DURHAM FAIR PRIZE LIST (Concluded from another page.) ILOW ERS. Judge-A. Berber. Greenhouse Plants-S. J. Jack- Maan. Wýin.dow Plants-S. J. Jackman. Dahlias-S. J. Jacknian, A. H. A, Fletcher., Balsaams-S. J. Jackman. Stocks-G. H. Richardts, A. H. A. FI' etcher. Asîters-A. H. A. Fletcher, S. J. Verboasa-G. Il. Richards, S. J. Jackman. }'ansies-R. Percy, A. 111. A. Fletcher. Petunias, single-S. J. Jackman, Mrs. Joness. Petunias, double -S. J. Jack- man, .R. Jackman. Salpiglossis-S. J. Jaek-mr,an. Phlox Drummorsdii-A. H. A. FthrS. J. Jackman. Pinks, singfle-A. H. A. Fletcher, S. J.Jacknsan. Piniks, douïble-S. J. Jackman, A. H. A. Fletcher, S. J, Jackman. Cut ,Flowers-S. J, Jackmnan. EselasingFlowers-15. J. Jack- mail. Zinïias-S. J. Jackmnn, A. H. A. Fletcher. 1 French Marigolds-A,. H. A. Fletcher, Fb'. Morris, African Marigokis-S. J. Jack- man, A. H. A. Fletcher. Gladiolus-S. J. Jackman, A. H. A. Fletcher. l3apdragons-R. Jaïckman, S. J. Jackhani. Carnations - E C. Bernain, A. H. A. Fletcher. BegoniiasE. C. Beman, S. J. Jackmran. Nasturtiunm-Mre. Joness, S. J. Jackman. Double Geraiums-Geo. Vareoe. Single Geraniums-Geo. Varcoe. B3.].asas-S. J. Jackinan. Fuci(hsia-S. J. JacIdian, A.THLA. 13rngmansia-S. J. Jackman, R. Ja.ckrnan. Fers-J. A. McCllan, S. J. Jackmnn. Speci-ren Plant-S. J. Jackman, M. Dustan. llanging Basket-S. J. Jackrnan, R. jackman-. Table Bouquet-A1. H. A. Flet- ,cher, S. J. Jackman. Hand Bouquet-A. H. A. Flet- cher, S. J. Jackman. Floral Basket-A, H. A. Flet- cher. Roy Jnckman. -Floral Design-,S. J. Jackman, R. Jackman. LADIES' DEPARTME'NT. Judge-Miss Magson, Toronto. Coll. Fancy Work-Miss Belle Allen, Mrs. R. F. Clemence. Hardanger Work-Mrs, R. F. Clemence, Miss F. Vaun. Enlish. Eyeiet Embroidlery-Mrs. T. Fercy, IL Morris. Table Cloth andl Napkius, eni- hroidred Mrs. T. Perecy. Table Cover, err.roidered and Doylic' Mrs. T. Perey, Jean. Ad- anIs. Bedrocm Towels, vil i - ertion- Mrs. A. E. Clernens, R. Percy. Sofa Pillow, stamped-B. G. Al- len, M. DLstan. Sofa. Pillow,, any other kind - Mrs. T. Perey. B. G. Allen. Sofa Pillow, steircilled Mrs. T. Pe ,B, . Allen. PoinALacuFoeneCIe iens, Mrs. R. F.Cemn. TableCx r colord-R. Percy, B. G. Allen. flrýwiftlin (or Tene-riffe Lace Mrs. T. Percy, Mrs. John Gaud. R.11oion Lace-Mrs. T. Percy. Battenh1ierg Lace-INrs. R. F. Clemen£, Q. Young. Traà- C1o-th, eiroidered - Mrs, T. Per, Mrs. M. Wilkins. Tray loth,4ý,rwn work-Mrs. John Joe, Mrs. L>T. Percy. Shadow Emoir-M E. JO- ncss. Erabroidery on White Cotton - E. McClellan, G. Young. I~OI~ BCKACHE sCAc JRiy Ir Jnudgc -W. Ctts, Toronto.. Oul Painting, portrait--E. Wad- eIAnnie Irwin. 