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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1909, p. 7

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The great Uterine Tonic, and -only safe efrectuial otl e_ý Regelator on -hicli women ceu S depena. Sold in three degrees of strength-No. 1, 81; No. 2, 'j 10 dcgrees stronger 83 - No. 3, f4 speeial cases, $5 per box. 1-1J old bail druggists, or sent egpa' on receipt of priee. re amIphlet, Àddress: R £Iýma Cù.,T0oRoNT, ONT. (fIorers Wind8er> YOUR COURSE ili Sihrtbnnd or Busines Ill bring yen 1 esi resuits if trik e at our od "s3t&blish- -e and dthoroughly ri h bis se ool. WUi~er term begins Jan.41h. Cata- nge fres Britîsh Amnerican Business College C rr!Y M C. A Bu hding, Toronto. + CUl OUT Qi "orelate to-nigt," rmr dthe yonnger Missý Patcbi, as ber £str idroppcd into a chair and ho- i-ante raw ont ber batpins. QBa xtra bnsy," replied itle, idrgir 1"- Wbv, wnbat'îthe niater ith rotheri"' Mrs.Patc, soated hy theo win- do,, livered bcrscif of an inding- nan snffand intimated ber cou- Ycinthat, of ail the impident ycn usioes that eve-r lived, that thee Iannie nasthe vsy orst! "Wbat bave yen! been doing te h( 1 queried the eider Miss Patc, iak1,ing off ber hat., iss,ý, Annie rose frein ber char,- angracefuily croeking ber rîgbl 't aîmil, xalked mincingiy across the ro it a fashion intendcd te rep- reetthe action cf a hridegroom l.ain is bride an ay from the ai- "W're going te bave a uew pal" sad the sprigbtly girl, uxhon orprogress n as interfered n ftl Wlciall. "What 1" exciaimed ber sister,f itring at ber in biank amiazemeut. "Isywe're going te bave a new p(,"rpe-ated Annie, resumning her eatan foidiug ber armns witb a înig ber mother by a littie jerk cf us-a,,,arrangen.ents." 'Wyither," said ber eider dag -1r i a tone cf horror, t~e don"'t realy miean to say that il's "Truc i" cried Mrs. Patcb botly. Cfcou rse it' s truc 1 w hy sbo'dldn't it be 1" Mýiss Mary Patch, -without reply- ingazed at bier parent fixediy fOr4 "W/ ho f it, mother V" she saîd at "Find ont 1" srapped Mrs. Patch. "Tliat's, just wbat imn trying -te do"answered Mary, witb a sar- csie nilc. "Suîely it isn't thatt webedlittie Iuiakil" Mrs. Patch, iithout deigniuig te repiy, marched ont of the rooxn. Th'e tno girls stared at one an- otier in disgust for a whîlc, and then ý the younger one expressed the oiinthat lier sister's sho t ut thet tetioansidcntity liad bit fthc "'e often Wondzred wby lie cae anging about bere sncb a loFhe added. - " 11i, se bav e," said Marà- "aithougli teltol you the truf,,1 "Yen iwbat l" quezf cd Annie, as she liositatod. "Ithouglit le was corning aftcr me"sho confesscd, nitli a sligbt acesof celer. "Thie nasty, bub",stammering, fat little S'he broke off suddcnly, walked t.0 ' the window, and gazed ont at tbWe ly cuiredl imas. Me is sven yers eld bow nud srn ndwl We hope morxpople w,'ill larua bout it, se their =îtece ay lie savjed fre i sifr bet.a box, al dea r rda- MEI AERÂ True Faitli Gares Lit hConcernied "eaesaved by oe"Rm Faith s f -;ardanîlnot back- wad ookng Yo my know any man's f, tnt y x at he beliexes aso te he paî but h at hohopes, &t~rsuins, aod hs confidence ini foi th P, f tulî . Fitl isi5that n hicb pie,,css jete the unknown and briogs tois its promise, gives as- SV;nc of that which wxe do not yet 1 sc vutw ioh we long for. lIt looksbackoniy that the, trend -of te past rra indicate the way of "he future. Che isbing memorials of long ago xxiii fot equip a mani for jonrney- ing