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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1909, p. 8

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Wantedi -AT- Caledonian MiIls. SHIGIIEST PRICE PAID FOR ANY QUANTITY 0F OOOD BARLEY. 34-3m AUCTION SALES Gel your sale bis printed ai tls nffice ani get a Ires notice ln The James' Ppers. FnIDÀY, cr 8-Execulor3 of the late H C Hocar wil afer for sale ai bis laie resitienre, Hampton. the !llawlng real estate al] of wlichis inithe village o! Hamtion: 1 acre lanti on wlich are honse ana severai buildings; 1 acre ef lanti plante inlu cichaud; ant i 5 acres of gond landi; aise a numberi cf chates. Sec bis. Sale ai 1j o'clock. L. A, W. TOLE, auctilneer.i MONDAY, OCT.ili-NMoah Sshby, sauth Of fist ide âne weýt cf Newcastle and near G T R Station will effet fan sale his entire faim stock and implemeuts. etc. Sale ai 1 o'clock, Seceblls, L. A. W. TOLE, a-ýictioneeu.t About middc cof October-Mi Huglhi Greenlees, iot ý, B F', Darlingtan, wIll seli the wboli cf lis valuable1 farm stock andIntupements, ci destia1c houise3 ai Durham~ catile. For pan.1 Éîculais tee bis, L A Taole, auctlun- FRIDAY, CR '15-Mn Clarence Thomas wili oeii Oy alicilon an lot 1, can 4, East Whitby, ail bis farim stock and implements, a quaniiiy cf grn an d iay andi neusehoItifurnl:ueSale ni oeso'cicck. 9ee posters.J AMEs BîsHop, auct7oneer. WEDNEsDAY, 0cr 20-Mu A J Couriles, lot 29, con 2, Dalingion, wtll sel! ailj cf bis faim stock, implemouts, -etc. Sale ai 1 o'clceg, See bills, JÂMES Bisi-op, auctioneer. - V F.NESDA-Y, 0 CT-20-M-r-. oba-itFIelti- ing, loi 9, con 2, Dalington, willlosili ail a! bis faim stock. implemenis, liay,ç reco, sic Sale ai 1 o"ak. Ses 1 bis, b A W TOLE, auctianeer. ' FaînÂx', CCT. 22-Alr. Alex MeCuloti.C lot 30, cii 8, Darlingion, whaias sold ils fai-m, wili seil ail ni ilts faum stoAi, Implements, et-, , besicles a quantitN ~f ousii.d ffe:sSale at io'ciock. Ses bills. Gz-o.JACKsoN auctioneer. SATURDAx', CcT 2-rsTisRihad wlil Eell a1lof Jour household fut-niture and effects ou the Marketl-Square, BowmanvIlle. Sele ai . '1oc.Ses bills. L A W TOLE, auctioneer. c CAREFUL WORKERS REAP PROFITS Thcre ame many lainiers ta wîom cows are but E manv machbines, and not even gcc0d macb4ieîy let that. A competent englacner takes pride lu lis englune. H1e aPPreciat.'s the opponluis Ity et caîing for a delicate piec,3 cf mechanlîra. taklng pride lu ils condi- tion anticare. Cqplipared te an onginea 1mw muco1 more conmpiex aud wouiderful is a cow, end 3wd wiîî ltse breati cfÈ life, accecmpishivu a vestly more important i-ansumuîtation than any snere r.achinery cndoaltn lie..utifiÈ, espDnsiblp, companlovable creature, whose mlin ug is an art, ivînse feer-inz a Fcî.'oce, whose slndý au educï,t-'onm surd wnose prnpe n-ul'. cire brni;gs haudsijma e n-s aithe Ori--o aC mei-y. The manir la dyan;cie~g andi creîm.-1 ci-y ptrons w'ha lave beau ab.e te ma'lutain lIeq'rclar s pply wililprove f tint pati-aui'ng ihe Orono Creamery-N PAY ï DARLINGTON Mis G Mebanghlin, Mis J C Smithi antidauglien, Oalawa, Mus Wright, Hastings, Micis, visited ti aP T Gu. 