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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Oct 1909, p. 7

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le e cade'd and no1e1 iy(arie ai ybv a pas sing fad; bu11 ]t tus; su!)ppose that such ,vasno the asiad try toeima ine the cndi- t1ýiosif;ia] Our residents began uy- fil thefirst plac"e, the(oa- soe woidbenomor. Th, 1r proplie- and(i pastures new. You wuid ho biedto Fsond a wa 1Y for every- tng. A store cannot4 ho1kept up, on thesmal uchas;es entirely. nnd if we(,at Hwal- for the large tbng, e would soonbae to send orthe -sinail tbingsas. The hme trade w u]d !then ho rune, and the money hav-e gone te buîlUp serne enormous corpor- atio in Toronto or Montreal. We voulîd holp those cities to have fine- kpaved streets, but our own roads woul1d be axle deep in imud. There xxou11ld ho vacant houses te vent, but bne one to occupy theim. There would be no home mnarket for produce, adthe value of farins sould de- creiase. The value of all real os- tat wou1ld decrease enormously, 'o lst ut not lest this journal old cease plica;"i Or. You know il, is thie inhabitants of a town that oreteth value of land both in thue towýn and in the suirrounding coun- ~f tere ere o inabitntsin T~ono, ealestae wuldho wvorth nt iing bcueit bas been sp,ýoi!ed_ the fcsiThey have ommiiission- ors f lndutjry to induice factorios anidusre olocate in the ioi. TheY hv ovetosand exibitfinsantinga n d every- tinig 1tht will brînigmoe to the MUSCULAR RHEUMATISMýý. Mayphysicians think that the aoeesand achîng in the muscles -hich are usually called muscular yhe-umatism-are really not rheuima- isi_ýn at ahl, but neuralgia. For this resntbey prefer to caîl the afc tion by its othor aine, myalgia, wich means nothing more than usular pain. It pr-obab],y-belongsi novetbelsste the indefinite group f iseases ocalied rheumatic, fori ioccurs fýrequentLly in pers ons who haýve othier rheumatic or geuty trou- beor in wbose [amvily these affec- tions prevail; and it is excited by tho s ame things-exposure te cold 4and damp, for example; overfa- tigue, indiscretiens in eating or drinking-that are believed te bring on an attack of rheumuatism in the joints. Any of the muscles may ho the seat of myalgia, but these most corm- imeýnly alfecfte are tho muscl7esof- thle neck, of the shoulder and of the lins, In children it elten takos the forin of stiff neck, wbile in per- sosof middle 1f e the muscles ef, thLe loins are not infrequontly at- tacked, censtituting what is known, and dreaded by these wbo have had prorvieus attacks, as lumbago. 1bente chest muscles are af- feceod - ori the sufferer bas 'a stthin te ide,"orperdyi hepalin a hose cute asWt Th ie chief "synptom of in11scu'arý thematsinispain in the imuscles fecdnet: usuially xvery severel when the parts are at rest, but r-omnetimaes excruciating on attempt- ed motion. A light touc;hniay be painful, while deep and firir pre's- <ýure gives relief. The acute attaek usually begins tuddenly, and the pain attains its full severity at the beginning, greow- idke Were Ruinied.' AAWNPLUYS THE G00O SAMARITANR !that 1 e 11('blp) theninte do it at wiants to cure hie frlends1 our epese 1F you realize w£,hat would biap- Mr. Everett L. Holland, a well-known penif ail our tr-aO went away froi Canadian, meved te the United States Bos mý,anville, it eau xeadily ho seen some time age. The change of climate that even a litle of it being sont brought on a serious and painful illness, aa wolks