t i t ~te~tir ~:î~ a year in'advance; $1-50 to, United States. .BOWMA.NVILLE, ONTARIO$ TIITRSD'AY, DECEMBKR 9, 1909. VOLUME LV, No. 49, M. A. JAMES & SONS, Proprietors Th Jm a p E, ev1XJisiÏt Th irty-fivE: HtLiridriedHmoWeky j Christmas Presentsj And Where to Buy Them., ~- OuehJohnston & Cryderman are showing a lot of beautiful goods suitable for Christmas Gifts. ~ Iladkerciefs urs of ail Kinds EN I in plain and embroidered, also jnitlaled A very choice stock of Sable Muffs and Mo- for Ladies and Gentlemen, Liadies' fancy Ruifs. Tbe finest stock and best value in ge, Collars and BeIts e,TGloves &and Mitt,- of al Ladies' Fur-lined Coats we have ever- shown, g9- kinds, Emabroldered Iose, and extra good value in Astrakan Coats, also Men's Far-lined Coats in ail qualities. New Blouse Waists Men's Overvoats lu la-wn, fancy net and silk. Linen tray * and five o'clok Cloths, Table Cloths and Good reliable goods, ail1 new, Made 111 the Napkhis to match; Clouds, Toques, Sweater lts tls special value, Mgen's Ties B lnkets pure wool Blankets, none Zstyle; Inen's Moeha Gloves, botlr-sitk and woot --Wweguarantee theze -goods-to be - -equal in M- lined. value to those shown by any house anywhere. - Couch, Johnston & ito * Crydermnan SRoyal Baink 0FCAAD JNCORPORATED 1869. PasSpeclat Attention to 3£avîngs Accounts. SCapital paid up $4,900,000 Resemv Fund $5:600,000 >~Total Assets,' $61 ,000,000 'Ianazer Bo'm nanville Brandi. BANK 0 CapMai 814,400,000 TotalAses 13,919 J. A>.AleCULELLAN, Manager, Bowrna -ie Brr.ch. The Gift Makers' Gireat Op)portnnity. Our New and Beautîful LUne of Holiday Goods h, now ready for your Inspection. Solld Ebony Toilet Sets in Morocco Leaiher Cases. - Ebony Back Mirrors. Ebony Back ilair Brushes. E bonyback Biat Brushes. Ebonyback Clothes1 Brashes, Shaving Sets In Leaýher Cases., fillet's Safety Razors. inbeauiifub gold cases. Vesi Pocket Stylo.- SUseffai Presents. chiokce Morocco Cigar Cases Pockot Style. Elegant Leather Collar Cases Folding style fer travel- ling use. Ebony Nail Files. Eboniy Buffers, Manilcure Sets. Beautiful Jewel Cases, (Gold Plsied.) Leather Jewel Cases 1 filied wiih a cnt-glass Botile cf Perfme The most eleant dîsplay of choice Perfumes in Bowmanville. Be wise. IMak j7seec;fnsalj;t ad avoidthe rushI ADDRESS AND PRIISENTATION A plensarnî gatherng was beld ai the home cf Mr J W Davison,' formerbv of Orane but now oi Grieraville, Grey Co., ou Weduesday evenheg. Dec 1, wbou au add,7ross sud preseutation was given te Mn and Mrs W J Canu sud f amilv, eld residents o! Danlinglon, ou tho ove of their depanînre te hesloa tewn on the northashoeofe ae uo.The address la as follows:i Mrand Mrs. W. J. (unný and fcm, DEAR FRIa9NDS;: Roabizn yenWýýeo s tnl a ve auiuueiglhbe)hood sud net kue1wing 'ýfor cranwehrynwonild returu, we bave et te spend asca evo nug aud expres ;the apPrecisticui lu wbhî von (Uare heb-d. îXcU ibaVeé re-SiLddluin hs vlelnlly -,for mauy ,years se liai our a q uainlance la net a tran- sitery eue, D anlng this tîme lies of !r1cendsblp have been fargsad whlcb lima canuiot sve.Yen hmve re-jel)ced with uzs lu our limes cf rjligand serrowe1d wi üws u urlmas ct sarrew. We ,hali miSs vo1 nl eutcial cîrcies, Our 1 sehool sud Most of ail lu Our churct) For mplny years -yc.u as a fétmiliyhv been most'failliful hiuor atnac aI divine service, beauginiisreec aui exampbete ail, You, BroCa, bave miisiered te us mauv' limes and o! ton ilu word sud doctrine," We tru8ltihe bttera ton have preseuted may bave beau sud shahl continue te ho productive c f -ood. Yen, Sister Cana, have led aur siugiug for manv yoars Yaur minisîralion lu ibis respect wilb bang ho remembered wblh gratitude. We shaîl miss yen both exceedingia lu these respects but hope yonr absence rnay net ho for long. Thongb we ho hosers others wl ho gainera, fer we are sure yen wl make ý our talents o! sony b!ce erve yen go We hopo yen may ail ho sprad toenajey mitny mnore, yeans cfseic for lie 1Master Should1 wo net meet sou boeagain als nelg- bora wa trust Ate meC- o