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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Oct 1909, p. 7

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Thçifoliowing ie an extract takenF fromi the Emporia (Kansas) Gazette,a 1. j dited by William Allen White, one offlhc ieading writers of the Unitedi States: "The mi wh vo buye his goods of a mail rder hose nd epets hie xsihosin Eprato bhuy geode cf hm, r tobuylabr of him, orE to buypofessional service of hiîn, Is ecno iallya1leh. 1Re is 1ukn idsrilb ou ocf the to-n ni idgives nne ack. Re ge(ndes his profits out uf tuw-,n like a Chinmanand i ýoiasnomore right te a tanding in thei commriunityl iha a foreigner. )V, are al neigli- bers inustrialin this town, andi the an ho sndeaw ay for his Ë-*oùedý s jenetonje 01,us.iHie is of aerves:1mn' ssupport in Em- 'Thi*e fact that this je economical- iy w ýron1g je recognized by the mail ordr ouses themseeb es. They pro- tcttheir customers as th'ieves by vfferîng to keep people fo know- ing -wherc the mail ere oode orefrom. The mail eieLousees 3have neiotags on their gotsThey tïay in their cataloguce thatLnonle cf theïr gootis are mcetandti tat1 no,, one knkows whereý( they werel bo,ýuglit. If if is poe to hide the yplae, >ýof pu1rchase cýi f anarilf il vx~ronJg to buy thýe article at, that Cl11.vOnLy licmanwlo stealsiS arhamued te, say ,,here he got amy- tliglie lias. There,, is sucli a thing asý. "tainteti" dry gootis, "tainteti" ro-,ccries andi -taïntcci- urnuture. icfsucli that are nef banglit af homne, af men who befriendeti yen, cýf men to wliom yen owe a living, are "faintei" liecause they came nn rfai1rly. "T.Lhe trouble in Emporia is flue tt Se many merciants buy their gootis away from hainefliat a cystemafie jcaiousy lias sprung up. The dry gotis deniers tion'tfelthaf thcy have te huy tlieir furniture af home, bjecause flic furnituremn'swives huytlir try gootid aa frem- hoe. The came quarrel cxists iný e îy u lne cf tratie. If is dishearf- cniug ant itistrcssing anti paralyz- ing te icbusiness initereste ef flue U t's turne te change and get te- gele.If is time te begin te reforin eurs1eives anti nef our neiglibors, by buying everyfhing tf home -whefher flic neiglilors do or nef. Anti new is flic time te liegin. The thing te do is for ail cf ne te turic aver n ncw leaf." -We -wanfcte- eoay-son-leting like- thaf ourselves, but.-wc wcro if raid it n'as tee stron-g, 50 we simpiy quote what Mr. Wh,-ite enys te show that ofliers haveý pretty- strong views an flue mail order business as w-cll as ourselves. We nant te asie you fwe fair ques- tiens: are yen vi iing te bny flic gootis yen require liere in Bowmnn- 1-viiie i ou w'ere ,ssuredi thaf yen wuiti do as wal s by sentiing !-av y1 r ynwilling te give flic matt,11erv a fair'L trial anti finti eut flic [f tcc lic case? If ') wiiI yen take y ouir malrder catalogue te yoaur local ner anti ask him f airly antisqnryif lie cati f urnieligootis cf flic saine quality at flic same pueafter allowing for flic cx- pecs~iu~wautihave te pay for mail ani express chargesI Uniess von xviii de flue, yen are nef truc ýte i itercets of Bo-umanvulle anti the epening remaries of Mr. White arpy jin, yonr case. Cop)yright, 1909. a acplan wîth a 4n'pfuli of cold ' ~ " ' ~waer nd'J alse, ly. Rem e th seinas t bgis