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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Nov 1909, p. 2

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CARTRNOT~fES AND COiMlI-NTSï jli edcoand rleeattise troubie mci. u, rt.,te a iinsaa&f tise aotni scSa Dloziese, tause, Dro stuee.Ditress afiel? fationg. vain lu tfe11d6,&r. wisle tseir mont ~eaaeh. et loters ~ttbeLiver Pille arm equaliy v ine nontipation. cssong and pro. vtuisanuoyinomnptaiut,wiie iiey Ise 1uer ana roguiate thse boweo. Iven xttheY oIyI' iuffeDr romn tisse distrese ît.og conspilt; bot ferta- Whvcoroce try theni li Sud these uttilepille vair- HE vwernalce ur greatbioasi. Our Poio onue it whiis cstbors donit. Carter'aLte LvrPille are VerýY ý9aII and Yefry easjy te aon e or îwe pila make a dose. Wiey are-trictiy vegetable and do int gripe Or purge, but l'y tieir gentl action Pluesoail Whio Ofco;-flbeakley iBlock. King Street. Bnwmaavhie. ]lny +,0o an eX rason- aille rates. 48-i yr. Wm. TENNANT, V S.,j TTýONORARY GRADUATE 0F .L..Otaio etr= ary College Ofcei f eam of M.Wiimfurnitoroe sore. Calt@ mewered day or night. Phone 59. 10 BOWMAN VILLE. , 0O!NT. GOLD MEDÂLIST 01 rniyUev G iveaity, Toronto',Poroter rAttendýi'sP rittsncobuliV.oxs t. Toit rhiione l'l. 18K Engineers snd others who realiye thec advisabii- it f baving iheir ratent business transacted Fy xperts. Preiiminary adoice free. Charges tuoderate. Our inventnr', Advirer sent upou request. Marion & marton, New York Lif e BIdg, Moutreai sud Washington, D.C., U.S.A-. 01lOlgs !cool Miim ~Rcqc!oioqs. f"OALitiîlng rlghtsofeTthe Dominion, in Mantoba, Saskatchewan. Aiberta.ethe Yukon Territory, the North-West Tecri tOries and BritS Odonibia, may bc ieaâaed for al terin of twentv -one0 yenri ai an annui restai 01 i1 an acre. Net flore than 2.560 aeres wifl bc ieamed to one applicant. Application for a lease mut ho made to the Agent or Sub-A gent of the district in which the rigbis applied for are situated, Insorveyedterritary the land mustbe des eribed by sections. or Li-gal cun div1t3ion3 of setions, and in unEurveyed territory thé tract appTlîed for shall be staked out. Each application mu4t be aecompanied by a, tef 50,which wifl ho re unded if thse rigis appiea for are nc t availabie botnont otherwige. A royalty shal bepaid on the merobantable output of the mine ai thse rate of i ve cents per ltvery besre of coai minlng ighta wicb are ni being oerated shahl furntis itise ditrict agent et Dominion Lande wth a ewora tate- ment ta that effect ai Jeast once in each yeae Thse easeo will tucinde thse cool mining rlghts o1ybut tls - iee May b. ps mited t.) pur- ohe abteeralalatsle surface rgit% a bc conelderesi neceosary for the wForking 0tth wmine et thse rate of $1o an acre, For fulinformation application sisould be, mnadet t-he secretary oet ti e Dearîment of S t se intror. flttawa 'or t ny .Agent or Sub Agn tDo..nion Lands W. W. coitY, Deptity iister of thse Interiar. N. B.