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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Nov 1909, p. 5

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~42a. iLocal 'and Persoinal. .&.1n , i I a .,C~ .~3 '~ $ .....s.. REMEMBE~R THE DATE 0P THE Bowmanvîlle F15-! -FLSH# FISU. lection we have ever shown, ENGLISI'ICIIURCII ed- ition. Ail styles of binding. k WcTaALLEN Big 20. Bookstore 901M TO ENGLAND? M, A, James. Steamship Ticket Agent, represents ail leading Canadian Atlan. 9 cean Littes anld will be pieased te pas)eners ln best available ac. comamodation De bas been over 20 years ln, teamship booklng business and knows the best steamers. Cali or irrite from any part of Canada for rates. M. A. JaMas, Bowmanville,, Ont. JEFFERY'S $15 SUITS. Hlave you iseen the elegant, Importe d Fal 1 Snitings joseph jeffrey & Son are sraklnz'up taorder for 815? They are styiish _goods - worsted and tweeds - and wlli be made up equal to' the best. First elLssworkmanship is a weil known feture of Star House suits. Young men, middle-aged and oider are Invited te caii and seeC hose popular $15 Fali sute. Yeu never saw better bargains for this price, quzlity and work consid- ered. Cail as early as possible as there wlilibeoa rash for thesa suits at this price Special tê, Farmers 1LJJAN & 00,j LINITED,, BOW MNIVILLE, WANT YOUR GRAIN AND -JBD. DON']' FORGET that we are stli pa~yiug highest prices for ail kinds of gvalu and@eeds. SMcGlellan & Co., Ltd. ~o~n 15 ~ BOWMf.i, VILLE weekic foibs home ln Cornwall, Enz.- Hie sailed from Montreal by the 1'Corai- can" of the Alian Line, bcbng booked by> M-A James, Allan Line Agent. 'Thbe engagement Is announced of *Aiss 'E"thel Spencer' ongs daughter of Mirs. R. Spencer, Newcastle, and Mr. Ernest Brown, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Brown, Bowmanville, the tËarrlage-ttvakeplace at Bt.,George's- {Angjan) church, Newcastle, Dec lst. MRr. Cecil -Hitcbmaa who bas eagaged- durlng the summner with Mr, Charle 'Heal, contractor, lef t Tbursday for Montreal to sailibv the White Star Dominion -'Megantlc," ta visit Mis moth- er and other relatives lu Berkshire, Engiand. May he have a pleasant voyage and safe raturu lHe was book- cd by M. A. James, Dominion Line Agent, --Mrs Geo, H-ernfngton, Edville, hKd- a very pleasant time la Bowmnanville late- ly with the many former citizens of this section now living in that place, lnclud- lng the, famlly of Mr. llenry Farrow, wbo is about to leave bis farm to live in town, and Mr. A. T. Walker and his fatiier, Wm. Walker, who Is stili. quite smant. now lu thse Oth ycar cf his age. - Coiborne Express. -TO- By the Ladies' Aid of Bowmainville Presbyterian Chnrch on By Local Train Leaving. Time. Fai-e, Whitby Jct. a 8.23 a.m. $1.10 Oshawa Jet,. 8.09 $1.10 Darlington a 7.53 "$1.15 Bowmanviile a 743 "$1.20~ Newcastle a 7.31 " 1'.30 Newtonville 7là 1.60 Port Ilîope o 6.59 *1 Cobourg = 6.43 " 1.90 GIraf ton - 6.25 " 2.05 Coiborne 6.15 - 2.05 uiChidreni over 5 and under 12 haîf are. Tickets good going only -on local train, valid returning fromn Newtonviile and east following day. Sec bills atdal Pot mccs. accompanied by Mra. Hopkins, Mrs. Tremeer and Mr. Fred Hopklnsi Lind- say, motored to Bowmanville and visited Mr and. Mrs. F. A. Foster, 'Norwood Place. Ontario Association Football Execu- live met Saturdav and gave flavelock the option of playing off at Havelock, Litle York, each to pay ils own ex- penses, utensils, tin, brasa, copper, granit~ ware, bot water bags, etc No solde, cement or rivet. Compiete packsge assorted sizes, 25c postpaid. AL Nicholîs, agent, Regular meeting of Bowmanvîde Women's Institute wili be held o~ Eaturdýay Nov 27 at 3 p m at the resI-ýI dence ofMrs W W Allin, Post Office Building. -Eveny