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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1909, p. 2

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I f ?4ImarPQ AWn ~ I ir.."c evraaregUlAt lie oàes vaIfts 11 uffer frao iisditesin lnpaint; but fortu- t ooctrtieSvi ndteslittis pille valit- g hodo ,ithou-t the Btafe It ileacl ~Jtebn fsemnyilves that bers loe ee )~Yeasae au grat oOur pile ure thi sle î)àers do not. SCarters Litte Lîver Pilla are %very %mal andS ý,ery easytatakes. Qus or two pille makesa dose. ';Viey are strictiy vegetabîs, andi do eut gripe or wersb y thir geetis action picase Il wiso CASTES MEDICZIZ 00, M 70Uil. liarristeri soititor and Conve7ancer. 511c5-Bsakey Block, King Street, i~oenavtie.Money *0So anah a so ïMbe rates,.8ls Wr.M.TEINArÇrV. , j<.. Optarto Veisrry coliege. Office in rfJ of Irc. William,, farniture Sabre. Qahie Xfi wcred day or nIgii. pioneg8 . 10.1 aIII rg, tI ý Realdence Wcililrgton i1£61£e tibneNo. jus. r fiinees an othrs wo re liie adylsabi- of liaving thtiC Pateut buisiness transated 14,xPerts. Prelimlaaryad\lce frre. Charges Itert.Our Inventer,Advlser set uo *vaes. arlon &Mairlon,l New York life lg M te and IWashirnaton, D.C., tIj.s.A OALi rlig lbtof te Dominion, la C: Sv5tatebcwan Abeaï. tbc Ï4ko T *eliklý,teNorýh-Qest Tetri ý0r'Lp fûY bclemmed for Y 0 i~.ne7a rJReau anannuj rentai an acre. Nt Uel't tisauIf .Né0acres wvii eascýd to oae pplicant, "APlicatiOn for A leraîe mast be made to the Agtnt pr tb- fgetet 0*the district la which ffl rioap&~d Or tare ituated. In 9, rvey e terrîîory thse land mu5t be des bcd d y sections, or 139ai tub divisions ct jeCI 4îandinn FUrVeyed terrlîory the tract aDîeMPdorglial'bestaked out. acis ap leatigqa mut be accûMpaulsd by Iv o!$s.e whchwvillbearefundedIfib gis 1 - icdf-r ae et avatlabie but flt othcrwtse. ou(; aity hallbe paldon tse merohantabie nuptfte mine at the rate of i ve cents per #very LIcse oc f COaI minlau ri bte wicb are $lot befin OP etd abil furellithse digtriqi Oien f DoiniMon La d0 wlth a sworu atate- Rnt'b t L Zt eff et ateet once ln aech year. le ia 'Ce vii ludetie CORI Minlaffrlghts enJy, but litsIcae ý be,,1tc tepr *bas whaeve avAlabesur ace rîihs sMay be -jCe eosdj, neceary for thse workrog of thse âipet tise rate f eoan ace. Pforcii nforatio a]icatlonohould be 'hOc tots eceayo the Department Of tlltrir tta'Va, or to any Agent or suis Ament o! Domýinion Lands 'W, W. CORT, fLc(puty MiLibter o!fbe th erl I.B-Unautbiorizcd publication of! th .. VUlcen iil t be palli for, 5-6m e.I e- SYfOPsi% of Canadian Northwest Land Regulatlons. 1U pcrace vba ls the sole -beali of a iamlly or any male over j8 ycars oid- May honseteld t£ aCarter section of avait. *blc Dominion jangin Manitoba ,sakatchewan pr A Iberta, Tie -pituat Most appear inla r lpaitiseDominion Lande àgence-) Àecicyvfor tisedistriet. Entry by 'rxy MA (le alsat aaaY R nBY. On certain conditions. by staIler, mQ.etsl. son. danghter. brother or lter o! Iuaelag bometeeder. ule:-Slx moitis' remîdene apon and tuýtvatliofstcahq lan eaç, of rec earp ~~Ome5s on a farai of ai icast àb ~acrete $Q2jely owned ana occuxed by hlm or by bis t&ilserï, mother, son isegiter, brother or aister, 11, certain distrià a isomesteader ln good $taeeilng May pre-empt a qugarter sec-tion aieg V Ide is bomne£tead. Prices835.00 per acre lJiiier-Malst resîde six monthsinl eieh cGf six ecr frein date orf iometead entrs j(icncijtg ' 2etin[eerequlred tbsara homriest1ad patent) 21Ôd eultivate lkty aores extra, A bomesteider wisobaehutd bis borne, rtead right cand canîànt cobtan a prse mpiiou 7effide sxmenths, ta sch3o!three yas cultivate llfty acres anâd eeia bouse woe.1rthÈ W. wl. CORY. Iieputy inuiter o! the Interier. N. B.