0'i1 Palinting, figure-E. Waddell, Ou Pniting, arine,-E. Wd dcl, . orr-is. Cnit-ont Embroidery-E. Morris, Mrs. T. Percy. Waliachian Ernroidery'-Maudo Knighit, Floroee Vaun. Irish Crochet, how tie-Mrs. T. Peejean ALdams,. Emhnbr oiîde red Centrepiece with net-B. G. Allen, M. Dustan. Emhroid-ero S' 'hirt-waist, oýye- lets-Mrs. T. _Pcrci, Mrs. M. Wil- kins. Lndy's Cotton Shirt Waist-B. G. Alleni, Mrs. T. Percy. Corset Coi-or, embroidered - Mrs. T. Percy, M. E. Joncss. Corset Cover, crochet 1ýoke -E. MeClellan, A. Poroy. Drawn Thread Work ,Mrs. T. Percy, R. Percy., Coronation Bra d Xork-Belle G. Allen. Outline Work, iu silk-Jean Ad- ams, B. G. Allen. Outline Work, la linea or cotton -B. G. Allen, Jean Adamss. Sidehoard Scarf, whit-e linon- Mrs. Jas. Knight, M. E. Jones. Drossinig-table Cover, enmbroider- ed-Mrs. T. Perey. Fancy Pin Cushien-Býelle Allen, Jean Adams. Eclesiastical Work-Mrs. R. F. Clernence, Mrs. M. Wilkins. T-ca Cosey B. G. Allen,, Mrs. T. Perey. Tea Ccsey, wool-Mrs. H. Coop- er, Mrs, T. Perey. Piilow Shams-Mrs. T. Percy, Mrs. J. Joncs. Five 'clock Tea. Clot-h - Mrs. T. Perey, Mrs. R. F. Clemence. Faacy Work Bag-Mrs. J. W. ISparliag,. E. MeClellan. Set Toilet Mats-Jean Adamis, Mrs. T. Peroy. Table Mats-Mrs. H. Cooper, F. \aIa. Wool Afghan-G. Young, Mrs. R. F.Clemence. Fancy Apron-Mrs. T. Percy, F. Va nu. 1Wiskholdr-E. Morris, Mrs. Gaud. Hemstitching-B. G. Allen, Mrs. Perey., Haadmade Work Basket- Mrs. Fanicy HTan-dlcrchief Article -F. Vaun, Mrs. J. Jo ncs. Beadwork-Mrs. M. Wilkins. Braidwork-Miss A. Perey. Brniding, soutache-G. Y onng, Mrs. T. Perey. Irish Croehet-VIrs. J. Joncs, Mrs. T. Perey. Berli-n-Uool Work-M. Dastan, Mrs- McGilI. Bedro-om Slippers-E. McClellaa, Mrs. Sparling. Infant's Boto and Jacket -E., McClellan, Mrs. T. Percy. Faney -Kn1ittiag Cotton, eoars- A. Percy, Ms J. M. Jones. Faacy Knittiag, cottois., fine - M.-rs. Jones, A. e-. Faacy Kaitting with Wool-Mrs. Jouess, Jean Adams. - ,Crochet, with ocotton-1Mrs. Cl-e- mence, E. McCl-o'llan. Crochet, with ,incn-Mrs. M. 'Wilkins, F. Vaun. Crochet, with wool A. Percy, E. MocClellan. Crochet, with silk Mrs. Wilkins. Wool Wrap-E. McClellan, A. Perey. Crochet Work and Braid-Annie Allia, E. MoCîcîa. Ladies Underlothing-M. E. Joness, Mrs. MeGili. Fancy Raad-made Handkerohief s -B. G. Allen, Mrs. Cooper. Table Centre in ýcolored linen- B. G. Allen, G. Young. Fancywork by Lady over 85 years -Mrs. James Knight. Fan-cywork hy Girl under 14 ycars-EdanSnowd-ea. Laudies' Collar', hand-mnade-A15 nie Irwiîs, Mrs. T. Percy. DECORATIVE A'ND CONSTRUC- TIVE ART. Judge-W. Cutts, Toronto. Coll. China Paintiwg-E. Morris, M. Morris. Bread an-d Butter Plates-Mrs. M. Wilkins, H. Morris- Burnt Leat-hor Work-Jeaii Ad- ams (2). Goil. Barat Wrk-Hâ. Morris, E. M or ris. Hand- palnted 5 O'clock Ton. Set -E. Morris, H. Morris. Burat Leather117r-E1 oris Oul Painting, original Canadian inarne-E. Waddell, Annie Ira su. 011l Painting, original Canadian landscape-E. Waddell, Anale Jr- Oil Painting, landscape-Annme Irwin, H. Morris. 011 Painting, fruit-E. Morris, H-. Morris. 