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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Sep 1909, p. 8

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The House Cold TIRE SETTER It ilaur motta to keep uo. to-date In ail fines of our busi- ness5. Reamons why this tire dacs Its work botter than the o!d Wa~ The ties stay tîght longer. There le no charing or burning of the wood. No danger of overdishing the wheel, The paint is nCt seratehed or injured. Can zet your job done ln une-quarter the time. We wiil guarantee ail wark doue by thIs machine. We are a]Ro prepared to cut down- wheels or éany other repairs that your rig may need. Lawn Mowers sharpened and overhauied as usual and &Il kinds Nof Bieyele repairing doue promptlI-. A. W. PJCKARD,I Corner King & Ontario Ste. BLACKSMITH Barley WvantedI Caledonilan M1111,5'. MJMG-EST PRICE PAID FOR ANY QUANTITY 0F GOOD BARLEY. Joýhn Meackaly 34-3m * You get a dalicate flavored4 . ~gratilving cup of te& wheu Sou -.îm drInk Ideal Tea. T he 25o Tea gives genarai BatiBfactianý You can get It* in black. green, or mixed. The 40e 718M la unequaled at * ( ' ~the price Li fact It Is equal ta uiauy 50c Teaâsý Black, Green or M~Xed. Fruits Arme Our Speci'al OranesBananas, bernons, Pineapples, and ail Fruits in utheïr seasou'. 14 A Snap in Vénner Sets We were n ortuuate enough ta have a few Dinne'r Sets, arriveS wltb an unusual percentage of breakage and cannot replace the* brokene4eces, To those who cau use thora we wî1l Bell the haap. Grcerles Crockery Fruits f ChIna Hall Grocery î e,9* *.t+S4e At t ra»+ e 4e+*+Sm m t- i i I OOBOURG HAYDON Apple picklng and threshing are the order of the day. Miss Amy Ford, Port Hope, has beau viting ber parents. J S Montgomery. Toronto, speut week-end with fiaonds. Reubon Ashton la sporting bis auto- mobile which ho receutly parcbased ln Poterbaro. Lieut Lorme McLaughll n has arrlvod home irom the, Rille Association Meet ai Ottawa wearIng- hie honore modestly. le Da. CRAsE TouRn DorR-For aver a generation Dr Chase has, by iueaws c! bs fanions Receipt Book and greal iamiiy medîcines, been wiung the con- fideuce and esteem af the people ai tbls continent. Bis Kîdney-Liver Pille, N~erva Food sud ather medicines have long tlnce proveu their exceptions. merits aud ta- day are ta ho found In the best homes everywhero. Why ual lot Dr. Chase b9, 3 aur doctor? BINN1SK1LLEN. Miss Ilazi3l Pascue lo on holiday In Toronto. B Pye and W Staluton are vlslti ag In Toronto. Stauley Preston, Lindsay, visited. ai his home bore. Miresud MisFerry, Toranto, vlsltod st Poatinaster F .W Lee's. Miss Irons Bray, soprano vacalist, Enfleld, vlotted at the parsanage. Mrm Mclusky. wite and bon Fre, New York, vlsltiug relatives hoeo Mms Gardon, James Rtogers and wile, Pickeriug, vieited at Ga Argu's., Mi James Pse, Mrs WIli Rabbins, Bowmanvilie, vlslted at Juo Pyo's. We weleome bit Fraper, wife and san ta our village. Ho began teacblng Mondsy morning. Your towa pastor ils gettiug very stviisb, motoring tu bis preacblug places wIth s handeome o tanig car sud chauffeur. Ttey whizzed througb bere Sauday northward bound. 