'ailn $1.00 a year in advance; $1.50 to United States. BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, THiFRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1909. VUEL~N,3 .A AMS&SNPoreos r j ~i-ie James t~apers Visit ~Fhirty-five Ht~ridred Homes Weekly. i IMIPORTATIONSj Are Now Being Opened 0utê' WVe have already opened out a grandH op- collection cf Ladies' and Misses"' Coats for8 Eall and Winter wear. These Coats are new,e MEý _ perfect fitting and up to-date in every c__ a>- ~particular. Every lady is invited to caîl and-.n see thein,, H iAlso a beautiful lot of new Dress Goods t and Suitiugs iail tne most fashionablev &V - shades, No better-value anywhere. i it * ouch, lJohnston &l GoesDuBilTaken as Cash. Bowmanvillel tw SRoyalBai% OU CANADAL zl INCORPORATED 1869, * Pays Special Attention t6 Savings Accounts, SCapital llaid vup $-4,6ü00O I 0.> Ieserve Fuind $,0,O ~Total Assets,ý $53~OOQ NOTICE OF APPLICATION DiLVORCiX FOR N OTrICE 15 BEUEBY GIVEN that Gerge Robert Buttonshaw of the towii of Bowmanvillln in tbe Oounny of Dlurham in the Provine of Ontario, sand cutter, will apply tothe P1arliamenit of Can ida at the niext session thereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Roslna Maude Horn Buttonshaw of the cdty of Toronto in the Oourty of York insald Province on the ground of aduitery and desertion. Dated at Bowmanville aforesaid July 8th, 1909, Di B SIMPSON. of Bowmanville aforesaid solicitor for the ap plicannt. £8 14w SUCCESSI! Wjthîn aighteen mcnt-hs, three of our oung people have w.ýon two gold medais and one silver medal in type- writting contests held in Piiladel. phia Ne orlr, and Providence respectively, Better tItan gold medals, however are the golden opinions won from.n business men by our students nuow employed by tbem. Four studentb lace one office witniun three 8jnti arenw gettiDg initiai salaries ranging from f1400.00 te î,,ci5 0 per auur. Can btter evidences of efficient work be pro- duced ? RE MINGTON 269 College St., Toronto Canada, T. F. WRIGHIT PRINCIPAL. FARMERS NEARLY ALL IN UINE Thare are colnparativaly few tainiens wIhneasy r e.: ofc r collectons wito express our app1recitofehet t gener- eue patronage aconded ujs tirouzLout ttc ecason. Wlsils narket pnice3 have net equahled tlitose 0f last leur, we hoock fer a sdandy udvacfi urinlg lte i- malader cf ICi1 s ~Vaarene espclislyanius aittis limete tke u îsw el]È, dur main thegblandcoueraberg devoted te Ili inarete f or eý'iîar patrons, Wc~~~~ïj an Ialn n toe urned la goos adthn e ianka tottcvery et it hstprce aalabe.'.hsewho paye." Apples -WantedI if sourd. Dellyered at ttc Evupora- e tor, opposite ttc High Schoel, Bowman- t ville. Cash tor any quanttty sun-dtied 1 appleq., J. R. Finkie, t 33-tf. Proplotor. Central Business 0f Toronto has siarted tbousands t or Youngien and womnen an-ltIe easy way to indepencdence ard : snccess. Let us give Yeu tbe rîgbt tart. Write for Gatalegue ansi Pla to speiîd the ext ix montbsu with us. Enter aîsy time, Âddress W, 11.SHAW, Principal Voue eand Gerrard Streets, Toronto, 1 I I 'I Has Stood the 1 est of Vears Tte grealest eough Medicine et the Age tas flite langeet sale et any medîic&in uour Store, Ttc publrl ie k-ucw a Gocod RemeAy ,whesa Il iy try -,il. It Cures. Dos't Cough. 