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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Sep 1909, p. 8

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The House CoId TIRE SETTER It Is ur motto to keep UD. to-date in al inesof our busi-~ I ness. Reasons w.hy this tire do*, Its work better than. the eid The ties stay tight l 'onger. Thera 18 fno eharing or burning of the wood.1 No danger of overdishlng the wheei, The paint is nct scratched or injured. 'Jan zet your job doue In one-quarter the time. We wlii guarautee ail work done by this machine. We are also prepared to cut down wheeis or any other repairs that your rlg may need. Lawn Mowers sharpened and overhauied as usua and ail kinda of Bicycle repairing done promptlv. A. W. PCAD Cerner King & Ontarie StQ, BLACYSMITEI Te WIiomItlMay Concern: 1amvu tsing, and have had j one of y-our Supreme SelRn ges since April 1l, 1909,,and can7/ Jsay it ks a great baker and heat- er and also is a great coalan wood saver. To anyvone -who wants a range IJ would readlly acivise them to give the'Stpreme jRange a trial. IW. s. BRACGU, ~Mît OX& ALFw*, SOLE AGENTS FoRa WEST DuRHAm. 2Dooras EAST 0F POST OFFICE, RORSEY BLCCR:. PHSE 145 BOWMANVILLE. * PachsPlusGrape, Fe A, HADDY wil have Iliberal supplies as lon1g as the season lasts of Peaches, Plums, Grapes, and other dom- * estie and foreign fruits, The stock will be the best procur-, able and as we buy in large quantities we buy riglit and ou. priees wllbe low. Don't make any mistake, buy your fruit* from F. A. LTADDY. *GMS S'UGCuA R SPICES ALL KINDS VIE BEST ALL PURE Butter and elgos wanted, highest price cash or trade, China Hal ricery 424, e*,?ç,, , e-7ý iiqq, e P -AT ~~~11ZIf 11110TPRC, AD O AN-Y QUANTIT'Y 0F OOODBARLîY Limitd, Boaima-v 11 *WEST DURHAM FAIR "Bigger andi baller than aven" wras expanditures for new grounds or bulld truiy verifled et Bowmauviiia Fair last luge, as few o! tbam hbave the meranE week. Despite threatening louds the avrailable for extra enliai' for sncb par Peopla camae te sea *the best agnicultur- poses, ai far"-lu the unlted countiee. That Wa are strongiy adverse as-a societ3 the crowd want away weii gatlsfiad te herse-raclng at agrIeultural exhibi. thereau a n e two opinions for the lions and shall have piessura lu showing consensus of opinion wras that it waBs aou todrav a neai ean agicuitural Fati "tha hast aven." Truiywe kuewltwas f air eue fer wbich we can cousclentionsi' the best lu our bistory o! it, the attend- uFe the Govarument monoy appertioued ance being a record ona, iweliug the te au1r societý. gale receipts hayond ani' pravieus rev- Mai' wa ha permitted te strate in thiE anune. The naw crystal palace on main conuaction that West Durham farmars exhibition building was zeneraiiv ad- takeaagreat deai o! Interestlnl oui mired and tha arrangement of exhibits iannual exhibition and as a rasuit you was a positive credlit te the commlttea. will sea on ihasa grounds odai' many The fleral dispiay was beaauttlfuy ar- herses, caIlle, sbeep, wn n olr ranged and was not onu' a central sncb a* swi o b ne ayaud reicur attraction but was the centre of! trare- turail exhibition lunany country. tion-the cynosure e! al ayes that love the good, thea mue and the beauliful, We hope your brie! stai' with us wili TPhe inside exhibits were ail wali placad hoen-Joyab.le and satiofactory. ud dsplrayed te the ativantaga o! the A.E. CLEMEN8, J. S. MOORRAPT, speetaters. Its capraciîy was taxed and Presidant, Sacretary, Il loks as If anether