-Uaathorlzed puL.uicano! tioi d veetisement viii not be paîi for. 5 Sm RELIGIOUS NOTE. About the cnly peeplae 'wisa dolui't fç,irreI aer eligion ac e i'peeý- ~'i wio ava'tany. I'mpres-sive figures r.ecently pub- lished shewed how systematicaily Germany was. training her indus- tri al army, from'the rank and file up te the generals, The Teutcniaý example bas Ibeen .studiekl by Èit- ish educatars and officiaIs, and a voluminous report bas ibeen lssu- ed by a; dcpartment of -the goveru- mentrcmenigfar-reaching heprov\-ements cf the pre-sent sehols and metheds cf publie in- struction. Tlý e c-onntte-e finds Iaek cf techni-cal and industrial training to be one of the moe prolific caus- es of ilns and misery. Thou- zaa.nds of youiig peeuple, it says, drift from j'Ob taý job, -learning nothing Nwell and unileamning something ,every ye ar, until at 20 they defi- niteýly enter the ranks cf the un- ikilled "ýcaýsual> laherers. IMean- time industry is hampered by laeck cf dexterity, efficiency and skill1,1 aind trade that wouldl naturally go teo England seeks, other maarkcts. Here are sonie of the chianges th<- attention to te enectonli tween dayshosad evening echtOIS ard eeig"centi1nuatien"' H' anid 16 only vwhen tecide areu emiploýyed in suitalblecsas- ianits; mun icipal and the regis- tries t(> givýe advice te paren'ts and others as to proper employaient cf c hîldren; the establishment cf con- tinuation sebools whera tbey do not exist and conîpnlsory itendoLance up te thse age c 17, empleynPrs ta bc rcquired te) nilow citdren hired [,y theni toeattend sncb achels; Ptatutory protection adf childrea, n'ý,orking ýand stuidying, f rom ever- strain ; tisa adjustmcat af aduica, tien te local needs and caiiings botis in tise day scisoals. and tise or- ening -continuation tse-ails. Tisecommittea furtiser eceni- mends tise-training at publice x- pense cf teachers for tisa continu- ation scisools, Tis,, as xeii as tise otiser refomt, wuhd involve greant addition)nlexpense,, but'tise ceai- mîtteai-ds that ftiae i is tru e eo- nemy jc, hbrai execi.ures on- education, g-nrai -and spaciai, in- dustrial anmkl tccbnical. Taxation nigbt ba higiser, but tisare wouid be mare waaltis and income ta tax, and tise burdeas would bc feit lest than tbey are neow On tiss ques- tien, at -any rata, tisera shauld be no diý.fferenc of opinion batwcca tise govemnmeiit parties and tise claments cf tise opposition. It daesnot mequira mucis presci- enc.e ta foreasee tisat ammaments wîli seaon go tisa way of armer, and that tîrelve-inci guas willtaon ho as obsýolate -as tise six-foot hew.Tisa cccning cf tise acropina wiil rave- butionuize, everything. Austrîa, it In said, is about te h auncLis ont mi a buge. expanditureonL) Dreac"d- neughts. Tise king cf Itniysoîe a kee, cm insighistth ie projba, bilities cf tise future n-ban ha said tn'o years ag-o: "Wby -shcuid we spend Vive millions avar a isuge, irneclad when tisera is evcry ra- son te baelicre an aeroplane ce-st-, ing nu more tisan a motvr car may raduce it te cid iran bafore t lenves, tise steaks l" Tise aerepianuedasiig timongis tise air at 100 miles au heur capa- bic of drepping 100 pounds cf iigis lex 1plosive or of aspbyxiatiag siselîs on aay peint f rom any he-igbt is tise nanrest approximation wisicis man- kiad bas ruade tetise discor-ery cf mril. It was isy tise invention of s il-that poeant compeund ocf dcc- tricity aad dyaýmite isy niicit a Liild couid daestroy an nmy hy nrvaIing nan'nad-tisat Lord Lytton prpi1Adtiseultimata extinction cwa.Tiseaearepiana is