THE Il fOFF"I A quarter cf a century ago flie miniing cnao! New- Mexico of- fered refuge te an.-y man damions Jc Q;-king bis ideutity, sînce curue- sityi uas ouae!flie faw-iceas they did nef encourage. Te question a no-us -cemer as te bis antecadents w-us iot only a hraach o! otiquette, but a dauîgev-eus acf lu a cemmu- utwbere overy maiu carnîcd irea- r-eus und ics-eted te tler n o the slighi est occasion. Uunlss s oluii- teened, aa n's e r ln5-rne remuiued ý- secret, hhe ein,-fer ceuveiiioee --r-"hapsizo.d wîth a nieknume, pic- tsar-e-ý-quneL-y iniappr- priate-,as-n rui1e. ""Toff" hrugbf bis name wiif hin-"prnuucd ail os as him," as soneene nremarked; and certainly bis appearanca was unique for the lucality. Saîudy Ridge was fwenty miles frona the uail-ay, avîd the in- feor , 'ning ctretcb of scrub and des- -crtf ad toe hocressed ou bensehuok, Le that flic sudden ads-ent cf a yoî-ng man, attircd in a tweed suit, ,itifimaculata linon, su suco- enfli stuntiing aven withouf 'the pentmý.I-ltcuuý_ plasfarcd witb labels neI: ni 1iset Of Enropean fravel. Buqîthflee item's w-anatrilles in coi qpanisen- with the -monocle dec- oriatiiuug the strungoýr" loft eye-sock- etI, f!lue effeet f o wshi-hupeti the rid ut flic Miners' Amis was surply parulyzing. Sentences ne- niied part-speken, glassos baltedl bal! say te thinof y lips, and a man -ho was iightiug bis pipa burned 1is fingers hadly. The sfîungor ap- i-eared quife uiucen'iieus e inl- ferest ha excited. Addressing the salon eepr kownas "Ginger" beca'1-se bis hais nus nef red-ha said eoolly: "Can -or-havea aroom hbanal" TFe saloon-keapan, a man c e Wirords until roused, w-ban bis vo- euhJ 'lary ut once hecarna extensive, nedded siletly; but a groat lîulýi ng, m7,inai-, named Baynas, w-be bad ba u srveying ftha visiter wifh mnarked disappu-osai, struck lu : "Sýay, youing feller, air- ye gemi' te stay longt" Tha- "young felier" furued. slow- l- and regardcd ta speaker th-uhbis monocle witbi au air o! lnidcuriosity. Bayues Nwould haefaccd thaeînuzzle cof a six- shlooter Without bliiking, but a fais oments c! this celd, allant ssinymaclehlm squiniî Thon crethe dîuxsliug reply - 'IF I fiud tbe--er-loeaiity suit- able-, it is an possible I mnay set- fieý liere-w-ith youur permission, o! cuse.", A urst e! lauglter frein the scd- abii-ld, brewintbrsated fbreîg ilod flue obviou,s disconifiture o! thec questuoner. The strangas pick- cd; r r bis hug and follow-ed Ginger thro2ýsgh a sida door, thus missing Ba,ýI eas's thrcat te "tuke sema eo' flcfrilîs out'n hi. "le's a seul tfef, boys," criad ouae e! the spectators. and the titia .ï,as ferthwitb udopted dciigbtedly. P4,{ckoeýi lie kne"cks spots off the Dau~for styla,," said uanether. "'stbera'l1 ha proeceedu4n's whan th eeict." TL'isa iencontre took place a few- bouslafar, and thore w ere "pr-o)- ca-iia'certainly, tbnougb nt o!1ý flicntre expected. liaving rne necdfic- stins of lus jeuruey, "Tcf! w-asstand n u he bar wacbngfic aoc-ne. The long lune cf ~ ~ a dnnkr a h cnater, flic s rescouples garnbliig ut the talsset lu the open space hefore ,t, the af-ýrange rnedlay c!f ougues- fe)r cýeerynation secmed to e harap- nesenit-d--cembioad te forni a pic- fuse wluich eonid notflute infe?