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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1909, p. 2

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~iokHeaacheanf 'eleveailtrtoubles fnef- $ent ta a billou t eofte system. such as Dlzzrnpss, Nusa Po stness trese after eating, painluth dis '. buethir Most xemar.table aesi aebensvwu c uring Hcaashe, yet Crtre Litle nLiVer Pile Êre equaly vainable in Constipation, curing and pre- wventing is annoying complaint,wbvile they alsa correct atîdisorders fihe sîomaeh 'tininiate thie liver and regulate the bowela. Even if theY 0onl, eurefi Acbethey woui e il otriees o hseh euffer from this distressin g comp laint; but fortu- iiately thelrgoodnesdoes noteiid here,and those iNho once try them willi ind these llt'i- pille van. able lu sao meny ways that th-ey-fil not hacil- ~mg u h wibontthe. Du, awerallsieci lnead !s the bane of so many lives ths t liera la whera wemnase our g"eat boast. Our pils "cure it whle ethers do not. Carter's Littie Liver Pille are very small andi 'Very easy to talte. One or tira pills make a dose. They are strictiy vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentie action pies ail who Use thema. liù IL - ~Imn CQ. 9I1W prie A. E. IIcLAUJGHLi. Ilarrister, Solicitor and Conveyancer. finCe-Bleaklay Bliock. King Street, flowmatliiîe. MOUOY !'.0 ban at reasosi- able rate@.,48-iyr. Wm. TENNANT, VO S., fi ONORAIIY QRADUATE 0Fý Otarlo Vetertnary College. Offlce ln rear of Mr. Williams, furniture store. Galls an8wered day or nlght. Phone 58. 10.1 .J.Hazlewood, MD,(. 110WMAN VILLE. ONGT. C,,OLDMED LIS of7rinity Un Oftûe andi Heidence Welli, gton At. Toit» # bons No. 119. Wesoicit the business of M1anfa-cturers, Engineers andi others who reaiize the advi sabil- izy of having their Patent business ti ansacted by Experts. l'reiiminaýryadvice free. Charges muderate. Our Inventor's Adsiser sent upon ieqncst. Marion & Marion, New York Life Bidg, Mouireal -.uan Washington, D.C., U.S.A. % a n-rwo 1 1NOTES AND C<)MMI:ENTSI *The Congo Free SLate has receiv- ed rnost of thec blame for inhunian- ity to African natives in the, last deende. Whatever diplomatie ends a ere airned at in the agitation against the Beigian governucent in this cotînection se-enî now to ha' e bc'en cither attai-aed or abandon"d, for in the iast y ear or tw o the ques tio n has lest alinost ail îts fornier pi oiiuluence. One resuît is tho t in- formation as to conditions in i Cci tral Afrî a now cornes -with bron I er scope and more fairness. The London Timues, for exa pie, iîas recently printed an article on the Central African slav e tînde, in ývhichi it iis shown that tiiis tradle flourishes not oily ini the soufhw est- urm portion of the Congýo State, but iu flue ndjoining sectio.n' of Britis' Eluodesia andiof Portuguese Gwm tîca. That makes three natimus more or less responsible for if. Tlie tiegre cf responsibility -is muadjý, hocw ever, to be consideî'ably differ ent. The slav es, if. is statcd, go to the Portugiiese islands -of Sant Thome and Pritncipe, so tint if the Poituguess gos'" n,-mcnt prevented flusir slipment froin -ts r 'rtt 1,11 tiafflo would cnd. l'ue stjnîiiîî1n b.t flue s'lave trader ,.cîts is their need cf nlmepatvfr use in a long-orgarnized leli against flhe Congo goversrnt'îti, anti partly by nativs."sw ho amic not i cb- els for protection against tlîe'e Seî'y rebels. Great Br1faiu is giv en no responsibility sai c for