1always relieves.1 «jet a bo4tle.1 Drulggisits and Optici-a9s. 10 u i s fil JPi-ize list on inside pages.' JNot, a drunk in towu fuir day. jT. J. Cole was again winncr lu bacon togs. John Ayre & Son won mosi Heretord pnizes. Draugt dues was a crcdiitet Durham tersebreeders. Cole and Suowdeu won Ireavily in langer poultry. Rain kept off eplendidly f11 tce day atter us usual. -Clarke itersemnîcucarried off titem sliare et tenons. James Bycre and F. Allin dividcd ttc prizes itn Cofswolds. We ahI take pride lu tlie growthof West Durthai Fuir. A geed fuir advertises a iewu us a progressive quantity. A. A. Celwill, Newcastle, had un easy day wititTamworths. Wtat a reul geod euting people do enjey ai item ewn fuir. Pigger and better than ever wus truc et titis year*s taîl show. T. Bukcr's broed mare aud foal wore bot red ticket wincrs. T. Gowan, Oreno, won iwe firets and a tird la roudsier dues. Grcctiugs, fniendstip and good-will are vintues ef a geed tain. A. V. Juckson's, agnicultural brood marc is a weniliy winner. Pair Notes, Apples *erc 283 etrics. Prize iist ou inside pages. Total receipis of Fuir 61170. Prince Priami colts are winncrs. Besi driving onifit duess breuglit out 19 catnies. Graadstand Qhould lie extended anotit. et- 30 fe et. Titis tain over fowcrs ahl local shows tereabouts. EAi. C. Beman was chiet winîîer in tte Jersey cuss F. T. Guy curried off ah ttce awardo in Ayresltlrcs. Glande Bain won iwo iste andi a 2id on Shoit Honus. Agnicultunul foule werc a splendid dueFs -I6 entries, M. H. Wight's ugnîcuitural yearling won on truc menit. Agricul.iural tanese feame made keenest cosupetitien. Chuas. Kerelake is a new extibiter wto wen well on torses. W. A. Wigtt's prctty spun et dapple greve were mucli dmired. W. D, Dyer, Columbus, sliancdfthe Slirop pnizes but net euslly. T. Bottreli & Sous and M. & J-. NToekce wcnc extensive peultny exitibîfens, Roy Dic kic and E. J. Wilson, Oehiawa,, captured a bunch etf poulfry prizes. c t 8 a 9 ti a I V 9 il h n ti D c d s È 0 ýb Y t] a fi Il f'd NOTICE TO PRIZE=1 Pair Notes. W INNERS. Pnizc. liston inside pageS. Dra o Ail errors or omiissions in the publish- fruit? Speak, Up. ed prize list Must be niatde to the Sec- Miss Peroy's flrst prize pansies wer 1e retary in WRITJNG wthi one week certainly beauties. after publication. Pie wiIl be paid at There were 90 entries in pears, 31 in Secretary-Treasurei,'s office, Town Hall plums and 9 in grapes. Building, Bowmanuville, on Friîday and Geo. 'Varcoe won a number of prizes Saturday Oct 29 and80 in vegetables and fruit. jS. MrOIoR&FrP, Fruit was said te be well colored for Secretary-Treasurer, this season ef the year. Bowmnanville. rak Allia was winner of grade cat- FROM EDMONTON pr1esu-- 1'omas. FRON EDMONTONA, Taiblyni came to the front again in ShrcTpshaýres titis ye-tr. We have received another short let-- Jury & Loveil haýd a fine display of ter froni Miss Jennîie E. Martin froni rubber goods, drugs, etc. Edmonton, Alta., giv in- brief account Methodist League sold home-naade of hier railway journey froniwhic we cnndy and had good demand. publish some paagr phsbeievigthey wil ineret mny f rades. She- A. H. Fletcher's display of asters were wrlitunersdiae of e. 19: certaiuily fine, taking flrsù place. Afiteur aegofbye f0 avies ad dGeo. H. Richards won flrst on his ter friends in Bowmlaaiville [ left ý n îsplay of Stocks. They were fine. the afternoon train onWeesyep F H. Joness showed a good herd of St, for Toronto, Visitedl in thie city Hoîsteins