S 1MI, BOrULAuV(LLE QSTÂTIciS. GaING k~ G -useW MT Exres ,,...4 am E prese. .. 422 Lam i'afsener..51p.m.I PasseOnger..... 148 pif T~ocal . 6 9 , aseger.... 7.44 ..ai ...-9.58 p.m :Daily. J1ýizy & LoVELL, Town AgentS, BROKEN PROMISES "Yes, I would like one of your pietures ever 80 rnuch." ,'I haven't any of ny self at present to exehange but ex- peet to have 'sOme taken soon, and then lVII remember you'" Now be honest. To how rnany people have you told this old, old story? And how long ago were sorne of those 1 Dromises made? Count them Up carefully. and then corne ini and get eno4ghipietures to "square'> yourself. .fter keeping your frieuds waling so lonag it right be advisabte to, get sornetbing We-have it-. SIL AS HA YS Statesman BIock, B&wmanvif te, . Ont.I T""ALKING 'SHOES. W e ie heard a great del about tal L ' inachines, but who ever heard of TALKINà SRiOESi' le' WC want to tell you that Jeverv ý;r of shoes that leaves t tour store is continually proclm- ýMng the inerits of our goods. jhey are the mrost eff ec ive talkers it i a comman ocdurence for 'a cusitomer to corne in and ask for ýEshoms like wc sold their eeighbor or a rair af shoes like the lait pair we so]d them. 1 They were the l îmost coOIflortab~e shoes I have worn for a long time and 1 want s another pair." is 'ihat they-say. We are showiug strong FallIS lines ai Men's and Ladi-3s' Foot- wear that are the newest desîgns I: --perfect fittieg models-elegant ýin d Ema-ri, See cur window dis- FRED. R. FOL EY, ~Parlor Shoe Store, Bowmanville WIIEN WE TEST EYES à IT 15 DONE PROPERLY 1ad JURY and LOVELLs n!Rdateýsüa! Chîca9o, New Yor, totel II~~I~I ~5kkeepirs"~ jsnoapteis '.iint~i YOU5Y~ I 'f WJMANV1LLE, is Sole Agent for t-his lligh Grade Peu, 'ORTA.4T NOTICE FOR COBALT MINERS ip D ROKERS. ýrrangennents bave been made by tise6 ed Trmk with tise T & N O Ry, ta rate a Pro-imr-ae cr .mencing Miondv Oct 25 vu the ýattrains, 47 and 46. servluZ- meals ,carte, hetween Nnrt.h a- flcobalt. e oY BOWMÂNVILLE, OCT. 28, 1909 Thanksgivîig Visitors, Roy Ohiartran, Peterboro, at home. Miss Lena Keys, Toronto, at home. Miss Ruby Crago, Toronto, at 1 orne. M Niss Effle Dnnham, Toronto,at home. liMiss Mabel Davey, Peterboro, at homne, W JTrenouth, Norwooad, with rela- tives. Leslie Cox, Toronto University, ait bomne. SMiss Isebeila Lawvrle, Bramepton, at home. Norman Jeeanngs, Port Hope. at home. Miss L!zzie Younz, Torouto, at John, Elliott's. Miss ane, Toronto, ai Mrs John Miss Leta Bernet, Peterboro, ai W Morrison'a. Miss Parsons, Oshawa, wrilh Mrs S Roinbough. A L Darcb and wife, Toronto, at bis father's. Miss Hislop, Whïtby, w5%Itb ber brother Wm lîslap, Mrs Harry Regîneer, Torata, at Mrs H Botirell's. Miss Millie aed Elion Hughes, Toron- to, ai home., Miss Ray Walker, Toroûùa, at Grand- ma Wrigbt's. Miss Maud Sylvester, Lindsay, wlth Mrs L A Talle, Geo W McGi1I, Collingwood Colleg. laie, ait home,. Wm Cbain. eTor4nio ih i ser, Mrs, J, R Pye. Arthur Luttreil and wlfe, Toronto, ai D Luitrell's. W H Raine, wlfe and .soe, Toronto, at S W Mason 's, Miss Florence Hawken, Fort Hope, at R R Hoskin 's. Miss Lilîle Hoar, Remington Business College, at home. Ed F Weekes and Miss lda Weekes, Toronto, at home. Miss Kathleen and Harold Meatb, Toronto, at home., a 0 Washington, Victoria University, Toronto, ai home. Miss Eva MeGll home front Normal Echool, Peterboro. Miss Sadie Bagnaîl, Toronto, wilh ber brotber William, A J Saunders and family, Torontù, I at Thas Waodley's. .Mrs j B Tueker and son Basil, O.