in- sufficient policing of those parts cof lier demain in wbich -slaves are , " ten. capturecl. If the aceount is as impartial as it seenus to be, sic have industrial exploit ation esponsible for a xast deal cf suiffering and abuse; on ftue ene side the exploiters being Per- tuguese island planters, on the ,other side tlic Kasai trust. The abolition of flue slave trade a,,u1d acconupany ing refont n ould re- duice profits sorncwhat in both places, but b1 ail accounts the ne- spectiv e indtustries could easily stand the reduction. Unfortunate- 1 11 l«.-ý - -- - ... .. 1i- *.r .ý. 1 14 ) . Uiqan ~yr~silo -S sigon s i cf tof cmcl t OAL mliiig riabte of the liorninii"u, in Ç Manît0ba, biatclewan. Alberra. the Yukon Territcry, the Nortb-Wesr Terri tories andi BrÎtlsb OLlumbla, may fia leased for Aretie explo)ration lues many metr a terre of tis-enîr-one years at an auniuil reîîîaî ofdt an acre. Notimore than 2.56o acres whî ty ns. Is nnahs abounci in storios te lea-esi ta ouea ipicaîît, t Application for a ieass muer bs made ta the OP intense suffening, of uncornplaini .Agentor Sub'Agent 01 tue district lui, e tise riglts applesi or are sîtdatesi ng ucîoisnî andi seIf-scice Ini survayesi îeri't)ry the fatco muýt hae p8 Lieut. Pear y declarestfluethfle nmid1 eribesi by tcections, or igi È ttitLsVi"iO1iîof bectior.s 1andsi nsiisurveyedtei-'reîory the tracýt s Pneî'cî et resf oun fle Great .ucc, WVAITING, 1Y EX TE LThoy arV e ail waitisug for-i ii snfferewuthwha W cîad in the Scripture jrerie, ont.,Oct. lat, 1908. 0ftse boeod phyiincle a ateTnorl Wcre eirrmnstly w aiting col cte istand, net lie down, Tii1 face fo behold. TEMPER MDsLIET A'SD DISEASE Is 'fle OnIy :RI H p n f nsorp1-îa bad ta le As th<s ihae chosc i giveîîi acaeth airîysrsatst bIn- a--fomer -article so'o.e-acA We aise aire w nitiîîg, w re statedconilcemning tflic ttfer- Le rd Je - L:f Th ent tempcranîenfs or t3,pes ofivital acýtion iî to which~ rna nkîind is d- Yes LrdJesas, sided. These are usually m".*ouui Ye îrtsad t sfvalthougli te classlloia- Aý1 ,iini. hy hanci, cnch of these tý pes in lstîingî îsh V The cf e~sür uow ed by a prodispos-;i"n oet in~. And ltut rî in -- and .. maladies aix sbpa euxi m oe eof Will pu e- fr, îe"~* reactîoil tfi the po1sc-i o f teî.î- feetious diseascs. T îose of fli lici 'ho dot dax ~. lympbiatic or phlegmafic e muer,,a' T i f s u ho îc x ah uelu aresluggish a'îd disins icld , Of ý ci fThu . dldsc g te Êexercise, fteir muscles aire sot c orbaluo in-7u andi flabby, and there is a geiceral Their &d'd jui -' ro 1l1--,e. absence of foire in the " s ee. ' AndJ those xloae uoiu The d teases front wbich fbey suffer ' 1or bu "ci cnes se de-an are usuaiiy those markcd by dcbii W ,ill meett fLu-c .um -,igioîy ~l nitb1bieotnf ekî oly range haviiug this couvi W!,i Th'lon dost afpcar. ~e jup witb tonics eeiilihen n('t fits in any kitche1n and econonm eally Iil. Loid Jesus, o'sur vaiting Those of flueý neî-xous type are dsut Full w cil Thoui d îst k uou small frarne, actii e in mnd antd The Hot Wnter Trank, or Tby ns'omise inspires us ibody, liglit enfers and liglit siccp- coated with tin, ta insnire water MAS JAES EtdICKW'L iw eaux xwe grow o rs., Their tenidency is, to diseases My cure seemeci hopeless, and mny Foi ' Thmn frou oppressin oftfhe lien ous sI sten. Tbcy tire Our booklet describes au frienda liourly expected my deatîs. 