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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Nov 1909, p. 7

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I - rmumaons tiu C'y ar-,T tatn--wii---e-never- SCOTTS is thick like, a ut, dYn but thu SICOTri & ION O~ te v r, r, e0111c ~ Uatve 0~310 easily has ne foundation wbater or -Youtb's Companion. to 4e knadfryotheti ailments not alay danger. (11 ît n-i -'o i)c nrric Iu violent ccogiuîng or straiîgling Salve(i heD.&L.),mliichcomes on the muscles cf the throat con- r -- --)e. ton dnops ci, a tapoflc corin broi i'the lbotie dowu trie l-utxAaz iriygo cac engineering, for the brïidge is an ingeîcusnombnatin ofcant-eve ~1 MANAC FOR- 1910. Bile hintens the, passage of tie food niai if e is soeconstructed tirat bon- along the alimentary canal. ,,-dreds-c-,voiung mn -andwoe txÀc tekis meonce." uoî-cm-îiueeI-esucrsnr-truenr_~g~e.------------------------------ li r-ict-oter i-Me l ag. , ir-dtn dtukn--on--ve end niaintains u regiar aud healtirful , Ciscor o oic xoinan m'ho wiii be process of digestion auid cf eimination more iniserabie stili1 for bis sake. ~speiriiayea bckou skuurn IBut te have a regular flov cf bile ýthe eininals nmustfiîud aktwife. and mcteorologyi the only onmeemo- ilv h ns p hpalthy and acltive 'n re i ssi n o 4td.XIg tb0 rigi~-~-Ifiks---W-a-'{and just -ei-w-eeD.A .Ca~~'n hnali adaddu âj"';-. - 1 1 - -- -- a-n--.- - - y f--l.- - - -- - - - - - - î grna and foee3 the muscles of th 1.~~- - - -k~j -rn ha.ite+o ,DecifS_ a I-ac j, ±pr e ît. the forno-----navao ca ele ~0-.' -~ - .. .. -oe~mu.-- ~t. 4 îaur. nc-. cm: îu~ -rnztw. ~. ~ - - 4 - tbroat -rtýiý id w1brelte s5k:mii s broken, wial t lle w fud iuoiti vt lc boil,l usinga bslrc en ic FORTv tWokand WnsteRe.Ii genune "iekeForecasýts" ar ne tlrm eiyin isowu ubications. Iti luyb ettliug &thre ]iverigr tht ntat tio caxeVer is ou-iy vby skgtielirheaý'lthiy th t bi]iousness and blos ikhaaie san e toroglrl ovrcore.It is ol hy iki ng tire iver activ-e llat thýe ot diflficult cases of indigesti0on and dy(pVp publ a dlose, 25 ets. a box, at al C eail ers, or EmasoBates '& C. T îiro mnxe~tnanabîey m&y-,---rn--manr-y- - cases, be fan tcss se, than tire smog ly mespedabbe, higbly-respecied tbing cf petty vices Ihat 50 obteri a rvoman must eau husbauid. We are, cf course, noir a day-s, mrrny- et us, fan toc semîtiuiîcntri lx rocl:u cd torvard the scoirîdrel. - Wbile fuIR belie-v-in~-- iii n ',î~e I and tir-or justice, tlc î±C ?x~i4y ,t punisbment and its uselulness, it o,:i.~ on the stomach of a sick person the ORONO. juice of an orange squeezed over' U N L âFf a lite chopped ice has proved won- (Fiom The News.) B id U aoIvIIl'IERaIE Â.NB aHkRAaTIJIL d~~~ýerful in its effeet. In extreme cas- M~MAlsevstdtr e B id U e e v o __________________es strain the juice. It is nourish-S. , Wn'. Now, while your earni«gpower is goocL why not coivr ar fi .n.