ýba- wa, at Thos Bottreills. Miss Stella Mason and Ernest Scott, Toranto, at J J Masois's. lMigs Julia Sinclair, Toronto, with iie Eiter Mrs A Christie, Mrs F A Pbhp aLi danzhier Edith, 'Colborne, ai C L Munison 's, Albert and Wm Wlisý, Toronto, witb their aiter Mrs W Maynard. Mise Maggie Jalliffe, Havelock, ai ber faiher's, Bey T W je.:liff eo. Misses Aille and Ada WIg-ht, Toronto, at their father's Reeve Wizbt's, Miss Myrtle Bragg, Remington Busi. ' ness College, Toronto, at home, Misses Edra Grigg and Violet Fish- eigh, Toronto, at John Grigg's Miss Liiliam Smale, Toronto Normal School, at her home, Providence. 1John Piper a! Toronto Saturday Night wiîh bis aunt Mrs Rd Balev. 1 Miss Olive Oiborne and cousin Thecla I Dryden, Toronto, at T E Osborne's. fi Miss Nellie Calter and Jas LaPointe, Oshawa, witb Mliss Millie Johuston. t Gardon and Helen Mitchell, Russell Gioodman, Toronto, at A Mitchell'e. Miss Alma James and Clarence lîaes, Columbus, at Norman James' P Wesiwood, Tadmorden, and Miss p Clarrie-Edwards, Toronto, -aif-TSTcd&ý. Cephasl Meader and Harry Jefferies, il T' aronto, wiih relatives here and Zion, u Miss May Crsderman, Victoria Col- a lge, Toronto, ai Mrs W Crydermae's.' W J Yerox, wife and famly, Mrs W jCarder &ad son, Belleville, at D Ilarri- he on"s. c W G Rundle and wife, Frank Mitcb- ell and son George, Toronto, wiih iheir b mother, ri Mres Mark Hemn and Gertie and Miss p' Frankie WIley, Toronto, ai John Me> ntyre'5. te Rev George Robinson sudwife, Port Ferry, wilh their daughter Mrs John }arbutt. 1Mrs j C Vansione, Miss May and B a tanstane. Toronto, wltb F C Vanstone, ea Cedarcliff. S G!en Case and wife Miss Mamnie Me. Kennedy and Chias Hladdy, Toronto, ai F A Iïaddy's. Milteu Purdywife and iwe chldren, Oshawa, witb Mesdames -William Me- Reynolds and Thos Fox. Dr. Harrison, W L Rabinson, B A, andl Gordon S Jury, B A. Toronto, ai J H Hl Jury"s, "Woodlawn." Governor Jackson cf Victoria couety jail, and wife, LindFay, witb friends Ie Baewmanviile and Newcastle. R il Elliatt and wife, Misses Wilson and Alice Pape, Toranto, and Alec Lî le, Ottawa, ai John Lyî&ýs. Fïedl Moore and son Ernest, Part Perry, ard ,Piseobe and Lydia Moore, Tomante, ai Frank Tackman 's. Llenry Rehder and wl!e, Paris, Dr Kappele, Hiamiltou, and Miss Macle Rtebdem, Toroato, ai C Rehdem's. W H Greeewood and !amily, Chas C Tamblyn-and wife, Misses Powers and Cobbledick, Tomonto, nt W W 'famb- Dr P C Trebîkcock. wife and daugis- ter. Mrs Fi F Hutche5on andl daugbter, aeüd A J Treýblicocir, Toronto, ai P C Tmebllcock's, Mr James an'd Miss Myrtle 'Spence, Newbridge, Oýzar and Gea Spence and MIsIrenie Sanderson, Toronto, ai R F.1)e(1 naWm Sbaw's, Ai! Peunngton, Fred CriWilliam Rowe, Daiton Maorraw, j H Perc y, Fred1 Gale, LBarley Prmc?, Perey FynIra Burham, Toronto, le townu.1 Arihur EîLs, witi3 and (!aughter,j PMixth, Whiiby. MibSses Ada Ty1er aed' Et!