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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1909, p. 1

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ait_ tUF te~ n ~l1 ag - - - a.~ w~ ~ T.!~ 21C1..~ . T~F~TT- EA gxrTT7YT T m rxîm A D rrTDQn AYý,,v, J ~IUU a yteUar 4i i ance; *1.5 o'U wuuied taites. JJ' U'4.a ILLE;, J 1.A1IU, i:flU'iI~JA Yi M1UUÂUfl 28 ~, 19093. VOLUME LV, No. 43, M. A. JAMES & SONS, Proprietùrs. 'TI-e James Papers XJisit mhirty-five Hundred Homes Weekly. Every lady i., 1 1 1 1. 1 1 Also a beautiful lot and Suiitings iD ail the shadecs, A very fine Stock ready-tý -,suits an( goods muadein-, the latest value any-whare. Couch, -Grocers' Due Bills Taken as Cash. 1 1i1 tii H BANK 0F -o- Established î1817 -e- Capîtal - $14,400,000 Rest a$12,000,OOO Totl sses8183,160,159' SavngsBank Departmont. I-iead Office, Montreal J. A.,MCULELLAN, Manager, Bowmanviiie Brn:acb. -TIIE Dexn 14ai L. 0F "CANADA INCORPORATED 1869. Pays Special Attentbin Plig cc~ns k1 to iooo ~ .000 4~ ,000 ~* * i mcii. Jo l 1 1Il 1 1 1 a __________________________________________I Has Stood the '1 est of Vears The greatest Cough Meclue net îlte Age las île argeat sale cf any Medicine lu our Store. Tho publie lknew a Good Rernedyv when thbey iry IL. Tt Cures. Don't Cough, It alwaysreees Get a bottie. X.M Mitchell & Co, Druggists and otîians. DRUGS I DRUGS THE EDITOR TALKS. The Jews are hecoming a big factor in1 Canada. Toronto is f nIL of them andî official records in Montreal show that ofi 239 hirths last week 80 were Hehrew1 chiidren. Dr. Laberge, M. 1H. O , aayst the Hebrew hirthrate will seon exceedi that of Frenchi Canadialps at the rate they1 are increising, They live the simple lifef and are industrious citizens, setting a very worthy example for many othert people who ciaim, the Dutahiiion as theiri The telephone is a vory usofnl inven- tion already indispensable to business, men. Jr is aise a very great con-Vonienco in farm homos. Canadian Farm says,'1 Nothing in recont years has done more to iuiprovoé the farmers' position than"! the tolephone., The system in use Islu that the farmer controls and opera ýtest himself, or may doso if lie wishos. A', local cempany is formied, with a smail caiathe poles are erected, the wires are sýrung,- the phonos -'-a re pu rchae-edj and there yeu are; a complete systom' with a central oýffice and the farmor ceau cenverse wibhi his neighbor. or he eaun caîl up the dector, the butcher, the groe r ý or~ anyone else ou the circuit or wviîhi rePach !bY lngdistanèe Conn11ectien. 1Ail ruralpho o cmpanies eau hai;velon distncecone(Dictiotii iFfichy wait it, The service thus bocomes 4cf 'ellegreate!st pos- ible value, aid' ne phono use!r 1bonofitsý more from it than the fariner. Wit h 1 phone in his lieuse, lie is ne longer isolated. Ho can, in a mmnget in toudli with things in the outside vworld. His horizan is widened, lis vision hroad- eued, and the isolation, of falrm if e re- jmeved. There should lie a telephono in every farm home. Memns garod heiltbs, anilicd Sarsa- p:arilla las anr unzpprozchiieni record as a' hiod-pu!ritier. Thcmedic ina cu res arfn e czemia, emupions, catazrl, r'-noumi- tis'n, ueria'nervoulne, th t re feel1ir, tyspepsaa, a ~a aie geeaJt l1tadbad n l wlc(1 systemr. stitutc for iL. If uredIteboysmv proparan saI t ha"jn i s god you myn