a~. I o2 M~rO ri hbton vernbe!-9-10-112 -13, 1909 The largest oibtonohotclurlprodueits ever hcild in Canada. SpeiatE-xuraonF~ees rcmahpoiÀntsinOt-aneo. Ask your local W. ~ ~ ~ ~ p 11. BNXO,.W.HODGETTS, Sçcretary, Frid~.tParuament Liais., Torouto Botter Ihan Soap. S NÀAP La i a'n antiscepîle hand cleaner whieh rnoives grease, aeid and els ed ail kinds, boiter than soap doos. Il does net injure evei-,he daintiesù hands. Gel aND E _ -fifleen cent cen andi try il and ~ A O1 your honsehold will nover ho with- eut il. Ih la safe. It la economical - ta seffective, Il la pleasani. At ail kinds of5 tores. Snap ompay, imitd=fintralh Gel von"sale ila lted ai t his cEiile a F.ge frec unotice 3in Thet THURSDA, OCT 2-The f arm stock, implment, eof the lite Samuel Ever:sen, lot sq8 nd 24, Broken Front, Darl' tIil be sotd by auction. Thee l a eryimprtnt and Valu- able ooksl cniin f Clydes- daishores,3J mtlcceWs, etc Sale et il 80a n,.Se s ut b.A. W. FRIDAY, OT 9HJhlBet o 0 cor. 1,Dar1n 1 o ltlsi herse, 8 cow, ipimens ec.Sale et Ip m Ses ili JAsBîsoPauctieneer. TUEIDAY Nev 2-autCurtis. lot 12 fan stoo, k imptemet t.Sale et ioiokSecebis, L. A W. TOLE, PEinÂT lÇ 'ov. 5-Mr, A Truil will sel aieon on lot S3J, con. 4, Dpriieg- tonMithet'5Corners-att of bis farm lastock, irnplemert,, etc'ý. JAMES Bîsulor, enctioneer. FumÂTA ,.D --John Ccrnish, lti22, cen 4, Cl re ear Orono. who bas tenatedJams Iuntr'afann, is on acntcf ii aeltelling by auction bisfa-rnstck ndimplements. fils bora En catieare ta splendid cen~~tot andimpeme-ntS in good Oruet- his c7; Ferjimportant un-* eue uloc GeoJacGon, auctioneler. Fors Fnv's sn ' cRUaLaS There atre tireýà e na ifýcfneanlv every cbildvuwhen r hse Olimer t proves itseif a blcsng h tendler skie chafes and la Irritat'c b.tu cotblnx. 0flten- times baby ecza-ma developes from this very cause. le a dozen wa3s Dr. Chae'ti Gin ment ce n be usecOte sooffh and heel the skie and pa ont suff arln-- 0f thelititie oes. No treatmeut la se wehl st.lîed f r Iis purpose and none la se entlrely saassfactory. ENFIELD Rec-n stcr Miss Lucy Cempbell and M Trrey, Toronto, at Il B Cambel'i 'halesand Lottie r5e- (tulcolToroto, t hme; Misa Mab3t Jew'basee visitleg near Solîna boaWotenhis renteci the farm succesfnt aereion fr eppendicitis passGe ffa r î ,vl Friday...The ,tple achrahave about fialshed areud brs.S loster and bis gaEg has gi'enthebeat ef satisfaction, THerROW AWAYV ALL YOUR [BARS Backache, Grave! and Rheumatism VaQjrish before Dodd's Kdney Pi jS, I>uvunOEE AGAINI 19 THE ('A-E OP Mus.FRSD-KIIEUER WH0ISZPFERED FR01 EE 0RT F5515OP'KIDNET Pter;Ilpids. Ont Oct. 25 (Speciel) -The uheusends cf Canadienq who lixeinddl terror cf thosu lerribeýýf eri- cfKde iýe&se knewe asbchc, Arevt sd ceumatlsm. wilt be dÉepi.