atproportionatam- ntwhich three physicians sidis tn s pi <ýtý a-m iintthe Kidneýys, but were unable to relieve et brin Webeleve .voarewitunhis terrible sufferings. tbe 'rma-'rk i:hen wesay that if al la his agoay Mr. HOhianthougt ofan theoe y that n Vý1o; JoxvgooJs Étemail oid and reiiabieremedywbcunara I order bue frein thisý vic-inity were reputation in bis Candian heme-the 'spent righ bor in Bowmianville it famous Gin Puils. Hoewrre te a fermer aoighbor an& w oiicrns the value of properi-, secure a suiPply. On March 2th, iast, tý in tcheowc11n and thele of! Mr. Holand in a letter te the National .farýins in t1h*e suLriounding couintryl Drug &iChemicud Ce., Toronto, snid: "I very atrill.amnwell," e o not a,,"_ people te ho phil- He is new auxieus te have Gin Puis antropsts Ai seaakis hattbi put on sale in the United States hi order 's y ~t cure bis new friends -o! Kidn1eY 2and1 exocie a eligteedselfishneý"ss. Jlladdor Troubles. IRmebe hait it, is ýnet only the If yen have any Kidncy or Bladder sinal profit oni the, goods you pur- Trouible tainu Gin Puis and we iluarantee chsetbt ouare sending awaytho c ure or your mioney refuindod. niai rderGin Pis are soid by aIl dealers at 50c. wLi boniyu dal with mil re a box, 6 for $2.50. In order te show our bue.youir do'llar spent 'in Bow- faith ini these pills, wo wilî send you a manvi'He would go-( the rounds. Send j free sample on request., National Druit yordla away- and you get ne-j & Chemical Co. (Dept. A), Toronto. 8 thîng uittbegoos.Spend itbore ___________ 1and itoms.akte yen in many, wîia\s- botter ronds, better schools, WIIITBY PRIZSBYTERY. boterchrcesan- d hetter social ndatae.The builn up of Our Witbyj Preshytory met in the oun ton ougt te o Umojýre te us Preshyterian churcb on Tuesday, than thei(, building up of Toronto or Octobor, 19, with the moderator, 'Montreal. Tiey' vareo perlfectly able! Rev. A. S. Kerr, in tbe chair. There te, look after temelese (do svas a large attendauxco of ministors net, 1sohent help) pay our taxes and eIders frein the riu charges.. selb sblould we help te pay thoirs At the forenolonsdrutan un-. Truecitzenlship dees et oonsist1terestinS conference xvas beld on 1 ntirely ine singinig thoeMale Laf, vng,!mpertinent and carnest and a-iuug îthe Uniion Jack-. n t &uli, hp bing given L'y le. shown _btteýr Iby the man wbis i, odge, o! Obaaand Mr. Chas. true te bis hm neros irst. Gordon., Mýanager of Dominion last and il the tîmeýý-the man suie Bank,Wbty us renlly intelligenitly sei(fish. Lot Messrs. Meee nd fiodges we.r., u' ho honost with ourselves and nppointcd, a commîýittco te visit tv',- make our, homos more valuable, field cf Kendal and Oakbill, witb a Buy at home in Bowmanvilie. viexv te making arrangemfent f or permaýr.nenit service. Copyright, 1909. Mr. Moore-, of Pickering, w-as ap- ___________ ointd muderaof, the vacanti chare cf AshbrnUtica and bet-tbe id-fasbiened treatmentM rinteabnc o! Mr. Ber i ]lumibago hy ironing the hack us,,lnnÀd, w hio a grmnled fiv-e months good, altbougb a bot-w ater bag (or a a eve of absenýe ilu order te take bot-brick xiii do just asi elwilî u pstgraduate study. out the disturbamue that tÉle nuove- it was agreed that where couveruYi ment cf the iron causes. lent the sceemes of the churci Peu fect rest is esnil and this shouid ho brouight before the cowu may somnetimes ho sýcurocd hy band. grogations on the 2nd Sunday eff aging the affected part snugly. - Noveunher. Youth's Companion. 