I CURRENT TOPFC - ri oas Sanil3 seld to J. Hen- g-,I £ i .I......44~*4G+ ____________________lBRUfTUIl. & onhis Alsike seed realizing . h M n y Y u S v a e o Almost is one persuaded by the Mr. David Mi, Alden, who worked pargumwen no ten, n niuU uri Carriage Co.,Bairie, is now with [ ive one an easy mînd, selfknlidence, ad the povettk TOLen anothethseMecries, g"Stop, lo n itn"ada The Mission Baudî of the Metho- lI -impressive array of arguments On One Suffered for Fifteen Years, the dist church were entertaîned Sat- '4 t.he other side of the question leaves Other for Thirteen. urday afterno-on at Fruitland, the t f+ i C enuino him in a bewildered ýstate. If the The convinc ng powers of a test mo- farm of Mr. A. A. Itolfe. doctors agroed, swift indeed wouldhn i ic e yeo re clea r'o. A Mr. IR. Z. Hall, Postmasteî, was FADS AND FANCIES. rbe the pace of rcformi in thin gs phy- brother, Lemuel Brown, of Avnae elected Sertry, and Mr. A. Ail sorts of black flowers are ap- Establshed 1873 rT A TA A si-alau bgini; utth dctrsN.B., read ia the paper about 110w. Henry, Treasurer, of Orono Ceme- peaî'ing in miîîinery. OFL t1N I~ 77Bace C J ei a n y i n c au d th e lay m a on ' tive ," n o wlng cth edSanato r wut-d M I o.X A A la haîdly ever agree h, l nly tie. no a themedn whleh had M . A.Leigh will go te iBurford Wings trinm many of the emaîl gives Savings Depositors, whether their accounîfs Le largeo m LIL Olit. ue pefocopuruetheunve cucdhl, Mr. Loýmueil Brown tried for the purpose of instaliug a new flats for iweaî xwith taillr mades. the Most courtecous service. tenr f bs ay M'nyattmps F ruit-a-tives They cured hlm of Giant water xxheel for the Electrie anypn aasl r mri Make a beginning at once whh a Deposit of anc olro telro i a.Mn tepsChronlo; Indigestion and Constipation, Ligbt Ce. of that towu. dered witb fiowers of lavonder. more, il, our SavingsDeaten.7 V-%u, 1t Beam sÎIaturG 01f bave been made te get a medical so ho rged bis brocther to try thema. Mrs. Jennie Jaynes who bas been Modioval freeks apparen'tly are consensus of opinion on smoking, . .. . living witb lier daughter, Mis. (Di) loading bac-k t-o thedad skir'. o zm nvl ach:a A-.N.-MM1LA cri tea and coffiee dîiuking, and Rîce, Bobcaygeon, bas returued I\owest coat collars are large, M~~r other sucb thiugs, but no symposi- reund affairs of Irish and Cluny la Rso }c' J'i '~ Mceis. (MleRev.) Beo Urniofah McCtlascaridnscbieMr. and.)TTilaceiche ad ac, iaig i lr atars.agepv.tovi Ses Pa.StmII Wreppr neîw. untcf thi soitbas cariod u "anysons, Malcolm aud Çeunetb, cf The panuipr dresle coming back, Bace tNwate etnilOoo Yowyamai an as asyfoirader." Doubtless the final re- New York, visited Mr. W. S. te tbe dismay of the short womau. ha ,Whty nd roIln te tioem sdascoysa lifinal for the season, cf cour, e Gamnsby and othor friende bore. Ostricb feathers bold their own, --ofthe ineretir- dscusio oftheMisses Loua Ilenwick and Nova but most cf those now ceeu are cuil- aSmnitb, studeuts at St. John's Hos-e , Èd. ~~~Ai ~FOR DIZZINESL ueSt tebmnraefc pital, Yeukers, N. Y., are bhome ou Ligbt, old rose tinte are genuine- ý OR RlLIOUSNES. ossan lteswl fan-vacation. 