ý itrseinli the story ù£fOrs. F.e d Kîieger, ;l this plac2. lI was fcr a cars e great sufferer frein Lidney disease, gravel, rheumati-m and] beokache" hir~ rieger sade, "l-t al staited rnrcuýa o I'1,but 1 gel se m wr e heny a hs evagsgsesto ac -'ù s g 'n avudet 1ut icuresibt Af tr un -ew 1 feunidth'ev were 10 CntInS thUrse:, Egtboxýes I hav benelete d-) my o-wn wveOr cured Dîdd, n~ueey ilagave i'n. _,/l Cu .cin neyýer bave cah. rheumatism an g-rave]. Dpd'- KLidey Pida nLoverl piii te make tie idre 151,01j, ind e ll,ýj Holiday visitons: -Miss Elva TrulI, Oshawa, Perey and 1Miss Florence Ctem-ý eus, Tyrone, nt L M Courtics's; Miss lia Short, Toronlo, et hume; Bornt Gaýv, wife and famil y, Tereato, et hie falbsî't; Miisses Florence Osborne andi Ethel Paterson, Toronto, aI Mrs Eul Osborne's.1 Mi1sa Ethel Gay hame froni visitng frienzcia i lnnipeg; Mrs Edwin Wor- dien andi sn, erboert John, Weybnrn, Saosk, v-to eaIe;Gee Mornow, wWfe mci mmiv, shawa, ai B Gay'e; Mlisa Fioreace W îhite, Taýronto, et home;, Gerdo itchiell, Toronto, and Mis Lena Penniingion, town, et Mns lIenb- ert Oabornoe's If yen are lu a zenermlly "Rua Dewa' condition; censequent upen tire effeets cf le grippe, take "Tise D. & b " Zmnl- elon. Il will soon restore ycn le heqîtis agaie. MAPLE GROVE, Recont visitons: James Woods andi Fred ans vlsitieg au Sutten West; B J Gay, wife anci chilsinen, Toronto, and lise3 Misses Elliloîl, Wiitby, et W J Snýowden's; NMike Nellie Bigginson, Osýhewa, ai home;, Miss Elva Snowdon ani Noble Meicalf et Chritophen Cox's; Tiss Soasienandsifail aitisber uneale, Tirs ascsPeterbore;, Mrs WI!mot Wooda mcd btid,Otsweetl vistai rsJams eos;JohnSnw dasi wVite with tirir mi, VMisD Besidon, Cin (i- eorge Tînimbt1e ansiMaster Lp-wrence Kar.ein, baset George Trmle',,, en; G Stephenson andci sfe, Neorman Thickson, wife andi daugiste Kathleen, O.,hawa, et John Snowden'e. Bave ne equal as a prompt andi posi- tive cure for sicir headache, bîiouansa, constipatioen, pain in tiese ide, and al liven troubles. Carter'd bi;-t!e biyer Plls. Try 15cmn HAMPTON. Yes, tlt ue, Iwms veny weak andi iiiler'tiCompounci Pittmade me troeg Solsi by R. M. Mitchell & Ce, Denggista Recanit visitera: W W Bi)ne andi wife, F A Cote, Misses Reeve, Litt~a Ruse, W3'lIbur bMoore ansi W N Brown, Toronto; 'Ur, E Bastings is visiting frierîds ie Toronti .ansi Scarboro; J Lb Westaway rife anti childeen, R Westaweyv, andi Mn Scott, Port fLops, aI John Westawa-y'a; Mies Leltoy, Whitey Ladies' College, wlth ber aut ansi nucte et tire parsen- age; M'ès Ififie Gay Sundayesi mi home ....J Y Colseasas tbrown eut cf iris waggon and bidty shouk up. .... -Mrs B EWUthi as be quite ill.... J (lai- wertniy acceptahly offiiate inlutirs circisSnndey eveelng,. -..Tise lecture Moniday niglul hy 11v J W Peuiiey. Toronte, on 'Mes Wiggs cf tise Cabbage Patchs" under auspices cf lise Leagne w.va gond mcd weil patienîzesi. Pro- cocOs *80.... R aterson is afferileg s TYRONE Thanksgivlng visi'ors: MSrs Wm Wl!. aims, Acten, wilb rltvs Miss Etta Campbell, Toronto at bornûe; Clarence tahm, Torouto, and Miss Florence Rahm, Whitbv, wvitb uheir parentc; John Lindsay, Toronto, ai home; âlteses MNI'irv ar.d Effia Mannfng, BowýmanvLle %- i rhfLiends...T ioar anjd wifà baye eturned iron i tueir eujjyable tour and wlll reside at the homestead. Mrs Hoar wilI eût receive until after Apnil lis... Misses Ethel Curetis and Ettie Jamieson and Lcsýle3 Thompacu are delegates 'to the E L cons ention ai Osh&wa. Thusdy ame80 ladies met litn ;estuY Cf thýe ChUrch te