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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1909, p. 7

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f -IIEJ The ',Vidence For .kny, Revelation Our Hearts Answer to It- "If aua will do hs will le shail difficmty is we are nef k cm Iedctrinie,"-John vii, 17- tierniand wo dure no Ar ahnuy certainfios in e- believe wlere we rean biinIs if nef ahl ilctbor more cd. 'SpCulbaic on attertof cifeelingI Nonertieiess certaint 'es anythieig ssetilof absolute tley bave an uutlorit) profl Soim( sa-enfat fie ne- than those cf pasf day: ligious life deot nereed te con- not froni iithent, but comm itrilf aith crtainties in any- Cihiboed listons fer ËI tbing 1 ý hil Iesintfrsense, whie tire skies or fIe niessaý othes sa tha uîy lied cf cen- stone, fthc mariî hoas tE tany sirpsisnble in fIat whieh h. and cicys fIe muer has ~ ~ ~ ~ s ted îhti eintaugible fie external plerionner us fie ifeocf fh.rmigt ho <isceiiei, Yct nitier scepfici;su cri cee sîde cf religion in thelIe nor blindi iidifteî once te faefs on weuli romain. the othen wilh keep muei froin keen- We are sure ef ourse :y desiing te be sure cf fie tiings beings, as flose wbc wiici seemi te hinî to consfituto hisioF self-exuminaticu, relig-ions iife. Who ean ihanit tefvoenacnts, cf dtern passion fonn-d in ail for seinie responsibiiity. MonE gimipse cffefut e fs cf ife hoyond, curselnos as bhem forb and wlnt mono naturul flan tînt The greaf prophef s we should wanf te knonv wutuer sf-al irst in cu ci ali tbe t-inie uni thouif investedOU ASIA in religion arc wustcd, spent on a delusieon riof I are due nef se nincu Tien cornetbe roui questions cf froni uhove as te pro life: Wint mules igif I Wiat de- withîi. termines utinlnfely the higher Even thougli ail scnip vlues ini existencet Win solution cords sbould be botte( ,tieme te fuis mystery of cxist- te ruai autlority var one 6 ie probboni cf pain, te bistcny cf religion he ticv 'aOncf deti I Wby ices imi- yet there would mci qiyse Iite prosper h Whîat be- nab trend cf ounr ivet, comoss cf etemna l justice urider cur for fuiler, btter ife, modern conditions of livingt sien for perfection; th( Te maîy if scores as if ficre is maie the senseocf h nlonger unytbiig ciïealy, deflnite- goed anid fie douht as b~settled. Once we were quite ftbe record cf whut wa sure cfofIe stuternents cffIe creois Ithe power fiatlias bro and fie eburcli sp le witli abat ireweme. A VOICE 0F AUTHORITY. Thc essential, fbiigs No-w the plain fnef is tînt for niuny fie odcompulsions uni fIe li mi- p eratvos, lave lost fleir anthor- ity. Wiat is tberc to fakeflicir TIic feocf bell persuades few, ifauy, to-day; flic hope cf heaven seenis f00 indefinite, toc uncertaîn te aet as a motive, even if fhe se- ou ring cf gooduess by the promise cf a moral pocoess. New wbee a ma holis in fthe balancpe questions cf cenduef, niotives cf four uni ne- wnnrd beieg absent, what is fiene te goverri lis decision h If is oneecessary te dc-ny the vaidi7ty cf oid heliefs in orden te asethfli mmp_ýerative cf newen con- cpions.