in to day. We cannot live by the bread -our fatisers w on;- we must scek our own. Wea cannat move toc ard their ideals, for many i5f them have become our common- place realities. Faith is forward rroi ing fin the confidence that the i. ay gets better furtb-er on. The dead creeds are those that are packed away iua the memories of moni. Theý livinig creeds are Lhose thataretraslaingtheielves in- tu, evcryd1ay lvng In a right world no one ceeds te fear for a moment that bis destiny will de- pend on bis acceptance of any form ',t statement of truthi ; d.estiny ï-s for each of us theï worki3g out in- te- our lives of TIIE LIVING TRUTH WE KNOW. Men are saved by faith, but it ~s flot by faith in forssof nords nor faith in forms cf acts; it is faith in the trntb they sec, sncb faitb tbat forces them te put that trutbi in their own ives and te bigits will to be onc u,ý ýAndits vis- ion" te, be-comne the fia-1t'cf ail!lives. Savng ait isthefaib hat saves a, man from dead formin ito living realities, into bigbeý,r endeavors, iii- tene-wneý-s o!lvino'. If religion is ouiy a certain flxed set cf ideas tho.ýn one ýcan ho religi- ons withont bcing anytbiug cisc in particul'ar. it' is tben possible to tbink cof a religions man uxho is -withont auy speeiai evîdenceocf bis faitb in bis conduet. If, on the other baud, religion is an attitude eti the life, it is bonnd te bave 're- sults ini character and conduet. Most people are more concernod about the phiiosophical roots cf 'rli îT~Pt-hwagging ler lioa,-d atb himspeonful of olive oil and hall a cup- IVA'I's"eptiealiy. 'II shou-ld like te have fui cf vinegar. Folleiv Vhs pro- £±1.Il een able te bear al that yen were cess until tlic jar is full. Thon put D BY FÂITË saayingt that Mra-er-MrýLs. Blow- an'ay and use wben oold. man!1" Uncocked Chilli ae-Oebf "'Ail that I said t 'r," declar- peck cf tom-atýoas cbopped, fbrec te NO E USED -,711 Ltl~ orFomuas Ited Mr. Rinks, iiith intense caru- stalks celery cut fine,on cupfuî cf -teforF r uls i estuess, "was-" gratled horseradish, two red pep- ConIùnd ta iriSa VTt1 Fuis S' ppcr's ready " aanounced pers and eue cuplul cf eniouschop-.. with FruitIra. Patcb, froin the othor side o ped fine, one smail cuplul cf ait the room, in a voîce f lat sugetd ellc cuplul cadi cf black and n it z severe anci t w as oite, tvtisugar noî.i eterln2c11- - ustard seed, two teaspoonfuis cfh- Ylc 1 -vea opi tFeur relgiou than about ts practi- te the composition cf fli meai. cinnamon, oeeteaspoonfi.Lul coues., ~muy lcomncedt cal frnita. Tbey arc, more auxion "Oh, bother supperi 7 s i M onseeteaspoonful cf mace, oeecup- 1rngld id ce dv nloD that their icas cf thse divine shenild Patch,. crossing 1 fot1c pi- uic nbterga n oequr Nny r aeand si; Le accurate, or tiat ethers siould ter liarda bellind bier liead,,, and cf eider vfuegar. Stir ail ixeil te- Tar-ITN. M r se consider tbem, than fthey are gazing xvstfullb at the ýceiiing - gether, do neotcook .aud keep sealed "hsteamn ti at their eeds shouid reflet and dontuant any."ý tiglit. Tlie featur-e cf this sauce fa-r-, nmîtere. îet or tî roi cal that div ine and hîgher glory "IWeil, dontb 'ave an~y, thon. tlat it retafnsth flicfavor cfficofute re usmet o1a of charsefetr. said bier mother. fîcîli tomatees, and if ripeand alsferkeoy W/7bon o nce coelias>cauglit sme , "imnet gcfng te," se ansxvered sound fomnatcps are used it ilI vision and hope cf the fulliiesa cf ouietlY. 