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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1909, p. 4

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TOWN COtJ4CIL. FIVE CLASSES FOR BOSSES Apples W ante d Regulor meeting Mon iav night, DEAR ErITOR-Cartwright Township 'a.or Masoripresidling,cuocilûrs ail Agriculhural iSeiety divides hcwEes into present. VV IH%,%illiains and ý% ni FitJh- five eîsses, tivinz .separate priz,; for I1am-now buytng for cash apples leih were given usual rebate ou stree, alilfi.e. West Durham Societyhbas four for evaporatlix purposes, both peellng watering contraet we6t Kicg St. B3 divisons and some have enily tbr(el an . eider apples of auy varlety and siza Diding wilI have a trce eut d awu in [low should thcy be -lse l er if Sound. Deliyered at the Evapora- font of bis premises d the Roads atd opnion ? FAIiNER'S SON. t r; opposite fthe High cholBwm ~ SteetsCernapprove. -UhieI -.)arvts ls AN_ WER-W0 pr -yir4e -as he *n t ~itWy -suidded P p -i ii ~ 1t¶ Ilf h1f-- goîngta nive abrau new inte weîgt cf~ pre Oveclasses, t a e s ~1 1 LU 1 1 i gï - vaa ran ne wite weghtûf heheavy herses ta runabu Overcoat. The compariy give-n ges as tollows: (1) Ilea' d1gt 15 b.J.R ike na___________550lb-, J.R,______Va t r franchise seme time ago asked for exý and unwards; (2) aigricultural or faim. 33-tf. Propietor. _____ ltenioin cf timne Public Prop8rty 0Cm from 1350 ta 1550 lbF; (3) gerieral pur wlii investtgaté whv. Firemen) aske I pose. f rom 1150 to 1350 lbs; (4) carriag,____î,___VI_ that the ringiug ol the tire bel] be dis- horses, l6ý hsnds high and upwartIE; (5) continued for any other purposes but roîdste~r hrses under 151 hands- ED. INSER'Al0UTOES fire alarms. After about an hou. 's dis C S, cusssion ce request was granted. .Reee il____l__________ Toeo was g!v,ýu permission te buv 20)0 Rev John Girbutt attended anniver- f' plauh-ana l(ouOf scaritlirg Accouais HlIH SCHOOL NOTES sarv Fervices ai Bloomfield MondayM u SHeafo lhr ..........f6225 liZh sehool inspecter on lis visit !ast Mis3es NI. E Joeess, Anr ie Cryder- Yumycrelceadslc aeilfryu e aigw n nwt~ C....................................... sudtesY lInayarm her an serettâtAlli.forarerDedelegates an I~~uyE %itheridýe, lbo.......Il 25 appearance cf the building and groands eomftLe Methodist Sunday Sehool ta vou are gettil)g What is up to the minute in fabries and cOur stock is well f d Dyâ Bartis, "....... 1FOocf Bcwmanville schoel. the Provincial Sundav &2hool Conyen- assorted in the newest weaves in plain and fancy materials. OF I~l Meader ".......14 25 Students who obtained hlghest marna tion et West roronto- O.t 26-28 nl GoPwr......18Oa u departmentai examinations Rev W j M Cragg,, B, A B D., Perhaps you have made ap yo1ir mind to plrchase mtra o ornwfl ATULETI C SPOURTS YteCiellan &Ca, teaming, lumber 54 48 were: v son a heNli etoFts 4irahnh et-mtra o o Cas Brown, nais ............. 26 85 Entrance or Junicr ' cachers' sud EiMer cO ist chiurch next Sundav at both ser- Oni an ftebgct trs'Wi eoeyug ecrilyivt wil b hed n heGao S S.ephenslumber .... ...... 291 85 Rundie for the Seuior Tese'ýers' Exm- -ice. Rev ýIr Garbutt goes taFenielon us and Eee our splendid assortmient, Now'is the time tobuy, our stock is complee wilb edo te1.I . E'letrio Co. firealarm box,..100 tUO mation. Falls for the church anuiversars G rour (15 on i LS EýllOtt gascline........... 