esueui-,_fehccei boss jte mao, nsud id îeenrn -ar ,erprofit. ' Gai hiitedo'ay et yeu-r ugitPr. pa-,red on2iy IY C.,. L oe"d Co., LoiveI Ma ss., U. S. A. 1111 of algrcant munacu ing istrict annd yet no et ctahiy w tbîe smlole sudgrm of sud bolcalitieýs. Active oparat;e ul s legun. on île building :~.30, 1907d. The 'building -wu - pened foimtîlenaroil- ment ef pupils sud ie010 niaienof clase prmplyOn the date ef the ho ;i)ig f tle Fal Qre, Oct. 5, 1908. Oaweek lator, Oct. 19, re-ular class work hegan iin alldpamet with an atedacof over seven hidred pupils. 0f tiiis, nuinlier only ferty-seven cane fromi othor high sdlioels in tle city, thus vorifying, the prediction tInat tle scbeol wudcroate its own field in a high sclool pouaion whese wants ladl hitlierto lico u nmet. o- roacli 0f the ninety-six per cent of popu- fC reT h S.lation who neyer fiud beyond the -higli C m K h ss school an opportunity te fit themseivos ,n for a specifle place a'nd service, in lu- HOT BEAN SUPPER crea sing!y complex civilization. The ____________________ Teohuical High Sehool is in fact but eu oe part of n well defined plan, ef the AT THE IBoard of Education te provide fer the 3vocational neods of different classes of METHODIST CHURCU pupils in the city. A High School et Commerce, whioh is te be the center of EOWMAN VILLE ON: all business training, is already organ- ized and wvill open uts deer te students N V 91j hthis year, 1909. A similar siho hs UE D Y ld afrmosphere. is distinctly acdmi s aIse iveil ndeýr 'vay, anlans a),ïý,re inak- ing for a vocational sobeel! for i, sA .pM of the seventhli te enintl g-rad- clusive. FEor -those seekiuig iterary lor od ms"lau leay po professionul carýeerssix acade iighi sohools efthe city afford excellent pre- gam paration. --- utF IfIP-ORTi Are Now Being 1 1 1 Wie have at-re",dy o, Collection of Ladlies' and Eau and Winterwer- I perfect fitting and upe âîTIONS- Opened Out., Dpened.C out a grand di. MseCoats forii Fhese Coats are ne-w, t0-date in. every is inivited to call and tof niew-v Dress Goods - e m0-ost fashionable of Mens.a- dBoys,- ciovroas New style No bte VM-È Bom@vle' IDEAL TECIINICAL SCHOOL GuaEsTa 0F CLv\PL)B.snOr thoglîe Very great kindue(ýssaef Mr. J!,mies L. Hugh,1es, CliiefIspco etf Public Selooba fsor île 'ty of Toi ooli-, îlth tr a e weret permitted te jein dle Thauksg,;ivîng o xcu*iiof eTo'r- en[ote Pulic scbeol teacler te îlhe City of Cleveland, Olieo, on Fr'iday asat. TheL excursienlists te enubr tnery200 travefled b'y sei vsiuetanoe the G "rand Truuk Rlaiiway vi1a We'Pýld sud port Coîborue, to Buffa,,lo, N.Y., thence liy Nuw York Central linoi-uw as île LaIeSoe Rai asE ,P te Cleveý-1;ind, Ohlo. Mm . J.D. MDn albd, île en ildpopular District Pas- senger Agnt t îe G. T. IR., asud Mr. Frank C. ËFey, tli, ic youtful sud elerg-eric Cauadisal;1sseuger Agen)t etrIe No psrtý-y sud iooked el ate î intereas of tbcir patronis. Tîreulihitleir iunited, offerts; tIc ]lg joumn-,ey wSv made ocei L. Hulghes 1 as up sud édow Ille .traini crackýing s jo 1ke bolre suid anSwein1g ;a qutesnien tIaiere sud iadded ranIiiieiotfirtb- sdwitticism te îLle soilbiiIty of île o)uting. h wa s fst tnp, Ille special train lea;vinig Toto ýiiien Station sharp on 1 1)50ap. nisd pllîulg ie C,)evl al few\ minutes atfter 8S p. il]. The c0frn- psniy funid homes duiriu-kg ilicr stay lu this