t bil. A ti * poon afutis oxaroicbsad one per feasponful fmetini a deeýp bak- " g dish. bat the liqui ho ex haif, strain it and-clremo 'ýeuMost oUFhIe fat. Add onie-hiaif a cupful MEAT PES. e creamýy or of ricli milk, and pep- Chieen ot ie. Cu upa yungpcr te taste. Thieken it with a fowlintojoints, eovel. with. celd oe of butter; cook it five minutes, wafer andi cooktedr but net un- and strain it ever fhec ment. If tii tbe, meat leaVes the bene. Ar- yo u bave any coid beiled ham you range the chicken in ai bake dieli, may add a iittie cf it te the veal, putting a dark piece first andi a Cuf'ting it in tiny bits. Cover with Y.hite piece on top cof it. Lay a ricli biscuit dougli, haif an inch amiong the pics-el esuthick, and bake ene heur, covereti 1oreeat balle, ne larger than ,witli thick' paper. Uncover, and sâxbematie-ef breadt crumb-e brewnfor ten minutes before senti- jýiich lard beileti egga beunt wifh ig teuftle tabe e, ra'w egg. 0f course freeli musli- B111 ooewuuld reaiiy be better, but Be n oaoPe-ese theyý are rather expensive. Put thf .ree cupfuis of imincetireasf beef1 îî acupfl ofceidwate, ceer Witb a littie stock, seasen te faste, ,it n u:nl riýfhnf n,,h ý ntiput in a wel greaseti pudd ing y Wlth blaithtie labor, and at hat the cost of other soap, .Sunight dees thse whole yet < wlthout njrigthse Most deicate tfabrlc. use it the SiSunlight way. FolIow the direclions. low the sf-eam te escape, and bake ini a steady even for ani hour. Squirrei Pie Clean and joint the squirrels, cutting the backs infeo three pk-ces each. Put six slices of fat sait pork into a saucepan, f ry three minutes, then put in the squirrels, andi fry te a liglit brewn, ini this fat, adding asý the meat be- gins te yelaw, a chiopped onion sorne chefppeti parsl!ey, and a cupful ,Cuf rore Spriîîkle over them two fablespoonfuis of fleur, add a pint of stock, and simraer slowly until the meiat is tender, seasoning Bail eue minute, peur ever flic siquirrci's, anti let thom cool befere putting in n bake tiish. Peur in a g;rnvy formeti by'sten-ing, att n few miôre muchroomes, anti a couple of liard boileti cggs 'eut in slices, cov- Cr wi tli n got pujff pacte antiserve. Beccfsteak Pi-Culd i o peunde el ounfta iiîo semalsquares. Bnîlycoerwilicolt Water anti cok endr saxxy. Cnt twe xcvai hýidýrieys in culbes. Drain flic liquit fr-em f li beef anti lct bofli get al- nîeost colti. Make n gooti gravy by thickening f hic lîquiti with a 'table- speenful of butter rollet iu brewn- utd fleur, seas.oning' weli wifh on- ions, sait, anti pepper. Let if ýsim- mser two minutes. Arrange flic beef anti kitincys in layer s in a tiiel. A tiozen emal oysters mny be adi- te-d if liked. Peur in tha grnvy, cever with n geoti crust haif anumiie thicie, anti cook cevereti anc heur, tien -brown. Mut ton Chop 'ie.-TIrim fwe peuntis of tender chops 'by cutting nway skin, fat, anti two inclies of' flic nb boue-. Wifi flic refuse trim- mnings make n gravy by cookingi tlicm siowiy flire heurs i nsf enougli wafer te c"ver themn. Leti cool, skim off flic fat, senson highiy, thieken wclI' with browned fleur, A Kafisas opinlion That Fils Tibs Jown.* nttending Mrs. J.