-Unauthorlzed publication of t4is ad- wîrytlement uivii net be paid for. 31-6m &YflOpsis et Canadian Northwesi Land ANY prson irSo is tise sole head ef a -Afanijir or auy maie orer 18 reans oid. inay bornoaiead e n carton section ef arail- ablie Dominion land in M.anitoba, Sask- atchowan or Aberta. The' aplicant mst appeau in sierson et tise Dominion Lands Agener an Sssb-Ageucy for the district. EntrY bY Puoxr niay bu maeoai an.y g- enoy, on certain con ditions, by fatiser, metiser. son, daugister. broulser on sister ot lntending horneateaden. Duties :Six monthi' rosictonce sinon and cultivation efthtie land in eaeh of tisnee rears. A boesteadî- maY lIre with. lu 1511e miles of lits isonestead oic a tarm of at loast 80 acres solely owrsed arsd ocspied Pr hlm or hy tise fatisen, moti- en. son, daugister, brother or astier. In ce~rain districts a boestoador in good standing niay nue-enit a quarter iseeon longaide iss liestead. Pricol $300 pou acre. buttes AMsi ceide six montisa in e of six yesus freni date et isomestoad entry (irsluding thefinie ru- Quined to earn hemestead Datent) and, cuitivate fifty acres extra. A lionesteader irise las exheusted lis liomestead rizht and eaurset ebtatn a pre-emptien, niar taise a pureliased homo- teed in certain districts. Pnice $300 non acre, buttes-Muai residp six mouft 1n e e fthtîne ea"s. cuttivato Ifityacres end eret a bouse wonib $30000. W. W. CORY, Dopi-ini sien efthîe Intenter. iN.7.- i unîstbrized pubicatinon f ibis adrutiemeit vill net be eàid for. CLA SSIFIC A TION Wh'ieu îLe miL aLe inp fyi as & fat thýmeewil e tire clasesthe jI p. ý d L'l Tise gret 'te eTont, andir - Recunior u uneSiranin at rpas don reCeuit or 1pnice. ueo pamphlet. Address: Tsi) The Russian home secretary bas ordered the police to. cerutinize ciosely tLe îneùberchip of ail acro clu-bs in the empire andti t prepare lists of the cament- submit, to the officiais of the goverum-eut. No in- dii idual or cltub will Le permitted Flash ion I i n ts*, SFEN IN~ PAIS S11iOPS. amocîg tLe mealhby anti infinential classes of French cîtizens, anc mork- ing fon îLe encouragenment of nemi- ai navigation, anti axer $300,000 mil Le given in France in pnizes w-icb iii Le open ta cempetitian ciuiîi ng the ycar. The exposition is iiinark tieclcose of tireive suontis ç' phienomenal progrese anti inter- est in ail that relates te aiaition, andi aIssc mihi Le an eveut of iývenid iimpertance ant in~terest. ONTOUT SAYWELCOME. Eren guet heuti aLe note of tîse cosîdtiens: Exýen if a Lana fite invitation las be ien t-ceieu d, do net penas[it an areun cf coaxýing te preuati yente tayla-nger than a w e, nes it inition jfer a;I ne ~ ~~lo legi l st erx u isit, ithen it uîtîi Lewis te aynetleue tha1it fim tiny, ut oî ii gn j apanese Menthol is unequal- led as a pain relieving agent. Applied in the " D. & L."y Menthol Plaster it is the mnost effective reînedy known for Lumbago, Sciatica, Rheumatic Aches and Pains. Try a "D. & L." Menthol Plaster the next time you are suffering- froîn any one of these com- plaints and be convinced. 25e. each at druggists. RI î 2vuý!ds ZUpthe yt, î?o en Ë,hetzthe Civos Nemrwtivin T f HER DEATH WAS HOURLY EXPECTED Enterpnise, Ont., Oct. ist, 1908. "For seven years I anufiereti wiih what physiciauns caileti a "Wtcr Tuinor." coulti neitlher sit, rtand, non liedown. fiypodermics o)f norphia Ladl to be givea nt mto case the pain. to give exhibitions in aviation -witn- 1The cuirace gown hac seen uts ont a police iiceuse, anti the Poili Lest days and je on tLe w anc. tical tendeýncicep of the per-foirrmrs Tight fitting and stiffly-Lonied muest -irs e ou recorci d ih the 'basques are again imminent. man oCntrasting facinge are a feature polie. Uherwse, s of the latest winter hate. saidthfe aviators are aligt The daiutiest new hatpine are Thisý precaution on the part of the headed wjvth Irish crochet lace. governuxent indicates thlat the ihit Eyelet cmbroideny