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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1909, p. 1

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., e ,ý. $OOa year in advance; $1.50 to U-nited States. BOWMA.N,7,VILLE, ONTARIO, TM[URSDAY, OC'TOI3ERP 21, 1909, VOLUME LV, XcO. 42, M.l A. JAMES & SON-,Poreos 'T~he J~mes P~per~ Vi~it 'Ti-iirty-five Hundr~d ome~ IAZeekly. *-Our Fal-- - * IFPORTATIONS j Are Now Being Openied Ot. -z We have aliready o pened out 'a grand collection of Laýdies' and Mse'Casfor __ H ail and Winter wear, These Coa-,ts'are new, H perfect fiïtting and up to-date neEr partieular. Every lady îs invited to cadi and E se ,t'aemU Al1so a beautif ni lot of nîew Dress Goods àv- ~and Suitings in ail the most fatshionable s Ads very fine Stock of Men's and Boys' go- ~ready-to-wear suits aud overcoats. Newi goods made in thie iatest style. No better- M-M *UUC Coch Jhston&j ~ roes'Du ui ryderman Takeas Csh. owmailli - L 1 -Established 1817 CItal 614,400,000 Res~ -812,000,1o0O Total Ams81 88,109ë,1 ~ haJ~Office, Mnra J. A. MUCLELLAN, Manaer, Bowmanville Brrnc. SRoyal Bank Or- CANADA r --lys Spec ial Attention to l~ Reserve FmI~U 530OO P.j, Michell, LADIES' FANCY WORK. We bave received this week a very choice assortmeut of stamped linens for Doilies, TLable Centres, and .Tray Clothsý, Cushion Tops in ahi shades and pat-. terns, WrkBags, To- elRasTeHdes Silks and ereer isdco i ,,t tc0 tfcr wvo -,k ing2 Bi 0 Bookas'tore OfToronto lias started thosns yng men and women onte w. ýy1111ayËto indepenclene n Let us gva you the 'gtstart. Write for Cttalcguçm adplan to spenci the next six muh with us, Enter avy M . .SHAÂWPrincipa ~Yonge and Gerrard Streets, Toront o, l Special tu Frniers ReîLELLAN & CO,, LIMITED, BOW MANVILLE, WANT YOTIR GRAIN AND SEED. DON'T FORGET that we are stlil payving hlgh st pr'ces for ail kinds of grain and scedF. Mè,Olellan & Co., Ltd. PHNE Il* .Box', MX iVILLE DRUGS 6 RG Has Stood the 1 est of Years The greatest CuhMeîieof the Age lias file îllareast sal 1e c f awi medli,in in ur Socre, Theouli, no when 1thie ytrI,- - It Caves. D-on'tCongli, it alwaysreees FPRIG ýCE 2 5c' R. . Mtchll& Cû. ZY~7T~TZT~ TALK TO FARM BOYS. smattering of more school subjects anti can appear before the public with more Twoartful spectacular gracei'ulness, lie is flot NUMBE well qualifledt t face the stern reali- Se many expressions of atppreciatial, tius of business or industrial life as the and approyal o, aur "T letoFamcountry boy because lie lacks Phe stnrdy Boys" in aur last issute havàecourle to uis independeuce, the superabundant health by letter nti by word t i ouili tliat we and vigor, the keen inquiring mind, the have beenenurgt to write aathe practical kuowledge, thef systematic article for boyps on thie farmis fremin ; habits, the self-reliant efforts andi the entiroilydiernstnpit It is very1 thorougli miethotis ef wark that the probable tlie,)t thîds one should have pre- average boy on the farmwill acquire by cediedte other because h i treats of a the time hie gradul1iates tram the Public vjvery mui are imlportanit phase of boy cho o n atricurlates into the great lite aniinterest,, Last week we taîketi uulivers-ity 0ot f e. Conversing with a ta boys on the farm lui a mieasrre from raesioa-man the other day who the view point of a ijrector o! W\est endarsed aur expresseti views against Durham