ý P. Sf. ]Denis, af 30b Thompeen Street, Winnipeg, eholnt euli er flicue w as nofhing but Zam-IBuk couiti cure lier. The recuit sliowdti lic far-seeing wis- dom of fhic praiirioner, anti lav- ing been cmlfl cureti by Zam- Bnk, Mis. Sf.Dni gives lier cx- peruence for tfelcbnefif of aflier She 'nys: "Eczcmnstarfeti on anc, sitie of nmy face ani nocse. Atfiflut my nase feit sore, similar te wliat anc' feels wlIcnlving a bati coiti. 1 paiti ne attenion te flic, fhinking if wouiti pnss away in n day or se, but te my surprise if gef -worse. Thc noce tIen becamne swoiien anti lard, andt urneti n purpiisl reti, as weli ne, part aoflihý,c dliek on thnt sitie aI My face. "As flic diseaise developeti pim- pies anti nîcers ýbroke ouf, tIen flic skin cracked in pinces anti peeleti off in flakes, laigmy face, anti nase raw anti cere. Th)is condition reacteti oun my gnernilafi, anti I became vcry iii. I coiti get ne lecp af niiglit becaue Iflic irri- tation andti flicpaini,,nim face was in suclia lickn condition flint for two men)tis I tÎit efgo eut of flcheuse. I applicti reme- dies whidli iveesunnose to fbli y I blei C2UAU Wui 1t5 CXiiiCLLCC ai triai timG ewing te ýany negligen-ce on- fli part cf flic sait Dewsen or flic plaintiff or James L. Powers or Arflhur A. Pewers or any cf flic defentinuts or amy or al cf f hem anti whicli of thcm, if any 1 A-Deýw- s'on, 7. Was Dewson flic agent of flic members offflic Synicate Vto make contracts wîtn prsnsinclnting members for li fhre hio f their grain witlî flic engin-. anti separa- fer of flic Syndicate ? A-Yes, suli- ject te flic mies anti prices laid down by flic execufîve. 8. Diti Dowson assuming te acf as agent for flic members cf flic Syndicafe centract with tfli plain- tiff ounflicir behlaf for flic flreeli- îng of grain cf flic plaintiffihflic saiti engine anti separaf or i A-Yes. 9. Was Dewcen then in charge cf tfli engine witli fli knowletige anti consent of ail flic mcmli rs ef flic iSynticafe I If nnf, whioli of them 1was coneusnting thereto l A-Ycs. j10, Didtheflc tefentiants, James L. Pow re orArthiur A. Pewers or DrcrsJohn Bigeiow, John S. RobetsenantiI. T.Cliapman ai r amy of them ns hcfween tfli mm-, bers ef!flic Synticate amy tiufy on liabiiity or seeing te flic condition o-f the enogmn- beyont placing a, TàM TATDRDBANK Estabished 1873 OF CANADA S77 Bizasîcho TRAGIC TRIAL VOYAGESI F111ST ATTEMPTS AT AERIAL NAVIGATIO-N. Disaster Has AUtteed Several At- tempts at ,the Conquet of sons watclict lier evelutions 500 feet abeve- their hoed.Sutin 0--vy sn'xvwhat tVi e crnautc tcm selvýes 'hadtfilmet !to oseve- f h a sparli from tflýicmatr lbat igit ee n lealifrem1in h asbg at long, ineflaim w&s iicking flice emý e lope ef fhe balle-on. Then caineu cmnshng exlosin nti' , atihe env,-elope icrt in a fierce bla't cf flamne,ficcar treýppet greunt- wards like a stene. te iicli pieces. Line the pie with ricli pasc, mix fthe gibiete :witb a !piart cf -cysters, addiný enough iqiite make the pie juîcy. Add feror, roiied rrackers eneugli te tiknif" sigtiy;: aise butter, pep- te n sat; cov\er with a crust Veal Pie.-Ctflirce pounds ef lean veu jte mcli squares, put in aanse MUenthol is unequal- 1,ed a-s a pain relieving agent. Appliedô in the " D. & L." -Mentihol'Pl aster it is the most effective renedy known for Lumbago),S $ciatica, Rheumatic Aches an.d Pa, ins. Try a "D. & L.") Menthol Plaster the next time -au -are suffering froni any one of these corl- pla-nts and be.convinced . c e~hat druggi-s. 9UvUs'seC efo en-ongli'te make if quite mot'et. Cev- er flic dieli with ricli pastry or a' baking po\ývter cnuct, malin a nitie cnt ini tic 'center, anti bake, cover- ed, hall an heur, andt len hrown. Pigeon Pie.