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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1909, p. 2

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Cenu~no r' itti Liv r Puis. Muet Bear El~ti~turo ci Ses Fat.Slnibbo Wralspct- Iicbo~. Toey smuaf end a wy FO PLLOW114 FOR L I1ECO t'PEXO <5~NX5 U~T t55l5yATUR5. A. E I&cLAUJGH:LIN. Barrlster, Soltcltor and Conveyancer. , fie: lileakleyi[o iock, King Street, iiowmanviile. lney e ban at reasonI- able rates. 4-lyr. Wrn. T[NNANT, V eS *9 IIOntario Veteiiary College. Office In rear cf Mr. Williarng, fin-niture store. Galla anus ered day or night. Phore 5s. 10. NOTES AND COMMENTS1 Imprisonesi for iLe at bard babor she,îld lic flicpunishinent cf habi- tuai criminaix. Tic proceeds of their nos k, at a fair rate cf cens- penatin, houlsi lieapporfioned te flic support cf flicir familles- io eimrbursefihe state for th e cx- pense effIoertrial ansi mainten- aune, ansi oteile ictim for ros- fitu tien. A mn iflerefere moubsi liesitafe te perpetrafo lbis fourfi crime if lie knesv that conviction svocld lie fnhioxved hy iLe imrprs-, oument. The geess injustice cf modern pouah metliods lx demnon- straf cd iy flie sveii linown nfacffIat flic innoent rife a-i ehidren arc tcon often the greafer sufferers froin the purislîmcuf uhicli'oeiety ilu flits upon a erninal faflier. The mac is nelievesi of ahi nesponsihi it3 fer flic support cf himseif ansi amily, and si i m'eif assaresi ef abundance of foodi, neccssary cia- thîng, arnd fairiy coinfeýrtahie shel- ter ians eturn for labor fiat u's rare- iy asdueus, .andi ihiciho sn ay lic alile te shirli to a hîmitesi exentf lu liglif jail sentences for mi son nîîsdeneanors, no siork is exactýes fieni the enîprit, ansi liesimply loaLs, amply presidesi fer ly the siatc, wbose lais lhe bas-vielaf cd. TIhis is parficuiariy aggravafing in flic -case cf nife benfers, causinfi many a peer voînan te pîcasi fer lenieney ferrflic brute vhe lias mis- uscd lier, lest sIc ansi lier ehilsiren suifer for lreasi B.J.Tazlewood, M.D,,C.m Work ansi plýefy ef it ix the liesf BOWMNVILE, * OhT Irietiesi cf refonmiiîg ,rlaslnals. (-OLD MEDALISI' of 7rait UnThec1thug, lioldup iman, ansi fli '..Averalty, Toronto; Wour tsarq AMtendlcp i safer are ixeil axarc thnt policel rbisleiais andi Sui geon nt Mt. Carmel Hospta Filàtbnrg, K..sL.tins al, ad lnhue OtCe and ItsRinct.It'gen T8bl stionlis ns lîue iitcna go. sua. Ilas copenesi doors, hiet coffce, ansi pleaautneaingreessfor thein onesfent asi enungcnîent, ansi thAs class ix fan tee seifixli to cane P~~ R lo i i farnilies arc, faeing in thie Wesolcit the business of_ Manefartorers, absence of buxiansi ansi father lIn- FiïgJneers an thers who realizeeSite avisa:i- - e- k~ e isvin usr Ptent business transce ed lexilfldsrinO i5 moderate. Our- nventer's Adv'îer serti upon regquest. Marion & Marion, New York Li e idg, uet real '.and irashitta-ton. D.C., U.S.A. C AL ti i thsof:s onn-ni Manlîc~, isakatcîwa, Iaerra. thse YttkOn T rr terso N îrih-5tTer toisa t rtssOlmbta, snay be tessed for £ tern e rt onîtvencYearat an antui re-tal et 5 a are.N0 'ocre Shan u2.5j acres WIsi l Sone applicartS Atp;alefor a IeaÉse must beruade to thc gî: r ub Agee-t 0oStheedistrict Li whtch MietIhsa ppied for are ailutei ruSlveyn a editiry the la:n mustOc des ci iled by kectlin, or tý';ast e-1t-iion e Fecti, , andin tuncrveyedtp'rrtery the trat ,PPÏIe i lfor shail be staketi out. h iarPlh,îIo mu it0ec arcupalet by a oî eo$5.00, WaniîtsIlit O' re nîded If tOi righis appliei tfo-are ni-t avaitble but mtînthie. A îoyehiy . aItebatd ou tise mecuantable o u t l n t Oe t h5 e Ita s s e î a c t e 'oe t fi y s !