has miore or ist have emibracedtIoh nw cien1ce hess taken the place of net for blouts- of ir iigt ad hve robbly Sia boive are replacing the matidmr prognece thais getter large ones for tying the young gini'e ahi k'u%- u.BomL hrw hg a v -hair. ing b)coýme obsorte; they ar per- Glace gloves wiihi e voi-n more Lap prpaîîngto ectoy he ~-thatt the suede wiîh evening cos-' f rmes this seasofl. periî pisse h mene o exlo- Jet trimiîntg upots frçsuks of cap- cive droped rom aircipeorpbire hbii one of the many vnria- pcrcanc, tohetcorn fai upn te tione of the heur. inîenal et during 'a mltr e After mauy years of Lard service te Nv, tite pompadour ha.s gone conplete- xiew. iy out cf style. - '~ Tt is expecteti that there ivilIL e Chep g 11i Birmîinîghamw, E a gr1adual return to the elbow sleeve laud coes fom he unicpalgasfor lingerie ivaists. deprtmnt whchhasLeu nie The long veivet atfucoats so popular hast iinter bave curvived t" contnbute $34,754fur the cu-frîe new seacon. tiot of Le ity axaton.TLisiC aietcoats of plain satin or otto- anunces of 4,35ovier hast nan silk are appearing with tLe yecar, and is te 11 aew profit that cemniug of real iinter. tLe City lias c cir made on s gas Many of the new conte iare lined with euhk of the saine shade. White undertaking. In a-1ddition the gas i., not used as formerly.1 tiepaniment contributed $2Q,000 di- The ruf enmade of chiffon and nib- rect o e ecity treasuîcr andi $75,- bon are most' serviceabie if on a 000 worth of gas in aid of public foundation of crinoline. lighting within nnd iithiout the IA chechcet ilier anti black ena- miLîston is used on a handeomne city. The profit was matie afier ai taîloreti suit of siepherd plaid. lar-ge aloivance for depreciation of Hcavy ribbeti ottoman and moine plant and a conibuction to the ne- silks are being used for tLe con- secrve fond of almost as m,,clins struction of the sepanate conte. the roft, ad wth te pantbe- The toucli of vivid celer acrose the the roft, ati ith he lantLe-front of tLe w aist ie eue of the lai- ing kept at the highest maximum of est of costume details. cfficicncy. The lasi contribution to Tassecîs are Leing uceti even more reduce taxation Las been possible cxtensively than hast scason for despite the cousiderabie reductien t timming dressy goîvos. in he ric ofga fo th lat blf For afternoons, stockings match in Le i-ie f gs fr he asiLaf fic di-ese, but for daytime black of the y car. stochînge and boots are- ahways cor- rect. Cryistals, whethen as fninge, buig- The Asscieation of Indusîtriais in iing, or seîved on in tiny lines, 'are Aènial Locomotion is a ncw anti mu,,,hi used foriîimnîing eveniug pow prfui FrenQh onganization wlîich gou ne. Neiw coats are neanly ail ample includes in its list of members ahi and ehapehy, refreshinghy diffeneni Fretnch manufacturers of balico-ne, fi-cm the stovepipe model of hast acroplanes, aerial miotos-s, mat ni - w inter. alseveythng ertanin tothe Sheeves in ahi cents anc te the aIseverthin peraîni~g t the init, anîd cuffe in moi-e or lese fant mianufacture anti operation of evcîy cîful design are upon many models.! dci ice for navigaiing tLe air. lhe The havisb use of fur ou Lotb cv- association iNvill hohd an acnialIho -cning and day gowns je one cf the comotion exhibition in the near fua- cit tiking features of tLe sea- turc anti will nepreseni the hatesi Son and estthatbasbeenaccmplihed The sailor coliar effectisj fourni audLes that as