11ev. Dr. Abrabamn reported that a congrogation had been orgai ized PEST AFTER MEALS. at Myrtie xith a communicant mem hersbip o! 23. Eiders and managers fiurried ezting o! mneais, foilowed bave been elected, and the eidecrs unmediate-ly after hy some enuploy- have since been ordained.- 1 ment that occupios the whole atten- A resolution was adopted sup- tien andtks up ail or nearly ail portîng the petition o! the Morail cfr the pysca nergies, is sure te ail ndlSocial _Reforîui Cnuite resýuit in dyspepinl one fori o fa o of stricterlgiîto against anotluer. Snetmsit shows Jitself ahigadohrpeaetvc- un excessive irritabilit, a ureinu- e nt eting was ppointed tien thatnev force bas heen c h h1 o h, feld in Wbitby,\ on the 3r',d bausted. ;We'dneS'day in JannrarY,-in onun The double draught, ln order te' jion Yith the arnnal metnof h digest the food and carry on thej Preshytcriai W. F. M. So0ciety business, bas heen more than na-1-I. turc could stand witbout heing iceatcfaCark.Th thrown eut o! balance. Natire doos net do two things at a time andi condition of the lix or regulates the dr, othwel, a a ule Al kn-w ondition cf the blood. A disorder- dca be a orce as ambdil know ied liver causes impurities lu the thut wen foce s dvidd i usb]ood and these show theiseives in wcakened. If the nuen W'ere enten beuse ntesi.l~ree' slowilj. witb uit nreccnpshin on ths aing po rie- the mi, and the stounach allowod ]iver net upon the hiood and a at lastbal anheurs canc teclear, healthy skia will follow un- got its werk weli undertaken bc- tellig ont use o! thîs standard mcedi-1 fore the norvous force us turned un aine Ladies, xvho will f ully appre- another direction patients suffering ciae ti rieqait1f h frein dyspopsia wonld ho compara-, iîseau s ie thein ith ofthe pue, 1 tivei few.taiuty-thatthe effoot ho must--gra-> t.ifying. FOR INVALIDS.-_ _ lear AERIAL SMUGGLING. Bec! Juice.-Take an rourd j The rs gf rom F rance te steak. filent it slightly in a pan over cre~n tiiofre, ton sqeeze u a srml Lg1flnd in an air 'craft, wiea I leniôn squeezor. Soanwith a lit -prsnre rkbeaIusal tle saMt.Sev in a clrdcne usgstedyse ubIgt glss a nvliso!enojet ew i Ilcen se te cauiise ner w >p)apeï)r 1mnn- hee juce n acout o th ceertien. As the machines requýire no! 'B e d M ilk. o ao- t ofthe ik light visible frein below aiileau jar,kld coverung thoenîi ng atrau el in the dark, [tiîuclrcdvelop- uhiement would seem te prov ide unu1su- ýýiepaper, and bake in a nioder- a' facilities for thesugle. r- ate ov on until thick as creain. May ticles of! size and weight wouid neot hoýý taken by the iuost delicate ste- ho availaebttesalad mlachl. costly things, sncb as diamonds and Gxlvcerin and Lemon Juice. iaif' )ther jeweis, aind certain dmugs, and bal! 'ou a pioce of absorheuti etc offer a. cargo nfof reatvaluiei Li-,-f.-estratr erms. Ue-testedwrs4edy - EAS r U. Sý. A e2a abxs 5cns oide i i he distance, l Ifai 25 Ephesian1S 5:1.R.magn The course may b b wind and tide Into the oe port made plain: The cai to th w ho Must decide May nex er beç as clear again: When ice and fog and storms abound, An open por may net bc found. The 01ne,,who died te save nînkind Telis us that eae svdto T hose xvho in film ail fulness find Need njeyer from fHis teaching sw ervef: Ail such an opn ort may see If they te Hwi faithfutl be. lIn sections Of tisfavored land Where Iliuor trafflo i)nw holds sway, fie puts asodit the hand 0f eaeh ho will fis eau obey: fie who contro,ýLs the winds and tides This "epportuLnity" provides. Where summer scenes in beýauty