4'--++--4 -'-$o+oc++O< ~inaccessible potentate. To the ter will crne near such a pa.ck of ORONO. 2people of Beacliville hie neyer spoe fouis as w e've brben! 1 den't nev- 14 NOSriï~' save te Mr. Tuppen. er want te see Tuppen again! And (Frein The News.) T ULUE OO ING Bult there was a cloud to the sun a precious chance you've got 4f isSdeBon iie red ofMr. Tuppen's satisfaction. The fiiing that page vvith a visitor's MisSdeBrw stdfins ç~~p Lendon papers ignored the impert- list !" aléeb~vle Du 1iDanit prcence of the rajah at Beach- "I don't know semc, replie.d uso , Fr deep-seated xllc True, une paper had men- Marchant eniigniaticali,. Mr. Col. Stapies seld his driver î 4 te(ned that the Rajah of Jellypure Next morîni g the Pr(e- s ef Eng- u ida ur COLDS, ~was staying at Beacbfleld. This land, uwing te) March1art's labors r. iam oînTrto RU. w as bnci euough; but it was riad e w ith telegrnph and "flins1 ," had ý :ted fîiends hore recently. A 25e Bofle fere a sýM1 ola.t worse by <" second paper, which a new- joke. Here .xas a hoax, and 'MrP.Bklybaben ust '- Incý,redibie as it seemed, Mr.1 A soc: Bruir Sfor a Ilea'y Cold stated that the Rajah cf Jalapur- the stery of a -dupcd chairman arn.dcke a be us ~'reerik T ipn na ri agin A S.oid byueIeaileo rari. dCu~ the rigbt Lare, mark yo 1was the plausible rai-ah caused a brerd lýCI r RbeMot.The FL -dYod la 'e Ai va 's fo ,ad~h~hsbe dificui jhe oulno~soNe I. olOSy 01 1ru ,sr.In, i.and Mes. TW. Jackson vis- Tuppe, whewa.~ man bus -DAVIS &LAi'WRENC o., ot~ tjn eBrighiten w-hich was a smile from east te west f ronm nor, iied friendsis je Mripesa.us oror 0 eaia oneRei-' reo ness, aself maema's aman whotir ex, beitrs o' cion of a to seutb. Arid the best ofÀ it ~was Manager 1H. H. Reid of the Stan- and has been maeunniispr neS____Saself-mdeman,_a_______ ofanced telegrapbic erroi. That 50 thiat e haccua intkqpcard Bnk ofas'ettheicty recciit- ~r~ oisupervisioninelsnfcy thuachimaenoc les digniity ppurlar a town as Bright-on should; heautifu] little seaside tuwn of î AIJow no one to dcieyul Rs tincara-ofthe Belachvillc rixeli ut his hlouse, Mr. TuppeLethegainîer at Beachvilles ex-i3ea.ehville, or f' that delight- cr . Ai Cun dreitIiatosad"Js-sgod r u Liban Cuancîl. took a gazetoî î ho n the sheli, an~d1 pense annoj d Mr. Tuppon exces- fol spot en the coast, iacilE dl Bajsan icMs In returning thanks for bis elec- cpu îcdfiý hapfiazard. six uly. The Wekî res took p he uLs8Stap]es, xisited friends at Experliments that trifle xvitliand enda etcReIho ejk an eeteewssoefrCamhr'ay. rnfants and Chuildreil-Experienee agistEprneL tien as chairînan, Mr. 'fuppe bac '"The RaJafi ofthe Raja i of But stil xisitors did net arrive!jk dbr huewsoefr Miss Iva Glascott, teacher uf a hinte.d pretty broadly that bis ac- Ja'a ur!1"lbe exclairoud. "That'IliIj in nîreasing combers, and Mr; more information reg-rrii xýg Beach-~ ce1s, ion te power wold bu markeu ffake the papeis talký And it's Baker lowered the reuts of bis vile, and Marchant saw that tbiey Sel'"o] soutb ef Miilbrook, -was k a sudnen n e îin popularity of safe! New we shaîl s' ,e!"'bue back te their original fig- gut it. People