Agicu-,lturaýl Saniety and canin- lionie studies ot achool lessons by yaung selled every young farmier Orw farur bo)y selholars, lie remarked that lie would in'this district ta jaini the F'armiers' 1-n- muni prefer ta have his chîltiren edu- stitute nti the Agicltra Sciety ani cated in a well-tauglit mixeti school in ta be ani active mîember in bath if pos- the country than, in a graded tawn sible, but especially in the latter, by schoal. Hie hati tauglit school for sever- gettia1g Somethfing really gooti reatiy for! ai years anti knew whereof ha spoke. exhilbition ut teF Fair. It meemis, a if trustees wili enlly engage a skiltul trille dfiut we admit,Uta drop th e teacl1iertelu, r calisteba boy problemi and switch otff ta atheracem for obtaiinLg a tlîoraughi and subccS, iecefor this reasnanduo the practical education. encauraging cmenathait we haveo receivýeti, we shalltaa s chý oo1Liaster Yearafrersonntitndg [this week an tlýýieimpartanIce af the boysYta be yourfather's succnarn thei fitingtlimsevesfermak1ga favorablje hliesteati or sonne other farm, you ask exhibLitiont anti winingi the prizes life wnîi mleil rcia dcta affe~ tatlieboy wli arewll1itetifr1 a farmer? NWe.glatily volunteer an anti have conffidence in thembsetves ta answer by aiskinïg you boys if yau have enter life's canteats. ga-tten ah1 the learning yau eau get out The oys ho ae sill tteningOf t'1he11sah oin the section in whiali The oyswlioarestiiattndig ya ar1livng? Dant amile if we, in seheo ant tiong te cloresnioringsorance or innocence, deigu ta and evnna s tlie writer ld iiiuthi 9ure fYub ý(Stgndte '70's anduteeifeyouehaveomastered tlie'teiree 70'sant th deadebefrewil bethe r'seating, 'riting anti 'rithmctic? fatiers anti bosses an the tarmis twenty Aeyuqiesr htyuaetirul ta thirty years fram inow, just ns tic Ase ri a! tesueprhnar yburt intense principals on dhe West Durham fari us!ntber tes? înexy t uipotne todlay vere school boys wheu wu becami e yu' arl)je racticalifarm poms.D editor o! tius journa-l. FnLrtiermaîPe oyo repatclfrn rben.D theboy o!tady wîl111 th paitin~yau knaw liow ta salve the cemnin, thebo', f oJa w.1 llthepoitinseverytiay prebleils whidli camne up an a! counealors, mnwnbers of parliamrelit tlie farm? Can yau nmensure fieldis of anti otier public offices and will be diffecreut 'sizes and shapes anti tell accur- assisting ilu the tranisactioni of the busi- ateîyhwmn ce nifatoso niess of the towushiqlip, eeunity, provine yhwnayarsadfatoso anti Dominion. We shaUhlave our an acre tliey cantain i Oun you meus- canbe nelf n iutiiectngu re tlie graýin in bins lu the granary anti rewçarti if we cnb epuindr(ngtelilihow mauy bushela are lu them,t towr ma po the tliatisditriteow mfiny cubia teet of air tliere are in tvarstie proper preparaia, ngerethocdli roam ru the flouse, how' many varius utrs tat îlltie enag&gallons will tlie well or cistaru lioltit their hast thauglit anti energies anti aid Cuyuwiea riaybsns lu starting the boys on the !urmis on the Oun ou rit ste au rd piny business rigb t track anti make their patliway lae,1 creta afrm plig rm plainer anti easier. WVe tbipk wv,,e can m ar, puncturation, parugrapbing, ad.i- enter jutantothe aroJiniary fuarm hay's îciress, etc. ? Can you keep the necessuryt inafrwe have came, over tic road' f armi accaunts praperly-l This la most1 tiificltes-îs aeassryanti if correctly kept wil f ears, bis haýpes, bis amlbitionis, biis la kCmn yon read 5 as ta canivey ta youir of experinice anti kn1owletige oet t2 eue te xatSons-e Of whaî yaf vrend? ,î %verid, so tttrau,11gh i e 1me,ýnrics of ourbahaoi robem 1we llpn c- tatan- ae t!he rig rl insd tace friand of wimh seiaiiewuîfmr fsnia motneiitrnhf sngest gide cmînnt ani iel scb t our PlUic Sholanti ltu a o ayouti te iquallify forbshi-d t1- on aisatonta f a anmso As we stathud hast wee1C711ur11opef', 1 i ieepatia )ebcsyn r a thec boys'graw.