eenaccmplchei îot oniy on the long sepanate conte throughout Europe ai lenet in the Lut on sote cf tha ncwwviape ns feld of aiaion. vell. White Leavens are amnong the meet fashionable cf eveuiug hats. Fre- The exteut te -which the niustry quentiy tbey are faced with black of aeîîai înavigation is Leing de- 1 eli et. velopeti in France je hardiy reahizeti Long featiiers arc not as fashion- Ly ihose liv ing oniside the radius-cf able as clhent one: L, ut tLe fluesacf it saeroclub an thenatinal as- li plumes nmust Le'long anti beavy. iiiacr clcheani îe oatinalas A Cossack turban cf chinchilla, suciation. Six menthe ago tLe builti jînde iip with rose coicreti velvci ci-c tf acroplanes in Parie couiti Le anti silver tissute, is oeeof tLe ceutnet on the flugers of oee aud. smartni uîr ats. Now tiiere are in full openation fif T is te Le a season of many trim- tee fatones cxatei t th mau-minge, puffs, pipings, ias Lande, teenfactriesdevted o th ma uarnaw silk fringes anti zigzags cf facture cf mateniais anti the Con- ail sorte. struction cof acropianes of ailczs An extnaordinary amount of golti forns, iesgusbesdesa dozen or ant iliier is Leiug put upon dness- more inventore whe are mnak inun- e, baoth tailorý-maties-andti ose-for der ove an moe o les scretlyevening ivear. dencavr ati or orlee senecly The combinatian cf tank bine anti indivitinai machines which embctiy black in Loth bats anti gaw'nc jete <t-ei esecalacx moxenrlesixi-Le o-1-th-îe dsictxenotes cf.. ginal iticas cf what the aercpiane the seasan. or iriibe arshpcf the future Combinatians or moire anti velvet ortt du-be sipwith loth anc Leing exempliiet in ont teLe. cme cf the mcci stunning cf tLe newtaihoreti suite. Three newspapers estabieheti The meet populanblieuses include turing the at six 'menthe are de- chiffon over lace anti clear ecru net votedti t aviation. Three sacieties, cicr a foundation cf chalk white nf Irish guimpune. alad ready to take bis place and Lold it, too, bsîetheL( est. Therec are miany te points ini youir taîke w unthy of bpecial Uni- phasis. 'One word more. Year Ly year 'We have a numnber of country boys for a thrce or fourmontbs' term cdurinig fthe winter. We have iLad a nm r ofDnrhaml boys. Thiis1 vý ea w exspeet morie than e\ver. They have L 1een foýrthmotpr those who have intended to leave thie farmi and desirinig to get a t rain-D ing mxore in hune w ith-commercial, life. Your taik lbas brouiglitout the possibility of a number coinig who vili go back again to the farni and m lho consequenthy desire instructioù aLong the liues most in kceping with their wonk there., Let us assure ý7oui that if snuci be- the case we wil lookil after their interestecaeuly Thie fixe maie members of our teach- ilng staff are ail farmers' sons, so thjat îvith our conîbined knowiedge of onitinsthere and that of bu siness and business methods, w bhulcL able to give themi abouit vwhat wil best meei their needs T. F. WRIGHIT. 