- t ' e r k very Ici,,ecof cealinmi, i g rlaOtsswic , Inot beirig operated il iatliiir,O tOfli ts ts fiýeetScetDoninlun Lansi-tlit a ,,jrswet, ite- 12t , t tn)Sat eflitet ilea-4 on-e fl)u cach ýjyea,. 'ro Iatte iI1luIeiude thse cos nl itiii:g right4 0elbl Oui iO esee n;ay bc0ereraitl'ti p r Chise , latever ava:isble surface iîtOs ay te c tniei Ae necebsaîy- foi the vw o k-tg ef the ic,: i e ratse ftio au set e. fisl tuformatie',application EOsud bc Mlaflettisýe Secýrcsary etfte fielartmettt ('i tise : tehr, Ottawa. or te)alty Agent et- S-b ofis e Dominion Lands W. W. COiiy, Deputy Ml-lster et SOc loteries-. N.B.- Unautborlzeefipu bication eoftmis cd- ve'rtmeenent rwilt sac tLe for, à- fin Synopsis of Canadian Northwcst Land ftegulafhons ANYper8on lvhý) la the sole 'bcad cfa ffamuly or aay maie over 1 years, old, Ma3ýM'hnetead a quartr, 01noi -ai! ..,,tc~~ w'rtne tail atioh h-a--Ni aewai er AlbeîrtaThse applicaût mus appeat la per- eon aittbe Dominion Latfi Age cy or Sllis gent-'y for ihe district. Etttry by proxx- mx> ie date ai a, y agency. on certaliticonditions, ly faîber, ns tOit-. Fîe. daugliter, brother or Èilser et totet:ditîg heme8isader. 3te-Sxmonths' restdelice epeti anti clettl ation cf tOn land in each of tOren year, A Iomesteatier May tive vitbin nîite mlle, et lus isotested en a fat-m et gt ec-t 80ti are- ecIeby Owoed ana occupteti by hlmr or by bis ater. mti-er sen, daugister. brother or él-Ser. In certain districts a hetuesteatier It gooti ftancilig May pre-enint a quarter secttea aog utde lis honeFîead. Frc $3 00 per acre Pluîs-Must reside six monîhs in en ch ef six vearg frum date ef omesîeaae etrî l!nelttdl g lte tine rcquired toe estn homnstead patent) andi culiIs-te fil ty acres extra. A honireteader wlo bas exhaustet is tahme eteati riglît a'nd cantiot obtain a pt-ecm in inay taise a purchaseti homestead lne estain Ilbiýlttt, Pricn 59.00 pet-acore. s-haes-muet meir'e six rmoutlhe il t ele ettO e yeQre. ealsîvain flity acres and e: et a bouse w-ett ÎSO lOC. W. W. cotiy. lîeputîy lilster ofthtie It-;teriar, N. B -UtaIthetiseti publtcation oeth55la ad- ve: htementi ailS Lotise paiSft-, 5 61n MAKINO FACES. Wlien yenu sec: a sna making al serfs cf faces at iîinsebf la a miri- mritids a saLe liet fliaf e'sec-henr erazy or sbaving. ansi chubsren is beeomiug n serions problein fer diarity eîganizaflons to cope sii. Tic piesent penal1 sý7stcmn sec ns almost te put n pre- minci on vice ansi crime fertflx ejsss f effeaders. Tlicre ix ne im i te icnumrbeneof tires sihieb tliey may le convict-es andsserre senterlieP-s. LNo amount cf mmpis- camoent deters fhern frein further wreecgdoing. la faet, thci seci cuiboldenesi Iy tic numbîe of scn- tences xxhicl tliey serve eut, rutil ee n merder may lie adsdetl'teir is osf cr eimes. lmprisonmen.t fer life sliould lie thîe fate of tielalsi- tcu h crinai, ansi courts shooilsi b lc errpûsserel te impose scissen- tecsexs upotsshoso sylie are bessglsf Ic-foie th-,ein for tise fourfli tire. If tinue ternis in prison cantse- forai amen the case is hopele sansi the infercsts cf sicfiey deransi fIat they le deprivcd cf ponefo prey apen if. Thelic abitualcI enm lise1 is a perpefual menace te fihc pubie aissianstanding disgrace- fo his fanihi. 