beautiful city etiîlie leïding beýtele suld Young Womeui,'s Christia ssca "The Clevclaud ehfoîai1HigI Sle el," teloca ahol on l e Amiericýan contin- euit. ToLuS l Waa a icl ireai sud t len 0g- cherichd priviege tevieiu l ii nttre sud le eaiiatiaoe our dosir-es was aven amore satrisfying tlIsa we 1 l a utici- pated-aprvieg e loldnt 111e to have ni ssedl. TsaCanaians were scaml- bled lu the aitoriuminul ýit MmL. J. L. Huhsas clairmanii. Mr. Willîim 11. Elsýon, Clit Supemin- ei ofc ehl! f re oardcf odu cao osdgveasccnt-ufn c l szyst-em otedulcation as o>eatd a I city eooe Ga ijea ciciiuce cei- irî g tam more tct;in ot s aoesss, ptial chamac tanjegion lu anye hy tiecqdcli or Liggard once. Withoult l emnphasiziug î ,le arnemnofclse as liight, meicc seior ulbil ones, they are se classifled asuidiîle duller, île cbildren île fewer efthtem ar given te a teacber, se tîst ile or sIec dan giva nodividual attention te each seholar, WVeq have long adlvocated that gi-eteri atten-1 tion sheuid le giron te lfie dulier child- mon. Wa caunot for want et space report1 Mt. Elson'sq admirable addmes, 1but oea tentueetlle Velandci,ýxcellent sahool, ç,stemï, a xbsndby lira, lîl-'e adap-1 tation oet"the achoels te lbe varying1 needs of tiecemmunity.1 b1m. James F. Barker, the claver Prin- cipaletfle Tedhaical Sclooi, lysa iro- duced hy Supi. Elson sud joioed la tle cordial ,,elcort t anaianeduca-ï tioniats asud thon gýave a rery intaoresting accouali et10, île ai;sudpur-osa tihis Ho gae a bief hstor ethîe oegin cof theý 1coo udan nd lhe courses cof instrcinma t te estudeuts et who,'m theme are ulow in atrendauce 789t boys suttd 311 girls. The course et study ns oefne e niml-ab cl , nhc- mÉaties sud science. Practical qshop wor)k ic tanghi île boys, sud cooL-ing, dmnuiug, auudmy werk sud sanie g te île girlsý. Thie acadamie studios are spLciaily ar- magdse as te have a directeri on or ap plicatien te the slep womî ouse tI( secolars are puresuin-, Thîe girl1s for moistauce have a diff,,eout, courise o sle r4laties trem tIc bys. TIgirls a ýre taugbt phyeiebogy in a ciase mroca te tiemelves sud maay subjecta are ds cussed ihat eould notet ho tagh iimu a mnixed clase. Botauy is tugtoly vte gýir7s. No subjeet istauglit ýte lee Dye or g.irls that is net e! value lu tIc practi- cal course beiug pursued. Tise pupiis are net womied with a lot cf liook-work lu gramirnar aud geogaphy but are taugIt these subjecta trous tbeirtIapplication te cmmercial, industriel o mq îancw pursuite. Lest week i lu or addr'sste tei L beys1)) rý1egamding terseileduc-a- tieni for lite as agricuhltuiisits w,7-enaupha- sized taItiug up ofiy sudisuib.jeca et study as were useful toe hor, dîscarding The stylo cf the building is Engliili Gotie ai i n its hrenesproportionis sud dapatio teits purpe-se it refiecis F. S. Brnu 'ie dak eddish brown suprstuctrewith teýrra cotta triniming uipen):1 ev 1 i1uewatr(able gives an effceot cf seîi1ud massivenessa well calcuLated teo ffset te uusual ausount of alsaosciie te ample li tuess; wliiurie tiiimposing asteru facade ,is dividedhy theprojeci ofthe end wiigs sdof Il,-,cenjtral ipavilion ie a, mosr piesin symmetry o of sud celer. ",E" iin formi, thceeiio iugtree wings atitiig from i1the west upon tho main structurie ihilxtenda ot-nd et Theý min oueitrance i; ppoahe by a fligit c f gaiestps. Tblere are twe othler