-addition to the quieting cf- M-rStinson sMilrwshm e into a Cash Resere that w9l, Iaier oex, yield a coznpetencefradgc feet it has on the rnt. Yeu cari easily do it by re-gularly depositing a pr fyu iew Standards Are Eutering Into 'noei Mr. John Glanville has, typhoid If Businûess and Commercial Lite H EIIJAPPENED TO' SEE AN AD.fernaWstnhopai Mr.Free Hoskin, Toronto, iec- Fr D. D.D., Got a Trial Bottle,11W en-Jcitly visited bier mother. RTMD E 1 i ~Mr John Gilfillan bas, joined,,the "erfolloxv that which is goodl.' of havîng a share in, the world 's and is ('ured ,of Eczecma. erhnrsite ut cnry -1. Thiess., v. 15. work, this it is that redeems oxýr de utrsi he s noddaonr. bL 173 A? 1 A Aost ailhotkaut the factories and milis and mae f 2 iess. rs. J. E.;Rchadsanddagh-AJriiït"zA maltter at al',are agreed that relig- our commerce a school of charact,-r, Toronto, June 20, 1909. teMssOiesîty.e v cki ioný ought to ex i tself through this steadily sets the work and the D. D. D. CompI-any, UL B OLte, is Oiey.ette eki One Dollar and cpwards opens an, accouat, and wthsteae Hoar'SGiianihaîe saving and Compound Interest, the fund wiII rapidly cuuae ai1 ones lifeiad thiat àt is a mat- worker before xages or profits or Dear Sirs,- 72adMüilad hre 1 e for 1the da(s;of work as ;w'el1 a S any other resuýits sýave the servxe'd I1 asa sufferer fr of household work is takeu Carleton have gonie to INew Liske- Begin to-day. for theIdayv ofî rest,1ut edffl.iul- rendered. aot w easwihczeaonte a.>'when Suul&glht Soap is ard, New Ontario. Maaer t.y us~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~uali to Ce just prec.iýsely Wben the lighit of this ideal is in legs and aukies. I tried three or. bogtIt h oe ess oetad GereB 'vn n il rn h .N cILN how elii a",octo i h af- a man' s heart, ho finds ail living to four different doctors and none of For thoroughily '-1-nsing IWannan have arrived bhorne from : W.J.W IE fRirsý ofeJ r day hife, in btusiness, be a course in character formation. tbem did meany good. I thon wenti fors Bl1x .wls h Wsen a-etfels Atzg (xkgr and sca living. lie. becomes quick, keen in his per- to a skin specialist and hoe was no -and w oodwork, Sunflighit Miss Flora Cobbledick bias re- Branches also at Newcastle, i4ewtonmvieO no Thiat the services of thoeburcb ceptions to judgo the moral and botter. lis thé most economîical b-oth 'turned borne from a Iengtby visit Oshawa, 'Whitlby amd, Br0oklin, aerigosacts is evident. Or spiritual values of experiences. The I was reading the "'Sunday In time and money. Mr. Wlviam Tornson.een at leat tbey are designed as- suen. te'mptation to dofraud, for example, Worid" and I happened to sec your had ailamof buckwoat carried Fu o an you make bke- is ee not only iu the iight of its ad.I arn very thankful that I did. 1nada_____of_____________________ Mng, se-lling goods, trading stocks, profits and possible punishmonts, 1 sent for a -sample bottie and it away fnorn bis barn. brcs,'a tos1 u n h igto isfuiaeindôme so much good 1 sent for aOBURT Mrs. James Bell, a former hos- hîdn ouses, caring bornoes, i w sontadl t effects on the $1.00 bottie, alo cake of soap tess of the North Amrincan hotel àOZ dl tat mkes p the life of busi-I lives of others. That is ail I ulsed and I arn perfect- Josephi Iambly, Napanee, Brother here, is now living in Toronto. Io aîun14 lcet ne an ai tat constitutes ourý This is an age when new sanld- ly well, and 1 don't think it will of ~lrs. Grae Bayworth, Boanine (from Canadian Bear b eihflyoiia soillvnbwcnthese becorno ards are entering into our business returu. 