13y giîlisb colore &)r miliuery pur- FORTOPIO LIYER. tare te cause but little disturbauce Miss Iva GlaRcett is teacbing a poses. IVE FO OSTTOI -ebuilding-andclothiogade, shoci nerthsrf Elixabethyjîle, Hope --Thie- v.iling-cf-nu --colon -ver-au-! PI L ~ SALOW KIN ____tow nship, on a three meonthe per- other je eue cf the fashions cf tlie FORTHEORILEXON e ae wine tht isauty r it, aud Miss Eva Sheppard inu moment. merci5J extictionwSll b ýoiTUfate Mrs. Thcmas Davie and daugh- ligbt weigbt, are the preferred bathiE" É%lme int'y, Mre.gge tan d ami y, Peter- acing. SEILNTC. int 10 exactly 265 years-talk about t.e rasnsoyugadiidlae mn- ________ ______ ____ fce ara 13Oc 2Sh 90 bore, visited bier sister, Mrs. P. D. Goxvus woru everywhbore show a Owin; to Dr. Rer- ta a premature grave t rougli EARIY 1NICITc5 "bankruptcy" cf science lu the fae HIà:NDOt 8h 97 cCennachie, and bier brethers, great deal cf embrcidery, doue Withl gan beirg deceased, IiXCFS5}t5AND ELOOD DISXAS1E . If youaenyf AE, cL GHI. 4tieaciueatetm-f "Tl nec docto rs told me tbat I had eD.J .Kney alwn yitiscnutu eoei st c.EieAJHI. cfti xciueast iei "-e Dîsease and serions Stonach Messrs. Staîker Brothers. the coarsest flireade. Medicai Direcior, nervous and weaie, despondent andgo, peaeoth Bafrrister, Soiictor and Conveyancer. me o net roturu te nature and sav- Trouble. -y s w a s îeîy ieak,. Mre. Peter Cennoîl and fanîily, Soutache bas lest noue of its fav- bas assoc!asedwith eyes, with dark circles under themu, we icbackiLdysrt Ome-ila luock,KRng Street. I teck their nmedicines for tbrrtcen Trntwbo have se several o n snw-fe r.hr r end r l.pliaino h erbsfl ra vv:wian-viUu. -L ney e ion tr&a--age-f --wc -o-I-e4e-d-ow - o er Uge vro ieur oot1setoadl o fe po dwith who hzasheen 1th i mentnuie,pimples onthe face, eyes sfnkehoowce .barates. 48-lyr. er-weeke ut the boicer brother- flose fer dccoîatiug gowus.ditutisi able fiat apartments, ekysrapers and (-ho was c' roc of terrible Indigestion ifl law BoJamesCounoîlhave Hesind color this sescu are rsiungs wll con- by "Fruit-a-t'ives" cIter suffcring for 'lw r ae onlhv -csey oosti esnae 2 uieswi o- bemos ekiahoptutr ea 1"~tAir~bouses and do net tbrow utîay as 1- years), reconmnended mo to try these returued boire. black, white, tan, bIne, wisterila, duetedl under the loose soe thrçat etc. V/m II'NA\NI, V. S., muche-f our- raiment as medesty ivonderful tablts 1 bought bial a Mies Gladys Davidscu gave a taupe, bronze, aud American nîdPiî~ 0~aAY GRDt~T (F ls heseertycfth liat i dze bxe ndbae u~ tniho teparty te a nutuber cf lier youug b-cauty. KENNEaeDhY oa t Ë Ontario Vteinary coUrege, cilice 1tri itudO te cli te111Wrîîothd1lctrmal nd ofu ati *m dlady fricnds Saturday afterueeu ui Lace ceats are ucticeable foi taf-revalent and raost serions diseases. They ateveylf rear of %sr. Williamm finfuiie sot e reigstarertculr ltitdeouilpepar. iicut iare w ssHazlgrya iiktrlmitimaviyasudah-niete ma afectfleifuurecradatoeaBewrd f romuy.theo rubwered day or nlgbt. Phone 5s, pîoved ileery way. 