's. Tie transition fi-rn wioter'a cali ta summsu"s heat frequsutly puts a etrain upan ths systernliaI pratinees InternaI complicatinne, alwa '%s painf al anti allen terious. A cumma on oraof tilscider Is dyseutenv, ta whlch many are prunslu thie sprlng anti summer. The veuy besi inedicine ta use in subJning thie pain. fui aliment la Dr J. D, Kslagg's Dysen- leny Ccrdlal, Il la a standard remedy, solti o,eiwhoi-e. HAYDON Scho Repart for S S Na 2t, Darling., ton, for Septeml.rr. Jr IV-Douzlas Mooie. Jr III-Hugu Moore. SrIl- Stelia Slemon, Eva Mai-lin. Jr Il- Lloyd Ashton, Elgin Mauntjay. Pt Il -Dora Monijox', Henry Ashîtn, Kaho Moor-e, 1-Etgar Cooper, Raîsa Conp- er, Mary Aston, Muriel Ashton, Olive Martin, Lillilan Eorit. E BoBISA J, HNS, leadher, SALEM. ,Scisool Repoît fou September. names ln aider ai merit: Jr 1V-Gardon Pal. lard, Narman Allun, Si III-Lzz'e Lawrie, Mary Lawrie, Mabel Chalils, Jr lIl-Elmer Pinkeit, Rolandi Mc- Donald. Sr IT-Zella McQuarrie Lett IJoinialiJr lI-Haranci MoDonala, Albert Rater, Ewart Poilard, Howard -UiasV -Pst-i 1-a-Lottie-halhe;-La- Wilkins, Leslie Plurskett, Nora Mc- Quarnle Harny Allia. b-'Wlllie Wool- uer, Etbei Smih, Barbara Waolneu, Allie MeDinalti, Mary Woiuer,,George Carr, M. C. F-QuAIi, teacher ENNJ.SKILLEN Report of Union SemaIl No 1 7, Dan- lingtn. for ISeptember, namea tu aider cf moult: Si IV-Alta Bentham. Jr IV -Melville Kuapp, Ayimer Beecl.i. r III-Alex Potier, Walter Ferguson, Ellis Hail, 'Uame-ouiFeiguson, Bulda Clarke. E\ereth Beach. SrI-Mltred Bentham , Coi-a Clarke, borne Knapp Rass3dl Mct.Aughlin. Part II-Loins Patter, Suas Lui-ian, Plioebe Beech., Si- 1-KRrl Polîci-, fwari Ghimbleit, Leunra Benthani. Jr 1-HaroidPotier, ELSIE M. COLLACUTT, tsacher. MigsSiblljewel visiteti fnienda ln LlndaQay nerentiy-..Franir Rogers, wife antidaughîer, Whltby, calteti ai H Rogers' ...Ilss Margaret Stewart bas returned lame f rüm Torontoafaler a pualougeti visit thers,,... Mn Coakweli anti wife, Brooklu, visiteti nt George Arguts .... Dr and Mus b B Williams andi Luella, Toronto, are vlsiting lieue ... - T R9an, wife anti baby, Torno. are j isiting lhis f ailer ....C0 J Souci anid wife, bitl Vernon, tSundayedt inoJaP, 's -.Johni Orcbanti, wife anti Manlcu, speni Sundav ai Fred Heddnu'd, Colum- bus-...Miss Chris Sandersun visitet Lier brother inCaniwi-igbt... Manti Mis Veale, Toi-enta, weus uecenUiguesss cf Mr Tiornpsen..Frank Vu-tue, À,cnio, spent weekesud ai homo,.. Mýiss Gertrutie Stevensinai lun Poterboçw falr.n... Muclinterest Is evinced lu F 'W Lse's new pianola wîlho lieeentty purcliaseti , 1 (JOURTICi±.1 SPeaches, Plurns, Grapes,a * F. Ab HADDY will have liberal supplies as long* as the season lasts of Peaches, Plums, Grapes, and dom-4 esýtic and foreign fruits. The stock will be the beat procur- *able and as we buy in large quantities we buy riglit and our ripces will be Iow, Don't make any mistake, btty your fruit from F. A. HADDY. GEMS SUGAR SPICI2S ALKNSTHE BEST ALL PURE £ Butter and eggs wanted, highest price cash or trade. * China Hall Grocery Is the Result Obtained Wlien Dr. Williams' Pink Pis Are Used Ta have goid bealtl yGu musi have gond bloati. It is only w-heu the loti is lad uhal the lialîli is pooi. The Ilood te ii11e givi lu finthe bo ldy, il is ihenelone an abacluhe nedessiiy thai it shlonîiliekepi fusefkamn al impuri- tsi nir osoa - To do this jaotllng cet equal Dr. Willlams' PikPuIs for Pale Peaffle. Tisse Pilla makre new, rrhbloô-&ihdiib svry -dose;,the-y drive out svsr.y impuriiy, every poison, andl thus give goat beatii. Conceuning Jerome, Que, says: "For f.everal 3 earsi my healtl was very lad, my systeni was campletsiv inn down, I lad in-1 d ho igstinas ateLually; my ofiSt was weak; I lad heatiadles anti back- aches ant i wa s ors al aven, My locti was very p o n andi m r s han once Iieto l otcntu al;m o r w"s la despaîr. I trîsti many auppuseti remedies but noue cf 11cm belpeti me. 