ýiu1g up aintitoiliicg on ie ý1bet ter qalficti or tue busness ancof farses, witln robnst hatiteed;rfarm-11ing trinîn y lee-aduates ~ iewba grcuw Upilitic town ls ai iis spirit, aiecourage, trainin'- Ml p tîi ite virtues o! ýintnstry, ecenlomy andtiup- rigituessa;anti bis eppartunities for clear tiinkz-ing ; the f arm boy may anti wifl î 0ur complaînt is mith the Public the ulig poer n ths cuntr ifhe sahool curriculum, for unlass thec trus- b r t ruidoer utsconr.f i stee s employ a properly qualifieti teacher, ri9ly idt. LEveiy fui-m by's firat gi-caf ambition siaulti ha ta abtajîn aileducafion a! practical valua. Neyer uinti about flic frilla anti subjeat f !na purtiaular value fa yen. JLet us impreýsaana imaportunt tact oui y aur minti-no trau-ler, ia bock, ne achooL or collage can etucata yen, you must aducuf a yoursalt; tiare is nia rayal rond fa heaîning or tean pructicul aducain. If ns axceatingiy important fiat yau go unîtiaithec tiscipline anti instructian of a fraineti teaclier, but fie etincut ion yen w ill gmt vili dpet poni -hoav hungry7yau arc for Inilat'Iege,, aw viii inmg yuara fa, sfudy, ui f in nun- ai abiify you !bavýe ta rataini anti numak e pi-acticïii use (e:thfe ku-va -geye acquire, îri may surprise you bc1 s onM fae tamIis for us fa fell yen cantdiy tînt muiny boys, via attend sabool inn favins antisd t a feu' tarins in fine ligun Scînl are no baffai qualificti for tic ortiinary dut les et a lite o! usaful aicfivify thuýn are country boys vIah ha9,n avat eu cun afungifby a -ally practica feaucher in a rural Publicoal. une seriaus oes.acla n lu liwaay o! a countîv boy sacnîing a tioraughly use- fui itpractical business atucutian is fthc uiggartihy pehicy pursuat by same sahool trustees in auguging any sort a! faucher se long as tha salary la smahl. Tan yaars spant lu teaching salool anti farty-flvc yaars o! abservation hava canvincati us thaf fie very basffeaucher is natt foa goati for tic girls auni boys vIa are lu training for passibly fit ty ycurs af usatul work aftailcaviug adhOlc. Tawn boys somefimasiugb ut anti jaci the counfry boy hacause la may nat heans farwarti in actions, or as styl- isily attirati ai as ftiy in parsoanl appearance, or cannat struttrup anti doavn tic streets '.hcu li ccames ftawn uiis graafully, but. althauglflic tawn boy may anti prohbiy tocs usually haveaa Of tion orpusci ýnlyorbotfa have beezn ca<ndH iti SLdr,"l 'e 'Ci'fr e e'le hedsec 1ies,) oi amply bcacuitIf caLau Une ommaaf y rem elv luas a! nher thn 0 iferntingrIl aends, cadi greai a 1eficgat nÈ cithdb i11is peculiar-lo CebO.ta, ThaiI l Mný i-aUb stiue o i.Ifugai possssig a tialknowineuge ai nurnu pioblein anti of commercial faims anti transactions avhich pearumta varions phases of faim lita anti ativitias, yau ara net ikely in tic fevi yeaîs thnat you atteint scinool atter yen arc olti enoîngi te compraienti suai practical problems, ta bc taugit thase