'II shaîl go ont- for a stroîl keep as noîl as flic cocoe chilli H Y U LOO hie fliat religion reveals, n-bon hoieinthe rnoonilght n hile 3ou're cat- sauce. BLOOfi POISONsare, ;the mnst prevalAnt bas seen soea glimpse cf the ideni isîg yeurs2 Butterscotcb.-Tbre-o cupfula cf iifebnood of the vietii ad unless entirely kingdom te whfci1s its aspirations "No, yen no't," asscrted lier ",hite sugar, cisc-bal cnps'uî cf =Omlcus vail o daes~. poin, le i the cocered oly îofer, ifl grat frmuse."Yen wafcr, one-hall cupful cf uinsegar, YOUNG0-> MIDDLE AGiD MEN.I poin, li is henconcrnedonl moter, ith r' t fimnes.d1wn your systemn. Nnu teel the sym1u in makfug fliat ideai a roality. stay nliere you are, miss 1" oee tablespoonful cf bntter, cigltit iiy, ansl vitally you areaot the man YenU Religionsly more people, die cf M.Hna leranresganaicae xract of lemen. Bol onger signais? surfeit than cf starvation, sucre ai bis hostess, inffssated fliat if withont stirring till it will snap Are you avictim? ilave you l cf tee many sermons audtoc littie lnck cf an escort usas ail that stoOd and break. Juat'helore takiug frrni 5RA Es-xTvqicureo. XbatithasdnE service. They bcm aiull h way, lie usas prepared te take the fire add one-ïourth teaspocu. Fre. No Diatter who bas trea-ed you, teirpers fteword ; they exhanat the role upon himsself. fî'l cf se . da.Peur ifoe hntered r NONa em-TeSGolden D Wtr Iustra thi oesin seeking alter im- "But what about your supper l 'bisscuit tins and mark inte inch .8boe or eneops aEirytheg confkd pressions and sensation.; fbeî have sid<1 MviqsaPat-ch, rising te lier foot squares wlsen cold. FREE10E OME TREAT.7MENT. . noune loft for n if h almc' st uumnaidenly alacriby. Tapioca Pudding-Put te soak , SAVE IN PHRASES. replied- the, gentleman bastiiy. Il peari tapica. W/boisroady uext Fafth te tliem fa feedfng the emio- 'ad fea rather latei" , ay teo maka, the pudding heat theCr fions, but svn faith alwayîs coin- 'io fmto s' - yolka -of two egga until liglit, add! pela to sevc.Iegan Miss Patch demurely. eue pint cf mneet miik, o-se-fourth No man peosss any more relig- The yotinger Miss Patchi leoked cupful cf sugar, mix well, add to' ion than hoe practïses; bhis religion at ber mother in meI-ck sy-sptb as the tapioca. Put on te coek and add teeinii-i,,tes, thon dip carefully ia i-s tisat as.piration and ideal that the front door csdnits a gnl a sinail lump cf butter. Flavor flic butter,' already prepared aýnd bas sufficient motive and power te slamr, and remas'ked thai it usas tee, nitb vanilia. Stir wxhile ceokfssg plunge intýo smoking bot fat. Fry cempel action, fbhe rest us harren 1,ad of Mary.hdlvle r. tuopreveut scorcbing, or cook in a v golden brouvu, drain and serve ansd olteus banoful speculatiun, "What's f{o a?,rpidMs double houler. W/heu cooked bold garuished with parsiey. tbecrizing, dreaming. Noman ho- Patch, hlowing thoughitfuily at a In lihe whites cff we eggs ushich. To Can Corn.-For eigbt quarts coules a saint by dreansing of hea- steausiug cup cfcc-a have previously licou beaten te a of corn, whfcli require flirce dozen yen. Ho is a saint wbo, hecause hie W/hy, geing onxit himn like sif front, and beat briskiy for a ears, allow eune ounce cf f artarie helieves iunflic possibility cf the ,thaf 1" said Ane, )vresthing nîfli1 ew minutes. This makes it cx- a-cid. Cnt cern frein eob, cook beau eilly, seeka its preseut reahiz- a grîn. tre'ssly liglit. Serve wifh cream txveuty minutes fa water, enoughi atien, "la itl'" said ,.Is. Patch ah- or~ ric h miik. Thbis is far superior te cever, thon .1stîr in the acsd, ceok Tise faifli woe îeod fa flat wbfcb strafcdly, ns she teck a mrses of te the oid nay cf haking flic pud- a littie longe-r and seal fa glass saves us from taking fîsis world in neisy ips.digadmr atbl.js.W-nwtefoueepy tt rms cf despair. the faitb that " upoey wn't have anydigadmrplaae.js.Wbnw tdfoueepy mes li uivrs a eset alyt IIImsrppte o ih i ltrtia"TEF A D.