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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Sep 1909, p. 7

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MR. MONTAGUE'S IMARRIAGE Mr. Robert Montagu walked ýslowv- Iy clown the quiet countmy road. 1le was xitlin a f ew miles of the great nietropelis, but in this peaceful Hertfordshire village he feît a tbousand miles from tbe bub of tbe unîverse. And yet lie bnc but late- ly returned from a very distant country-tbe western part oi Can- ada-wbeme things liac prospereci cxceedingly with hlm. fie. bail, in short, come home witb bis pile a rich man at least, and bacs return- ed te tbe old country for a well- earned rest, witli an iclea at tlic back ef is busy mnd fliat it mige lie very pleasant te settie clown at home-if li cocuid find somneene te Eettie clown with! 11e looked about.,him with inter- est as lie macle is way cldown, tbei deserted oad, wich lie remnember- cc se w-cil, many, many years'ago; and wben lie came in siglit of a equLare, ugly white bouse standing Uon a little emninence, approacliec by a handsome carniage dýrive andl eut buldings ai- ig arden., ie sl h,.nclbs Pace a little. Setswas wliere Adela wal-t liin. hing liaci gene well with be ibei steckbroker liusband c'vidently. How xoulcl tbey receive him 'I 11eglanecci down at bi c!lothes, wih thougli neat were b ne m ieans new. Ris heart yearned fer a littie affection; lie acl lived se0 long wifboult it.. Adela liac a katring of cbildren,; perliaps some <f tiem miglit take bim te their hearts, tliough if tbey resembled Adlbis elder sisfer-well, slie halnexer caret' miuci for him. 11e li-ad heard little or notbing cif hmfrsome ý ear, and hle smilec? a.' L thngitof thie surprise lie bai in sore er ler-flic delitfu] news fi lie ld actually mâde lii, frtun; that lie coulci giv lier andl hers ail, Tie tis hei*r liea-rts cle- hiîî,but lie wudnet tel liher usye.And uvihthat lie rang flic bel at thie big starîng cloor, andl aspresently usheed into a plea- foýrtunme; that lie coulil give lier and hnilfo is name te', b er mistress. H1e bIdte wait somle time befe)re ticdor fewop0n, anid a sfeý4uî goedleoingworaan, dresseJci ,wîtn ranh sartflnery, rustied in: ni ntsflonid, self sati'sficd-ma ixt sharp glane at ber brotheý'ýr. y 'irecorgnzing bis sister Adela "cea1" lie saicl, with eut- stre/tcheci bands. 'Mms. Hendersen pecked at lii, bronze chclk ratlier nervousiy. "Well, Robient !' sbe saici. "Se yeu'xe realiy oome liack-like tic proverbial bad penny, 1 suppose. Why didn't îou let us know? I late people popping in on eue like this-nef but w'.af 30n'mc quife wel- Comne, cof course. When dici vou ccme buek i Anci wbat lhavecyou bcien doingi" "How many yeans is if since wc met, -AdelaV1" lieasked, qnietly, -,j1in a qucer sort,-f sinking feeling àt bis bcart. "Well-1 suppose if must lie near twenty," he said. "Amy is tWýenty- ûne-engaged te lic miarried, teeo- ancl she was ne-arly two years old wlien yen leff. Andi bew bave things gene witb 3ou'? Net teeo well, I 1 uppo!, ,Se,. ', -It's net as easy te make moey ofthere as people wiil tell you, Ad-iela, but, considering everytliing, I've nothiug machi te complain of. 0f course, oee as te work lard- ind this is a bail timne iu Canada." "otbat's w-bat bas'breuglit you 1oe suppose?'