- Many fliugs wo doubt Mxay bho just as true as fiose cf whiliwcare, rnosf certain. The SEASONABLE DIDflES. A new way te serve frcsh pine- p.pple te have it look as delicicous- asit tastes is te cnt fruit in slices one-haîf inch thick with knife and then cnt each slice separate with a round douglinut cutter. This wil take out center and at the sanie time ents nice, round slices. Pre- pare ycour pineapple in morning, tugar, put on ice, and serve cold, r o1e can aise stew it tîi trans- -Varent-ami -t-lin-serve-ýcold-A-n-ca-ns-- ning cnt slices sanie way and put in new tin ýcans and seal. Substitute for Meat,-Fer oaci person allew one tablespoonful ecd of tho:so ingredionts : Grated cheese finely rolled erackers, muik, and ono egg. Have roady individual piltes, witb a tcasted cracker on 'eoch. Put a teaspoonful of butter in a liot frying pan, then tho cheese, -milk a.nJrckcrs, lastly well bea- ten egE- Y Salt te taste and a dash1 cf red popper. Cock two minutes, stirring rapidly. This is a cheese clsi suitablo. for a midday lunch or a chafing disb supper. Stale cheese is better than fresh for this. Ono may keep a supply -on liand by gating ail the left over scraps and lpultting it in a tiglitly corked bot- île in a dry place. Lalla Roekli.-This dessert is cof kSpanish enigin and is extremely pal- &table. Select a plain mcld witi' a tigit fitting cever. Cnt in smal piecos six ladyfingers, twolve al- me-nds, and hlaf a cupful er raisins; strah together and put into the meold. Make a custard with a quart cf milk, one small cupful cf sugar, and four eggs, and as the custard iç romnoved from tho ire reserve a large cupful and te the, remainder add a small quarter cf a cupful cof glatin which lias -proxionsly becn wner mny cýýanot be 1.7 our înegleot or der faitis boterbi b dtfat h LtWo knoIW t tIc cv-i!, fIat ife w cimb froni evel te le) is fumrer flan late, tl ing is ftle denial cf know. TIce uneertainfies aio niattens cf yesterday's certuinfios une for th day. Le' a a nans te himself witl affina lot b give freed,,oi sou,,l uud h l iubl keo ' Do fie igif and fhe inerensingly dean. L ycun certuinties. Deb tlie voice tliaf bids yc HENIT! seaked ine eriugli aml Stir flic custard well, the mixture in fie mc.4 wiole away in a cobd if will seulbe fer four aid te the nemiliel cnpfub cf wlippedcd Iwitl vacilla extract. sert is needei turniti tî. serving disl, sprir with ieely cioppei. stran hernies cuf into fiecustami around if. wcli us ornurnental. IIOUSEHEOLD1 To Prevent Casws If ytuara tîehhî yeur castors drop, a wliere yen use gas, -ehaim-,-tah-l07 xii Whaf c rue meted seuiing wa insert tIc castor, and substuntial as ever. Cýane cf a Brooni.- keepers complain cf1 cf thc broci, but if th chserved tIc breeni w finie and, wlat is ni serve if fuhiness anid st tbnougi sweopiug dist fnl cf sait in a basin tdip fthe broni inte if,i several finies. Thon hanibe dowu, and wle use if again you will1 a- a new brooni. Ney brooni up witli bror ye, uwisî te kep stra iglif. Hunnied Hlot Ar Wien lot applicatieu equired foid several cloti the iesired size, bay on a lump. This w ceme bot uni unofier îng whibe t+bcrine is bi finie is lest in heatit ne lunds are burned clotis. Troublesorne Inse( a soft clofl with icou. ougily rub eutsiie ef This is especîaiby 'g cpenîug on a porcl and niosquitoeses ous wîilneyer come near as direct cd. COOLINO SA] Frozen Tomate, Sa] chop fine igît ripe,f Seascîi withi a lîffbe uni sugar, und tiree ion juice; tumu iite freeze. ' 1 u iièlio fi ozeu mixture, pack aed lot if stand for teJ ipen. Serve onî ceenba\ os, gumnlis!-l î,ihmunsoftiefu if.E lad.-Peeb and tcned disi tweety minutes. This .nle udw onntie aa such tbing as naiug." cf30puds a-dflic unmatf e fimi tomutees. mukos a niec dish fer tic childnei's ipoeet n1r1ati i ed "Yeu'Il sec a now kind cf race Potasi and fie Nitrate cf Soda aches were entinely cnred, ion colon le. aften he sait, pepper, lunchecen. came botter and lber systoux wa a wbie,"~ said Ned, and he oacI 160 pounds per acre. Th Pdmoeps cof on- Slt-Rising Bread.