glow, And where at noon the light is dim, The Saviour bids His servants go Anrd win and hold this land for N m: This"pprtni"siuld ho b Embraced hy ail the braveý and free. 1The ones on mhomý the tuaffic thrives,. And ths iwoin tho darkness grope, And daughters, sons, and faithfulý wîves1 See in this cýourse their onlyý hope: Toi those who xuoild the victory gain The "opportunity" is plaini. The woapon Polieh xvas long requir- ed lIn Local Oto we posseS3. And those vîho are by love uie May now through it achieveý suc- cess : Ti-e "oppertunity" to sin Bids earnest souls at once begin. Preparod for service grand aaid large, Aýnd strengthL!ened by unfaiiuitg p)ra ý or, May we obey the urgent charge And push tho-j conquest every- v bore: An "epportiunity"" like tis. No true Cndindareýýs tbm Granthurst, Ont., 19ý09. Wher Orinlary SlvsFail zani-. Chrniesors wich cuse rou- hie .ý ('reknxoen iray ho cured by Zam BuR1k, as well as rec- cnt injuries and dis*eases-. If you suiferfomsomte o]dsrehddn perbaps, but nonie the less painfull for that-don't dallY,. apply Na-, ture's hoaling ncsai; provided in Zam-Buk. Mrs. 1. E. Ashton, BIG RADIAL P'ROJEiCT TORONTO ýAND EAISTERN TO SEEK A CHARTER. Proposi Grows Ont cf the Reflusai of the C. N. R. te Run Their Lino Thrîig WuityOshawa and 'oMnavle, and Se Prou ide Railway Competilien. Special Despatcb te The Globe.) Os-has a, ýOct. 20.-The towns o!f lW bi-t',y, Osbawa, and Bewmanville ba ve decided that they must obtain btter and more frequent ailu ayý cennection withQhecity o!fToont and the country generaily. Wbien the Grand Tmnnk was bilît IL wasl !ound that these to-v-ns wore, un a mensure,,side-tracked, the stations being piaced at quite a distaunce frein the centre o! the towus. The facilities for the bandling o rib vere aise regarded as insufficient. iThe C. P. R. did net go aioug the lake shiore and se was e! ne use un prou îding conupetiticru. The ccii- iiany bas taken power te buiid tbrougb the lake shore towns in me- cent years, but nothing bas been doue. A last hope o! seeuring a couupeting trmunk lino nuas quencbed when the C. N. R. authorities an. nouinced a few dayvs ago that thîey wouid bhnild on the higber Ians t the- uo-th o! these towns because ,,o! the, supeiori grade te o b ad the ce. Now the uvomias i tmned. The huy anufactnring ppltofo the-district xiii get competifion byv the construction o! an elctruc rail w ay frein Cobourg te Toronto, pn-s, ing tbrougb Peut Hope, Newcas, , Bowmnxihe, Osbawa and Whitbyý Mm. F.,L.. Fowke, M.P., wbýio, on b>)c bal! o! the proînotors, will seek t got a bill throuigIî the Dmno Parliament for ,ithle new radial ri xxny, to ho kznown as the "oot &. Eastern." nade thefooni statenueýnt te The Globe to-day as te the masons for the iaunching o! the enterpise: (1) Additionai aiIwny fIaciiities are a neccssity fer this part o! the Province. (2) The Canadian Northern have defunitely located, their new lino se vemal miles nemth o! the lako front tes ns and hanve lot coutracts andi hegun construction work.i (21) Mon o! the bigbest standingl amt financial ability iu the sectîou of contr s pas-so hy-%,luaxve de- terminte tkeIý the mnatter in tîmeir owu hbandcs nnd vd e a nstyi flu-ther dspotet tthie bauds o! the great eala orpor- ations. (4) We rnust get inteToonobut without attempting te vioLate the city' s rigbt o! conftrol e rit steets. (5) We xxant ahi the rights and priviieges o! a Domiion ailway, wbicb al otbem ailways beretofore 1 cbartered for this section o! the country possess.1 SPECIAL NOTICE. Owlug ta Dr. 15cr- San being oecea3ed, Dr. 1.