- contents cf cau in sancepan, add secstheunivrseas eseniall th mor todo wth im aterthi-?" HBEESALDS.piusch cf soda, let hou a few m iin- oxprýesi*io f the oterual geeduesa, cotinued Annie, oes, peur of iudadseons tfiat heivsthat br're is law, or- "Ii qW/bat, Hinka l" said Mrs. Stuffed Totato Salad.-To serveiy u fliquidaodnseorn asd der, am, loveý her, fis tat hcusit Patfch, wîtli the air cf eueeoming ,t'o dozen fomiatees, eut amaii picce io nudfraicn.Cnad hoieesths voksteh in aou sddnl ot Ia broivu stdy from top cf eaeb, affer caidfing toae-saral. ie ane e the xiii of flic ail-embracing love. "And uxhy noti" and peeling. Co cocc Thr'gfi er. à Ceok tgher aid seal Faith is hope, aspiration seoking Tha astounded Annia uttered a and.tno green peppers alter re-Tismks-tepigdhinna realifatieon. Because it secs the gasp of surprise, and at stariug 1uses îu g seoda cf poppera. Scoop fer. visaion cf a new beauon. and a ne-w un peu moufhed silence at bier m,,_ont a tHird ofl cd tomate and add Te Keep Joulies fronu Moldiug. carb i laor tebrig tembor. tserit chopped mixture. Sait and add --K-eep a box or hunchles cf th.,irne Lcoking ferxvard, it liltas up. It "Wlat's it got te de nitb sac ?" leion juice te ftaste ; drain cff sur-uheetejisarkpwlb secs the possible good in even the oconitinucd,, Mrs. Patch. I"Tt's ne plus juice. StiMtmtesatis hould ho in a dark laeadio nriosL unpromising;,it soos the pronu- buliiess cf mine, is it, il she likos mixture, setion ice, and wlien ready wiii have no insold, om f pring in the storm -of l i-te nuaeaboùlbi eserve, add mayonnaise, stiffTE ANDY ter; it secs tise landiwork cf love "And yxou're stili going te mar- enongli net te mun, te top cf each. S Il AUDY in the nvays cf pain; it fluda the s-y him1" baltered lier daughter. Beet Saiad.-Tn-o quarta cf chopi- Sprinklung Clothes.-Il for any promise of the ful lIfle everyuîhere. "Marry 'i'ss 2' cried ,frs. Patch. ped be tnto quarts cf cho1ppe e- nynhv ntsruldyn HNYF OE MryHinka! Wly li iL alhgto1uîî f u soelohsthe aight hefore yen nfl the iRY F. COPE. "Marryus ofsug' t e oiren fhemn, try sprinkling tbiemý ______________________mad"ciipful grated herseradisb, dessert1 iLoh l n _ _ _ _ _ Iiin ho w te -- 15-0 Cu Yo iv u Lu 1 sp-"oi' i 0AUiIOsati, 5Jp5pJci L Lt u , - "Daddy's cemiug up tise street, "P'r'aps you'll 'olp me xitli these stausmered Annie.l and ceid uiuegar te cover. This d1ean wbisk bromr, as it pike nith bis heat ciothos on, and a rosej 'ere supper thinga 1" sapped bier "That I nover dd2 returnoed nuakes a gallon jar full and n ptemuulifuran vue ba flic ize of a cauiifl.sxvr in lus but- mother, abter a nsomentary pause. Mra. Patch flercel, "Mv daro i ep ail vinter. by dipping flic noter in your baud. fouhole 2' she- anneunced, xith a "Non, noxv, ho careful 1" she ýcou- voou mit there and teisuc it eicesFruit Salad.-Take thse As accu as yeur ciethes aie sprink- uicions littie laugli. tfnned-shatrply, as fihc girl essai cd uuitrutb- " coiutents cf a box cf piuk gelatin,ldadtibyreedputo "W/bat, Minks i' aid Annieft tako the tray from lier witli coe 'II mean, netsult e ee," peur cicr it eue fourti of a pfut icur irons te heat. Bp fthc fime snatciing a box cf matebea off.1fie hbaud. "Do yen waist to elt fi-e saiýd Annmie beiplessl. cf cold ivater, and lot stand fivefbîacltyorlths ille mraitelpicce and Mightissg tic gas. 