-This necipo ils strnngthed and bit up. I consîdor and Nel baugied some more. Mixed Fentibizen consisfed cf eue- afreezer and unfailing: uetv ei- pt-D.Cae' ev odaslendid Then tley saw-what do Yenu third cf flie quantity cf oaci of fie mlidwitlî this focs tue, ýadd--te Xhenifwo-ta-Iïe- -niedTciue-I on 1chidrn.' hn--Nci m -d ainuohetrefetliers- lie--meu- inu ice and suIt spocufuis cf corn ,mcul, ne e fe- There is nothing like rpncvetinig soni- .and, hopping aloug, each witi oo ioned. Thc usual cosf cf tic fer- several heurs spooif nl cf sugan, cue-haîf feu- ens disease by kooping fie blood ici foot in asîce and stocking and tihîzers as used in this expeniment bd 4cf wliite spoonful cf suit. Peov nitis "a2 rmcd, fie nervous ssexstr,,)ng ,and hligisbuemt-pof i sht cnfu e iv olr tecd witi hivewo feaculpfnis eof boiiiug wtr1n a 'a o un "m'îse Nev goi.acre. dre-ssing Oer plae in wurn place even igi. uFodacoplsestes ms4t.) o te\dVlui!Kte amedenCrnps--in oeaci cf six fie rlrnring stir and striet Pc- cets'1lont aildeaensor Eiusn rc ektrrpis ete ertcse f rm 'p,,4Vetoe Id actfeltafees, ad t e in feJail &-0 Troto.coldbo mnoesi-ui jeiued uni cf Winue y la en îti el 'M 4 iquid add ene teaspo-onful cf soda U M I 9 ý-,ý Thicken with flour and placo in YOUNG warm waten te nrise,, then procoed as17 w in any saIt rising bread, and the result will ho most gnatifying.FO K Ils That OBITARY.THE BERRY RACE. The Late Mrs. David S. Milligan. Ned lad been in tie country a (Fro Th Guie, ort ope) hoe week before the weather was (Pro TI Gude, ortHop.) ust iglit foi berryig, an on the c onvinced cf o Hannral Honcy, nelict cf the late sunshiny morui0wiutetm et pefcs teDavid Mihigan, cf Canton, was comoe at hast 110 e e lad to ho spcn- in unconviet -ýbhem in the Parisli cf Lanreath, en to about dwadling cicr bis dress- Cornwall, En-land, -on the 22nd, cf ing. Buttons and buttonlioles seerai- tic ar orsflusE~May, i11, heing at the time cf lier ed te find ecd other by magie; even y far greaten lo death 93 years and three mionths breakfast, with nice, brown, but- -B GU AN D S, they speak, Inlstead of being a MoO- old. tened waffios did net hold tlie iittl - bfrern wthin. to-nou' drudgery becorneS ea li1ed o pleasure wheii sunlight heips Sho came te Canada with her cojusins long, and se it wa ýnet more One applizýatio ghe grvenronm ou Remember - Sunligt father and mother and ene sister than cigit o'chock wlicn Anut Julia doos ailvetseiworkutha.te nteî er182adscttled at stood at tie front door andwat lied yu he r h hvoice witli- cost and in 1hl th t ." Guideboard (now Welconie). She them off. "The boys want te go2ini"sfL ýr wtness. All time ef other Soaps. was married te tlie late David harofoot, " said Kate. kesotmitr ýna of religion Foiiow directions Smith Milligan in 1843, living on Aunt Julia -came dowu te wlienekep oumosu but thé fact so5 the farm now owned by Mr. W. te were standing, and said, aî4i,,rtclothes-and err ieart of mailymous, cf Wcicome, until tiey re- a shakeocf the bead, "I',i afral'd tired toiivo at Canton, wbcre tliey yuI csry o. n 'nsr ae o rmb eives as mýonal ircsided until the death cf Mr. Mii- Ncu il be sory, Ri. Ad 'm sure ptsyoushesoand )aecapable enter lbaves cf a small, lheavy cab- ligan in 1888, wben the widow andbiN fe wiii. WIy,1 oney drawingup osrse n cf choice ho- hage. Cnt eut tlie center, leaving tliree daugliters camre te Port Hlope. dear 