2639 College St-, Toronto, No.11, 1909. JECON CIIED. Colo-ssians 1: 19-23. As those who wilh not Le enti'ýcd By earthly joys which soon must f ade, We glory in the cr'oss of Christ By which ahone our peace is matie. Uponi that cross ail thought ie Lent; A mine of matchiess w ealth it proves: Iis the one suprenie ex eut Round whicli the whole creation mnoves. Thýerein the angel hoste aspire iTo view the depths of 1love divine; T'-hey sec the ail-ccnsuming ire in wbihlthe Sâvioiii'b gioriesý shine. As creatunes gUilty and deflied, WVe could not understand our loss Btii,-frr 1 now e ave ben Ir'nl-oniled Dear Editor,-,Wc have rend with 'lu'Hie"vn Ltiv on îLecos a gi-cat tical of intet-est> anti mucli appi-eciaticu your - Taike ta Fanm Tis trui which bas for nges Boys e" ppeanin u secent issues cf ,stoot tLe James Pape. Continue in the We i' i ofdnebhee gooti wocik. Sncb articles cannot We e redýemption ibîough Hlic fail tes bear gooti fruit Ly aroueug LWoodi: ambitions, stinning up energies anti We tChnough Hic deaiLh new hife causing the boys te tbink iwice Le- receive. fore lcavinig forêver tLe gooti cit T. WATSON. farm andti us îfe cf iudepcntience rm ustOn.109 fon th-,cetei ciîy anti us hani- Gatîrt n. 99 tî-mouth mJýode cof living, us hurry, Lusthe ant icieent, The talLs eïee parîicnînnîy inter- CHILPUEN 0F, JAPAN. esting Lecause ne eue raiseti on the The childîcu in Japan are taughi farns, îvhose ancestors for gencîn- at an eai-ly age te draîr anti wvrite tiens Lack 'bave Leen ai piese ithiL otL bande, anti their educa- f nmiiy connections are, mostly Itieni is net ceusitienti complete ttn-ý' farniens, ive cati duîly appreciate til they have tbonougbily masteicti irhat ven have sai anti certninly tLe art of ueing the lefi as irell as entiorse your mords. Unlike the tLe rughi. This meihoti cf tencbing city ycuth, xvho said "Hie ias prend bas aise been sinnieti in n feir Eng- in think Le coulti net trace any cf imeh ceiole, tLe pupils'being tauighi bi, ancestone bnck te farmers," ithe t irair cirches or ather figures on writcýr dtascsaim te Le a farmcî-'s tLe lackboarti, firrt wmuitîLýe ighi son, ie glat ieLecan do se, is pî-oîîti antiandti1 then witb tbe hefi. 'St is to do it. Hie is alec gladt ta lcong an excellent, plan ta practice wriî- ix euoe cf the families nîentionecý in iug wiîh Loti bauds, as eboulti the eue cf yaîîn hetters as among the ight Lanibe injuret, tLe work eau prize wiiens ai the district fahi Le carnieti on by the lefi itanti. For faire, auti hîcpes ibat nexi car tcmesiic w ork the abiliiy ta tise the many ciber family namnes wilL b e lat baud je invaluabie, anti it is atteti to the lisi of exhibitors. xc6underful Loir quickiy, with a littie We appreciate yeur statements pi-actice, anc can ieach onescîf, ta rcgarting tLe education of the farmn do it. baye. Wc ivoulti repent yaun query t , then, liai-e yauinastenedtihîe Ule sa irise meaiber prophlet ilire R.'s? l Comparativcly speak- uha kuome rben ta Lorrair an uni îug, ire Leiieve the 2ountry yeutb is brella. mocre efficient in anithînetie antid___ s)cliing, but nat n oaii rin (-n, readinig ns the city cousin, -wbihe it is a well known fact that thase froas tLe country, -w L enter the bigLer grades cf echools anti col- sins in open competitian, most f ne- quently carry off the hanoîs. Wc helicre firmly in a genciai etuca- tien, an al icunt develapasent, Lut is net tLe tenteucy of tLe pre- sent public anti bigh echocis cunni- cula te negîci tLe practical for' tLe fanciful. ta set acide that whicb h can Le put ta practical, cvery-day use fer inere theory anti "culture." 