and had the honors aIl to him- looking through the principal stores fi self, eveninig, then took the 10.10 train fo-r Ezzie Kuiglit may well feel prond fo Gr:eat West. Trainis tis-tnue of year be wade second place in the combin- are crowded witit people, taking Horace ation class. Greeley's advicean going te different There was a tempting display of cook- parts of the West. A nlice younig Tor- ing. Thte ladies -of this connty are onto lady was my companlionl,-she enjoy-exrtiithsn. î;ng the- alower bertit and!11Iàthe upper. Stie was going outi f0 vîsit hier siter in The l'everlasfing flower" lady belong- Seattle. We had a jolly good tuete ing f0 George Varcoe received many gether. It was very niice wea"ther, flot favorable comments. boo warmr for travelling. Thursdlay There were 21 entries lu Clapp's Fav- about 6 p. nm. we reached Lake Superior. oit e Peays. Bantlefts made a good It was very pretty iii the eveinig to second with 16 entries. wind around thaf large lake as the train Bouquets-table and hand-were very gocs around curves so * lhat yeu c an sit pref ty, the honers being divided between in your car and see thçen ighne anid then Frletcher- and Jackmaan. lok back and see the last cars. ' t le Iu 3 yr. old harness class W,. J. S. much nicer titan it was whtiun you had Riokard tad a tussie for Ist wiih A. J. to go by North, Bay. Sudb)ury is ttc Bieoaclsscnd nearest way and you, dou'i have to ieo ls eod change. Friday was a very pfflasanit Hon. J. R.. Stratton's Hackney mare,e day~~~~~ bu eyco.W o u t evry"Ruth' was a much admired animal place where the train s topped and had aud won 3 flrsts worthily. a look arouud. This tâne of year the E. 0. Beman, Newcastle, confributed interesting sights along the prairies are a flue exhibit in tte flower departiment not mucit, grain is ail cnt, but it is in- and wus quite successful. teresting f0 sce in ttce flelds as many as J. A. Molellan, Manager Bank of seven teanis drawing in grain f0 t1he Moutreal, had a nice collection of feras thresbing machi ne. Th1ai was tite wrk of which hie is justly proud. of the people lu th e iddle of Seýptein- H .Au atrdabgsuec bei. Crops are lookïing remnarkably I.&N li atrdabgsaeo well, judging by the grain thickly prizes on Leicester sheep, W. C. Black- sitrekëd u-pïthe-fters -ruly ihegWest b=nbeîngofly-oflpatitor. - will realize agood yield this year and Samuel Allia and T. Baker divided thaf will make cvery one happy. WheIjn honors pretty well in Durhamis, but tie farmers have goed crops cverythinig latter won the iberd prize ugain. bains in unîson.ý Saturday weO sped isplaý,y of faucl(y vork iunflic ladies along watchiug ceyiniig as it cain'e departineult vs equ-al to if net surpass-1 to view, passing by large cattie and fiug anjy couiify fai u 1itcovne hoserachsand ir tai, ntrctig ason lohn olidauph to see tite large fe]ds otted ah-1 1over range of suits and furnishiugs thiat witithorses. Therethisea vast difiu aercboce betweun the very large fields of the cultteee ftt e n os prairies and fhi t ef the sniall and cîoseîy A number ef apple exhibits wero hcdged iu fields of Irelund and Engiaud ; securcd to be pluced in Oold Storuge forf and the dry and burned up grass as if the Ont ario Horticultural exhibit lu ooks ont here is a great centrusite flihe Toronto.f rich green fields ef ttc Old Land. Sat- Miss Aunie Irwîn, Port Ho pe, and1 urday ut 5,80 p. mi. we reached Calgary,, Miss idva Wadclcll, Urone carried off a Alta., but as flic train for Edmonton goodly numiber ef prizes witt their1 lad gone an hour before I was obliged pictures. o stay ail nigitt. 