asýsist members Gf the W'M St c'».omle4te 5quilîs Ihe she4ýlirnoonwork was bIjIhýten2ed bi Wel 1 snd-ertd eadnga'ara ushetru a --raiïlingb M~Bb ou ougi andLiegTe'sLeýttet' bï rs B-sEia PHawkex; aiýse ntumna Pie S thanke to 1ail0whO sekldljy as. s tLe ..... Ailnual mli on 'ar-Y ee in l T'.rone cbarch next tSun. d eýyantl, 10 a n.dýN uv 7,bh 7 prn wt~nadrssswilil b2 '"e:ienbyPr- cipal John Efflit'I B3A, and MayorJJ oas etured fem h~ tp to Miultoba e ffan to îck, implemenîs on c uedyNov '2. m~ir ~ SOLINA. Recent visitons: W Cook and aife, Per, Mis Jeu fali, Enfiglid, and E F Wilcougihy, Toronto, and tise Misses VenDyke, Darlieglton, ai A b, Pescoe'n; .%lisses Eflie ansi Florence Vice, Oshawa, et nome: ferry Fallils, Oîhawa, et W N Pasce's; Misses Editis andi Minnie Baker and J Begertir atNewscastle;I Mies Pearl Gerry, Terenle; Mn Bleels andsifIe, Toronto et B 'W Meresiitb's'ý Miss Minnis Se ongle, Oshrawa, et Walter Vice's; Misses Marjonie anci Leren Drew, Oshsawa, ai J no Paseee's; Miss Florence Luke, Redron, N B James, asife ansi fmm-il ansi Etisci VaniNat, leasu, ai W Wert i'è; ....- il Mcbean's dau5ister bashbeau 'ii.... Acots la bciingseanteci at iiin.. vT, givngseronSuday ansi îLe choir Coltugasosii Exiiittea. liea wss ue cf tise st liaerýs and si oe uotise fonemosi bu-miets men of tise leae, COZNSnrPsTIN EAND lIstADn-CfE -Met. R. Morrow,.Bracebrisige, Ont,, asite: 'For ycara I was treebleci almosi con- siantlv aiti constipation andi neyer get anytiring te da me tise lasting goosi tisai bas been ebtainss f romr Dr. Cisase's Kdney-blaer Plille. Net only bave lbey curesi constipation but have aise ontirely curel tise beadachea frein asiici snedi to suf er iennibly anci baye improveci my iseaitis la every w£y."1 NEWCASTLE Mrs W J GaI oraitir ias nturnes frani vicitln PleiFces Edwarci District.. John Siapleon hbhougisi tise, Bom faim ou tise Kinigeton Roasi, fonmerly cecupieci hy CeaiaCulter for $8750..' - .- W A etiasîvoos, brother of Johnl Bellasoosi, Cekeat eue ime 'editor of tise Maniloutin Expeaitor, diesi aI l'aber, Alla, rcet .--Geg Gray bas relurnesi from bis eýxtensi Oncur aM expert jusige aI faîne in Britlis Columbia. Be made severaf trips acre-e te Vict.oria ansi aise vtsled Seatte, calling upon ai num-her of O.d Durham boys and girls] .... Arthur Lewis broks hie leg Seing th irs thls ime tisai lisapainful, accident bas bef aise bui. Tise leg noas Inactun- esi attise tiîg bas beenbo n four ier e with bis wife andi fûmlly for bis ranch of 1400) acres lu Sasketcbewen. Ife was a gooci netg-bbcr anci wilt ha 2rreatiy miased ..-.Arthur Willam larke, Port ('redit, and àMiss 7Henietta Cnht', Cane.wene unitete e umeniage Oct 20 by 11evý A MI Irwin et tise parson. age thc bride being atte.Lded by Miss banna Farzow and tihe grýoom h Wm Cuitins, brother af tise bride. SAFETY FOR CI-ILDREN Mothurs sbould neyer give theirlit"le ones a medicine that they doe net know te be absoluteiy sale aud harmîssa. The so-called aoo9tlîng medicinea containe lý,aies titat aîpifyj the child wiLhout aur- these mediclnesa May killtbte cblldi Saby's Own Tablets is tage ontv ebild'a medicines thirt givei theý