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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Nov 1909, p. 4

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Courtesy Toroit) Sunday Wori 11ev. G. M. Milligan, D. _D., LL. D., for over 30 years the popular pastor of St. Andrew's Preshyterian Church, Toronto, wilI pyeach anniversary sermons i St. Paul's. Church, this town, next Sunday atIil a. m. and 7 p. m. Dr. Milli- gan, has neyer preached in Bowmanville, and our citizens of ail denominations will be glad of this opportunity -of hearing one of Toronto's ablest divines. H1e i theionie minister whoio students of ail theologicai colleges deligbt to hear preacb. He0is sedom away from bis own pulpit, but being a personal friend oi 11ev. Hugh MNi';oe, pastor of St. Paul's, he s eàchanging pulpits with him next Sunday. j- Art Souvndr-« IN LUYING a, Heater yen can aford to be more thau ordipArily particular. B e sure that yeur choice is fully guaranteed. Our SOUV- ENIRS carry a double guaraný tee. That of the makers the Gur- ney Tilden Co,, who are the eld- est and most re- liable st ov e -rnakers- in -Can-- ada and our own gaarantee that they will prove satisfatory i n every respect, Po w-m anville. Wa-nted Caledonian' MiIls. HI1101-EST PRICE PAID FOR ANY-QUANTITY * OF GOOD BARLEY. Joiinriitfac,.1)%vnI kay BOWMANVILLE, NOV. 1- 1909 FARIER'S FATAL FALL JOHN~ BECKEL, ENI'IELD, PELL PROM AS APPLE 1RE ANI) DIED 0F 1INJURIES ENFIELD, Nov 16-A sad accident happeued here to Mr. John Beckel on Nov. 2. The apple piekers flot having picked hi s apples he started to pick bis own. White on a ladder in a tree hoe fell lighting on bis head and sheulders. When picked up ho was unconsciou?. The best of medical aid was procured imtnediately and an eperation was performed a few days after the accident, but hie neyer f uIly rezained consclous- ness and died on Tuesiay, Nov. 9 The funeral services, conducted by 11ev J A Jewel, were very largeiy attend-i ed He was a member of the Methodiet Church and respected i hghiy by his neighbors and acquaintances. 1e leaves a widow and daughter and two sons-James, attendiug Victoria College and Eimer who bas a good pobition 1n Toronto, to mourn bis loss. Mrs. Frank Burns, Liberty St., Bowmanville, le a oster of-deoeased---- WHAT DO YOU READ? 11Teli me what a man reads and Il miii1tehi you whaî ho je," said a wisei writer;. for littho by littIe the things! that we read become our thoughts and, make the very texture of the mis d"I say s the Youth'W Companion. During the last few montbs the atten- tion ûf the people bas been aroused to the consideration of pure and impure1 It aOshawa bas eenca ged front Nov. 21 ho Wednesday Dec. 155 11ev A. J. H. Strike, Campbellford, preached anniversary sermons lu Qaeen -St Methodist churcb, Lindsay, Sunday. 1 The ladies af the Disciple Cburch wIl thold their bazaar and sample sale in 3the basement of the church on Wed- nesday Dec. 1. 11ev C. H. Ceon bas beeu invitod le romain a fourth yeor ah Mark St cburch, iPeter bore, and been given a substantial 1incroase of salarv. t 11ev. S. T. Barhleth, Secretary for 3Epwortb Loagues and Sunday Schools, preachod Sunday In the Methodist church, Markham. 