1 was Andi sorouw andl î' esl fe asoto oko iy exclusive "Monrch Pct sa adflaiI wntd o iaar i nas To sai c allcratonbut above al things, sbould resist tîtaf g onc of these very lied "pells tecreation t rsotto-"ic-evcry prospective stove thta family friend bronghf a box of Axrt oruîng ag-ain. thýe-tepfatîoîîtoharesa.rt to pick- Wrjfe for frec copy. "Fruit-a-tivea" telise bouse. Affer nuuclinelp,'uhchhi aaigo We are also uakers of the persuation 1 connlestcd to fake then, Lord Jesus, uipholci us, effeef for flue finie being. These but 1 was su liad that if wss only whnn And lp us to prove people tîeed sleep-but must nof I haditaken ncarly two boxes that I Thaf frite is Thy promise ý resort to drug- to gef if-and test- C r rs oLi comnenced to expericuice relief. I kepf And bouridless Tby hloue. ful vacations. .,ae]rs o i up the treafaicuf, buwevs'r, and affcr Ma ebdclrn The jolly peuple of flite sanguinue takiîsg turc boxes I1n'as curcd, and wlîen tMay w e be deelarinoflori 1 appeared on the street iny fîiends By sericcc andi song tmernttwîbfecfotdc"rn- W . î" Niixic %r N saici. 'The dead bas corne fo life,1 and Tîaf we are deligluted. plexions, their iearfy appetites UL1~~L 1 this seemcd literally truc, becanssi I Tcfluce f0 belon,- and gooci digestions, enjoy life as________________ certain]y wes at death's door. "icre. Ted'saeýt hc (Signeci) MRS. JAME4S rENWlIC. IHclp uis to lue paieuit fhey are rnost hiable are gouf and CIEE G ET COS "Frni*t-a-tives" are sold by all dealers Kindhearted and br'ave, pronciatume hamdeuing of flue artel - at 5oc a box-6 for $25o, or trial box, Tiaf others rnay fird Thec ies, witb ifs consequent lientt and 25C, or sent post-paid on receipt cf kde rulsad aolx price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Alinilihty to saie. Tkidney roulbles ad ape . va FA AHA 0F TUIE AVER-IGE ____________________________ Aud gîve uîs vshile w aitng Tergre etaatdf i - Tii" spirit cf prai er, off these nmaladies, is e restricted E-NGIIs COOK. and feîfiliziîug as if falîs. Front i'd fît us fuo'rnmeetun' dot, cspecially as regnards flesh expetunuentsOuLodith condatted af Ottawa, OrLîc i tea. fcod-, au oida'uce of alcoholi e he e- T. WATSON. eaes, and ire drinkitug of plent fi f Mdevil Hiîsc'ie Iiglît Lar,-ia ià appears fluet there are soin. T.WureSON. a te ows -)a w ena <iglt grounds for the widely ne- Gr'înhurst, Ont., 1b09. u' vti te nb s i wase n- Geod l Mny tsfi it ceto piio nin ariutu-Persons of flue bilions te-mpama- Ftoîî Thelia. cett piin m u r1 ifa- nient are prone te disenses of flue usts that suovi is a direc't fentiiiz- lis en, gal -stonles, intestinal idi- Theaetoedhe fb o,'. If is focnte contai-initer re W E 1 -S-LEgestion andi consipaftion. Tiîey are î('hinese ceok to perfection anci gon~~~~~ eqi bti jud uses Fe.Lsworth and wifc rocent- large consumeirs of food,' but de- wli'b eei c5u Luopea us appreciene, t,) about e pound per ac'me -of land jviite-d, frieuds ini Bowmanville. mis'e littla enjoytuueît front eeting.* but for flue most part a liking for coveed b anaverge inte sno- Rgina-clBradey i lu)me romThey are -offentnranctu beniefiteci bY Orientai co-icoctioLns is a cultivat- covrec byan verge iner nov Beindd B~adey s lomofuoi ýcourse of dîctîng and consurnp e faste. Neî eî'tluless, when if fali iii that distict.f Thue amo- nt Gaîn for bolidaYsh.Se]ii tien of nincral waters, after flue'corncs fo preparîng nie, ten, i cge-I oflecrorn a -feeight, Q. 'asPlan deselop.