2" okNosb Imination and the sheil e ntire, Shned the lieart She joined the first Preshytorian BuNdladm oupbsmdt e, we know beaves thin and soak in ice water. Ciiurcb shortly after maiaeand Bu ehamdephimn t even haif as good higerthi1s an coss ent ru the art of going barefoot; bigerthigs Drinanddr. Addtwogren asbee afaihfl ad onsst n other had to]d iluiehomighit be- 10c. and 2Sc. of the race 'peppers, cnt :n fine stripg,- and mix member ever since. Tlie family f re ho came te visit his cousins. Se nu brcasts. with ai French dressing, using a consistod cof one bey and four girls. be piaîtod bis feet more firmly on IOS haif teaspoonful sait, a quarter tea- One girl and the ýbrother lhaving the ground, -and answered, "'No,- .TIONS spouful popper, one tahiespoonful dîod some years ago. 'mLesthyon urpe- te invitations vinogar, and four cf oul. Stir un- Mrs. Milligan was afflicted with na ni Las temdn' hrtprt ýpuisions froin tilI blended; pour on the cabiage rlieumatismn and for many years was Wty mmcli." Ucl Rb' and peppers and refilîlsheli. unable to get anound witii any de- stoeu tbhey passed auncle ronîin' hefun.Aed Iob'b _______u pturos and ne- Lettuce Saiad. Two lioads cf lot- -grec of conifont, but was eueeof. tr i eadtoluon, and itin tiea fun ani d ob's face hrok ýd eut, all cx- tuce, eue cucumben, eue or two ou- the mest cbeerfuh and sweetest oidcame ont with a stick cof pepemn u nna i ad Ta' i Lnisi, all the ions as preferred cnt up, fine; eue- 'ladies that eue could possiily meet. candy for oaci eue; andI Ned said, nîgit, 1Js'pose, as lo~ng as it lasts, oe lest te us, haîf teaspoonful cf saht, tiree. tea- Mrs. Miligan is the last cf a " We'll tbailk it iack te yen in ber- but yen h4op-toads wîlh get tined ho- ain the oxter- speonfuls cf vinegar, pepper, and family noted fer longevity - the ries, fanbdy aîî nigig ebiu i fr etng.Gesslia ospon abe ~the, lngîng sugar te taste. Tien bout one Oiip Heneyfamil. Fou boysand tn fl10lwcf slmore. ' hgestaund t uli tseu si and the pas- ful cf sour cream aud peur over girls, tirce cf abcm died veny "igs ukt o' hasmr he n tcig. iene wculd ne- mnixture wlin rc2ady for use. Re- yeung and eue was kilcd in an mako tue rmest hernies, non iiggest Wbeu tiey ail readlied home at harmeny with mcmi or ail must ho mixed together accident in the Ohd Country, tie tahking, eitb-er." And tiat was why lyast Aunt Julia said sIc had nover te cvii, whîlc after the creani lias heen pourcd remaining ton neadlicd an average i\oll anîd Ned oaci decîded that ai lad a fluer lot cf hennies. e are revoals on. cf 83 years. certain puih siouidcanry homo the Th,- next day, wieu the famuhy -ougit us froin Potato Salad.-Six miedium size The -différent ages reacbcd arc as fiLtst lot cf hernies, but tliey deeid- _vas eatiug dinnen in the sbady back cold hoiied petatees sliced. Twe folhcws :-Charles 94, Joseph 80 d on difforent pis. porci, Neil said, "I coudn't race ;s are witten tahiespoonfuis cf gnatod cheose. Samuel 86, Cathanine 90, Mary 82, Tley turned eut ef tic village hennies with a cripple, 'specially e ersed save Put yolks of tiree bard boiled eggs Janre 82, Susan 75, Rachel 87, Eui- streot, and a ten-niinte ixuik over wien holi was company, toc. Bult nial cf thern, ini sten pan witli taihespeonful. fzit 8 ni9. the sandy noad, stihi damip and rcool ildjs ieaoin-hne n ng good tlani butter, teaspoonfui cf mustard, Tie daugîter wîe was kiîîcd in freinithc raie, irougit theni ote 1 thon I'd show hlu!' -Youth's Comn- be good fren sainiecf fleur, a