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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Nov 1909, p. 8

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Saturday, -Nov. 20, 1909. NIefIOLL'S = Grand learing Sale eof Granite and Tinware. To make'reeni for the Christmas Opening. 72 oulygrnt Sauce Pans, reg 25 c, sale price ..................15eý 72 olygant Ketties, reg. 25c, sale prie ......................1j5e 12 enly Covered Reast Pans, reg. $1.00, sale prices................ 50e 72 only 9 inch granite Pie Plates, sale pries....................... 50 72 only 10 inch granite Pie Plates, sale price ................ 2 for 15C >86 only granite Water Pails, reg. 50e, sale price................... 250 36 only Jardineres, reg. 25e to 40o te elear ....................... 150 1 quart Tin Dippers ,........................................ 50 36 Gnly Fleur Sifters......................................... loc 24 oly Colanders, tin and granite,..................... ...... 15 19 only Buteher Knives, reg. 25e, sale pries......................10ec Chair Seats, any size ........................................ 100 72 White Enamuel Ourtain P0le0.......................... 100 Wire Ooat Hangers ..................................... 50 Ribbons fer faney -work, sale price .................... 7 yards f or e Sewing Machine 011......................................... 5e 730 Pins .......................................... 5e 36 only Black Knight Steve Polish, sale prices.................... 50 Cotton Batting, reg. 15o roll, sale pries..........3 for 260 9 only Ladies' Sateen Underskirts, reg 1.00, ale p*ri*es......... 75o See the window display to-day. Remember the date, Nov. 2,,0th. This is a genuine earing sale se cerne early and get your share. During this sale we cannot aeeept due bis.- Bring this list with yeu, You wil1 be surprised at the load of geods you can get for a DOLLAR. ........... LAST CHrANCE f TUiE MEN'S OUTUITTINO New Overcoats arrlving ~Ç1~J New Overcoats arrlvlng Dally A j aïly 74NFIELD Recent visitore:- Mr Siegel and Misa Pearl Hurîbut, oshu.wa, wlth Irlende; Messrs James and Elmer Bsckel, Tor- onto, at borne Mr and DMita-Thes H ail, Brooklln. at Mr W Avery's ...Mr John Campbell Ils imprcvlng hie bouse and outhuldings ...Quite a number from bore bave secured steady epleiy. ment wlth the C N R..Mr George Ormiston bas purchasod the prcperty f ormorly owned by Mr L Beattoire oss cf the village ...Mr J S Ashton bas purcbaeed a new driver,..Mrs John Beekel and f amliy have the sympatby of the communlty lu their sudden, and bereavement. A RELIABLE MEDI INE FOR ALI CHILDREN Baby 'e Own Tableis are absolutely safe. This medicine Is as gocd for te new born babs as the well grcwn ehild. It centaine ne eplats or poisonous stuiff. The mother who gives this medicîne te ber cbild bas the guarantee cf a gev. ernment analysi ihut these statements are true. This le wortb somethlnîg 10 every mother for BabvY's Own Tablets le the only modicine that le sold under sucli a guarantee. The Tablets cure such aliments as indigestion, colle, con- stipation, diarrhoea, and teotblng troubles, destroy worms, break up celds and thus prevent deadly croup. Sold bv medicîne dealers or by mail at -25 cents a box from Tbe Dr. Willilams' Medicine Ce, Brookvilll, Ont. HAMPTON. Mr sandMre j Scubblnge,Mordsn,Man, ,lslted Mr Thos Elriott .... Misses Maud and Mary Horn returned from Toronto Saturday.