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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1909, p. 4

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Speci-al to Farmers l]e-,LELLAN & CO, LINITED, BOW MANVILLE, WAXÎT YQIIR GRAIN AND SEEI). DON'r FoqilGEr' that wa are etti paing prceà for all kinds Of grain and seeds. licOlellan & Co., Ltd. PEON 15.BOWMANVILLE TORONTO EASTERN RAI LWAY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVItN that appilea- tien hm b, en made to thie Parliameut of Canada at its aext Session for an Aet je- corpsrjzn a Company under the naze of the ornoEastern »ailway Comnpany, 'aith powers to construet and operate aline of rail. way from a point in the City of Toronto, rmn- niDg easterly tbreugh or near the towns of W'hitby, Oshawa and Bowmaflville te Cobenus with branc.hes therefrom as follows- A, From a point ta or near Cobourg te Pete.- boreugh. B. From a peint tn Scarboe Township te Markham, Stouffville cr Uxbridge. 0. From a point in or near Oshawa Northerly via the Easternaide of Lake iuegog to Lindsay D. From a point ln or near Oshawa Soelheriy te a point on the waterfront ni Lake Ontario. Aise deeiar!D;g the works of the Ccmpany te be for the general advantages of Canada, and anthoriziig aralgamationi th other Compa- nies with other usual and eustomary powet s. L. K. Murton 0f the Town of Oshawa, Solciter for and lging on behait of the apuilcants. Osbiiawa Oct. 2Slnd, 1909, 43 5W Single Fare for Ilunters To Temagami, Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotiaý, etc, G*ood daiiy until Nov. 6th Return Limit Decebe~r4th- Or Until close O! navigation, if eari- ier, to points rtiachett by steamers. California, Mexico, Fiorida. Cousuit uearest Grand Trunk agent regarding low tourist rates. JURY & LOVELL, central Business . Col loge 0f Toron te has sBtarted ihousaind of yening milen and wemen enn19e easy way te rdpe j!-ead suce-s. Let unilveyen the, rght stnt. Write9forV 1Ctaicgne and plan te ,;Pend the next six mnontha with u3, Enter auy time. Addrcss W.H. SHAW, Principal Yenge and Gerrard Street$, Terento, LADIES' FANCY WORK . We baVe receiv'ed' F11this week a very choice t ý.assortmeut of stamped ï li. nens for Doilies, T able,1 i Centres, and Tray i Clothio, Cushion Tops iail shades and pat- tens; Work- BagysTow- Sel Racks, Tieilolders, Silks and Mercer-. ised Cotton for workin -also Cushion Cords. , W . T. ALLE Big 2. Boostor CASTOR lAb Fer Infants andi Chidren. t The Kind You Have Always Bought g tBears the ai Renat thz, evi"e that thia, dis'tï"s- inq aliment la curëd by DB, CHASE'S OINTMENT. Some people find it hard to hoUerao that anything short of a surgical op- eration will cure protruding piles. Tlia doctors have brought aboùt tlis belief. Thero la any amount of p-roof that Dr. Cbase 's Ointmnent is n poritive cure for this as w~ell as ail other eom f piles. Capt. William Smith> Revelastoke, B. C., wr-,ts 'Ut 'ia with inuehpleasure I state that 1 have u-ed Dr. Chase 's Olutrnent for iteliing, protrudirig pile3 of inany yeara' stanidi-.ig, arnd it bas completely cured me. I hâd previour ly tried maniy other remedies, but they did me no good. 1 worild etrong1y recomimend this ointmnt te those suffering from this compaîit, for it is a geod and genuine cure." In scores of wnys Dr. Chiase's Oint- meut is 1usefuil in every ho-le in, the treatment of itcehing skin diseasc. It is probe bly the - only treatmnentý that can be -positix ely relield upon te rýlicve and cure itehing, Lleeding sud protruding piles. 