rcadnig of the Beach- Missves Erna and Allie ('ard,6 J3eachxille as a s-as-ide resert. Hie - oe. The boeîfiîig cf Benebville ville boax rend also uat the sani'e had pornied te toa a ave I I'Washaîg6e.tm fBaoxle eits. Te former Orono yourug ladies, are vis- Castoria Is a harmiess substitute forCaor01Poe hadpr-nse te owna av ofastngîg fire i o ecvles1 uL Teiigfiends buere. gorie, Drops and SoothIng Syrrrpm. tsPkan-.L prosperity. Mr. Trpn aise own- Mr.,Tuppern was net the oiin'y- "Meen" dcclared thatz( it contained Mr. Richard Best,- ,,in of Mi. contains neither Opiumi, 3Morphine Be ue Nroi cd' the laîgest groery c tablîssh- 'onhabiýata o f Beabhvillu wbhoii a colony cf arti ste, -w ho w cru anr-C Rc st, H-lope ,w as reccat gwac t mnent in Beaebvilie. And, flnaily, hmdcl mrbblte o e d ut tue popular notice,whi ' substanice. Its age is its guararitue. 1tdarysWrn -Wr. Tuppen w as ri vague rnegotîa1tehunngc httwn.l h twastels a u h aa' ight lead te the ia<ýio-i of their a M.Win. Armnstrong's. and allays Feyerishness. lt cures Diaroaau lr tien fir the bond of Miss Maisic' back-offhc- of the "Beachville Ga- StaY;, en the rnorrow bie cuuld be seclusion; thie'HýeraldL' niaintaii- _Miss Evo, Nichols, Wesleyv ie, Colie. ILt relieves Teetlring Troubles, etsCntpto îuewoefte wre ee-zte o wudhv oldalaving. ed that Beachville a ocued"s guest. of bier auni., Mis Wil and Flatulency. Lt assimilates tire Fod euasiR ai terraces of desirable but uaap- yorrng m-a, whose otherwisu genialI Marchant knew that his renduis selely by aristociats, viho .rusent- han Armstrong.-i sStniehadBwlgvghaty propriatd ailli eMidtonrachntoander- wlsd givingctbealthyhearsds ofaturabl.etYlee> prpîatd ila esdece. Mr. fe'alues w ere twistudjueaprcodbexpeigfrhrnwsf ubity Mr. Frank McLaiu-',lina- MTihe Ciildren's Panacea-The 2lllotrer'sFed Tupeî emmbrc te ai nnrspetuel sceci by deep thought over the rajah in the rnext issue of the Peuple hegan te talk cf Beach F. Ld . ou ymend Osaavece l Mri. Baker bcd addressed te im. the probleci cf Beacbville's ad- 'Gazette." lie was ini hopes cf ville; butter'still, peuple bugan te 'sic M.iuy-o1 Dvj "N~o, Tuppe-n 'lhebnc said, vanome fi in prosperity. gtting fres the iajah's Fps avslBabil e e h hj M.WlimBateadsn r E U N unt gix"e my ceusent te yen Cour t Marchant was bis namne, nnd lie peîsonal expression of appioval cf Yrecommcendeod the pince te others. cSamrîel Batten, visited bis dau.-li 1n ais-i(-. You nian't a muanofwas the proprictor, editor ai-i Beachi ic. Tu that uid lhe sought Beun chville becume pupiriar ut lnst. tr i.Jh oi apo.fer~thoSgntreo booms Benebville a bit, like er of the "Gazette."' H c,,eut Mr. Trîppen. Marchant net orîly shiow id Mr. Mis. H. Moulton anci sister, Mi;. -eunto had fallen a victins te the "Oued dIax, Mi. Tuppen Y'lhe Baker a page cf risitoe, is'lt; eGen r iitn eaie f iac gets my heures lut, c-harmss cf Miss Maisie Baker. In- raid. 