ouLtances. Ve wreShown tIre' the buiiling iin qadof 1,5 te20 Ïby a teacler gide. Ueneno ite build,- ing frora tIc -front we oticed-- at-the r-igl1t a recepttion rcom -suld -at' the left the opposite, acrosýs the mincoriowhich connee1ýts te Inorth sud South wings, la thle Spaciuis adtoimwith a aosting caps:city, iacludiulg the leuiy, oet 1300. Flîglts c f stairs te the rliIt sud letofe thle auditorium u Ltranjces laddowu ie t thle baee tFlret1wC central space Thie lecture roousmsad lbrtoisfor plysicasumd chemist-ry are at oaci ondnc Ilu the n orth wngthe enità ire asis dev-oted -Lte a' 11lnchrooml, witl the nec-,essary hitdhen sudarvinig roeis. Dirctly unmder thle auditoriumii is the gymnaýsium, eircled hly its oieevated coLk rnig rcsIýe r asud locher Th1o entiro Soth wýin]g of tisasWoili as, cf tholirai floo)(r is ocuie y the Shopa,. TIc otfer Voartn.entis wejj eqipediir l ptter'7S wellathes for turlnig mdesssip liebuse sud tglaze roýom sot, haetc. Adljacenit te this le aforge si ihprovision1s for ;a blaek! smt ols f ithurtY six. The foiges have dw rf u h ,tr qimu is tîoroughloy niodlori. Thie nx mi suithle ,ýfor: the ver-y o'ttrd instruction. At the endicf e e coridre aL feund1ry wtî a cupola for île mielting. of hoý,u, a hrass furnace, suitable cr oVejusý, etc. At the extremae rear of the building tle heating and power plant is inusýtalbed. This furniseh at, lectrie liglit sud power sud lias a capacity et oIver, four huudred herse powver. On the lirst liber île main part cf île buildinoe sud the Scevill Avenue wiug are eccupiod by racitation rooms. * agoroa ar îleo Portland sud Scoviil Avenue corners witî a seating capacity of two huudred snd fifty are reserved as study halls, onle for boys snd oeue fer girls. Iu île Portland Avenue -,wing are tive woodworking rooras, iucludiug .jeiY, ruruing, cabinet-maling sud patterui making sliejps. At île end efthîe vwiug corridor is a roorafor re-sawing sudl storing stokIluaddition te tIe usull bauid tosisil these reeras, suitable1 weedworkinine-y lias beau instal- led u teu io lie roquiremeuts ef modernm mtods fmnfctr.Opposite the ouracetethis corridor je a drafting ooufo)r the praparation cf desigus for shepý probleme. This is easily accessible te aIl pupjils in the woedwerking dopari- raou. T haro is also a roomi for varnish-_ ing suld fnsigwood1work_. Ou le h second foot are add iiionali rec iation rooma, the, sdlicl library anlUi melinialdrwigroma. i On the, third fleur eule wlng ilaantirely (devoiedi te the girl'prtmSts. Haro are loc-ated tho kldinfo- in]structIoalu cooin, lediing room for lassons ilu table servie, .and tle lunryloomas for inistr:uction lai plain sew--ing, drese- m6hking and m lillinea'y are situaied ilu tle cerner oethîe building. Additional inlechanical and freelïýia-li drawing, a;pplied art114and raiation roims occnpy îie realuning fiooriïpace. A club reom for school erganizations and a rost roem are aise providod. _The touril ffoot la occupied by additional rooms efthîe1 dlepartment et applied arts sud by tle prilnting a.iusie-ad of elo-ak roinus, ,nd1ivýidul sF-teel lceaare buli te île walls etftha corrido-rs fon eacî floour, o-ach locher being separatoiy7 ventilated is asigne eue e-ae lochera, a slop anIldla ym2 sim ocher, and la pvdd vitti anivdal k tý)eaese. A retereuco library, cossig largely et ecllcl wrhs l tuuisedby