630 ets. a box, at Sil dealers, or Edrnanson; Bates & CG., Toronto. F'OWMÂNVILLE, OCT. 28, 1909 CANADIAN CLUB MOVEMENT, There wits ne re'tI Canada. beforeý 1867, but there wasbalway s a real pýat- riotism tn the varioir; colonies whlcb, pravious te that date, Mare un British North Amercîa SiBaeCtonfe-dration1 rur patrlotism bas assumed new aaprecto ' Il bas developed from a corte no- plex feeling to a definite idiei arCaada has gained more cf a statua of a nation, and ber People hae Dow a 'zîearer faunda tien for their kqo'e of home end country. Aillour pieo aallour faîth ln the excellenuce 0f aur Brîtfsh institutions, ail our confidence in the Ultimate national greataess of Canada and the Canadian People Combine with the tender~ association of ',homne" 'te make Our people thoreughly patriotie To give this patriotism form and organizatien, various movements have been started, one of whicb la the Can- adian Club movenment. In 1892 a Can- adian Club was, started la llamilt:n and similar organizations have under varicus names been orgainiz3d lu other townB and cities cf Canada., The movernent bas not had much unity la the form of Organization or la the nature and aims of the vartin socia- tiens, but the same Pub 4c splrit-a Canadlanism wlich is above party-has animated ail work of this kind It leafnot intended bi' the movement te promote Canadian Independetice, Im- perial Federat ion or an-' par ticular Idea or plan for the development cf Canada. The future eau take care of itself. The purpose la te promote greater unity and greater love o! Canada among the ini-abitants of the Dominion, and it is confidentis' expectcd that aIl Canadians. irrespective of thelr vlýews--Polîtira!, Party and of the Future-wii, ila the days te corne as la those past, work for Canada as they find her, dolnz their utmost te ferward her intereata without fear, favor or self seekiag. OCTOBER WEDDiNGoS. MoLAtILIýIq-HOULDEï A quiet but, one cf theo prettiest cf Autumu weddioga was solemnized at the home of Sir and Mrs John Houldeu, 59 Coîborne Rýt, Oshawa, at 8 e'clock WedneEdav Out 2otb when their eider daughter Frankie L, was united la marriage with Mr Frank MeLaughlla, second son of the late Mr Wm Mc- Laughlla, Tyrone The ceremeny was performed by Rer iH T Lewis, B A. of Simeoe St Methodist chnrch, under a wed ding bell cf white asters suspended from an extended arch of greenery, 1brlgbtened wiîh red bernies and auituma leavea, the bouse threuzhou.t being decorated la a similar minaner. Tha wlaaome souag bride. who was brought in and given away by ber father, was wearing a gracelul prîncess gown cf cream auchess satin trimmed with In-E sen tions of net and buttons, and carr3 -t ing~ a shower bouquet o! whiteroses ands lly 101-the valleyà Mrs Raymond Davey, i Ore, pla.Ned, Mencielsobaa weddlng 2 march. The greom'sgift te ber waa a 1 crescent ci pearlsand te his bride a1 ,hek.The preseats w ere avery choices collection o! gifts front the riumerous c frienda of bride and groom. After 'a I clalnty dejeuner the happy couple litE on the 8 o'clock train for a sihort ttip to t western cities, the bride travelling la a 1 Emartly talered, suit cf dark green 1 fancy-striped Venetian cioth and Velvet k bat with plumes and mink furs. onj their return they wll reside. in their seauiluland seflgita, ameang tbem S bcing a bandoome Panlor lamp froma the Press noon iensployees o! the me. s Kiiaun Dash and Metal Ce. The d ~nerns gf b the bridesxna'd w~ pretty gold brooch witb peani an',dC imehyt etia, ndte the grnm, man a pair of engra-ved cu'f! linka. Guet's trýa out o,! the eity wvere: Mr., s primae money in the difierent dapant- tients wbich lnclude the principal breeds f Heorses, Da-iry Cattle, Beef Catîle, sheep), swine and Poultry, and aise eeda, The Fair comas at a convenient season when the fittl-ag cau be, doue unlng tbbcsiack lime o! ftli and eariy wiaten wblle the few daý a spenit ia &uelph wiith b exhibits is a picasant nd profitable iubing. Write A. P, WESTERVELT, PanlilaMent -BtildingS,i Tcrojate, for a prize ie. BIOH !ScHoOL NOTES E. McDeýrm7ot, Meadville, Pennss I vania; Mrs. Jamnes MeDoafld. mise Kate McàonaId and Mn. P. IHurson, Miernitton; Mns 8, Bosworth and daugh- ter Zilla,!Torno Miss Frances Coaley, Bowmauviîle. Mn. and Mrs. lieu- sirgen wili be At Home at 10 Beach St. alter Noveraber 4,h.