meother the mother t.ho uaan ùf a governmeni aualhat that it contabinsn oise oopiate or barmufffl dru. The Tfal!ets cure constipation, idgstowiDd cette, diarrheea, dcestrov wermrs, break up c9lds, and mâke teethi- ing easy. SoiA by Sil Medicine dea!ers or boy mail front Tie Dr. WttItems' Medicine Ci., Brock- ville. Ont, Beceat visitons. Mise Vida BnInkman, Brighton. wiuis ber munti Mes B Rogers; Miss Chnis Sandensea wms guest cf tise Misses MeGiti, janeivilie; Mn Trimmer. wlfs and baby, Toronto. ai home; Mn Reciner and wtf e, Mr x eung andi wife, Mrs Young, se, Trenton. ai G B Fraser'@,- Albert Stainton, Toronto, wlti r fiendp; Miss Launa Ranton visited Mrs J Hall et Union; Mn McTaegart, Tonento, ai F W Lee's; Frank Vitue, Toronto, with bis parents;, Mns Pearn and Miss Ev& Seueh, Port Penny, at Jne Pye's; Mrs C Pascoe with friendis In Toronto; W B Broasi andi wife, Toro nto, with fiaonds; Mn Atcheson and wie, Suitosi, wltir ber fatier P Maronev; Walter Ranton, Torcnto, w!tis his par- ents; Harold Stemen lu Bowmauville; Mrs Chas L Browna and Otlis, Bowman- ville, with ber stter, Mns J R M eDonalci. Mr. Chas,Smith cf Jâmes, (Jhio. writes I have useci eyery remedy for sieli heaci- ache 1 ceuici hein ef for the past fifteen yeane. but Carter's Littlo Liver Pilla di me more geeci than ailtishe reet. DARLINGTON Base Lins Christian Endeavor Societ.y will iscîc an entertalument Tuesav, Nov. 9 et S p m. A good progrem f le expecteci consisting e! neetations, vocal anci instrumentaI, music fottowed hi refresismeata, Admission 15c. Fred Truli bas neturniec frem a vi-il withhbis parents et Mainl,' Alla.. E F? Willoughby, MMstnUnivereity, Toronte, apeni Thanirksgivlng et Gao Van.dyke'.... Mn EEon,, wife mci iwo ciildeen, Toronto, visîtesi er sisten Mre Jue iIet...j 0.,ê, wlfs and daugisier, Oshawa, spe-ul Sundey ýýwiîh Miss Maggie Oke. -.. -M1issFlîDernce Osborne la patending Normal sthot ai Toronto MissStela Beckurnspent tise a a1ijý.y aihome. Dr. J. D. Kelgg's Dssenln Cordilal sentery, chelena morbus andi ait itnfimý malory disorders that charge e! foodi or water may set up lu the stomecis andcilu testinies These comptaints Faemore common ln summer tz au lu winten, but lhsy are net' confinec te tise wmxm mentira, as undue laxeese cf tise bowets mav seize a min et any lime. Sncb a suffener will fied speedy relief lu ibis Cordial. 11ev A R Pmd Mrs Sandereon are et. tcnding roinla Sundey Sahool Con- venition ai West Teronto. Miss Audia Smiths, vise ias been for WSinnipez wiserese iras accepieci a lucrative position. W,îo rm,3s ein Idren, If they Se net attenTdei?.f 0, cause convuisions,ni dIeuý3 deais. Molisèr Graves' Wiorm Extýer- mineter wiîl proteelc thecidenfm these distre->ssing afitos Tire SelvFaton Anmy Corps recentty pîssenîssi ieir baudma-_sterMn 8 Dlx, wili a melepo'uah, wilale, sitver plated muisic sîeucian n boay belon înuid with mouse (f poarias mn mp. prectation of hie services, Simane St ahurch fir isli Tnksgiying Services Sunday ashen Rev B T Lewis nreaciresi splendid sermons on "A Net- tonal 'J hwnkegzjing" anci "Canacia's fiopes ansi Feins." Appropriais music wms provýideci by tise choir and includesi soles by 'MesW A Bars ansi a selection by lise Ladies' Quartet whiah asere mucis enj)yedi. An autoegnepi everiug arrangeci by lihs Scial Vie Preýsideel, MisR Goyne, it, edeaif St Lag Tuesclay eveung proysi met en.