te attenà Bow- manville.Fair thîs Year on the new grouads aiLd-lu the eew bu!Aiinge. Thse uew drivlng course le being put ln shape for showirg the horses, Evarîbod- g. will lie able te ene the drivgnrs perforai an thls tbird-ci-a-ml!e tra ck. The dir- mors prtde theta ulves on havieg wt'en ail buildingsý are erected thse fines, fair 'rounds a this part of the Province, a ivbr,,body cone ta Bowmia-iville PaIr,E Prizo Lista have heBn sent ta ah cel mersby Po t. Iutoudingexhib*tors g, l'ould read it through cirefullY as saniea, hauges ave bee made l nuesande 1 Aita.. a lfï- try people readily take te the more rapi, transit aud the mater-bus 18 already popular vehicle for passenger truvel IOur first experience inciuded a tiree days' trip lu the west et Devonshire an( as an sntei-estiug pleasure auting it a actuallv supernb-niot a duIl heur la il Our only regret wns tînt it was noti menti instend et a teuti of eue. Stratton te Cloveily sud BideorÉ niffrd a pleasure trip that eau liardiy bE equalied we are toid in tuis 1"iglit little, place was Kilkliampton xvbere the tw leading merchants or drapers tbey cal] them. hors are W. T. Deyman and J. F. Wnikey-two namnes very tamillar to Bowmanvillo peuple. The Englisi chuseis here is the centre o! the parisi lu whicl the late Canon Thynuelabored so mauy yers. lu tîslangunge cf the guide book it lins many Norman dtails but is mainly Early Engiilihla char- acter. It centains memorials of tie Enrîs of Bath sud a monument te Sir Bevil, Grenville, killd at tie battle cf Lansdowne Field in 1643. Iu Kilk- bamptea churcliyand Hervey tramed bis -Meditations ameng the Tombs.' H-ero lie the romains of mnny auriestors ot Canadians iu Durhanm sud Ontario Denuties-amoug ether naines are sev- erai familiar sud nas Trevin, Brima- combe, Bray, Deymait, (oie, Nlýiols, The ride from Kilirlampton te 01ev- elly was grand. tle views ef Devonshire and et the Atlantic ocean are nîmost euoiautiag sud the impulse cemes aven one te sit stilI for a speli sud drink iu tle ioveiy laudscape views. Words tînt 1 eau command fail me lu any attempt to portray what my eyes bave bnheld ou this pepular tonni jonrney lu this West coeuntry. Ji Clvelyis a peculiar village wiene ive apcliar people-fisher tolk chiefiy tio live on the gains tram tle lerriag, mole sud mnckerel fisienies. I do net know ot another sucli quaint village auywhene. It 18 a hilîside bamiet tînt draws tiousauds et visitons eveny sum- mer, Going te Devonshire sud net ses- iug Cloveily is like tle Englishman visiting Canada sud net seeing theFalîs. IEam net avare tîsat it lins even been ,iassedasmoug tho seven wonders ot the tvenld but it is an.atunal curiesity tint invites thn attention et ah 1!travellers Ëte Devon, Prom its begiuuiug wlere its principal street finit pnges dowîî tromn lhe higI rund ta its end ut lie pies lbe- low tiens is net 50 yards ef invel grouud. Tlie slepe is se procipitous that a pedes- trisu geing dovu n erngged stone stops eau almost look dowu the chim ney ofth lnext lieuse below. Theonouy pstcli of level la a sort o! landiag or reathing pince ia the street staincase two-thirds cf the avay downand is a fine view-poiîît ut the liarber at the foot and et the Atlntic Ocean. The foot cf is unique street about, the liarbon eorms ttc village centre aud sont of eîdezveus on nyrle for the sea-golng folk- Pretty cottages lino this street ou oti aides. A cup of tes sud biscuit an be lad lu mauy o! tlem, ns the ciii- eons are ever rnady te necelve nu lsonest peuny. Attile footetthe hîllside street bhat only doukeys or emaîl poules eau taverse as beasts et burden or trans- esrt lies the iiny luibeor with-utsApsian îttîs nustic peer shelteinug numerons red-saiied fisiing boats, wbule tle whoie hamlet-hll-slopes, stnnet aud cottages - is embovered sud halt-hidden in trees. The plerlead attends a favored view of tle village sud cîliffs. It is s famous reoet for excursions by sea, many cemiug every season tram 11f ns- combe sud other sesponts. Olovelly men must make a tain han- vest lu tic summer tume, Indeed, lie- ig shut up between the downs, tle liffs, sud the beach, thcy must be qntlreiy depeuîdent on tise ses lu oe 3hape or another. There iwi- ardly a ard about the village wlere yen oould plow aud sow, thorigi it is brighteued nd beautifie 1 by small strips cf lbang- ig gardeas; sud where iliere is ne redis for evena s arrew fioe-u r barder vithout the doons, tise villagers are tend et dis- playiug gerauiums and mîgnenette an bfeir window silîs. Tise mest uotewonthy attractions lie- 3id es tise village and its denî' sens are [obby Drive, a iovely pince ef rond early 3 miles in length rnnning eost- ward. It is cbiefly ilirongl tocest on fie edge of tle eliffs sud affords nnm- ýrous pretty outloeks over the ecean, ,lovelly Court le abeut hlf a mile west )f thie village. It is a lindsome Georg- sui mansion ereeted vwe vere told lu t780. Close by stands tise curcs, Tise î-aouuds sud park are open to visitons ind are et great beauty, tise pallia wind- mg by lichen- eovered rocks aud irougi ieafy giensasud teruy combes )peniîîg suddeuly upon tise ses, Tain e lesare seenlu tise park