0f course, it may Le saidthîe! iviter is intenestet andti henefo3e bis jutgmeut is biaset, Lut we bai"e $ O E O I long maintainedti iai cvcry arnier bey, een ou btgli Le intente te ne- "ic ugt tv cmain a farmer Loy or grow Up te Polish mas matie for wmnen Lu- a fanm man, if ycîî wîhl, shanî -mti to save them worlc, spent a wmuter an tire cff Mie farn wrranienus. iin aiber snnrcundings anti me th "lac Knightî" is the an xcelen cbîce eae.y-to-sý,iie Steve Poliglh yan haie mate a xeln hi( Just n feir iight rubs, with for hini in suggesiing a tern in cacb dcots or, brings a cf tLe' tra celeges, business antid briiliantly blaCk polish that agnicutural. It May not Le se mncb meats. for wbat Le w cuit learsn in what i It's reedy to use - n Le cllei bck ere Lu ern îixîng-uio soil ing bauds- mayvb aldbokoc u vi no tiity.wrk-auti cheaper iîî 1 is e w-uit stand te gain if tban any ailier becanse it îLeo colleges selectet idii heir dtt goco farther anti you get a b.' tia ant LeLy tcm.In buch bigger cars for ioc. Get "-macik Knight', at yonn 1 ng2 np agaînst Lis fe1home îLe nougb eaei-rsend crfor a iarge cotrnei-s wili Le nubeioff aiii i eaufrc potpaid. ccmptingisît iben Lexvii Lecnie THE-r. F. DALLEY CO. lMiTED. intelect ati, g"eZalespcke', same lia mom polebet. ltlin ofien been ur pleasutdiemtc CORMA M 1'So "e~.,.ulV At breakLf a st w ith porridge crw B7rauid Syru-p" is iço Used wîth Plain pixddiiigs o-r made up with paetry, odd !sctrapl 0cakele, etc., it inakes a defightf ui after i-,keT. 'dessert. At snpper it le just the thing toe: at with bread and butter, or bhiscutits, "CROWN BRANfD s lLUI' îs «syrup at its best an~d in uis most deiiious ,anci Wholesonîe - .Tt~ tire q'ired ira .)rfect pure ingrecPents. It ie., lar- abead (Àf ail other ki Js l doyn't yclouithinklt 's worth- Branti Sjrup,' Yougr dealer lies it for you lu 2, 5, 10 end 2u lb. ai!n-ti'gistins witb iift-off hids. (Orderrm to-day E TABISRED 1858, Worko: CPItDIN'AI,,Ont. OfficcsMQNTItIJ,TORONXO aud BRAXTI tDr THE PAPAL COOK. Caled lu Vatican Fronti Vellice- Pope's Frugal i.Nlenl. Stefano Inchîastro is tLe ,name cf the Pope's ceok. Hie Las nec- eutly Leen relating bis experiences in tLe Veneto, from which it is ceea fixai hic posi ie avetaeeicue For tîventy-seven years Le ivas the ceek in tLe ceiuiary of ah. Paîtr- ns-ci of Venice, the tignity Lelti by tLe Pope Lefore Lis cal1 ta the chair wcll i knwn ta Lis Helinese. On June 22, 1903, Stefano receix cd a jsummane fraîn bis olti master ta rcpair te îLe Vatican. Hie ment, anti ias contuctedti t the presence of tLe Pape, anti h iras ouhy tLe geniaiity cf the 'Pantiff tuai placet the cooL ai Lis ease, for Le iras gneatly uxovet. The ccok enabies us ta Lave a g]impse of the daily life of hie vers- et-able master, who isý an example cf Hoî-ace*s "Lier tat change cf pince tocs net ainithîe mnir. Af - ter celebs-atinig rmass, tLe Poutiff. inkes a litihe ceffce. Pneciscly ai i con Le lunches, in company ih Mgr i. lPes-cini anti Mgr-. Bressan. TLey arc luny servecd Ly a parti- cular vale. t t chambre., The repactisjemotesi in tLe cx- tinee:Soeuxe oup, a littie ment from the coup anti ranely is there a roasteti joint. At 9 ai nigbti lie Pop ikes Lis supper, marefrgl if possible, than tLe îîiay' mIJeal. Vegetables anti a tle ientLiýs the nigbi nepasi. In Winter tie Pope takes more seup thanï in .Summen, Hie oine i ïer ond cjf îLe anti ~ ~ If iij gnrnl acnî ieL t1ilgý-plants as %mcl as1f1animale L1liIARI'NOTE. While notable for'the varicIty and range of tc contents, the No0 et- ber numbet of Rod and Gun', Canada, pubiished by W. J. Taylo;r, at Woodstock, Ont.,inaodac xith the season has no lce th u seven hunting stories. Tui addition, the openirtg one, des-Criptive ('f au offl&'al xisit to"the Indian recerves, for thxe purpose of