96 95 Fie]d Day' of athletie sports bas been Rcv. H. S. Mathews, a former Bow- - ei relrphone Co service ...9 87 flxed for Wednesd'ay afternoon, ()ct 13. mauville pastor, and Mrs. Matthewîi Glanvile, polica dutv---------..4 50 ihose who attended High School @pý_rts have jusi returned bv the Empress of Wedîiesday,, Oct. i 3th. 'W Caldwell, iverv.......2 00 a year ago expressed themselves as Britatýi from a delightful trip ta Eng- Ciek's 1dvan00 highlv pleased. This year's program IlsoAd Ireland, QetIaLd and the Con-_____________________ beginning at 1.30 p. 111. M A Jïmes& Soni,pn&ýing . 8 00 expected ta su r pass lasiyear's. Friends tinenlt. .... Open taail stdents o the ~ar I19~ 'ruta $593 ofare cdîa nvtd te padle gd. eA )-llv b bevdb tPu' ogea efenthe lschtudltanof theypar 199 Tegel 1593 25The Sacrament of the Lord'i Supper RîLê e abis 11 TTt n oIoo Agood programmee of events Tha' tir dfeelnz will disappear and lection wililbetaknntowardsprizafund. Lion aithe hunayNew ina- ervic forbot bos ad ilsis e'n 'Yu iPlbe Oleta atwei an s!ep A MOST RLEMARKABLE CASE-" Ms face At the eveuinZ service Rev, Hugli wepb sie ile'aCe'oon Ia was paralyzad, I could îîot Speak, five Vunre wii preach on the subjýrt Black and colorcd Ottoman cloth, theBetilne lvtadveetns There ralpb coday Pi. Sold byl. M, Mi chtll & Ca. dedanrs faled ta help me and I was in c What ls Calvinsir, ?,Bat'lnwvlgsad ThegenralpubD crdglly Drgg.t ldesairwhe hefigbarDr Chse' Re.sCeLaBikey MoraBowan-leain fariethi sesonforsmrt tylsh sorîec caor dan qulites uitblefo invited dNore od ied is onD.Cerflsre v.0.L III bMA aBwmn Nev od sdti odru easvi o uaekostPalsAnlcngowns, rich and dressy in appearance, dresses and trirnmings, per yd 50ta12 A sIve clletie wll e fka tdbesound lu eateerady w ay. I woud lotchurch, Lindsay. The choir wore new per yair.........................$1,00 apidte hie prizt!fe .CRTRGTFI. n on! neevwy.Iwudno ascsand surplices last Sundav, appiedCATWRGH FAR.go back to my fermer positionl for ail entering the auditorium singing the ffOWMANVILLE, OCT. 7, 1909-- the gold in the country." writes Mr. precessianal and retirlng eiingrthe _____________________________ A pouring ramn decimated the attend- Wm 3 Brenham, Wcztern Hl jSt. reasesional. Bey, M1r. Bilkey san _______________________ Wecogatlaano J1 cuat ana grea:lIy marr.d the pleasure Catharines, Out. solo ai the mornng service, y ga W/e ongatulte on J lSrto llaICartwright Townstip Fai Fair on Rey. A. J G. CarnEadden, Sandfcrd, 7 veiy n neo 50(o-(-orls) ýo'ewsthe enly feture o! the fair TA NTO Pdaeening nthe etoisan Ma un - essai andla lo charges truînped up against hm rand hie chat was discouuted, for IL was iuLques dRyev J GarontCrtiarked aintecse xlsv tlsi e a political woî'kcrs ini the iast Federal tioiiablV the best al round exh bitian Sehool Report of S S No 12, Darlin Re Jhat b wîshe eey tugmntheac n olr Puel eohcalreoishelts olrefet h electjou. After a trial of several days Of live-stock, esp)ecialîy horae, bath ton, for September, names tin order cf town bad heard is excellent dizcourse.Blc an ore Puel lth and the vigorous efforts of a clever heavy and light, ever sen at a Black- menit: Sr 1V-Ada Co oledge GldsI was wholesame counsel of the i ight plain and shadow stripe eff ect, beautiful new heavy corded silks for b'ossx lawyer te prove sorne of thora by stock Fai Show, and the ladies deserve Brooks, Fred Rabbins Jr 1V-Vida character. Ilis many friends were glad satin finish, a most distingnished and ceptionally handsome with theirbih witnesses that -were no redit to aî vey great praise for the extraordinarllv Langmaid. Hilda Langmaid, Annie ta 'hear hlm. pat h eiinand cross. petîtion iue exhibit o! ibutter, cookery, canned Brown, Elva Pascoe. 