Žd tf0a lîigb degree by tables, and ruasteci uts, the 'ifnitogeu n fre anuoin insBank, ITiotahill, is lonue for hiot, the Germen wtering-place Cieeco sfa baio h liglu, buct fiuctunte3 greetly, frorn i Caimegýe cEngisuar .082 te-)589 parts permtillion; t'le Miss VWnýgsfaff ard Miss Millîgan Th smcnucs ypluansds. Pvrg, nin e em'o raisat mnry emperamentun n n sokcd, pickled, boiied, toast-F rariglng front .333 toî.08 parts per Mm..nnd slî's. Bron Blackbrn trial tndec_____________ec,_teed- n epoia 'tuaite.uencî 0 dsoas. Tiere c, stw cd nnd eepeial1 l'îtes and nitrates rangcd froin .027 B.ecelnt uri fbsaut rs .uourds bcdl slcîigg-»slily, the glands cf tlue Clinese. The Chisuaman cari t-o .390 parts per million,. The av- Affer a nuonth's sojoumnn ý7iflu b'.- 'tn df crnt parts oüfflue body cf- cook pork in fifty different ways, ergeo tvlv d.eterninatious. grandnuothcîr. Mmm. (Capt.-) Gibso a, tnsîeli andisnetue break so that yon w'ould not kno-v ion firoin February 21, 1507, fo May 4 Miss I-ilts bas rencimneci tethe c'ity. on he peiei ,;alad--meeetn h ls ftr i, The, ncxv ots fer the Metliodist gestion pooî, Pe'toîus cf this tîpe iaH. wsa : \trog'.u ns froe,îum.onîn luehbs mrsdfomWl do not.bear coufinenuent wcli, andi 1 I4BLS OOIG .2-16; as albumninoid arninuotia, .052, vill1e nareLîn0lce.j iepmn o borrue consunuptix e1 nareigpae.unlcss thlicilive înucluài lij pei The modernu houscWifc atiglif1 and as nitrates anci nitrtfes, .1C3 11ev. W. Kflwcipso f~ i -i,,r',-s.-- . .. ýnùe Made-e Wifl ble e eror Trhe illustration shows a Monarcli Peinsular 1" Steel Range wxif hflhe reservoir or hot ,wnf r tank on flic Ieft. If, for any icason, if is desired fa have the Hot \Vater Tank on flue -ight, flue change eau bce made wit hout fools or troubîle by lifting the Resers oi'r froni one sidc and îlnciîng it in tfle socketcs pmovided for flic purposc on flie other side. 5'Monarcli Persinsular" is flic enience, and fthe only one whieh îizes space. r Reser'coir, is made of copper, er being aiwaî s clear. ,d illustrafes nîany other eninsiilar"' features wbica ve loyer shouilc kîoxr. Lfamous "[-Tecla" Furnace. ilte, -Preston,6n 4, BOWMANVJLE tt intu a larger pot steeping ifýý sometîtuies thr"?e or four finies îi sruccession. BIc n nsftue originaforý cf the tee cesy, a couvon to fit oe flue teapot and keepthe tee ot Exer cmi'ember of the bousehold luesi nccess f0 the toc box and ecdhn driniks ns maiuy littie caps of bt fer tee as-he likes. INGREDIENTS FOR CAE-'S Eggs serambleci aed nixeci vi fluin suices cf broiledc bacon, a sprinkiing of gînfeci cookecd he, and thon coscreci vitb a coatîng; o,' curmi powder, is, a favorite ne- cipe of flue Chinese chef. iDcck eggs fluet haive bec i peck- cd iii tuick black loeîuu and picklcdý feuîuu one cf their besf Iknowni appe- tizeîs for a nucal. A real Chinese cake recipecas for shmeddeî poî'k, eboprci ai mnics, the ment -of a, fcwmeo seeds, and some spiel,seetsf 1idif1 Thing doudients arcai niixed togethuer in eafbck ast, thon sprend ocir nith iaycr ot tînspiceci deuglu,an baeiiin cx en uîutil jusf eooked hrugioc b r oivncd. To cock drieci nusJiîýomb thec Chinese nasb eceuone carefuliy5 drain and fmy in a qîtaîitiny of luot lard. If fakes freai fiffeen fa t-wenty minutes to fî'y luenu, effet nemaleatay .aency, on certisin ondi Ioni 1 by' faiber, ni, thar. soi, daiirhter, brother or sisloii ofifuIe, diig homesteader. Putlep:-Six menthfi' resideuce upon andS cultivation cf the landS ln each of ihree y ors A homesteador may live iritin aise mils of, hi* liri