% Mon risonai d1Ha rry T 3 1er aed - J M,-acDerMot, Toronia, withb Mme pl rs île bei taccommodation lhe bad ever celved. Tèhe mainagement is mkn leraions for more acmoain ExcursIonUs ta Neýw Yr-Lhg alley ril;wav (ln ermiection witb tise ranll Trunk) 3wiil run excursionis ta swi York City on TIhlursday Oct 28 ad 'urrday Dec 9, Èý, Icets 0L'or b )und trnp from Suspension triedge, U'agara Fails or Buffnio,godfr1 ys,ý Fulle r Iformationadlm bics av behad rmRbtSLe aianz Passenger Agent, 5>1 Klng 8Z, àat, Toi:ontoà' Thanksgiving Visi'tor, Mrs.James Hema, Toront.o, with Mi Wm Colwill, Miss Irenîs Argue, Tarate, wilh MIE Greta VanNesi. John McGill and wife, Toronto, wil Mlrs R Wlndati, Mr Rombough and wife, Oshawe wiib hii brother. MsNorman- Hellman and famil' Toronto, ait E Bellman's. Oswald Pollard and wife, Tiorontc at bisfatber's, Regisirar Pollard,* Donald Jamieson and wife, Wood ville, witb their uncle Thos Binghait A Bell, Mesdames Fred Real an Fred Pattieson, Toronto. ai Mrs Mui doff's. Ga P Fr-eeland an-I wlfe, Torontc and Alex Stewart, Belleville, ai Chie! J arvis', Use Hadds's Ideal corn slarch, Se advt. Fur-repairing la still done ait Mayer' fur store,3 Miss Mabel Borland spent the hoiday Ie tbe city. Mrs A E McCready speet ThankE giving wlth Irieapds lni Trenton. The celebrated' Maish Camfarls a Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman's. Mr Lewis Grant, Duebarton, bas bee' vlsiting bis sisier M1rs John S Pincs. Mre Samuel Bray and son George Enfield, are visiting relatiyes bere, Mr and Mrs Harold L Pearn spen Thanksà.iving with friendsat Trenton Infani's aed ebildren's Autunie anÈ Winter underwear on sale now ai Nicholls', -2000 live-getse-waite&!ietare tkee -of October, Jas MacConnachie, Bowý 'manville. Women's uederwaar, ail sizes, trav. eller's samples, very cheap; on sale now ait Nichols'. MrsJohn Reid bas returned from ii pheasani visit witb Mrs C W Hoskin, Jeffeirson, Ont. Mirs P Tyler bas reiurncd froma pleasiset vlsit at Toronto, Buffalo anc Perry Centre, N Y. We furnisb the Weekly Mail and Empire or The Weekly Globe from. now ta Jan 1, 1911, for $1. Mrs J L Rowe and Mrs Gao Waddelh, Orono, have been guesis cf Mrs W W' Allie ait the Post Office. Miss Liha Biemore and M'iss Brels Higginbotham opent the nolidays witt A Higgiebotbam, Milton. Every lady is Invited ta see the superb stock of uew àand e1e&gPi çQai5ai Cauch, Jobusion & Crydezri:dano' Si Psaul'eL.adfi)s' Aid aneounce theIr excurslon ta Toranto Thursday Navem. ber 25. Particulars later. For nez desigus le Fal Fureiilte keep sour eye on aur store wiedow, L. M1ORRIS & SNBowman-7!lie. Editor and Mrs M A James are visiting the ir son ai Cleveland, Ohio, and iheir laugbters in New York City. The besi value In boxed stntionery ait PC Trebilcock's, Try a package o! linen lawn note, Bî quires for 25c. Dce't forget ta attend the organiza-, ion meeting af the Caradian Club ait H1gb School Friday Oct, 29, ai p. m. AIl teacheî s sbould make li a point ta attend the Teachers' Convention ai Part Hope Tbursday and Friday oflibis week. Woman'a Institute meets 'iu Council loom, Saturdav Oct 80 ai 3 p m Sharp. Let every mnember attend and brlng a frend. Men's Suits maiýe to'order equal ta thse make anîwhPere and mucb behow ity prices, ait Couch, jobeston & Cry- derman 'e. Counihess have been the cures worked by Holhoway's Corn Cure Itlibas a power oflita own nat found le other reparations. LIfebaOY So!ip d-eiighttuIly-r5fresx- Ig for Bath or Toilet. 