-al ff air. AllerI devatlna exrcises ans asenrt pro att pisent blalusi asmm nines as passile laa givn lie. A pnize o1 a] Blnthey Belu ses aarde te iss M Gummo'ÛG, who ý.,seciiurec tie greaie3si umben )2Mapl eea andi pop corn] asere senvcduI nsi a sccesednt meeting wa&s brougisite a close.' Thï,s-v, gviion:Arthur Bol- ]ansi, Terceto, asilir iis parents; Mes Dan M.beAn ni ,'iidren, Montre i., witb herin moIrer Mrshirs Wigg; Mes Forsytheand sou Ray, Toronto, with Mia Milford Wilkins; Miss Florence Bennett, Toronto, asitis bsn parents; Wm Bain, BA O.iawa, guesi où hi parente; Mrs A Bals andi Mies E Everson witir issr sister Mia W B Jack-,son, Newastsle; Miss Waters, bondon, "t ber fatisen'e; Ai! Patte andi aife, Toronto. asili bIs parents; Il Selter, asi!e ansi cianguer Mlahel le tise citr; Miss Ida Sale, Bamlton, and Fred Bale, Toi- onto, ailth eir parentz; Raperi Monro'. ai home; Eve1rett Boulden, Toronto, unde parent1al roof ...Misa Rate Peiiow, Te7ronlo, guest cf ber cousin Misa Eva Beornieg; Haroldi Wels andi aslRn-in, with ber iter Miss Jako;Mis J fi Coamu mcd-son, Bunketon, et bher fatiser's Jesse W Wita ;Wîiit Cane, Toronto Univer- alla',,ý utirs e]es Cote; LB Riîby, Victria ollee, Troul, aihomeý; Misa Ella Gummioe., 1thMIsa tinPîlker- n'in wiss vaBersWbtby, asitis ber mother; W; Amnbrose Lke, wife ansi le Teronir; Jas Gro-e, aile ansi Oluve lu tire c!ty; Mrs R ansi Miss Bas30ti lutisa cItý; Jack Andereon, Toronto, witb friendm-; Miss Mabel Bahcock, Toronto, asitis berParet. Miss Lloyd et ir chttren Temit, with relative-; NMiss Pnt.u, Uxbrid.g,,e. with ber unc'e, Wm Bunt; W Cinnarnon, LIndsav, witb re1ativeý; Chas :Colemnin lthe city; Mrs and Miss Bertie Harris with rela.i tives lu Toronto; %V J Salter. B A, Woodstoek, at home, Dr B I Nott, North Bay, with bis iiister; Misses W and J Smith. Toronto, with their unce F E Harc, Misses Cook ond Robertson, O LUC ib, at B Couk'e; W Fife, wl.f anddau~tr,iroLto, at W ili3 Ck's; rs Crcnk aqud children at OMemer; Wes tes and wlf e lu Toroite; NMiss J Jackson, Bowmanvt]-ie, with M1iss A Jackson; Bort; 1o~u Lida.witb Roy Alman;, A Fe't, Barrie, with bis molther; Irwin Anm- strong aand -wtf, H amnlton, wlth bis parents; MIisses H and AKing-,citywith fi tends,; Misses L and IBEeý,rson, Nor maiý ShoL90, A Morphty, 8 PS, P, Ban-! en tanley Joues, a fTrciïto wiih I i.heir parente Iýn VWetmouet; Mi ses Met'%and -Fern Gregoý r ni llarlahý fia' -es wlth Cobourg relatives. Miss Mary Vntn.Bemnîtwicis1 friend; M_ü Hainan, M A, and Mrs 1aînan, Brimp ton, wiUh isparents, Ban D.thie Torote. wth Edl Sauu- de-rs; MIlisM b-et, Et fld',Toronto, with her father, Dr B21t; Mr and M-s Andeesen, Peterboro, guests cf ber sister,. Mis F Wbaîle'3- Miss Mvabel Bcddiv, Cous-ervatery etitkusic, Teronlto, witb lier father; Mrs Wbtte, ,Ishbiira SZnda3ed Witt fiends; MISS Ezsugden, Toronto, with Miss Stelta Dewpr. Mrs. Barman sa s: or seyeral 