'oie biosscd lot dewnl" "Ml" lauglsed bier moilior minutes. Peur into this mixture roady te fron as icely as if thoy "TIseo fisat setti-os t," she cois- I wasn't fhinking wbat I namt sccrn-ftily. "Yo s did, did o ueadabilpnac hiigilad laini over uight. Always irea f1inued. as bier sister ncdded iii re- deiîsg," apelogized Mai-y, nih irl sec tic litthe gaine nen-. Perbaps nater, s'irrinig thoroug-hly until flic linons lait, as they reqîro ply. "He's fie mian, sure euough. 1" air cf dcfcuhrnent, it'Il interet y's', my ladyv, te 'car dssolî"d. Add the jui'ceocf fireamore dampacass. She picked np a book from the "Yen ucry rarcly are 1' declarod thsat if's Mr. Franka as I'ni gci'sg large lernm and ugar te sit flihe Peîpi rint Sti-Alerspta fable, pusied a iciker-chair as far lier mother, wiif great fartuesa. Ie nsarrp..Mou libe round 'elle te 'faste. Strain flirongli a clctb and 1gofa a9n wfnt prpr irfo the cornîer cf the ron as if "Now, fh 'n, xvlero, are ion a-go rorrouw uîgbf. If you'- sistor's hnsy let stand util cool. Then pour the' ation, drop if in cold water. Let nould, go, seat-od berself, and began ing te niti that trayl" w sth Mr. Mlisks. maybho îou'd lfka geýlatin ou er sonme raisins, slfccd -or- tok- hle leursîeu -i fL o try peur 'and on 'im. Don't a ngos, and hananas and sot away 1and dry. Perspiration fumn b ite trend nifl great ooergy. The absent-ssinded Mary, wel o tef' hulfrImiltbx ' Ierfigrfsnfii eoe goods yelexv, discolors coiored Marp, fidgcfîng abo-ut fhe s oorn, lier n ay fouiai ds the hifeben, fusa ',our ears " -Lindon Aisa ors. harendnhillii take from'clothes. makes them ftende-r, and çv th a n7iýterius litle______on________wita_________ghlotir te fic b ours. To serve: Take causes flic gooda to aplit. Put ting lier face, seaîucd te ho isfousng for 'II don't knuow uslat's vrong îitb envloags u-aaydm lte ae h sonso tbus te uight," she renuarked. " 4o4-4-++o+++ooo+ oeal lag e naalong c eus ialyda.tismkc hr There came a nerveus, tsuc ertain n'as rhiuki-sg wncd fiuished stîpper." îng ne fo cMcadporin fo o rered mîdexv lsrock u fb-c Irnt deorand Mar "Asînie" cornmndsd Mn.and cut off about co ethird of ecdh aiu aeEs.Sa ht tsiopd ua te aonuso nerMit. PAnch, "enco'reaudd nue. -orange, re-noe e iinside carebul- icîef1s weli and put in celd water t l r . e M i ' k s , s o a s i , e i s nP thg A Dcr eUr n e l e y s s n t t r a h e r n , t e v i i h e s a . h s w l o "Motiitr'i b elei am tehi os s e of pourîs lias gene LABOUT ITHE IIJU3L iplace fie riuds in a pan cf ice- en ail dirt and reqîsires rnemb- Mruisirin, andsmsidlg uposthern100,I vnf" adMs Pfhntr1-tifeyhcm lr.Winbing. Ment houler cf seap suds vsi-ectin, 'aniing f uo ier f Notas h enu saidlicsayt lcfi-in eugb rernovofrein the uvafor early noxt morulng. Binse clothes, Miety.nki~et."1 - î tatasereirl. i'n tenlry te th 0 +c- a~- .