'I have advised several Bowintaiville. grease) applied to tlhe roots of the b eihf reliieu acs ~and commercial life, wben we are otliers to use it and the rosuits have har ep t lsyadprvnsIntrst partakeolh Teans'wor is realiy sinîp1;by imeu suring our efficiency' not oniy bY been the saine." M.Jsp aby u fteisfligot 0.ajr oriental in sim ay puttïing iIto thiem the saine quali the product in goods anîd (Signed) I. W. COliNS. oldest anîd most higbly nespected Mr. J. W. Hoîrnes, an old Man-R tis bib ake 'religious the Éer- R RFT NDLAS The results are the sarne in every nesidents of Notvrdrikbriers boy residing at Biackstock, was -RN ORWN thein specal characer to the-D. D. D. Prescription in- died at bis nesidenceý, ouinünrth iitevlaeFia.T eer-ýcden bich ke a ch ydc osccya hi.l te eaadai id fsi iess ots r abywshm in telaedik)oso dpaces) icO acie mon.Si îng a hyu, r oud liut fesrinhbusiness. Do.atoc.ftbters c i ahe'tahey N b'tf T ilchr -shrfoiplBa, aiiage eto lsercrnnne y<aefryu an old garmenthea anthatlisvthathe i anexresonofhe's rerciaiMarairsviThebanking buse y waiin ale ? shah ho er e b tand heactdrbecoaille oftero e- Presitin write t theur.sD. P. y bis utiningeindfstny o hand 8, teeordy, f o tfos,-luisy,ob spein lwaotanweoeW aeauea 6 serc1ad ndaorLaorteyDpaImstB.S. 3 urd cîneenyan ntuaIy&c MdebyDîi &Larec ideis.~ ic aw s igoeu, btabcase O er alebai druggskn dsss . ronst, but ia net s -1-e. lst ev. 11. V. ounte1rCacnins- sol' apnaie ftr h ur rfit thtIis orthwahil, ne MPLO ERS wyn ttyEandad ne en crnaraivey i eaoif89:cf theul A ,iio ed SERitO Ohdasecp sw e haatn aPiatrpi n ' let Sthrdy. Mn.Hi arnlfafnOri owa mridrcntyr Y N and godosulesboemn uIan oncecebfoaayntedhnstadupih mnan pl Srcse .Y. edaongld thaiosio tand iethisel at is uies bnecFo ae b-prneu rée au, f or mon, D .t.henlicas cfoneed-2Deeasd was g nu-,emlecnrnthedb The , is-rucreigion infbusnes best thoughirý,.ts ,an siain,1Wre' okBradnng' edteofc fedri sscion bas rontcd thea.ilett) r ni! pas ton ronnwi oths a ecaeD.D. .Basu i _____________s-fo ýtipIe",pl1Jis an e nice, thefaoryh, a wnevr ho ,r ese s te e goemu- heasoiaty eCant S. 5oro-3Icurcb, anotil l a:atey ue-lI store for a stock neomoita nw onli ehae idels N asiainwec i ce lis entbusiasrn in dbaiiy Jorav scu*red nlage pomse ati c Dvi MutolSavealng Sit& ur Rs iaInigraorbnnghin itinneofc te'a( citor e tskmstrs n t thir udstrwihou th dscod c bae fficiey aitduont. Bthb re tn, Wiiam u aso otthbew cfsnainsVhumu cr Cann riseng- Mksfai rwlu bssmeîe'(wywt hmta Tii Michigani aud euesb t re osisterelie Mrs.her Ray1- cnt.AUjâderan reone roptape s on. bcco ucbeinga prmaeThepin sameffeeimagination4rk eto, pwbicb basLskar srnievi lst irdbse îit ijntelSfUs11esr mises andan antbern te ans undetrthe eue mfn the ids :sico a beter tday, wbestor Mofmay bain w te pyhiytheree, o it tOeRStOF la ube-r.cfnthe osc akiuehubadinathr h CebofrgCctheary iSiary ni, enrae andflles flvigexetbrw aOer.Tesfeaylevic l-e wn rogtcofcr ivtdt fyu ani tinn u rd-c denue ie ipra ru ke ot er hie rchr nd fo t ancf c re riinatby s p w n t ok e -aiy e w n, 0 e h m b c. M . M co î , c t adspotiapplars.PH ON 58 . io ivo nlseairnand worst h motes tatsnbusnnoide fr hen mcc