'IAblout tb- rajh- show-ed is a spe liaI tour-page friends ut Wc)oler. thenp'rapsl'i thnk bou itdcud, the affectien cas inutual. "Wýell l" scuwled Tuppen. supplument filled with niases. Rv .A n i.MKu i again Y' Ouly Y'. Baker cas intractible. Marchant cas the û'r a n abovCe1 The boomirxg cf Benebuille bhad texp etdhmk fe h OdLn Iii short, Mr. Tuppen had promis- Wblen Marchant lrad interiiewud, alothers wbom bu desireci te keep h eun successfrrlly acumnpiished. this Cee.SotTrno ý,îFicvIleap1t onieal i-r ih regard te iriscoset te fions inqîîiries coneerinieg the ru- **ia nlhserG ctTrno ciBecril apetycosdeale ii î caenI46yar9goamecant cf this vil-OKld OIia o A~ i Jiosthis summer,anid cxv pcople a mrniage, the cernies attendant Ijah. M.Ba-'sb4ssai6Illt oe w-s abu rdeety wure callirng on bim te redeuni his !or ýsci eral empty tenaces fhousno- "Do. jeu thiasink I ccuhelddes' bave aCotes a promise, for up te the prescitvisi-' eýCcure uppenînost ie his minci, few cords with hbu " avearocl suaieddune, Tus le ns e l tuLais'DrvngCotntu tors wuie rumnanknbly scuice at- arîd lie gaie a fiat refu al. "No, I don't !"' nswered Tnp- Ansc-uns. Lhintony C'oend Firîis uj. mý e FCOeNrunCOPNY 7 URAYSTET.RE O R T Peachî ille. 'Itýs nu goed, ,rny lad! Leok peu.ý,cicîusly. "Gooci day" Mis. onwlliamconcsm-nnd duugh- And se nL Tîpe uninu eru, chen yen cari show me thue '"But jou'rs sucb a frieýd cf ter M iss B n es aedretunu îrdiyaleng the uipy uafrntisneers' iist in that paliercf yjours -pysafottaki-n' ci- whle page thie'ighlI 'I tel b we' ! IELPEN G. frem Bowmavilîe, where tb 'jy etBeubîhe.Fros ie otin ý'" mgxtIsîxuerrîcci 100 su, or e j'on erguests of Mis. Willianm Ca rit lgaze tnavchled ci un the beach vocrn eexentie'rs, theuTnppnIuei, uib cahc n ta he pailin se; tun is yeschage sy minci. At pi usent, jeu icvry soie. "What's the gooci cf (A mother cas cbiding lien sue fer, Miss Bernice Tueke, Orene, si ldsowiy tare back te thelit,-ta fin- roos fer ail the nases je! yo-.ur tuppuny-ba'punny m rg te 'im, hie disebedience i0 goingiog aiMssOieCbbdckWi île toîve, andcieb wonld sig iln- a dozon iers. Yoîr alter that, ny I shorîlci ike te kacîx " the gaie, te the shure, She raid, nie Henry acci Veina Keut, ?\Nw-OZ ORE paiuîy.by, and then ceill sue." ' -ou yensked hife, lie mignt con- 'Il sac j-eu go twce te the gate, nantie, are utternding Normal "If on y c uî i iu c a ca " "B ut io v ' n k u n M archant. isent te, s e nie" andi hes tate a nc e n e Jsiva ' S choýol a i Peterbo n. îo7i cmrttered Mn. Tuppen;,anci se carnie "Tlat's fer jon te, finci ut," raid "WeIl, I sbua'n't-see ! He don't Yeuon9gothe thIid tise, wiîb" u n Mn. CharîlesMiler, rupresenting or a hr t a seat on the rua-front, unci rest- B aker. "n e'ila ebc n e, rene rotten reporter,.1 cpened tegt udcn utheheRc oe TaCmuybe delghflyoina > (141nîvhiîu. up Tuppîenr s on the rame tuek ns'Ne more do I! Lvi sien and ehanci îîhich I bnci pluinly toîd yeti net thîougb EasternOntario ivas buse CI'-Splendid ceuther, sir '" obse,,r j'oOirdlf Y' enough cf jon ! GOcthie chek te tn do." In n toue cf surrise anci ruceuitlj'. .mE atte c c4d the ýonly othier eccnpaî)t cf thu Ad fcae abutht Mur- 'n bu fu aii ae.pitihe boy uxcîainicd, 'CO, me- Mis. Winters bas clos'ec lier 1.4 set- a tim jung man ef shabby licant sut in bis effico ý- ci a ceuk I in't yon! As if slîe ceuld 'avetucu e uvm ot h as nii pnigiocnu