! saici Mr. Heu- erowitli a fretful intenatien in lr eice. "Anci where are yen go- "I flieuglit, Adela, if yenu could put me up fer a little time,' lie i3aid, tentatively, "fi I looked roound a bit, and thn-" "Wcll, I don't know whet ber Fran'k iglit liealile te do anytbing fer yeu," said bis sistor, sudcienly, witli ratier a doulifful air; 'only times are liaciwitb him tee, and, of course, you'l uuclerstancl, Robi- ert, that I hate te se any cf my own people-weii - sponging on, rnk But yen eauca stay fer a few days anyway. JHave yen brouglit aniy luggage withye" "Ouly a bag. I ieft if in fie hall."' "Oh, ail rigliht. Come with me ancll'l-s-4ow yenoum room-it's, at, the,, tompnarhle scbool-room, but yen wejn mmd that. I dame- ay ai ter "2 anada yon'l. l flnd if quite' Ancl with a langb Mrs. fonder- son mustieci out of flic room. Rob- ert Montagu witli au edd expres- sion on bis face followed bier meekly te a smiall, colcl omoer at thie top of, flic liuse, furuished like a isemvant's bedroom, and looking eut inte ai t yard. 0 "We're a bit upset te-day, tee," said Adela, as she looked round witli satisfaction, "for we're having a littie clance to-niglit for Amny-acl a dinner-party first. Just a hep for flic yeuug people. Have yen - I suppose yen bhaven'f. brouglit a gdo ess-suit 1' d "Well-I bave," said Montagu, m neekly; "but of course if yen weuld ratiecr I didu't appear, Adela-' Mrs. Henderson flusbed a littie1( beneafli fie quiet look hiem brother gave lier. h "Don'f lie silly, Robert; it's net dthat. 0f course, yen must appear. eOnly if we-'re a bit crowded at diii- us er, yen won' t minci dining at a yside table, will yen I I siaillbave d t- put oeeof the girls fliere any- dway, and, as a matter of faet, you'11 acome in quifeD useful, as I wvas, eafraiel of sitting conthirteen. r înd I dicln't want te ask fie gover- dness te loin us. Tissrt of peo- rIe- presume se mucl on oees kîncl,ýness semetimes; auci Miss Ver- 1eycoui-siders herseli pretty - andi -cibemu-fliongl I eau't soc if." And Mrs. Henderson rustiec eut c)f the littie room, leaving IRobert sMonfagu te take possession cf lis duew quarters, whîdb lie was te con- *sider se lxurlouis after-Canad-a! Ho end ns witis lime. -The- chiîdren ig lit make Up te iim for 9 their mother's deficienicies. The gay strains of flic newesf waitz leoated np ar flichetop sfomcy cf fi H ceronaode caci pece- rafLr a isml lilitarai besikie a o~~~~~~ eC prnfieMagaetVeue ILcp. But ifwa- nt1as tum) c i tÏrat sdu tix usie fllnghli air, anid almost unceu'ciously bier foot beat time softly te fli cleliglif- fui rhy-thmimohieli sic lcved seo weli. If ocîy oIe ceuld have jeiceil the clancers A sinle foueciMer- *Igaref Verney's prctty lips as sIc fliorglit of flic pasf-nct se very fan hem lier-wos Itu sc ad lacced and dcoue aIl fie thîngs girls love,- and hlid not kcowu a ýcame on eny anxiety,. el, fliat was eh cliang- cd4 uew. Slie bail te figit lier osun nayin flic wcrld. Perliaps she was net theoenhy un- happy persan in fliat lieuse, for, freo wlat she hheliaril eueeof the girls say about their newiy arrivcd tnle, if oxas veny evideuf that lie osas liy no meaus a wolcomc gucot. "Imagire bis comicg cow cf l timnes," Amy lad said, in bier higli, fretini voice, buinging cisgracc cn u- il, and raako-ng Arthur think qucer relations ose lhave! Hie must ho kept iu fie background as much as possible." Anci tic sharp worcls bail oacieci flie uccle's cars; Margaret Vercey lied caugit siglif of hico et flat mno- ment, and she kcew fhe bitter speechrbail stung hico. A great pity and seuse ai comfradeship seizecl ler at that moment, and tflicsrolie oitiý wbîob sire mad leokeil at lie was perlicps fliheuh' ywelcome ho lad iceieîcd. Tlie fimellazed top oifl a pheas- acf burst f f Rames, enci Margaret Výýerey-lost in lier eovu dreares, gazing into flic leant of the fie- did not beer fthe doon open qnietly, and she starfec i volecfly wlien a lianclfoncleci hem softly on flic shoulder cacl a voccosaîd, xitb a familier accent:- "Mopicg ahi