011 Painting, flowcrs-H. Mor- ris, Annie Ira-m. 011 Painting, original, any snh- jcot-Anaîe Irwin, E. Wnddell. Water Colors, figure-E. Wad- ýdcii Annie Irwia. Watcr Colore, portrait-Anale Irwin, E. Waddell. Water Colors, animal-Anal-o Ir- Wia, E. Morris, Wter Colors, original Ca sadian marine-,.E Morris, E. Waddell. Wator Colors, marine-M. E. Water Coiers, original Canadian anudecape-Annie Irwla, E. Wed- Water Colore, landscape-Annie Irwia, E. Morris. Water Cobors, originel, Bowman- ville scene-H, Morris. Water Colors, fleaers-Annie Ir- -Win, E.__Morris._ Wat-er Colore, figure-Anale Ir- Win, E. Waddell. Water Colore, original, any sub- jeýt-E. Morris, Aniie Irwin. Draxcîng la light or Shade Cray- on frocs Cast-E. Waddell, Av. Ir- aWin. Drawing, crayon, portrait - E. ,WaddeliAnnip, lrwin. Pastel Portrait-Annie Irwin. Peucil Draccing, figure- M. E. Jones, E. Wa-ddell. Peucil Draaing, animral - M. E. Joness, E. Waudoell. Pen and înk Sketch-Mrs. T. Forci, Russell Jackmau. Drnng, crayonu, laudscape or raerîne M. E. Jonese, A. IrwiI-.i. Collection Photographie Postal Carde F. Vaun (2). Collections cf Phot'os S. Rai-s, L. M. Bu.rns. 011 Painting, bar dscape (ama- teu )-M r s. J. Joues, Florenýce Morris. Water Colors, figure (amateur)- Jean Adamis() Water Colore,,laadscape-Fbý- ronce Morris. Architectural and1 MechaniGal Draaiag - W. 'Addinall, Per-ey Piper. ladustriai Dcsign-E. Morness, Perey Piper. Writing hy West Durham Boy or Girl under 1(3 years-Gertrude Pas- coe, M. Waddell. Writiag by West Durhamn Bey ,or Girl under 10 icars-C. Wad- deli (2). Geometrical Drawing - Rusel Ja-cknaan, Geo. MGîll. perspective Drawing - Russel Jacknian, Percy Piper. DOMESTIC SCIENCE. Judges-W. C. Britton, W. S. Coll. Canned Fruit-Mme. Gee. Vnrcoe, Mrs. W. Michael. Coll. Jellies-Mms. W. Michael, Jean Ada-ms. Cdll. Pickles-Mms. G. Vareee.- Chili Sau-e-Mrs. Spariing, Mrs. Wharee Bread-Maude Knlght, Mrs. W. S. Bragg. BrownBread-M-rs. RiiYR&l- ard, Mrs. W. S. Bragg-. Plain Bans-Mrs. W. J. Wood, Mrs. John Riekard. Curment Buns-Maude Knight, Mms. W. J. WOod. Baking Powder 13tins-Mrs. A. A. Gacssby, M. Dastan. m Soda Bun'î-Mrs. Gameby, Mme. James Riekard. Ginger Saaps-M. E. Jones, E. J James. Sugar Cookies-Mrs. M. Wilkins, Mrs. Gamsby. Cocoanut Cake-M. Dustais, Mrs. J. Lyle. Roll Jelly Cake---Mrs. Gamsby,- Mrs. McGill. Sponge Cake-Mrs. Wilkins, Mlrs. Sparlîng. Chocolate ý Cake-Mrs. Sparling, Jean Adams. Fig Cnke-Mrs. Sparling. Mrsý. i VV LVX.ý!.. 1 71- _take, anti tisse see anaunr1 ne suie:s F rance.' DrDo.n who is kuown tar connection ciLtii canoer research, siî,c(ccsslully trauIsplant-ed a vein of aý live sh-eop te t-be leg of a mani enffering frocs erterial anourism, vitb the& resuflt that the circulation was restored. The patient bas now eoisspletely recrovered. The voin transferr-ed v'as a fraction ever 10 juches in iength. Nunsemous graft- m-,g operations have beon pcîfoi- ed ins moderm eurgery, but thie le tiie first time that an erganisma frens e low-er animal bas been transferrod te man. Dr. Doyen ie now la Budapest atteadiug the me- dical coagrce,,te ahicb ho yul communicatea the details