apeurunce and fonid saunr srowîin- anci schesing ' an ytbîng te cie citb an ink-staineci gate, chy dici jon net help mu by witb bu'r son, Mri. F. P. Win ter, RNCY "Wuathur's nal rigi," conccded "Wonder if 'Suicide cf a Local, panîpen lîke pou!Ynaiju tpigouîeciîoBpaeR)INfry tet Tnno Mr. Tuppen.I Editor' c eul get rnmore than a lino -paper-you're both a couple of Mn. 0. A. Oamsby attended the "Pity there are et a feîv more p.bout Beaclîîile in the Lcndon sciides !" The boy vhu Irogli temptation funeral f an ncle, r. Jacob viios'poýrsistud ibhe j ong darils?!' lie peundered bitterly. "Realh1, Mr. Tuppn--' feul, Turner, Saiford, a former r csidcnt% m'1ai. The offi"e-deer opei, unci Mi. "'1O, gi and 'aeg yonrself 1" ru- Vetoibhe oce e buloscdni elI, ci Clarke.Orfulnecfe Mn,. Tuppen u cd bin cwith a Baker, bcaminig and excituci, enter- torteci Mr. Tuppen, and istampecileri, le ad ain. w -orr.J.heRDiCkope e sdceovniii andu-odt friu. bl4îstare. cd. .off, pai,"We Iw -g in. Mi. J.the H Copersjrmcîioniltla atg o url- 2 tu lc, uteeiteyugMr. Baker. "Tnppee's the boy! theuglît Marchanît, and- ivent to the stroiig crpy bis euen residencu, wbich is pton HwabuanecuhW i muear. 'CI dint myscîf tilI ibis Belrivilî"'s geirîg teboom new! Scaview Hoel. Bcupigo -upne? hen actc b neCoe. Uthat'cannot bc surpassed, mcîrning. I came frein over thur ', The Rajah cf Jaîapor's casning 'une As a ferlera hope, bue senit bis Mn. Anchie MeNuil bas solc i s he indicaie eib iestwith a ]fer a fetnight :'caici direct te the rajah, xith a ru-lie raid, "If uîîlv I hlî nci kucî faim, 7à acres-,(kaccu us thue illy Undertaking rnocives prompt and persona teto a gi,7acufiil swuy cf bsu 1 "Who Yý querieci Marchanrt. qoest fer a short interviewv. AsThat I cas flot left aIl alene Puits fais), te Mi. Jaes MeMni- « or nrght and we do net rmake any extra chargi e isae / wakd.""Tb' RPajah ut Jalupur andc bis, bu expecieci, tbe repîy came ihut Tc heur tenîptatioe's strare, le and buas bought. the Marcus "Alked.rt" asked Mn. Tuppun, suot. Toîxpen 'enîc ',e cas stoppiîîg the rajah coîricise nu onue. 1conîlcinot t4în baie been uni- Lent frlt1,inte dCr-PHONE 58. 'I C alk unily che neceisary,-iii London, se 'e croie te 'is, and Ci' I crîght te ivrite remething f shax cd,f cession.J' ot1,i be3dCo explaineci ibe ycung m acl. "W enasked 'ic, toe cre on dcc e'ore. abouît is uhen buýs gene."- For nie jotiniglhaveboxe lped andi Mi. W. H. Cecan. Clarke, basJ NT MX II IM . the gbost can't c'alk, I baie te. 'E's geing to stop ait te Seaiiew thlingbt Marchlant. "Sometbing cf rai cd, ieased the George Davicisan faimLA N M .1.WV I LLIII Y %4 Oh, I purceir, en oud net under- Hotuol. Tupper's beat jon, my a more murnmat nature. if I Bj tapping cri the pae. csi sîde cf the vilage. Mr. A stand the colloquilisîns cf car pro- lai !" ce0uld oniy interview bina îîouldn't Convier the presunt tenant, inePi hone 58 BOWVMANN I1E fi-ssion ibe profession! 1, sru, ci "But Muisie, saic---" elC 'Trppen rcenr ! And nn teînpted cenesare there going te the ncîîh-cuit. un actor!" "ee idwaMii ad estpneig hntc bis Who neeci te knoxv that others cure, Mis. 