yenailarunudï tle Groal Wbl)le Tiýrene atsusbg te-1 galber lie sorgaf! ' iiis sd the LaI"As ea sbighl expression cof our regard, we begoî ou entoeaccep) i u purse. May i l ntoï ly Vserço -aS a momnte e!ofyonr lif- sud wark amoDg ns buItbe iseanenconrageaul l yen lui yoar furtber wGrk w.hereveri your b!C may hboai Signe,àd on hehahf Of your friands; JAMEirS MAOKIE, .AnE uenu PHILIPW HITE, JSAAC BOGERýs, PETER ELPORD, J. W, DAvisoq. Gnbersylîle, 02L,, ec, 1, W100 THE EDITOR TALKS Ontarlo have 25,00 embers and last year 286,000 peo'ple atteIIded1 meetinïgs. We alasfavoe rLrganization Ofknde interests anid meig for discussinig the'se îinterests. Farmiers stanid rogi mrperhaps, out of mneeting in countlïsel withi fellow farmiers than aniy other class Thieir experienice m1-eetings are atlwaysi heLI)lpf ito soe.Some 'wa1y dtheinfor- nation given by one farnier to othIersý at ameting is apýpropr:iated with better reffliitstheil than. iwhen read lu prilntedl forma. The iNews beheoves thiat the very asebigof thie arclusit of a commu-llnity is produ)ll-ctive of benIeficial reut.It siultes tem to the ex- chneof ideas suad experiences with regard to the h landling of different kinds of soul, or -with regard toLth yield per acre obtained from somiie variety of grain or vegezable neyer befoie tr-ied in that particular neilghiborhood1. December In- stitutemeings are adyertised in thli's paper, aud our advice to every farmeýr, S t 0'okinan11 sud1, iorchard'r isl to attend ever sesionpossible sud take Some Part ATor:onto publishier of a niationial wveekly publication once said iin a, conven- t"in of newspaper mn lthat lhe- would rather have a four-Ihue notice wvritten by the editor of thlis Journal thani a haîtf- celutunnfron. t'Ie("orciLiuay e1t(r,!a- vance sheet. ,Whaitlhe nmeant te convey te bis hearers was that lhe preferredth ie personal opinion cf a practîcal juuls te a prepaî ed notie f urniished from t'he office cf publicatiýon frem whlichthe magazine under review wils issued. We appreciatedi a compliment (if that kind bcecause it wals a recogitioncof the prîn.- ciple we hauve fori, rt'hîrty years fol-1 loenamiely, te be heonest with our readers in net recommiiiending aniypesn article or product hlighier thanl its moent -or--work wrane. We value very highly indeed the confidence cf our readers, and envr aim in i the future, as i has been in the past, -%,ill be te ever menort their confidence. We nleyer wanittei hear any man say thiat hie vas mnisledl by any representatien of ours, verbal or written. The precedling personial partagraphi is the preface te thiis euie. Befere usLi",es the December numbei, of Tir7&tur ban Life-n illstatd ont1y ly alga- zine publis;hed at 25 cents a copy or -'> a y'ear at larsbrPa'. 1Owilig te its weight 'and thie exýce'sive postage ou Amlerican lictinoe't cu- try rhrerug'h the maite abcit ie ini Canadia is $.0 We are very so.rry the cest lase great te Canadians becanse we have ne such high clasa pub- lication lîke it in this couutry, and it is worthy cf a place in every intelligent househeld. As the publisher says in his Christmas greeting, ",S'uuirban Lifeý readers are sa peculiar people, iin llthat theY are self-selected as those wheo love the home and the garden together sud se breathe the air of ail the seasons a uifle deeper than the purely urban dweller, however fine he maybe." Besides deal- ing with the home sud rural if( e in a general way, it deals with the fruit -jar- den, the flow'er garden, the vegetable garden sud the poultry yard specifically. It is snperbly illustrated. Mr. Alpha Pinch bas presented an attractive word-pictu. e in the paragraph hie gave us about ibis section cf country becomiug ene vast apple orchaid. Far- mers are pnoverbially conservative lu adopting new methods or ibis district weuld new present a realization cf Mr. Pincb's pictuno. Years ago s lecturer at Farmers' Institute meetings in West Durhaqm teld bis audiences that the ten- acre orchard on a 100-acre farm i ii oe year %vitb arîotber bnine as nunch revenue