- est. anf'mne uron whemi if ad not staied. .Pi-cscîîtly a huirat e! lauglter from,, EJNGLISR NEWS Kiilkhiamptop. Dauti L I 1. "Keep your arm quite still, have read la themn that his guitT spoken to t.he log-walls as to those Baynes; 1 have pou coverod," said would have made no0 difference to1 stolid miners. Only the man wb«o a. sharp, resoluto voice. ber. The assurance of bar faith had nicknamed the prisener show- The. bully's face changad, and he pleased hlm curiously, and almost cd intcrest. paused in the v'ery act of liering gaily he said, "Well, and what',s tO 'I said ha was a toff," he remark- bis weapeu. A ligbtning glance te- le doue nowV" ed, with censeious pride. "cIti wards the deor showed him the *IYeu must bide; coma, I will seerns a'rnost a pity to hang hirn glistening barrai cf a Winchester show yeu,"> sha whispcrcd, enger- after ail." repeating rifle, pointed at bis ly. "Yeou bet it doas; why net wait heart. "Take bis gun away, one0 Ha followad oba-diently back Up and hang the right manl" cbîrned of you," continued tba speaker, the trail he had just traversed, un- ina famîiliar voiec, as the Dandy and wber. this was doue bc steppad tii presently sha turned and glidad stepped jutote bar ard coelly threugh tice pen door, bis wtapOn beueatb the deeper shadow of the flung the noose fromn Beverley's lung easily across the crook of bis pines. Ha could sec ne sign cof a neck. I don't sce my friend left arm ready for instant use. path, but ber lith'e, active figura Baynas anieng this noble ce i- fRe was a man of about thirt.-, 0f flitted unhesitatingly througb the pauy, ha continued, scornfily. lithe, atbletic build, and -,itb a labyrinth. of undergrenth until she 'Il guess you'll fiud birn outside, Pleasanb, sun-staincd face. Hie was reacbad the gretoeosbs ftbough. 1 rail up, against hlm in ,carefully groomed, and bis appar- flowering shrub, by tbe sida of Ylovle rigt e1Gne' el was conspicuous for its fine qua- vich trickled a tiuy rnu. Pulling herse, and as he t-old a pretty or- I;tv. lHe surs ey d the disccftdaside a huge brancb of blossern, she dnr aaaoti esae b tilly with contemnpluiios goed-hu- sle.ýwed an opening lu the rock. hlm te let me sec bim borne."' mor. 'I fouud it long ago,ad ny The gambler's story, and the "I r tl aîi'frIndinanakndso! f, se x-piesenca of Baynes tiad upon the bIfyeu aesil bkra, o nin okow fi, h x ack,,cf the stolen animal, dispos- bOod, l'Il take a baud witb yOu p1ained, proudly. "Tb.ey wen't find cd of> aldu ginsf J3evezley the, s tf, h- rmnzark-rd sowiy-end youhradTillriî du-and the whlom judga forthwitb fue, a te cbe di nt rpl, tii Dandy Dan cornes; ha will belp t endced anu uucutb apolegy fer lia added, sarcastically, "Sheetin.' y " -ail presenit. But "Teff" scarceiy bisme sint boys au-trn e ibShe was 'gene befora bca could waited te hear it; bchabd -sen Nita ais smle te "bofs,'" ad usrewt-t auk bar, and hae was consouocf slip away wbila the lawyer was mak- ad " siile )you)," ha sad, "Lrect's a stra".ige sanse of loneliness. Then ing bis frantic speech forerfcde teaIl iak and get caiu"t"snddanly bclanghed. That hea sclon fence, and ho wanf cd te find ber takea wlk nd et cquintd."c f a greaf bouse, depa)rted because immediataiy. Instinctively ha made Sucli a frnk preffen cf friand- a rathar heavy crep cf wild cats bis way te his hidiug-place, and ship from enue wbo bad just saved 1id fair te sully an ancient namie, tbera, lying upon bis blankets, sob- bis life could rat ha declineid, and sbonld ha lu danger cf being bang- bing ber hearf ont, ha fonnd lier. the pair left-tha saloon and streilel ced as a herse-thief, had a grn bhu- Sha spraug up as he enfered. towards the pine-covcrad rîdgc, mer which appcaled te hlm; it ap- 'I kuew Dan would save yeu,' wbich sbeltered the settiemant. pearad as a kind of ratiibutien Up- she cnied. "I mat hlmou the tro, The sfranger's effort te express bis (in bis farnily, aind told him te hurry. Tbat's why gratitude was -eut sbort.' Thaf Baynes was af flic botforn I slipped e1U. Sha was fearful "He's a mean houud, that Bay- cf the aff air hae did net doubt.