esteRd on a fsi-m of et lea4 80 acRree soleIy s.wnedanc oeCupied by hlmn orby bis faIber. mother son, danghter, brother or hBler. In certain districti a boinestader lu goosi 1 taneli g may pro-sm t a quarter section alogi g .Wde bis iornebteasi. Price e3 00 per acre :utes-Ilust reside six inonthi in e ,oh or six YearB frcnx date of (lucludi. g the tume rfiiuired to earn homenteasi patent) aud cultrato fi ty acres extra. A hons'steader wl o bas exlsausted his hm ftessi right andi canriot obtain -a pre em -ti in natkea Pus-haed hometsactit.i9i ce dIitietP, Prîce $3.00 par acre fUttes-Mu.t meide six nmths la each ofe; ee aars cuittvatetiiiy atts aniereci os ot W. W. CORY. Deputny Micîster otibelisterlDr, N. B-Ui;athoilaed publication of Ibis ad- veilisemeut will Dot ho paid for. ô6dm FORTUNE'S FA\VOITE. "Soîne folk.s is born lock ," said Unce Eben, 'an' de mnat dat is bonwif plain common sens-, îs üne of 'en." CI ~ sPh~~ F od atishourt, Iiture OC ngm and fluein suff erings becarne fer- rible. Their boues w'ere sficking flunougli their skins. Tbey uere like walking skelcfons. Mr. 1mb- bard grew sm week fluet lue ould preceed no farfbcr. Tbey left hias svmppcd in a blanket and pres'ed on un seerelu cf food. Wben they teturned hle vies deaci. There is thouglut fu Ite nt)living explorer, usho lues suffercd imore ph1 sicallI lardship flunu Dr. Sxen Ie in, tbe Su ode to w borni we cuve nearly ali <sur kn.owledge of flue gcogmnapluy cf nrothernu bet. Attflueonous altitudes wxx hle passed tft inglu u a]be1s far liglu-ern enfle sunu7uit ok Mont Blanc, tluc morc n"2tof breafhing becarnte n atter cf sucli diffiuclty fluet four of bi s comnpan- tons diec i 'inply beceuse dues vicre untablo ta brecfluc. Wh-en fhey cane no. thi"r ccnptng l-grouncioee v- Wifli aIl flue Sommer blessonis eglox ;n-tlu gleeîiug rein- Whetu piuk and swhite in cioster flic swcct xild roseqstsrey, Eiîutwinod witb honcysuekie n here once w as fragrent Mny 1 Green lanes cf snuny Deon, 4wî beatîtifeul whotî shov' The poppies in the ceorn-field ue- yondthfle greenu hcdgerow- W liu nmarguerites and icontiowers1 fh,« lucl "n hiAuftrn hol-d The -weeor tst jcwels cf Nature set Gr-ectu, laites tif soinny Deivon, bow bovutiful tbey arc, Wteie'wohite n ith snouv flèhedge- 'ew s, and Sprilngtime seern afer" Yctet tllue sparrowis' twiftcn and mnerri robins' straitu RemuiI ns Winten½ pessirg, and Sprt ug returuus egaitu. MT. E. HEARD. Lù rd otu. WHY PAT DBOPPED. ecea iuow nto akýe iL. Prhaltps Soi didn't cefelu the ida" Bore -"No; I flink if vies the chien she didn't catch."1 By Most people andi by nany dacters -Hence the ,ir treatrnents fail. It is not se i'ery rmni- -cars SIncc dis. cases of the nerves were effributed fo ftlu prosence of e-vil -spirits- and more- recs'nt- ly sufferers from nervous doanugemeuts have been tohd that they- oniy imagine they are sick. Nosr the s-emy besf authoritits clajîn as did Dr. Chase that the only v.ay ta cure diseases of the nerves ise to make the blood rich, reci and nutritions andi fa buid np flue n'asted norve colis by such treatmenf as Dr. Chase's Nerve F"ood. Mrs. W. Rf. Sutherlandi, St. Andrewrs, Man., r "Ie n 'la1903 1 was strieken witlu paralysis, fell heîpîessly ta the fliou and hnd f0 lie erriec ta lied. The dootors pronouneed if a baci case as I haci no pow'er ha my fougue and lbf t leg. For six months I 1ev in thet con- STRANGE MANDATE. 