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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1909, p. 4

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B0VM VI E SEPT 3) 19ý) CANADA'S SCENIC BEAUTY. By Fo,,ter Ferguson, -Enfied, Ont. WLile reading with interest corneO theititers recontly published by you0 tral àabroad the t.hought occurred te L thnf thîe beautiful scerery of eur Ow native country ie altogether tee unfair iliar to miost Of tu' -ex ou by description. It ie a fact of which we, as Canadiai are justly proud, that the land wherew were born- cal, beast sorne of the fime and rnost varied sceuery te bc fouiîd arj where. XVe have been told this repea edly by tourists frori other countri( wbo have visited our National Park, an their opinion carnies -oweight ioasmuchï they have in nany caaes vie - ed th grandeur of the Alps, hitherto suppose to bc the beet that could be seen. Taes for exarople, one, anti byr means the gfreateet, of the scores Of a tractions at the Park, viz, a c.lirnbu Suiphur Mý,ountain to Observatory peal Ws wili dispense with the uncertai buckskiu brouco and hie stock-slddl( and instead use "'walker's bus, wýhicb far as viowing the landecape ie concerne is the btter way. We 1ave the Bowevaley [ýbout 7 p1 and the ijscent iili occupy at ieast tw hours' difficuit clinibing. As we turnt right from the C P Il sommer hotel, wit its rornantic situation ou an erninenc above the Sprey River, the trail begin with a graduai incline, and following it windings for *more than a mile, the Hl Springs are reachied. Our time wili onI permit a glance iu the dîirection of G-rand view villa at the top of that rustie stair Vile tuom for a momnt to watch r]h bathers disport themiseiî'es in the swim iiing pools, thon scramble up the barl to, dip our biauds in the hot suiphur wate as itgushes fîom the rock at oui feet Aud now boginsthe clirnb in carnest A foot patb interseets the wiudingso the trail and by ineaus of it we are abl to work our way up a fow hundred Lee at a time In the course of an hour affer repeated rosis, the halfway sprirý le reached, andi uature's own methodo qoienching our thirst je resorted toeLU there je ne vesse1 of any kind availabie Buît we muet inake haste for already th( valleye bsbsadow and we want te se( the sunset effect from the suirnit. A senîî-eof weaiues. steals, vertus, s with nothing left but the "do or de determination of au Arctic explorer, w( push bravely on and up. Oh ! that turr revealed a glimpse of the Observatory, and now the liue of vegetation je passed rocks gray and bare giet us on ever3 hand. The summit being gained w( sýtand in, plain view of the object of oui search sud rapidly crossing the iuterven. iug space we are beside the brown stonE building where hundreds have boer before us as shown by the numerow names inscribed over the entire availablE space on door and every wooden portiol of the structure. No danger that oui, shall net 'adomn the venerable place." The altitude is 8,000 feet aod the rarity of the atmosphere at that height giveý one an indescribable feeling of freedom, a desire te do sornething unusual and impossible. Net a sound breaks i upou the solernn stilinese of the oveniug air flot even song of bird or cirp of inseel, and over us cornes 1 à,couse of insignif- cance and awo as we gaze upon tho rugged grandeur of the scene. Parallel with the Suiphur range, to the west, ic Ithe Bourgeau, similar in almeet every respect and divided bya deep valley growu thick with fir and jack pine which, by t.he way, is pretected by law. Those barmen rocky peaks which rise abruptly, apparently se closeý te us, beiong te Mt. Rudie, yet though they seem se near the distance