- The lest ha migbt tbink she bad desert- nos, and bed bave flxed you good hully bad lcft the settiement the day C-. hlmi. if I badn't happeued along," the bferc bimsoif, esvrnsibly te visit "Se yen saved me agai, h othar said, cbecrfuliy. "Can y-ou Sauta Fa. Wbat casi*er than te said. "But, Nita, -wyarb y o shoot anyl' bide lu the wocdsuýnil Beverley crYllgl" "l'off' conf.essed that lus ac- àcpartcd, steal the herse, and lead She sank dewn ou the blankets qaintanca with firearns was limitcd ifte the laftcr's but so as te throw agaïn a-nid turned brfiuýshcd face te the slaughter ef . inoffensive spispicion Ou hlm. But Beverley fromn bim. 'Yen are ,geing away garne; ha knew uotbing of pistel- kiiew this mare thery wculd net ha -back te yens own counLry," she shooting. fils cernpanien's face lsteîîed te. Dan -only nîight gat faltered, gîew tbeughtful. "Tbat's bad," ho bim a fair hearng, fer the gamb- Beverlev kueit don eside liar said. "It's a tougb crowd -ut~ ler's rapute fer quick and accurateanad teck bar bnnds lu bis. hare. I recon you'd botter nrakc1 slootiug made hlm nespected. "Little girl," ha whispeî-ed, arnd tracks for civilizatien again Or The, days passad, boevar, and bis ayas wena very tender, 'Il sbal you'1l ha playin' principal Part la Bevis did net put in an apper-net go unless yen will ceae witb a funeral." auc Macan aiyixfi od nie. Will yenu, Nifayj The new-Cemer's under-law 'sf1- aId the captiva seen began te watch Fer eue instant ber tear lIadeni feue-c. '11 taka my chance," ha fer ber dainty figure eagcnly. -eycs met bis oxvn, and ha nus an- said. - 'By thaexuay,, I should ha Soeeires sha weuld prapare a S-Wered. giad te kuow te wbern I aa-ar-- meal for hlm, spread bis blankats Yuwntbasmeofuh indebtod." afresh, aud "tldy np," as ha put a peor little wife?" sha xeutared,. Tha iauguid dsawl eught a fick- If, and ha fe-urd a new pleasura lu presautly. 6r cf amusement jute the other's th' rcec e ccynevmu. Certainly ha did net look asham- eyes, but ha rcplied, gravaiy, -tegac fhrevr veeteCf as, baud iubaud, tbey came arn Dan Bevis, cemmonly called the But the day carne wheu she dld clown nthbrogh the pines and back 'Dandy,' a gambler by profession" ref appear, and the second was t, th, saloon. The Dandy, wbo "Tef" bowed. "My nanie is baîf doue erè ho heard a slight saw them first, swoeaseftly under Fr'ank Beverley," lie began, and rusfliug -cf the bushas, and Stap- bis brcafh, wbich was bis way 0f sfoppad as ha saw Dan's smiligpcd te meet ber. Te bis disap- lxnsîgee o. M.Dee fae.point meut, If was Indian Joe who exprassed bis feeliugs moüre openiy. "Den't yen believa if, mrn ,r," cmerged. Tecpiesegrqe-Atrhvn enpeý,ddt nceplied the gamnbien. "Yonr naine ns T cpie' aeqs-Atr avu han nsnede is Tof' ro uenw on in thesa parts bn is broken Englisb the lad toid teck bis client aea rrenon- 'Tcf' fona et er g ati a Ginger, suspectlng seraethîng, stràtad wifh bim on' what ha ferai- that botr."t q o t .a ucstieued the girl, and ou han cd, "quixofic behavicur." Bavai-loy laughed, and premisrefua ease a taad "No doubt soea recempense us, te"a ert"acdigy locked ber up. She had confniv- due te the girl-" ha lugan bit Natnrally, the conversation t urn- c ecmuîaaha ertt e efunther. ci on tb lxhe had se neany Jea, wbo was ber adoriug slave. "Mn. Deades, wiil yen kindly tell cctBeverley bis lifa, aud the B nc's ottrw ii s htem wbo Il am?" said "Tof," gambler told hlma the littia that was 1iisfcnd, and disraganding the ceîdiy. knowu about ber. Sibe was -calied,'boy's entrcaties, ha strode off "F m net fengetfing wbo yen are, Nita, and was an crpban. Years<idewn the trail, pansing only fe cnt thengh you appear te b," rateit- lcfra an athr bd ban hetan, stout but pliant rod fremn a bush. ed tha iawyen, testily. 