building wiII ha JAmmEs Di@YMN, acessary for fruit and vagetables t0 Manager, enabl localîmarchants te make exhibits. Borne caler decoratieus ou thea upper IL, rapiy Supt, Wilson cougratniatad part o! the Interior would lucrerasa the the Socialy on ils enterprîse lu providing anlisîle affect andi atîractîvenese. sncb splendId grounts-ona o! the finest and Most suitrable lu Ontario 'when Tha only othar bul'ding ereceat this înîendadbuildings and other improe- year wras thea rrand stand '0eslocet long menterareacomplated. This grand stand wltb ssating accommodation fer about ls a splendid structure and affords an '100oplcisiypaad Th O excellent sweap o! the show ring and, itiono! "the grand stand bas beau soea groundis. He adaIinspecteti the farta what critîcrsed balng lu front o! the -stock and other exhihits anti was greratly main outranca cf the flerai bail and plarasediwithevery department. Speciral close upan the dnlvlng iraek wbich was pas sdotalde !Dra e a vay geatmisakeIl is ver' easy contributions te fair The ladiei' wark te citicisa the work o! the grounds nthie main buildinrg conpared vers Committeafler hearlug the numerous favorably witb the dispray at the Can- opinIons expre anti by visitons le the adian Naitional Exhibition at Toronto fait andi we are net dlsposed te fluti fauit anti of course thrat lncindeti Canadras wlth the commitîca as il le vary unfair ver4y 1beAt The splontiid ohbtc tc) find fauit iitheut- knowing--w-ha _fruikgaii rrten-vgctes ne. buildngs ra sili e harecleti and fleets mulcb credil on-tiha farmene, gar. wbere -tbey ana placati hy the wbo)la lay- denuers andi orchardis th Iis district, eut Plan. Now Ibrat oue big cnowd bas beau handlad we can sac whare soeaHa wras giad te heas that West Durham changes could ha made. The grand faîr was conducteialoug purely agri. stand shouid ho placad at least 25 feet cultural Ues and le kept clean anti farîbar te the wasî te aîîow 500 or moea frceaof the objeellonrabla faatures that peopi,ýe te stand on the ground iluront characterîza tee many country faire. bheaoIt andt he drlvlug track. The Ha believad !rem whal ha had boardri buildinig fonr sheuld ha raisedtg)t permit and sean Ihat Ibis le ona of the claanesl thosa an lower seraut e t ovar heads exhibitions in the Province and ha of hos stndig l frnt.praieed aIl coneerned ira keaplng ileo o! toseelauiuglu fontWhatever may, be sald la fravor o! The drlviug track le sadt e ha oua cf bhiers racing ena fact neads no further the best lu Ibis part o! the Pr ovince and demouslration, that la that tLha ceunr' wben sone intendad impravemants are fait is net the place for IL. There ara effectati wiii ha still botter, BOe weli are anougb boetter and more cemmentiabla the peple plaraseti with the grounds featunes wichout IL. Ils general affect that we hava board orl' praiEe of thora. Ou the'cemmunit, le note!f a wholesoina By anthar ycar wa hope the accommoda. character. Ha made astnong apparal le lien for exhibitors and speetators, toe, parents andi al whe have the walfane cf wIil ha ample. boysq rat herarlte discourage lu every -The -axitbiltiu was formally anti S 1t 1waW the runu f dMarathon- efficiai *ly opaued Weduasday aftennoon races hy boss ai faits anti averywhera wben aler a brie! speech o! walcoma hy aea. Tt bas a landenci' of ruinlng- hoïs PreQidaut Clamens ha callad an Scre- for Illea Haebat seen beys compltai' lanY Mooreraf te readt Iis address: evercama lu sncb conteste se that the _J. Locicie Wilson, Esq , Superin fend- service of a doelon