couid be mecss ured in miles. Notice yen silver strea] on the aimoet perpendicular face of the mountain te the uorth, It je a cascade, turnbiing down for more than 2000 foot, which eventually loses iteelf in a subter- ranean cave at the base. Aise that mest inivisible smoke rising juet beyond is from thse Bankhead -ceai mine, which is unique in that it is operiited on the lovel without perpendicular shafte Stijl far- ther in thse same direction, the eovoning sun je piaciug a crimson hue upon the emeraid surface of-Lake Minuewanka (i.e Devil's waters), a lo ng uarrow lake foc by tIse-melting snow above. Thse C P R3 train, west bound, jesiowiy forcing its way up the winding vaiiey past thse Buffalo park with its herd of buffalo, eik and anoose, te thse red bungalow station where it wiii possibiy unioad pascongers froîx other cotinents who have crossed the ocean tu expjlore this enowîîud epleudor. Wc can scli faintly trace the winding Iiow and Sprey rivers to where they jeir beiow thse falis, whose muflled roar has excepting Itahy's surnny skies or, the Alps FOR FLETCHER'S CA STO(IDR lA TiHE PRESS WIsen erdering yonr readiug matti for 1910 incînde Toronto Saturday Nigli ini your list of jounauss. I is a higli dlace Canadian Society weekiy pnbiished einl Sautrday Night Building, Toronto. onSend fer s sample cepy. us We eongratulatc Bren. S, Cuiteli on vu tIse very uewey township weekly uews. Spaper lie publisbes-TIse Orono News, lt le very popular ln Clarke sud lu facl fer beyeud tIse boande ef that saunici. ns paiity. Crono sud Clarke people arE wO very loyal te The News and they hav. est geed reasen te be for thons are few mon( iy- inieresting newspspes of et icsize lu thi, at- Province. ndTHE EDITOR TALKS. as ,ed We have long condemued teachers oJ yeung children for assiguing home wen]i Door studying ai homo ai nighi. If tesch. at0 ors ot junior casses would teach theii t classes insteadi et 'Iearing" tho.n. as sE Pmarty do iheons wortid bo e n eed -fei .' moihers, cousins and soute doing tIse Lin ieaching et bonms on auits aiiotted by e, tIse teacters. We read wvith great satis- 5faction au editomiai in Thse Toont, ed Wold ou barbamous home work., Hoe k au oxcempi: "Scuxe day thero xiii ho n written law tIsai childreu shah net hi vo given home work. Homo werk is euelty 10 te chiidreîî and an indication tIsai the itI teachor w-ho givos it is incempeteni 'ce TIsai hooks like a wide tatemeut, but ýn our exporieuce is tIsaitIsheacis bear it te oui. No firat-ciase teacher neede te give lut homo womk. No firsirate echool principal hy xiii toierate tIse abomination et bome id- work. No educatîcual eystem tIsaiin- r. dodoes homne work as part cf ius impedi7 lie mointa is of tIse firsi order. No scho m- board tIsai stands for home wemk Lknows k its businss. or Business mou as a ciscs live strenueus tlives. TIsey do net mean te but they do se thoughtiessly. I is net ueceasamy -to of take long or exponeive Isoidays. Indeeti, le wo are in doubt whether much of tIse ýet travellingy doue for reet and recopematien r, is reaily IseaitIs-giving One becomes g educated by travel anîd it broadens oue's Of outlook on tIse world-om these il is ex- or cellent. -But theno aie kinds et recres- O.