'Frit-en-tiv,,." houer cf b er cousin, MisHaefeuiltim ngbexiyotc- ytmayaetficfurrnrtiaBwr tMecytonyupeseth We are admoniqhe"d to take the laio curd the C(brouieC onstipation Patterson. ed lu the came celer as tbf- lace. yposoi.NW ýEDcrstei off every pore and lot the sund41cm- wbiebi wa'sO distressing I in y case.", Mr. Williama Batten bas retuîuied A new pougee ribben lu dasby de - ORNWMTO RAMN iee. neiu n ae (Signed) HUCII B.ROWN. drb e uedd semci ~ mn of ou.KUnEr t 5f M h rasbcome ctvieblood pfed e ht i BJ. Hazle'wood . .D. O.M fot ubeurly and tuuremittiugly. 50e a box, 6 for $2.50; a triai box, sfient the cityne sempnchfor us ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fouth iyconsidrbyipo-- y sgu. O pmisboce dulrsdape.thnevsbcesragsstiatate- 25c. At deaers or foSunlight,-tassured, ihuizo ucompan- ries ~~1eratyToont; FurSu nlifhtwe are asrcmaltes teLînmîtcd.Ottawa, Ms. arrison a .an-tc. ccr aryrlîu atebd ,ai h oapyiaaCvital sseeaeivg _________Toronto;_Pour________ktÏendlngrb y.uofyor bard e..nd dollars. W.111 or oi rne5 ar RsiaceWel-goabetthn i t iv i esshins.d ibe clippasbou e audtbere cf wbitper a ap . e Carg._ zn Pe . y.he GlenMnlo" ilutat c'If le yob di .. Quesion nai er Hoe Tresm -t e s at Pit,ý,g ssuier te taresultiug renl i ca eol copnedb e ak ac bieabt, stwt aie te dy distillat.ion, owiug te its low saîphur or cf Les Angeles, Cal., sailed inte] white lace, are pretty fer the cîdpr e But ls only th ther a an- tewnuW ednesduy cu a motor bicycle ly woman te don iitb a dark lawu perceutage. This coke lse minently Sother physician and savant warned and called on a few-, friende. dress. 2 î ta mi snhielemk adaptOd te metallurgical piecesses. Oreno Fair Directors are adver- Mauy eyelet embroidered ba- tc I And it eau alse bo ased lu place cf tisiug a recital couteet, open te tistes, sheer linc fis, and other trans- Co.McgaAv adGiwlStET ITMIH Vngiueers sud others who realiz e t dxebing drukrs eeeae n hrolt os rbeetn hpo aetmtrasae eno if, of laving their ratent business transccted ig rnaddgnrtsadcaca oacuiderb> xenamateurs cf the o Twusn fprn aeil r eucc bhyExperts. Preliuinaryadvicefree. Charges criminals cf us, causing the ligbt Nîýtb the advantaýe cf being mach Clarke, as oeeof the specialtios of white, black, or a celer. ________________ ________________ noderate. Our Inventor's Advlser cent upon tecnetEungt ep.it. Mnfcuesaelbiuding and--____ ___ request. Maron & Maron, New YorkIciife Bldg, types te succnmb iu the struggle for cteherAcoubetar naghe pt.ty fon cahug arly alfie casfrASN.loig Ol t rttp t MonIrcal,-. ad VWashinzton. D.C., U.S.,A. existence bore and now. We were c----e . Adobl: arigepatyfrn---.in naryal fned -.fr tSNGeJOinncltauiwoosieumaer teld te caltivate not llght, but Whitby, comprisifig Mi. aud Mis. next