was necessari' ta ent f FirsandErh7il ios frerviva them, Sncb contests were vary Ontarioeforinjurions and shiuld ha prohibiltdinl DAR SIR-Wa feal peculirnînhonoreti aven' eommunily. A farmar who would un a3youug herse for5 te 10miles Or hi' your preseuce witb us at the opening more at the heighl o! Ils speeti w',a anti dodicatien o! our new exhibitÎin ha consitiEret a fool anti suraly ont oys grounds and buildings, as lt wras througb and girls are of fat greater importance sour kindl assistance thal we secure d than aur colts Ha snoke o! seaof Ioday as the- West Durhram Agrîcuiturrai Exhibition Grounds, the off Icial beati o! the Pairesand Exhib-ý Itions Association Ibat eur Rlding is making fairli' gooti prognass as an agrlcuiîunal district andi that our farm. ars, stock men and orchandiets are well anrarasi ef the anward match ef the 20,h century in Ibesa huaes. Wblle we bigbly appreelate the finran- ciai asitance givan te agricn'tunal1 secieties by theO ntarlo Geverumeul we are ameng those who thiuk that as agriculture ls van' largeiv the boue sud sinaw o! this Province 'the moeaij grnulemlght very justiy be conisidarabli' augmauted under aveu more stringeut negulations than now axIal thal ils ex- pendituna shah ha for puneli' agnicul-k tunai punposas. Espaclalli' wenld wel urge thal special gtauts ba gitan te agricuilunai eccieties wheu making1 TYRONE Lots of griuting rat the a-rist Mill. Mr Murray rw-as recant visitor rat Eti Virtue'e. The cooptr sbop le busi' maklng apple barrais. missJames, Cambrai', la visiting the, Misses Sblnner, Eti Farrell, Charlton, New Ontrario, Visitati friands bere, Misa Lanra Tyarmau, Toronto, w-as guest o! Mrsý F G Bi'am. Miss Srarab Geeciman i s aitendîng Patathono No7c;rmal Seheol. The prnsenage bas a uaw ree! o! British Columbia shingies, A number o! our eltizens neoet a gooti tima rat L'Intisay fair, C Nlideny anti Miss e e-l, Taunton, wara roeaul gueats of Arthur Virtua, New boock racks bava bean nEatli' atijustetu tethe bpêck of tha chuncb pawe. TERRIBLY FATAL ACCIYDENîT. ,A sati accident oceurneti Thunedai' near Oshawa hi' the bunsting of the cuttlug box fly w.,-eel ewned by Robent intunhby whlch Duncan Blair, rageti 45, farmar, w-as fataili' Injureti wblle aseisting te I a silo on Dr. Gibson's frnm. lia hati coma lu w-ith a loati and' anti wheu seeoping to pick up the finstf sheaf w-as etrnek anti knocked off Il e lea falli-g ten feat swav. Oa log w-as wher0 four (taitrs tendet i hm, but Pars ! tremach,ýina wena peketi up over 2Vrode aw-ai ntieterLces wara a tta w-oc. u iqustw-a 7R t but ing rt00 PgRealspeeti. The f unr,-zAl Satni--'F'w-asve r' large3- 1'-,î- a'ttned 1e . .Lei c onr.-i w-ar bis~n'ohan-uce-l. Inermen anti a hiIbisw-fe hCaUg tiieti sema tour yona n zag. o-as 45ysears e!frage. IS brthr ùeoge w-as kîieketi hi a hers ntiM dietexacty thçee menthe the acivantagas etiagricultunal faits wben rightly condueteti and w-as plaraseti te find thai the direetors o! Ibis sacieti' hati carnieti onit so !uliy the latter andi cpfi o teAct egulating the holding o!Agnciua fairs anti exhibitions, Ha was ,deiigbted wllt h receptien, vias ver' gladt 10mccl Durham farmers anti laoknow that 'hey are se w-ail abreant of 20tb century progress. 