alonie, Miss Veoney t. Tliat's foc bail. Yen nglif fo lie dancing oIfithtire rest." Thc girl goftop wifl a liffie slnd- de ciofc disiike as' hem cyes fell ou flic tali, gooci loeking i enng cmari osýýhoIac stohen in upon lier. She codih islikcd lier conp1cî cm' s noh ,o had dlosen on mýoie atee occasion te pester lier u i tsiLitan ùneandl insýolentatten- bu v Heclesei n a qie iiiperviou o stibs.1 " ioemi wor k te 0"slie sa (. lý2y ; "andi le any as1 i shen i ie oo fireci te ciance" Tee~ eolr can laglecia his 1 iosresteci witli boic l chodir ouý tire girl's flicil face. 'ýNen-sense " ho saiil, miga stop nearer. "Yen know quiife wP eh tLat ye're moeci up bere beoausQ1 yfnlatut andlfI irsar s elesas cats ef io cicr laù.1 If ocIY fo'le a it ic te~ ~ ~~ ~kI -i 'leag i lcfi- u F7-ýý rp. zýz, I a widew lady in Kensiugfen, an -1 ment will bave to lasf for eeme time as fhcy paýrte«ci af St. Paneras Sta yet, but ail tic same-" tien Mr. Montagu lci bis compan- She steppeil short, hem jaw drop- ion's baud rafier longer flian was pei, and a qucer purpie colon ov- LS&,5,absolutely necessary. erspread lier flond face. Her "I may ceme andl sec yen1" lie écaugliter leeked utp in alarin. Do you know the. dlfference askcd. She colered a liffle. "Wbat's flic matter, moflier l" between working eami havlng "Yes-ii yen wisl," she saici, jsbc said. "God gracions, yenu look, the work done for yen? wifi a mementary hesitatien. Auc as if ye u mci socu a clzen gliosts! Sunlight Soap actuallY Makes flien lie went away te bis sliciter's Wa s f1 the dint drop -out-saves yen offices, wliere hoeosas receîved witli1 Mrs. Henclerson pufleul ierseif thuc 9m-lâMOneY-but ÎnJures allich respect andi deference due te together, fieugli fli paper visily nelther bands nor a millisenaime. trembleil in lier fat liandis. clothe.s. That "I particniarlywish 1ýn t make! s"Liston," she saici, in a voieflihat 19 Just the inquires for me about an estate in slook; "just fiston, Amy! diffemence Yorkshire at present àinflic mar- flic ceceitfuiuess -of seme people, b le t W ce n ket, calieci Hallenby Hall,", lie it's too munohb Sunlgbtoap saici concisely. "If is situatecl and ordinary' near fie sea eoast, andi is a pr-o- Mm. and Mrs. Rob.ert Moutagu Loapa. perty I wish te secure." have amiveci at Ciarilgo's Hofel "Centainiy, Mm. Montagu." for tic seasen. If wililic mc nom- He was very bniisy flor somo weeks boreci flat Mm. Robent Mont agu me- Folluw affer that, butý lie mnauaged te see etyrnudfemCaaav Direcions a gooci deai of Margaret Verney. ing macle au immense fortune, anci Anci allichfime bis plans wene a-slortiy affer lis nefura mamnieci turing, andi flicproperty on whici 1 MissMagrt enyscd Miss Veney's eariy youtb bad been danglifer cf flic late Colonel Ver- .____..... ______ spent-flie home she lovecl se weii- uiey, and niece offflic late Countese passed seeretiy and quiefly inte thie1of Bedmiusfer. Mr. andl Mrs. Men-ý The man colereci darkly, and lie- bauds of thle latest millionaîre. tagu, wbose oountmy borne s fiai- fore Margaret was quite aware cf Anci then, wbeu everything was Ic.ubY Hall, Yorkshire, infenciteO ils intention lie liai seized bier in quit c rcady, lie asked Margaret ententain a good deal this seasen, lis arms. Verney te be bis wife, andl Mrs. Moufagu wiii lie present-ý "No! By Jove! l'Il net go fi "lYen don't kuow muci about ecciaf fie May Court. Sic is tal Fve taken mrbat 1 want " lie said, me, periaps," hoe said, uefully,, anci pretty, witb eliarming man- witli a laugli. "but I eau promise yen a liappIlT rs and bas almcady licou warmnly "You'll keep yonm distance, yen life, sbeiterocl and careci for. ï welconxcd by flic most