111-Ewyn The But s' Progress Gulld of St Pau.'s esy aeiafai d..0c ,$.0lstaonseefieifso n he newestý We were roppd, eah paty paing in e reedie w.ank hI l a question if Jean fruil, Jack Brooks, George Pas-meFrdyvnigast eoaizadbe. own costs. - any township show au% where has con- cOee. I-Annie Vivian, Wesleer Lang. for the Autumu Mn. A R. Cameron,an et taiued a better exýibitian ny ladies this maid Edith Flntof!, Howard Lancder, ,wl aatte boîs ini iheir work,______________________BakTfeaik(eaguaned 'eàr. 11gb praisù is deserved bi the Gardon Leask, Walter Trnîl, Gerdie and a cemmitteeAf a iaIes consisting cf chiffon f, durab e arua itfoblue The editor of a eounty newspaper,me eso!CrwiîAgiutrt eakRbieBwnLcy iin Misa_ M. Henrv, Miss Fairbairr, Mrs. T. veitie oue n caactaJ psal mteti rSoc%îety for suttainiîîg the intenest 80 (absent ) Pt Il-EveretMartyn, SybtiTd n.A L ihlsad Mrs. E. BD adcflian vonotiaisor gownîs, par yard...75ean $10 pesîie capaîs ha pstl aterweE in thein exhibition lAângmaid, Frank Taylor, Ali e Flin teif eath ws appoluted ta heip with îLe aA.J.AN boeen traisson aid Oî'on ofen No mueieipality in these United Russell Stainton. Sam Brooks, Elieciametlgs doayd n rasmsson Threîn~ aCounties bas made tbe progneslu agni. Matyn, Ada Pascae, Vernon Milis Rev, Ezei ton Rycrsori Youn-, mis- New Frenchi broadeloîli and Venetian gîeuýnd for such conîplaint, but James cultural maliens and improvement lu Wesley Cameron, blinnie W ins cot, sionary autt or, canoeest snd leturen, cloth in black and leadirg shades abso- Publishing Bouse dees the largest mail tefr eiecsadohrfr (absent.) 1-Ilerbie Flintoif. Walter One o! the Most lntenestinz figures lu i business ot any finit in Bowmanville and buildings that Cartwright bas lu the .V1ivian, Mav Brown, Leona-Plunie!!, the Methodisi church tli Canada, and a lutelY faEt dye, Unthrinkable, for styliali These Cool Nights remind uso in transmission of mail matter between in the Province au be grown ietter Pasco, Nelson Wnnacott, (,%o3ent) isr Church, passed away.Tueday mr- these points. W/e have reason tue knowi ields and sampies of aitlAndps ci grain MAX R. BALLARD, teacher, n tbsbm,"AguunLde' alsotha a cearnce f al ot-gong udveetaleS ImpoveenticatleBradford, alter a lcngths ilîness. Inter. Tm mail matter is mnade prornptly at this sheep and swine bas not beeu as generai Aeouta y wiil appea' rsd wee .Weaeperdfoalaebane office, su that a reflection of ibis kind on as ceuld be desined aud as wouId be Au e meeuty ing ai ea ethodi-. et ar1 ui ess this seaoOr alrygexesv the staff hn this office is very unfair and pr(,fitable, but batter horses wouid tax LITTLE ILLS ÙOF CHILDHOOD Lcbunch mndeeing tewas p stT bsnessedui-uiuthiys socsf uewool nd OuanelyEebak unealled for, and the personi whomade it a dealer bard ta firzd la any sinigle 110W TO CURE THEM euc odt even M. ,E.LoehAfr e C ruo ye etsocofp eWOIadlneei should have had the courage o! is con, Ontario township. It is ta be expect- opening exe.cAs Mn, C eLidger te viciions tu siu is own name and not ed that the cungen fariners witlnunit- O h ar !mten i ve a-teaessonsudMies Lena C RCoid sud ets Will iflieresi yen at this timeepc gietefaiFlul P. .staff a st'îh in thecdiv make advances lu ather farm BçsîcOeke od f ohNew Corduroyh esonac SIvelvet n Hrnad in rshadeve i shdr f alyou rnesf aao!na gie-as il csts no m re la naise good animais ada there is ne aier medicina can equa 