'Thos. McNeil, Cocunîîlu "Oh, a hacter " observ.ed M\r. itii wbat I suj ! Andc-ISayj Tnp-dificulty tote mannager cf the lho- Thutt ilej' muj strnglb obtain; hast ail but finie geins of fiait ouit____________ Tîîppen, xvtb di'dain. pes just the sort ut ecterprisn' tel- Ih sealappenuiedibat it was And i e buside, tbe gale tbey cf eigbty by the falcf a shelf on 'Yes; but for the momuent 1 an mari te nîke 'un a gooci 'ushanci. pelicj' for the manager cf the ho- stand, which thuj cuere placeci. As mirfor- LIIINO GCII1EAPLY E~N G6LXý,D colk'slg onRo Compun but a travelling morîntcbank - , Getin' a rajah dccc cru' s a siroke tri to k.uep on the best ternms with They nued te se a friundlj' baud tues rureij comne singly, the gems OayreefctaMnhy whe bave appeareci ut the Lyceun eof goninîs-ihnt's what I calls it; Mlarchiant, se lie speeciiîly uvolveci Jîst tapping on the, pane. droppeci inte a large basket c-fuggs, What Suffolk Carnier Kcept Fainily ~ TagetLtiieTnc n and isi Majusty's-ns a nuit in a -a rajah with a seot of four black1 an idea. al cf wbich were destroveci. TvendicIiaie On.~e~ crcwd, I admit; but, stili, I bave niggers, and auj' amonrt cf dia-,"Tell jen wlrt," i suici. 'Hs'e The interesti ch inj ther nîexo The rugulur monbhy meeting cf Hr sati fceplim ec Oeresrcgr~;~.3 heein ssuruci thai I bave invariably crendi. Bea.cbville's ruade, my boy j oîîly get onu urggcr attendant te W'ilh give tbem strungtb te face the tbe Wcman's Institute c'iii bu huiit ane blnigt ilg odb i dugrr rs penformeci capubly. A fertnîrglî and4 l'n off te the agents te se ouk afien is, andi cefbai e te pt foeu.Fridaj, Oct. 8th, inî the Counîiiiun tu-crerufcikournt.le amilgeb -pi nree~ ~pi ago J joineci a travelling varieîy about iber bouses of mine ! uon a c aitur te bcip serive is ut Andi break the siaxirli chain; -RBomr t 2.30 p.rn. Sabjecis: a successor te Bunkis, f-or it isueamhCOOK res eonany Tocoia lng tor sbîrt He dupartei in a ixhiri cf salis- dinner. You bu the c'aitei te- Thcir livîs cith curs îviih sceetîyf "Masic," "Its influence inth BudstthbihpcofD 'dCGMIIEO.TRNON.(orîliWndr ,esterday the maniager gave uuch, faction. Marchant giooxihy ivalkeci nigbt!' 'ble nci, -Hem e ' "'Desserts," "Tbunks- Ceppenfillc. Hiebnci takun ijecight -f ns twe shillings ancifupecicto the streut. Oneuvuijy sida bue Therefore, il came about thut ix- 1Il ce a kindly greeting rend giîing Thougbts." Ahh iadues ivel Lne hliunt or e Gnd telci us ce ivene ut liberty to beard cf tire împeadîng adverît ot eniîrg that Marchant sîoci bebînci Bp tuppîng ou ib e pane. corne. ceac ibbmefuc i ien~ dupant, for buiecidneoroney, and the rajah. People cure alîeady the rajuh's chair chbcii that rulekn .Pnirsibscrnag ek andtc-o chie f atdein îvfe rie chance of getting any more. And ýbujing fiags citb c'hicb te deur came sriding je to bis dinner. The sircuigesi cnres ut urnes une anci bîacksmiib sbop, residence anci tberu cure tîveive peuple te feeci. ________________ 4r) 1 us wuiking te London. 