of theoep- e ratio . A Thereugh ilu. -To cloar the gtor'a,-.b ,ami- bowels of irupurities andirint is accessary when their noic s irregular. The pille that xiii do( this work theroughly are Parm-eioe's Vegetable Pille,1 which are ild in action but mlghty in resuîts. Tbey purge painl-ossiy and effoctively, and work a por- mna,nent cure, They oaa ho usel withcut fear hy the nicet deiicat.g constituted, as there are ne pain, lful effets pmeccdiag their gentie gipemati-on. THEIR BROTHERS' KEEPERS. Chinese procedure in crimina' satters le, distinctly interosting. Every man le' held responsibie fer aay 'crime ho bas personally -coin- citted; but, là h,, prefers k, the gcriîninnl can tako bis pnnishment hy prexy. If a man commits a murder, and flics the country, ne serions atternpt is ma-de teo pursue bics. Instead, the law cornes down famihy wbo has r-omained in the aeigbborbood, and punishes that ýmember in lieu of the real cuiprit. To Western ways et thiîsking, this may appear mther anu ld proceed- -lag; but, cs theý Chinese religion inflicts e everlasting tersants on the seu11cf tIhe man who deserte bis f amily la h e heur cf noed,ý the sys- toca s le not ithout ts menite. Aayway, tho seere worswll in practice, edth ugtve is gen- ýerally sfiinlyhnrbete re- RIS TACTFUL RE'IDR Tw e guests car-Je t Ler t o ' cnîng, and didn'tkoswbnte do(pant. T",-,s heet and ho-fsts ecrei jitctwith thorn, very patien,-t; j bu w-en cheo outwePlvc-, and firalhv cao oclocdetrck, the hau 10lzdta oetîn ns o hodn.Ht a a sgclhp u),unhe rilwb.h loo YVOUNO FOLKS i TWO FRIENOS RESCUED GY C-1,11IMLS The Kidney and Bladder h ~Remedîy Mr. Hlerbert l3auer, of Davisv[lle, says - b owcs Gini Pills a debt of gratitude - which. he can neyer repay. He suffered for ycars with Bladder Trouible, and could flot pass urine except b1 mach stra ining which cauiscd great pain. Mr. Bauer sent for a free sample of Gi Pilis. The first dose did Iiim isonmucli good thiat ho ordered six boxes and began to take thern regularly. A month's treatment completely cured hitu. la high gice hie called on his friend, Mr. Simupson, to tell the latter about bis reco very and what a wonderful re-nedy aGin Pills proved to be. Mr. Simpson, at that time, was suffering intensely with bis Kidneys. Gin Pills were promptly recommended and taken-with the grat. ifying resuit that both these good friends are well and happy men today. Gin Pis are a special remedy for three speci-i diseases-Kzlney, Biadder and U rinary Troubles. For these, Gin Pils are sold with an absolute guarantee of prompt relief or money refunded. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50. Write National Drug & Chenicai Co. (Dept. A), Toronto, for free sampie.9 "Yen can't play aith fire, Benssie, witbout nunniug a big risk of hum-ý sug yonr fun.gers." Anel Beno knew just what ivas meant. Ho did net ae-ed anothor lesson.