y a ared eety Syirese N.ia.ny, se te cf bumî~.iugcf a ligt uithinth , condratcomnce ad ti1 b titinyoroc ontpoyer uc he isevice. egherbIngûhaetdcis amt hne o--we e aebi erk aemrasc osdmbeprino ibruito1'eýup,1 a exnchaaen and rligic. i e -eioyesote ree. '1' gan a adhepfl n d So. cKnz, nowllriee o.tLhishoe 5cfWANIL onsuesa cf he gneatncs and glu JIiî\eRYliF. COPFbu 1 ucercureFrmn n te cs fn HOW'S THIs? to a1 w nshîp, v ilg bongrtlite Rc o hnfliî bi h otbsblngns nee eet ~ rtscif, aird t -pm rm e s pek f mi metfor the "aged" ad w r fan- cseoeCaarh ha i te tbcncsson in ag. t s om oude o ci nge i hrdy one ha to o TI,, stteIbuSia som e e oiIin s a k, cflasfoyr.tionsphsicahl deftive" ass, who edannelte oficeof(y Hall 'u atarnse.tonh reLeanhebansten llentifepicpe n unse eîn ako nedi rulo dntef oyadwee,(,ýberfi,-ýt)b oente serre te sympartyc-f ailoro-chure, mkeautdheueedtfolth û.N. he ainmoo a nunistetrtatfearngaeasytoctkdepn dnts l ve r is f o a n f n o b e n t h e yd s t F .d e J.o fC h e N E Y & 0 0 .,T o lc ! W h R . f or il t bo ts ith e io u n igy t fa M E S H I R a ets q i c l u d p o p l d c u - I " o n o ce n te c m n ri s sucvsino helf f ý,hs Idnnmfgnth etta up-e d n nta snepoeta J)ossible by the sandptingrThseitstliv, cades anwdad bele1e c m prohn-latno ai'MnhlSleaog unl h c Mausirtoy r neivie is nthaion, n il oithashouid ha elaraned te mitinNrably al usiess asctobos Danslintn. rites ail tryheaaitalnuisharme nt h abncwife. -y;-,-ve3osefb uri, eoiaspidtyoid eerhwehum obemseves ilnîliabeate cary eut any Fr-novirn, e nigtiug tenie, ar ro i ba sm,,ms P 1e atliMtivche fr WiIai h oqiebl c n bigainsadonbeis rMr. 25cntis Bdthaos sreghe- îruu o etaobîrrot ____ ____ il1 s matr or t hi ut b igb ody ten e natmo tfatse kîud, i îîly caed o nkî n ca oh b re- L IG IN A A VI, igb d n te l a b ruInca, Pnsa aei od b tt terually, acdibgsdirecty upon the gir os streut, and vitsiity te the anish dandroif, stop laling bainthee'neVeaetabe Puis are tire nesuit L u d i x- e t s d g e s e i e a - e h g e h te m era u n , - n - ap e m nen t B uri ea sfoa mn)o tb b o d nbc u urfadesgoS the w h i J .ody .au d elusta nd o g h pr oca c . T hIs in-i hody a e ab, t e a n a n at a c ore av ra le is thec ur e cf thfIaurt e cm ns oruP ic 7 c pe ettie. Sfold by a ilt e ige tio r on. d h usa id B assinri- gv s t w m ns ban a l st ac tion cf sobias e ai es a d i stv îT figreauost eutrelywthout disen ase î er ofro ny et wrý e Ss.dugits atonc te onad ee $t.0anerdanelharsgoseasintatve oith dgstveapoafs regad tetiretenîematre o thei ' f Breau in he srne uildng and rTak . h'eïlals aiyPusfrCf pce boeatdugIt.f ying and auss-ti te gnout gaund- ofTe nstire copondes a our ouudhin ats peevi ngy p r oe- ctcipate i ve ea n d iest te > rodal-e a n dt ef ot w ho made I ' gtee se atipation. ant ly e ih at ss h au !te lee gvernseleeva ad oticu cf tien- hat uch i roiedr hmi ., ,re rmin f h at rs ob- .. . iNpae, i rstr w yp, otheha. cv y- il(. ut, the - r -nsii- frlitarge iI+ uharacter-and li-. noe %au k*ý , ... . .. ý ,, 1 1 -1- 1 'M'pre pmiufil"M -7,7171 't'or â.,A ý 4-ký-;-- -1- ýL-- -.111.1-4- -ýttpr ilv wlqv nf lo Sig- i ý++-- i ---- T'heu nâr.- lilri- , ýel- 1 - 1

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