select sec-! young cur," ýsaici a quiet veice, and love yen dearly-,J wil lie goci te tien of seeiety. a strong baud flung bim asicle witb yen aiways-if yen eaua oniy came ast.ounding case, while Margaret, a littie, wieu I camle se ranci. There!1 And te tiink my owu lire- Veruey clnew a long breafli ai ne- Wouid yen lie conteint te mamry a tuer couid lichave so to us-bis liest lief. poor man, Margaret 1" friends," waîlcd Mms. Hecclerson, "He cidn't hurt yonl" asked "If I loveci himin wold," she wble tears actuaily stoociinulher Montagu, tuning te lier. saicl, very low. eyes. "No; tliank yen se mucli. I- "Anci eau you cane jusf a lit- Amy seizod flic paper. I- " f'el?" le said, eagcrly. "If can't lie yenm broflier !> she' "Anci you'd btter clear ouf, " "Oh, I came se muci," she wliis- crieci. "Wby lho was peniess, - saici Montagu, wbeeliig round and penoci. The nest was silence. at least, yen saici se, mother." facicg tbe infuniafed youug man, They wcre marnieci vemy quietly "I know-J know," waiied Murs, "1unless yenuoish te lie horsewhip- a few wceks affer. And later in flic Henderson, mîserabiy. "He liad' ped. Get eut 1" day tlie neoly marniccl couple set nover clone any good at home, audc1 "And leave tic fieldci ean for cff ou their jourfioy te, Yorkshire. ho led me te, suppose-" yen, eh?1 Weil, I wisih Miss Vercey i "We xii visit thl ic iinify of your Mns. Henderson sîmply wept. joy cf'flic returued pioigal-flie od home," Montau said te lis There was somethiug te wveep for. beggar man frora Canada," mut- osi-fe, anc iti was wt stnangeiy- She haci macle a ghastly mistake, teredl Henécerson, malic-(iusly; but'fluttering beant that%1 in tiec warm, and Roeet weuild neyer fergive lier. hlie wect ouf of the room allflic summner evenîng flic gif ound lier- Anci as te Miss Verney-"Oli, if we saime. self aligliig at fIe famniliar lit tIc bai only kcown, Amy. Anid lic "Denes be anuon yn fen 1" ask- sttin,4 igitI-v- on s mc fer yent cd Mentagu, sliarply. "Because ifi A baucisorcme moo with a Couple and Arthur, aud-and-, ro ou eiuaa compiaint-_,xith i cf-mon. in c0lark lvm te ufi But Mr~. andl Mrs. Moutagu were miy sister."F station iaraud Mrgrt t lier se free from hos grasprng relativa8s, "Weil, if is noteffli lst time amazeme#ýnt, fo-u c irseli lieing titoir ways were far apant, anil Mn. Heuderson bas f ied te, an noyl bnmied into if, while lier modest Mrs. Heuderson knew fie hitto"ý me," she confessed; "'but-pliease,~ luggae was put ht a luggage- ness ef being wise aiter fie levent Mr. Matagu, dcn'f trouble about l cart, in charge ef' a smïarfý groomi. -tee lafe.-London Tif-Bits. it. 'He wll lie leaoing ha a fewi "But where are we ging?" she days, andi flen-it will be al asked in aapmn as flic car riglt." glidec io-ftiy aosay te wleoHfai TRE IIIND SIIOBY "Acci yen d.on't- john flic rcs--t'lenby Hall earci if Ls grey nmass . he!FsiisTao!ar- ciewnsfairs l le ake sdduî , -'from euit o cCif a heteiu plnttin ng Ta. Car "Anci î u're happy 1" K y cw i" i - b -i o rP .T .P n "Wei sa rmule, es. 0f couirse, "B ut I dnfndntni"sIcie inorby.D.T .Pu eu ise am-" aci anfy " hngi ino ere o, flic antho r. ef "Among flic onhsdem-"s. Wc ah lixe dreams" ie' ___ iid Tniles cffie Afghan Fron- "Ye. e l]hae <rems" iea peer imaci, auci tien," says fiat flic Indian scool- said; "(seme of us realize tbem-$ "Weii, my sister and lien fam*, byla e -tls lcacetta somne den'f. What are icun dreams! macleflic samne mistake," saidi dithonai respect andl love cf fie pu- Miss Veruoy 1" Montagu, qnietiy. "Yen sec, tliey ' "To get liack my aid home. tteck if al for granteci anci' îî frflc aserinc fieef' If1 s dhdwims flic sympafby anci inferest cf