-Drees, tiraw, anti singe carefuliy four yenng pigeons. licants,' anti gizzrts ant ifn-e crumis mixe t ifichoppedi pars- ley, n gooti lumap of butter., pepper, anti sait. Run n smial nooten skec- wer tiroug flic beody cf oacI, fast ening niff i ngc te the ite. Cover flic bottom cf your bale ticl nith tiin stirip of bacon, scason witli pars] ay, mu shreems, pepper, sai1t. anti, if likati, sage. Oven flic lay flic pigeons, bativeen every tue ihirtis put flic yoik of an egg hoileti liard andt fxeor tbre iii flic cen- fie as.Adtt ie dicli silci- nt tic, hrewn gravy te o ý ; ,i a f- p 4eocoverwiif pct,aii ba e for nu heur anti a hîall. An-Otier recipa jeisas flov:Clean it joint lic pgeons anti wipc cac w'it sat antiIpppr i f y lgit Grensa a pudditili anti put, tien-wvýit lin -ca f e-t azonive TyYii.lndti soe is:ôtôther -sut-A getabies. For four pensons "use Irers couici fellaofimiilar expeni- flirce geeti sizeti' potafees, flirce ence. Zam-Buk is Nature' s awn goût sizati carnets, eue m'etium healer, being composeti af pure lier- si zet enian. Cnt in dice shaPet bal hcaiing essences, anti frnec fnem piecas anti fry fîne minutes in a ail traces of liarmfi animal fat or tablespoonful cf buvtter ceýasonat minerai poison. B is n cure cure witi pepper anti sait. TIen caver far ete, aceafien, burtis, ecze- 4-emac n--~mn, nîngwonu, pxoOw0un[iT~ hall heur. Belone takiug I u-m ire teî-ing soes, bati leg, anti ail skin att a teaspoonful af curry pewternjuriesantidisac.Znm-Buk is Ent wifli niole wient lient antiaise n cure for pilas. Drnggists butter. adsoe vrweesl t5c Hunganian Gouins, -i. - - at trsaevhr i the 50e. thoreugily lmmi kitincys entin thîn- Bil , C. orotone reflcin- o piecas. Put tu-etahiespoons cf but- i Ce., Teane, wonecegif o fer into a saucepan t idwic efnce enaahontiagî attl piece'Is c ItIncsSiake fanti -cleap anti banni imitatonscme- cool fastf on tannutesAttfouar tf'iîes nepreseiteti as"ufa tabiespeous cf )stock \%rgravy, o goo." talepotfusof lmoÎuieac NGIIIATFLI EMEMBIIANCE tabispoonunl o ipeimni î'eeîns, sait and ýj(teprte f asýt e. To Coi au nit ecisioly orfff "AVe give tians e Qd lways minutas Mi'- eafie fi ofksfor yen .. , alling mention cf cupîofcfmilk ;atdtota flic, con-fente 3on in aur paes cchn t , ithouf ceacing ~or wcrk of faifli anti labor of love anti patence of In grtîn ae n aIe rcqÏUet Andtifliau lc ridc htis ce In ynmyawy luih Foail eur knl an nici T. NWATSON. A'girl2do sn'f e ele alt. giJeroeratteittiatiu to4ie- careIb of flic hair. of aluininum tubing, wickcrn.alke The wemnen cf flic '400"' aie coud, anti nire, partinlly covcrinig fameti fer their beauty, nef because tic brokan bodies of fie baron- antib their facial fenfures are superior lic ýcompanion. te fliese- ef eflier n'emen, but lie- In fulli iew of 60,000 people, cause fliey Vkuow liow te keep younig Count Zeppelin'c airship a-s te- by supplying vigor, lustre, anti sîroyeti anti burnt, nuar Stuttgartf, sfrenglhIotei hair. mest August. Anti if is curions fiat Up ta) a few y cars ago ITnrisian t hrëe air-siips 1wbich n'eu-e amen-g