1Re lias forieitesi bis riglits f-e liberty iy lis-,auc--ef it. Iflih ewncrtînt lfeimpîýs-on- meut isas flie penalty cf a ourfi crime le moubsi lesifate te corn- mit flic final effence wiienw oulds sliat lim.froni licthe old ferexer. TIc man liehinsi the bars sheuisi le put te hmrd labor, fie ps-oduef ef w hiieliniglit le seis aat9a Laie ps-be, ansi flicpreceeds lie d--s et- cd te flic support -cf lis amihi- andi oflien expenses, ns above stafesi. The worli iliulsi lieapps-ised af such valuation f lat it m-ould nef corne int-o co-mpetition xith silat ix' terisc'd "frc mIen," lenceflic aler union-s neulsi net objeet te ts, ling maeketed. Unde fhis si stein cf puuisbnuent flce eubsi le, fesrer execatieus focr capital of- ences,snceemursier mobsi le iess frequent ansi socicety sicuid ti:îsebl nelievesi cf tfindegraduîg efesof executions. Rati ansid onpro- dace lieuufifuhhy for flic pieuision cof -ail peeple ansi te make flicî hiappy; flic liaman brain sle unef less la ifs pois e te uns cnt ansicree afe menus for gratfiag alde- sires; sith esey materini useans fin) happicess w itliia tierecel cf mankiad!, ssly ask Len a buma hiLde inepito of cim lA life fIat nu mana ena i--estore. %W nuli inac le oiung a greater sors be fa h- r. h Gonesa t EWatetOuOoY ai pusns silo have alsei te neren ssstm, iasesne nihtto liberty ansi makethinl A 'oi', ed bVeine . -ri!. U"j. t 'ids tes2t; 2fsttatli'-isTor.»î o in i efrac fadf ~i~eric,&uo eaese.,, nesiossss.i-'1î Li els eni Ctn bis WnvY; that society will no lon- ger t( lerate the desertion of his faoîilyie 1n zeand children a tax upoai the conimunity, and rnak- ing -ims-elf a, burden to taxpayers. The danger eof bis childr-en becom- ing criminals also xxould be lessen-' ed, as the mother, ha'ving an as- sured support, woold flot be oblig- ed to ne-lect. the care of 1er littie ones, t-oe *trrn their bread. Law- 'breakers xaiiid not only b.ero'ni- self- suppo rtin g, but would perform tl-eir duty to society and their families. Liqoid gas is in Si ierland a nd soýon will be in this cüuntry. It is deseribed as a transportable lîqoid which is siniply evaporated asi used, ansd eaîa ho used for iiglitiîg,lient- ing, coýoking, soleriog, and xxeld- ing. The advantages anrd convenii- ecsoffeî cd by liquid gas pres-ent for it a wide field of usefulness. Among the various uses, to whicli irG may bo applied are, the, heating and ligliting ýof resideorces, public buiLdi igi, hotels and mnanufactori- es, 'and street liglitiiag and cooking, cliemical and teýchnieal laborator- les. If nrixed witli oxygen it pro- d.csa hent se itenseý that, an or- dinars- bar-of il-on one incli in dia- meter a be cut in tw o alnsost la- stantly by plaýci1ng it in tbe flarne of a. liqoid gas borner. This con- centrnted,*i -power makes if ai ailable, and espeially desirable in thle smnelting and forg'ing -of iron and steel. Thue suceess cf fthc Ssiitzcnland Latfsy lias derîanstnaitesifI-'fne fihat h icid gai can lie manufactue- cd anid solsi at a profit lu cen'peti t1on nifî coal gas ancl cectnicity, as nearc eny ton n and -vibbieý il Sus iti s lancld is sippiiesi iiti an- tîfîc ai gas xsorks and an electrie iguigplant. Yet, wthin a short of tpc cffme tfliceonpany lins pis-d-sr 100 li-1o go s