tise naxt stcp te ii. lFor it places illiai- itbefomees cf destruction -abthtie disposai cf ae n nso e_ cna rai-se $à0,000u and fiad isaif a dl)eandat- pei-adoes ta do- bis 'bidding. What 'Hbis meanas is that thea lînman race self fordfes fex nmison Ivr bicw tisewoidssufaeis ab- s-liy nùpta(-cted fraru attnck thi gîesto he uncisstand tise ~cspmndowas ar-cu-adyaar thair absolutely lattiens habit cf prparinig for war with cacis othar they mnay find thamiselva,ýs confront- cd by tercýes of dîsorder armed witis new and invincible wcapons, against Mhich they thenisîcies, wili ha pawerless, Sho-uld they let hall boote by makiag xar upon ea,,-h othar heaven itself would raja bhell fire upan the, modemn citias cf the plain, In siseer self-deferuse the in- stinct cf, scîf-preservation ought te, campaI goveraments ta federate ia- tie inuternational world state, wÎth international tribunals inter- preting tha laws cf an internation- aI parliament, whase eecisions weuld be enforced by an exceutive w'ithout w hase command appeal te force on earth, or air, or sea xveuId ha absoîntely forbidden. This may read likçe Ttepia. iBut it îi the enly ffternative to the destruction cf civilization. If ne refuse to recegý- nize that thea aaroplanc, will seon render war impossible, human ta- iCîty may fid ittaîlf iuleld with iiideous muin and combustion down- te battamiess perditioa like Lucifer and bis host.s in "Para;dise Lest." The,,nminds cf men, especially cf rulling men, are slow tato percerva tise signs of the tumes. But tisa ae- replane, whicb renders arrmaments obsolete, will probaisly open their eyes ta it-s signifioance by abolisis- ing frontiers. Thesmugglcr s cf the air wiul have everything their eown svay. 1't will ha impossible. to enforce the payment cf customs du- tics on any goods saveý thosa xviicis are importedisy thse ton. The dry- in)g uD of ise cuý1stoms revenue may pradispose goveraments first ta mc- duce and thien te, abandon tiseir ar- maments. But meantime ail the mnere tisougbtful anîong us xiii de weli te fix aur minds upon the su- prema question: When tis e are- plan cornes and the aid erder gots what is ta, take the place of war ? CLO1IY. Psaim 29:- 9, R. V. Creation airas tise mighty hand By which its, rocks and mountains stand J:1 It sy i" tonas sublime and grand "'Glory." Giory: T, Cod Most ligh ha glory. Responsive te Ris, graciant choice Ris arcatures averysîhare rejeice Aad-say, by forru, or net, or voica, "Glory." 'Giory: To Qed bhalal tise giomy. Ail tiings tisat swim, or run, or fiy, Ail things in enth and air and sky, In tuneful chorus aven amy "Giory." Glory: To Qed ha endiets glory. Tisat ana grant Narua aboya al naines Appears in storrus and floods and finrues; And ail cemetio's veice exelairus "Glory." Glory: Ta Qed alone ha giomy. To iai tisa weak and iseipiess dling; FromRuIir tise strong thiisccr briag: In blended strains His arcatures siag ',Glory." Glory-, Tc, Qed ha pmaisa and glomy. To Iliruaise ulet tise cartis ad Te Hua nlîa hears tIse orpisans' plen, To Father, Son and Spirit ha "Giory." Glory: To Qed he higiest giomy. T. WATSON. Granthurst, Ont., 1909. If a man knýows ail about you and is stili aur friend, he 1li de ta tic teo. lIt is well to have on hand a rernedy, -simple, effective and easily applied, for rnosquitc bites, inseet stings, sores, bruises,-sunburn, and injuries to the skin, and forty othet ailments flot always danger-ý ous, but which can be cured b- Outward application. Such a rernedy is Davis' Menthol Salve(TheD).&L.),which cornes in tins for 2,5 ets. nt rnoviyJZSts Gien Up TouOie No. îoo Geo-ýrge St., S*rel, Qnebec. 