-Standard., The bride is a gnand-daughter of Mrs. M. A. Washington, £lorsey St, Bowmanville, an4i ber ,nany fniends ln this v!clnity cifer teantieat congratu- "THE SOUL'S AWAKENINO." The new premnium picture given to aIl i5ubscnibers te the Famiiy Herald and Weekls Star o! Mentreal, la cen. tainly a beauty. Neyer in the hlstony -cf aewspaperfi bas there beau such entbusiasm over à premlnm, as "The Soui's Awakenlng" bas created during the past twe weaka AlmoFt eveny newspaper in Canada bas vublished most fiattering tnibutes te th< Family Henald's entexrnise, Clergy. men t! ail deneminations have wnitten thanking the Publishens for glving the People o! Canada an opportunlty to possesa such a placte Eveny mail bninga scores of lettens' fnom parents, fathers and mothens, expnesslng theli sincere gratitude for farnishing the home with sucb an elevating influence. Schooi Inspectors have wrltten suggest- ing that every scbeel neom ln Canada s'aeuld have a copy of '$The Soui 's Awakening," belleving that il wll have a powenful, tbeugh sulent, influence or the minds o! the cilidrea. The Famii3 Herald and 'WEekly Star alone la big value at oe dollar, but wlth this picture as a premnium It looks like gi eing away tney It la sald the supiy is limite'l and there sa abig nuob-e! subfsoniptions. No one Ehouid miss it. MINISTERS AND CHIGROHES. The -ladies o.! the Disciples Churcb are preparing for thein annuai bazar lu December. Tuesday, Nov 2, la the da1te of the bot beau supper at the Methodîst churcb. Gond pnegram te follow. Rcv Wm Limbent, Onono, attended Tbankpgiving services at Plainville Methediat cbunch Sunday. Bey. Geo. Robinson, -Pont Penny, aietlited Rev. iJ. Garbutt la the devotion- ai exercices Thankagivlng, The old organ of Finat Methodist churcb, Pictea, bas beau soid te the Methediat church at Stirling 1. The Ladies of St. John's Chunch will boid tbeir annual Dinner and Sale la the seheol noem on Friday, Nov. 19-1h. Ladies' Aid e! Methodist churcb will give a bot beau suppen lu the school rocm on Tueeday evening Nov 2. Gond program. Admission 2-C Rev J Garbuitt, P? C Trebilcock,. Misses M E Joces and Maegie Aluin are at- teading the Provincial Suaday Srebho contention la West Toronto. W.C.T.U. will hold their 'regular Meeting la Methodiat scb-ooor on M bonday, Nov. 1, at 3 p. m, Delegates I xPOrt Provincial Convention at Belleville, Speclal services were be:d Thauks. g1ilng megrning lu the Methodiar, Pros- btterlan and Adigiicar, churches of this town. Apprepniate sermons were preaebed bs the pasters of eacb and tile at'endaace waa goed. Mn AL Brown, B A, of MeMasteri Uni,?ersit.v, Terento,,pneached at both services at te Chnch cf Christ Sunday whieh greatly pleased bis bearens. Iiis subject for the mornnng was -Yc are the llght cf the world" and In the even- ing 'J onah, the nunaway mlssienary." Mn Brown lea deep thinker and ex presses bis tbougbts veny clearly. About 1-0 members o! bis Weduccday atternoon dlace and a few intimýate friends, as la their yearly custom, gath- eLed Wednesday a! ternoon at ttc home of their leader and friond Rer Wm Jollffe tb offen qwngratulations ou bis 84th biîhdsy whicbaoccurred onSunday ),It 10. As the day was net convenient for a social gathcnIng the later date was chosen. A short addre2s was given by 11ev J Garbutt, paston, and prayen and îingîag by those presont,, a! 1er whicb tha ladies senved a nice tea and a pleas- arilt social time was erjo.,ed. This journal jsAns with 11ev -Mn Jolliffe's îumerous friands