'Ons day a filent ativisot me ta tu-y Dr2 Williams' Pink Pilla, telliug me tIai she 1.-u feunti theni goodluna case1 simhlan ta mine. 1 falioweti lieuadu'ice& anti began iakiug tils puis. They su 1 gave me, anme slîght relisf. Encour-1 ageti b y lts 1 cantinuedtir muse flai sevenal moatha andti hey strengtlcuet i my whole svstem. I ami la-day lu excellent healh anti alwa5s keep D., WiliIams' a'lnk Pfilla lu the houas, for If I leel a 11111e oui of sorts I taie a bcz: of r1115 anti am soon alrigit again." Thousantis of young gi'rls thrnagieut Canada suif su jubt as #Miss bapoi4m titi Tiey aie sickly alilhe lime anti are totaliv unalile te iakgthes enj )vmsnt' ,out ùIf ile lIaI eveny lieaiihy gilshsonît. They neeti-a tanin lu btillg theni up, to enalbern1cm lawiisitan thle weînica o'! heusdhasti or business ties; 10 give thcm s'rength t.aejwsocia&lhIfe. Sncb a tenue i6 Dr. Wiliamns' Plak Pill@a fou Paie Pdople. TIsse pilla give blond te bbotdess girl; thby strengihen tle1 nerves; hanîsi beadacles andi bAck.- aches; cure indigestion, ulieumnatiim,1 beant piipitation.antireieve ths maur ilîs cf gîrhooti aud worpani-ood. Sqýd by allmedicitie dealers nor direct i mailt airo cents a box or 14x lestes fou $2 51 fîam the Dr. Willamb' Medicine Ce, Breckille, Oui, Recent visitons: Miss Eva Osborne, SBowruanvllle, wttlMis W R Countice, Miss Ethel Power. BowmanvIlle, Sun- da5 ed witli Mies Rubv Courtîce; Mies Minnie boar, Messrs Edwin Hoar and Chale Wight wens Sunday guests at Rolit Courtice's; Miss Gertie Brooks Sundayel in Bowmanviile; Mis Camer. on Titli necently vlsited friends liens E±bnezar will ne-open their League e Ieetinzs again Tlursday evenlng. Piogram Is In charge of the Lltenary Conittse aiten wnich a social time will lie spent. 11ev J Garbutt. Bow- manville. lias been secuied ta speak during tIcevenlng. Ail are welcome ......-Mt Carswell Sons of Temperance met last Tuesday evening and elected tle fllowlng officers: W P Russel -Gay; W A, Lillile Penfound; R 8, Edua Adams; A R S, Wille Vincent; F S, WiII SuIIey; Treas, Minerva Maraw; Ciap, Frank Walters; P W P, Samuel Vincent; O01S. Blake Cour tice; I S, Mary Vincent; Con, Kenneth Courtice; A Con. MIle Jackson; Dsputy Grand, Russell Sulle%; Onganist, Gertie Brooks. COLD ON TUE LUNGs-Tbl5 letten gives some idea nf tise confidence placed ln Dr. Chase's S3 rup of Linseed and Tur- pentine by people wha knaw b_î exper- ience of its exceptional mernu. Mis Tur- ner, Breadview, N, W, T. wîites: "We bave seven children and have used Dr, Clase's Synup of Linseed and Turpen- tine foi tbem ail wlien tîoubled witb cold on tbe lungs. Ws luy four botties at a time and aiways keep it ln tie hanse, believlng tIere is nothlng ta good for coughs and cM)ds. (Too tate for last wveek) Miss Mabelle Walters las îeturned lame a! ter Epending about five, montîs lu ludian Head ani other western parts. *She spent Sunday In Oshawa. , > Miss Mona Monrow, Osl'iwa, is at Mis H Gay's, Miss .Ge rtle Brooks lias returned home rFýtùî 9 pîcasaUt vlslt witli fîlends iu Chîca go. pleasantly wità frlends lu Toronto. Miss Fîcrence Oibornie Is attendlng Normal lu Taronto, Mi Bern Gay, Toronto. Sundayed at home and attended the funenal of Mr Samuel