1 wus aie the tccn. ,Noxv, it *-~as pî-obubly due to Mai- I wuuk, udjoining lacdi te Mr. James Mer-lHe put doc'n the exact cescf eî ury a n impersenutur !" Seînething cf an cificial commu- chant' s inexperiencu ibhat a centre- IAnîd if fies risthey courage seuk, roc', the c veh -kncc e blucksmnith cf item -of fýoci, c-bai was takea fies hi lu Srtbanuio lua dl rn o "An imperseonatýonY' echoîci Mn. nicatiin car issueci that nighit, temps occaîreci ut as uarly a course Lutt ie net look in vain; Bowmnauvil]c. Mr. Pindur estub- the gardon being nateci ut market 1 '11 i reuliftakeatu11drtaUh '~Piec-sly.Ahcw e! l rs rive aithat tire rajah wouîd ne nes the scup. In hunding the rajah Teh e-lp the tumptuc in uthe fight lisheci the business 29 jeans ugo, vl c bi di aid iborogl elbea ol ind,ssuming -a nIioe-Hetaos et anci the staticn on the rcroc',hI-srpluteful. bucwas ackc'ard, anc hulie nrc gn-aywî iwea uainiFls cariierîio onius- tbe week, or a fraction unden 47 oere strkei a inaiary mosptache. u n c umut by the cfar- wdrops ncisheci uvun the side uie tepae I vi ic. liiisuecessoi,Mnceteah "uilbipety stroed n iragiarymousach. p ancndsuînhers ef the council, 14)f the plate on ta the î'jah's gleas- Bp tappieg on teJan. mes Mcrnoîv, is keoca asafs stuieci this bunly felloxv, whe eue "The German Empierr Again' the Ancieni Orden cf Cumuels in fulli 1 ing sirt-front, clanýs gunenai werkm'an, anci expert sondracui fbnrdcgt Uiih A eia -he sooq ni gveven. en euia b fn riaeqnd]cipc lTra,- ah bent bis 1-r1A hui u e h epeiee dsar essen rc eil i enia ihl satp ncidwit aiiç . huckli-"HdaryLnce ! o cbudnheetntotedsair. Mr-Ltasee o frthsdelr, acifloc.,rie uude,"Yukre'I ae uieshiIe' gunce j4x the good tbings cf the nînýon bu dreve along the sua-fient Beachihe, incredulous, hearet le 1650 a lacw'uas passui laying uatnî,uiru."-" je 'c1cic oyu soah aconîpany citb Mi-. Trîppun. Me. lieu it bnci beinhaxeci; bec'the dec'n the penalty for a firt-clanýs --LvrBehrTrne usn e tabe. ~e oodteyou stmuci. Tuppen's punscrial pupulariiijroeucbajfnran cf jus couricil bnci bien effun 'e. The fines cure graduaicci. BTE PALAF.ev ecrotheTo,7,4111eu2 '-'tul R1gt-l)t ocec'ther i,leight. -Evenï Marchant dîrpeci by n bogus rajah. The ru- Thut for a lard fer 30 shillings tiltsai ufnýi!o ,,. per had tu' admit ibis ini the article hi iah haci benierciful ie bis dis ($7.20), for an esquire 10 shillings Eimurulciu-"Hemo.-v many tisnes tne up fynseo 'Z~~i 4 e3D ïl1uctautly penaued fer the "Ga- conores. ($20), c hile ail "inferior puisons" de pou saine a jcoung sun propoei nett. 'lu iie ircnstacestue Mr. BakePr'vcas purpie îith rage, corulci bave a 'fcc' words"'fer 3 te yenu buforu pou rap pis ' MsMrîia "l ceif<rI'ri w rtin u a algyniiMn. Tr.ppee iv-y,beri le'o ueMaicbint's f siiUiýgs, anci 4 pence (80 cens. Gwendohen - "If joui hae te -o' cas difieu~ tsinbutMarhantfeucnaie hm pepoofj nci uttr spenki ent nieecc, P ,a't- ' . Budge ; bo ilsb rie rue 'PîiI 'lbr',i ice:cife s a rent ouse For h" extw"c hr' "jahcas.dok c ib weldbastha Tu luis asie fo tt airag gil hfuie foieun, aý'i "re îare r l. e la oxeascens, taîihar ipt te ue u heuîc. 'Wht aou toreuina oun mn'sloe tan A mn'scndieisnsuilegocias raaiI ez e.<t 'uxS t-- n 'C.r-zî."icp" eesh 8otdIleB'wbere2sua jIll. 1 abieeams n osscchNt ,je ii-Ii iset.ln S bis menylots e' c a."cr c.ely all