Sage cuthnrtiiy le ebtaineti iiflic iargcst in flic nont have been Ainerica, But new fuis ticliglifful élestroyeti by tire. One .of tiec'e ce- lair restorer cati bce ad in avcry los(sal tisastens liappened at Berle- town in America,. Jury & Loi al iey, Califor-nia, w-lhsn-tic mnmmotls sel1 if in Bownnsnville £or 50 aiuciip Ariel rü,se from 1the groundt, cents a baffle, anti le guarant cas t -nifli ixteen passengers.aýnti reacli-f te grew benutiful, luxuriant hair ; et n heigh i 4 300feet. 2As-,fie ýslip te stop fnliing hair ;te stop itdhing Igat'heî cd niomentunm tierc for- af flic scalp._ nieeaîtJury 'sartiengines stopet no1rký,in, anti & Lovel wiil give- yen leur money iriîtnntiy t1 a linge Mieine iltet bnck if itf mils, lier noce higi in flic air.- 4'____ -The passengarse couldhace GRAPES, 1ciingiïmg ný iltiy te flic rails, i Grape Jic. T fru-eqarts cfCertain deafli. Sli P iera fruit att (cf wat-er Let diving poeir e i lpo liu tanandtin id eue anti. Tien, uivt'ta crack like agnu1 are-fhartisgrps.Usara pes iitmtcfficgsgaeon i set wiliwte, eieu tl entr (îeet nef~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r reee eiu) efegaa i un ffeuni4 moner a tî u e u oki i ir t k e r enfa c e i t ' geun t . ' I l i n e ol i e stiiin. rai fe fui-bu d er3wner klieiailfn- T)ncic mkes a erec j-aijl i i viidtaseiatWj1vie Mi notgrnita fnuit vlifl r i '.rCaUceOlierJoncs walq try- jeu. Wlien-ceoi cver niîh1mitet i ýg hin "'inttirgblBoom- 'paaffn. î'agandti a crewt of '25,000 e~ balloon__anit-lil rôauf d*rcl- cdca dop& SwiriIly Ln harTh, POr Ulivelli srustaineti a b rý)ee back, anKl died at-er ià) f-hieday. oýf sugar, ene f'easponflle-f butter, foûur eggs, four tlisen we cr etm-1en e, sp-,in n f 11d 1r a Pdy, a littie Sait. Beat yolks and wifeis separatciy, aise beat creamn. YFleur cuouglite reillthin. Aut in any shape and fry in hoit lard. Isaac (Who lias jugt recov),ered fro'm fyphoiti)-", yen výiihavc charget iiimefor furw-eks'cal 1 siu! pay feruniy th ree wseeks C' Deoco-"B1ut I1caiet i nyou cii crv day ffur weeks, Mr. Isaac.- Isaac-"Vcli,vrePa n-ewNeek I Msas (cuirsus anti I tit' ireeyou cor n C,2 1 Dr cienin~ rnied TO -' s ot iý' t1ci t ais ed Wl e S r lioapr CaIeayred WRI TE FiROUi' NEW BOOKLiT, IT TEU.5 AiL. FOUTAN HECLEANER I oi the saucepan 'nti stir unfil sauce begins tco thieken. Then ttake up antiseýr"ve at once. Sprinik- I.' a liffle choppced parsley eo er if. Swiss Steak.-Take- a round steak about twe te two and a half juches thick, nnd peund iinte if as mucli fleur -as if wil take. When fic fleur bas beenon t îit int ifron oth sities put flicmentinto an M]iron e kil- !et anti coe as ye fwouidany~ steak. The ceveifLifh nabe'r, set on flicack'f flie stvecever E skilet tgilat okfer, eue heur, adtJiing nae -e c sr anti fleur t ake- thicgravy. ILK HELPjS. Te Cican BflsTeqiks anti mest satisfncteüry* vwaIY te dean milk boffies i e put-a 1 ttle- wasb- ing soda lin hetihal l f111 ith warm wa)ter, anti puf mn yevur iron tiiei lehant ithilia moments slia mng en ave 'a OttieI b -pcër-f-,cHty d-,ean incite, Pasteurizing M)ik-Plaoe a pan of colti water ani the steve anti put a vessel con'taining flic miik in ftle pan. As ceeu as flic xxner begîne te hoil, take if off. Atitia'srnal f caspoonful ef soda toecdiquart of hot nilk. Put flic miik in a bof- tic anti put