Everson. Mr and Mrs W R Courties have ils heanîfeli sympathy of thiis community lu them bereavemeni. MAPLE GROVE The pumpktn pie, haney and ice cream social ktven lu tis S of T hall Wednesday evening Sept 29 th was a good succesa. A splendid program was given canslsting cf solos by Miss Edua Snowden and Douglas Lewis8; recitattans, Misses Marlou VanNesi, Eva Fates' and Hl R Stevens; minr. mentais, Douglas Lewis; dialogue, "A Rase and a Thorn", by Misses Uladys Muudav, Rhea Jeffeuy, Shilie Snowden and Howard Foley; addresss by M Munday. si, 11ey J05 Bannes and A L Pascoe, G W P. Froceeds $785. 1f, you are tined iaking tle larme nId fashlaned giiping pis,- try Carieî's Little Lîver Pilus anti haue sioe con font. A man can't stand ever>tbing. Don't farget thus. Repart cf S S No 6, Darlingian, for September, names lu eider cf mentc. Sr IV-Evelsu Hocken, Lloyd Snow- den; Jr IV-May Higgtnson, Elier Snowden, Gensie Lymen, Cecil jefney. Howard Woods; Class 111-Loua lg- ginson, Aura Rundie, Raymond Snow. den and Loins Stevensi-, equal, Pearl Atdswnith, Herbent Pratte; Class Il- Elmer Woods, Ross Stevenst, Willie Lymer, Egveison Hoblis, Mary Tordiff;8 Class J-Fred SievensÏ'; Class B-Siellat Jefsry,' Ber3l Oke. titeplen Jeferyt,v Giadys Allie, Charle Bundit-k, Aland Snnwden, Fred Woods, Alice Pratte,5 Ge.,rge flabbs, Steven Ciaytan; Classà A--Rita Power , Narman Gtmblett, BeunIce Hockln. Ivison MundaytJ tPresent eveny day. JEAN M. TOD, b teaclior. n 6001D BLOOD I AIND GOOD HEALTIP HLAMPTON. Womn's Instituts mesis ai the home of Mis Charles Stonhouse this (Tliursday) afiernoon. Sulijects for discussion: Music, its influence lu the home, Des. serts, Tlianksgivlng Thauglits, led by Mesdames Jas Burns, T J Clarke and Wilbur Burneit. Came and enjay a pleasant social leur-...Mesdames H J Hoîdge and Fred Tamblyn, Orono, vislted Sunday at t heir fathei's, M B Crycerman. ..J Anderson, Aurona, recently v1lsihed bis son 11ev T H P Anderson-------..Mis. (Rev) T. H. P. Anderson bas been quite ilI-. .Miss Brown, New Park," vlslted ah W 1 Clarke'a ibis week.....Cleve Clemence and wife, ',C-rby, visiteti ai J T Cale's Sunda ._John Hiler lias returned from Maniooba-...Oscar Welcli las retuu-ned fiom Peheuboro ...... A veîy pleasant eoci4l hour w4s spent at the League Friday evenlng.. ..J B Egin and dauglitor Aine wenîta Pickering Saturdav... . WSiewart, Cobourg, was here on business. ton't be dccetved - Unscrupulûus makers are attempting ta steal y our mnnes and aur reputatlan by puting oui an Imitation of "The D & L" Men- thol Piasten., Be sure ta gel the' gen- utue made by'D&vis and Lawrence Ca. TYRONE Beport cf 8 S No 13, Darllngton for September z-Su. IV-Clara Woodley, Greta Oke, Edna Virtue, Clarence Woodle'vVoua Rice; Jr IV-Olga Rice; Ii Class-Everett Vîrtue, Harîy Smith, Milton Virtue, Percy Byeîs, Wili Tape, Mav Hoasi ; II Ciass-Ruby Honey, mille virtue Cocil Hooev; Paît Il- Gueta Vîntue, Editi Smith. Ethel Smith, Rota Hloooy, John Reynolds. NONA BuR1<Hâm 'tuacher. Neanly ail chîldren are subject ta warms, and many are boa iwth them, Spare tliem suif erlng by uslng Mother Graves' Worm Exiorminator, the, besi remedy of the kinth lat can be hail. Dr Honevwsll, Cuba, was receni guost of W ýR CI emens-...Frank and Miss Florence Weury attendeti Lindsauy fair and visiied ai Isaac Smale's andi also Geo Lane's, Oakwood ...Miss Ethel Smith lias gone te Tononta wlieue sie wl remalui a couple