1Boy S8T Bartlett, Chie! Epwartb Iieague Socretary, Toronto, proached two excellent sermons Sundav ta large aud dellghtcd congregatone, Singlug by the chair WaS Of an hlgh order too. Monday eventugs foetal wae a decldod success, program of exceptional menit, Proceeds nearl*4O Vary many p mne dieanully from, choiera sud kIndrod summer complainte who mÎght have been saved If propor remodies had been usefi. If attacked do not delay lu gettiug s bottie of Dr. J, D. Kellog'a D'yseutry Cardial, The madîcino that nover fails ta effect a cure Tiioso who ha% e ued It ay it acte promptly, and tborougbiy subdues the pain sud dlsease. PORT HOPE i A Brown sblpped 50 barreis pears tu Montreal sud Ottawa. Dr. W. F. Clomeeha bas gane ta Iowa, where ho wiil roalde. R Hume and bride, 'Edmontou. are1 viting hie parents Mr snd Mrs John Hume. N B Gould bas purchaeed the leirge brick residence on Mili etreet from Martin Ralpb. Mn. Donald MeLenuan, Bank of Tomonto, Berlin is ou vacation at bis father's Mr D. J. McLenn.n Mrs E M Mitchell bas meturned from a most delightfui vacation at Stony Lake, Petetboro and Lindsay. Albert Mes dows shipped bis short hou Durham bull ta Toronto Pair. It tlpped tihe market scaIes at 2,175 Iba. License, Commîséionors bheM epectl meetirng sud trausferred Lîceuse o! Botel St Lawrence ta W Bl Bradburn Miss Elesaor Tbompsmn, wbo epent vacation ut 'ber father's Mm. T A Thompson, bas retnmned ta Fort Atthur. Mrs J 8 Greonwood sud daughte r Gladvs, Buffalo, N Y. and Mrs W J Ferguson, Enulekillen, were recent visitors of Mrs Jas H Mcffatt. Miss F. M. Wilson le homo from a pleasaut visit Iu Toronto, guest of ber sister, Mrs T Hamly sud two brothers, 13 Frank ind Charles A Wilson, Barsb purgative remediee are fst gIVlng way ta the gentle action aud- miid cfiects of Car ter's Little Liver Plls Il you try thoru tbey wll certainly make you well. Mr and Mrs Alfred Lent announce the enîragemout of t hein daugbler, Edna Gertrude, ta Fnank Morrison Raleigh, Port Hope, marriige, ta tske place September 4'h. W, F. Kerr sud Robert Harvey are homefo nm a trip taBermuda'. H. 1. Sueigrove sud Charles McGuine attendea A, 0. F, Hlgh Court, luvest 25e lu a box of Davis Menthol Salve sud ho prepsrod ion ulcors, nen- ralgia, o14 somes, etc. Ferdinaud Vaneleklij, Haldtmand, le lu Conues gaol charg-ed wltb havîug 1Improper relations with tva daughtere t18 ciud 16 nespectively. Be vas fonnd guiity sud committed Iar trial, r Yau vau't ho disappolnted il you use athe genunne 'ID. & L " Menthol Plasters t for stîfi noe, backache, etc. Succestni remedies are lintitated, look ont fom the aoriginal 'ID. & L,"' made by Davis & iLsvrenc3 Cao. MiLar luueeat Hanse Show voire: la hlis...................$516 2Cmow & Murray................ 460 IHou, J. R. Stratton.............- 860 C. Wilmot..................... 185 T. H, Hasard .................. 140 W. J, Crossen ................. 123 Bau. R Boltb ................. 85 D. H. Taylor.............. ...... 8 C J. Lewis ..................... 60 IMn. Shoonhenger ................ 63 A McLaren.................... 50 tJ. W..Huatem...................50 J. L. Thorupson................. 48 Hou. C. Sifton ................... 46 W. Ma rehal ...................43 IN AGONY WITHI PILES-Mmr G. W, Cornoîl, wlîh the Shaw Millng Co., St Catharines, Ont., virites: "Fan six yeare I vas lu dreadlni agony day sud nlght. Doctans veno unahie ta help me sud I was about s msemable as any aay creature couild ho. My drugglst sdvieed me ta, ry Dm. Chase's Olutmeut wbich I dldd u talued relief froni the finit bax sud complote cure wlth the second, This aintmout would ho choap at $50 a box lu view of wbst It dld fan me, HAMPTON. Edgar Horn stilI needi ta use the cmutches - Rev TUH P AndarEun preachcd lu Oeha.wa b'unday. John Hîlliar vent on the bsr-eeters excursion te the West. James staluton aud vif',. Zion, spent Sunday at C J Kereilake's. Mme (Rev) Cook haq gaRe to visit fionde lu western Ontario. 