in tnhli market noxv; oe were - yen. I bad myoi nu esens for bi instr-uctors. obiiged te soulich place oshen mynefot shing te undeceive tbem -1for Ris chef faiiing lu lis incorri- father d--ed, leavirg me andi my sis- tflicpireserit, aui-licreove ase&t gible propecsity fa, niat is knewu fer almost pecniiess. That is oshyl home, Margaret." îuii Euiglisl selicols as "ýsceaking" I aoc home, andl I long se for flic Andl thaf was b4ow Margaret Mon- schoolboy bonor and esprit de corps wild mralancl cf my native York- tagu came back to ber eld houme. are heicg developeci in mission sbire aud flic frec country life." As Mrs. Motagu was standing 1sehools, but have o ery littieliasis "I sec. Auci 1 eanu ndenstanci. I ookiug cnt af flic dean, os clre- ,,n ohioli te luiid. W bore was your homo exacfly I memboreci vieov frein lier ewn ostu- "Piease, sir, Malifali Dmin as Yen and I siaulcl le frineul Miss doovs, lier eyes filleil with happy licou phnehing me." Verruey, fer we arc bath nafloor in fears, Robent came in andi cressing "Slia'at 'Ahlibas stolen myý fie sainie boat. Noliody secns toe licmc stoed lieside bier for a lieok." want me mucl." minute in silence.' "Rani Chanci bas spilt ink ou my Tiat was flic pleasantesf cvenhug "Yen ike if?" lie saici at Iast - copy bock." Margaret Verney bncI knowui sinieu She fui ced te lhim, lier face flush-- Iftire master is willing te listen lier camiug info flie Hendersen ed like a rose, perfect happiness te taies cf this khnd, lie wiil get a househlod, and a friecdship spraug in lber cyes. continulons supply cfflihem ail day up lu fIat short boum befos en lier "Oh, Roei" was ail sic conlil long. andl flic leggcr-mac uccle-as flic saîr. There is muel,, greater divemsity chidmen cailecl flic uwiy netumueci "And yeun we't miinci beiug flic in the sciocci stafus effflic beys in neative-wiich, fime wonld- only oife of a millîccaime husteaci of a an Indian sehool flian lu Eng-Iish cement. And te Monfagu himseîf lieggan macn?" le saî, ohl. seels. lun flic Banun Mission some new anci aitogether cleliglit- "I mind nothing while ion are Scbool everi clas cfoflue cemmunify fu-i fhing lied ceme icta bis lufe dur- ifli me," she seil. is nepresccted, fcm flic sou of flic ing thet short boum. r* * idi landownem te fliat cf thie lali- * * * * *or. , vfron the Braliman to fliheout- "Miss Verucy I"-saici Mrs. 1-1en- cerson witli an air of great ian- gueor. -Oh, slic is leaving this cf- fomceon. She bas liecomne quite in- supportable. She.was posifively in- solent te Raîpli, I baâr, also te my- self." "If te repel flic impertinent at- tentionsof f bat objetionable young puppy is insolence," saicl Menfagu, witb heat, "I cousilen Miss Ver- ritey osas perfecfly oithin lier riglifs. " "Oh! youenpiai-cilkuiglif errant on fIat occasion l I forgof. But i-eably flore is ne neeci for yen te ,champion tire girl. By f be oay, Rolbcit, I clon'f want te hinny en but the room. yi are in wifl blie nanfed flic cay effer te mero,i and se if ion couldiaranego or planls - "W ifli pleesune, m-i dean Ad 'la ,I)Izplans are mdcccl uearly "01! rclii 2 Andl oslet are i ýonplanîs " 'Tirt," sii Menfegr.u ,uory de- lilirately, "I piefen toutt,)toll-u just et present." "HI-e'Ih nevor do anyting ovu, ortb specýkicg of" aic i Mrs. Vfonder- soir 1)len late cr in fIe'dilcy s ehe lad (c neli iservîturiiie.'Al iiu stene. Anil seshai1 Ireli coîîldc't eep lira otlonerfo airs. Henderson epened the paper and manlier oye clown thue columuns i ffashienahie iîntelhigenee, ia ferm 1( Litrat-ure lier seul dearly loved. She ,xas romfarkably conversant ifli tlie perag-ILy namo-and ],ovod nothing btter flian te dis- play ber knewledgo of s>ucl mat- t r S. "Quite a numiber eof approaebing marriages, " sbe romamked. "I think Amy, we miglit insert a notice of yours. 