installa- fin, andsitfli demand for ifs prýo- duet li'cps flic plant eeîsning ful c-apacity sicy a ndnîibt. Wlien it is under-tei àt4th, fli a 'tory mas but mcm as an expeesmeut ansi! fr flue pr ocf djamonstrating fie ~ ~ ~ e prciaeht fmanfactr- iug Il(-s: as aamafenial ion J eaingansiligtin- flan -as a cmmeesal enferprise, ansithfnact fint all eic-atlerial usesi is im- pos ted, w-bld vs lfy inereuxssfthe ,cost f olprosstu.ien,), if can le readily seon that greafen(- profits migbt le olitainesi fecîntfie manufacture ilu fhils cecuntry, mhena rawm am- feërilisxplenfiful ansicomiparative- ly cla. I Swiss plant- tuens oct 4'0 pounssOf ilqaisi gai eveny day besicles a considenable quan- fify cf tan, TENN-\YSONSLASI? BALLAD. "ICroe,ig tf li r" NVax Written at flie Rleqîtost cof Ris -Nirse. As Tcnn-ýysoii's nurse w as sittUng eue day af iis beside, sharing te a siegrce scgoueral aaxicty about thse patient, she saisi te hin sasi- e t e -I "Yen linse mitten a great mnany peoemxs, si, but I have never beard ar.ybrcdy say that there is a humn amng tI'2m ail. I cislisir, you neouliw-rite a hyma w hile i-ou are 1ving on youn sicl le-d. It miglit hehp ansi coinfont miany a poor suL- Loeren . " Tâen îext mornsng, mIen flic nt lad taken lien quiet plaee;if, flichcdde, Ie pet halei e a-i scapcf ppe-,sa 1d,"em ix île lu5mn ~ ou niýis ef 5-itt.' She eck Lies hi liasis ift Iss ne tise trîîng te innigate dexeet n'itli fears. s 9 tlie Parsonag.- Wcdnesday, Oct. fli, ýfroin flirce to six, and cgi fe ten, and afferirard at lier ýown homie, firs+, Thprsday of moîtli. Mn. Austin ýVinseon, an Orone Eoy, fnrmiîg a feir miles eout from Most cases of baldness are .l 1 siey ta negleet. The hait affen becantes dry and dandrufî tarins because the hair glands do not supply enougli nat- tirai a'il. Nathing overcomes titis deficiency sa el.fectively as chIat delicately perfumed, re- Éreshing hair pamnade, Learine. Avoid lialdnesýs; aP-ply l3earine tao your hair ocsaal.Al Iruggists,_50 ýcts. a jar. 9 9 sneni, ansi lier Royal fiigluaess expresseel her admuiration -of the ebi visse, ihici ix 1-0 f-et lu icngth, 20 eet iide, anîds covers' a roof aren cf 2,400 Leet. Thc grapes anc preferresi by fthc king ansi Qucen te auî il fe rcy- mil gardens, ansi fhcy are nuisays Leusiarded lotetheir Majestici shuer- ever the latten arc staying. A Phensarit Purgafive.-Parame- Icee's Vegetaîbe Pis are se et ni- pouicesi ns te eperafe on bofli t1is etemnacan ad fIe bondls, se fîsat fhey acf ninng the w bohe ailasen- fary andi excretoni' passage. Tlit j are net drastie la th-eir work. lut îniidly purgative, ansifie piensurte cf faiking theru is enby equallesi lii flic gratLý ing effeet fhey peod sec Co7u,pouaLded only ýof seg-etale SUbstance flic curative qualties citvalii au r-o felly ftesi, tlicy af- Lord relief wifleout chance cOf 1m- jury. Dr. WabfenC. Secîi, flic Scofeli pîai-ronce tîîed te explain te any taio spasis n Irai' Sbito m o urugin your liack."' The finest fabric is net too dellcate te be safely washed with sunglght Soap. when --il-fier saaps have înJured your finens -Û& d faded the coloured t1hings, re- member the Word si§"- ht. We naikesi about flic greurds, ansi -clattesi niti masi ýoftfli mn mates, nIe seemesi pîcascd te secl a visitor-a rare siglif in a place1 wcilthli natives camînot even, speal itflont sliudderlng. Soe- iloncd hardiy ani sigas cfý flic