winter nîtb lui.. Lo--t wboso will sing Bacehus' wn e; oitha cligtly aisdnbwt ek shdt vodgasbeas tOINO. W. L. Luke, and sou Alf. cf Toron- Soume cf the straigbt scaîf s are ihasigtvri, shde t aoi gas bcaseitte, Miss Warner cf Scott Townuship, made se deep thut they are almeet We know a drink thut's more di- littie like;the cote eceao yvine;'seefabre"taiseec trae hanad busily engage iu the (rmTeNw. sister cf Mrs. L. W. Buckley, spent sbawls, and the sbaped cnles are i-e oate rse.btbyhve o has ,ea cf mnus cf srvivNewst.er udiiy with Mr. aud Mis. Buck- made witb the camie idea. 'i bt n noeta eeuigiiPreti umr b experts day, SeptFmbr 6tb randlt. Ms ateadMs aur ota bywllb ag iht T Frunute and iboent ieas d ue ngue n Far s îteriais oee, lgrlts lfljIIolasrustanotngea- Ono aTurdyand Fni- ley and ealled ou Mr. T. Smith. Eailiest advices as te faîl bats aie e axe ndmrloéy oe 0A L mi ri oret the Dann-, i ]y matters so long as we excise the Mr. William Thompson visited hiesmiued for tbe receptien given by miinge cf brge aigrettes and enerni- iebeono aSmi a, tan th anfdheme . Yuikon Terrltcry thre Nirth-wo lealapui n sprlsl-fther. rii Mre. Buckley Tbur-sday. esfoes at'no eny-n er t unra rua tsie. Wbat -aroefthelaymeu te Mr. Bert Dobson, Toronto, xisited Mr. Node-n, bboohre about 50 Artificial fion-ers are woru te Andpragyu. u hebnto Self colonod stripe aeii Nttî ce ot mure tiran 2.56o -acre-4 wiil do i Notb u tal el e ib icanMsWl nArsrn. tasaexu nth l1g<rclrmeetetlutebu.Tenespa.cil canthi lc l t Appt 21tlicatitn P ýoneforaleaomut md antrtopois urfriuoihd Mis. R. W. Sugdeu, Toronto, ently. Hicfabrýn'sa oeetime Ect for this purpese are niade cf tagnfshoa beladta ntoaliaeuted otheMis. H. Moon.rfur inou cf 'tbeeho ergue1d puidnthsle. This simple country cup n-e drain vl vbLýtru-gLto tedsrc nwihisitied Mr, aud Ms .M . principal l ,public sho ee az n pn cwt sle.nt+le hsso i n f ether wlltri-ed fxts u .Aet gtso bagpe fo are itet iiwleehabit cf saloigoui food ut i,. and Mie. A. T. canb f Dr. Dukl.E. T. AlW'nx Ait- Sheer leeves are otymcefthbs-nwE Iioi svy pleiory arend msausigGasyTukr le otlybmcdoesn pasnet. eget fst u ftebs-uw uls alr cirthedbiy>.ections. or 1-rgal ru', t-inj fouble-quick lnhsado trying Newv York, are visiting here. strcug, and ethers ne might ntoe, vith bauds cf the sauxo uaterial. Itpan usiug a plain celrpeeui I.erzisvo>d ritnsrvryetie laud rnute tlunches and ou nwa hmewee ispupilîs. M. ednis noîvstrengthous the leeve, aud theyar ai-ck-lngw~-' ihaofne aete1leli ApIZIed for chali] ho takeri out. tr tatte bho c.,uifortaîle as te clcth M.EeetGbonia oeneo i r cuHoever îîir nung the nn, lo ibafu a-u edc eclîsapdrnuneituvt e ecrltûry faiîlafront Toronto over the week-end. living in the West, aud nec bore less lhable te pull ent. wn ruite. ignla fce o, $5 liii wbieb siii bu re'urrdad if th irs ng both summer and witeî. Lot Mr. C. T. Miller made a trip t uighre otL aîihEt'O en aeno bigmde ith country cîee-p te end the day. choice cf a proinetFe