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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Nov 1909, p. 2

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INOTES COANDTSfriends -rl cnlndinthe Bar-' ANricelona p iso ccýIi and sent out luPrf.Fere ' cse teeae fro o is transfer to the miii- nîay ting toconide. W mut ary pisnat Fortress Montjîuch. Y~ thatwe ae deiingThese ltteLrs Lay ý bare the plot as Teda to how he wast enmereedeinithese monîras wih a line of inquisition; that, ex- t o i a niehdi hs ceptng ataoni, Sainyetre monstrous chargesand how lie w as l IA ceping Cwatlia, Spinye t-prevented f rom presentinig oay evi y Cen uinemanameiaicuty ht dence disproving them. A1titogli yo 'dag only ten yar ago this country -,va- oso - S m isaken ta its fouindations by thAe s on izd hat lie xas doonem ùu tdeaY. s ed, yet lis writings dispiay n fear aoie C arter~~~~s spanish inhmumaiiosandatoimetlsritnd namot sr iesý in Cuba and the Philippines, o bitterness, only calm fortitude, ete * e compelling ~~the United States gov-dîdiepanndatismeta whre Littie Lîver Pills, ciernment ta declare war on Spain and ta liberate or annex its colo- the cri injustices of exoludin usth,,y Must Bear 8!gnature Of vdnewt.hi lecu ae nîai possessions. That the "mod- eiec ih hw eeuliae j ~ cru school," the first institution of refuted the charges agaiust him. ori, which was opened at Barcelona in____ FasSImla a'ppe &îw. 1901, lias grown since that time M--A Nvith sucli rapidity that at the up-p Vuriromarnde ~ s *@or risig there were modemn sehools Itelieves Stoînaehl Miscry Ahuîost te U&BOU4U throughout Spain. That in the Inîînediateiy. SFUR frEApecor. province 'of Catalonia ther ere If the food you ate at, your last! CAFUR DizziNEts. more than'100 of these sehools; and meal did not digest, but laid for -MF rR~IIUIEt in the cîty of Barcelonia alone more long time like lead on yourst- PO E 6FonJE1LY~ than ten sud chools with more mach, then you have indigestion an qicatin ho li e taken. ron uu.. m u' ta ato yd pupils. Pro. Oer course there are many other' FOR TUE COMPLEXION e lofune h egu fR-smptoms of indigestion, sudh as 5.wxeusssà~~. tionai Education, whidh bas brandli- beldhing up of saur food, henrt- (F 1~~'e~y ~ e% ail over the world and includes!butru, dizziness, shortuessofret CU?#t.SICK MEADAGê4C, in its hundreds of membeî-s some and foi-i breath, and if y-ou, have Hmr.tBer nndany of thbeml, your stomacli is outHaitn of the most illustrious sieni-tistsan of orde r znd should be ýorrected.- Mrs: .-l Â. . cLTJHLN. educators of our day. t ïi3 well ta Mi-o-tun tabiets have cured thon- ed from a Ofie'-liake Block, King streat, remember that the teaching given sands of cases of indigestion and ronto. "14 ýaban ft ini his sehools'was similar ta that of stomadli trouble. If you have any Mr. J.J aur ublc shoos intîn itwasstomadli distress, Mi-o-na xiii re-' dicton hun oipi sclarsBtintad of aslieve ipstantiy. cd, bringii wholy eclar Bt ist'adof But Mi-o-r-a unlike most so-calied MisD Wmi. TENN&ýANT, Va S., giving the children, merely a gecu dyspepsia remedies, does more t han 1Kingsviiie T-TONORARY- G R A DUT A T E OF eral instruction lie gave them an1 relieve; it permnnently cures dys- heir aunt, &Ontario Verrnary Coliage. offie tl. re-r û? Mr. Wllsafératture store, danis individuai education, and lis me-Ipepsia or anv stomadli trouble by 11ev. H. is econîed y te oreos putting euergy and, strengthi into ton was g thod i eon Fied n the orelst m-the walls of the stomacli, wheroe cduJ u i sY'1oPZis of Canadian