- Yonth's Compenien. NO TIME FOR FIREWOIKS. The brave ship was wallowing in the waves that, threatened to en- gulf her at any momnent. Hastily- the captain order.eda box of rockets and flares to be brought to the rail, and with his own hands ignited a number of them in the hope that they xxoulil tt seen and the passeng-ers and crew rescueti. Amid the glare of the rockets, a taîl, thin, austere l.o)oking individu- ai founel his wny to the skipper. "Captain," said h, -I must pro- test against this lchrdns.We are now facing death; this is no time for fireworks !" IN luis. "Mother 'may 1 go avinte?" "Yes, my darling daughter; See that you steer the airship sterai.ght And don't land in the water." A had imitation &Î wiekedness is better than, the real thing. the -wlole Systemi is off the key -sotomnacl iupset, bowels slug- gish, head heavy, Skiu sallow and the eyes duli. Youi cannot be ri-t again until ThUe ca use- Of the trouble is rcmnoyed. Cor- rect the flow of bile, and gently Stimulate the liver to iaeaithful action by taking the bile rmd htis safe to uise and co'e ien o take. A' d 0 - or tx\o xiiireeve the the owcs, crryuewlife to theblod, clecar the had and irmprove thse digestion. These old "aiy uS are the natural remedyfor blion co 74nt u Wcybl solil Eycrywierc. la BOxCes 23 cents. Custard Pic-Maude Knight, Mrs. Varcoe. Lemon Pie-Mande Knight, M. Dustan. Ch>colate PeMneKnight, Mrs. Sparling. Cocoanat Pie--Jean Adams, Mrs.- Sparling. Raspberry Pie-Maudo Kaight, Mrs.Sprig DOMESTICMA FCURS Rtaig MtM.Gamshy, M. Di-tan. Rag Carpot Mrs. Gamisby, Mrs. 0. H. Rhads Crochet Qý-uilt Mrs. H. Cooper, Mrs. Gaud. Woollen Coverlet Mis. MoGiIlI. Covorlot, aIl cotton-Jean Ad- ams, Mrs. Rd. Poster, Patched Qilt-Mrs. R. F. Cle- menue, Jean Adams. Quilting-Mrs. Rd. Poster. Woollen Mits-Mrs. Garnsby, Mrs. Joness. Woollen Socks-Mrs. Gamshy, Mrs. Ùýeo. 11. Richards. Woollon Stockings-Mrs, Rich- ards, Mrs. Ganmsby. Fancy Mtts-Mrs. Garnshy. DA'NDRUFF CLURED IN TW'O W1EEKS OR l1O-lINEY BACK. The above îs thie guarantee Jury &Lovoîl the druggists are, off ering for Parîsian Sage, the greatest of all hair rostorers. If you have dandruff, take ad- vantage of this offor aadl kill the little dandruif gorrns that willi surely st.el ou hair froin ye n if allowed to continue topersistent- ly burrow into the hair roots. Parisian Sage is also guaranteed to stop faliing hair and itching of the scalp.11 Don't accept any substitute frocs any druggist. Parisian Sage is the original prescription of co of the world's grcatest sientists, and s~mnuictssed niyin this- country by Gîroux kf g. Ce., Bal- faIo, N. Y., and Fort Erie, Ont. Parisian Sage is an exhilaratiag and pleasant ha'r dressing; it is net sticky or grea.3,y, and it makes the hair soft, heautiful and luxuriant. Price is 50 cunts a bottle fromn Jury & LovelI, or hy express, ahl charges prepaid, hy Giroux Mfg. Co., Fort Erie, Ont. WOINDERS OF SURGE1IY. Voa of a Live Slîeep Transplaîîte(d to MnsLeg. An extraordinary surgical