in a cork. Miik trent- et in thîs way mill keiep sweef in liot wcather fer twenty-four heurs. DOCTORS SAID ONLY AÂUB COL» DC URî 'ýE 111E1 ZEM A. In view cf ficnueru cures which Zam-Buk liý as wor.ked when ai ls ciclias fultfereà is littie IN TUE IJIGII COURT 01' JUSTICE. Bigelow Y$. Pow-er-s. (Cobourg WorMd.) Beiow je flic full liet ef questions suibmittcd by Jutige Magee te the jury, with the answers given iLy fhe latter. The casýe created consider- -,ble interest tfhronghiout the Coun- ties as well as in Clarke Tp,, where fice parties teite suit resid.e- 1.Were flie plaintif iund iuiiviti- ni. tiefentiants members cf fthc Syrdicate in co-parfnersiip i-nlihe business of threshing grain untier flic nam*e of The Pie-neer Tlireshing Syntiiente of Clarke Township? A-Yes, .2. Were the barn and goode ef flic plaintiff burned by fire canseti by sparks from fthe engine owned by the members ef the ýSyndicate l 3. If se, didtihle sparlis which canseti suehl ire escape frem engine by reason cf any tiefectîve condi- tien of the enginiei A-Yes. 4. If se, did sucli defective condli- tion arise affer flic purchase, ef the engine by members of flic Syndi- cate. A-Coniti not say. 5> If sucli tef ect ire condition flien exieteti, tit Dewson, flie engineer in charge, or' James L. Powcrs, or Arthur A. Pewers or flie Piainitili or amy effflic defentiants or any ojr ail of f hem anti which effbthe, if -,ny, have -notice of f h eistnc at that fime of 2ucli defectiU, e ýon- difion i A-Yes, Dowson ati Ar- tiiur Powers. 6, If sucli tef-ctuve condition diti A Jolint con ka great conýveniencze ili hanAlng the family funcis. It is opencd fri the naines of îwvo members cf the family, and' both may make deposi1ts or craw checks overer own individual signatures. This form of accounit is paricularly convenient for those h Lve some distance fo town. You can open a Savings Account with One Dollar. Why no-t do soeia once ? B Vwmnvi "Ll7e rBranlach s A. N. MIILN Blackstoclç.W. J.~T Branches a18 tl4ecstl,?e tovfe. r-o jsaw , W5m adBooln OUT WRITTEN CON-SENT Mae was surprisad at homw the soros h.~1ed 1 tcoloyourNe for twev er. a osieasore meicne vaiedHo prings and te minraiwetr r~orsLut anly get tüm- elàpoï, brelie. e y ouid heIp mue for ge jc1ns the s,-rptom=s udbrami againrunpwg sores, iotehsrhu of the gland, palm e f the bhands Fcelin acCOR TREAMENT tce ss of the eFi, dyspeptie tme FTRsSAMN etc. 1 hadgiven uip in despair when e friend advsed me ta consuit you, aseou beýd cured hiOn of a sîimilar di 'Seese8 are ega. n he ohpbut tookbis advie.ns. trewes ietesrscmocdt elu etne end of th.t tins eery ypo e iapae.Iwscrd7yaseaad en reommoen y tortraien ihalm r.lo corfreypro am vat ee', ut ourace sdhstsioila o ib"W .S W. treet NER VOUS DEBIITY, VARICOCELE, STRICTURE, VITAL WEAKNESS, BLOOD, SK!Il zeed PRIVATE Diseaecs. URINARY, BLADDERt and KIDNEY complainte of Mea and WosnmeC ,REA D r bdbenitesd ave you eny weakiues' dr NW lM'rHOD Fr.. No _,atter who bas treeted you, Write for an honest opinion Fre, cf tI..rae. Charges reesoneble. Books Fre-The Golden iMonitor," (Illustratedt) on liseases of Ici). NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Everytingcofienie Question list and cout cf HmeTreatnsentFRELý 1 ri -r -r LL ý-pl -A -L -L

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