duscase; etiens lad host ahmost evcry ýoufmard tnacceof manliood- But fliere iras ne distinction lie- fwen ftei ; they ail taiked, w nek- cdor phayed fogether Lnecly, for ait ixnlepers. SXlat fhe sxorsf 'cLre flic oliers noulsi become, un- hess Lrorn sernue thor cause denfl inters enesi. Lepeosy, unfertunate- ly, does nof kli. The deefor felsi me fbat lie hasi linon n lepers dieo of olsi age, ansi I sar more flan eue usan tiene lever ses enty, ansi an els nomanearhy eîgity. Some hli eeinlathcplace fL-e greater part off flii lises. "h litene mucb pain tflux n iugV t"hli decter askcd cf oeeyn l ad case. "Tic pain neyer seems quife te ]cave me noirv," nas flic patient an- siver, as flic man sscnf on deftly n eavsng a basket; "but if le a bit 1u nîost casLs flere ifortunafe- ly, no s ,eryacufe pa-ini- at.alerents cons-seef fliofiseaso l!y flic Gevreramnentasi iy niat ORONO. (Fromi The News.) Mr. Haroldi Coeper was dosvn fîom OshawiaLaie day. Mr. W. Smithf, T1 roue, ix visifý- ing& ils son, Mn. T. Sitihl. Me. Artliur Maguine, leaves slîortiy for Caiagary, Alfa. Miss 1Reîen Rutrprofessie-n- at inurse, i1 oe3 ri Trne Mn. Gotîse,Osaans receint goesf at Mn. W/m. Arnîistrorne' s Miss Bertie Riokaby is hoase froas tihe cify for holida1 s. Mn. E. P. Doncaster, Boum-an- s ille, s isited bis faflien. Mr. and Mis. Airdrey L. Brown, (Jaki ille, visitedMn R. Beer's. Miss May Kimbaîlu, Nec tonvih1 -, vil ited Mrs. Adîpi enry. Anseon Ta1le, o , ex-Reese of Cartwsright, affendd ie faie. Rosi. J. T. Soin,.ville preachesiîin fhe Preshys-enian churci Sundai - Mn. IR. Anderson, INewcastle, vis- ited lis ssifeat Mn. H. Rooper's, Sunday. Mr. andi Mrs. R. Hooper reccinf- ]y visited Mr. W. Fegg's, fessa7 Mrs. A. S. Tounjee, Cannington, visiteel lier sister, Mes. M. L. Tra- selle. Mes. Williami Cooper, Penny- te-irai, visitesi lier son, Mn. J. R. Cooper. Mrs. Delýong cf Toonof, and i- faut son, are guesfs at fhe, Mctho- diFt parsonage. Me. William Baffe n ansi son Sain, visited Mn. William Sheppard's, S:ixtbhuie. Mn. A. Odell, I. P. S., Cobeourg, vsitifd bis fatlier's, Mn. R. H. Mn. William ýMoPherson, Pest- master, Caninington, visitcd lis sis- fer. Mrs. Robent Lapp, Celbonne, and Mrs. Chiarles Lapp, Rarsvood, vis- itcd ai. Mr. J. A. Jerome's. Miss Pearl O'Neil, Toronfo, and Me. Bruce *Anderson, Oshawia, vis- Mrs. Wilii.îmSeymour andi son, Frank, Pert Hope, visitesi lien fa- the'-, Mn. Wm. MeLeo-d. Miss Cora Tueken lias returnc-d from Boston, Mass,, ishene sie s;pent a foi ecks witli Mrs. Ixokes. Mn. Jamnes O'Dea, Cadilae, Midi., sisî'ced lis mother-lu-lai, Mns. Gilisen, and othen fieîîds. Mrs. A. Tamrblyn is visiting frienaix at Bent River ansi Skele- ton Bai, Mushoka. Mis. Morgan, Toledo, Chic, (nece Lillie Keats), le visiting lier lire- tien, Mn. Chas. Keat, anid otlen fnienss -Miss M. E. G. Waddell, wlio re- cently netunnesi frein a trip te flic e)ld land, iras homew at lien father's, M.John Wddl's ecently. Mn.ans r. Thomas Couei, CLanýke, ise n and Mes. J. D. Brown ani-i family, Xirby, visited at Mn. R. Moon's. Rer. R. A. Delve, Seagrave, oc- cupieci the puilpif of the Methcdist cliuroli Sur-a' v.nig1sieek and gave eicy inutere.ting, ansi instruc fsve odiscoarse. E. B. Coivan, VS., isîtenis leav- iîîg Li ,7,dsay for Saskateo.r, ixheie lie xiii run Lix ery Stables, hi con- nection isiflis îVetciiny prarc tic- - Mn. William, Roo-kia, a forme~r Orone