- tien and relaxation frein wommy sud came ho of business tIsailis, reaily contribuiary ce le t nb ersnaiyxvclsstina bowling te ho tIse best exorcise in oun so case-it is a mns' gaine, net stronueus a"but iucpiring sud invigomating. For e prefessional and business meu it is very nr apprepriate sud enjoyabie. Another y, suggestion along ibis lino is made in thse d, coment number efthtIe Canadian iHard- ry ware journal which cays- Wie heieve tIse o, practice of meu gttiug togethor in s Ir social way should hoeucouraged. Busi- n- noe in thesoe treunous days demandese emuch et s man tIsai ho is apt te grew ,n ruaty in tihe arnities of social inter- e course sirnphy through lack et exercice, e ofien tIse resuit et a delusion htIsaie has )n net urne. We grow brighter by contact rs with oun feliows, sud tew mon et affaire cen taik five minutes ou a srieus subjeet -y without dropping a thoughi orn two well worth cheiishing. id WVEST DURHAM BOYS r, We have juet neceived a report efthtIe t, Methodiet cnurcb, Brant- - tond, sud observe witb great pieaure ýd that ibres D-alingion boys are promu- rient a meng thse officiels lu thse activities JOtof tc churcb Firet comes Mn. W. G. .n Rautan. brother et Mrs Chester Power, Mapie Grove, who ig a very active work- ca luI al depatinents efthtIe chanci, a ýdwarut supporter efthtIe Laymeu's Mis- d slonary Movement, aud. until tIse death ýh et lis wife aset Christmnas, fer yeana 3, taugbi A very lange Bible Cias lu cou- y uemilon witb t"se Suaday ScIsool, sud is e; t present Recendinig Steward anti k Assoclate Suuday ScIsool Superinten- se dent, Mr. A L. Vaustone evIdeutly taites great lutereet lu sud lieantily suDpents ail the charch enterprises, jes teacher ct No. 1 Bible Claqs, týecretary c-t the f ractee Board, Aaslstant Snnday Scheel Sixpernteuclont, Steward sud M Member of the Puipit Suppiy Commuttes. Mn. D. H. Ceaies, B. A., Matbematical Master efthtIe Cllegiate Institute, le Treasaren efthmIe MIssiouany Board, 9 Steward, Chainman et Boarci et Ushens, e- sud bas senveti terme iu office as Assist- eut Snnday Scheel Supeintendent sud iChancIs Auditor. Mesdames Vanstone ansd Coates are bath members et Execa- i tives cf thse Ladies' Aid aud Womau'c 9Mislonary Society, lu wbicis tbey are 1boili active sud enthusiastiz wonksrs. G OOD FARMERS' FAIR. .Editorial in Toronto Wrd Î, As a pansly ceunty agnîcultural tain, Bowmanville bas tIse reputation et tak- lng, if net tIse cake, a big elles off thse fplate. TIse diretors, wbo do not look to tehIe to wn fan much aid, bave taken -censiderable pains ta cultivate tise agri- i cultural elde These uccess et their For Infante anid Childreon. Them Kind you Hiave Always Bought Dears the Signature e' jTHIE LATE SAMUEL EVERSON. rWee p netL that bis teille eover, it Weep fnot that hie race le rua, h God grant we may reEt as sweetiy d W ben our work like bie le donc. Pour menthe ago or pnebeblv less Samuel Evereon cf Souths Darlington n was one et the meet vigenons sud lies] g- tby leokiisgoet armere. Suudayastucs noon lest clitIsai was mortel cf bis Swas laid lieneath tIse greeuswerd em- -bauked wilh-choiceet fierai tributes in -a Bowvmanv illb'è beantitul city ofthtIe dead. ,0 About twe menthe ago lie uuderwent .au operation in Toronto Gatterai Hlos- [s pital for some internai aliment aua aithe the surgeons prenuanced the operation very succestul bis streugu] declined gradaally lu spite et aIl tIsa medical skili and kind off ices ot trainsi nurses ceuld do, sud he eank peacefuli: )f to eternal test on Thursday atterucon, Ssanrounded bv dear oee. Samuel Everson was yoangest sur- [r vling son et the late Robont Evereou oand succeeded te tIse Homsstead, now kuown as Maple Ciiff oee f tic bast ferme iul-Durham Couinty, 11-Hénecently bailt a maguificent faim nesidence and y bad turnisiued it tbroughout wilh a vlcv -te conifent sud couvenienc! Ise andi wife expectiing te speud min,; happy day. Stegetben-îhey have ne femily but ai a eîhep!ed danghter. lloly Wriisas athat tiss praposes and God disposes. Y Se it was lu tbis casc-when they bac e about accomplished wbat tIsey lied set their lie ,nîs upon lu pnevidlng anc i tumnlsblug thein earthlv