littie sait, mix into the Old Veuntry left tliree chli- fteld wlicnc the iiackienry this-,kot panien. was made te a smnooti paste; peur over tis oeue- dren, two cf whom hîed te ho 82 »xas. Tien peer lNed, wbo hmd nev-___ vel, that love haif cupf'îl cfvigu-sepr and 87, the tiird, the motiron fornai sifbereenaiey hat slf-seek- water if vinegar is stnong. Mix weil Mn. John McMutry, cf Bewman- grewiug on its bush, soon fooun- AUTUN LX SOWIN CROPS. the hest we togetier and set over ire, turning Ilîîe is stiîî liv.,ag at the age cOf that lho had cibosen a mi -d tinne to constantly. Wlien nearly ceid béat 9.begie to tougien uis foot, for lie Resui11ts Of Co-operative Experi- 1 r i tie past, in two or three tailespoonfûls cf The father of tuis famiy lived toecculd net get near enougi to eaoud iîents During the Past Year. s records ; the olive oil and one-huif cupful of thick le 92 and tho mothen 86. ,Clianles éviltic, fruit on tho very outsîde Four liundred and ton farmers ,lo life of te- -croai. -Put a layer cf potutees in- wh ece h raetae 4 dgecf tic thiieket. swer the best te thc dish; sprinkle witî a îittîe w'Iboe tograet g, 4 girsige ih notetrogotOtrocnuce x -ntie cton 14 he2rte ýiýes - -was the tattier of thc late Mrs. Tuhes. ,ld int hotacget On atun oncd e natve ctino~ he naed heee;pour cicr a Rit pîihp, and Mis. M. A. Me-bsbs fiiding thie ipest hennies perîmnswt uuusw rp in teo is own part.-cf-thedressing; nepoat until Ë iback in the siade n o h uigteps ea.Rprshv x of te trut. allthe poatoes re usd putt eauand Mr S, 3 Rstuhilc7i inttind thietdbheonn héeceivcdee frenied thimtyth siy-scfcftte n fth rth hitepoa1s1r19oputn Bowmanvîie, and Mrs. John Mut- conisoftePoine hs 5iglit will ho dîessing on last. Slned whites cf ton, cf Penryn, Northumberhand hecause le was used te, it, ixentconisftePrvc. Ths ,ok within for eggs and sprinklc on top.ut. straigit te a pince ho knew about countics wiich furnished tic groat- oute niet 5Mi1ghn1ved ndonlverund ont cf sigit. Nod îruveîy est numier cf gond reports cf sue- Tou ise Mr. Mllian ivedundr fve rie tofollow; but the stuýbîle was cessfuliy cenducted exponimoats CLEANING AIDS. îýv, Wiihiam IV. V IoIa.,ndere- tiff and hurt se that tic tours cane ivere Middlescx, Huron, Brant, y F. COPE. I. ila VVcoi n d Norfolk and Muskoka. The, exponi- ___ Take Stains fron Bottles.-Muke ward VII. SIe was pnresenitut the inito lis cycs, and bie hud te givo it tesdsev uc rdî o a geod suds cf napitia aud soft eneonatien cf QucenVitra and up aud climh te tic top rail of the thentosdesonvo mucrtedithfor ater te ceven. water. Lot it stand in tic vessel remenmbered di1i1t o b robes 1 cnooked fonce te wait fer bis cou-tegod or wihteyav strin it over, iftcen on twcnty minutes; a- she wcrc. i sns. (ou te nret oniy er iemschvés, bu [d, and set the stains wiii ho remeovel. Tic funeral servie was conduet- The tîme seemed very long te him. frsutcofanoshe, aeully. eragce 1place, wleno To Simplify Laundrying.-Take a cd hby liernenpiew, Rev. G. Honley, H as just woudernug whetlen it nooesu iv eints cfthcneuiy on ue * heurs. Now han cf any goed iauudny soap, eut cf Princeton, Ont., assîsted hy Rev. would ho fuir te puy for his hernies tuc o-operativree experiens itl- g custard crie and hoih in cne gallon cf watr unu- W. A. Bradley, B. A., and 11v.