1 Flrence Alu: n gave a piano 6uet, Mn, R. w ie ad nl r w ,m rl ,ec tls ae .than inferir ues. Sn' wn T besfe h u e llcb M M tchiell arg'a solo, sud M n and m k s u lw i h ,l r e Sz sa ____s_______ wolehiîeea -Ia.A W Éckad adut.Mssf ardinal, brw nd yril e, ciWea, stershfmnes, uliti i, are s iz u spr Na small credit la due the venenab'e constipation, simple lever, wonms sud ê,rances E Caley gave balance of ne THE PRESS seeretany James ParEsq., for the iis asing obes. tonc olldimnbea.l s W.Peard a duel. Miss foardladis ... nd...rn' er erfn uliis rce rn 3,0t 80 THeePRESS troublesofThîs 1madiciHe laspontdefedum er Shool ait Chemong. yr........... .............50e a pair. suceascf bisFat. e bs rndeedgaod fin the new berri baby or the weii Ibe meeting ciosed with a short sa11g the vers test service for hal! a lifeime gnown ohiid. Absolutely safe--youI service sud benedictlon by 11ev. V. IL. The Canadian Epworth Era of Toronto anid bas Il cd ta sec a wonder!ul Im- have the guarantee of a gavrmment Emery. foir Octoben is a special Snap Shot num- prevemeet lu il over the old order of analysi that tbis la truc. Mrs. S. G. ber. It contains about forty snaps taken thlngs 1He bas been fcrtunate inWrRvginQesy:Icno 8l11ngr, assaciaQeteq: cano on the trip to the Seattle Convention havin soitd wlth hlm a gard class prRlse Baby's Own Tabiets warm:.y besde iner facg earc mattter. of men wbo bave rcadily sud ably sec- eoough. Sold b; ahl mediclue dealers ni beie neeshgraigonded is erdeavcrs ta ba!d a goed fair. or by mail at 2.5e a box fnom The D31 y ltevs. S T. Bartiett, L. S. Wight, J. J A.ativficarsdsor ! le-Wilams' Medicine Ca., Bnockv1ll, tosensure a succeseful Society and Ont. Liddy and Mr. John Hellyar, Jr Ail annuai exhiblîlen. De tpa u is hnyuhv 'nersidinlegn or soudsuseih ha principal olicers sud dinectors steady work to do. te ibis excellent magazine, nieyer more Ibis 3 ear art: President-Wes!ey Camp. Une hs iruencsyu a cut y& orin t d inersin aJpoulrihhal. sl; Vice do-Andrew Devitiiiasd Jas FRE CIZNDESbpriysetattelidneys aieu It iswiih pleasure tbat we always note Bîens; Secetan-James Parr; incas- FRE IIZNDEweak and diSuried hanth ibe bnck the progress o! Durbam county press. urer-Rebt Philp; Directorana-Jamesdan tatth bc The latest appelant for praise ls ibis MaIeDlm, James CeaIes, J H Devitt, John Charles Weeks, paluter, had ains8 are really kidney pains. county*s pioneer Conservative news- M P P, John Wright, Fred Taylor, paresis or something o! the nature of a Other symptàms are deposits in theBO 1 J V N' IL , paper-The Port Hope Times. A de- Isaac Wbîtfield John J. Jabb, Nelson paralylle siroke and alter s long Ilîness urine afi-er stanc2ing, pain and smariin, cided improvement bas recently been Marlow, Robi J Parr. Auditos-W passed away last Tbunsday aihissbone wben passing wanter, fraquent desire te, mnade iu ils appearauce by a new head- Parr, Samuel Jeffery. lu Vancouver, B. C. Deceased lved uinate, also headache, dryness and ing letten, new body type, better make- fer several years au Untanlo-et., tis barsbness of the skia and pains in the up and fuller news menus a twi h os eetysl iEb n ov large extra expeulse ta tbe publishier FAIR NOTES. touinth bus nce sol6b.imsan od.