home, the ýt Father called the strouger memben anc eprotoctor te "ItIseberne not made with hentisetemual lu tIse heavens." lBt wife who survives wse only daughter ef the laie Mn. sud Mne. Richard Grills. We eau tra]y say ibat lu tIse deeth ef Ssmuel Everson a geod mani bas falait, sfor bo was onset eartb's true neblemeu. Fie was a mans et msny parts andi, as oie ofutbie neiglibors remanlted te as, was a leader lnurchcsnsd Suday Seheol work andi apparently could liadly bs spaned frontIshe community. Ai. thoaiIs lie d botwesu two and ilirsi amiles fromt Ebenezen charcb lie wassa ifaitbtul sud wIllllng officiai sud worker 3andt could alwa' s be dependeti upon te libe aitIshe post et daty sud te do bis fa]] ahane efthme work lie was a mean of exempiany cliaracter and ever prefenned peace te contention suddcii ifs Bfe was a man et decidezi convictions sud niait Lloyal te pniaciple in mettons amali as cretie on domineening, Ile was.peesessed et practical ideas bence bis opinion on msuy mettons was treqasntly soaght. How mach tIse cemmunuty owec te bui sudndsncb as Ise h le impossible te cati- 1mate. Bat he le gene sud anether nptme ls stnricken frein thse ver-issseulug roll et Dariington'c wenthy sous, a loving wîts lu Use menîdîsu et life, e ieveiy adepted dangbten and a iouely home are loft to atue8t bow mach be wil l e inissed. Yet lu snch a death, as Rev. Jas. Barnes. bis pastor, said ai bis fant- crai, thens le neahly ne cause ton grief, for hie lite bad beau trulif ut lu goed works sud ho bas tain dewu te rest. Tîreti! ahi, ses se tined, dean, 1 shahl soudly sloep te night, W'th neyer a tineani aud neyer a tsear, Te wake lu the mrnug light. Net fer hlm beaurntsars, but rallier let us cnewn his grave with garlande. The f unerai was beld Sanday af ter- neen te Bowunanville cem8ery sud wae tIse langeai ceeu lu South D..nington ton mauy a'day, Misa Martel Pentoui sang veny sweetly "iWben the Sun Goeth Dowve 1 snd Mn. F tank Waltcr that beantitul bymn, ',FË&ce te Face', snd both sang nlceiy sud with feeling expression. Thse servies was conduc"ed by 11ev Jeos Bannes, B. A , who said deceased lied exprecsed s w]eh tIsai nothing be said about bis lite work. Fierai tnibates were exceediugly liesatifui, lnclading s beauitul desgu-an open bocok witb a white dove Isoverng even it-trom Ebonuezer Blb'e Cliiss; au immense anchon frent Mn. John Orills anti famlly, Englebait, a wreatb front Mn. T. Hl. Everson sud sisters; a piilow front Mne. Everson sud Mies Elele Grlîls; bouquets treni Mnc. James sund Miss Maud Squireesud Mr. A. J . Ceunticessud wite; star froni Mr. Relit. Coanîlce sud tamil, eant troin the Misses Ellilot, Whutby, Thse pal1 bearers *are: Messrs Frank Evenson,, Wm Suowdon, Milteu Gay, Leopold Ceunties, Stanfley Everson sud Wm. Grille. Flewen bearers: Blake CoUtintce, Geao. F. Aunns and Frank Rudle. Till thon weuld yleld with gladuese Oun loved oue te God te keep And nejoice In the siveet aissuranrce, He giveth is beioved sloop. MINISTERS AND CHUROHES., MethodIst Sunday Scho.alyesn Oct, 8rd. Mn. AG, Yuuga studeut ef Vic- Wo0% Cilege, Tenante, gaïe au ïlis rnated adIdrAss eou "Strang-ens Wltbîn 01ar Gaies" ai the Leagas meeting Mor-dey eveulng lu the Metisediet clinrcb. Ho refered te the thoasands et torelgulene who are coming luto our lard, tlieir iueed ef Cbnstiaulty sud oun duty lu seeking te Malte tbem go Canadians and extending te thera the gospel. lIse lantern views were gond. A duct was nicely saung by Misses Dud" lev and Pollatd and a sole by Mies Ethel L. VanNe et Premident Loveli presided and Paster Gaibutt closed with the 3s betnediction. Subj"ct fer next meeting, n "Echoes troem Chemeng." Good musi- 1cal pregrain, ni Mrs