1 put up ut the Alberta S. Cealla had an exhibit et Singer1 Elotel, a very lice and up-to-dathoe- Sewing machines and gave demoustra- ry, oeeof the bestinluthc city. N t tiens ef the work preduceci by this1 moruing (Suuday) ut 8 a. mi. 1 got a machine.1 rain going througt to my destination, Mrs, James Knight is recciving con- When one is travelling and approaching gratulations on lier fancy needlcwork8 tome how long the tfne dees secm display. It is certainly very fine for a getting to the end of the journey! 1 lady over 85 years. ivas expected on Saturday atternoon, 50 CuiJeiso ryemaia my non-arrivai caused machli fi 0f c ast re cniforte and disappoiiment amongst my frieuds in ipa ofcres cmotr as ttey wenf to every train te meet me. lankets, e,tta gave one a waria I reacted Edmonton ut 5 p. m. ail rigiti cemaforta'ble feeling,' and was igiti royally received by a. Misses E. and IH. Morris exhibiiedI jumber of friends wte were glad te sec some fine pieces of china and a number me bacit again, and I was very plcased ef paîntiugs that commenided tutera- to sethem toe, Il assure yent. Mondiay selves to tite visitors. cuelled te sce Dr.. Edgar 'W. Allia te Bootits en tbe grounds invited thlie ell him tow kind his bretter, Dr. Nor- peopl-,e toeuet ice e-rea, candy or fruit 1 inan Allia, tad been te mie wtile in (i. drown their thiirsi, witt lemonrade,1 Londen, England. 1 had the pleasure ginger beer, pop, etc. of taving feu wtt h tim andl iis fricnds, The showiag et vegetables was imi- à1r. and Mrs. Jotuston, I muy remark ese OewodhaetgoalN hcre thai Dr. Allun, wito is a very clever di8tance te see a fluer display etflfeld thysician and surgeon, tas a very geed aud garden ppoductiens.r practice in this cty where tie is greatly1 respectod. Haviug got everything set-. Mrs. Jý W. Sparliug and Miss Jeanf led lu my reems again j uni about te Adams were successful as usual in, tte tari te work, but atter laaviug such a cooking depariment. Thte good tihiugs good long,,holiday, 1 liardly kneW itew wcre certuiuly tempting.è te stant on duty again, but 1 will, soon Ttree Clarke girls won iu ladies' sen-- be ut home in the work. I wishtot be ier driving ciuss, Darliugf on girls emembered f0 ahl my frîends lai Bow- stould beginaut once te train fer nexi manville. yeur. Do't let it occur again. Only29 entries lu rcadster class, sin- NOTE BY THE EnîTOR-Sinee Miss gle, 151j and under. J. W. Hunier was P MIartin's departure we bave receîved tard prcssed by C. Staples and J. L. a numerous expressions of praise for Thonipson but headed thc procession. 9 te intercsting letters site wroe Miss Maud Knight, wvio made herr on hier f fip te Europe. Old Coun- firsi Fair oxhibut titis yeur, wvas madeS ry peeple tell us etfte pleasure lier happy by winniug flrst place en wite i letters gave tem, as in a seuse ttey bread and uearly ail firsi prizes on pies., evisiied ttc scenes oft im arlier days We welcomc Mrs. R. F. lmence,V in ttc tomeland. Site will have the Oreno, us a new exhîbiter ut Bowman- stisfaction ef kuowing that while siteIile Fuir, Ste tas some, splendidt îad ttc genuine satisfaction ef seeng Iwork and 1wus very succesàitul as a prize- t wîit