~ nd fihi eaclieewiti flic prepar- put fan water, and bhe -about taon- Mfr. Ildnsgealcoin.",oover grl.isiclily-put whippcd ty nunutes, Remeve fierei oer, "Motli e 2' Anniie pelied. "Morcl's "Only wbatl" iuiuired lber mc- SEASONABLE IIECIPES, cdîeahing aer-ebch ul eaîov it- nse wclh, bine, starch., and iaug Mr. Minki 2' -thesrdssagreeahblyas sic came f0 lieacf flepink gaelteaia e leep- eut, Your clothes wilho nîce and "Fine eveain' l" snid the geutie- a hlat. Fresis Cucumbsers in ' 7ster. thrcuigl. Place a few marascîfeurie fhonyon-hrdfe aa msan, piumpiug inte a chair, and '"Oh, nef hing 2' she ansxvered Fui glass jars nîfb cucumberscherries on top cf tise whipped laber. xiiping lia moNt bahd head uitli sitfýiisig doîvî and licauing another slighlfy seasossed -nifli sait. Cover cr casa. Place smre nice, crisle- Lte lp.Bfr wai abuge peekof handerchief. sîgt. iiti nater. .Iemove hubbles plb etlottloer Meipa-eb orespvts. îng hytuce bas-es on the ruit paeslet io irallnnbrsos e "Beautiful," repiied'Miss Patch. bbc iooked coyly at Mr. Mlinka, passfug a bei-k tirougli flesu. Put fcpprdoaneonteav aud coffee stafus asuaily yield te A fotig ookcfmisisif ichr-siiied cenifideutialhy, asîd said te týops on jars and stand npside down t and lay a fexv cherries arouud bot ivater n len peured sfeadiiy ps,ýt in lier -oies for an instant as she 1stetetfrlakg.Whn-uopne re aes ieaamî uetbreugh thoîs. Fruit staîns, or un glanced at flic studeuf in the cor- "I saw yen as I usas cemfug hometfis way cucunihers faste as freas or fn-o of orangýe. This makes ans tact anv 5;ai aîriau aays lie ro- uier, but ý,vben she furnod te Mr. te ufght " as n-lin gatlicred fron flicvunes. attractive as adil as an excellent ?noved 'by' rubbing pure glycorine Minksa agairi lier exphression wuas ou- "Did yen l" repiied Mm. Miliks, Baked Potatoos.-Do not have dsset. nte fhom hefore putfing into tireiy souiful. witis a note of awakenfug fonder- flic oven foc bot fer haked peta- -tr.Aer asigdyfbo 'II was watciuing flic sunset 1ilucas in bis veico. focs. If donc fn a moderateoevea CANNINO, PRESE RVING. sun1ii5ne. <Me.i out of the shy, siheu I saw yeu "You didn't see me, though- for a longtr time tie us-il ccok Nouer let starci foui flic linon. tîsmu intlo fise street," she murmur- eonfinued Mfss Patchi epreacliful- more -evenly. Prickiug fthe imaili Gseen Tomate Sauce. Ono peck lu doing ap liaudsorne pieces abter ecd, leokiug shlhy at fisc feo flber ly ends cf a potato n-lb a bork before -3f green tonîntees, oeebod of dmying, dip inte bot water, xvnfng rsnbzlt boot. Mr, Minlis, unabie te ldeny the putting in, f-e con wili keep fb-e eabbage, teu large cuiens,onue eut uveil, roll up bo er bn'mnutes, "W/as i-eu reaily l" said, MY. soft impeachiment, infimated his fa- sinfu rous hursting. A Geninan large 'sead of eey, fuse greeu thon iren. Linon wfil stand mýuciý Minka, ruaning the laukerchief teat ion of koepfag a botter look-ont ce(ok ncted for lier haKed potafeoespoppers, fwe peuads cf hrowia su- bofter irons flian oflier 'Clefth. round the lsuîng of flis liat. lia future. Ya sales thon. car-efulip, dries themn, gar, eue tabiempooniful cf mustard- Iron neapkins on wroug aide, "'And-and tifking," sho con- "Ah, I dame aay," answired Miss and thon ruba flic skia uifh a seed, flimee quarta of ufuogar anid thon siglit, unfil perfe-ctly dry. tinued, "how an-oct it îvouid lie if Paftch, "yeu'd have seenr me fast greased papeir and hake-sfanflie s-aIt te suif faste. Cnt up toila- C-Garebuiliy old. Affer -the clohi as onuy on,- couid spread ones iinga enoughi if I'd been nuother 1" u'-ual îvay. A ploasaut vaî-feýty cof focs and sprisikie sait flîrougil heen folded conce moll ou a pole, and fly abter if 1" Mm. Minka. îvfth a- side giance at Laked pefatees fa te lt; hon, then; stand exer nigit, drainf so/f me hen nsed it wfli bave ouly oe "ît neuld indeed," agreed Mr. tire ample propo)rtions of Mrs. mîlb fier over uiti ag-e, e pa- in morning and put ahi flirougi a beld doîvathfli îddhe. In short, Minks. Patch, ciched bimmeif ou the verge per dfpped in butter, ud !ake in bcod chopper and hou eune heur. ,)tehave beaîîtibîslly iaundered lin- 'II olten feel like that," pr-occed- cf fie rrar haf it xxouhd ho dil-flic ordinary usay. Temafe Kromreskies.