'l'ho Soeleiy! bas bis gooti wisbas anti ha stooti readi' te tender ani' assistance lu bis pow-er towards its furîher advanceoeent and usefuinees. Ha thon decianed the Fair oren. Ris atidrese was berard with rery grarat satisfractiom. On the plaferm w-are a number e! preminent matn lu- cluding Mn. James Parr, the vétéran Secretari' a! Cartwright Agnîculturai Society, W. J. HaletI anti W. H. Staphanson o! South Ontario Agricul- lural Social', Reeya Tole, ex-Mayor, W. F Allen, J. P., anti others. fMn. Arthur Her, Bethastia, bras pýur- chaseti the 200 acre farim owaed bi' bis uncle, the laIe R. C. Hoar. Outanie flor ticultural Exhibition wili ha halti lu St Lawrnce Arena,Toronto, Nov 9 la 18, Pniza for applas (Cirasa 1) are f eah vaniatCy 88, $7, anti86.* We' hope Durham -Cofunty w-ll E5xhibit very lgAlycfhan Inuit Entniasfrfut Vegemcablesanti cannati gooti ls o 2 P' W 'HODGETTS, Saýcretari', Parlira-' meut, Buildings, Toronte. AF TEàSR SI1ýX YVEARs 0 F iND1eILESTION or. Wllan'Pink PINS Made a Permanent Cure. Thara ara 'emany Madilnes tirat will relieva in3digestIion for a time-there are 'L-f ew b àî w1makea apermanent cure, But ,thora is emedicinea b l a sure cure-that medîcine la Dir, WII. diame' Piuk Pille. Theave ya ureti thousantis o! casee-manv o! them o! "lars sIandlngr. Cases like that of Mn John E Seab cf "Moutreal, Que, afler mauy o7 the,ýr me,ýterishave beau tnIeti a nti 1-11t w orlblsMn Seale sBave: YFor neanl, six 'yeans J suffereti witb indigestion. During a'l that lime J w-as ceaistantly taig medicine fer tia them forsm lm h tobe isp peraeti antiJ am now-ablc eesthaîi cure for indigestion." Drcillisms' Pln PillaforAie Peepieraregooti or aen' t&Muasatha gooi bloodti l gonddfcr, simply heansev' cbey wm un geati blot-that la w-hi't»a7 cuera heumIss,hPart palpitan, indietin nuai, StVitu iane booti, Dr Wliiams'ouPo;k Pille rPaie eOupiea ra seolo by ail mesin2adapraes or, direct by mil rat50 c Ptsa oro s lx boýcs fr $2A,;ItemTise Dr. WI lisme' Medictue Ca, BiOCHIPviOut, box fnom Tha Dr. Wiiilams- NEWOASTLE A A Colwill Ehowed bis Tramworibs rat Cobourg. Miss Mabel Atkinson bras relurnad !rom Toronto. Mrs GeaLumsean bas raturnati home te Smith's Falls, For coughis and coltis, use Alian's Lung Baisam, relief is warrauted or moeai'rafuntiet. Mrs Spencer fbas nturnati from ber visit at Thetifonti, MNI Phiip, er, andi Mine Chapple matie a tiîpte Toronto. Luthen Argail ad wlfe w-are dow-n froem Oshawa recealiy,, J J Ugiow anti son, Dr Mlaicolm, w-ern uthe ciy recenili'. Net oealu 1w-en lv anafree frem semae littlo allment ceauseihi' inaction e! the Ilier. Tise Carter's Little Liter Pille, The resuit la a pieasaut surprise. Thai' giva positive relief. Nail MeNaughton bas raturnedti te is bank duties at Chatham. Mn Robt Brown, Toronto, vlalteti bis moiher at John Douglas'. Mns S A Pantin anti Mrs Obistaphel iiteti frie a naISeagrava. Charles Tacra as moveti hMa housebolti affects te Cobourg. T Aiiin's son, Irvin, bas beau tabou Inîto the Standard Bank bere, Mise Jassie Aikinsea re-opaneti ber dreermakiug parloeMondai'. Jram&s Wadu nt wi!c, Port Granby, visiteti at the Mtoiiparsonage. Jonah Samis is raperted te brava soltihie orehardti t a Coîborua buyer for 81701. William Wagslraff anti daughtan bava ralurnati from OtwrMontrerai anti Quebee, Miss Mitdiaeton la meviug mie the north partofe! hi Tamblynreeidence, ownati bv Simon BaekervIlle. William Thomas laearecling wire fenclug hetw-eau tha propertias a! Fred 1Ugh Wrgbt has sevared his con- nelo wt the Traders B,ýank andé left for Auch~ Ceumbia Wilmotbas scunada 51for, hlýM WthA W J3 P B ragg a U1 ï7WDidlay ceclii Shipped a car o! apples tom tubs depot aud MeCssrsStaisadAmto ary& Ceo ndDdlyalso made St Kta cce oqnteiigport harostovIa hie l3ha s;ide S fil.vwïda b 8 t en, auln~'hen te slnk te ta bettomTh DnlvWrcigCof Kgtowith a ý diveýr apd drodge begnw3rk raiing ber but were con- ped by ae hsvy sea te ceasa ths opertos ai make fer Bo--manvul!e sakisrfAr ser.The s1honer m ondby Capi Mitchell O!f3nded J. J. MASON TU INYJISTOFS. A 1 Investmant In Propenty lu Wln- nlpeg and Port Arthur, the great grow- Iug chies lu the West. 