OPali, pforlae nt larrmushoeouteDt theris.ug bousee t t1 thc wth Enicgon ae oithn m Alr9Ieo ar art be paid on but moterwiee. uels ho coaseix ative-progressive, safe Rochester, N. Y. birn. oi sheer marabout, wbich firet ap- T dai tîscp e andm1especially digoal outrut ofthintire u.at -bcrate of tire ci I and canle, iu hygiene asin pelities, Mr. sund Mrs. Hamilton, Hope, peared a waîets. They aepietti-Tdri hscpnomnhaloreevywe RvZ etsed f eaiiairigriigirts wbich are and beave the bouseless aud clothes-vîtdutM.ctt. PAPA WOULDN'T MIND ettiîeiwt rs ae llgte ncutr fto n .i e eigoperate]rlil o,h irtire ditrict -Miss.Ou i.-e.,oToronto, visited ber The drespanel, whucb bas been Teiucu aueec h e.tbîees and fives. Seoctune sgea t fDemi, ianLands itii a swor, taie- lese Hunter, Torcute, r now-WHAT lsmwn pansnw usuh Utopia, fuller ile2t oc I echya, '- ) aunt, Mis. H. W. Runwick. soehtpan snwct ls-diagonale are uotbigmceta& Tt la e Ince t e tonslu lacir os-.te fmedical <radicale,"0issGeie, isredpftettucer u bd lttl cdthelessleludeîi..coeî mntungirihtledge, te eWiuuipeg, vstà Atrbeing t e nbe itOed, divideri, and made into numor- Wh balreno f~nyfine vey fine cross twill, u besnt bec iîss raed ie va rs a urf c e , igirs e m y_ _ _ _u i. W li m A str ng's. M dg o begged ler m other t e stay cs pretty effe ts below the aist 00+ n mr ig star, i. thedxi eor nes show the wi e at b. aio h ourdateo saacfrtr rnttire Mi. and Mie. Abert Chaptan witb ber until seegote seep. lino. Tneeeinicu cf he heur or ful informastions application edbeh Peat le p'irtly developed coal. Na- visited bis sistc-r, Mrs. C. C. Cain, "For," sc pleaded,"ti aldr Sequins and____ara__ ________onofth hur tire Ir erior tswa, or ta any Agent or saur tare bas faîled te impart that Bethany. and Madge i5 50 'fwaid" "But louable lu Paris as they ever ws-e W heu May roofs lu the nerld witb Agent et Dominion Landse Rev. Johin Moment oecupied the tîsere le nothing to ccari f," o veniug wabt o niefoes Slee plessuess.-Slepl h iu W. W. COoiy, enormous pressure arising front the pulplt cf the Methodiet ýhurcb cun ber mnother assured ber. "Marna gowus and for those additions te restoror and te o eprve c<I Deputy Mrilrer of tire interior. deosit cf scdl and rock upon the Suuday eveaing. n-ut go îigbt dow-staiîs, fer papa the bodice which make sncb a gccd About this cap the swllons shît, tital lose. Whateve my o h B.- Unautborized pubýircation of thes ad- No 'et ssp det ea li-cas fi, 'iet verilemennt wllhuet be pait] for. 8-6m decayed legetabre substance whicb Mr.. John Chester, sur., Mark- le there alone witiug fer lber. o feta upeetî oapan And the loîv mlkîug-star bauge se fiidgci evu e is necessnry te corpress it into baim, bas leaced the Viekers faim tiî te go te sleop and retomber iy made, weîl fitting bodice. dita rangement or mental ry r abr aeillirasi enosofte-ilg.tlîat the ungele are right bore with. course cf Parmele'Vetbi ar.bard tatouaIofyuer bacaoit, beenhcnet-ocfilthe 'yillago.i Mi lex. Cou-ier and bis hic- eu und will tk uec e.