- D. Kennedy, Medical Direcior, bas assoriated wlth hilm Dr. Kennedy jr. who bas been wlth tche frm for neyerai years, f-0 hereaftar business will con- ductedunader tht nama aof un less and fest.Contàitis nelther Opsm,Morphine norl4Ifmeat NOT NÀRC OTIC. Aperfect Remedy fer osi- dion, Sour stomtachDisarhoa, Worms,Convu1ls o s i- neSs oedLoss QI OFSLKEF. Bears thec Siga±ro In F~rso ÎNERVOUS DEBILITY Thanandacf aungamImidde aed menaiae annsl wp foiiowing sIMIvtomanlsluit U, befo7re St S a ae r Cesa, wt ak. risudr'hnwkbakIdny ria ietin.urine' pîmples ou the face, eyes sunk.euh lwCh""--a ca1re onaxrsion, poar meniory. lifeles,dttifulk enery cd srenthtirait Inornîngs. restlegaahs , ne able moods, weak raunb.od, pramature dcci>', hene paps, hair 5aeore 'chroat etc. lORS KENNEY I leI Eloi osonc I&Kt~NDYI B ~S ~are thc most ~ riraint aid o seau dseses Th e>' sap the vary lifc bcd cu ft!,i-e v ut im,and nlis etirtliy aradicateýd franu thi systefi May affect the futuire iertia. eare cf à4zrcul5y. It oriy sprse the bymnptcm&-OtR-li . NW MTZOD curethm pi-pes Y.. ces an îesdsper iatv eee rn" a seal g th er D No matter wbo bas treated Ye14, wrUte ffer&- n opslou lete R EA D ER cf Charge. sBOK S K2-"ThC olden Monîtar" <(iiiastrated) Question L fer Hein.. Trentment Sent en ifequest. O f 111 Vickers SItreet, Fort William Handy lu the bouse as a dlock. ý-eUIs ±o-w-va1-uaIle-Zain-Bu-kixinYaDavis-MeuthoSah e cures-q-tclly family haim. Shie snys :-"We first a great mnny o! the simple ailments usod zam-Buk f-or cuts and bruises, sncb as cuts, skia injurues, insect F etc., and fcund it, se satisfactory bites and stings. 25e. a tin at drug- Cr Michigazn Aie. and rud S!, VETOIm Chtmy busband started nsîng it gists.b foa chronic sore. For a long tino lue had been bothered w ith an o]di COW TESTING ASSOCIATIONS. soce -on -his hleg,-and h-ad-used vaivh-1 - .oo..i-----nS "Youwait 1- The kïttens may nRV )ot euis prepaurations, yet uothing hadj -3 C-'os or 60, 1Vhh take te it at ail." permauently cured it Hfe hegan eoi eev U GFr6i flwdferrutv oon , .omnc1e fohiwed b eer brothend very agreeably smrsdte notice ed fr,,ýIi onumebers o! cow testing as- jont mwhat that hourd could ae great ipovmut oiations show v-urther remarkahle 1ave ýte do wý,ith Jber osul i"lit was only a matter o! a short variations in different s3ections o!f ites I iuehfoeZamt-Buu bd hoeub-On ani nd Qîîeb(c. lTt is ýthe ex-Philip's own rooni waK on tbq ly cieansed the sore o!flful mt-ception lun the Ont'anrie associations KITTEN STBREE7T. grolInd fleer, and hý a arrited the tom and t find less than 600 11hu. ilk or -20 board outdoors and set It up agalasiý now soreomonths since eSore w1as i bs. bu,,tterfat as an av emage yield1 The little kittens had stay,ýed ont the side o! the bouse, oeecnd reaSt. coînpiete]y olosed, ilnd there ýliofor the tbirty days. iQnebec as- ex 'ernigbt. Florence founird thon ing on the sill o! tbe side idw iikelihood o! it hmcaking cuit agalini sctions the avorage yiolds are al- in the, momning cuddled together the other ou the rs.Te hq "Since thon nmy baby, eighten mstail lowcr, though one -or two cls etehc or ran uîîsude and epened bswno montbs old, bas heen c'iuried o! ecý- arc wehl p, evon te 700 lbs. miliki-1,in afmaid tbey're taken cld, about a foot. "Now we'Il sec," bhq zema on the scalp by Zami-Bîuýk. -and 26 ibs. fat. One association uni she mourued. - "But I couldn't flnd said, laughiagly. "Bring on the, This eczema camin red .