la tbc wisb that be uav be spared te celebrate several more blnthdaya. Anniversary of Seagrave Methodist church was held Oct 17 and 18. Sunday 11ev LS Wight B D, Brighton, preach- ed vigorous ana seul atirring sermons o large coagregations et appreclative ietenens. Mouday afteruoca a fine fowi supper was scrved. la the evý3ning Sonya choir rndered fine quartettes The annuai Pfld Day sports of Bow- manvilla ]Ïi1gb School were held on the campus Wednesday aftennooa and the event was favcred wlth deligbt fui wealh- an. Ail the events were keeniy oontest- cd, The attendance was regrettabs' amal, The eveutsi and winners were: RuuInlng long jurup. ùoen-Otis Wor. dcn. Robt, Wilsont, BruLce liencywell. 16 1t. 61ta. ltnin ong jump, junliors-Alex. H1addv, Clarke tLaylor, Leou Dumas, 2 ItL 5 lu, Runinig flb ' îump, open-Harvey Wight, B. wilsoa, il. Houeyweli. 4 fr. Rua1ning hep, step and jump, open- R. Wil îson, E1. Wlg Ut, O. W orden. 388ftL 111 in. Rilaning, hep, step and jump, juniors -A Haddî, L Dumas. C. Taylor. 27 et. 10 lu. Kicklag footbal-Wes'ey Redman, Elmen EWIott4B.,Honteýwell. 149f t. 9in, Waiklng match, girls--Mary Gai- braith, Dora Pency, Greta VanNest. 100 yd. Dhsh, open-R, Wilson, O. Wordao, E. Eîllott. 1100 id. Da-h, juniors-A. Haddy, L. Dumas, Gausey MeCielian. 50 yd. Rrcc. grls-Reta Iloenigk, Liz- zie Conors, Eila Wight. 50 yd. Bacc, juniors-Vanna Jewell, Madýeline Stephens, fHazel Mercer. Throwing baskctbali-L, Connons, Vilda Cowaa, D. Perey. 56ftt. Three-legZgedRace-Wordoa and VWîl- son, Truli ard Walters, Biaddy, and MJcCleuian, Naîl Dniving Contest, girls-Kathleen rowin, Mlary Gaibraithi, D. Percy 220 yd. ae,--iwi Tueker, Lorne 3aundera, E crI Truli. ýClub Bwling-Elsie -Bragg, l% Gould, Ethel Gilbert. Girls' Relay race. Form 11-B Roca- gk, 9 Watlsh. E, Rienards, M. Gal- braith; Form 1-Ella Wight, Mary Coe, H. Mercer, F. Tnompson. ' 4-10 yd race-E. Elliott, R. Wilson, B. Eloneyweil. Scineel Championship-Bobt. Wilson. The basket hall1 game bcîw con Whit- by Colleglaîeînsttitute girls and B. 1H. S. girls pneved to be vcery lnterestliag and resuiîed in a -'.lctory for the home team by a score of 12-4. Elsie Bragg sconcd 8and Lizzte Connens 4 points fer lina winnens, wbile Dora Joncs did ailltbc îening fer bbc visiters. Thc teame werc: WinrrBY-Dâra Joncs. Nellie Lynude, Lila McPherscn, Carnie Newport, Carnie E'raEer, May Thompson, May Thomp- son, Olive Thompson, Marv Ruttan. Linesmea-Amy Boss, Hellen Long. BoWMANVILLE -Elsie Bragg, Dora P'rout, Ethel G2lbent, Dora Perey, Greta Scott, Reta Bnlgk, Florence Allia,, hLzzIc Cencra, Bessie Walsb. LUnes. nen-Lila Os-bprae, Greta W%ýiket. Acempanylng bbc visitons wcre Miess EM. Heny, K . and Miss Pringlto, 8. A., (wbe was reterce) mena Long, Haz:l l'mull anil Jean fHaL3craf t. Thae Whltboy leam werc catertalncd alter the Pameai t Mn-Thos Ted cale by the home team. Short Speechbes !ollow- ed and a pleasant heur was sýpent toether. K ELPIQNý to tBritish 8Soldiers la So?.th Afrca. For aUtl hrnat anMId<iIand TRacubles, W1e'à-isy aunaps. Ab~eess sOIdSoes, leers, eoa Skula 'Cry ql Plspl ceStffoiat,- Dr. D A Maxwell, scheel inspector, Windsor, was a yisitor at the sehool recently. Th 'e pnizes for tne sear 19,18-9 were prcseruted atthe meeing o! the Lltenanv Socecty Frlday afterooen. The chairman cf the Board, Mn W B Coucb, Bev H Munroe, B A, Rev W E Carroll, B A. and Mnî W W Tamblv,ýn M A, asslsted the Principal lk a1akng the presenitations and gave apprepniate addneSses. The Giiffllan pnize and the Faîrbaira priz ta were preEeated for the finaltiCme ire nEriins on the volumes preenut- ed la connection witb these were : "The Giliihn Pizz-Founded by the students and friands o! Mn James Gi- filan,,B A, a fermer principal o! Bew- manville 111gb Sehool. te mark, thein appreclatien cf bie