of montîs., -. Miss Zilla MleLaùghlin, Oshawa, andi Mis Jas A 1Iàmsay, Ottawa, have beeu visitinz ttieir sister Mns M J Weruy.... As W R Clreens andi Dr Honeywel weîe drivlng, loto Bowmanvllle Thurs- uiay their buose friglitened by an auto thiew them fi-cm the buggy but farina- ately iley escapea wiil a few bruises. The buggy was wrecked. Chauffeurs shouiri be moue caieful when slgnalled ao stop-... W M S meeting Tuesday s'as veuy intsi-e3ting. First vice-presi- lent yery ably presideti. Mis R)bt Missullough r'eisiJapanese woik; lils FrrolI.dian wark; Misa Spence on Frendh work ; Chusese Work ln British Columbia was well summarizAd by Mus j Hawkes; arrangements weue made for the completion Oct 20t1 cf 5 qlts wiieh are ta boEseat ta some1 ueedy fieldi.,.. Mrs J H Mutan was lu Toaioato Wednestiav. ..Applei ane a1 gouti simple lu this district andi are weil coloraed and plentîful. Apple uickeus are moving somte. SOLN A. Solina Brandi Women's Instituts oets ai the home o! Mus 8S Sloitrldge, aulna, Thursday, OUn 14. ai 2 80 p m. ubjeets:-" Music,its iLfisiende lu lie1 aoms," by Mis Chas Wen-y; "Desserts," ay Mis, Bilas William. and Mus rhamas Baker; - 'Thanksgiving rbauglits," everyone la expeetedti t )ring a aught un thîs subjectI.ln ll members ta lie pi-osent and pay lIeir lus. Brnng a now member. 1Recent visitais: Tics Allient Wright mil wi!e, Blackstoci, ah W Weriy's; VVm VanNest and wife ai Ponit pool; Lis Chias Branteui, Harry and Alice,t slawa, witti frïendsý Miss Lulu Blair, Eamplan, ai A L Pasdte's; Mis J F Brouks and Mus 8 Thompson, Courhîce,a [r anti Mis Rd Bnimacombe, Bowman- a hile, and Miss Lililie Psn!oad, Maple, nove, ai W C Werry'ý; John WillsE nd wife, Hastings, it H Tink's; Mrus Fas Falils, Oshawa, ai W N Pasce's; Jarold Williams, Toranto, and L Luke ot famti.>, Oshawa, ai T Bakeu'e, J Hà .'illiamB anti wife, Hampton. ai A3 Eilis'......T Baker atiendeti Pont Hopea tti Mililbr-ok falus, ...Arthur Westlaike stielegahe cf 1his Division ta the Grand 31ii isio n uToronto ...R C Seuil andC 'ire, Biaks G Stevens and wife visiieti P 3unday ai Eti Virtue'e, Tyrans,,.. Mes- lames R C Senti andi B G Stevens visit- >1 Mis Ira F Peance, Soutli Dariingtou _ . lially night ah Division thus Friday C iigit ta ce'enrate the 67th anniçerEarý E foundlng cf the Order. Ad dresses )y 1ev T il P Andierson, Geo F Aunis. t 'ouniy Deputy, John Baker, District t ý P. A b Pascos, Gras d W P, TIns 3aken. Past Counýy Cýun)ciilan, and R J OeKessack will give a poopen on Lquou egisiation. Music lu abundance atter hich purnpkln pie and lasîoy will lho r erveti. E env member cf Division lie i-osent. ... Mims Fiurence Vice lias gonea oOshiawa te nesiie ...Miss Aunle aoganili bas goue ta Toi-enta ta resiie SI ith lien hi-muer, Dr L N Hogauri - - . t] 'ifred Ragarti anti Miss Heleni haveà eturned lame, hl eiig much Impuoveti a n healtýi-N..oman Reynolds las sen confi)et o île hanse with a sous Si Si h( bj T bi ai ai E ai J H ai '15 DJ wi S' de b' Bk m wl se t,: Z in 11ev J H Talbot, M A, whO lias been wtor of St George's churcli for the pa st vears, lias accepted an appîlntment S§treetavilie cliurch. 