'Aie stock lu the Wlreiess Teiephone Co. Appiy te W, hl. IvEs, Centre-st, BowvmanviIe. 88-4w * - HAYDON A large number o!f citizans ottended Lindsay Fair. E Greeuaway, onii, visited at Rd Hoskin u s, Miss HzlMoeisystn at REi Ceilacutt'a, town. R J Ashton, L Grabazm, J Grahram and wlfe speut Sunday lu Bowmrauyiiie. Mrs W Sammeis, Nestîeton, vIsited at her brather's Thos Mountjoy. Mrs Thos Ashton and Mrs Robent Moore vlsited with friends at Osaa. Il our hrIr is tibrIttle or peoniy nourished, appiy "Baanine (made from aaadian Bear grease) It saves hair. 50a a ja~r, MissesEthel Ashton and Rilda SIemon and Messrs Ceci Siemon, Theroni Mountjoy aud Eimer Siemon recentiy vlstted at C J Mouutjoy's and atteuded Peterboro fair. The plenaure henow has lni Iooking afler his 250 acre farm. Life Las a ucw pleasure for the writer of Ibis letter anti we shahlo lt bin explain w-by in bis ow-n wor&ýs: " I ccnuld flot, do a day'sà work te save my life before J began using Dr. Chase 's Nerve Foodi and Kidney-Liven tbesmcins laeenctib excySCi Io cas aadhaedoe wo er fo nmy. IntaI o eiglanisr f til me a Wprcaegot iatia a&Mun de ~ ue o e for be and woa,, ndei ant 11i fyat CHAS. HM ANDERISON SOLLNA. Se;,erai silos bave ba ii~ John Baker, Archieanad Bert ChGïi' will, Som, %Wilfrld and fM Daýweil at.ý tended L,'ndsay Exhibition. ]Receut visitors: Miss Edua ReýynoDWýs, Scarboro Junction; mrs Will' i Nios and Addie, Countice, at JnoReois T C L'4ngmaijd and wife, Bovwmanvi7l!e, at J G Lukigmaid's; Mlhsas Verra CoIlwi and Ty~hom rene3,,at John Viee's;, Misses Ida Vioc and G -:tiFe Pascc rat th', (uJa bohe r u nB?-air, me dfld Walter Vice aud f. T1o 1HAVE A BEAUTIFUL SK1I-AboCht eueC sixth of ail tha waste rnatteUr dis-- chiangcd from the huama n body passes out tbrough the pores of the siIf the skiu Is te be kept heathfful the pores. muwt be tRept in a haalthful Condition by bathing and by the use of Dr. Chamse's Ointmceut which overoo)mas ai chafing and Irritation cf the akin oun4 cures pim- pIes enuptions and the many 3ors e cez3ma. Hunters' Return tickets at single To points lu TammiF-, pe, rints Mlatlawa te Pont Althur ankqti tea uum- beri e! peints neachetihi Noîbru ay Igation Ce., ai1se te certa-anpoGintsl Q u e hcbýc , N a3w - Bru n ts w ic7' k , N o v a E c eti ant i M'àai1naJ October 2mst te Octoýber 3j5;t, Lake o! ay, iiati agrauclaw-ars River, Labafiati, madwkà te pari So-nd, Ar,--,, le Cooo!r îtsa'ts Raliburton, Shanhot Lake le Craabegie;, via K. & P. Hi' Pointa Itm evan taI Norlh Bray À'inclusive; anO ti ertcaiUPinte rea Cheti by Ner (bamu 'N -V;gatîon Ce RitUInU Liml onlalIlTickets or- untîl close o! Naiato, if eaie te poýinte reacwhet b-y Steame1rs,. Securao tickets and fiirîherine- malieni from auj G rnd T rrk agent or ,.,iteJ D Toronto, On! ario. C, P. & T,Agn, Oiawle ENFIELD Numbers from hare aLttenýed Liradsra-y Pair. William Wotten, Tr, has a severe type 1-of typhoid faver. Le Levi Reattoira.' who tas beau ln New York, visited hero. J P Owaos aud wife, Oshawra, recnt.