-.. Sînco- it bas -beon- doter. mined that there "Il be a station on he 0 N 9 Soutb of this village property Pit.lonklnz n nnni) oml t b......Mr. à OSHA.WA. Mlrs D Parka is viitlng in the clty. MIre R Pye wae in the clip Saturday. Mr W Grose. Toronto, spent Sunday witb hie parentsý Miss Lottus Richards and Mr J Goyne Sundayed lu Orone. Mise Annie Calvert was home Sunday1 week ut keiokering, Mr Arthur Felt,Barrïe, was guet cf hie mother over Suaday. Mrs Gordon, Pickering, bas moved her bousehold effecte bore, Miller's Grlp Powders Cure. Sold by B. M. Mitclhell & Co. Druggists. MIr J McDowell, Dominion Bank, -Toronto, Sundayed at home. Mr and Mrs G Southweii, Whitby, visltsd friende ln town recently. Mr John Gowan attended the funerul cf the late James Whitton, Newburg. Mrs Benj Cook le ependlng some weeks wlth relatives at Smith'e Falls. Mlrs W Doubt, Port Perry, bas been vlsïing ber sîster, Mrs Rose, Mary St. Mrs Bock and famlly have moved te Toronto and taken a houîe on Harbord St. Mrs 8 Graham and daugbters, Gladys an d Cassie, have gene te the city te reside. Miss Rutb Dewney, Bishop Bethune *College, wae at he: hom! n uWhltby reeentîy. Mr and Mrs W C Cols and children,i Bowmanvllle, Sundayed with her broth-i er, Mr C T Oke. Mr J F McNeil, Pembroe, hue beon In tcwn lu cennection wlth some worki for thé Company. Palatable as cream,-"-The D. & L."1 Emulslon for those suferlng from severe1 coughi and heinorrhages, le used wlth the greatest benefit, MIr M-S We-rr,-79w-if e and littie daugh- ter, T yrone, vislted ber uncle Mr Robt1 McLaughlln Sunday. ('Recei 'ed too late for lat welc) Miss Emmaa Palmer, Toronto, Sun- dayed at home. Misses Minnie and Edna Kerr were lu the cîty rcently. The beet cough medicine wo kncw of Is Allens Lung Balsam. Mr Benj Cook lB visLtieg his danghter, Mrs H Griffu,. Winnipeg. Miss Irone Bray, Enfield, vlslted ber brother George ovor Bunday. Mr Newton Mannlug. S P S, Toronto, was wlth his moither here over Sunday. No one need suiffr the agony of corne with Holloway's Corn Cure ai bard >te remove them -Miss Mamie Adams and Mr Norman Acheson. Toronto, were gusts of ber father Mr A Adams. Miller'e Compound Iren PUIS only 25 cents for 50 doses. Sold by B. M. Mitchell & Co. Druggises The Presbyterian Guiki meeting Monday evenlng was lu charge of the Miesionary Dapt, cf which Mise Holmes is President. As a vermifuge there le ncthilng so petunt as Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator, It caune given to the most delicate child without fear of lu jury te tke consVitution. There are mnany forms of neryous de. billty lu men that yield to the ugeo fg Carter's Irou Plls. Those who are troubled with nervous weakness, nlght eweats, etc , should try them. Mr McFarlane cf Knox College, Tor- ente, gave a splendid addrcss on Mis- sions, being an account of hie Summers, work in Saskatchewan. A piano duet by Mise Dillon and Mr E J Pull and ai piano solo by Mr Pull were aise greatly enjoyed. A large crowd gatbered ai the Bolier Rink-Tlhursday eveünngr to ses the mys- terlous "Fluffy Ruffles." Mr Leo Gray being the first te Identif y ber was We have had such a great ru on cr Overcoats, thai we hiave haeï te repeai our Fail order severai times, Bo great has been the demand for "Coliege Overcoat's", thauthte manufacturors have sold out cf the medium prieed evercoats, but te meet our erders they have sent us a lot cf their higher priced linos te sellat the medium prices ................ ........$12MSOand 810,00 &wGreen, Grey, Stripo, Check, Single, Double Breasted, ail the newst esgns34to 44, $7ý5..8.50..1O0..12.50..15.00..18.0..-20, Black V'elvet Colar Overcoats, Melton, Beaver, Vieuna 46 te, 50 iuches long, well lined and iriined beautifaily tailored. The very best value that can bc hadt any plae in this counry............ 68.00-.1.00-O1250-15,0.. 1800,20,00 Boys' Overcoats, College style, 28 to 33, Grey,Brown, Green, Single or Double bre.~--c ed *... . ... . . e e ......ees e.$5.00-.600-e 6M5 Children's Overcoats. Baster Brown, Teddy Bear and Mocor Ceaie. We are showinig a uine of ihese Overcoats for the littie chaps that will please beili the litile fellows and the mothers. .3lack, Blue, Grey, Brown, plain and mlxed colore .......**.........., -J*s- IJ~lkUUWjIl1j lý _-_,à ,

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