11ev E C Hall pneached au exceellent *mnox to the Soas of Temperance in lChristian Churdli Suaday evening. rs LÀllian Puckett sang a solo very eeptably. Prof'essional people, actois, lawyeîs, itors and, mlnljteýs, wlio frequzently ffei fîom exiaustion and proetration FI HAYDON. James Dickey. Nestieton, liaa lened Etias Greenway's faim. Miss Gracs and Haroid Slemon StIn- dai ed at Thon Slemon's. 1Mi Laine T McLaugiuin vtslted wlth triends at Ponitypoolover iiunday. Clarence Avery purchased the faim owned by the lats William Stacey for $12-50. Mi, Sherwood Eundie atts'nded Lind- say f air and vîsited fîlends in tînt ylclnity. Gorge Avery went througli a crtical operatior. for cancer on the lip but is imprnving at time of wniling. Prompt relief in sick leadaclie, d!zzt- ne ,, nausea, consipation, pain ln the side, giiaranteed ta tînse using Carteî's Little Liver Pis. One a dose, Smail puice. Small dose. Small pilt, OSHAWA J Armstrong was in Peterboro ov Sunday. Everett Hou iden, Toronto, Sunday with hie parents. Mrs E Fisher, Newmartet, Js visitii relatives in town. Miss Irene Giles, O L C, Whitby, w home over Sunday. Mrs Win Stephens. Port Hope, visiting friends here. Miss Fln Bennett, Tornto, se( Sunday witli ber parents. Miss Viviau Porter. fÉoronto, Jesvis !Dg lier auut Mrs H A Porter, Misses Mamie Adami and fiend 1Lyiâu, Toronto, Sunday here. Mrs (Dr) Cameron Wilson and sn Lindsay, are with her parents. The Misses Drew, Toronto, were wi their mother over the week-end. A Jones, wife and son, Brockvll are witli bis parents in Westmount. Miss Mollie Morphy Is on a thi months' tnp througli the Nortliwest. Miss Elma Pickel. Darlingtan, W; guest of bMiss Edna James over Sumda Mis A H St Germain, Bedford Pari Toronto, Il %s been guest of Miss Fowk, _1ev H T Lewis, B A, conductE anniversary services at Foxboro Sui day. Rev C E and Mrs Fackler and dauXg ter Margaret, Toronto, Sunda5ed wlt friends. Mrs M J Rednian and daugliter Frai ces, Detroit, Midi, called on friene here recently. Mrs Herbert Eiliott and daugite MIargaret, Belleville, are guests offbc tather C H Crysdaie, Mr A J Logan, Manager cf julyé Gregory's diag store, is hulida3 ing wlt 3 Êoyèr, an nid Oshawa boy, whn i nnw one of Dotroit's millianaires Sun dayed wlth W If McGili, Miss May L urnie, Stirling, lias accept ed a position as bnokkeepeî and stenog rapher at the Reformer Office Rlch Kinver lias îetuîned from Imlaý City, Mich, af ter a pleasant visit witl bils daugliter Mis N Hazolwood. Mr Beekel, wlia las charge of thi Jerlar Dale mission lias resumed i studies at Victoria College, Toronto; 11ev A R Sanderson pîeaclied ai Kedron Sunday afternoon and evening M'rs Sanderson sang solos at both serv ces. Newton Manning hai, îeturned froas )î.yden, Ont, where lie spent the i3um mer and ls continuing bis studies nt rli School et Practical Science, Toronco. Rev C E Cragg, B A, Foxbaro, ce, upe= he pulpit Of Simcne Su churci un a nd pneaclied strong con âine ing Lermons bis mnrning theme "mak. rig a living and making a life" be1ng particularly gcod. Rolit Henderson anl the Masonlo Quartette sang well reu. dered selections in the evenlng. (Received loo late for last week.) Mr and Mrs S Gummow were in the City recently, Mr WIII Coad lias been holidaying at Smitli's Falls. Miss Dorothy Hoig is attending Toi- Duto University. Mn M C Devins lias gane on a trip tc te Nortli West. Mr Frank McLauzrhlin vlsited fiendi i Orano Sunday.. Mr L Hî Kirbv lias retu-ned ta Vie. )nria College, Toronto. Mr Artliur Halland, Toronto, visited ls parents over Sunday. Miss Leona Wllilams is attendin&g ormal Schoal at Peterboro Mrs and Miss V Crossen, Woodbridge, re guesta of Mrs M C Devins. Mi W Harding lias returned