® V y visited at Joha MeCulioch'e, ~-:~ Mrs Joseph Ashton and llian ac. . , ' eompauied ber sister, Miss Wostfall, te o<~ Detroui. * W, George Cochrane aud Donald MeCul- *f' IV loch were succassfui exhibitons o! herses . ' at Oshawa and Bowmauvlile. James Scott won aise at OEhawa on herses and James Strark obtralned 2nd prise luin judgiug stock, ~' HAMPTON. Mrs J CoiwIlli, it, 1le Idisposed. WNBrown. Toronto, 8a e Suudray. j-' i B Hrne and famiïv, Kanora, vieited 1 with frleies ;g-5 ' Jamas Cryderman, Oshawa, recently® :-" I vlsitad friands hare. ' / after a iengthy vi il rat home. J Mrs C Goodman and draqgbter, Ortilia, îare hoiid&ying at J lH Burrews'. Miller's Grip Pewdars cura. Eold by R. M. Mitchell & Ce. Druggists. C Burton, sister and dRughtr,®I' Whitby, wene with frienda haro Sunday. Mr and Mrs Hooper Williams, Mid- 1-1 ]and, spent Suuday wlth his brother 8 J Wiliiams. Mr Heny Burton, Misses Emiiy and Edna Burton, Breoklun, visited friands bore Sunday, @ cwq Mir A G Young's lecture 'and vlews 'HE B S IN T W duaday wee3k under League auspicesJ Wer A finuîPctal _un-es _ * Topie at Leraguee rday evening wlli JL I!Id ',. a be 'FIç,wers.," Special program foilow- eii ~UOl~1L1l~ L m a v ed by a social eveiug, Ail welcome, h ao lthn olp'y -"The D. & L," Emulslon may ha taken u i n v r o t wltb most beueficlal resuits by thoee® who are run down or suffaning from'aftcr N ,% n V r 0 tý effeets of la grippe. Mr C Champion and famiiy, Manilla%, The meat pepular evercoat tbis Se ason will be the have moed luto our village. We bld (îI Collage Coat, bnUtoned close uap te the throat. We ha-,ec theni ched l business. ad doube aisethe na tham lcnmusineso te mays ln single addobebreasted, as henwDnplex Go0at, >Miss Alice Kersiake le StUR in tewn which cran ha worn wvith the lapaIs back or buttened close Up. assistiug lun ursiug liar brother Frank Collage Cets-good haavy tweeds in ail the new shadt- who ls iii with typhold. We wish hlm : ebon regabozsrps hcs lis h a spaody recovery. ebon reg-lbozsrps hcs lis h ____________emeet sensible evercoat yat designad,-$7,50, 9.00, 10.00, :12.50, 15.00, 16.50, 18.00, 20,00. *Black Beavers and Meltons., The best value we h.ave CHILDHOOD AILMIENTS ever shewçn, beautiful goods, wali lined, full and three-guarter -lengthe, new-P rlvelveltar- 5,9.00), 10.00, 12.50), Most o! tha troubles that affect 15.00, 18.00, 20.00. uittle eues may ha traced te the hlrnsnwBseRsinadMtrOecas stornach and bowels, and if thasa 11kn' e nseRssa n MtrOeras are put right tha chiid wiil gel t splendid range o! eolerings,-82.75, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00 Sw ail and thnlye wali. Baby's Owu ie 1t 7 Trabiets cure ail etemach and ie21t2. bowel troubles and ail the other ~Boys' College Overcoats, sizes 27 te 33, heavy tweeds mIner aliments o! babyhood and and friezes, double and single breasted,all colors,-83,50, 4.50, chihoThe TablaIs arc easy ~5M0, 6,00, 7.00, 8.50. te take and are gltrranteed free from opfiates. Mrs. H. Matthews, If yen watt a suit MYADE-TO-ORDER cerna in Car.fiad. On t aylsIhv and sea our range of samplas. We are sole aget n tna> lle girl who hrad a waak stom- villefor such arge tailoring firms as The Lieuse of Hlobbarin aci and wras badiv constipatecl. Î) Fashien. Cra! t, Nrha and have over 2000 samples from The Taolets cured ber o! both R) which te select; Let us make yeur suit, They look different, troublas, and I really feel as if e thev had saved bher lfe." Soid by m edicina dealers or by mail at 25o Medicine Ce., Brolckville. Ont.SO C OT LN 1 go 1 the sfflendid Lrruandi, ti) lim inanourafé4il 1 --!, Y, .- m 9 UT -h . ID 1 nu - -. IT -1 -L- -F -L Ir ý-L u -T

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