opera- BENNIE'S MISTAKE. The tia-pedler's -c-d red oart joît- e5d slo)wly up to the do-or. Boucle came down from the wagon-house loft tv-o stops at a tinie, te hono, b-aud hon that a onderful dîawor vwas pulled eut frocs hehind, for wonderful, indeed, a ore the trea- sures that drawer cortaiucnd. There wver-n krives, jew's-harps, and poc- ket-combs. There ,ceï smart blue, îed aud green peucils. Beanie stood iookiisg into the dramrer, with open-eyed admrira- tion. Suddenly an- idea o'c-curred te hics. Ho a-ould siyly take out eue of -those peacils and put it in bis pochet. Thoen before the pe'dler vert away hoe vold take it euLt, suýd baud it te hbic. Wonld bu siot be surprised to s-ce hew cle-verly it hadl beau doue, right under bis nose, and lie not kaowisig auîtbing about it2 A minute later the pencil was la Bennie's peeket, aud Bennie was ahsorbed in sonie ucww oudors the (pedler ans showiug-se absorbcd that hoef-rgot ail about the peu- cil until the eld red cart had turued, down the rond aud was eut of sight. Thon Beiinie was frigýhten- ccca, and very peniteutly t-dhis father about 'the peneil. Oid Char- lie, the he-rse, bcd just been har- nesed, te car-y soe grain te the mill. Benie had nover seen just sncb a l-oek as svas ons bis fathor's face ashe said, huredly, "Juirp into thexi aon-quiekl ý!quick 1 and old Charlie bad nos or bolore feit the hoeinhaedled as tbcy a ere thon. Row tbcy raced dean the rond! ÀP man coouing up the rond turaed bi s teacs into the, gutter te- loet thcm pass. Old Charlie mnst os-rtake the red cart hefore it reacbed the nuext bouse LAnd the gboodd he rse- did evertake it jnst in time. "My little boy bas somethi'sg to say te yen, sir," said bis father te the pedl-er, wh-o was a straugor on that rond. Thon Bennie shnmcfacedly toid bis story. "Well," said the pedler, "I did sec yen -when yen tck-tihE> pond1i, -out -cf theerner cf my oye,- but I did't lot on.. Ycs," - te Bennie's fater,-"I s'pose I shscnld bhava rentioued it nt the next bouse and said hoe was a sly boy. But I sec hon' it wasns ac." Beunie's father kuew what te say te a littie bey wbo had made a mis- oii a phank. To iu-erease the buoy- eney cof bis eraît ho hnd lashsod four oi- drums te it. Motisvo power ho t-ied te ýsecuro fromn a tiny sali fix- ed te a savon-foot mast. Tackiug unas hardly possible aith sucb a c[nmsy ontfit, anudthe wiisd, iis'ead c-f caurying- the, vouturesorne oy- ager aeross te Franco- as ho bad hoped, enoýpt hicsont into the Sorth Se. There, afŽer tossi:îg about for twe duys, howas pieked up iu a tory exhausted condition. In aniuter-ow aftem ho bcd boon bî-ought ashore, WESTLAKE T0LD RIS STORY. TEST TIR EGGS.