to ueen's University. Kin2estoul W T Bennett, Merrimac, Mass, lias ien renewlng ald acquaintances. Misses L and I Everson le! t Saturday oattend Normal Scliool, Toronto. Mi W Carn las resumed is studîes nmedicine at Toronto Univeisity. Miss Frankie Houlden spent the veek-end witli Mrs R Davey, Orno. Mis Savage and son Vernon, Goder- 2è, are at lier f athen's, Mi G Houiden. Mis Thos B James, Toronto, was cent guest at lier father'a, Mi D Drew. Miss Lee, Cobourg, lias accepted a ositian witli Mis M E Whitney, milliner.' Mrs W Hopper and daugliter Glad3 8, ýoronto, spent the week-end wlth rela- Ies. Miss Eloîna Bec-ker sang a solo veiy weetly in the Simeae St cnnurch Sunday vening. District Epworth League Convention IL -beld4--Oaiaw,- Wednesdtay-ý [v 2ltli. Mis Cown nd au0te-Elen a issuit nf excessive nouvous airain Eind Fenîovim lths invlgauatlug tmuleun- tquaIled tastieugihen anti renewthIe extsunsteti tisantes o e!isboldy, Ferro. vimiIs composeti cf fîssi les!, Citrate cf Iron asti pure aId Spanipi Shierry Wlne. Si 00, per battIs. The tower aofithe Town Hall, whidli was stînci liy ligiinlng îeceully, la bcing rebuilt', The tuaIs of thle dock are ta lic tîluminatieti wrsicl i le a gusat canvenience. *'The D. & b " Emulion taken lu cases of genonal debiiity anti Ims of appetite, is surs toalbe thie lest o! ne- suis, lu resiores healti anti gives, re- ueweti viality, Simeos Si League lieldti Ibmfi 'ai meeting for the season Moudav êvenlng Lt was lu charFe cf the Social Commuttes and was a dcled succose. The enthre praguan i ri agiven ly ladies a! O b C, W bitby, Mus (Dr) ïHaie glving a splen- did adduess Dainty refreshmenis weus seuvoti anti ail preseut prqonuçcs& 1- a ia î eu ~ n ~ b e e v e nn g . e - A lange anti appreolatîve audience assemblet inluMeticaif ai chut-ch 'Tburs- day eveulng la hean 11ev Dr Cleaver cf the Trnity Metiodist Clinici, Tor- enta, tell estamiy of Jean Val Jean. Dr. Cîsaven belt i iaauimence speli- bounti fan over iwo bonis as he pou trayedtihte dlaracleus anti scenes lu liifascinatlng sicîy. Il was certaiulv a literauv tisai anti usas greaily su- j) eti Mr b H Kiulv sang Ilial beau- tiful solo, 1' Ancloreti," lu gacti si le, Meticaîf Si beague re-mpeued Moutiay eveIAiný with a verv large attetidance. Thse Social Vice-Pies, Miss R Goyas cenduetedtihele follewiug iuteresliug piograin: plana duel, Misses M Greg- ory aLtiF, Shusipe, vocal sala, Mr F oratrinz; redhtation, Ha zii Harper; vocal duel, Misses M Ford anti F Ward;1 piano soin, Pearl Cnskem; vocali sole,i Mrs (Rev) Sandýerson, Sandiwiches, cake aud celles were tben serveti ant i the meeting closeti wl hMizpai lieue- diction. The Vice-Presideut is ta be1 cong-ratulateti on lie succesaful evfziug Mus Ssmuel Bauker passeti away -au heu- home an Ceina St Tuestiay, SMçu 21ýt, lu lier 6j3cd yVear. Though abs lad Issu suitfcring frLuu ausemia for some maoths Ih was only turing Ilie pask few weaks, when complications au-ose, thal 1er condiju was cusidereti serlons. Sîs was of a retirlng disposition anti d'evoe-teîo ber home anti f azilv. The f ancrai services Thnrstiay were con- aneteti by Rev A R Sauderson of Met caif Si Meiidist chut-eh, cf whici aIe was a faithîni member. The many lienutîfuii floral affernsgs expressed tle %. mpathy a! many f ri-ents ant i ncîntiet a plilow froni ths famliy, wuealhs f'on, Ladies' AidW âM Santichair. , M.4ant Mua RS liLaugilin; sprays, Mis P1 Gnyne, Mn