tiings tiîeroughly anti until yen hava mastereti theur ail. Siauld va empliasize f uither flic para- maunt importance a! acqniinîg sucb a practical kuaviatige a! sucI preblems anti business transactions ut thc Public salool as vie bave ineutioneti? Wc arc falking iparîcularlv- ta baya au thc farinsms aîtve kuav fiat hundîctiso! fhim ara depriveti of tihit a!f knaw- ltige tbay shoulti poesssata gaitich greatest satisfaction eut of living in flic country anti ta viiisuccesini tarnning ai dkindreti accupations. Taa mnany tail toacnquira this education because thay arn-nt encourageti ta contiînue long anougli at fie Public scinool, anti wa say it aifl grant regret, fao many scinools have net the kinti of teachers fa keap flic beys anti girlaso interestetinl practical scicol subjears anti acqniîig usatui kueviletigefînat thay avili strive hy aven-y argumenît anti by axerting every influeînce, tiey can can frai ta ha permittad ta go onu f0 scbaal at ter lrhey gat vieil up info their teens ns vas flic casa in oui schoeitiays wian if vas flic usuai tlîing for yonng men anti vamen ont a!f hii-teaus ta go ta fia country adhoaL. In thase maffaîs wvie aaîusîly sigI for the gooti d adtiys a! yaîa. Havi artianly ave offen wisb fiat flic boys iati a biglier appîcciatian o!flice superlative valua o! a practical atuca- tien. If f iay coiti ha impresseti vith ifs rani importance, havi tiligently fiey va'îid stuty. Truiy, in thase fimts cf kaenest campetitiain Educatiain is flic kay fiat opens flic gateviay fa Succs. If is fia educatet ind fIat rmies fine avorîti traintic tarm ta tiefini-ane, This a ga marc fla a uy paf uga requires a piactical atincatien in lu ilbraînches o! aigricuiturni activitias, fierafore vie urge ail beys aonIna faims ta obtaini s ncb iair atnctiouns viii hring ont tic basf talants fiat ara inn fhcm, aunti, ns a-a have b eto"ra sit, tiey nmusf gtLif thamu- sls.If is nef inicriteti, it canînot ha baui-fmust be abtaimînet frongi sftLidy "Whlo vilîs, ciýl aite' say- inîg lltrefoera, i o i Ueînait -have fia jser'f e dcfanatln naiiîgaili kaep hlEfau if îBt ve' for i at fisacan haacui-ei ta enthssi a ahaihes anti para'nts b bays, if yaou are camie t a vant fa ha eynaet e tr1s0a unbcm Public scilif fie ýproper faueîtir bha emploedti.Attar yauquit yaur om î FCI0ol[ aNvn te faut 'a bushness col- laga anîti anaf liai inter utthfie giul- p(areut anti ,uccessfui faîmer. Mr. Chas. R., McCullough, The Fathe r of the aiuatian ClJubs, Hamailton, Ontfa-lo. Brilliant Addresses by Three Durhami Boys. Blatiaur citizens beau matie avare o! tic comiing et tirce eil-kovn Durham boys ofthtic anneauni ahility of tic tirca gentlemen vie respontici taj invitations ta tiiver utidrcsscs 1:are Montiuy evcning thc Opera Hause voulti hava coctaicati a capacity au1dienice. 0wing fa, laie anti insufflaieniunnuceet ninneiccn- fWecîia f t[Icnopl fetBow-nnnvillc missejthetic;a- re tttnrîgignorance et icl coýitil]gig t , n (ilut M". Chas. R. M cCu'lugcfliamlfo, tn Fnero Caniau lubs cui eDuln and ofue nabe iimrîî le liesfvte Onta ii,. DEmgain o.henusa cfl ii, iad hcncy th buies cknonnectins. eîiuc sces Howis"aise ilunt iess ias iot n ui- tu nnerica hoa nde - a- atruspchra anerisig ihgo auJccsfil prindugges-c tins rstlegasfoeine yd en s H i fnorang Cr, e lu Hauln ai senhc agn are ada n 'cw atalprstices tcwc." Tic sggetiosanu s veanters clasplic cfti oard et eradel icr