Crochker, Toronto, le vlsiting Mrs l.A J Staiter. it Mrs A J Logan ls visiting ber parents et Chatham. Mr Rupert Mrrow, Toronito, Sun- h dayed witb bis parente. tt Rev H T Lewis, B A, recently visite, d hie wite aud chil dren ai Bobcaygeen Y' Arthur Brent and wlfe. Tyrone, were 1,gueste et ber sister, Mre 8 J Ceurtice. Miss JeÊsie Derry bas returned borme -te, Kingston alter a pisasant % isit with u ber ut, Mârs W D Muekier. w' Hospital, Auxiliary realizad about $t 300-1frm- T,Ïg-Day-a.nd, 8100--hon y refreshment boetb et the Fair. d ~,Rev A C Crews, É,ditor Suday Scbool Speriodicais, preached excellent sermons Sand addressd Simce et Saniday Scho b'unday hast. sBoards et Management of tewn 3ch'arches are uuitinz ln an effort to i suppress gambiing which bas geinci ýt such a bold on toe mauy youug men. d Friende Dt Mr T Curtis and famlly 0 deeply smmpathiza with them n uthe d early decease of Gý rden, tIse yeungest àson and brether aged fifteen yeers, who 5 paesed away hast Saturday atter ai f peratien fer appendicitie, white ena visit te bis sister, Mre ISimpson, at ýf Nlewmarkiet, A bigb cases concert under, auspices et Children'e Aid Scciety was given in sPresbyterian Cbuircb Monday vecun 1 ud was largely attended. Artiste were YMme Lillian Ptackett, Misses Doroth- VHenveui, M Dilion, M Ford and P .Ward, Masoiaie Quartette and Messrs LEd J Pul R Pete, Robertson, Puckstt, à Rogan and R Beuderson wboeenaines rou any progrsm wenid bc a safficient zuarautes cf its excellence. Mrs Lit- launPucktt, contralco, late et bondon, fEnz, bas preved bersoîf qatte an ac- 1quisition te tIse musical circles cf oas 3town. Accompeniets were, Misses M LDior, Ethel Kirby; vînlin, Messrs 3Ch;rsdale, Pucketi, and Mn Bd J Pull, conuctor. VANCOUVER. bEAITLF, PORTLANiD, SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES, SAN DIEGO. Redaced one wsy, second dlassecolon- let rates lu effeet dalily ntil October 15tIs. freni ail stations ln Ontario te above and other- Pacifie Coasti points, vlàs Grand Trnnk Raihwav Systemn Securû tickets sud further information from any Agent et thse Grand Trunk. jury & Loveil, Town Agents. JEFFERY'S $15 SUITS. Have yen reethtIe elegant lmported Fai Suitîngs joseph iJeffrev & son are makInZ up te order for 815 ? The? are stylieli goodeý - worsted and tweeds - and wiliI be made uo, equal tta the beît. Firet classworkrnansb1ip ls well knowu festare et Star Housessuite, -Young men, middle-agcd snd eIder are invlted te cali and cee these pepalar $15 Fait suite. Yen neyer saw beLter bargains for this price, quallty and work censid- ered. Caîl as eariy as possiible as thora wili be a rush for t bes suite ai thle pnice j AUOT1021 SALES Get year sa-lu bille printed at (bis office aud get a free notice in The James' Papers. THUReSDAY, SEPr 80-Mrs 0 Frank, LUenceealen. St, Bowmsuville, wili soli alet ber houaheold turniture and tarnishinga. Seo bille- Sale at 1 p m. L A W T'oLE, auctioneer. FRIDAY, 00cTl1-Thse execaters et the late Wm T Stacey, lot 15 con 9. Dar- llngton, will seii al ci bis tarm stock, implements, ete; aIso thse tarm con- taining 50 acres. For terme sec blles Sale at 1 L'ick A W ToLB, aue- tionen. SATURDAY, 0cr 2-Mr Ga E Mayuard, Ontario Street, Bownaanvillls, will soit hie honsebold farnIshinge conisting et parier dinine rooni, kitchenansd hedroom furviture. Sec bille, Sale et 1 p m. L A. W ToLa, auctioneen. MOErqsD,à 0evcý 4-H A Farrow wili scli by auction on lot 17, con 1, Darllng- ton, aIl bis valuabie tanm stock and implements, etc. Sale at 1 p ài sharp, Seo bille. Fanm bas been let for a terni ef years. L A W Torm., auc. tioneer. TurEszDÂY, Our 5-Mn W H Sharpe, lot 8, con .1, Bowmanville, will soii by auction ah