11ev. C. W. B*rrett, Hastings, preach- cd la Cambridge-sh Methediat cburcb, Lindsay, Sunday. Rev. Jý P. Wilson rattended re-epening services aI fHash- Ings. 11ev. J. J, Redditt of Methodist Book Room, Toronto, preacbcd in Emeraid-st1 Mthodist churcb, Hamilton, Sunday when 81,.800 00 was giverr te wipe ouI t the debt on the organ. The Ladies of St. John's Cburch will bold their annual Dinner and- Sale- in- the sebool reom on Friday. Nov. l9th. Home made candy and emali articles suitable for Christmas gifts will be sold Anniversary services wlli be held in St. Paul'sehcurch on Sunday, Nov. 21. Rev G. M. Milligan, D. D , LL. D., minisher ef Old St. Andrew 's church, rToronto, -wil preaeh at botb services. AIl are invited. IAmong the speakers andthe program for the Districh Lepague Convention ah Oshawa Wedniesday Dec Jet are: Rev S T Bartlett, Tronto. 11ev E W Morg. ban, returned missionary from China, Mr AdLam Garabedian (Armenian), Mr AG Scbofield, nîissionary, Oshawa, and Mrs F W Lee, Enniskillen. Lot every Longue ho ropresented. Pastor Garbutt gave a partical report o! the Provincial Sunday School con- vention ah the Tbursday eveningprayer meeting in the Methodist church. During the next two weeks the repart wili becantinueti by the other delegates. Teachers and others cannot faaU te ho interested and helpod by these reports. The Epworth Loague program Mon- day was a literary oçening. President E. A. Loveîl presideti. Miss Lawton gave a paper on Longfellow, Miss Dora Perov gave a paper on Tenyson. Miss Nellie Gouid a paper on Wordsworth, anl Mrs. W. B. Tapson a paper - onI Wbitcomb Riiey concluding witb an appropriate poem from the pen cf Ibis favorite wilterwbich ali greatly enjc)yed1 Plane duefs were nlcely given by Misses Lia Gould and Lona Horne and Mar3ery Ring and Dorothy Sauderson. Miîss Aima Pollard sang Tcnnyson's l'Cros- sing the Bar," and Misses Grace Linten and Rota Cole sang a duet *"Swect and Lowv" The program was very intar. esting tbrougbout. 11ev. A. R. Sanderson, pastor o! Mfed- caîf-et Methodist church, Oshawa, preached annivorsary sermons fer Bow- manville Ep-wrtb Loagulers- Sunda-y. - Hie, morning appoal was fitnese ho overcome difficuities, as iliushrated ln the 111eetf Jacob who wrestled ail nloebt for the blessing of God. la the evoning ho gave a splendid addrcss- on 'The need of mon ef courage" settlng beforo the young people the need of belng able ho Bay ",No" and "-Yes"wben chalteahîng lime comes. Mr Sanderson lsaason 0f 1ev. J. E. Sandersen, a former pastor af the Queen-st Methodist churcb in tbis town about twenty years ago. for with the abundance of gool food there le 11111e excuse for using any food which Ie harmfui. The lime bas come wben the family must give btter atten- tion than in the past te another mattoi -the choice, between good and bac roading. We have read enough aoout wicicecness In both public and private Ille; tee many stories cf criminal tran sactions; tee much about the evil anc net enough about tbe good ln Ille. Lot us have thbe brIght and clean sidE of our l1e oniy. Lot us read atories oi dheroes both brave and noble, and net f çuigar and confessed criminale, The ýn mission of the prose le te belp the reader, jnet drag hlm down; te suggest hlgh, Il flot low ideals. îs During the next few weeks trie aver- 1age famlly selocts the periodicals te :h enter the home for the next year. Foi our own sake, and- stili more for the îake of our sons and daughtere, i1h i *most important that we snould select our periodîcals with greah discrimina- tien. Let these subecriptions bc only for dlean, wholesome, patriotie penlod -icai'; those which prosent the good, not the bad, in human 111e and endeavor. Further reference ho Ibis subject wiil be found on our first page under 1 The Editor Taike." SOME aPPRECIATIVE WORDS. MI., J. Locxiu WILSON, GOVERNMENI SUPERINTENDENT OF AGEICJLTURAL AND HORTICULTURAL ScosaTIESs, ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0P .AGRICULTURE, TORONTO. 