île Board etfdLucatil. Cievelad Tech ica ligli Sehoo, as indicated, !las t\ue0immedlý(iatioe e"s ndi vieiv ; (14 Tu prepare yoth ~ uth sxsforfa definîteo voction adfe efficienit i1,dustrial itizýenls1ip; (2) tei lelp imoun sud womeu lreay ogaged nleu1g -wiil île encenragingiout tînat "iere neyver was a timie wblel- tliere -were greuiier eppertuniloes for' boys8 and yennIg man as to-day. lau , ery- businessý thoera is a constanit seeking for thle igbt man for île job'" Tho power of LkuowlOdG - uext re- il particular. see them. T; -eý REMINGTON Business College 269 College St,. Toronto Canada, thougli practicaily a new sehool la fai~t f orging ahead of its older rivais. Its thorouil -s cd practical class-room wor '-, tbe personai attention gi9,en eahstidBnt, the abiiityi toi place its gradristes, aroeiee- inents of certain EucceuE. Chas. E SfUTH, HeIAd cf S & T Dept. k r' 1 Iii muai classes tle nature ufthîe slnd-- jas and île purposes lu viaw are se difi- atout as ho demaud ,a soparatien outhîe beys fromîtlie girls. Thora is iheretore ergaizod wili î tlie une builing a beys' sehlol sud a girls' sobool. Tho achuol la oen te students trom any district lu île - ity. Tile long distances from wlàcl many studenis coma and the lengil et île daily session las m-ade ht nocassary te previde a lunch room wxhere warm neon meal may leeon 1e yed. This service is couductad ns nearî-y 'a s possible ou a ne-proit lasis, -Atire aigît te twelve cenits erle may obtain a substantial lunch. Puapils miay aisei lringanlet a pari ef ibeir luaiecn from homo if tloy su prefr.-3M. A. J. BOYS AIND BUSINESS Iu London, Enxginnid, ibLis season a! sories et lectures will le giveýn ndofr a uspicesofethîe Central Y. 1%. C. A., Aldersgate-at, 0ou Beys and Business, He udli we shonl Ie te boar ibese lectures. The liriL glecture u îeo ere lins beau given by Mur. WVm. Gamble, n-uthor et "-Tba Business Life," te 250 lads, anid as île senior ediior eft tus journal us golng nway fer a briet rosi and holiday, a synopsis efthiis excellent address will bo given lu place efthîe Edlhor's Tal, We siucereiy hope tînt every bey and young m,.an wle roada ilis journal wvill rond tis addires Mr. Gmi began -with 'a very reahis- tic entlilueuthîe amOiosfeaae boybhoood as te wlat they are "4goin.g te le" ivheu ileylbave alel Hoiio passod ou te îlie qaiia ion ecbssaý,ry for île "boy wanied," aud h tie firai disappointini tntacame wiýtl île' atwaîenèin h o tîle lard realitles et lite, witl île lroakinig in te omî nad duty' , whilhis -the ardsnsd ruis i The settlîng de u e lisfit-t ii on was, n]exitce uponi, sud île el way" for î1le bey te t-at to hlis work and carve oui sornethiiug ,botter. Tiae, were warninga agninat grumbling, ai geihing despoudent and dispîrited, fol- lowed by a description efthîe hind of beys ilat are wauied lu business- " beys wiîh more ilan oue thoughi in ileir minda Nvlien iloy are dolng a thiug -boys, who, if ibey meet wiih a diffb- cnhty lu, carrylng oui an instruction, xvill try te ihinî ivlat otler ivay ilere is e? accomplishing ileir tash.", The boy wlo possesses "tle doubla sensa"l was deali with lu ilese words.: ',Every, employer approdintos tle lad who possesses île two nmportant senses -île sense et obedience whicl prompts lim te de aqulchly and effiienily whai le la teld te de, and tîa nstsiucîlve sense wîhteila hlm