* wîth tic ink puzzle Rob iikod seO tenin asown cncs ae ore rset nreuni;flavon tii nîl disolvod, tien add scant haîf Eldwin Daniel, lier own pustor mcudniyegtmoeta dinta vonyca-onise fonm. o Whoaledo- euful f keesen. Lo ailcern 11e. H.E. Anaha, ieng ell, after all, when le lourd a Wne letFenvneisc Whnte e-cuflo krsne e ll oleRv . .Araim e-ut cf winten wheut wene distributed hast ont on a pret t-o a houl. Thon fil a tub twe-thirds tewn. voîco, and Nehi lenscif tvwisted lione tmrt lis ann hows ukIe the top, ful cf coid water, penn in tic mix- The heuners were nepiews: wyay -out cf tie bniers. autumi tetosee f tic eadin varie- bananus and tre put in aIl your white wasn Messr-s. John McMutry, S. J. Ho- "I told yen 1I.'d get tieni 1" slie e ont@tei own fanhe ledn av- slices. Pour and lot 'stand oven nigît. In the ney, Chanles Heoney, J. B3. Oke, bfgan "Whcne arc yours? Let's teage yis ore far cfTav- Doicicus as mnorning ring eout and scabd and Peton Werry aed Robert Cobiaeutt.* mýeasune." Thon esle caugit sigit 'and cf grain arc as foliows: m inse in the usual way. Yen will Tlie relatives préert were: Mrs. cf Irs empty paîh, and loeked froni penial Ambon, 11.4 tons, 24.1 bus. ; fied ycur ivasli cloe and cf sncwy Ccc. Figg, Toronto; Mrs. W. A.' the doheful face te thc bure legs and Ahueduece, 1.3 tons, 23.9 bus. ; Bul- IEP. wliteness, withlihttlc bubon. MeLean, Miss Ida Stevens, Mns. eiubby feet and lier heurt seften- ganian, 1.2 tons, 21.9 bus.; and HELPS. Te remrove white spots f nom pch- W. Pehiard, Messrs. George Stev- ced. "O Ned," sIc, said, "did they Nigger, 1.4 tons, 21.9 bus. 'S Dropping.- îshed weed muke a soft paste cf ens, Jolie Werny and Frank Squair, hurt2" The Impemial Amben gave the 1 with l-aving Falad cii and suit. Apuhv witli soft cf Bowmuevilie; Mrs. John Muit: Ho did net answer, s-0 Neli put groatest yiehd p--. acre i11 tIc co- LS S li cseclotli and mub hiskly. White spots tocfEvr ,Notuberad;Inhrnies in a shady spot, eimbedoputvexeunstrugit ,invemt youn f o -s standing can ho e nm- Miss Heney, Pont Penny; Mrs. Silas Ilhsd h n aue esi Onturio in 1907 and in 1908, us well cvtmx e d and if the finish is nnt inured kenmrs .OkPtne~ ith lien sunhonnet. "I coubd pica ikt 1o~ncLnti ix n helihe n tac c sot15I~t~tl ~ Mrs. David Mabhery, BroekRide; yeomehrîi n ui ioil popnuaity with the expenimenters d twiilbe ho sturin s ont nm any case. Miss Milligan, Mn. -Geo. Mibigan your bueket " she said, ufterainecofts yr.ThI- Faded Pink Garments.-The mest and Mn. W. Miligan, cf Pheasant wbihe, "but 'twcubdn't ho youm peial Amibon wilugain bc distri- -Many bouse- f aded and waslod eut Pink gar- Point; Miss Wagstaff, Newcastle. beating." StîlI tliere was ne an- huted flrougheut Ontario tliîs au- the short life nient eau ho made like eew hy put- Mrs. Capt. Miligun and W. Milli- swon. Truth te tell, Ned was cliok- turne as cne of thc vanietios fer e- ho foliewing is tieg a hundful of mcd enepe paper gue, Newtoeville; Mn. Gec. Mab- îng hack sonme troubbesome tours. opjerativo, expenirnouts. We dis- wiul lest a long 'in the insins wter. It Wihh ho a coni, Stnatford; and froln Port Ho did net came aient bemies; le fnihuted thc Dawsoa's Golden rone, ail pro- heautiful pendh pink. The sainie is Hope, Mrs. John Curtis, Mn. Fred wanted te pick bernies. Cliaff for co-openative expeniments tiffriess: Wien truno with avenden, only use purpie Curtis, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Bndge, Suddenhy she turried te hi with tirougieut Ontario in oaci cf ,sebve a baud- crepe papen. It abways cohons even- Mn. and Mrs. Fred Oke, Mn. and a eew ligit in lien face. "l'Il tell twelve yeans, but net within tic bast c f waton and îy and eau ho dipped quickly into Mrs. Wilb Oke, Mn. and Mrs. Fred yen wliat !,' sicrcied, excitediy. tince yoans. Aecording toecxtcn- stakn it oupt Keeping Ser Bmgh.