lier own eyes, hier portrayal by j fakect - wends of whaf site saw tas given pleas- _ ._,-, ...' lgrîces Vson etato k 's Ucaparil itsgi-nt uraivepower-powAcr tkc-3 stocuedi, troulez ofLise k od ys an 'LUI 0fthcinc iiintsareju1 ; it tis b profesin resdb but DoesOine mdolie r. cuaaivOe pewc " Lular tCotslowLlf. AS BANK 0F Established 1817 Capital 8 14,40.0,000 Rest 8 12,000,000 Total Assets 8183,10,9,150 Savings Bank Departmont. tej OffIce, Montreai -c- J.,tA. MeoLELLAN, Manager. Bowmanviile Branch. Fair Notes@ 1 - . -- , 1 1 1 ý 1 Whaf single event et ttc year gives1 J. Ayrc & Soit ield titeir own spîcn pleasure equal toete fuir?1 dicilya.gai 'stet a'vy odds lai Srcthdowns., H. A, Adams, Newcastle, made a1 good stan lun torse classes, A parade et ah pnize herses and cattle Faîlltain is un avent et great import- betore tte grand stand on flic hast day cf auce te towu and country. fuir would be a capital idea. Producte et genlue, enterpnise and Could we get citizens f0 boaiu im bcs lubor make up-te6-date tains, puinitinge tonra loa exhibif ut ttc Fuiri People exprcssed uppneciatiou of thte If s0 a new interesf would be added. grand stand by crewding it. Mrs T, Percy won many pnizes on ter W. E, Jcwcll's lest pnize cnt ire dranght fie eedlework. Sitelias a fine display yearling stullien is a beauty. and carnies off a good number et pnizes. Superintendent ot Fairs Wilson was Thornley Penuingtoa, agent for ttc grcutly tickled over our fuir. Pedlan People, liad a good display of Newton Taylor, Cartwright, won 1sf rooflxtg, etc, fthaf inferested. prospective lu 15ý, and ever carniage cluss, builders. The tain makes peoplie beiter acuc - elI and uew tnieudships arc formed. Jteamnes Deymau deserves hsigli praise Gordon Rice's Black Spanlet coipsi fli th ficient service rendered as Man- were wcll decoraicd by rade and lhues. agur. Ha fook off tus ceat and said Fýrunk Batty, Brookîlu, by requcesti _"c on-by - xk e assistcd Job. White te judge heavy rua ied te completion in a liurry. herses. i Ttc invenâter brings hie invention 'te In swiac, S. Snewdcn, Jr., and T. J~ the fuir, ttc farner his productions, ttc Colc er bcncitvy winncne lu Benke and u rtisi hie paintinge-, ttc mechanie hie Wtife. atchine, untîl wc have greupad mi o, J. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oi LWsfwyudTo.Wsa yoaemall arca the representation ot1 Port~~~~~~~~~~~ Hoe ac u rsedset on apiedeuafion and tard wonký. ojur fuir. Joy and 1111duc(s f lie ersot R. E. Thursi on, Dunsford, wus anew eutrceuf1y fniende lin ttey iteard flic extibitor but fcund tee streng opposition dulcef strains et the Dominionr Organ & for profit. Piano Go Band which furnistcd abun-. John Ayrc tas beau uttendiug ttc! dance of geod, lively music under, direc - fuir 20 yeurs and says this year's was ttc iOn of W. Gxrant on bofli days. hast aven. There metc 13 entries for Dr. Hoskin's Leshie E. Stevens, Paterbeno, brengLi t 8 pnize for 10 Ibs. butter made by West bais chiekeas over by auto and was a Durhami lady. Mrs. W. Kellmau won Lucky winncn. titis houer for ttc second finie lu suc- It depeade on te jndgc wtetter T. cession. Site aIso won cuverai ether Bakcn'e or W. E. Jewell's teavy broed geod prises as will lie sean by ttc hiet, mure gaesfiret pnize. Miss Belle G. Allen receîved înauy Everyone was houd lu pruieiag ttc compliments on lier finsf prise liandiînade splendid, exitibite