'II suffered f rom wornb disease for seven ycars, wiih draadfnl pains ç,ver thse front of the body, over tise bael, awd dawn the legs. I lainsina a çlp -rotnic Constipaiad bbcconstipation wns s adtisiI ci1 oeimsfor ten ta, fifican days wviblont aay action of thie bowels. I wnn i!irle bd for ane whole yeam. At one tisI,1 was ta low tisai cveryane ibougisi I 1wns going ta dia, and tise lasi Ri!tes cf thse Chancis wene ndminisiqred taLei. I was teated by six different doctor-s without any benafit. Mr. Wîn. Piekard atcndcd Markisam faim William and John Riekard ship- ped a car cf sugar beets. Master Grant'Mew,,ýat, Peterboro', ~visited bis uncla, L. B. Davidson. J. K. Allen rcntlyý visitad friends at CampLIseicmeft. Mr. A. A.,owl attendeci Nom- wood faim niti s sixine. Mrs. J. R. Pyve and Miss Isobal, BoýwnnvilIe, recentîy visitcd atl Mm. W. H.' Pearce' s. Alexý. MaLeod bas gene up te jWaxo onisis annual spawn-gati- ring tîp1fo aur fisi batcbery. Mir. aiMr.Jas. G. iRickard recenIy vuited elatives at Wcl- Mm[. and Mrs. Wm. Piekard, Mrs. Johnii Douglas and.daughtar, Aima, visited Bowmnanville rccntiy. Mm. Mark and Miss Ida Allia at,- tended tise nedding cf tiseir cou- sin, Mies E. . Allia, M. A., Sun- derlaad, on VÇ*ednesday. Il 11ev. A. M. Irivin and tise choir cf tise Mcthadist Cisurcis attended anniversary sarivices at Kirby Sat- urday nigbt.1 SMrs. Chas. Williams, Bon man- ville, and Dm. L. B. Williams, To- monte, recentiy visited Mr. A. Ells- woerths. 11ev. A. . Irtvin was on tismea- ,days' business trip tismougli tisa nertsema parýt of Ontario Couuty hast ïweek. TioasL Gibson bas rattnrned froru tise Toman-)ite General Hospi- tai ieeh was operatedl upon A deiaepomade, is tise hoý-st form, of r essing. Bearinieis tisat a_,nd merem; itmakes tise bair gmow. 50e. a tjar. Centractor Rý Bsannd Mrs. Bert iBailagis, Rl,:)ey, N. Y,, attended tihe funtrai if tise latter's brother, John Coulsoýn. Mr.('br1itephel, Cincinnati, visi- ted bis iie, n-ho tsmengis ili-heaits bas iseen stýaýîng witislier fatiser,l ýS. A. Perin. N. T. Salhby's sale turaed ont very sucu-es:fuI, nctwitisstanding tise disagrecaie n, eather. Witb hîs famI3ieby ha nul renicie West. Mm. Pearson, junior ruaruhr of tise Firm cf Pearson Bras., sibole- sale fruiterers, Bradford, York, Er.g., bas beau gîîest of Messrs. UT. H. and 1). J. Gibson. Chiidmen muust haie good islood, aothern ise they will ha puni, sicklY and delicata. If youm ciide r pale, easily cxhausted, givethr ~Ferrvitise invigorating tonie, whib is icutàiposed ef fiesi lean iteef, Citmata of Iron and pure aid Spanisis Sherry- Wine. Nctbing could hbera b-ene'ý(ficial in sncb cases. $1 a hottieý, tise boat vas îýery ce "An '.d arc, yen sure ne an'L'Ia bs ai t aier wlý baIt you mgistaul 'lest ateyone. A LIL EAN 'OUTIr Nowi and then ene hears incered- ible storie's o( pesnJÉohews apparently itlietadcleanly,'1j going round !!f or months, ' and.exen years,-with their, outh îfuilof germ-laden, achLing, ' de'aying teeth. These persons will give the Most ridiculous reasons for their un- viý,eanly felly. They are too busy, ,or they have an insane dread of the icentiast, or some such nonsense. In the very poor and-very ignorant ail this may be understood and forgiv- en, but in ether classes it is unmpar- donable. Luekily lthieir inuanber is srnall, an~d their punishmpýent' is sure. Veýry few& whe ýare chil- dren to)-day wilI be able to say by and b that they suifer on account of neglect cf their teeth in youth, but many -adults, ean honestly say sqnow. The -science of 'dentistry and the- mechanies by mxeans cf which tha~t science is applied have mrade enormous, strides