1 or washing .nderciathing il is unequalled. Cleause, FtLid purifies, Mrs John Wight and Miss Norma Elford speni Thunksgivlng wilh the ltter's sister Mrs (Rcv) A j H Strike, 0ampbellford. Reserve Tuesday Nov 2 for the bat beau super in thse Meihodisi sebool nom. Excellent musical and ierary program, Admissian 25c. New vigar and eeergy are soan at- lained bv the use of Miller's Compaunl Irn Puis. 50 doses 25 cents. Sold by EM. Mitchell & Ca. Druggiste, Miss EdihbJolliffe. daughter of Rev' W J Jalliffe, Clintan, formerly of Bow- nanville, graduated lasi week as prof- ýsanal nurFe from thea Hospital tor 3ick Cblîdren, Toronto. Secure yourbulbsa accenat Murdoch's, 10 Use Haddy's Ideal Baklng' Powder. ý7 Seoerdvt, Butter and eggs wanted ait F A Haddy's. 3. Boys' Sweaters, ail woo!, aIl sizes, 50z at Niceols'. tMiss Aanne Trenoutis speuti ihe hall. day ini Oshawa, n Use Ideal Ammonla Pow.vdem, Ses F A Haddyýs adyt, Miss AnBle Roberits, Phlladelphia, visited Mrs P Tyler. Miller's Gip ?owders Cure. Sold by R. M. Mitc'aell &,Ca Druggisls. ,Fai bulbs jusi recelved ait P Mur- tdociss Leave sour order early. LWe have a splendid Une af easy chairs If sou, woeîd hke te know abouit Haddy 's Four Ideals rend bis advi. W G Muttoin and wifeand MIrs W E Armour spent Tbankegîilng ilu Toronto Dr and Mrs H Pringle, button, have been visitîng bis cousin Mdrs WJ B Pîncis Miss Jeasie Williams, Osbùawa, speni Sueday witb Miss NMrtie McReynolds. T G Baker o! tise Public scisoûl staff, speni the holidays ai bis home la Bur- lingian. r N J Morrisey atiended the funerai of the laie Mrs j H Moome ai Ottawa recently. Mr Fred R Foley speet Thanksýgiving with bis brother Rev H W Foley, Bob- eaygeon. If vou have a cougis, do ual neglecti h buv ai once a baille of Allen'd Lung Balsamn. ~O0livç -oç3ç w4ptQd befome the end 1j afthe monta. Ja3 McConnçtchioo BoW. Mis W B Pinoli and daugister îùdith andl Mldred, spenit Thanksgivlng wltili frieuds iu Toronto. Oea W Tyler. wba bas bce2i spe!ldirg the sUmmer ai BAr Bartor, Mjalue, bas been visitfnïg bis parents, The managerî ùf the Cmr ai;Palace have bad rnme extra good i 1icltures the pasi week. The illustrated songe are aibac good, Vot beans anu!ather güi:ýd ibings iollowed by good proga m at àMthodisi churcb, Tueasday, Nov. 2. Attend nnd enpay 3ours3eli. We are seling lots o! auer1250 tea. ls it any wondem ? Il would be gaod value ai Soc a ID. Have you iied it ai Archie Tait'à? Mrs E Basett bas returned from n very enjoyable îummer's tour iu Eeg- iand und bas been guesi of ber sisier- îu-law Miss BassetS, Temperance-si. Tise new Readers and Spelling Books, aIea special value le Exercîîe and Srb bling books and