__________________________________________________Dr._____ Ga. E. Maynard ta Arthur Marks., akccce iapaswe r Bren. W. C. Grant, but tbe business His family by his finat wifc grcw up, Chase 's Kidney -Liver PIl are ueed and mien and other patrons Dow have a Prize liat la on an inside page. there, but after deceased moved ta Part kidney disense je tboroughly cured by - NOTICE 0F APPLICATO FR T 1i4 weekly newspaper that theyuay prp- cr? il atr y . a tebgetArtur they went ta Torontoansd aisc- this treament. UIET THE BEST. IT PAYS ULL Ota-DoFORlol support, survives, was for five sears assistant Ont., wries--"For two years h was in ThrongneshePepuanir, an alise f The wank of the, Women's institute edîtor of, THE STATESMÂN, bornansd completely laid np wiîb lame baek and Gn huin et s ti IS HEREY GIVEybatd ROYAL MAIL SEMHP From the number of speciaî suso la shown at the Fair. euie ee adube fteconld neither walk or ride. IE tried GnieMrti h TC SHRB IE htLUETC leadiug publications centaining articles MIIGANarTaICgtr fteN Gog Rbr Btoshwo tetw sud information o! particular valua and S A Davts 's fine borses sud colts laie George Webster, whosc aged widow many medîcînes anud the docior 's treai- LIOTof Bawmaaiville la the County of Durham in Tuiple Screw. wee ise hi ya. LfOTthe Province cf Onitario, sand cuiter, wiîl apply Largeai aud mogt modem taesonS.Lw interest te 'ivinen there must ei ha uie wn lsd bsialires stijl in the faml!y cottage oa.miment did ual belp me. t h.- imei f aaaattenf//I.o ýnù ýaue.Laetp minds o! editors and others connecied ,WbSt a pity the we ither man alioecd Qucen-St. Some yeans ago Mn. Weeks "Afriand bld me about Dr. Chase 'a 1 ttheePoa llatf Cda at e e x i s essid ecksrouie aten rodcinesh lp With pnblisbing bouses au bigb appraci- elouds te woep se copiously, moved ta Vancouver, B, C. ]Kiduey-Liver Filîs sud Ibis medicine f..if~/' Rosina Mande Horn Butt'nsbaw of tle city of dek vry detait of cmo n puyc ation of the sex as rendors and patrons. Dr. Orr Graham 100k the place of the Prom a letter showu us bv Mn. RI.- completely eured me. I have nover bad --0..- T.oroun aftIlautetry1-suitdes Ponce sta - Anucuucomnen'tls made that Farm aud absent expert judge oulilght hanses, Mays, Cienk o! Bowmanvllle Camp, a lame back or 4idney trouble sinceanud Dateat aiowmanvite aforesaid July th, 1909. Mont,-et Qes ipe Dairy of Oct 7 wiflha a valuable bouse- Presbyterian ladies served s chîchlen Canadian Order Woodmen of the my cure bas been the menus o! selling Toronto, Ont,. BSMPON anada. Se.. 8Pt. 2 c. 11orid, ---- ea--- i-bat-. C . ek1 alm- yboe o-r.Cas'sKd-e-Lv îepyalagn-tongebcas s aiDwmnBteafrSaIMSON.iorcth _ec. c. o The ,trouble vltb eh o iabgdailies 1 A5elceylbel. î>0soo IU ' -'~adprdieFrom St. Jh, N.BFo - A NCauie09 l 0scretcesad ute noriniatesNofPssags anddairy paru e John la that the aditars write ahove the in-i wCendianBeatge 0w oScr tcesad fnbrifo-Rts0 asgshio'h. (West st. John.) telgneo! tbree-fourtbs o! iboir For Infants and Children. fi' Blue ' ) OC0.'I O809 info n rn rakAcrigt tae.Nov, 57 ___________CLVR EE......... 0 G s 0 ) agent an write J. D, îst ýClagg. -..$67 50 ..77.50. 87.51,,Lk The Kind Yeu Have Always Bought TMTT ED...... 5" 5 MDoNALD, D. P. A., u.$00.... ?450.... 840 d55.60 ail UROCH- nges. A h ime sarytntcs Ti msii d r e ... 225 C ry26w ...A $2 -PTERM egNVI>LL'stamrsc Berste UTE, at are n l. O 'ry2 - 'Toronto, Ontario, For arielars oi aqiings antirteeni obcka orfrre rfrsio e FOR FLETheR'S l-aslP doz ............ 000 JRY OVE-2-2ANITLdYTTbok oTfo fu FO FETHES inaur o P£TOSP ai&....0rd. 3 ....... James5f5-,75 cpaiiorsem r dé 0, P, iFames R.agent or S. J. shap 1YgeSri R_ 1AFA P tOU 0 , 0_0 C P & T. Agents., B . owmavlle. Allan Lins A enB ma lie - - - . Toronto,

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