cf iate, and wilI undeu.bte-dly continue te. ad- vnein t-he future. Themodern germ theory ýof dis- case as applied to the mouth andI tecth has brought ab)out so much exuot kne, ýiiwledgc cf prevention and cure that se on a decayd toth should be a disgra;ce a, any civiliz- ewd man. It is universally accepted that a dlean 'surface dees not decay. Ail dccay is causcd by germs, and the germs cannot multiply and work ,,vii uuleiss particles cf food are left on, under or between the teeth. When these particles are so left they first becom-e aoftenied by)lý the saliva, and then afferd lodgmIent fer certain germs which exýcite an acid fcn mentatLion. The acid se formed attacks the enamel cof the teeth, anld this is finally perforated. Now th-e dor is opened for the germs cf decay, to enter. In this minute opening in the enamel the.% find a sheltered spot where they can increase, and by their action cause the deýstruction cf the vuinerable dentin'e. SThis whele process cf the formha- tien cf the 'destructive acid May take place withi n a single day, if, tho,: teilet of the mouth is neglected. Seeing how easy it is fer this de-, structive work ta be started, one ;shouldm ake trips to the dentist very- regularly, that damage al- rdydonc may be repaired, and that the deposits which settle on ithe teeth in the form cof tartar mnay be cleaned awvay. This tartar de-s serions damage as long as it i. al- lowed te stay, and it cannot be re- mnoved by any home trea'tment- Youth's Conipanion. HEALTU ,HINTS. A bag cf bot sait rel&cves aýu, ralgia. It rests you, in sc-wing, ta, change your position frequently. For col d in the bead. netbing i's better than ,powdercd borax, sniff- cdj up the nos'trils. Cure for Croup-One teaipolonful cof vaseline given intcrnaliy about twiceaa day. That a teaspoonful cf gmound inustard in a cupful cf ivarm isa- ter is a prompt and reliable ema- tic and shoald be resortcd to in case of poisoning. TLo prevant acceidents with biot- ties icontaininig poison buy a dozen :tiny beils and every time a bottle of poison is brougbt into the hanse ic ea bell teý the neck cf boà'le. Even nir the dark the bell will tinkie its w, amning. For Sleeplessne<ss.-To thosa who sufer frani slereplessniess. hlepeat thefiL two verses cf psalm 127: Except the Lard buiid theé boulse, they labar in v ain that build., it; ex- cept the Lord kecp the city, the watchman w aketh butb in vain. ]t is vain for y-ou te, rite up eariy, te s;t up late, to cat the bread cf sor- rows; for se he giveth his beloved sleop. itepeat slowly and thougit- f iiily. Mustard Plater-Trin.i -te cmust fronta, thin slice of light, bread, She Looks so WeU anzd 1Healthy That mpny ask hür vwhýat* Shehag been using. It is a co)mman thing te have people tell yen haow pale and siekly you look, but, when they blegin ta comment on yaur healtby appeanane you may le sure tise chanýge la neasakable. Vin, Sa-nsson i eg, lBax 15, Stmafford, 0nt., -1te: 'y wife lias used Dr. las' N rFood te sncb gaod ndt antage tisaipeopbe ae askýing ber -crIet tishe L&as takan tomalta hem sa systens wasail ua de v adtieu- new, riais bloodDPr. CassNarra Fooid li3 as j linupbem heaith i waademfully and mad ler s nulgaadWC]!. Ibvea ua~ithis rama with gran;t benefit la1 toniag n1p tisesytm' Turaisnegusawok aoi Dr. thie clamnts cf Naturwipi gý o t th fora-daion of rIais cd blond :and liat111 Atbr Î4atwîhpordg À&rw IJBrnd yru is elitoN Used wto lan F4ioe r%4~d c-wihpatlyrousecfcae eslicisid whoesom aheaedf l ohe ",z r in aIri desserte. f iaorai. Atsihprileisisting othn "roweu v.