wlahte do lunu energoncy.,l Thetoe are geuarally su,eer'nu ways of dolng a thing, but oniy uaest way. Wo warut lu business leva wlo will unhesiatrngly cloosa tînt beat -Nay. It la, moroovar, invarlably île alertfsi way, se tibat yen givýe yourselt tle leasitroublaý, To do ihiaga in n bLugliug way usuaily menus ilaitlrhey lava te le doue ever again, probabby tnhing ton urnes mere worI te soi righi ihan if they lad beau-doune preperlr ai lirai. Thon agaiu, taInkefthîe \vorry il giv,ýýos enwheu thinga go ivrong, and net simnply worry te, youaraelf, but te everybody concerued in île business. A boy's -bunIgle in carrying, eut soe inztruc1tionis givenhim, or in delivoring a. massage, or a promay ceai île firm l he 1bas et auimportant customro or a bs lun 1meey oet many pouade. ïet beys ottoront ih very liglitl, nUdI ihinl ih's a litile tling te mnaIe a f uss about. But luatierilite-vwlen they gai ie soeaposition o e roosibility, or ara in business for ibemnsel ves, they soon find ont 1wlati lmeaus. ls îleworry eftinga dune wrong tînt ia eatiug the beart eut ef many au empfloyer to-day When striviug againsi foerce comnpati- tien, againsi lad timos and sbortage et monoy, itla sîmply bearh-breaking to lave thinga made worse ly soneashupid- b ondr eosacarelesa omaployee. Se, beys, w\liatever yen do. try te, do ile rigîitt hmg by .eyonrrnthe firet timie, suld every t4mne. Tlul twice betere yen d1o -auytiug. Firat thinî et wlat yen liave te do; tien tink oethîe lest ivay et Ooiig it, Porbapa It -wouid ho1ý) latter te saiy thiul thrice-thinI aise wliai wonld hajpen if yen dýid it île wroug;wayThe old aag,'leo ob- fero e u, xr esse tu ndi2e ini leiestwords." Tlie importane etf de!Ing, 'ilngs natily w:ira urgoinncl 1l e noino ,liitle, netiod or ssiem iai will ensIle 1hlm1 te gai tirouigh lis duties qIa n ensier, wliloataitîe saineurneils properiy doue. He suiggoat-, ed îlegod en1 --, (1 tedoeuethlng ai a trne sud f1i'si 1h ora talling lup anether. Tinoi adlvainage ot hei-ng roadcy fer île eppeýr- roui SUL) - 4 - si -ýA- -1 -ET- IT ; y 1 1 1 L ceived attention. 'It's hoveg, centin.ued Mr. Ganabie, "htsgeing lte openîlie doorofet success teyen. na e tle great secrets e? siiccesfuilbsns is kuowiedge-tie huowled!go th]atisl pov'er; dle tlioroug hwege and miast-ry ut îlebusioas yn-e in, and in whicil yen aretspiLgte esucceas- fui, if yen artve wVin promotl;iion yen muai, hnow miore 'thar anyothler fellow. Yen mnuai study yeuir wî,renid about 1h, loaru ahl thora is te be kJnewni about it, net simply t lisadouie lu île office and slop wlero yen worh, but lu every sinrilar business uisido h ý. First et all yen muat learu the principles aud le systma y wlclbusnes isguvernedt, TIat la wbat yen Ïlave come boire for, te follow ibis cusAnlo lt ime tell yen tînt ilis île mi ýimportant part et your business esduca,ýilon ite learu îtle mnerloda ut business, which iar-e appli- cable te evary sort et busie-s.Ler book-leeping learui somothlnig about hauking and exelange, learu bow te pan a goed business latter, learu 1iow te heep ihinga lu order. Again I say, learu omthngtle otler fellow doesn't know-it miay leo short. baud, il may be languagea, ùh may leý practical mnaîbematica, or it may lie correct grammar and geed composition and style in business correspenden1ie - aven if yen enly learu te draw v up effect- ive advertisemeuts yen w.,ill be delug- somethiag which -wvil eue day make your services valuab)le -aud soughit for. If yen are ln a teîn;ial busiess learui soieeîlng ilth tonis on n-,bo ve rem1otel- e,1,1isiryv. ecaisal- trctphyVSica, akjdseon(ý. h w7ll ail comlu useful aiea une or noher, and will place yen heiad anud shouilers above île otherfel. 