Nviicl w-as 1setamous for ils bawks. GallammtrY Bower is tise nine ut asteep sud lof ty liff 380 feet bigla w'bucls venlos a [osions panorama et sen on ene side id richly wouded country ou thse iehr. Haý,rfntld dar eM om BUSINESS NOTICE, It seems uecessary te, say te oun rend ens tînt lu a couuny nevapapen office adventiaing is île chiot source et suap- port, and must lie vell gusrded or fluan- cial tailure vill reanît. Tic insertion et anythlng ini The James Papers, inteaded te brng a pecuuiary :neue fiii te any persen, churcli, society, or firm, vieLler il binlutîe locaîs, adv er- tising columu, or cesrespaudeuce, la ciargeablo, sud the rate five cents s lina per veek vlti a minimum charge et 50c for firsi insertion. A notice for churcli, aociety or euesr meetinîg vînre ne admission tee is clinnged or collec- tion taken vill go free, or vhon vs priaI posters, notice vililibe givea tro otiervise the rate te eue sud ail iS five cents a lino per veek. Business is bus- iness, iêse-ase ern Cannot harm hînithy humanbdes We cannot lhave healthybosanes we have pure biocd,-the kimud cf Uhiood that Hood's Sareparilia makes. This great medicine has anu un- nqualled, unapproaciscd record for auiy ng îd onricising tsebiood. Et su~ crofula, nczerma, ciitoa ucas, thiat ired feeling, dyspepsia,ba cf 2ppe ilte. genie-al deiity, aîmduld Up the vviole systeai. IL effeets is vonderful cures, ne,,t simply isecause iL coutaius sarsapanila but because iL combines tise utaicat rendial values ef muse tissu 20 dLIffr- cnt ingr-edients. If urgnd te, buy auny pi-eparation said te be "mast as gond" yon mnay be sure itlaI inferlor, co.stai less Lo ua ke, and yiolds tise dealer s, Gît h today o ynsdruggisi. Pre- ardcsyby C. 1. FHoed Caj., 3Lovl,Vc MVass., U. . A. -x s',-. l .a bar J NOV j. ci IWtetcanada -but we sawsud iesrne.d ,o mul llt tus Englisls tarm home,, 1 te reward us ton the time speut thene. o Wsdreve over ta Bidetord, the mark;et j evso tamous vîtiwest-countryf armn- crs. Te aId Deveusiire manwbvuea market" ,vauld iardly lie taken nas a native. Thehlorse Show vas iiluful swing aud racing, jumping, etc., verg the chief attractions. We saw ail)otfe very fins herses but I wii not say iliat theY vere se very tar alead o! vint yen see svery year at West Durham Faîl Fain, especially when Hon, Relit. Beltli's liaîdsome Hackneys are on ex- hibitomi. Il vos as iuteresting a study te us Canadiana te vaiel the cnovds ot peopie as te Seo the performances et tise herses. W'estward Ho!1 vas îhe next intereat-, ing place visited, passiug ou tise way Nontiaun where lives "Little Lîzzie" ville papens, but urne did not,permitsoeie inioe nte w a caîl. Nortisam. lies midway betweea Bidetord sud Westwand Roti It las aý pretty Churci-SI. Margaret's. The Wrenm family reside hene. Nontham Burrov is seme 1f00acres expanse et turf betweeu vhici sud tle Atîsunte cenis tisePelble Ridge uponwlc levers like te ait sud taik oet "sveet uetlings" tethe murmur sud swish- swiahl the pînyful waves, The nidlgq has beentoineelhyi-hain-wasli ofthtise sessud consistsoet s utural nidge oir wall of stoues, sîste, sandatone, etc., tvo miles longg sud tram 15 te 30 teet Isigh. Just beyend the Burrowa is the- walening-place Westward Ho wiere are ths ,links" whmeh have made tiSi Devonshire resont the great English rival of St Andrews as a playiug grouud for the royal sud anciemît ganse a! golf, se popular ln seme etofîle Canaclinu tevus viere Englisiaisa et leisure are ta be tauud. There isa fine beaci, good air sud open ses, The quaint old. ana- towu et Appledore, seo oten reterned te by Canon Kingsley la lis novel of Westwasd Ho stands anar by ou a point of labid jutting ont into tle hroad estùary a! île river Taw just aitichz jaction witi île river Terridgeý. EngliBk people heme boast of the flue, saud beacles tar bathiug ai iliese pae but tises are net comparable te an cuver beachinuBritish Celumubia for bathlig seCani1aaauboasi o! some,ý ;lîîugs bote tsaîl Mtien COUntry- sai. Tise cenntLry araund INanti Devon isceniainly vnry prettyasud the'son aîir is weîmdertully iavigoratiug sud viole- soms, Wiat keen appetites il gives us too ! Noue et us enjeyed this eutiîîg mcre tisauMn. Davis vie vas . in i&s glory visitiug old acquaintauces aud aId places. Gatiering information sudh as you -equire sud putting IL lie oshape ton publication is net easy wion tripping se 'apidly trom place te place se yens endoers yul excuse tle scrappy intanm - atien, I1liepe. gWe ses sud lear 50 mîh inat vere we te write it aIl dowu it wouid make volumes, so my notes are uaaveidably incomplets sud rambling. )wing te the deati et dean father sud my uuoxpected retuauta Irelaud aur inteuded trip te Paris must lie cancelled. Thie weailier is flue sud I amn greatly enjoyiug thse bracing air sud am feeling spleudid sud sinîll eturu to aïanda very usuel beuiefitted lu differout wia ys 'y nsy visit to the Old Country sud ourï jounneyings about il. Atter all I' muai frnkly confessa uni 1 like Canada beci. 1 ould nul live iun ither Euglaud on Irelaud. Canada tonrme sud Edmonton foreyer! ý 1 ýqý 1 A L i p

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