1 hhink your Talka ho Farm Boys in your papers are tbe fineet articles 1 have ever seen in local papers. 1 arn sure they wlli be very much appreciaied by farmers ail over the country. Roi. W. A. WEIE, PROVINCIAL TitEAS. URER PROVINCE 0F QUEBEC, TREAS- uRY DEPARTMENT, QUEBEC CITY. Many thanke for a copy of THE STATESMAN, J admire the got up and sollditv ofyour journal and wish you avery succese, DR J. K. JOIINSTONE, TORONTO. Mrs Jehustone and 1 baye quit -on- jayed severai evenings in reading yonr carefuily prepared and voluminous- re- norte of- tbe--Cieveland- adhoos-an in- structive .remembrance of aur yery pleasant trin. MEs. R R., CAMERON, Sr. CATHARINES. Thank very much for TE STATESMAN containlng the very fine report of our visit 10 lCleveland Tech- nical 111gb Seheol. What a good newspaper yours Io. ME. H FRANK Coix B.A, I P S, SiECoE Thank you very much for THE &STTEmAKNcntainlng your -articles- ef Ceveland Public Scloools., ME, JOHN A. COOPER, MA., EIiTOR 0p Tmsà CANADIAN COURIER, Tonosiro. If every editor lu Canada lent -us hie moral support as yau have donc, the circulation, of Canadian periodbcale, wouid quadruple in year. MISS BELLE HAWKINS, JAMAICA, B W I. J find TH-E STATESMAN very Interesting -far inore SO than Toronto papers te me-and second only to my own home papers, I read every word In it, ME. W. H. ELSON. SUPERINTENDENT OP QOROOLS, CLEVELAND, 0H110. I wish ho extend ho -you my thanke for a copy of TEE STATESMAN giVing an agreeable acceunt of your yisit te Çleveland echools. ME. JAMEs F. BAKR, PRINCIPAL 0F TECHNICAL HIGII SCHOOL, CLEVELAND. I wisb 10o thank you for the very complimentary article in your Issue of Oct 28 on Our sehool. DR, W. F. CHAPEAN, B.A., PUBLIC EcHOOL INSPEcToR 0F TORtONTO CITY ',CROOLS. 1 thank you for TiiE STATESMAN cou- taining suc<h a complete and interestlng description of- Cleveland Techuical School. ME. M. J. HUTCHINsoN, ADRTiqiNtO MANAGER, DRY GooDs Bnviuw, 1TORONTO. I have road with very imuch interest your excellent report In TEE STrATES- with Toronto teachers. The wealth which western Amenicaù farmers earried into Canada tbis year ls estImated bv the SocretarY cf Agri- culture cf tte United States, who oughh 10 be a gond judge, at sIxty million dollars. Dry Go odg RevIew for November ie a capital number. The dry goode mer- chanhb ef Canadia are 10 be congratulaI- ed on baving such a truiy excellent trade journal as the Rovlew published by the MacLean PubliEhing Ce, Tor- onto. "The growthhaf the advertising pages shows that the wbolesale mer- chants properly appreciate its value as au advertising mediunm. The merchant wbo fails te read reg-uîàrly The RevIew are missing a grand priviiege. 1h is tbe beet trade publication known ho us, QUICI< SALE 0F STOCK Last week Mr. fi. Argue advertised a lot of Iarrn Stock, bv pivate sale in The James Papers We lot hlm tell the resut n sletter aI Mon das: Maple Laue Farm, Solina. Oct 15 M A. Jamee &f Sons, Bowmanville DEAR SuiRs-Pleaso publisho mv advt In jour paper again aq I haye sold- outi my farm stock and- realized good prices 1h pave te adverhlse stock for sale ln your papers. Yours truly, ENRY AiRGUE That weak, tired condition will soon change los the use of Miler's Comnpound Iron Fi-; 59 doses 25 cents. Sold by R. M. Mitchell & Cc. Druggishs. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES. Bowmanvllle Ve'hadish church ar. niversary on Sunday Dec 5. West IEnd Houseo A Splendid Assortment of new Fail and W'inter Goods uow on display. It will pay the thrifty shopper to Investi- gate our values. We are confident they are the best you cati find anywhere. llseryo Women's and Misses' ribbed woel hose, seamiese fast black, excellent quality, per pair...............................25 Flannelette Night Gownse. Women's flannoloîhe niligo9ns iu white, cream, pink and sky finished with em- broidery andt silk stitchîng, very neat, prices 85e, 01,00, $1.25 and $1.75. For Children's Dresses, Scotch plaids and shepherds' check dress fabries in a nice range of patterns, enitable for children's and misses' dresses our own direct importation. Prices 25e. 60, anîd 75o a yard. Kimona Clot ho New designe in fine Kimona cloths, as- sorîed stripos and co!ors, nice heavy quality with soIt finish, good value, per yard .... 20c. -Wrapperettes,--- Beautiful new wrapporettes in the most desirable colore and patterns, light and dark. grounds, spots, etripes and figured designs per yard...........12-eceand 15c, Bear Cloth. .White bear cloth for chil dro'n'e coats, good quallty with leng fuil covering will wash pertectly. Peryr.. Coat Lining. 1,Brocaded Sateen, saitable for coat lIning aesorted patterns and coloriage, juil the pro- per lining for youir new coat. Per yard 35c Get your blankets hero, they wiIl make you feel comfortable especially when we tel you the prices. Scotch and Canadian makes ail big values. Sweater Coatse We have a particnlarly nico assortment of theEe popular sweaters just now and they are selling fast, too. Why net get in lino. Thoy are the proper thing for cool weather. Asserted colora, prices 61.00 and 81,75 each. Unlderwear, Men's and Youth's floecelined underwoar, very fine quality, well finished garnients, per garment 35e and 50c. Women's, Misses and Children's under. wear, Our' assormment of sizes and qualities, will give yen ample oppertunity te soleet tist what yen need au reasenable prices, Children's Coatse Children's bear cloth ceats in assorted- sizos, coloraecream, cardinal -and striped offects. Good values. Moirette Pettîcoatse Ladies' Petticoats e! fine quality moirelle, imported models, deep fleunces with accordion pleating anmd tucking, good full sizes a3ssrted lengths. special prie $1.50 each. Fors$ We sel enly dependable Fars. Yen can select from our stock whatever yen want with confidence. Corne and look through cu.r assortment before purchasing e7sewhere, McMurtry &CoLmtd J BE3V AN I Lm ïed. Best Place 111 Canada. for superior Busiaegs and Shorthand Eda- cation is the progressive ~~~IO,,~ Toronto, Ont.' Graduates of tbis coilege readfly obtain choice positions. Thoe- demand for our graauates le fully five times the susppy. Winter term opens Jan, 3rd. New Gata- logue free. Cor. Yonge and Alexander Bts. W. J. Elllott, Principal C. P. . Steamers. Atlantic Service. From 'Fromi Moe)treal Liverpool Nov. 20 LakeeBrie Nov, s From St. John, N. B. Froni (West st. John.) Liverpool Nov. F6 Steamer Nov. 12 Dec'.1 S Empresa o! Britain Nov. 19 Dec. il Laie Manitoba Nov. 24 l2ee. 17 Steamer Dec 3 Dec 24 Steamer Dec'10 Dec. Stte Cr lca hartemeri) Dec 17 Jan: 7 Semer Dec, 24 Extra Steamýer fmom West St. John to Lon. don, Dec. 8, 'Montrosge" carryling second raiin passeIIgers oniy, rate $4250 Third elass rate on "Empresses" medoceti te 