bey, sien $330 an~d fie bronze iimodal atflic 48f1i 1I4igliliders ,au noal matches at Leng Brandi. Neiw offllers -of W. C. T. U. are: Pros., Mrs. S. RHailiday; 1sf Vice, Miss B. Fosterý; 2iid Vic, Mrs. D. T. Alliln; c Sec., Mes. G. M. Lonig; Cor. ScMsrs. Ilios. Smith; Treas Mes.R. Kaox. Mn. Relier P-,restýon, Macs ens, ex- Ceucity Cmn0se ,accompani- cdl by lis daugliter, Mis, Pearl Preston, andsilier cousin, Miss Olive \c,'sbitt, isce go-,Lestsscf Mes. T. D. AI - ,'I. Mn. W. H. Rosi x-M.P.P., wnu s; ,ith flic Legishative party te Elk Lake City on invitationî of flic M in- isters. Lordi Chare Bercrsferd iras also one of fie paeft - If xxas a splendid outicg. Mes. Richiard Brownu mli rece -;l ......i, r- - 14- l for brave solir, s ir xanP Edxvard Cross f-orlierops cf« tac mine. Tliis iras instituted tr ycar s ageý, ancd shows -on one, SIde a igEdirard head, ansi on fic- other a minci- succorîng bis fairt-, ing mate. Struck in sil c i-,te reiner's niedal is atUci e'1t- a clark-bloc ribior i irflia yelloxv edgc, and is a, prize ces ctcd bhy cx ery hardy pitinan in Great Eu,- tain. "Good morinag, sir," said flc lady, cntering flic studio tofIc famons pos traiýt-painter. "Iwis to engage yeju te, paint rnypes trait." "I clial lic deliglited, na idam-" "I want it painitcd ib myv new bat on." "Pro me rri ,aam, but I am net alndap Sr tist." TO CLEAiNtaoedut-orUd TRBT wii D I cdLIleok asfieh dea n m, dYetbe, TIOýcnoit i sxi ide ý ate ex press ýC'h are -'-, n c-ft wn 30 AdelÈd St. V Tornt A thk 1,e&e llmnt orie wt Jeennesfienthl cdVaiie p o O nie t wondefnb heeiir drueaLnwn Calgary, A lt a., lad bis enfire crop of 50 a1cres cf grain batfered and completely destroyesi tus sear by liail. The Jacýkson fanm. west oie Trie- key's Corners, (better known as Be1iwood's) lias licen sold fo Wes- ley 1). Bragg, Providence. Mr. Jackson ecus a farnin lthle iNorthi- w est, and ftle f amily wiii go ouf flicr e. Editer M. A. James, and son, Nor-man, Miss Haycraft, -As-,ist ant Editor, an 1 Miss-es Frances E. Con- ley anid Eda . otrel f fl c Statesnsanstaffdno 1edon 'n fi in BPeirmantville F'idaiy ans atede thec fair. Edit,r James xihti bis fine cèhpenut carnage terniS, carr-yiug off flic swecepstakes. Mr. andi Mrs. A. C. Chlarîten, Victoria, B.C., visited at Mi-. D. H-all's. Mrs. Charlton (uce Liiida Xnott), iras an Qiono y oung lady, wili left this village about nineteen years ago. Rer liusband ib cm- ployed i the Pestai department at Victoria, and iras a delegate te othe îececnf Postal Convention lielsi at Ottawia.- Mr. Joc, Carscaddýen,-oee cf the old Bon manville IJpper Canada Furniture Co. iboys, noir living in the nerfi country at flic fosn cf Dryden whlene lic is foreman in a ldrgc, lumbcr milI, bas licen liere andi at Liedsay flic past wcek or two buying up a car iea.d or two cf herses te fake back w ith hlm te tlic camp. Mrs. R. C. Cowan ofi our fown is a sister. Mr. Leland Ileeper ef Standard Bank,. Newtonville b'-andchhas been promet-ed ta Neir Hamb erg, Wafcnbe-o Ceunty. and Mn. Cant-on Beer takes bis position at Newten- v ille, being suîocecded licre, iunflic position cof iciler, ýby C. E. Gies cof Saint Clements, Waterloo Ce'îa- f y. LITER1Y NOTE. Contents of Evcry bcdy' s Maga-, zinc for 0O-tolier :-Boy Witl a Sword, fronfispiece; The Bcsst andi the Jungle, by Judge B L.inidey; The Ilncenqtîred. '.crsr', hy Theo- dosia Garrison; Sixteen