eveyting niecessamy for schoal aiFP C Trebilcock's A subserilser slgning F T S expresses appreciation o! the short stories appear-, lng la ibis j ernal especialty the ones le dotes oi Aug 12 and Oet 21. Have Sou read them? MessrFa R J--MeLaaghlf -and- J-A- Cnlverwell were credited le last issue as representing flealey Faîls power. They represent Burtigh and Buck bore power which canbe de&ivered ta Bow-. manville and Oshawa ebeaper than from any Cther source, New York Horse Show, neing the 251h anuual exhibltion under auîspices of of National Horse Show AFsoc.atl ofo America, willlbe heid le Madison Square Gadens, New York City, N Y,, alan- day, Nov. 8th, ta Saturday îflth, inclus- Ive, $40 000 being offered ie prizes, Good advertlsing inspires confidence. If a man bas confidence ini you and le vour goods you can seilita hlm. You cannot make aey sales where conidenace la hackirg. If your prospect acks con- fidence in sou thon your entire eff orts musi go ta building up in bis mind a feeling o! confidence. Now the grentest bulder o onfiee 5-ullta- vertis-irg, Lacli of confidence isusually due taignorance. Unlese you know a man You havee's confidence ile hlm, Ohildren, Cry FUR FLETCHER'S -hid%14ren Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CAS~TiR A FARMS FOR SALE Lot, 17, two huudred acres, also soutb part cf Lot 18, ninety-six acres, both le the îst Concession, T ownship of Manvers three, miles from Pontypool, neqriy ahi clearLd and Under cultivatlon, Ralwa s gwngood drops, frame ulinso each farm. WiIl be soldd MUCH UNDER VALUCE and on very r EASY TERMS 0F PAYMENT, Imamediate pojsssion". 1 42-3 w G'. P. MüKay, 34 Adl!aide, st, E, Ioronu$c, CANADIAN CLUB TO ORUAI'IZB. Mr. Chas. RMeCullaugis, HamîltoD, faiber cf the, Canadian Clubs and a Durham Old Boy, suggesied ai thê banquet ziven lu bis houer here hast w eek ihat a Canadlaen Club be organized lu ibis iown. Aoting an ibis suggestion a committee was seleeied ta consider the subjeci and secure ail necessary particulars. This eommttee ig cIliing a public meeting in the Asisemably Room, oF tho High Sehool oni Friday October8 29tb ai 8 p m to recelve ibeir report -ad o.rganize, if considered adylsabie by tbe meeting. Every mail over 1s' years cf age lu the iown and vicinity, ietemested in pmamoing greater uniiy and zrenier lote of Canaea is eordially inytel ta1- attend the meeting and belp organize. The purpose cf the CanadîaneClub ls anc that will aqppeal ta every truLe spinlted Canadlan. Bees for sale. S'jeAdi. Use Haddy's Ideal Tea, Sec advt. KERNSGÂNx-At Blackstoek, Oct, 18, Christ! Strong, beloved wife of Robt. Kerrigan, ag y76 yearà, POTTS-At Elizabethville, Ct. 21, Wm. Pot aged 69 years. WILLîÂM-Suddenly of heari fai'ure, ln C awa, Oct. 26,George Arthur Williamns, Secretai TreasPurer of the Williams, Piano Co.,eidest s of Robert Williams. tn hi, 52nd year. t Lest We Forget E, R. BOUNSALL, Designer and Dealer in Monuments, Tablets, Markers, etc., la Granite and Marbie BOWMANVILLE, ONT FUNVERAL. DiREOTOoRS L. MORRIS cg SON Most ecmpiebe equlpment Il Sunday and night calis promptly attended bo. jBOWMANVILLE PHONES 10 . 