te the farmen as the other 90 acres. We commentod on his statemeut at the timo sud ne eue centradicted bis assertion, se we conclnded that hie was about correct iu bis dlaim for the orchard. Scores- of farmens have genle on pnactical]y the saine ohd way and have net'piantod au apple tree since. We are net aIu expert on soil conditions for apples,' but we believe from observation that with preper cultivation, fertilization sud care that mnost of the iigbt land nortb sud west of ibis towu could be converted inte pro- ductive appie orchards.' We do net sec mention of apple-growing lu the institute programi for this moibh's meetings, but ne more tiireiy subjeci eau be discnssod in this locaiity jusi now. Why net ask sueh large sud succesaful orchardisis as Robt. Culiacott, Fred Fuster, H. C. Farrow and a number of Cak applo growers te give their views h Successfil Aniversary BOWMANVILLE METHJODISTS IHEÂUR.a LAN(OFORD WITH GRAT SÂ,Tls- ExcErD']S TIE BOÂRD'S JZEQUEST. InsIrtinpleasure sud profit' wot)re1 the features efthte Me thodisi church. services ou auniiversa,,ry Snunday Dec. 5. Fine -weather, large cýongregaihous, geod mullsie sud very eKesielini sermons xvere heaý,ding charactenisticeot the day. 11ev. J. R Wilsn, Liiidsay, was; uiuible f111bis engag'ement ou seoeuntof hl î R. 1ev.e. Laugford, D.D., Ton- o -oias secuired sud abby perfermod thedne. His merning ibomo was "Quiet Restiing Pinces," sas. 32, M ,Ho pontrayed vividllyîle gresi desire for rosi by dïifereni people sud -the falbacy efthîe ides cf seonning ibis great hoon in any but G__od's wsy. v% e shouid firai seek; it lu our owu homes sud every memnber of l e tamaily shouhd coutnibute iowards maukiug ih a pince of rosi.- Seouly e saoubd seeki lu île sancýtnary ou île Sabbail day wboere we(- Rev. Mlex. Langford, D. D., The epuanToronie divine -w4 pnacedanivnsn"y ,so'.nnon s ïil the Metod Il Cnrc ,boe , issi Suday. Orvglnvsion of Jbrist su lrsi after flue week's wory\. Have yen fouuid it? If net, take 'God fer- your Conuseilor,Jen for your Savhieur, sud the Spirit fer yeur Guide. Ho &ýosed -ith s iouching littie peem by Faiber Ryan but statod that we do net ueed to reacb the distant shore beore enjoying the reat that comles frein s knowiedge cf beiug igbi witb Ged. At the evoning service Rov. William Jolhille assisted the pastor in the de- vot ional exorcisos. Rev. Dr. Langfcrd's evouing thieme wss on the Deep sud Migbty thluga cf Ged. basiug bis sermon on tbewonds IlLauncli eut into the deep." Ho outhinod the deep things,: naitura], physical sud montai. HO ccuuselied the yonng people te store their uiinds by readiug ud enjcying the bost authorsiliteratuno. Ho ap- peaied to every eue te embrace thedeep spiritual ibinga that ihe religions ut e may bo broadened sud doepened. Tbis la the firai visit of Dr. Laugfond te ibis towu sud churcb sud bis services were very blgbly appreciatod by all wbo beard hlm, Tbe church was woil filiod ai hoth services, many ceming from tbe country te bear ibis omineni divine. The choir as usuai susiainod ius bigl roputation te provide good music, sing- iug witb good expression the authema: Praiso tbe Lard, How biglbt ibeso glorlous Spirits shine, Biossed ha Ho, and Send ont Thy light, under leader- ship cf Mn. H. J. Knigbi wiib Miss G. Cawkor ai the organ. Mr. Knigbt aiso sang a soienat the eveniug service. Rev. John Garbuti, pastor, aasiaied in the devotionai exorcises and ai the close of the evouing service ihanked the people for ibeir atiendauco, the liberal rosponse tbey had made ta the requesi e téie trustees and expressod bis piossure ai boaning Dr. Langford prendh. Wben tle offering was auucunced ho asked all te nuite heartiy in singiug "Praise Gcd tram wbom al hiessinga flow." The thank-offerng ton the day amauni- ed te $1042.60 being $42,60 mare than was asked fer by the Board. T -I IlSWEEK'S PARPER. We areý prend cf ibis week's paper bocause e la se full cf interesting uews. Every paige contalus berne news. Few tawnl papers contain as mucli town sud district uews