and titair tastetul eliirtwaist. It's a beaufy., The design, anranugemcut lu ttecGrystal Palace. . and workmanslip te higtly creditalile. Gee. H. Richards and T. Bottreli & Miss Alleu woun eons ut Toronto Ex- Sens carricd off ttc tenons lu vegetables. hibition on flue and some otlier pieces of rThe former's collection was most cred- taucy work, wlidt ele is an adept ut: [tablemaking. A tain is a ecool et education. Young To Manager Jas. Deyman, Secrefury people stould attend witt open minde, f SMoorcraf t, President A. E. Cenn ready te leanti ttc wonderfuh thinge te aaî'd *aIl othee officiaIs and viorliers mueýt be tuught titae, lieb givea. great credif for fh lic'eicit Ttc exhibit etf fowens wus oeef et service rendered. Thie succese et ttco fnesti aven seen ut titis fuir. Messie, fuir was thlei- objecu and tiey wrecen- Iack ciauandFletchern were ttc twO tiaily rwnc by sceiag ne of flces largesit tibutors. fyet reconded or West Durlim. John Oke's qucculy Hackuey marc, Entnies were as fohlows: Hieavy herses, wue oi t anyclass ut Oronb c;s a- 13Lîglit Herses 176, Beet Caffle e69, rule ou oflierclas u Oroo bt Dcr iry Caffle 56, Sheep 111, Swine 5'2, ric of igies pis a Bwmanvlle. Poulfry 293, Grain 45, Dairy Produciite, 1r cts l yaliga49oais eu Vegefables 173, Fruit 372ý, 1Fowers frets,79, Ladies Dept. 247, Mectaulcal aîn Ttc tollowiag were recommieaded \for Constructive 42, Fine Arts 119,Don- ziscrefienary pnîzes. Wonderberry-Ist, tic Science 106, Domustic Manufacturj.es S. J. Jacliman; Peaclies-2ud, A. H.LÀ. 27. Filetchter; Doues bedstead-lst, Miss!Ttswsfi lsfapaac tpr ~tLcSrhey.formers before flic grand stand ut flue To secsliard worked papas witt wife Society's fuir and ttc two compun1iesý atnd faumuly cnjoying ttc exhibition and rave a capital amusement program ou peeping inte liffle iîîterestiug sida stows, ttc first evening and second atrcn and note cuncworn faces brigtt witit Ttc Abliammed Troupe of Arab)in genuue deligtt, and eciteol chldren Whunlwind Acrobafs was flic best of flic revelling luichevouderfuh productions, kiud ve have ever seeui. Mrs Cehina glitouldme tcharse tcofill De Duo witli lier fraiued dogs, poniles 1lad iuded.doukey and menîccyes creafed oceans ef Ea-,t ycar's tain telle ttc stery et tIsefun. The Society paid ttem $125 for wonderful efnides being made in agri- fwo performances and if wus money wl culture, and preseuf e couviucîng proof epent. thai this province and more especiahly this port-ion ofthtt province tas beau especially blessed by Providence fer ttc suit o et tcnoble culhiug of .agricul--_____ ture lu ail ite branches. - Ttc concert in the Opera Heuse fuir ~iit was a splendid sucese. The ai- tendance was iarge and inciuded oui- beef cifizune. The program wsva excellenit. M1r. Donald MacGruger, oeeoe Toroato's favorite banitones, vho lias beu huere sevcrai fimes sang witli splendid (,x-pres- sion a uurnber oethflicbeitîvocal îu is. Eacli app,ýuaane cald foi- an encore so wullcssd ae lis 1 audience. Mrn. Oweu A. ofiy, e tToroýnfo's îumenoue cttrtanes, av anmber et ecitaf isas ket htiaf wenu idhlWIy einjoyed.3Miss Ada May Davi, Toroaf o, t young , C)ct fsiniger, appc,,earcdte goodl advai'tage ii, "Ganrtissima,' "Ross" an other vocl u lctins Ms.J.L Elodge, Trit,(nec 'M'ise Luteil) playuCd flic ccmpnnnt ihtlen ealgrucef ul andplnin aRe. t always piesea Bowmavihaeaudience. mmI MÙËA -4 ait Il