1 ars, I lived a lt fo pain andi misery, and aven now as I recali that ilinees it semam awlul te centemplate. l'ha trouble began with woaknes3 iand loss cf appe. tite. This ivas I olloicd Iby hendaclies aLdemslaton.At t!m-,s I had violent uplitation cf the h4ear-. nd sbortness cf botfiaaliy I was CoMPletely Pros. tra&ed. I was se haggard that my frleuads hard-ly rnew me, and 1 often thcug-ht may last hfo-Ue had -mam My su Mrlg a uid f ollow nme iethetI) rgo f dreams With sueli distinctness tat cýftea tumes 1 woulda'waLen shiv. ening and ahaking with sî,bs and scarce- Lv ab'e te realize that 1 bad been drea m- iog The beet efforts ouf three doctors at difforent times failed bo elp me Uhen Iws urged te try Dr. WYliiams' iPluk PlUs. %Within ens imonth IT fen a dhtfc~ mprvemntand alter using ei een boes i was agal-in n hefull jassof teatth andlsrnt Severat yeýars have noiiw elaçe ie thi Ilnea i ani alIha'-econtn e1j >Yed the beat cf heýalth T a-in wra cinl ëay lng tisai the cure isprmnt" Dr. Wiiiamns' PiîPis shoulld b8 uzed l it dllses. cueiby ib,2 Eff scts of la grippe a-nd fevrneural-I ,La headaches and 0ec b ilmen,-ts commeon .tewomien and growing grs These Pilla are oid y al eo dealers or by mail ai 5() cents a box or ,ix boxes for $2? 50 by T he Dr. Wi- liamb' Medicî,ne Co., Brook ville, Ont, CARD OF THANKS. Oa boisai! e!1 My ageci father and sisters 1 beg ta thank ail thoe swise, by liserai gIfle o! cîothinig, furniture, cash subsonipliens or in any other manner, came se spee-Illy te oun assistance aller aur home wms totaity destroyed by lire during tise rigbt of Septemben 2nd. Re3speclfully benrs, JOHN MO-RAIE, Hampton. October 26th, 1909. That hol, dry ecezmnatous condition of thse slkia willI disappean by the use ct MilrjCompoundcITrou Pilla, 50 doses 25 cents. Solci by B. M, Mitchell & Co. Dugss Tisnkýsgiving visitera: Berb Slemon, wif e andi dauihter Q.retïa and Miss Kate MeNeil, Toroniet, with relat-ives; Egbert Wright, Pererbeno, andi Miss Elfleda Wright, Pentvpeel, et home; Misa Hazel Moore, Satei, et home; Norman Run- d'e, Tenante, et home;- John Rundîs andi wlfe visiting Dr fi C Runile, Brighston; Miss Grae Trewln, town, ai R1 Slemon's;- Lee Nlddery and Mise Florence Montgomery, Torento, with finonde,; Mn Poe!e and Mrs Lamibkin, Nesileton, Pt Thos Mounjay's,... Tisaaksgivýing ententameat was a de-t cîdesi sccesa. Thoso taking part ia tise programn were: Euniskilien Maie Quar- telani PofBocl;MeSmiuh, Biaek-1 stock; NMiss RuatIedge anci Bessis Scott, Salem, Mise! Vera Siemon, C W Soueh and wife, ril tVernon; lerb Stemon, sololal, Toront.o. Aler thse programn nefreshmnts were serveci. Preceeds $20... Remember date cf Peuh CurtIsl sale Tuesday No 7 2. Do net sufer frem sick beadahe a momenatlonger. Il as net necessary. Dose eue litho ýpili. Smalprica. Smatl putl. iD 'Save Your Citl Apples! Jualtblhnk ! for a ton of pee-liug apples you en gel, the prias ofi a ton ci ceai ai the Evaponaten, opposite thc Hlgh Sehogl. J, R. Finke, Prepietor. Bowmanvlls, Oct 27, 1909. JEFFERY'S $15 SUITS. Bave ven seen thesleiegani :lmpented FaIt Siligs Joep Jeffrev & Son are, making up teorden-f