-I abi Phihp, Miss Musa Phip, Mrs. A. "Let's get ds'wn, and yen eau put sive inquinies wiicb wc lave madel i sandit p' eepng îlvr Bigh.-I a ib-Curtis, MWr. John Runealis, and ce my sbos and stockings whiic I ths yeur, the Duwson's Golden on yen wish te ci al sprînkbîng cf bhakîng soda is ad- Lird f s tif edtetichclig utr n hîl nd Mrs. Runriails anid Mn. and est." Cliaif is still tlie mcst pepubur and1 - - 3 -- --l- -- btetd throughout Ontario for ce- operative experiment s in testina these crops folî fodder purposes. In the average cof six years' experi- ments, the Hairy Vetches produced siightly the largest yield of green feodder per acre, but in 1909 the lurgest yield was produced by the Winter Rye. As long as the supply lasts, ma- terial wîil be distributed free of charge in the order in which the ap- plications are received froim On- tario farmers wishing to experi- ment and to report the resuits of any one cf the foiiowing tests: 1, three varieties cf Winter Wheat; 2, two, varieties of Winter Rye; 3, Live Fertîlizers with Winter Wheat; 4, Antumn and Spring Applications cf Nitrate of Soda and Commeýn Sait with Winter Wheat; 5, WMinter Emmer and Winter Barley; 6, Hairy Vetches and Winter Rye as Fcdder Crops. The size cf' each plot is to be one rod wide by two rods long. Material for nuambers 3 and 4 will be sent by express and thatfer the others by mail. C. A. ZAVITZ. O.A.C., Guelph, Ont., Aug, 1909. WRIAT 15 THE 1MATTER WITII TRIlE CHURCII (11E Sl It is true that the people of the United Statcs have ceased to he a cliurch-going nation cf 'which our Puritan forefathers. wcnld ho proud? To The Delineater, which ,xisits linndreds of tliousands of homes eacli month, this question appears cf foremost importance, and last Spring the editor, Mr. Theodore- Drieser, asked distingu- iîhed mînisters, sociolcgists. and re- formers cf the country, "What is the matter with the churchesV" Replies almost as vai cd as the personalities and the religions con- victions cf the sc,ýres whe w rote theri speedily overw helmed the cdi- tor. They comprise a mass cf opin- ion that is an invaluable contribu- tion te current thouglit. It would I c a prieilege to pnblish ail the opinions, which should be ciassed as expert testimeny, but necessar- Ày- b-a-fn s~etoîii e- miade. In Thie Delineator for Oc- tober asymposium will he present- ed. In this symposium eleven men wvho are leaders of public opinion will be represented. The names of the contributors to the symposium indicate liow .miany sided arc the views expres-sed in answering the question of graveat significance in the religions world. This subject, which involves the, whole plan cf churcli work, will net bo relinquished without the. most thorougli discussion. Iu the Au- tunn'and Winter The Delineator, will publish a series cof articles -whicli includesthi- following topics i Thc A.1eg-ed Decline in Chnrch At,. tcndance, What's the Matter with the Ministers l The Indifference in Churcli Eff ort,- the Waste in Churcli Property, Getting the Churches T< gether, What the Clurch Conld iDo te Meet the Social Unrest. Chippy-"I was net at aillUp te the mark last niglt-tried te say something agreeable, hut, couldn't d& it, somehow; se at last 1 bade therm gocd-bye." Norton-'Ai!t Then yôu did maniage te say semre- thing agreeable after ail 1"

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