'Ther is e exuse ont learning iloe ting no-adys.l every part uofth îl uioo i tre are eveuingý eaui Study ama veyhn u île wbolo iof eet huan khuowýledge for nexite notlihig,. You laýive oulytegiva- y oui urlne, whcl os yen oihugbut thie effort. Dexr't, put il Off. Dou'i be like the sIliggird efthîeoveb h would net plougî because hivwas cold, If yen doni'r pbeug aiU' îl e righi tnme île ground will neot ba ready for îlie seed, and île barveai will never coma te yen. Learu uow ail yen eau, fer as île yoars g-o on île leati bocomes duli and île wll becomoes siuggiah. Duties and te- sponsibiiities crowd ,-poniyen, and yen cry out tînt yen Lave ne urne. Thon yeno begin ttilaI(of île valuable leurs, clays, nay yoars, yen la1v3 ewasted lu idle dilaterineas, alw ays promising but nover deing. " Tle uphll sir-nggle was liheuedoc te pushingz a biCýycle up h111; "very liaret Lvrh ut tlink et île, freo-whieol spin ohnyn rea li îe top and get over tIc~~~ rîg." Ad 'is !a îelecturer teheabe 2%île x yprmotoncoas win e saidý, aailhay 'Vould CIbeire in tl, île lirsfetata, empto-d 'u)t,eklchn down, their lead tmedwtlfattary, Hicconolled lLe boyvs to eocuon wlieu they lad goütilieilr oprtnnity, tu stick te eue ithing, keeip te unebuisi - nessif le peaeibly e-oonl, and Lnet le tempted tetut aside nnld tale short cuis te "1gai ricli quich." Promnot-in w,ýas asteady growti; it needed cuntin- nuouLseffort., Tewiu h tliey muai spe- cialize. Tley muai try te mIiý;e Èim- salves île bear mou luinbeir particular lineo0f businesýs. The prizes lui lite, tee, muai bco ought for, Te,' a prico lte lue paid fekuce aad often a leavy Ceuclndlng, Mr. Gamible sumnmarlzed île rules et "How te, win" ,as folllows "Firat, lave a sieady alm aqnd a rsoluite piurpeýse. Decide wlai yenv are geing te ha, ilion fit yoursaif for tle businles's Yen have closen-be readiy for your epper- tnity. Then wlea ! t putn cornes slow, thai yen apprecia1te île promiotion by tryiJtug ýte deserve h. Werî patiently csud preeigyud iug always ti iiprovye,io iien yveur kInowle-dge, te nres your usefluless, Further pooinwll Omae, and wiil ,i respeisibJiities. Se ilat Yen dis- char go el île trusit nt je posed lu yen. Be, be faithtul, be irnil- t ni, le faim, le hiud, le medeat, be watclifi, be firmi, le t1cif ni. Keep your-self fit bath in mmid anifflbody, for ,auýc-estul buisinecss needa aill yeur strenigîli and -sîl ye-ur clearneasS et mmd, De one thirg ie0,1pcilie nwlat y on- ha,-Iow you can do beaýt and wlat yen) thlnk la iismoat wauied. Be symiptl-etic, be punchial, be prompt, le earnlesi, be 1pnsl1 lug '. IMaIe ' gOô(] frianlds, aud It e ep tiim by bI(ng a lrieud. Be courteonts, la censiderate, le sincere, be respecif ni wîxiioui losin)g self-respect, Nover dlo a miean tlig, boe anarçusgivo nmure tin la expjeiod ut yen.Be trnly what, yen L) lvdhoiegi te obe, i tact as Te thinecowa self bc true; AAd m1uit follow as tIie nighft the day. Olhuldreu Ory aO LtmCHER'$ -e

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