Miles te Bosn'ell's, a stony, by Grace S. Riclimond; Tic Landi-of Les ely Ladies, by E. Alexander Poirell, F.E. G.S. ; Fathen Fce, Orphan Col- lector, a stoey, hy Caspar Dai ; The Veîîturens, a story, by O. Heny; Thie Cloissone N ase, a story, lii M1ary Stewart Cuffing,; ThWc Herees A' fie Gunnison Tunnel, by A. W. Roiken la Collaboration wifli Day Allen Wiliey; Have We a Na y 1, hy Ambrose Bics-ce; Ricks ef Wall Street, a sfory, by Maximnilian Foster; Littie Talks on Pictures, Il., by Sir Caspar Pardon Clarke, Dis-ector cf the Metropolitan Muse- um cf Fine Ar ts; Painfin.g1-Up a Continent, by Barfon Wc.ed Ciirneý-; Wliat Other Nations Do Witli fhi Old, IL., by Richard Wasliburu Chid; The Faii, a story, hi James Oppenheimer; 'Afterwxard," verso, by Editli M. Tho-pas; Straiglit Talk, Little Steios of Real Life: A .Clianged Vicsv, hy f etters cf a Sm,%ali Boy, VI., by Pauli West; Unden fhe Spreading Chesfnut Tece. Address. xe- bcdy's MIl,legziinc, NeNv York. THIE IIINC'S CuIAPES. Vlie -1ield cf flicFanionsVine at windsor. Tic, fameou, eld vine near Cun- borland Lccige, Windsor Crent Par'k. inirhich tlhe Kig aMi Qcîcen and inenibeis of fie, Royani Famiiy take inuci intcrcst, is beai- îng oe r 500 splendid boncies cf Blick anîlurg grapes thus ear, rriany of the banches being neil o e feue poonds lix elgit. Formerly fie greaf sine, wirhiil s ueaAiy 1450 ens oid, y icîdesi oser 1,400 lunchies, but fle ic ng's gardener lias reduced fhe nuasher iu lafe lears., Last yic'an about s00 banches w esr-e eut foi- fIe royal tables. The qualify of flic grapes tis season is fluer than ever. j The Prlnn-ess cof Wales and soine (:f' her. ,eld,,ren venljci0 i FRON PAIN TO PLEASURE S IlI IN G TRE EXEýREflES OF LIFE IN 0O,ý L DAY. A lisitor to Janalea Tells of Sad Seenes and Pleasat Days. Once I snw tlie, extremnes of bu- mnan pain and pleasure in a singlel day. In th 'e merning I breakfasfcd w ith the medicai officerin i charge of the leper asylum at Spanisli Towna, in Jamaica, and afterwards accom- panied him n bis rounds tbroughý that institution. AIl lepers in the colony are segregatcd'there, onless their frieods ean guaranfen effec- tive private isolation to the au- tborities, sa s n w rilte- in London, Auswiers. Wheu iwe entered the gates, tire lUittle inolatto gii-ls---Jusky, liveby children -if fixe or sxs-nup f0 us, lnuglinig merriiy. One cauiglt liold of the doctor'v a1rm, and gav e huîn a bondi of v hJtit jesamni.-e she liad picked in the garden. Evident- ly lie wns n gi-cnt fav ente- "Good-irnorning, Mabel !" lie said. "Sewliat I've got in my pocket 1" She dived lier liffle liand in, and fourd some sireets. Then tlicy befli scaaipered nway, fiiuinplant. CHTLD-LEPEIS! "Are they-" I began ; but I eould not speak tlie w oid of f hein. 'Yes, tbey are lepers, andi by law tliey must be confined liere. Ris face gicir sery stern and tliouglitful."If ix liard to see nien and womr. cay hi day drs g-1iig out tliis Most inisci-able of lives. But to sece'tliee ýoung children stamp- cd vvifitlite saine coi-e, and te lenoir that in ii ue fhey, fo, c 111 bocono gliastly parodies of liarnan- i- 1 Unle's s e can discover t he cure, I bave'been expenirnent- ing ou tlie n witx a seruin I pre- pnrcd, but tlie resuits, so far, are ot conclusiv e.'" We irent into flic preLty, flowier- bedecked ciapel-flic gift ef an,- Euglislî lady whlo happened