1Mis LeUoy vent ta Torontoalmter a plosa~nt visit at the pansouage. Mise Auànie Wilcox bas etumeed ta Tarante alter a short viait at home. t Nev file for s quarter. Milen's Com' Pound Iran Pilla. Sald hy R. M. Mitch- eit & Ca. Druggiste. Telephone committea met Thuneday evenlug sud considened s Bell Ca allera ,iQ çaguQect at 84 per phone. No action1 taken. Women's Institute meots Thunsday Sept 2nd ut Mme Thos Wllcox's. Ail ladies lnvlled. Memibers plesse brnu libraies Thosqe wbo atteuded League Frtday eveuing eujoyed very ranch the lettoe f nom mlsounie lu West Chins. Mis Maud Horn maires au excellent leader for pnagram.a Aftithe ago a 50 people aid that their p n'uth la not vbat it used ta bc and thoy frequently enfler irnm suddeu exhaustion. sud veair beant action, Ta aIl sebhv eommond tue invîgoratlug taute Ferrovim, camposed a! fnosh beef, Ctrateofa Iran, sud Pure aid Spanlsb Sherry Wlue, Nothiug conld ho more boneficial lu sucb cases. $1 per bottle.1 Receut visitons: Donothy Johnstan, Bowmanvllle, at Thomas Eilliott'a; Mme Whiffier sud daughter, Nota. Hamilton, at Mire M B Crydermsn's; Misses Cassl i Ruse sund Mary Clarke, Toronto. et Postrasten B Elliots's; Mise Loas Nid- der' Toronto, at home; Miss Annie Jobus, Ssginaw, Mich, at home; John Burnse, Janetville, Mme Helme, Smlth's Fslls,, Fred Spry and Misses J sud L Spry, Bawmauvîlle, at J G Burns'. Recent visitons: Charle Willis, vle sud daugbtee, Toronto;, Misses Jeff any, t Port kemmy, at Chas Iloaus ; Mme T J f Clarke at ber bnothcm's lu Toronto; MisAnthony, Toronto, at the pamean- a g e; àMlos urç1q Wç~t~w~v h aM) Rabbins; Mm A Eillott, Mitchell, ti vlth hem eleten Mme J E L. Cole; Mme Wblt1ewýay, Port Perry, sud Mises Madgo Ratternberrv, Seagrave, et F J Groat's;- Mr Dunsiord sud vile, Mr Strattoandud iamlly, Toronto, et W.I Clsrke'is; Mise s Lîllian McLeau, Bovmanvllle, guest Gt!t hem unclo J T Cale. That Bey T IH P Audereon'asepeclal 1 sermon at Eldad vas apprec!ated thie I.4h.,. wiiI show:* fDnpr h.-...Th,. p. - APPLES WANTED. Any quintlty cf apples for evapomat- iug purposes delivered beginniug SPt 1 ut Clank's Evaponator, South Wad,1 Bowmanville, Hampton or Oshawa. CLARRIS & BowEr.L, 3,1 aw"'Proprietors. AUCTION SALES MOLSOAT, SEmPr. 20-Mr. John Spny, lot 82, Cou. 8, Clarke, wlillsOil bis valu- able farm stock, Implements,' etc. Sale at l .m See large posters, L. A. W. TaLE, auctioneer. "Youm finend Mme. - la loaking mucb improved lu health"111 Yes we per- 5euaded ber to try Mlller's Compound Iron Pille, wtth the mosuit you observe'I -Sold hy R. M Mitchell & Co Dnuggists MAPLE GROVE Mme Gea Bickoli eud daugbter Nollie. town, are vlsiting ber eou A j Blckoll. Leslie Coi. town, vIsited friends Sun- day-ahl glad ta bean of bis goad sucaces 5at exame George Stephenson and wile aud dauRhten Kathleen, Oshawa, visited at John Suowdeu's. Misses Gertie Gilbank and Ida Clyde, Toronto. sud Maud Gllbauk, Leskard, visited Mrs Fred Bockin. A number froin bore taok lu the apouing services at Ebenezen Suuday sud Monday sud eujoyed thoee lavoir chîcken pies. Are yen not vol? Are -van pale, weskly, depresped lu spIrîts, nielaucboiy tlred, nervous sud lrtable, Try MI!