Nort hwest Land Regulations. am-iFYor any maie oves 18 -rears-nid, mayv homestead a Qiuarter sectionî of avait. able Dominion land in Manitoba, Sask- atchewan or Alberta. The anplicaut musi appear in verson at the Dominion Lands Agency or Sub-AgeucY for the district. Entre by proxy înay bce made at anv a, ency, on certain conditions, by father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister of intending homesteader. Duties :Six months' residence upon and cultivat ion ni the land in each of three years. A homesteader maY live with. Ln nine miles nf bis homestead on a f arm of at 'leasi 80 acres solely owued and occnpied py him or by his father, moth- or, son, danghter, brother or sisier. In certain districts a homes Leader in gond standing may pre-emit a quarter s'ecMon alnngside bis hnmestead. Price; $7-00 per -acre. Duties-Must res'de i moîýnths i each ni six years fron date of homestead entry (including the tim e quL;red to earn homestead patentz n cul;tivute fifty acres extra. A hosuesteader who lias exhaustcd his h)nîestead right and cannt.obiai. a pre-emptin may take a pnrchascd home- tead in certain districts. Priî'e $3.00 per' acre. Duties-Must reside six nmonta in each ni tbree years, cultiv;ite fifty acres and erect a linase wnrth $300.90. W. W. CottY, Deputy Minister ni theý Intcriorý N.-B.-Uuanthnrized publication of ibis advertisement wil nit be paid for. WINDY. A breezy man may lie ail riglit, but preserve us from the one wha is a regular bag of wind. cook's Cotton Root Coaipoun& Tha gr-aLU in ank, a1 purpose of Ferrer ta loound tic modemn school. Ant owe rfts conitonma- iug for Ferr's destruction was thc fact tint only thrce ycars lie- fore lie lad stood in tic shadow of deti, La 1906 Prof. Ferrer was arrested on tic charge of compli- city in tic attempt ta kili King AI- fonso aun us wedding day. l'or1 thirtecu months lie w'as itcpt in pri- son, Duriug al tint ime thc gov- ernnent n'as liunting for incriînin- ating evidenee, and wlien iL failed, and intendcd ta scnd hîm-, before a court martial a scene of popular commotiont similar ta tînt of Lhe present was witncsscd ahl over Eu- rope. A unique fènture of those demonstmations n'as tic seýnding- of the pratest and depuntion ta Mn- drid from ahl the Enropeanunie- sities. Finaiiy King Edwamd's per- sonnl itreso secumed fo)r Fer- rer trial before a civil tribunal. As a resit of this lie n'as ncquitted, thc goverlîment wns ndjudged ta pny the expenses of the prosecution a nd his fortune, whicl mad been coufiscntcd by tic go-vemument, n'as ordered ta lbc restored La lim. T i iegreeia1,vnrera '1No.d1e tor ecai ase, * p'u' ar. asNet coniceninIg Prof Fer s repai drng isct). n~arr'esý, t ri nd cnito ar loux mlwmmmUUO,,T~E.N,(rirp tiree lMttrs wz'tten byhlim ato "Iau s c eprize foraomng cx- lî amnples,"ý said Johnny. "I did this halacre lot in "Goose Hollow" for a un ifOrne ay wcsgl ee- ' - T Wa'A- "eeintends mioving us residenee there- anu ounce ecdiday'-'cause yn old 1on nexr, spring. Mrs. Smith sic did yesterday 'how I ne fact, is better tian ten heur mucii wiîî shc weigî wîcn sîc's says.-Ask Doctom Burgess, Supt. twentE- _vears--old l'--And-m -h Ilospital for Insane, Montrealt,_1 For swex- waq, four lnndrcd and sixtv- his opininflO The D.T& L.- Mil six pounds. And thc tendher said tiol ['laster. Tic genuïîec made I earned LIe prize." ouly by Davis & Lawrence Co Mr. J. L. Rowe visitcd aid friends Printed musical notes we rc first lere en'route to Calgary, Aita., tn used about 1464. 