inember-specia1ly ne-' questedto attend and respond to theý roll call. Whitbv Collegiate Institute football. team played thse return game here with thse High Sehool boss Monday after- noon The home team won in easv style by a score of 3-0. W Redman, E Etlîott and Lamne Sanders each sconed a goal. Dr Elmo W Sisson gave antire satisfaction as neferee. A Iter the game the local team entetained their visitors at Mr T Tod'se. EXCURSION-lSt 1'auï'd Ladies' Aid are usually favored with fine weatiser and success at their excursion. Thursday Nov 25 is the date by Local train. Tickets Newcastle and west are for anc day, Newtonville and east for tira days. Children under 12 halï lare' Buy tick- ets at Jury & Lovehi's or G T R station. Ouly Si 20) fnom Bowman ville, Si 15 from Dalington and Si 10 from Oshawa and Whitby., The ladies or St Johsn'sechurcli will boid their annal Dinner and Sale in the Echoolroom on FrIday Nov 19th. Home made candy and ,emali articles suitable for Xrnaa gif ts- wiil be sold, Musical selectiona mili be nendercd on the grand niew organ duringtse eaven- ing by the different organists of Ibe town assisted by Mrs J C Rodge. of Toronto,, and M4r A E MeLaug-hlin, The many friends of Mn. Rd. Maoyse and sous exp rae sdeupeat 5j in:patùy J wltb thcm la the losa bv deatisol mUe1 and mother on Saturdav afteaneon. Mrs. Moyf e has beau ili for a long time and ber suffeings have been veny great. Thse funenal took place private- !y Tuesday alternoin from the family residenace, King Et, ta the cenietery, service belng condncted by ber pastor, Ler. Hugh Munroe, B. A. Deceased leaves to mouriu ber Ibas a husband and ùwo Eans5 Norian and LHerbjent Maise.1 Lberty Street, Weduesday eveninZ and gave her a pîcasant Lurpnisa prev- fous ta her leaving' town to tate a caiurse at Remngton Business College, Tor- onto. Miss Belle Murdoif read an ad- dress and Mr. Ffrank Williams pnesented a manicure set on behaîf of tbc com- panv. Refreshments wene served, and the remainder of thse evening spent ntlylu usi, gmes, etc. liaadents hereabouts feel that thc ýKing's bouuty " or- some- other- -royal- recognition, le due ta. Mr. and &lns, flerbert Ilenry Diiling of this place. Thirteen years ago, on Dac 28, they mere mannied, and on Tuesday 0f IbIs week, thse King's bithday, they, were blcssed wîh îhdr sIxth cblld. ITbe othbers are named Lloyd, Ray, Forest, Nina andFeru. Ray was bonuon May 114, the Queeu's bidthcla ,- -cIxqrlngbv late mjestyý8 lifetime. Éorest was one of Tise--Tor-onto -WorIà's-Lca p- y ar- bkables of 1994 Fern mas bora on Nov 'Photos-No Xmas present of double thse value wili give bal! the pleasune 10 a distant friend than a recent photo of yoiirself will give. Haye, tise Bowmanville artist. has beeu tunning ont some veny life-Ilke pîctures. Dres Up in your best Sunday suit and go to tiseHays Gallery lu James Block and sit for a dozen cabinet photos, A fcw dollars s0 spent will give joy ta more persons than lu any othen way. Figure it out-12 persons made happy at about 25 cents eacb. Thse sooner 3 ou ait for tbein now the auner y ou are ta get thora before tbe holiday ruîh, Alq INSPIRIeG PIOTURE, The beautiful pictune. "The SOUl's Awakelng," now biag distributed amangst subseribers 10 the "Family1 Herald ani Weekly Star," of Montreal, wios the admiration of ail who sec il t Ie so vaetly supenior and differenit ta tise ondinary premium picture- that a -nc wonders how tise publîshers o! that great wceklv paper eau afford to iv il free with a year'e subscriptian. «'The Souis Awakening" le 19 bv 2-1 luches, alrcady for framlng and fItet ccups-a place on bhe malle of any h'OMe lu bbcDominion, Any home posseseiag' a copy wili bc much thse betten of il. A dollar sent nom forayerssbcpto ta "The Famliy Herald and Weekly Star," of Montreal, miii briug you a copy o! thse pîctÜne frce DG net malt unitilthbccrowd ahaadoafyenis too big, Tiere lean enlormous demand, audI delay may mean nisieg is great treat, Churcli-st, Bewmanville. 