to visit the setflement whlen touring in Ja- naia. A negress -was kueeling lie fore the altar in silent pray er, Tlie hands slie clasped sserc alrnost des- tif ute' of fingers; lier upturned face, tliougli terribly niùtilnted by tlie pî-ogress -of fhe leprosy, lad flic sp.iritual beauty of ýone w ho walks anîong fliings unscen. "She w as a deeply religious girl mOiii Oslie carne liere," flic do 'tor wliispered, as wec sent -out into flic hurniuig sunsliine, "and slic bas never cianged." DRAGGLING OUT LIFE. ebanifty, yct somne cf tIc thisaI saxv there cannot liec rîtten dosen. On flie affernoon off bat ssn day I1irent te a garden-party,gie by Lady R1-, flic Goernor' xife, in the beautUlfu greensis cf-r Elngs once au eartlily prds xhieb îouli e lard to eg lcve iu flic tropies. , Wandering along narros, 1io co-veresi pathrays, bctxxeen ug niasses cfbosons ladesibsieas trees coseresi wifh moudrons or-1 chîis, fahhing flic shihe -ef"oe iv ,itli a sw cet-Lacesi girl, wle À liad flic Eugiisli ioom erolic cîcelis, ansi fhe Enghlîli energyi, lier manner, if w-as hard f-ns-clr( fIat, oniy a feir heurs liefoire, ansi a, fci miles aîray, I lad xitnEssed siglifs fIat w oulsi base sasidenesi lie r young Ile for many a day, perbliai for ever. WRERE IGNORANCE IS BLISS.'ý "What a dehiglifful lansi thi 1," sIc exebammesi, as slie buriesi acr face iu a greaf eluster of flic roses flînt niotesi in ýcobor ail arounid us. -Rexv happy allich people secin te, lie--even flic poeresf ýof the ne- 1 respondesi te ber meesi, ansiddsil nu lbest to make bier afferneon en- joyabie. Sic laugliesi ike a liappy-1 chilsi at tlie absurd anties cof a feu- I cf us iu an impromptubulse c.f a gymnkhana ou flic tennis basin Sic debiglitesinlatabking tu, lii iainores, sun-tannesine, ib lad leen l in isi places ansi demie bioody deesis, ihicl heycîf1 sun editcd for lierj lienofif. Slie inspectesi xiti, reserent aiï,rwe flic treasures cof King's Rc sxrf ifs relies cf liy-gene navalbe o svlo umade tflic Empire. SItebit like Charles Kingsley ishe i l ',s itesiflic Wecsf Indues, fliat ailtc IcaL t1 aîd glarner andi reX, c she lied rend. about ansidrea c atout lad corne inte lier h'leAf basf. I do neftlibink I oser sexy mnior sonsan more ranklv.glsA o-ssly happy flan she xwas th- i f teroron. Tie Englisi rex 'n c,t's secýiefy nianner, were cnib ye forgoffen for once. 'Wehh, dean chils,"saisi li;es- fess, wnusea af engfli shc regreit' saisi goosi hie, Ihope ul'ai fad a nice tusse " "'Oh. if is aIl perfectly boas ,cl sIc sigliec. '"I nisb I colsista, Jamaicu for eser i Evens t1i;.s se heautiful liene, ansi ex cîî cee s so hiappy!t" Lady IR-, irlie as ber dl a mmunssfening artgeb arnong thie çop ansi flicsick ansi ftle eufeast, si-; c sadly at me. Lever Brothiers, Toronto, will seud yenï frecc a cake etftiacir fameux Plntolýý follet soap, if yen mention tus iýfr. THE MINER'S V. C. ilst ýthere isa N Vi I-f,ct C,_s -ýl 1 1 4? .or a ]oungingr place to bc delightfttlly ori,4inA1 mrist partake of the orientai in Ecrne way. UBR1 iNSG ü 0rW ù Our full lines of new and r p-to date f urniture spcc'ion. llow about -anew couel ? We hva ltn for yuui75 thtcannot bc surpassed. Undertaking cevs rmtn personal attention day or nigbt andi ie do not make aniy extra charge for distance. 4 PIHOXE 58. SALAN, M.LIAS Phone 58 - BOWMAN VILLE.

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