ýit beBrland Sup?"a r CP 2, 5, 10ban 20 l.dni-tighitn Culith lirfr dOrde some-,Y pu Ewredsburg SetareIlisCfa Work: CRDIALOnt Ofice: MnTRHic, ORne O avATor n 0<183e TWINS do ~youp werk" olè%d aai ladgA- Mon. - in the washing powder field-it bas no substitute. You mugt either use Galadcual W ahing Powdo or somnethîng inferior-there la no mniddle ground. Buy QOLD DUST and you buy the best. OTHER GENERAL 1crubijInfloors, washinc cloies and dishes, lednn wood- USES FOR I wok, ca cloth, silverware and tinware, poiishing brus worir, COLD DUST I iAnsing bath room, PiPes. etc., andi maidng the fînest soit soap, Mlade by THE N. L FAIRBIi.!i COMPANY. Montreai. p. Q.-Makers of FLIRT SOIf', then sprinkle it tlvickly with grounid ierking classes, as it tends te mustard. Spread a thin clath ever ceunteract the desime fer into)xi- the mustard and dampen withvie cants.- gar or water. Your plaster is al ready, with nothingta d ean.-up af- FLOATING POST OFFICES. - 1 1 . , , - 1 J - 1 1 l 1t~ tihe oId 'sticeky batter plaster.A piace cf hîadwai amand il botter as a peultice 'tisait citer flaxseed or slippery aum, and :wili iteitiser dry ontt nom tour seo qutick- IV. Lever Bretisers, Toronto, wihl seed you fnca a cake of tiscir famous Pi an ta toilai soap, Ul you mention ibis paper. . LONýDON'S SWEET TOOTI. Great Jacrease in the Consumiption of Candies.' Aprepos cf tise fondaess cf Eski- tries.for gumdrops and tise sustain- ing propanties of sugar, cf wbicb a substantini ration is noir suppiied raguIarIy te soldiens in tise Gammaa arm y, isera seais ta ha a distinet lnereusa i tisecoasumption cf cnisof ail sorts in Eagiand of ýInta. Tlisa nanaed value cf4ise .htaras cf tise big sivm, tsaI ingce ana is oaa îidcatio-n. Anottie is thit ee il ) iatise Ci ty cf Londeona iese-as an im-crante tan tue neumuer-eai tiîcmeieu -Hgai sellers and otier cunhstone candy bawkrswboara aildog a goed Autmaiacady uplyngmn chines bave tu A raliapdoften and~ ~ ~~b gckng-n a 'ienan re- sneetlstu aud eatiag t as tbey go. Tiss poislyaffCec-ts tise tobacceQ tad a ersely; at ail1 eren.ts in tis poorer quart-art cf London haceonxis ar compliaingwhîi They Consist of a ]Raft, a T;ia Box, a FIag and a Fee. Vessais at sea have their, way çif1 Piostirtg latters in old Npue care. A description of anc of theîe fllating post offices ie gîveî inii < Strand by the chief offceer af thEo steamship Kaipara : "A watertight tin cenîtains theý bag of letters ahl starnped with English stamps and seaied up, te whicb is attached a note witb a do- nation for a finder. The tin Îs securcd ta a raft and drepped a>ver- board, -came baing taken ta drop thc, raft flat an the water so as tao keap, thie fiag lyîng in order ta attract 'Ihave posqtad ltsin is way eerltues 'when pa5sain'_ Santa Cruz, TanariffPýa, ad lhai- met with sua-cets eacue. Thbere were ninaty 'le-tters eta e ai ons parts cf tise world lin uras fioating ponct ia. WaThc Poph4~ T/e Grc! n ls/e ailodu 1 - 2- ý T 1 -1-h h- ,ý 1 -- --- -, i .. -- ý71l ý9ý - - lýll i Weil and 1-1thy !ovkin;4. ile. n-vvs 1 --- !L- -; j T- 1 -1- -1- F-T Trhea 1 gota apeo Iutatis, but I had no aith L helna ai l, and I would not hiaveý takeni them only my husband beggced so hiard for me to try them. As tonr as I began to take "Fritit-a-tive-s" 1 grew better, the blaatiug vas reliaved, the sleýçplessness was cured, any stomnacli actcd, and the bowels were moved, but above ail the fearfulwnb pains were made casier. I have talken eighteen boxes in aah aud I arn now perfectly well agaiu." (Signed) MA nÂmx, JOSEPH LIRETTE, 50e. box-6 for $2i. sa-or trial box 25c. -at dealers or froni Fruit-a-tives Lýimited,Otw. INEWCASTLE.

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