34 Branches ORONO HAMPTON VICKERS &1 GALBRAITII Barristers and Solicitors, Yýotarie3 rutile. 1y*lllam W. Ylîlktrs, D. G. M. Galbraitt 77 York Street, Toronto. B UGGY Lf ~OODSECND-HAN2 "t 1, Bo sale, ched, .Apply ta Wu. Enaý.,., R >EMOlVED-Dr G. C Bcannyeïastl bL% as removed htq office ta rooms upsialý in Luttreifs' new block, Bowmanville. 2-1dly M NE y TO LOAN-at 5 and fU-,psr ent on mortgage security. Private funmd 1Apply ta R R. LoscomiIE, Barrisier, Bowman- Sville, B )EES FOR SALE-5 hiveï, 0f 1beesý j>extraetor, smoker, capping knife, sevei, teen tmpty hives ana30 section'craies W sel eheap as I cannai attend ta tiiem. Richar; KÂTERBON, HamptOID. 43 if. S"' ALES MAN-W hole or part tlmeî kJliberal ternes, prompt pay, Outfit free, Over 500aeret lutrees, Write aion ce. I'Gai ada'%' Oldesi Nurseries" Tnos. W. BowMÂN& SON Co., Ltd., ftidievllle, Ont. 40. 6w H EIFER STRAYED frrum my pre- year oid red beifer with white spat in face' received by JAMES BÂLSON, Taubton. 42-1f FARM TO B'ENr-126 a cres being .2lots 3 and 4,braken frontDarlington. beavy dlay loam. Good buildings. Nione stablirg under barn, 3 wells on farm. None but higt cia,, tenants need apply. Applv to Mis. JAs. MAG0oNÂC5ii, King s, Bowniauville. 41-If F cOR SALE-Thec bouse, ï,tables, and lot blocks V, Centre-st, ooit Drill Shed) Bowmanvilie, alsa the regtstered Clvdesdale horse, Thbe Maclntosh. Apply A, E. MeLâuGii LIN, Bowmanvîlle, solicitor for Executors. 50-tf F AR'-EM FOR SALE OR TO RENT - -V100 acres mare or less, ou lot 1, con. 7, Dar- ljington, lu goýd: tate of cultîvation; on fit an good f rame nause, goad barn snd stabling, well watered. neyer failing Stream. Apply ta Tas WHIiTE, grocer. Bowmançille. "it fl-OUSE AND LAND) FOR SALE - 1: rame bouse, stable aud driving abed with eleven and ane-hait acres of goüd land. Goad orcbard witb abiut fifty fruit tree3 bear- ing and 400 young apple trees set ont about t wo years andO a quantity ai small fruits; gacd welt and cistern, Situated ln the village of Hampton For terms and particulars enquire on the prem- ,Ses O! JOnN If WINIIATT. IlaMPtOn, 40-tf F ARM FOR SALE OR, TO REN V' Il140 acres an lot 16. cou 3, flalingtn There is on ibis farm 'd neyer, faillog wells one ai bouse and otheýr un1,der barn; the barn le 10e fi. longr, hp roof aud store stabling uuderneath; diigshed; twa story gsAvonized Iran bou,Q wlth stone cellarudraad vr 20 acres of gaad bush; creek ruas throngh part unear east side. Would exlilange for Obawa praperîy. For further parîlcular8 apply ta W. L. LAw 7 Aie 0s shawa. -w FARM PROFITS May be largely increased by knowing the exract condition of the farmer'snmarket, and by learning of the best method ini farm practice. This_ is precisely the sort of information the Farmers' Weekiy Sun gives in eyery issue. It lias no equal as a Farmer's Business Paper.rý Good farmers rely on it. For pric eee ux clubbing offer. Hiorticultural Society The annual mee:ing cf thLe Beowm-an- ville Brînch of thellartlcultural 'socie-tv of Onitarlo wiil be hel lu athe COUNCIL R00-14ini this tOW1n on FRIDIAY EVBNING, NOIV, to b3giea a 7 o'clock, wLen the annual report3 cf the