or $15? Tbe7 are stytlsh goods - worsied and tweeds - and will be made up equal te the best. Final ctess workmanship Is a weli known featune et Stan Bouse suits. Young men, middte-eged andi eIder are Invited te eall and sec these popular $15 Fa] suite. You nover saw botter bargains for ibis pnice, quality andi work consici. erei. Cai as early as pesibie as. thons wlt bs a rash for tisa suite eat gîbis Newcastle MethodIs, were favereci witb fins weather Sne and Monday for the ne-oper.ing cf their Churcs and new Sunday Schoot wbich bave under- gene extensive repaira. Acting ln ce- eperaîlen wMt the iqeuhens cf the von- gregatien the H. A. Masses estaîs bas assistid mterially iu financing 1ibis outlay'. The chunch bas been eimost rebult, a splencdid new schoeiroom bas been added, a, new pipe ergean bas been Instelecl anci a new parsonage le nislng upen a beauttfut toi purchas.ed for the purpos. 11ev. Gao IBrown, Coiborne, eccupled the pulpit ai both se-,rvices Sunday nnd divrdecletadee e.sp, a mu-sic fnden Ihe direto o! Mr. Wm lPikard with MissýLpýara Rickard as organlEt, was well' renErsyzd et both- services. Monday there we-s senved a Iapsty and plentiful fewl suppe1r with as müuai tender, nct brownsd chieken as oe could eset besides ail kinda cf pclesalade, cakes andi pies. Thse many willing and efficient lady helpers receiveci great pralse fer the manner fl which they tooked al ten the wants O! the hungry cnewd After ail had donce justice ai ths festive- boardi an oirgan reîtal was given luiithe cbhurch by 51r,Il A Wheeldon, erganist of tise Metrepoit-qn Churcth,Tootastd by Zrs. Gnee Vprry andi n. owand Mase redeniaslee, At theý c'e)se Itev. John Garbutl, Bowmanylle, chaîrman cf tise district, on behaif c;f Newcastle cengregaîlen and, Bay cf for their gensresitv towards thse New. ceetle Methedist Church. The svonieg wes concluderi by the singing cf thse Canadien National Hymn, written by Mrs. Mfercy E. Powell McCullech, a granci-niece of the lais fiant A. Masssy. 11ev. A. M. Irwin, pestor, is te bececn- gratulated on tne successful re-opening. A special train brcught a large parts of people from tTûronto Moeday alter- noce, largeiycemprising fermer resi- dlents of Newcastle andi Durham Ccueîy, wheeejoyed meeting old ecquaintances ani samoling thse fowi raiecd le the homnelanti o! Durham. REBUILDiNO TCiIME WHOLE BOD - y 1 hat is the Constant Bus= Mess of the Blood» And That is Why a Blood Making Tonie WilI dake tise Body- WeIl and Keep it So 'Pure, red loci is tise vital pnic-ciple of tifs, fer upon iltîthe tisanes of tise body Il e Lt goca pr.ctleaity teoevery part of the b3dy. carrying ncurishmentI enci oxygen, tahing Up the wasîd13auntO se changing them thai they eau b3 a as out cf the body. As 0uc very aci ne- suite lu the breeaking do 'Iwe ! cfs of ,-h. tissues <sud thefoma ionetwaaîe matenials, tie sdilnlua co-nstant suite !)f change. Te maietin eatistr enigli end l4ife he Leeci must be putre lu order te replace Lhese tIsaes 8witi,' pleni'y cf fresh aorsm nd rlnd thse body cf its Waýste naei Men and wcmee who are rn dow;n witt finci Dr Witlliam s' Pink Pilla tise bet Ionie for theiz condition beea'use these PlEU are a certain blooci-bulîdiir anci purifier. Tbey enable thse blooci te meet thse un-,unai demande of tise body andi gîve perfeci heaitis. We offer thse 1 ý-. 