0f course, your engage- Invest 25 cents in a box of Davis' Menthol Salve C(" The D. & L.'") and be prepared for a hiundred ail ments, wvhich may not be dangerous but aýre very auinoying and painful lke neu- :algIcia, earachesan, burns, bruisesinsectstn, cutLs, piles, ietc. It is a.houýsehold rernedy always useful for somae troutble, -nc should be kept in the family Medicine Closet. ai pared I-oemith-eg1es cf te Cnadan ea . DeiAeIypfun 2, tnar 'md ccst, andi not eniy do they gef on oreli fogetien wifieut flic poor boy lievicg te, feel bDy faunt or treef- nueuftfliat lie is uuwelcome or de- spised, but 1 have effen came across genune act s of clerîty wbicli have licou doue quite nafnraliy and wiflieuf eny ostentation; in1 feof, such deecis are kepf secret in tlic majorify cf cases. Thns a peor boy, unehle te buy is biooks, bas lad tiens supplicil tei bly flic icher boys cf lis cms Iu eue case a poor boy was le-t qîite clestifufe by flic deafli of lis faflier, andl senre etfflicbeys anr rangeil a smcll stîlscription reonth by ment h toeneable lire t e rmain at sohool. WISE SUGGESTION. The heaci cf a certain manufacur- îng firre is au oui gentleman osýho bulîït up lis business frons eet1ing 1- iý-i rs wc oggecl anci persistent feu, anci w-lie eer feIf fiat hli ccilspare flic time foi- a lholiday. Net 1long ago, lonever Le decidcd thet lic was geftong o)n in i.ars and fnieflie osas curfitlý ieci arest. Cali Jing bis socnhutofl tic iilirary, lie "Tom l'e osnkei petty liard fol alogLloeio ail 1 e clone weli, s 1 haveclec foli-( reire andl A - There are very few, houses that don't contain some- thing that could be Improved În appearan.ce by the use of Paint or 'Varnish. Ask your dealer for RICE & GOilLAgens, ùBowmna n vile FROM ER1N'S GREEN ISLE NEWS BY MAIL FR0 l IRE- LAND'E SIIORES. Happenings la the Enerahi Isle of Intercat te Lrish- men. A pike weighiig 37 hbs. was mec- eut ly captureil in flic River Cor- Mr. Brown, fer tliinty-six years, seemetary of tie, Leitrimn County In firmai y, recenfly resigneci lis position. 1Thomas Berrett lias licou appoint- cd posfmasfer -fffthc new postoffice af Carrickerry liy the Pcýsfmaster- A liacdsense new ergazn, wifi a complote set of stops, etc., lias liean preseneecite St. Mary's Catholie Chanci, Limavaily. Triplets, two sons anci a daugbl- fer, were bemu te flie wife ai Josephi Concers, a laliomer, living cf CI,- liemen, Neostonliarny. Maceh satisfaction is felf in ticý, to-wu, of Navan, on the mnec-pro- gi-cos fi ti ing macvla b tirNa- starfeci-9a noe ornt teereet ia monument te Miss Weiker,, wleo wes murdereci near fie toovu on Jaly 7. Justice Madden congrafuhcted flic Grand Jury et flic opcning of tlic Gaisey Assizes recenthy cenflic pî acefah condition cf flic county. Oewing tote eecent lioavy najas tic pefate disease las macle ifs ap- pearacice ie several ucspneyed po- tate phots enoundtfl iclolige ef Midilletoovu. The magief ates et Cusheen havoe eiecteil Thomas Gnady Petfy Ses- siens clerk, in succession te Joie Heuir, wbolias retimeil citer thirty years' service. A Norman peffery osas recenfhy iiscevereci on a farm in Gortea- *minci, Listooselhfe cday cf whicli oses forînilte cent aie tic saine min- erai composition as minerai dlay fions China. Roscrea Gnandhecs have granteil a pension of sixfy-fioe dollars per year te Mms. HEehîeGuihicyle, late milwîf e efflice Bemis-in Ossery Dispecsany District for twcnfy-six 'e ans. Thomeas Dovan, builder, Temple- more, bas secureil frore icRes- crea No. 1 Rummel District Council fhe confnact