an~bian $1.00 a year in advanee; $1,50 to United States. BOWMÂNVILLE, ONTARIO, TIIURSDAY, NOVEMBEIR 25, 1909. -VOLUMELN,4>MA.AMS&ONPrpetr Tbý qJ mes pr XisteT irty-fivE Huridired iHcm: Wekly CA-NADAS OUTLOOK --m Summnary of Mr. à, Castel-]IlopkiaS' -- luIstructive Address before BOW' ____ manville Canadian Club. , Canaida's oiztlôook se far eas It le based i-4ur ana r fiupon traditionud history le of the CLEVELAND SCIIOOLS SPECIAL CLASSES CONDUOTED) BY THE BoÂssD OF 'EOUCÂTION FORt DEFRO. TIVE Â&Ni)BAOKWÂRD OHILDP.EN D.W. F. Ohapman, B. A., Publie School Inspector for the (Jity of Toron- to, was a member cf the party of educa- tioniats Who visited the Cleveland Schoois on October BOth and visited the TORONTO DURHIAM OLD BOYS, P 'i 5711 MoIInay ening, on invitation cf Mr, ula nd I M IaLL.1'I and Ms W. Crdig, the Durham OId Boys Association Executive Cornmitte -a nd- were entertained at the Prince George Hotel, Toronto. It was the laig-est r' as ' l gathering yet lield in the history of the ChitmS l Executive, and~ thistoo, iný face of a most unpropitious night of wind, ram cof fancy an d use fui articles suitabie