werk." 1Tbe Fairbairn Pnlzs-Founded lu memery cf J B Faindairu, Esq, adevet- cd frlend of Bowmnanviile 111gb Sebeel and fer yean pravieus te bis deatb ln 1906 chairman o! thb, Board o! Trustees The fermer o! these for gencral pre- flcicncy lu Form III was awanded te Lyla Qeborne and the latter for gencral prcficincy lnu bbc Iowar sebool were awanded te Clark Ta3 Ion for Form I and te Edua Staplea for Form II. The pnizes doaated by Miss E. M. Henry, B A, fior the bcdt standing ia second ferra French and Engliâb litera- turc wene pncserâted teo Ruth týquair and Elsie Bragg. Chairman Coucb's pniz3s fer writing wene givan tu Nellie Que and Queenie Ramsay and the Principal's pnize fer nesdîng la the lower ferma was divided t qually betwecu Bessie Walsh ana Lîlian Bounsail The priz 3 givea b -.Dr John Hositin te tbc studeut bavlng tihs higinesi standing at thie seniior teachers or f .urth form examination was won by Eimer Rundle. The announcements for the 3ear '1909-10 include pnizes for generai pro- fielency in each o! the four f orme pnizea for readiag lu the lower forma and the priz-i from Chairman W B Coucin for wnlîing lunltha first form. The pregram be4des the priz 3,giving waa made up of a nediug trous Ruskin by Rilda Rutiedge instrumental selcc- lions by Florence Allia, Minte Trebil cock and Marjonie King and Doretby SanderEon an d verni solos by Lizzie Painton and Frnk Walter. A patriolic chenus was also snag by the tchool. HIGH SCHOOL FIELD) DAY Beautiful new Fail dress fabnica in the lateet shades and -wcavcs. portation bhc assortment le attractive and our pnices always at the lowcst. Our direct lm- New striped satin cloth iu the new Autumu shades with self -stripe, briglit satin finish, medium welght for gowus. Per yard 50c, New Satin Soliel Cloth, a very fashionable dress fabrie for gowns, new shade.- and colore, bright finish very dressy. Per yard 75e and $1.00. Braids. Just received a shipment of Soutache braide la ait Ieadinir shades, black, white, cream cardinal, navy, myrtle, taupe, grey, wisteria, brown, reseda and purple. McMurry & o, ulmited. 4JET THE BEST, IT PAYS One sehool that stands at the head in Tihoroughness, Popuiarity,--a nd- Genuine Merit te the Toronto, Ont.', It esicys a large patronage becanse its spnework is se well koown. qet your trtbghene and yon wIlli b. satlsfied. Al graduates eaelly get positiens. Catalegue fnee. Enter now. Con. Yonge and Aiex- ander ts. W. J. EIliott, Principal C. PR.steamers. Atianutia Service., From Monatreal and Quebec, From Liverpool., OetL 30 Lake Mamitoba Oct 13 N,ýov, 13 Lakc hamplate Oct. 27 Nov. 19 Empres of reland Nov. 5 From St. John, N. B, Frorn (West st, on)Liverpool Dec. 3 EmpiresaetofBiiin 0Nv. 311 e.17 Empres e! reland -' Dec Ali Steamners euppawiît wlreless and al convenli el]ce for the safety and eomforb et pasa- engers. Ail ste-amers carry thirdi clasi pas - ees To book or for funther information re gar ding Our steamners aýppIy tb tht nearesi CPR.agent or S>. J. 91harp), '7J-Venge Street IBOW ANVLLEAGENEIS. 1SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE FOR HRUNTERS'. Fur the accommodation of Hunters, the Grand Trunk wili rua scecial train leaving Toronto 9 00 p m, Oct 28,1h and 28:h for North Bay. stopplng at principal Intermediate stations Returning spec- ili wlll leave North Bay 9 p m Novemben 131h and 151h. Funther Information may be obtained from Grand Trnk Agents. -Our Fali Bnlbs Just received, Leave- - your order early. * Bet Value in Teas and Coffres in town, . Giîve me a:trial order. Ideal Fence Scan't be beat in Quality K,. Reducel in Price. >ýPoultry and Stock Food Feed 110w when eggs and dairy produce are. hig-h. PETER MURDOCIH BOWMANVILLE. Iwhite Star-Domnionl OYLMAIL STE4imslipîs LAURIiNTIC, MEGANTIC Ttlple Serew. Twin $crewv Largeet and mnost moeiern steame~rs oen,ýt. Law- renc rote.Latest productioln of tI', shlp- bouera anTpasenerselevator@ eveigg four decks Every detail ofCocmfort and Iluuy of preslent day travel will bc feundonths Montreal Queet Liverpool Canada.... Oct, 50 Laurentie..