1 1 tt e e : e.0q e e *,ID0 00 ,,a0,,0@, eê0 e 40 e 4v Where eto G-Clted4 We Are Exclusive Clothiers arudf Furnishers. Q We give our whole trne and attention to elothing men *etý ,and boys, We carry the largest and bei asssorted stock o!f' *Men'o and Boys' Clothirig and Furnishings between Kingston and e Toronto. Vrsitors frorn Toronto, who look threugh our stock, * : tell us' that WE HAVE MUtJU BETTER VALUES, T-HAN THEY *CAN GET IN TORONTO, This la reasonable, we buy froni the ee sanie mnuufacturers in large quantities and get the sanrie dis- *eQunts, our relIt and !'unnlng e;xpenses are net 0ONE-QUARTER e *as high. Our business bas illcreasedl te Euch an extent, theat we can-selat a nuch smaller profit than those doing a smaller e.business in this line. Ouir afi iîte have "A smaîl profit and a eý :a rge turn-over", For Fail and Winter Wear,, * We are show-Ing the largesi range of up-t'o-date sisand, *overcoats, that we have ever sbewn, and values that cannot et e be urpa6ssed anly pla.ce 1nCad. : Me's BackOvercoats, Velvet Collars , 0 Ileavy, black, frîieze, velvet collar, 46 iuches long, raised l sE,-m s, Weil1linïed,.......... ................$80 * leav, backnicon,'16inches longc raised scamnU' extra *good valueý.......... ..................... .........$00 epï lain îïIhed', blaek beaver, pannelled vel vet collar, well a Iined and trîimued, 4_q incihes l!ong heavy strap aeams, semi forin i , *e llttinig a very siylish eai. Our Leader...............$10.00 o le Black niellons, beayers, vicunas, a great vaniety, aIl e szes ......................825,$5o,$8o,$00 0College Overcvoats. o *Single or double, brea.sied, liy front or button tthrougb, fanicy 'el * cuff 3 or plain, battonedrgh up t,-,the throat or with l1apels o)r eboth, AML the new kinke o! fashion that, the voung inien *wan.t.............. S 10, 1.0 15.00, $18,00, $20.00 'w *'e h-ave ail thenewet styles as shown by sucI ce] brated e e nialnufacturers asFashion Craf t, Northway, Pregress Brand, :.Coppley, Neyes & Ilandaîl ee N ew Shlimnt of! Boys' IBloomier ImLs. e Great values in Tnderwear, Caps, Mitts and ~ e7 *0 E. ±r.SON uwCHAS. CýNT,'RON s SF.A. Hddy's -Four kfe-ats *No. I HADDY'S IDEAL TEA, eur own blod ndiîa a nd(4 OCylon Teas, net tee mild nettioe airong, but juat tise e14 Ideal Tea. Black, Green or Mixeci ai 25c, andi40c a îl *t Poundi. SNo, Il 11ADDY'S IDELb BAKING POWDER, sirenglh ird +e purity guaranteesi. The Ideal Bakiug Powder for ir5 Biscuits andi Cakes. Net the cheapeat but the beet oniy 20o per lb tin, j+No 111 HADDY'S IDEAL CORN STAJIOH, a superior cern 4 siarch niade (roih e besl selecieci corn stareh, lUe per package or 'D for 25e. !ý-No IV IDEAL A MN POWDER for washing anid isin- feeling, for the k-Lzitchenî, laundary or thse baih, Bas 4 ne aupenior. 10e Per package or 3 for 2ý0c.' -*Wewill bo pleeaseci te fil your Àrccery Ordier, Buktter andi Eggs vwanied. 4'1; r -r -r i r- -A AU 1 i il - 1 1 -t OSHAWA ey4 34-3