5257 at n "Laite" 'emrs, 57.0 Liverpool ' or Loadoii, To book or for further informîation ne. gerding Our steamnersý appiy to, the ert , > R. agent or . J. -sharp, 71 Vonge street Toot.BOWMANVILLIE 4ÂGENr8s.j TORONTO EASTERN 1white star-Domillion RAIL WAY ROYAL MAIL STEAMSaIP8 OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that applca- Montreal, Quebec, Liverpool. N Canada at its nexi Session for an Act tu- atc...........Nv1 corpoatng a Company under the name of the Largest and most modern steamers on St. Law- -powers ta consitrut and operate a lRne of rail- builders' art; passengers elevator gerving fu wayfrm apont m ieCt fToronto,_ mn- decks .Every detail of comfort ad hUof "Ylng astsmi trorugthe ofea i on fpresent day travei wii be founti on tiiese Whitbhy, Osb'awati wand ieto Cobourg steamers. wlth branches thaermo as foi1ows:- Moderato Rate Service. A, From a point lu or near Cobsourg t0 Peter- (ait eodCas borough.,cle eodCas B.ýFrom a eint in.Scarbomo Township ta To Liverpool $45,00, To London $47.50, Markham, Stoofvile or Uxbridge, Dominion From Montreal Nov 20 C. From a point in or near Oshawa Northemly Canada From Portlandi Dec. 4 via the Eastern sitie of Lakee suegogto Lindsay Dominion From Portltandt- Dec. 25 D. Fmcm a point in or near Oshawa Soulberiy Thirti Oiasb carmieti on all steamers. Al de in n tie wmfont ofLthe Ce aro. See plans anti rates at focal agents, or Ais deialngtie wrksoftis Cmpany to Company'le offices, hbe for tise genemal advantages o! Canada, andi authoniziugamigamation witis other Campa- Fralifrainapyt nies witis oîier nsaa anti cnstomamy powers, M. A. JAMES, Agrent. î ~L. K. Murton 1n 0 tise Town of Oshawa, Solicitor for antid _____________________ sigîsing on bebaif of tise applicants, Oshawa, Ct.Izuti, 1909, 43-5w__ California, Mexico, Florida, The Land of 'Flowers, Fruit and Suiishine. Excellent service via, Chicag',o. Low Touirist Rates. 'For faî xormation se JURY OP. & T. Agents, tLOVELL, Allan Line Royal Mail steamers CHIRISTMAS SAILINGS. St. John Halifax Vlrginian Nov. 26 Niv. -,7 Grampian DeC, 4 Vietorian Dec. 10 Dec. Il Hesiperiani Dec. 17 Dec . 18 1BOSTON TO GLASGOWA Pretorian Dec..10 5sa, im. Numidian Dec, 24 a.m lonfan .Jan: 7 7 a*.1m. SAILINGS to HAVRE ar)d LON DON a îri ntha ec. 15 Dec. 17 Sardnia Dec 59De<!. 51 Rates of Passigees Accordiug to Steamuer. isICias. .$0.c.,..So 0.. , ad pwardg, ..d ..... . .- $4,0 .57 0 an e 50,00 For particuisrs of s allngs and, ratesq ask M. A. Jamnes, --2"ýA]lanLino Ageant, Bowmanývllie lot Il ~ Il The wn ýlz! 11ev. S. Jollîffe of Wisconsin gave a short address at the Methodiet prayer meeting Tburaday evening. , Be bas been 31 years in the miinistry of the Biblei Christian and Mehi odiet Episcopai churches, aIl of whicb have been spent in the United States wihhl the oxaption aI one year spent la Lindsay. fie la a younger brother of 1ev. Pahber Win. Jalliffe wbe la one of the oldest, and meet esteed ministors in this Con ference. Pasior Garbutt said In luIre- ducing the vliting brother that this cburch had wbat possibly nu othor cburch couid say-tbree ministers as- sociated witb 1h now Ibat had apent their boyhood days or early dans of their ministry in association with the work cf Mehhodism in tIs vicinity- 11ev WM Jolliffe, 11ev. T1' . WJeliffe and 11ev. W. C. Washington. CASTOR A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have AIways Hought Bears the sigatuve O- ,lui j 1 1 ý î--

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