(llpinples, Quehrc bas a total production frein thein anywhere last night." kitteus 1"' and if rnbbed or scratýched, formed2. cowS cf 17,800 lhs. milk and 775 "1 buuted the yard over," said "What are yen goiug te de m-nake into sores. The chîld s'as xery fret-j lbs. fat, while in another Quebec philip, "alter yen bad gene te bcd. thein walk Chat board?" fu] frein the irttof o!the scalp, ascainJust a ittie less than 1 don'"seweeto ee""c1ltubto e fw a, but wbenevem Zamo-Bik, was appîi-thtithtoaprdcon!00 "Yoii'ih have te look ont for theun replied Philip. ed it seemed te hriug the geatest 1 cows; the 6f) cows average less thanI these coid nights," maid Aunt "OIsenm cid relief. Froquent appliications wore 2K . bs - niik. Twenty-tbree Co vinjClds o oonmigynxvi OIscnw1 na irne efecie n laring ltrcs on ee case, sixty in the otiier, whichfndte fÀ. But at flrst the ittie cats dîýd not the disease frein the baby's scalp in] kind o! cow would eue rather keep l "Oh, ll keep thein inside plan t u ieatal b ya What glte ho coaxed witb d lntielia copiay- a short space e! tino. I1 feel it My ht lwngpsibltes are in- cried Florence. -1 wea'tlot thontînafr od hlebfrete duty te give the credit where due, dicated bore. Most likely the 60 go eu t at;,Il 1!I can't lose My dear ng-arne t al ou hittentre tet ande 1 cbeer!nlly recemmead Zam- cows could hienmade te give betrer little kiîtties "' -And abe stroked tealsfeesfenorneyed ffdbte.Teslcinadpte h ht u a ere Pblip amedn iU. Buti t seebad leg , or(ceZ ema." of thebot idividuuals as revealedIveilow eue and the black oeashe o e of sloednyo t inworoit Zaii Buk is Ntmesown healin yte eod, _n hI ma-gc udnthx odwih she boved few days tbey oud smprn halux, eiug cmpesedcf pureber- wthagoo b!ilî o!1dec'ed dary de-best. bal It i',à fol'! nover11had te sdty otin tue eld 1( ece -a in1g-ýUseraincer9, icuLs,boter cwsiin everu way, without coeped iup in the bouseP," e i iedatr that. humu, brises poioned sore, snb gîng dîfferenwces as iin ths Aunt-lads ("bdet kesIn ld ivegt ro;r% eboneweudbad ieg, pleve- ,as hero the yueld o o! te auriy von eau manage." bowjFl seugores, ehapped b-jauds, col- god euxs is moue Chan the total Phlpidetsynybg.fehnko!ictigs"sgedFo ssûýc, rst- ind ail skia inpur- iî o ie oreus as tbînking. Later lho asked: rnecotndy-- ut'Cr- ues n iess mgit n C. F,. . "Motier, May 1 have itIlat ologpaun stoes x eywbre el h a Sc a box, Ottaxva, October, 1909. iondl the cellar-the eue acroa)s __________________ orpost free forprico freýinZai- - eceai bins 1" Yeni arie wamudaais am!fein the idining-reoun fer Wa uttosrepi-esetiedte ho "just dc -,o e ýnt o! itl"P1.AER Tor umîtdrsesn as god."M ~ Forthe kittens," said1 Philip, TO CLEAN sioadiut- Y0ouurrUe fin Do en now what lber age i9 iHer-"Wb eh, sh'l ys't, s 2-s Beaine a oliatopolnde, grews, inir, bcsetcetisgenuine CaadanBer rese Sc. a ja r. W- '7 ý(Triidm Mai-,k.) Makes Solld ls Fe is t crrates a napeîe 11t bu iIld1s u tejadundw ytonin a atuizrlt way,ý 50.and ;$100 botties at il drig. De Sure you 1geýt the gcnuine. Florence pcerd br.face pin 'Oy ui sesoe iue! Mo "I ontcur wbt y edowt uspuradrphe.'1dn OIRan or 'Q ue thon. orders. ýLer,' WR [ I CU R 11 5 ," DOSET, Il TELLS ALL i,0UN1TAiN TIIECLEANER 30 AdluideS4. 7i, Trn ZxACT coprar OF eAPER QG zran@MFANY, Nw Y o&@ITY Su CEss 0"" 70 When- The The The -ÇI'en--It'sThe That grand, old, tin Prprdoly t'y ÏThemaa RecIlan i, ~oid b> ail Dr i iiucanada am; U

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