4-fr TTXOUSE PARLOR MAID WANTED .A.A at once. ADply MRs, J. W. ALEXANDER, "The Evergreeus," Bownvillie, 45-tf G OD SECOND-HAND BUGGY fadr sale, cheap. Apply to Wu. EDGsa, Bow- manville. 41 tf -W ANTED-Kgr o Aerlhus work. Apply ta Mas. E. C. SourITEY, Silver St., Bowmanville, 44tf -.1 0 W -ESTPRAYOn {Jct -M cane iiniot- f. ;s 21 con. 7, Cartwright, one large white sow. L, 0. TAYLOR, CadMUs, 44-3w* C: W FOR SALE --Good cow giviug mblk te reeew je Mareh. Would exebange for hay. R UIIIP$, Liberty-st, Bowtwan ville.4,-W M/ONEY TO LOAN-at 5 and 5ý pmr 1Âcent on mortgage security. Private funds Apply ta R R, Losoosnn, Barrister, Bowman-r ville, 39-tf iL il O0US4 TO LET-The dwelling and r -1-Lpretuisée situnated an Concession-st, in theV Town of Bo-wmanvtlle. aipresent la the occu- C pation of Mr. John . Morerait, Apply tu W.M M. aoRsEY, Bowmanvllle. 44 ti MT EIFER STRAYED-Froin Lot 11, ..Lon. 2 Darlington a two year aid heifer, llght red wth saine white spots, punched hple in each sar, mtail uprlgbt horns. Information L leading to recovery rewarded, F. L. SQuàal. Bowmanvslle 46-2w* 'T EAC]âER WANTED for S. S. No. Il .JLDarlington, [Eampton Scitool] junior de parim ent. Applications stating qualifications reeeîved up ta Dec. 1. Duties to commence at beginning of new year. Geo. Wflhte, Sec'y- Treas,, EHampton. il, 0. 45 8w F OR BSALE-The bouse, stables, and lot .Vowned by the late Dr. -Voung. being lot 4a, bleks V, Centre-st, (opposite Drill Shoed,) Bowmanville, also tihe registered Clvdesdale horse, The MacIntosb. App ly A. E. MeLAuui- LIN, Bowmanyile, sçlieitor for Executors. 39-tfL 'T EACHER WANTED for S. S. No. 6 r -IL lalington, (Maple Grave Sehoal) i.1 miles L west of l0inanville. First elass Certificate r preferred Caties ta beqin wth the New YearL Apply stating salary and experience ap ta Nov. r 23, ta TRumAIt PawiE Sec' yTesBox 172,V Bown anvîll.4 5-3w ARM TO ZEN V-126 acrees belog F12lots 3 and 4,broken front,Darllnigton, hoavy Clay lanu. 'Goad buildings. Stone stablil g unsler haro, 3 weiis on farta. Noue but higu1. clas8 tenante need apply, Apply'to Mrs. Jas, : MÂCCONNACHI PK!1ng stiBOWManVille. 41 tf HELP W ANTE capatteof bardling Érsesrioeverylacality as Canada-onsalary or onistis$So a re adexesesrtharacenat itroduol. adadMr NoepRca ee'od Mety u oo or e ya Ago lITOUSE AND LAN D FOR SALE - [ A.A.Frame bouse, stable and dr'v'og sbed wilh eleven and ane-haîf acres afii gaod land,. Good orehgrdwilh abut ifty fruit trees bear,- We are now sI of!the Celel and Ski Which we consi( ïn style and cjual before buyjing. Our stock of1 ini greater varietý than -anythîng wE dres, ,goods they Great Fli 3600 yds Fli price 10e a yd. Bowmanville. SThis week wt' inated Comforterk the bes-t comfoite Our general goods is now ful -We kindly invite Genfi Our f arnishI everything that L, men's use, & ~$ext Ddav ta ,howing, a complete range brated Northway Coats rts for Ladies andia lity. We ask your inspection high-class dress materials are y, more stylish and up-to-date le have before shown. See our are-& revelati-on. - annelette Bargains t ,nnelette, reg-. Value i2ýc, sale ! Best value> ever offered -in e, are showing theMaish Lum. s and Pi]lows, coneieded to be rs in the trade to-day, stock of staple and fancy dry i I., and complete in every, detail, . your inspection.c s! furnishings. iing departiment comprises s:new."and desirable for genteq. Standard 1ah L .w~~jI .8.44 a.m j .10.18 .s.siv~~. I -, B M,&NVILLE. NOV. 18,1909 v;v1w, 1, OW

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