-Beat higit- en. dry in the liot sun, sprfukle cd issPafhaffr gvusg ontteficîit te(de4oflierwise, anud substi- Te Can 'lomafest he-ees t !y fie yolh cf eue egg, add flirce vniflihot usafer, use bot irons,, and a fiîsy, fluttcriug sigli. "Motier tuited a sfafemnt te) the effect fliat fonatees cf equai siza usihc wili tahiospoosibulsof icoid usator, eune- pienty of pressure, and bldexcy sap-s I'm tee romantdc, but I dare ,1 nit haieve, uuuLs-ualiý y ua -siiy slip fate a hallgalo fruit hlaf a cup cf sifted foeur, a once- cuen. sny sicwans the saine wben she ivas ai flic time. jar. If a tomate is ee la, Irge flic quarter feaspoonaful cf sait. Stir Glossy Effet.-It fa aduisable my agc. Are yen romanfic, Mr. With an apueunt of enferprise seeda xiii squeeze o-ut and seithe su oeefaso -flof ilted but- nien washing, te put a littie gumu Minka l" forceiga teis cve(rpday cliaracter, appoarauce of the cýansscd ruit. fer, tien h)eat until t1 i buter is arabic in flic starcli. Dissolve hall "I-I 'nr-diy know,' 'stamnored lie fiited lis chiair hack ,i on tis Maie the jar sefting i i a pafi ushicli suooti and hubhiy. Sf i- in ligit- a feaspounful cf tic gun. arabie f Mi. M-inka nerveu-s'hy. iLand legs, and sisyiy1 wriggied iffis lýas a iittic bot wats'r inj if. Scaid iy flic stifffiy beat-en white of the bofing water,' and ahesi coolad "Oh, it's yen, fait l" said Mrs. flthdrccfcacf is cemnien. and, Veei flic fomafees qaidldrop ogg, tison sot an-ay fa a ceci place t<e tic starcli. Linon, wliea star P'atchi, eaferiag fie roem, niti a MissPafliý, ,itififaint traces c)f a inte flic jar runtilifu1li. Pni our heu fýousùveral boums. Choose eu ,,nte- cd wifl isua ixture, xwiii hava tabieei-oth fuckcd tunder oeearm, frmile about fihe -crersor cf lier ing ivater fate tho jar nui if mt u s mtcanhicliare firrs aud as small beanfiful glosa. If f ic he y me- and a f ray loaded with supper ima- issolih. cecitedaimilar mau-4Ce cicer enoughitta I- ury fniea p (,bl. ad ud OOi thesn. fh"d by wbich flýic aneexquisit f criaIs ifalhemrsands. '"I tionght uvro, and se aifatehfe d oa ut. bonI and let àstan-d fa flic he Have resdy semagraf cd cheese, finish cari ho obtinied on iiue I kaoe flice kuock 1" taebf-e hn water until ccld. Thi esee 4au 1e saseedusig fer -aci cuplul of geo-da as whean firat dispiaycd for SIc was apparonfly on fie point "I1"in ami y 'ene-t t o ccdas aicc1, iy sbelitmaesflcIleeaqure, c eapo- aefafi soewidw cf ayngS'omething cie; but ,fruisfed," serenrod fitha and àseasesu)ed waiaV cmcd W/ifu f a, en-thdf a tapo- Rerneuiag Ciothes fren Poier- cacigsigit of r ie r dugi- fascu-n.a't-,uuar cf einepfor y!rs.fnl sIteu1 tir4c)faspeon- -ilboaussing, te avoid wsealdiag fe'satitdeý b , eef "es a-, rof eated 1Mm. To Preserso ucunbr.