anti Mis Chas Servies, Mu Dais anti famlbi, Torenlo Mus Rohi Mobaughil, Misses A Kemp anti T Fi-azne, Messrs A M MeDouaiti, George Johuston, F Piugle, R Ravnor an&~ atheis, Besides honrliusband she lbaves iwa rons anti four tiaugiters: Samuel of Touanto andi Juin of Ottawa, Mis Ina Pearce, Southi Daulungton, Mus Robt Da'e, Teront, Mrs John Tliompsnn, tcwn, anti Miss Beatuice ah home, Who. mounthls s af a ioviug ChrîstianL wifqy anti mather. COLDBROUGHi O KâIDNEY DISEAUR B.RANTFORD LADY SrF FE1ED, T ILL c1JRED BY 4L1JD KCIDNEY PILLS, Mis, &. H, Thownpson hati heart dis- ease, lumbago andi rhzeuumtism, antelola how she was restored ta health. Brantford. Ont., Oct 4, (Speelai).- How coltis, lagrippe anti inou ils, setule on the kîtinsys anti develop ubeumaîlani, hart disease, brighl's dis- esse anti otier terrible dangerous ail- meula; antihow any aud ail cf tIent are cureti by by Dadd's Kiuney Pilla is fuliy shown lu the case of Mis A b& Tliarpaon, whoze home le 49 AEhion-st Ibis City. Mus. Tbampson waa, anme sears age, takeon with colti anti lagrIppe, anti stualnlug, which aifecteti heu kidusys, anthîe resuit was a liaciacîs, lumbago ulieumaism anti beaut dicease, whicli canseti ler anti leu frientis gravec aux- leiy, She lad suifeusti seime yeaus wlien she lisard ouef3sifeceti liy Dodd's Kiti- ney PIs, antibought abox whmih ab useti wth sucli splendid resulis thai she. conlînucte taire them ill aie w-as cureti Since thcn she bias usedti dt's Kidney PillIer ewn famil!, anti us- cnmmeutied tieni wldely teiher I uLcuAda ail cf wiom have warm wsttis cf Walýsc fou tle standard Caailan VUdi2ey re- ,mety, Doddfs Kindev Pijbi, HonnIt isease, rhieumxatisin, lumbago', ai bîigit's disevas s-e Mi l kdney dis- cases are causeti by di'eiaseti kitnesc, Yen can'z have any of them if yau keepa Voui kldneys sont anti yeur blauti pure. Dodd'a ;Kldney Pl make the xitinays sunti, Sounti kitine-s straia ail lie Impuirltieg oui o! the bloî)d, )verq 'ed nug R)7 - Was$ I l 's isits Ilee reel Y vas~ rh-- th '~ ads [s The Mason Clothing Company'g SNew Suits and O'Jvercoats th The no3t; popular overcoat this sesson will b3 the ®College Coat, buf.toned close up to the- throat. We have them hein single and double breastect, also the new DuplexCote whieh can be worn with the lapels back or buttoned close up. College Coats-good heavy tweeds in ail the new shad- g- es, brown, green, gray, ,bronze, stripes, checks, plaids. The rn ost snible overcoat yet designed,-S7,5o, 9.00, 10.00, m 12.50, 15.00, 16.50, 18.00, 20,00. Black ]3eavers and Meltons. The best value we have lever shown. beautiful goods, well lined, fuit and three-quarter e c~lengths, new panel velvet eollar,-$7.50, 9.00, 10,00, 12.50, ,h 15.00, 18.00, 20.00. e Children's new Buster, Russian and Motor Overcoats, a , ig splendid range of colorings,-82.75, 3,00, 3.50, 4.00, 4.50, 5.00 Sizes 21 to 27. Boys' College Overcoats, sizes 27 to 33, heavy tweeds and friezes, double and single breasted,a'II colors,-83,50, 4.50, S5.00, 6,00, 7.00, 8.50. If you want a suit MADE-T04)RDER corne in q) and see our range of samples, We are sole agent in l3owrnan- 1 ville for such large talloring firms as The Rouse of Hlobberlin, * Fashion Craf t, Northway and have over 2000 samples 1o w vhich to select. Let us make your suit. They looki diffel'e t, il GO LOTRING GO.,00 J. J. MASON CHAS. H. ANDERISON

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