brstlî acg wifhigspiiekran iuge- forte anroresseigeuppl"ate ai> ati- aain us a utva btraicral scggc- taiené atrSggsticnf ic suangesn cla , lgiaiteatultihibta, i sine ,din atiavncing speake oyon or atipe- senîteti anprereive prciagata oe at1 O-ns, tue neariown Icf vumnicnvLi ar- tuicly niake albe tantgeaufn Bofv Lthei uic. an l et lus suggestiouns prt tiaun ie routiie mayeat cor prest. Thav space for aci afo v et ien.t wesc cup ny veuilcrbtiityisow om nd c nurroaundi og'. Heft uofthVe macy vays tiat a hourd o! tinte coulti h icptul in n business way. Ha tavoreti erganizanien ot sacie- tics for infeilactual impravcnnt, phys- 1-cal teveiepmect 'anti social eveniniga, nmusical ergacizations, re-uniens et oit sociefies, anti veuiti lue te sec a Bew- inunvîlle baud oroanizet t tviuit vin Dom-ýinion ,henors., This bhing a musical tevin li e wnuld le te sec ifs hautdimatie as tameus as ifs oencans undt planes. Ha11 wus glat t koxvtinat va have an., et tic beaf agi icuitural exhibitions lutine Pi-ev- inca anti voulti have cvory citizen join hauts viii the funuers lu malsing Bowv manvilie Fuir tic peer cf aill imilar saciatica. A popular Fali fuir hcipa the tevin many vinys. Citizeussaheuiti forget ticir peliticai, religious and ti er blases anti ail jain intt aie albciter anti grenter Bavimanville. Haie lia rappati ever ticeuoIdes tic peeple via hiv hee bt pentt udr mineynlu-Tor- auito fer gactis t uicnnbc bouglît or madte ire. Necitizn ve hua the spirit cf icyalty nu mi, i ,- rbeun- Sulc cadani ns rpraecli,e. ïHa il ecfvisîini icci ata-asfiat lat;y untns soîpînsdti t e e mli aîgeI-ý, OWut de ven ba:s mc]; al)ni ptine ic nun e ia11 ind ustries at i mnienasc fiaireaoufpnt Sea fiani"l a~~~~~c- cilIva atcmnfcues cf finese Clarke Synidicate Trial BIGELOW vs. POWERS At th,-,Ist sittiogs of Assizes helti ut Cobourg, whih ice opancti an the 4th instant, anti presideti over by Mïr. Jus. tien 'Iacea casa of more, than canal imoracevas heard by tie saiti Justice, anti a Jun3y. Tic stoi y is as olo In:l flc suimelit)k l 1)017 an-agent a f-a manu- facturer o)f Ltresiing outfit, engjie ;anti sepurator, ctesiring ta al inbs gootis, canvassati the tarmers of the towr,,siýip of Clarke vihu resitiad in fie vicinnty of the village of Leskard anti norti of Orono for an aider. It is ta bc notedti tat ,be saheme tiid nat ariginrate viitb the farmiers thamscîves, but was soleiy an idea of thic agent referretet. The farmers were not aotten fagetier ta forrn any planq, or agreé as ta thc advisabîlîty of thc maya, but were cunivasseti individuqlly hy tic agent ta sign an arder for an anifit. Tie resuit viwas that in Au1gut190 ýL7, itheo agent hadl an order for -an ouf fit ta cost $2700, signeti hy 27 farmers, c, adi t') have ýanc share in same of a value o! $100. After the outfit ainriveti a meeting o! t hase ia hati sigincd thc ortier vus convepiI, n hic'i was 'attendeti by saine of the farmerar, but . not ail, anti certain resoîntions wýero adopted, a Président, ar Treasurer, a 'Sec- retary anti a Boarti a! thîcae Directars werc appointed, bh Boarti-vas sonne- times caliet i Lirctors anti sametimes a Board of Managemiient. Tic meeting deicita caîl thcrnse4vas anti be knowNv as The Pioncer 'jlhîesl-;ig Syndicata of Clarke Township, Certain rules for the, Gaveroment a! tic tyntiicutewerc atiopt.