-. Nov (6 Megante.._. Nov. 13 Domnenea -;. Nov. 20 Tht popular steamer "CANi'ADA" is aise again scheduled to carry three classes et passenes While the fa8t rsteamer "OýT- TÂA"and the comafortable steamer' -DomiN.. ION" as one classe cabia steamers called Second Ciassi are very attractive, ai modenste rates. Thîrd class c&rried on ail steamers. Set plans and raies a loa agents, or Cempany s offices. , !al nformnation apply t. MýA. A.JAMES, Agent, Allan Line Steamiers ST. LAWRENCE SAILINGS. RECORD PASSAGE-Tht Turbine SýS. 5.vie. tonlan baeLmadetht fastest passage on re- cord between Liverpoo and Monutreai, 6 days, 15 heurs, 8 minutes. MONTIREAL TO LIVERPOOL. Virrgianl1........ -Out.29 ..... Tunisian..........v s_.* Vîctonlan.......Nov. Il . ceraýi(nean............. Nov. 20 . MONTRIeAL TO GLASGOW (4rampian .... .....O0ct. s50ý.. Pretorianý ..,........Xov. .. i teSp(ennan ,>-.._ Nov. 13 ..ý..... lontn........... Nov. o....... CH-RISTMAS SAI ,ýS, St. Joha 1-Halifax Virginan No.2G5 'Nov. 2 Gramp Tian Pe, 4 Victorian De. Io Dec. Il Hespjerian IDtei Rates of Passages 211d . -42.50 ... . $4500l... .4.0and $30 For partienlarS eofa-cillogs j al M. A. J4ImcB, Prepare for the Cold'i Weather. Have you thonglit of the necesslty of warmer clothing, etc., for the cold days and aiglits to corne? We are ready to fil your wants, our immense stock neyer was in better shape for supplying just the article wanted at prices whil ilmenbgvlesfr1ti money. Men's and youths' overcoats made Up in the latest cuts and, styles, also the more subdued designo. We have an immense assortment in ail sizes up to 44 inclies chest measurement. These are Meltons,, Beavers, Cheviots, Tweeds, etc , in a great variety of colors and patterns. If you want'an overcoat or likely te want one we offer you the best values ever offered at the beginning of the season. Corne now. Special prices 6.00 to 820. Men's and youths' suaits made to make one feel well-dressed. They are thd best and newest styles, with i rsi elasa workmanship and flnished in every detait to mesure entire satisfaction to wearer. We can fit you perfectiy. Give us a trial. Prices $7.50 to $18U0 tlen's Underwear. We have recelved a large shipment of new winter underwear in fleece lined, union and alwool. Our sizes aroe mplete. Bach garment is maed full and will give goo.d wear. Par garmeut 50c to 83.00.a a as Men' s fine quality Englieli ilannelette pajamas made in ffull large sizes, a very, coni- fortable and luxurious sleeping garment. Per suit $1.25. Blankets. You will need some of our very fine qualities of Scotch and Canadian wool blankets. They are made of-very fine quality selected wool assorted sizes and weights. You eau get the best values iu wool Bl'8ankets liere. Prices from $3,00 to 8,00 per pair. Plannel Sheeting. New flannel sheeting f ull 72 luches wide, extra good quaïlity firm close weave. ?A very clesirable fabrie for eold ul-gits, Bee our quality at per yard 75c. Comforters, We have the celebrated [Maish Oomfortj they are lnxuriou,3ly warm and wouderfull y light. We woul d like you to know about these comforts Corne, and let us explalu theni to you. We will show yonu the filling and explain their superior qualities over the ordinary comforts. Prices to suit ail purses. Flannelette. New assorted English flannelette in neat s tripe designs also plain white and creani, very desirable for night gowns, children and women's wear. Prices 7c to 16c a yard.: New Dress Goods. b MI ý ra ---« mmïmm« l

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