1 ccept tic position of foreman of tic Great West Saddlery Ca. Be- Ten to anc it's your own fanît if1 fore lcaving Peterboroughilie was luck is agaiust yon. prcscuted witi, a iandsonmc gold __________________________ locket nnd an acldress by lis fellow cmployecs of Ackcrman Son & Ca., The beneficial effect of iron harness manufacturers. upon the system weakened Mm. Gea. Davidson and famiiy th rough illness, overwork or hv oet îi e oea is ellknon, er.Weyburn, Sask. Before ieaving anemia, el ow.Fr Miss Gladys Davidson was Lie mc-! rovim is a preparation which cipient of a iandsomc gold signet suipplies the valuable element ring and au address from hiem young in he osteffcilltway con-lady fricuds of tic village. Tic binincr with it the nourishing affarto lc tcrsdneo ïï 9 Mm. A. Leigi. Miss Alice Leigia qualities of beef and the mild. rend .tlIc n ddrcss and Miss Vilda ly stimulative effeet of sherry, Cowaln made tic presentation). wine Perovim costs P.1cLuch7a aftcrwVamds semvcd and a bottle at dugss nc~ybcceîgset Pfir the ageor 50 peoifnd t1int ticir sregiiS no)t wýLatit wiTIIfl sd to a ll nndsui PLA TE- u lea ert actioýn. To ail sudWc R rcommiiend ticivgoaig oi FOR BACKACHE, Feýrrov7im, composcd of fi-s, bef SCIATICAý, PlWR-îisy, Citmate of Imon nnd Jpuire ai Spain-, NEIJRALGIA, RHILUMAIS le or bneicalinsuica ses.z rach 25c. in air-tigit tir, box; $100a ot. yýard relis $1,00,dan lýect Lta aýny Ametn o rooBrni Bwr fwor.thlesz fimitations. Tw alF~nNv 2h I D AVI I1, A , ,r,, y C o.,> !lut r,ýal, attendfncwansuaivlar-ge u a jvery interestîg roramewas L Il OUR -1909-10 CATALOGUE _fA 177 aý famoe ae. o atafodt rdrfrnx yîrn urn magazine value for the fewest dollars, 1',riî~ri. -o~, I' e aY U The Review of, Reviews Company, New York Smines Stoves So Thley Stay Sbined every woDman wha takes pide in iher hiomc. iL enlables her ta have tie "Blak Knght"is readyto tuse -ea~ly pplid-ad afew rubs bring-s arar-iepoahsl. - Black Kng k"des awray wit'h al tht, liard werk andi diýrty work o)f stOve oi- ig a agcau, poîtpaid, for oc. Thie F. F. DaIIey Co. LImited, HAMILTON, .Ont. 2 -1 Iridcgîoom is kisszed, but tic bride mardi ta thc sy nagogueý. Fc treceives oniy gond wisics; swect guest carnies a candle Loliitti perfunies aie sprayed on guests arxd w av. Tiey rnua i ya bridai pamty alike, v, hile seetmneats jgogîe, thce ip, o noyo are showered upon Llîem instcad of canvns- viere tic rvabbi is aing î'ice. Durig tic first reception thec The music begins. bride mnay speak La no juan save1 After pî'ayers have been sai an I emerlusband. vows taken LIe bridegr,)im slips Rixalling tliese custoins in quain- ;a i ing on Lie bide's fing"er ,ýa.ýi ng: ncss is LIe procession ta Lie dam "ThIon arc devoted ta nie-, ne liuse in China, 'niceeLIe ile cordJance with tic law of Moses andýui4 Chinese bride kuecîs, not ta tic Israel." The rabbi fuls a cup ithii priest, but La Lie stoiid young Clii- -%nine, of whicli tic bride tasts, ie naman, wio accepts lier with grent the bridegroomi. This cnc Le Ue coudeseension as bis mate, ceculnony. JEWS ABSTAIN FLMFOOD1 Tic Jewisi day ens i sset. At~~~~~~ sust in o i a efore tic wedding, tic bridlai culele gin, ta fast, annd tiey ý musino1t caL until t1ic conclusion (of lIe em mrony, Lwenty-foum hours lier. This abstinence froi food is ta prepame tîcir minds for serionis me- ditation conccmning thc step tliey arc about ta takie. Tiey arc not a]io1(wcd Uta sec cadi other unmtil im- TFic finsan)d reavcsoflIe brvidegraom father a Itlis hoe'ad wii decd nnd eiiedin hit tIcmbinied parties form audà SEEMEDLOG . -mO or weddMingdate ar go"began