eof bis tanm stock, implem- About October -15 -Mr R9)bt Nýesbiti, lot 22, con, Derliigton, will offer for siale the whole et bis tsrym stock and iniplerents se bIlefor paticalars .1 A Telský uctioneen. WRmmSNEDAY, CCT 20-Mn Robert Fie:d~ lug, lot 9, con 2, Danhington, wiilli ail of bis terni stock. impfements, hav, l moots, etc. Sais eut ic"ck, SEo bille. L A WTOEautne. You may corne here and select material for your'new Fali gown and know thit Von are, getting what is Up to tIse minute in fabrics and e3lerings, Our stock is well assorted in the newest weaves in plain and fancy materiais. Perhap3_yeu have -made- np-your -mmnd-to purehase -materi-al- for your-new fal gown in someofethte big city stores. Well, before yen go wecordially invite yen to visit us and Eee our splendid assortment. Now le the time to buy, our stock is complete. Ricli New Fabrios. Black and colored Ottoman cloth, thse ieadling fabrie this season for amart stylish gowns, rich and dressy in appe hrance; per yard...................... $1.00 Broadolotlis and Ycnotians. New French broadeloth and Venetian cioth in black and leading shades abso- lutely fast dye, unshrinkable, for stylish Suite, per yard...... 1,00 anld 1.25~ <Oorduroy Velvot. New Corduroy velvet ln shades ef white, cardinal, brown, myrtie, etc, stylish for ladies' suite and children's wear, per yard ................ ...........50e Silk Yolots and Volveteons Peautilul new velvets and velveteens, assorteci colors and qualities suitable for dresses and trimmings, per yd 50o te 1.25 New Silkse Exclusive styles in new fancy ilîke, assorted in the latest celer effeets, The new heavy corded siliksfor blouses ex- ceptionally handsome with their bright lustrous finish and perfect weave, Dont -l-ai-i-to -see--them if-yon want--tle-newes-t- and best, Black Taffeta silk (wear guaranteed) chiffon finish, durable quaiity for blouses or gowns, per yard ...75e and 61.00 Thesc CoolNights remind us of Blankot Tille We are prepared for a large blanket business this season, Our very extensive stock of pure wooi and flannelette blank- ets wiil interest yen at this time, espec- ially our range of Canadian and Scotch makes, fulil weight, large sizes and super- fine qualities. Prices from $3.00 te $8.00 a pair. McMurtry, & Co, Limited, III (JET THIE BEST, IT PAYS One echool that sad at tIse head in Thoroughness, Popuiarity, and Genuine Menit isetIse Torolito, Ont.,i ~ I en y a are patronage beeanse ils supxio wok i 0 weIi known. Get your tralai.1 here,7- aud enwiii be sailsfied. Ail grautes ASiiy get positions. Caralogue frs tne c W. cor. yolige and Aix- aund!r Sts. W. J, EIIiott, Principal C. P. R. Steamers, Atlantic Service, Froni Montreal and Quebec. From Liverpool,, Ocàt. 2 Lake chismlainSet5 Ot8 Empress of Britain Sept2 Oct. 15 Lake Er ie Sept 2" Oct. 2-2 Einprese of Ireleoil Oct. 8 Oct, S0 Lake Map.itoba Out 18 Nov 5 Eress 089 f Bitain Oct 22 Nov, 12 Lakçe cisampflain O0.2 NoV, 195 :mpres2 of inelanil Nov AIl Steamlers eluil)Ped w1tis Wireiesgsud al conveniene ferie eafety andl eomfo5rt 0f pa'sg- eer.Ailà t m ùàcrry third clas page-, To b0ck or fer further Information ne- earding oýur steamers apply te tise nea-est c, a aent or S. J. Sap 1Yenge Stret Toronto.1 * iBOW14ANVIILLE -AGEN£3', Executors' Micton Sale 1JIN ite Star'-Donilof ROYAL MAIL 5TEAMSPE1PS of valuable farmn property LUENIMEGANTIC and chattels. Largest and mostsmodern steamners on St. Law- builders' art; passeugers elevator servlur, four Under instructions from thse oxecutors docks Every detaîor comfort sud luxury of of' the wisu of WILLIAM T. 2STA CE i present day travel wil li e faunil on tiseâ. there will be sold by public auetion at tae, his late residence