paying ïthe -tire4ït money, wiIl attract niuchl ý, etioni. Art~ ~ ~ --l acon f n o ",()Iln after an absence of twent ii ht years, contrastingcnitions then) and now, brings forciby ho-Ime tii readers the advances miade in C an- ada ini the last quarter of a ce- tury. A Winter's trip throuýgh thdi Algonquin Park, the great naional play ground of Ontario, by the Su-. perintendent, shows how well th publie interests aregade ~ tbose in charge. Froiîn hle hlouse to shelter house these men travel all winter and do their bec to preN eut pochng ite ntoa reserve. A Fishîi)g Tnp )to, Newý- foundland, the diuLs of teAlpiýn- iste, a sarcastic paper -on thie Pnl ot the Chase a-nd useosotes al having their 0- neetnrk up a number every sportsmnIwili Le glad to pocse»s and one fwhipfh each shoudJnmiake cure he- does not SEND THEM N w5~ruFcc TO - r c oiandroe "MY'V ALET" eseo.iig rp lace, fether. et.,0s 4at t'ýiy leeck i uy uw u 5 poee eq t1 harn WRITE MFOUR NEW hit-TI tl..Al "MY If you ever had any contracted or hereditary blood diseasq, you are neyer saf e until the virus opoison has beez removed 1froP2 the system, - You may hve had sorne disease years ago,bu ,Yn ow and then cornesymùptoul alarns you. Soma poison stili lurks in your system. Can you afford to run the risk of more Serious syraptnms appear- - îng as the poison multiplies? Baware of mercuiy or minerai drugs used indiscrisninately-they niay ruin the systemn. Twenty years experience in the treatment of these diseases enabies us to prescribe specîfic remedies that will positively cure ai! blùo diseases of the w'orst character, leaving no badj effects on the systern.t Our New VMcthod Tet mnent wili pur ify and enrich the blood, heal up ait ulcers, clear the skin, remove boue pains, fallen out bair wiii grow in, and swolûlen glands wili re- (tu ra to a normal condition., and the patient wi-,ll feel and look like a diff erentpro.Ai cases w~oeoa~ we accept for-treatment a-re guaranteed a com- plete cure if inlstructions are foliowed. Reader if in doubtas to your condition, you can consult us FREE, 0F CHARGE, Beware of incompetent doctors who bave n reputationi or reliability. Drs. K. & K. have been establishcd over 20 years. WB CURE Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood and Secret Diseases, Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Free. Of unablo te cati write for a Querition List for Home Troutment. Cor": 4ichijan Q Gris;wold Sts, erît ih wm MAS. JAMES rENWICIC My cure sceemed hopeless, and miy friends hourly expected iny death. 1 wasI so bad that I wanted to die, and it was during one cf tiiese very bad spelse that a farnily friend broughýt a box of "'Fruit-a-tives" to the house. Aftecr inucli persuation 1 conunenced to take theni, but 1 was so bad that it waée only when I1' ad taken nearly two boxe. thapt 1 commenced to experience relief. 1 kept up the treatment, however, and after takingfive boxes I was cuired, and when 1 appeared on the -street xny friends said. 'The dead has coule to life,' and this seemcd literaily true, because 1 certainly was at death's door. " (Signed) MRS. JAMES FENWICK. "'Fruit-a-tivesl' are sold by ail dealers at 5oc a box-6 'for $2.5o, or trial box, 25C, or sent post-paid on receipt of price by Fruît-a-tives Limiited, Ottawa. PARII BOYS' EDUCA-TION. Principal Wriglht of Reinl oi Blusine~s -College Connncnds 1te iEuitor's ralks. ýl

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