Flatley, J 5'Wh, Jon/'interrupted ci 1wMf, we have only been mariedk hreyears." "W l' h ele,"tscm's likce Pi ~ ~ rnd aIlut cri, s timioniials iiithe dafly preiss and ask ysrnlh ISSUE O -LU M ivn A wchi rendredslo b 1j ORP îAIN NJCJB Gn is UhO h NMi e You SaveSae Yo 1RU1N-DOWN - PLPE mc prcae ynlpeut blo az asbecoima t1iin and ek. Anlxcleniapron Veetbifroni warry -want-debt-humiijai-n. A conufortableBankAe'n iupan yausIten the past few -hJrUes n g1n yMss gives one an easy mînd, se;Wcouhidence, and the pawver ta take ssben vrygeat Yaareon. G. Stewart, and ,1ano0ther o "P re- advantage of every ppaortunity thatcanstbttrnepsio. r eln alout of sar,;?is aoc ,-vention and Cvvrd of Colds," by cl-e oot'rce&psLn sa"Your aptieis band MisEilPoar. hetîjet rt"5cTA T T'b .TA' rwr ly have - Puh eergyafîa d Thew' S.tshituw uu igy dts.Yù1rhud ak1f redmain as traken by Mrs. Ai~u ~ ~ m uI4~r 1INE, Cepaîeso Tans, wiihýe- S. M. 'Bi]iings, Mfis. Geo. Waddel S M D ý ThaiUuyuQyureî anýd Miss L. Tourie, '873 (7 lATA-, =en :-.q avec! APSYCHUNE A iCANAD3 ~ 7Bace thinit à iz the gesatesi iaicsd AI D S ýgves SavingsDeatrwehetefaconselrgarmll ,ilerkawn - wuMad'u al ANI f BIDA h TNS the imoat caeurteaus sence 'zdo rpbysicaily weaisk AifoO~ 'e' ' Z-NE"Yoinrs uJy ,Mkm. jas. jMNak-a e a , atncwihas'pîtfOn oarr Wf'ý eri ntel73 weaIt PSYCIIINE ii maie wis. v. W M1111E TUE BRIDE GROOM by Il Dhszgist& Desls;r , &$ LN dSD o m n il Branch: A. N cILN r. ~T. A. SLOCUM icAIol. .J HTJ TORON)ITO lloivthe Mar'iage C(croiîîoay is Bace ioa ecslNwoij1,Ooo Lands. SJOUN'ýCED SI-KEEN plas n import- VAH ED ________________ es. The best mati appears at tn e -~No NAÏ -S USED WITHOUWRTENCSN. - bid'shome to uotify hem tint ti, Confined to His Homie for Weoks,' ORONO. bridegroom is wniting. 1He makes "er ak eaesmiigsdeî tic aunouncement in rliyme, teliîu0g double vrkocee e anfIaiwake btfi a hroud becm From The Ne ws.) of the impatience of tie w aiting sevrsd l ws aten ai.-, for a wýcek etmune. My famii l Pu linhs returned f romlaover and predictiug that prosper- ihrisea s od cjaiu, fudotW îty wiil resuit from tie union. Boti ae. omncdt noka ail docior s hlebote ia bride and brîdegroom have as chef Kenu, ne d ,i ,,Ia obdtkntetiepi w r 'om sem hI!cî d W.itwc ia euu scort ta thc churdli a mnrricd-ri manéy shohdtkntra ',111Ë-i;t Drs. î iitwih riedsinToand womnan, who are supposed tau,_ TtrATDIEs.v. My progress was somehat sloýw sund ldur ,Iligtis r m,:nuîh's te TintIwas smwa aeeI00 counsci thcm on the wy iud ramu frtrexmislnersu a ews r i J. Giifillan,-witi tic Mid- Following tic ceremou ic ' hdin- .. complete cure-.1 could ofly earn *î>12awekiamcieso - ntig ,-,ttyhav reurn 9Wf oni S21 gAnd neyerlose a day. Z is ntig aryhae etr1 ner is served b tc bsers. The ilsuerrsLmewýof yo-ur aubetemet ug a fine deer. ead usher an eutering tLIe dining- lEiYC LOJT irisý Ganvlas gone ta room wîtlittic first dish reupeats a HA 'OUR BLOOD I BEEN DISEASED2" to spend îth-icwinter wîth \verse appropriate Lo tic occasion, Mms. Cha. Henry. thc antliorship of which is supposed BL0)POlO'1S0-SareLe osprcvletad Mostseiudsas.Tesph p le bloid af the v.t' nsu n ulea nirely eradicatedtfrom the system w vullcausoe ersi-ous% 'V. ~ ~ ~ t boneiCnig ale lis own. crvio. esre of iiercury. It anly suppreffles the ypasarNW uest f Mm Joî Rickby TE DINER I ELAORAT, 5YOUNG OR MIDDLE AGED MEN.-Imprudeut ase or later excesses èlavebrie stav~~~~~~sre innh, ilane. s,,,,,- ý, e . ...n .ea u _svýtem. You felthe immutams stealing over ,' iMeu.i' i

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