1 1 illaîtiiiü SuPerstitious India Olicys Foolislî Custoui. Indue, is a land of manuy strenge superstitions, buf a recent cunie- porteci friomu a town elled Bada- or is curions alrnost beyond beli-ef. An inhelitant lost fwo uives ta quick sesiucsîîunf, andci ias about f0 cenfmact e third nuarriae, he lue mecccix ce fle f wlxvng mandafe "We are fold fluet wluenae man bas alrendly lost tn o wives, bis tiîird alto ducs very secu. In erder to satisfy the Angeh of Deafi, l'on are nequested to nînmry n dcli, and flueteaffor comc and marry eur deugluter, îrho shoulcib lic 1your fourtlu nife, anci nof your tîtird. The man did as luevins tohd. Hol mnarried the doli, thoni gave"ont! fluet sbe was deaci, buricci ber wif lu gu caf pomp and proceeded to marry bis fourtlu vife.î - -- '---- 'e- ~ ..................~ ~ - P.......... -',nervous systemn ,pml. nwiuercm1.Teolfluers dieci gra- eu cb7tg u ffae r(i1no, e:duaili fronu teir feet upvi nitd me potedency &.rual W Ac, efsi, . te UbrariîWidîor> Toorntontling flue ui ndiflue eartl bKoo," j 2-ti. triscaut tO t roîi na lie-use n lde i!on aix ire about tweïn I*iyý fefrou le gr-und. Affer lue bcd stmgglcd anuotuiethfuenul le1 goa7 fl h ruuad.4 1ome eue skd bsrao o cfn -~~~, '--e-'.---- - ü------"--- '---- înproved, uccause flua metat, oeing sprinkled -ove fluent insfend of su- fîeor froni impurities, does, not le-- gar. Rice fakes the place ýof bothlu ome so bot under flue application andi petafocs in flicClineseo fthte bmekes. In coas,2jequec- of dief, andi so foris flue principal fluis fheire is lest expansiýon and food fur all meals. confracfi<in, and so lest stmain. LETTUCE IS LIKED. Thaf fluent is lest absorpti-on cof Lcfttîce is useci exfensixely in lient wben flue alioy is used is in- Clinesc cookery, budt heu' preferj dicateci by expeî ments n :fh ingot flic stalk of flue plant fo flue leai os, m uoids nmade cf titaniîsm imon. Wluen andi sounive lcarned to groîv fluir fihicci w ifh unoîfn steel flue melcisg ieftîuce nenrly ai] stalk. ie'uai'u black, and hlue prox cd ery CSf course, flue Chicoee eatlot- insfing. A casting cftinura- tuce ns a vegetable, nexer as e sa- lo)ed imon lu"afs less flan ýordî- -lad, -and tf ei -kîtis t-itwany -dcliui- r-m- easf-ing viwh'nn'rk ude ous wais -cf pireparing if. - Tlucy tool, and, un flue -ofler luand, fools ,cook if witb p-onk, fmîing flue twosefuttniuuu steel are less lnfei togenleienii a pan îidh sornu n- luen etbcns un service, cii, n bich gises if e peculiar fies or and edor. Fow is are e favor'ite disl cf flue ration Chiekens, geese, and % .especialhy ducks, are &steomeci as 9II foodc. The chieken is usuai!Y ont- en ix lc thefle bod is cookcd, nthe coniluis pi'eserxed wilce and red- the botter the thk le rddor flic contub-nnd ail flue gîbets are saved andi uîsed in preparing the olAi tors' prescriptionLs. My hnUsbald ad.-wif p le . flue birs, vised me fo fry Dr. Cbnse'"s Nerve IFood Noxv, Jýohn," saici an \at îý ý intib li se cf thîs îreatmenf ail lth,,sAi er husbend, '"I tiýoielt 1e Ile i,,sldiu o leC sinptnsdiaparc.I n nwfli aciiuluc be uc-Pofn.' oein faofci 0rsebut fbey! popliy, My legis aIl Hghtanuci au j "Yes, darbcî oc luoin. dik flueiraèMw PAouS-mime ctnU- O vil q owauoîerk."os0 cents "BU, es oux mogi isc l'ue icnuua~, Peslis te a ~ ~ *' bo,6 oesfr 5 et aut deoirs acue's ics"'Yes, dar '1h C p te ttcgis'sepn or Emeaon, ate & O., oi~t~, ~asft- I liV'enu 1~-u2;r bo'~ ~ es e epeurs3 ....... ZR& -1- 1 1 -U, -L ý-L -1-1

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