on lot 15,. con. 9, Mentreai Quebec Liverpool Darlinglon, on Canada.sept. 25 Oct. 30 Lauerýie... Oet 2 Nov s Friday October, ist 1909, Dmiio . Ot Nov. 20 At eue o'cloek sharp, thse farii n d farn stock Oeanta.... Oct. 23 Nv.i consletiiig of heres, caifle, liogs, sud, îm- taa c. Plements. For particulars sec posters. Thse opular steamer "'CANADA" is THE FAI.M aiso again ecieduled te carry three classes of passengers. Wbile tihe fast steamer 1-OT-, -Al sud sîngular 50 acres more on TAWA"ftnd thse comafortable steamer-DOMIN- less a Parr, of lot 15 con, 9, Darlington; descrlbed ION" as ene class cabin steamers tealleil as, -Vomrneing au S, W. angle of said lot, Second Olass] are very attractive, at moderato thence N.e 70' essi 8 ch. 5 1kg. more or legs along rates. Third elas carrled on ail steamers. thse gotheru boundary of saîd lot 'te a post See plans sud rates at local agents, or planteA; thence N,12r W,.56ceh. 35 1kg. more or OomPany s Offices. lttaaohr post; thence N. a£ i. 1 ceh. 25 liks. For ail information appiy te more or legsete anether pc et; thence N. 352 E. 3 cli.6Isete anoilier posi; thence N. 1' ES eh. M. .J get 42 1kg. mor&, or legste anothen post; tisence N.JA E , gnL le E. 4 ch. 64 Iks. more or legs te anoiber post; tisence N. 15' B 4 eh. 64 lits. more or legs ta an other pGt; theueN, Io' W. 4 eh.,64 lks. teaea edrtree; ibence N. 55ý E. 5 eh. 801Jkg. moe or * u i ji i i i lsthie easseru bausudany 0f said lot; tiseue z N.16 W. along safd sasteru boundaryllih. 75 EAf1U -d U i 1kg. more or lemsthence S. 74'W. eche.more or legs te tise western boundary of said lot; theuce S. 16E. along satd western boundary 34 chs . A1.7, 1kg, more or legs te tiseS. W. angle of said lot ~e m r tise place of beginnlug, AU I U neI4iIAler On thbe farm are said te bcs: a 1c Storey frnime S T. LAWRENCES1LNS dwelllug bouse 18 X 24 wlîh additions Si x 23C >tgiiJ frameasabls1 x n ud2 0, sud x 5, dri 2 RECORD PASSAGE-The Turbine S. S. Vie- lieuse iS x 24, about 9 ac-es f good limbe tra sqmil iefsei asg nrs edar. semlo k. br hudlad oo ; a arI o rdi b tween Lverp o sud liontreal, s cleared and a-able; 6sacres of pasture ilu ; d asy8, 15 isours, 3 minutes. good weli;a neyer fai[iugstrcam;a faim orcliard. MO10NTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. 01 as; alemsof iùau ovr,12 o thý' jji'gjnaj_'..-------..oct. 8...... ..O 52 credît on approveil notes. triu.....Oct 15. ... Nov. il TEM STO FA1R2M:-Plow peesessio Arn- (Jor2ia c.2 - o,1 rnditý,I ate ais, sud fulposession De- O TRA Oet.L2A NoGQ 1 Ccemben set4 next. V1Il',of purclisse monley. ouL lINRALT Le day of sale, balance luin 39 days tliereafter, wltb- Grainpian.....Oct. 2. .. '_Oct. Se eout Inteiest. The purcisaser au arrange if lie reoan- --Oct, 9---------_Nov. s wilie e av 9~rs fth pndss mne -o esperlan.........O (et. 1 ......... Nov. 1.3 tiS se.ulity of a mnorigageo0f itie preiges for OL-1ta........ ... Oet. 25-------Nov,.0~ a îem nt ecceiegsevn yarsbearingîLu- . a tenest at 5% p1er aULUrn s Raie ofrassages Thse pnoper-ty wlll lie offered for, gale subjeet According te Steamner. te a, reserved bld, sud furtisar sud ottisen cou. ditieus wilIl be made knowu at tIe sale or euC Cal s . $750... 7.50.55%7."0. be obtained o ou applicatiin te thse undersigeed 12o .$5 0..4.0anl5.( soliciton. Srd z-27 5S...- L, A. W. Tole, D. B. Sinipson, o) alelr fslig u ae e Auctiouecr Se!i(dIt'ir for VendelrF. A.J nes JDateil September 7th 1101W lwAllaa bie e nt, owmanvlhle Black sud colore c Prunella cioth, plain and shadow stripe effeet, beautitul satin finish, a meat, distinguished sud dressy material, per yd.,. .50c, 75c, $1,00 . .......... ammemmma 1

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