'I did did the saloon af Sauidy Ridge, and the * ** e that your-aharn-exila bud proprietor's wifc-thcnC alive-had "Tcff" faced bis captons holdly. tauugbt yen somretbil." adeptcd the clild. Sincea flicdaath Hie bad disdainad te question thein "If bas," said Beverley., "'a ,)f bar heuefaetress Nifa bad paid verdict, and uew sfood wîth fold- learut that a geod man is nmade, for han protection hy doing ail the ed arma lun the centre e! the saI.0-ýn, rot hemn, but a geed womau is hein f-c'useheold drudgeny for fthc surly apparently oblivions cf, the noos~ ef Ot ade. Thaf is nîy last wo)rd oun Ginger. -Iabeut bis neck, or of flic fact thaf !the sujet." As a miner "Tof!' was nef a con- the other end cf the ucpa, passed; The man o!fbiafs shrugd1 i spicueus succeass, but hananaged cicr a raffer aboya, îestcd lu the shouldens. -"Yenu ape,an te bavae tej mb ai ong and was sunprised te bau4s cf a man h bc d just tbsash- queer notions iu tis utauis Find nvany cf the things ha had' cd unmecifuily. lis oyes w-eplace," ha)( said. "D pmuke theught indispensable te 1f e were fixed upen iita, sobhinig pîtifully thafthe waat te bang thjat jL1wer ne)t really se. But their abec, ' ora ir prayers had fail-feow" wibthe menotonous foul, nough ecte tmove tha grintribunal and l "Ahl, I mu-afstop ta "Bvr fa, audd intense heat, revoited bina f ha Englishman's pnido kapf him ley nepiied, and fertbwvith c-onsuit- atýimasý, and lie would go off for allant. &d Dan as te-the bsf ans fwe o ortîadays, "pnespecting" Alrcady ethar hands wana out- "ffrtanawdngnsad oves tLle Ridge. Nita ha ýsaw fre- sfretchcd te assist the cager ex-a- that'll fetcb 'cm," said the gamh- qucnticy. and, div iniug tha misery cuticuer, and the minas who' had las- cf ber existence, lad ai ways a kind acted as j udge was about te giva If did. Baynas w-as given bal! an Mord fer lhan. tie signai wbich spaît eternity for heur te leave the district. The w-ad- iA.s the monfbs slid by, the eccan- the priscuar, w-heu tha unusuai dling, which fook plaice a faw days tnicities of drass and mannes wbich souud o! uheels arrastcd hlm. AIj inter, a ministar baving beau ni- had earnad him bis nichuvama ho-rruewagn rw up outsida tabcrf d for the purpese, w-as a brul- carne, modified. Rils periodical deor, and froni Af there stenpedallijaut success. The Dandy accona- No less than thsca cf tfl iedes ilobifants c! the parisb haie passed away during the past w-eek and, cuunieusly enreugb, ail s.'re iy, thein eighty-flfth year, VWc f endeW odu dcpest syîepatl-y toe4ein ne spectiva fauiifies ii, Mr aniw-ni pestmistrcss bere in fi 1"aie1 times," and livýed te sac teunish iiig trns-eorrafions mi i ieia tiers in oui pestai and t'orp s~ iste inS. Mm. Maria Hoiehn, _ Stihh, lis-d ber 1 nng lut -n -arI3 v. ioliy lu service, nthe parish ;an, Mr. George E-csf witinessed a se- vo iio un aiway f raffl aud nîcans c 'f cou ,nu iiýicati u, hi I vine beua igenerai carrier betweer Kiikharnpton and Bideford und-IPly- mocutih for rman- -smo. -A -ingulai cîluncidenca xccus - thCe -se cl us wenth racerýdiug et w - ap- tizcd lu Kilikbfuuny tn Ctvirdi tha sarne day, hoth live -d in the parish all th'-ir ive-, t>0.dued flic-suivie ,day, and xe buriedat fthe saine finie, en the saune -,day. Tho limner- als teok place in tfiaparisb ebu'rcb- yard. R-ex-. R, Daw c-n>offici- ating. A vlevedug in the w caties iras rsbeied lu x<tb Bauk Hli- d'y. w- ich, if b bhoed, wnu con- tinua. liay burve,t us, net fiuimiied -a oi-y lafe, record. RIPVRrITJNG TRE COinPANY. Ti-ansf'onming 19Seoffli Lads into Ludson Bay Factons. Wcna. Scotohidýdie 16 or 18 ocr f age s,-ký1 c-ploytnent iviti the Hudsosn Cornpauy- or juîst "flicCùmnjc' as every Canadian kuows î- L -o-,is roquînad te pass a nigid uîentýanad physical exanuinafion and te cenvince the oxairisug mepi-sentafiva o! the scunS ef bis moral fibre. ie, hapassas the oxamînation, F~ Fui-rN ews, ha is nofified te hd binvocif lu s adiuess te sal at a, certain data fer semae post on the bay, but h -enetering tha service ha Imust aguu a fermai au- uîstment foi- fie terni e! fis-e yaars. Hie des nef irnow it at the time, but that fis-e ours aniîtrneirt, w-ith ici-y few exýceptions, meuns a whole lifefinia. Upoa bis as-ii ýai ut York Fac- tory lie is gonerully sent te pass flue first five s-cars o! bis appren- ficesUiinlthe oxtrarne northn districts cf the Mackenzie River and Athabascau that ha may ha an- tinely ses eu-d freni ail div ersions of theoueter worid and rnay icarn wiietdistraction the practicai w-onkig of the lr, ian trade. Durnug this p--led hah is paid the suîm e! £20-a y-ai-, w-ith rations. Quarteri ai-afus iisbed frac cf cest and bha bas flic pniviiege o! pus- cbasing celothing from the cern- pany's store ut 10 par cent. ahove ceit. As ciotlîiug is the ouly ex- pense he eau possihly lueur, the bulk o! bis compensation romains k, flic bauds cf bis employons, draw- ing compound interest. For tha% first !ew- yaars ha ks sales- man at the cempany's trade reemas, Lut makos oceasienal trips te the Indian camps cn trading e'upe-di- tiens with the chie! trader. fis îîoxt udvanu e h.te the acn-juufanf's olice o! the poest, whara ha receivos tlie officiai dasiguatien o! clark, suid ut this position ha rernaîns un- Lii at laast feurtean yeuîs -o! sas- -ica bava alapsad, ufften wlîichah i, pluced in oua o! the depets or distrioýt beadquarters us chie! clansý. Byý this finie bis saiary bas beau in- ereasad te £100 yeany and bis arn- bition peints oaiy in the direction rf funther pr-efarment iu the, same, service. D)11 CILASE'S IIECEIPT BOOKi FREE. spetial Edition, Containing 1,000 of SENTENCE SERMONS. Fussiug prsees lack cf force. Philosephicai puppies arealaways degrnafic. Te kaep cvii eut baipa to kaap one eut c! cvii. Meeknasla the quiet thut ho- longs te the, right. To dodge the facta is lu the end, te dcstrey the, !aith. The oniy wuy te huiid on the rock is te do the right. Whaa a man's !aitb mukas bis baud bot if cenceaIs bis heurt. Tha sensa o! imperfection may ha he, hast evidenca o! a saint. Undue unxiefy about w-ita banda often causas black heurts. LACMING THE TE IPERAMENT. Tha headquarfors cf "fI"'Cern- pany, 46tli Durhuam Regiuuuent, hics beau transarme-d froni tha, town of Bowmanviila te tha výillag cfA Hay- don lu Darlin gon townahmip. This iras fthe ouly imilit,i orsBewmau- villa ceuid bouafcf Evidautiy the patriofaie!of tha, Bomanvillians is cf sncb a vicanieus nature fhafthey can't aven furuish aven one coin- pauy o! forfy-two men te -swell the rauks o! thair County Regiment. Befosa the cities, cf Soclcm and Go-,( nies rabw-are dcstroyad the, Lord promiaed Abraham ha w-ould sara theni, pre-adventuna tan nightaus A COZY CORNER or a lounging place to be delightfully ori,;Inal i milst partake of the oriental in scme way. BRIN Q YOUR WANTS t TO US. -Our fulli Unes of new and up-to date frnittre flowabou a nw coali are waitýng for your în- that cannot bc 6urpassed.Wehvaliea G7 or Undertaking recelves prompt and personaI. attention day or igh an wedo otmake a.ny etacag forditne te PHONE 58. ALAN M. WILLIAMS, Phone 58 BOWMAN VILLE. 7 ý7