for fie enection of 31 bouses in blocks, for tic suin cf £3.999,,cii in flic tcwe-of Rescrea. *Lever Brothers, Troronfo, will seuil you froc a cake of their famous Plautol foilet soap, if yen mention is paper. P1IOUD DAMES BROUGUT LOW Acrobaie Stonts In IEnglish Bail- romits Lead te Disaster. Q mite unpleesant cent retemps cen occun in a London belîrûmr, says tIc Geuflenomean, as oitccss the acixenfumes of tovo ladies eue even- icg net long ago. The cotillon wcs being daneoci cnd in one figure fie object oses te jrrmp flirougli a paper boop - This a oveli knowný lady succeeded mn coing, acly te coure vhoientiy in- te collision witl aceflier wio osas poopareci te pnechpitafe benscîf flinougi fror e licernside. Af leasf cnc black eve and oflier dis- agreebie r,-sults Laoe fhiosilfis iopportune meeing lieent fair lut ùe rlasti eadrsjf insu ion-,. cemiug econcl niy teflicathietie fie]. Itovescriing flic season justiI, cloodfif e esacpers-on- age, flc ns iGe-ge Keppeh, c stups loss of flezli La balLk and cliï'!dr-,-n ard in e-ýdnLu,,, ïn suminer e.7ý wç-l-,k as i- some peopl2 have pound a day wbile rit. j; i4l row. 'ln e £ELF-MADE INVALID;S. In searrhing about for the causi'eý cf varions diseases, modevm men11'O science bave founid that not ,a.fýew alments arise fromn poisons mceby ourselves, or at, least imaclre wîtbrn ýcur own bodies. hspoee1 appropriately caiautuinitoxica- tien, or self -poisoning. In ojther diseases,- again, there je ne mnu facture of poison, but there is maladjusti-ent of parts, ýor mr or Iess defermity, the-effe-ets o hc the system n c1eavo)rs to cret w7ith the resu-It of x strin ct")th speils ruin to liealtb1 or even teý rea- s'on. Intestinal antointoxication 15 OflQ of the greatest pro,-ducers of mrhrid symptbms or actual dîseases, r-n- indigetýstio"n to vrosmentalei! tuac , 'rx-eus bradiwnery common, aithougli in this csthe kidneys being actnailydsasd the headache, blindness, conivu!- siens, coma and other symÊptomaj, are regarded as symptoms 4f the lN-dney disease. Nevertheless, tbey are lin rcality due te uonoia tien. The disease dlue te defectitAe ei- mination througli the skin are -not se deflnite or-se easilyreoned Thie. functiou of the perspîraien oi is probably more te cool than e li inate, aitheugli'som1e waste is doubtless cast off througb th-e skin, Tikie is a tradition concerning a boy- taking part in, some celebiration indiose entire body was gilde<. and wlio speediby died fro-, theefet 9À closing ail the pores oýf the skin, The story is probably macle up,bu the lesson it teaclies of the neerd oe fvce elimination througb the ki is valtiahle, and ouglit to be h)eed- ed. Another source of poisonig or of reflex nerx eus disturbaný(c is tÈhn teeth. Decayed tceth, espciafly decayed roots, have eecasionýally ,caused deafness or blindness, aind the reflex irritation from teeth set îeo ýclose together or growing b, ,alnermiai directions bas 4been known te produce serieus mna disturbarice. The chief leso.n of the iaovr cf auteointoxication as 'a faýctor hi the causatien of disease is,-thjat (ene ehould be examined regul&rl, oncf a year at least, by a geod phyý sici- an, and every six montbs by, a coinr- petent dentist. Thus ith s ,sible te detect tlic first signýs of defectivce elimination or poison production before any great damage is clone- Yeutb's Companion. ALUM PURIFIES WATER,. If waerlas a slight taste og smeil it is impure.' Filtinýg le then not quite enoughi. Asml piece of alum te each bucke(tfu1 dha,-wn will pumify ivate cr xalner ftilly and edcet iell. ae should leaI egtvewth- taste, smneillor rdpoife standing.

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