ý <cd, whicb pro;itieti amang otherthna (a) for tbc apponnmtment of a mranagei vhosc dury was ta hantile, care tianai httve charge of thec machine under thc direction ai the Boarti of Direa- tors ;(b) tic Boarti et Directors shoulti bave général charge of the ma- chine anti full powier ta act as ta its man. agement; (2) tic services o! tic machine wcre ta be chargeti for at $1.50 an heur or $7 a sctting; (di) thrcahiug for the shara. boîtiers must ha paiti for at tic same rate as those outsidc, of tic Company; (e) power vas coutferre i upon tic Presýident andt Secretar ýy ta do -any business that miglîf heau e ecssa:ry iu the interasta-, cf tie Syî-Wa4te11ý. Geiorge BUIý1lcw o! Cark ivs aa(o t -n \,e ia sIgneti th' Ic aierfortic, meetig. Tc mahiné nu -duo t managreet f m1grcuiner 1andh a caeae-e i euaoantiail ventý divident n-aS ticclar(Ti. At tci < Ise o!ftc cuunii iiiJani- Jaînuary, V308, tic -nembers met anti electet Jas. L. Pcvers as Presidenjt, Aithur A. Pcwvers as Secretary anid treas nier, anidtirce otîners, (not George Bigelow) as Directors; also appcintcdi Gecege A. Cor don as the sapairatar man ani, againsi tic nepcnt f dtic Sacrcaruy, wie recomninudetioanc S. T. Dowsaîias manager anti angineer, appointeti John Moffait in bis place. Itý was saidti tat Mueffttount it impossible ta accap:t tice pc'-iticn, and Arthur A. Pc4vars appu(,inteti the s-nid S T. Dovison as manrager atiof engineer winthaut consulting ticSe di cate as a vicia, but atter gt iog ic consent cf tic Présideant a-ntilotha1lr mcmi- bers cf ticDiracters by indqiv-iduel taîka jandi caf n aconvanidmneetinigcf t1ic Direcutors. At fis time the Sccrctarhry bat j)c tice tiat tic englue vas net vor king vieil anti was badhy warn, anti a "- mac vas hrcught tram tic muanufactureraý ta go over same. Tie auffit starteti nter ifs new management aftr berveat iu 1908, anti f once tic angine aom- iuencedte acf hatily. Whlile tiesig at farmer Jeromc's ifset flre tobis burn wulci fine wasaut cnce reparteti to the, Presien.-t anti Secretar -y wvia did nefbing aient, i. If ccxiset fic o a at u fariner Nciic's, naxi te a Joat cf cern vien it n ,as drivicg a coin cutter filling a sile, naxt ta a tance vien it wus an ita, wuy te firasi ut farmer Souah's, next ta a littie giîl's tress wvian it was werking ut larmei Bravn's, next vian passiîcg tirougi OreLa it tiraw tire se fiat semau et tic residents vent on gurd wafcbinig fiair promises tc sac if tire woulti resuif,ý Ail fuis hetorc it gct te George Biýgalov fý 's, andti th fe exceÏptien aof ticcase et the uitile girl andtihti Orecc nînident',il kcown te Secratary Pevera vine alievict tic englue ta go on ifs course. Pewera.ý says tbat uftr tic Jerome lire., whiciha knew et tic sume day if occuirreatilit speke te i)ovaon antitolti him haliemust to an arythîug rnccesaary te lix ticanin ta satacuartheticintarest et tic commun- ity, anti Devson tolt i hm fînaf ha hati1 tasteti a place of vire Lta tic atack w bici voulti nake if sate, lbot tiare vent cenirutiictcry atatemnts ias ta fils. Acetier party speaking ot tic sama lire, 1,1. ni Te Business College 269 College St., Toronto Canada, thcugh practically a new schooI is faïtt forgIng abead cf taier1rvais. Its toog. ccd racticai class-room work, the pern onal attention given eI~student, the abiity to place ta graduates, are ele- Ments af certain success. T. P. WRIGHiT C PRINCIPAL. Hlead of S & T Dept. un" 1

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