- '---Acresthe adwadte cuPl.Byîgainteatonf caronzedau th wterliinnt- tboi-in-law, Mr. Geo. King, have "Oh, but, mata," wailed the littie ed by the interior beat cf the enrtb. gone to Suuuy Alberta. voîce, 'I'ýd rathor baie yoa. SWALLOWS A-ND FLIES. liesl eae-he3ug cn the rtotcb, weithetcul An uure eocf fiel d nlustey ilretenomlc- Anatural iphienvul whereby the Mis. Patton and grund-daughter, Pion se, maacod thxe ungelsAn un ditions and heulthfnlccpwl o. peut boge were bnîied under i.--c Toronto, are visitlrîg b ýi e2, down witb papa anîd yon stuy ]bore Whult onie Swallow 3Muy Net Do, blîlhe eer Mi. W. W. Traîl. witb Madge." The Delineator for aud What a Single Fly Can, Loiter awil, aud ah tes stili. upc-n the nerves'audweî heei eynopsis of Cnda Northwest mense accumulations cof rock and Mi. William McPberson, au cîd September. "One swallow ideni te Pan aauîest they bîîng iet La.nd egulations soil wouid achieve this end. If, Or-eue bey, ceuducte a floaîishing M-miltyse inerconcios eenap,"I bindnemue nî ugPenha NY erscn wairiletire solo-iroad et a therefore, onc could reproduce the restaurant lu Toronto. mlt snee osisumîier but," ýsuid Mi. Kwlllkii The fuie mîlk glimmers ini the can, A smui r any maie ovor 18 years eoitMr. Jhn'csoe, anmoyer, . et tci. at lu inthe silence ccl and nwbiteMXD abemayregeusd a quarter section of avaii'ccof operations carried eut hy . Mvii. Joh;nic, Vncur, BD.itsef.one fiy m n ake awitei, or I MIX or Aibeîta. Theirfe pant must appear ipeA,. nature, cmresthe poa nd drive lin-lenet asao o ra ienetTe er onstruhtels- Bessie--"Oh, Mate- Jar ua ________ ____________ peut coul. The precee-s is the camne Olgu, Cen loy, Alta, visitedMPle do. Tbe move the bcwcls, jy dreame sund anticipaitions c f tlîat -with a perceptible bauivaeobrgt as that adopteti fcr thie manufacture nid Mis. H-. J. Hoidge. start the bile, carryoff theinpurities, leeydedsopfeaa. the surface. are being showu botb laodehm Mue. A. Knox anti fnmily visited ceasesuevtaiz te iod ud "Iun wlg o ouedfatdoe sd bradaTer i ete Tiie citis emal sd e h Roo C')MD'U& ga foncoa. he aroniedc1e an vtalzetheblod ndexp)resscharges ans wayo nt tw e115- otnRotCmoud fga in cu.Th ubuieibe.fserMs Meî sdMs eee llew may net make a eut- talk cf the revival cf zibeline - a res - hpra trn akaC eatisdistilhed ,ii iý1rreotanoe 'oniY sfae eft'ectuai Mantiriy pu nady eetad ainton, Enuiskiilen.t IiemilîoonwicLwoenan bevlatile cuttuusare se-ur- Ms Dr)M M ake n ePmr. J think thut yen nill conceedo muteuial on the eider cf homespun, WIEFOOREBOKI.TTLSt .sý ot trength -No., si0; INo. 2 si crubbedý, \nueeti, sud dried cinsos, Bdel adMlton, tateurey a mkeisvey o Jiymoe o 1( ci doendl..4 idigte d os iw sd aevis-foprus," Bdf-,cî l notb.er faux-iiar"MlAL T fo0rg'sar 'nuger $cJ5 N - iti-gber r m.1ethert Belheville. T aueuogtennarvh.it IDUEIINC.,ORNON. fo erfiWtdor asl'sa ib lumniut1îýinuter- b ilblestcatiily impr)jcvînig. odEar'br. oes 17nt. eaî antizy. cî taîai tl o od