-- Pince One in a Glass cf Watcr ail Observe Its Position, Placcd la the water an egg frcesh will remana rosting at tb,3 bottom of tb.E> vesse1; if net qulte fr-esh- it will rest 'with the big oand îaiised bhig-hýer.than the s'maîl -end, and the biglier the big enci is reised the eIder is the egg. Haxing rowed clear cf th,- shore, WATER TEST 0F EGGS. 1 oe Isot tIse sail on bis plank, a hichi As an cgg gets eider, enys the as two fooet d and e;gbteooa foot'Spatula, the wa ter contaiurd A th-c lo;ng Ho op2 dto e gt across te' '-bite cf an ogg oevaperate, ad Calais in aboult taouty-four heure,tlscaeshao typcette but teco.k sufficut bread and tinued - t1iick end of overy enggtehose nient and wator te meat hua tac a'irged. Tho larger that uwptY -days. space beclo-ses the more t,- eý-gg The bre-eze as net strýoe g ouegb riscs in the a-ater, till 'in course c""f te proxent th ipank drifting cn- timo it fiente, siderabhy w'ith the tidos, so that pregr-ese acrese the channel w as very slow. W.hen aigbt fec-l Wet- Scmrething that Should be Rulh-, lake had a very a-axions tusse, nr-[cd In.-Whenevcr pain le felt laý owly eseapiug being mati dowu ' the limbe or back, take Dr. Tiii-! sbippirg ou soverail occasions. Ho ns -lcri i;pu bad ibemieortne n bs frstthe hand, and -applying it ete nlight cf the voyage te bave bis surfae heneath wlsich thoph. l5 '-teck of provisions and water Cap-- rab hriskly. If the firet. appliIen- -ply sevpt overboard by the %vash tien does not nfrd relief, wi? fris a lai-go steamer, abiels alec is not usualiy the case, keep mbii- nearly capsized the frail -craf t. As big.Teililgndaypae it crus, the pkiuk wac practi,-ally Itinte te the affeetced part anci ro- suhmnergeul, a-ad Westhake's posi- liof will corne. tien was a very un-pîcasant eue.___ When the moring broko there ONLY A"ETH-A . was ncithor baud uer shipping ln sîgbt. He o ould soc vo'-sels aow An Irisbman,,aho adjuet com-iý e'nd again a great distance asvay, fren Duhlia te Giasge te secl but hoe and bis craft prose sted toc eîupleynent, was iafemmed _1that hli emali an objeet te o, ebsemý,ved. had a peer chance of getin ajob - HIUNGER NDTHRST. consistent iith pugibismn. "It a-as uniucky te have lost ahl "Yeu mane that I've a hia-ci my proiosions in that aay," snsd oe sir, eh?1" eslk,"an.-d I suas feeli s.-g the Eüel. elfectse f hunger and thirst on Sun- 'Sue, that's canly e hirtb mar1i day. I hbcd te make the hest of it, wa-h i h bave. Yen sac, sir, 1I se boa aven, and kept a course as cvell pcomiong frocs Dublin on th'ehot ns I ýonýld for thee i-nch cut, J an' by a mistake I a ont ino th t) Fut there was se csucý(h North Soa aîeuýg herth, and thefeoî-b. driftw-ithte te htit yasdif- na-s there gave m-ethi1s." Was rnaking. Tise sis e got up- a god del, nd I Ladto in prety igtlytetise pcn e o vaut heing aashod off. unr-theiigtc f one -n x- oip iîj i_-ÀitncadIjurdte I ha otui- h NrhSs ----------- ATM S1E 0 A FRAIL GRAFTF ENGISH 'v'SATTEMPT TO CROSS CILANNEL. Theught to - Rench France Prom England on a Plauh- Two Foot Sby Eighteen, Seekiag te out-do Bînriot, ,,;-ho crossed the Enig]isb Chanulo fr-ail meneplane, William Wslk o ýont frocsDo-ai a fortnigbt ago , I -H -k- -1 1