-Take fic arkceqafrc lscsi aciî lccohsu eld coprssdterlis.Huks hnliugaginseapoai in i ucmbr"au sc; utsat eapoufl f rna mstrda ccrflcchtcq tik n orevu MisPateil, avifi a kC 1chasped essiy that soleapeiisled fin i-lit ùflua anid lotstauJd eenigit ; -'l1p11 oc f lpr u ieeoie r ifcouer use ý"pat wefnile1,h-"itricFfigr, a trs on1 fie lmanfelpiee cauitthe 1tien-putlyrc nubradgoudcoe.Pi aitmtepnligelepnt hesthes cyeig Mm Mins wili a 1ioo-k Icf gl i] ndsi ueredly'. pmik- nliihc udnbtmsific pmeae beeuîihc-at laadtio pcc h rapt 'Gadiniraficu). "Ah, 1I don't ko "said Miss taraýJad eicr o -rundaf-i î- 1.1 fd, lt tndfrtbutfl'- ik LIDEO0 . When these wh-o were cesen higli houer te win 5fllaýd wandered away fate dark- ness and sin, The armica of Midian f nvaded their land lIn numbers as countiess as waýve- beaten sand. Lice locuFits in summer , tbey camec te deStroy The barvits whicb Isracl lbad opdte enjoy: Wliorc orcbards and gardeus made homne sieem. s. f air Their work cf destructios brouglt deatb and des5pair. But ne the invader was spend- 1ing lis strength Able for Israei was raised np at lengtli. To Gidleon wbo pondered the pathà xxbich they frod, A message was brouglit by the, augel of Ged. )sgaiust, the, delusieus cf errer he strove;- Ile tbrexi dewn tIse aitar and cnt dewn the grove: "fleýece," Ad the '"dev" United lii courage and etrength to renew. W/ heu fhirty-two thousand bis nord îvould obey The fainting and fe-arful wer aill sent away: - ngthi The thon aands romainn hi frecdom ohtivnetl, W/bib" c nly hree bndred vith Gide.en remsained. IRegardiess of dan.ger, the sons of the East AIse in their tents at the closa ofil the feo st: From npeacefuHý7 sle'cpi'srg uniconsi- ou, Cle harm Tliey riDe at a slîo t which bronglit instant alar'n. "The S.verd cf the Lord and of Gideýon." it said, Iu accents that filied tliem witb terrer and dread: W bile pit-cbers n ere brokon and forth flashed f h3 liglit W/ithb1basf cof leud trumpets tliey heard fiiflic niglt:- Gideon" the brsave, So s-nÀift te dest1roy and se migbty te saxo. The dreaded au onger te them seern- cd se nejar Tbeir h.oasting n'as changed jutc weakuýes and féear. The spirit cf slaugbter se sefzed then and h.urned That ecmlinan against bis ocwm c.omrade was turned, Until in ýconfusion, diserder, ane pain The armies cf Midian were sea- tered and siain. Se perisi promoters of evil and shamss. So triumph the beroos vn-ho truist iu Mia name: 1 ,So heudag-e is banislied aud riglit is restored W/lieu peopbe l1ike Gidoýon are true it tbeLord. T.WASN GrathustOuf.. 1909. wil Cive you ýfui!l p u end keept udy nXmi thewet~s~watCr. VFu, LO~N d '-HOUT IWRIT EN Cý-ONSENT. trifgasd orSilhabit, su yonthbrnghit on a no w orsed ha-a the aelslng wOuku ec>me ýn laei UpFi or a week as, a tante. yamy 9peu-ail -,as îny oly hno-~ di ened St. ;ts, but soon found ont au they wn %,,was my ta looýk upon aIl doctors as 1 i better seau boss a mie hy I1-vas off xcirt su inx, a nd D. le advisod me' te consult Drs. Kennedy & 9ken treatrieut (rom theni biexiself and krew sikOîfu. t wnte, thons and got Tur NEW METrnOD ,ess was somowhat slow and c uring tie first s-as soinewhat discouîaged., I cou- free months longer and ws rwardeC euih a Id oniy care $12 a week in a machine shnp be- am earuing S-il and never inse a day. l visa uonr iv-luable treatuient. HENRY C.LOCUJST. - an mot srios dseaos.Tlîey sabis hvery ,.-adicated from tihe systom inwi cause serions ouiy suppreases the sym5storns--our NEW np rudent acta or later exccs"s u--ave broken poms stealing over you. Siertaliy, rhysi- used toaue, or snould ho. Wi5l yc.u heed the ist hope? Are you intcoding te mai7 - lias EjVe you any wekneSS5 eOur hNEW SiTaso,, ne tor others St wiii do for i-ou. Consultatin write for an honest opinion irea of Charge, raeC) on flisoasîs of Meu. ri-TEi CONSEN. RIAT.No nasuea leatiai. Qiseztien ian d ceaiof Tre-izusent-

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