Ofilcers and Direct,.rs wjill be presented, thae!eecion o! ollice2rs iLr the ensuiug 7ear wili take place and other zeneral buzsinessj wili be tranisact- ed. Ever - member is partLi2iiarly ,request- edi to aýttend, Be on lime,ý JS, J. Jaêckmain, J. A. MeClellan, presidï(ent. secretArç'. tina 'ged1 Good clean, elear moving pictures at Cryïstal Palace every night, Corne and emijoy S3Olrselt1 for an hour. ,'ha close relatioaship of sales mun shlp to advertising ls most apparent Perhaps when we get clear down to bedrcck and discover the reai founda- tion of salesrnanship-of doing business successfully. The whole business world rests on a fonudition of confidence When confidence Is gone, business le gonie. Individual salesmnanshîp depends upon confinenae as much as any -other transaction in business. Notices of Birthe, 2 5 cent,; arriagen, 50 cents; Deaths, 50 cents, each ln- sertion. When funeýrnI carde are riUted ait ti. orn.. Insertion froc- Baît> Songias-At CGrace Hrspi)tai, Toronto. Oct. 20, to Dr. and Mrs, J. S& Somers, 1070 College S. Toronto, a son. SNowDEN-At Maple G rove, Oct 22 te Mr, and, Mrs. Chas. H. Snowden, a dauighter. MISRMIED 21, bk Rev. Dr.Benson.iMr. Oliver W.Honsinger and Miss Florence Evelyn Conley, bath of St, Catahrines. MAraEws-PEaKxs-In Port Hope, Aug. 9, by Rev. Edwin Daniels, Mr. Charles Wesley Ma--tthews and Miss Loitie Olive Perklins, bot of Oshawa Mocua-AD»z5s-At the residence of lier siter, 185 Avenue Rd., Ct 21, by Rev. 'W, Parneombe, Wm. L. Moncur and Helen, daogh ter of Joshua Adams, Guelph. MeLAÂuGHLXN,-HOXLN-In Oshawa, Oct.20 by Rev. H. T. Lewis, B,Â., Mr. FrankMcLangh- lin, son of the laie Wm. McLaughlin, Tyrone, and Miss Frankie L , eldest daughter of Mr, J. Houlden, both of Oshawa. ;ry l son U t O Whrn t May Concern:---- (,7j1 I amn using and have had anc of your Suprene k - Steel Ranges since April 'i l 1, 1909, and can say it. ;~ (ý~~ Ai is a great baker and ' il IIJIheater and also a great coal and wood saver, «C - ~ To any one who wanîs a - *~.range I would ieadily - advisethern ta givre tise ~ i Suprerne Range a trial. Mèn W. S. BRAQÇJ) SOEAGEITS 'l, ETDURHAm, Je ~ ~~~ PaonIs EAST OF P2ST QOF1FIC, HORSEY ELICÇE. ý2; !tg I ~BOWMAýNVILLFx, M yr Ir I d.,"glZi Weaerdshwn omlt ag W&th Cl0raerN$Iwa rCt auSitsfrLdisad W I h Misse o. syew osdrte eti h rdbt ti haneanigwe have beora sown ee our à tthe Gat Flanneorletteaains55 .911 his week we aerth e swin theMrash Lum- Ciinaste d omforters and Pillwsconeton b i tJheoe bsucmfier ighetrd t-dy 0 1 i Ou rgral steko f h-lstapless ad acy dre rffl in gods isnow fuiand ome t lhaupery 1"' ;f ýtOur fnyaniswhave depare on core drs everyhingthar~ ewand eiralefo gnte Gra l"I.eteBrgi-_ inate Next or t Standrd Banhs, BownanvJed o M a 7S. GEM JARS BRITISHI GRANULATED SUGAR, At tisseason of the~ year, most peoplerequire gem jars and granulated sugar,, We have the fineat lune of gem ~ ars, a jar that will keep fruit perfect]y. Our British granulated sugar is the finest grade of sugar ever offereci to the LA publie. Get this for your preserv.ig-, S from SPOPULAR c% T itPbN Highest Price Faid for ail Farm Produce. 11