- ler'tî (Jmpound Iran Pisl. Sold hi, R. M. Mitchell & Ca. Druggists. TYRONE Mme Bosele Hawkey la wlth frieuds iu Toronto., Wm Vîrtue, Micbigan, is visltlng fionde lu Danllugtoa. George Gilders, Bespelen, la vlsitlug his sister Mme Susan Vîrtue, Mise Aunie Colo, Toronto, le vlslting wlt bhem cousine at T Goodman s. Mme George Welch sud daughtem Allie were réent guosta ! o eleter Mmre H Rahîn, The churchbhoard bas heen tald by une wbo knowe that tbey have been ex- ceedlngiy lucky la securing Boy W. H. Enssiey o! Napanee for their Banvest Home services ou Suuday Sept. 5 aud Labor Day. Be wyul pneach at 10. 30 a m and 7 p m Sunday sud lecture elter the publia supper Monday evening. Tieket s usuel 85e for supper sud lecture. Plan to ho present ta heat thîs big man. Supper and lecture 35c Warts monder the pretttest bande un- 8ightly. Clear the excrescences away by nslng Bolloway's Corn Cure wblcb #çts thomougbiy sud palnlessly, SOLIN A. Sid Lane vont West on the harvesterm' excursion. B McLean sud wlie visl ted bis brother ut Greenwood. F Thampson's daugbter bas been daugerously 111 chas Wlllis, vite aud children, vlslted at F Hockaday's. Mise Effie Vice bas meturued ta Oshawa aiter vacation bce. Fanmer W Werry sud vife attondod Ebenezar church me-openiug. MmeJohn VanNest, Jr, and son Lannie have neturned ta Bavmanville. Brooks Bras have purchased several tboueand barots o! apples alroadv, O3bawa Division lntgnds vIeltlug So- lina Division ûr iday ulght. Railv inembens ail. Mise Nara Werry bas goneto Toronto to assume a responsîble position lu Aunesloy Hall, Queeu'a Park. Wilfrid Werry bas gone to Toronto to visît bis brother Roy wbo la atton ding Remington Business Callege. Evaugeliat J Beckel of Cedardale Misesion, preaehed an excellent sermon hçr§ 5ýVuday sud wili bho weicome uns dîne. If one sou try Carten',î Little Livçr Pille for seck haadacho, bilioueness, or constipation, sou yul nover ha vlthont them. Tbey are pnrely vegotable, smail sud easy ta take. Dan't langet The tbree gantai, and popular City ladies-Misses Hawkine, McClelaud and Ballean-who spout a fontulght JOur ~New 'i"Iawes"' Hats ý For 00 Have Arrived j he Have Soine Class to Them, They are shoving the brim nnderneath. No )tlier bat P but the "IHAWES"I wilshow thie style anil next Spiing. :The qnality ie the very best, A 1"aes" black bat ie alvayeý Thome vill be a lot of colored hats womn this FaIL, We- Shavethe latest shades ai Mole, Java, Bak Boys' Sehool Sweaters,, asoZent vr ownin AUl colore e Z I TE MsON CLOTHING CU"% SJ. J. MAISON GRIAS. H. ANDJL8tYN RI The Men's Store, and Headquarters for up-to- date high-clasïs Men's Furnishings C&Ai o01A N AIâll NAI xHIN3 ýol ý Apples Wanted 1 A rnnow blnylug for cash apples fOr evaporatiug purposos, bath peeliug ,n4 eider apples o! asy varlety sud sîze if Sound. Deliyered at the Evapora- tom, opposite the Blgh Schnoa, Bowman- villeo. Cash for any quantlty sun-dnled apples. J. R.Fik, 38-tf, Prapietor, D-ARLINGTON miss Lynada B&dger, Tonouto, ie guet ai Mrs Gen Pearce. Mm W H Moore, Hampton, snd Mise Ethel Avery," Lindssy, vislted Mmn W li Wood. Mn Samuel Everaù-, who wae hnonghit home tram ïFonta Ilospital Iset week, je not necoverng hic trengthase- as hie inoende vould like ta seo. Millor'e Grip Fowdcre cure, soldiby R. M. Mitchell & Ca. Dnugglete.

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