as this one. We invite ýomipaniacou. Our rendors muai nejeice toc luknowiug ibeir favorite paper la ibhesi. h la going t e hle leader forhomne news toc.Ih i xviihobo btter noxi year thnever. We bave s pbons- sut suirprise for env rendors for the u'ew year.If e4ory one cf ur proseni snb- ac-nrswcnid make hcoveietot psly for nlext year's pap-jer ibis mioih sudlseud us oee nexvsuhacni.rber lbaw rnnc thir ndesaweuhd celer ius. $1, 0 pys fr ee reeri sud oeue new suhacneipticu for 1100 ili nny P. O. iu Canada. Try te get ns ai leasi euec new momeuber for cur circbe, BRITISH LCIO A Dates of cheýf political oyants o! neal lwo moutha are : Dhi solution ef Parliameut-. Jari 8 Finit Bor,'oulgb Electjons. ..... iîn. 18ý Firat Coumtv E!ections ..... ....J an. 19, VEleetions End.......Ja.31 New Parls meut MesI... Ib,1 TIIOUGJITS FOR FARMERS. Is agriculture receiving îh le msi profitable kind et attention ? Ih thene net a lot et time, mnoney sund energy spentinl gathering statistica, coem liug, printing and circuiaiing tibm te very hile bouefit te the country ai large? We are net conversant wiih île fil 1work cf the Depariment et Agriculture- ai Ottawa sud Toronto but froim priniedl matier that contes tudcer our notice we know tînt agreat atmoiunt e!the turnýe et civil servants muitheoecupio in L ceblocting statistics freib e farmas, net -reoily-iu îthe interesta of theae týriic tbemsebves, but foton comercial pur- poses, for île benefit and guidauceofe the mniddbemreui who deal in f armi prod- ncts. The Work o! the tarmers' masti- mites, the agnicuturai secietios sud nid given te dairying, orcbarding sud other rural luteresta are ail aheng ight linos, but far more sui couid ho doue te edu- cate île tarmoer, stockmau, dairyîujau sud fruit grower aiong the linos cf the hosi und Dmosi econom-,ical tmetbods cf prcduciug île boat crop, eto superien qnabity, ai thebeasi ceatin lu bor, timoe sud mienus, Chties sud towns are vioiug witb coach oCher in premeoting hudusinial intereats sud encouragement is airghi., but te thre country as n who-le the rmatinfactur- ingcuiutis mai l copaise xitbi ,wbat ispreducod on île land. Ihisl universaliy coueeded tli a.grïiulture in ahb is varions formas is the hasis et al wealhbasd presperity sud lIai ou the succeof tihe farmner dependa the cern- fort, wealtb sud presporiy ef auy nation. If île army of clenka iîle offices was convented iuto practical ini- structers going about telbîng farinonrs how te bassen their expenses, bow te increase îlie qusbliiy sud qnantity eti tarm producit fallilnd udthoreby prepontionately iuoreaaiug flhe wealh, cemfent sud weifareofethîe whole cou-t tny surehv greier henefi would re-sit. Farmers lave net auywhere kepi, pace wiih île unpsrallebed advýance huinagri- -cutural science -dnning -the- pasat 25 yesrs. 'We bave hoard mucli about leaching agriculture iin île rural achoohaý but net oeeteacher lu a bundred on teacli evont the simple rudiments.it roquires training in pracihal scieutifie agriculture te tond hi, for agriculture is ne longer n more art but lias becomne an exact science. The effeetso ecproper application efthîe kuowu aw in agri- culture, Seed sebetieni, plant sud anli- mal! breedhug, îimproeed miethoda cf culinre sund fontilizing sbould ho more tboroughly uunderstood hy tarmler's as ai olasa. lo not avaîliheseveof tho pnivihege exeddte tbinuw 1bythe Depar tilenit afford te go te, cohioge bulthbe inatit uto bringa the informtfiinte dibe eigbbor-1 bood sud ie wiso fariner shcnld tak time te attend the institiuemetns Iu ibis conuection ne de se rmoiich!' wishý that tarmers wouid appreciale ibe nobil- ity sud importance ofthie tarmîng po fessien, ton wo nant iheiiite reahize tiat tbey realhy occnpy the mosi important aud honorable position lu social econeîny, ibat tsrming is as diguified as ibat cf ftho1 merchaut, hawyer, doctor teaclir, preachen on editer, sud that it is by fan the meai important aud noceasary cf ahi. The day bas passed wben the farmer is centomptnensly calcd a "Rube," "Ilay- seed" on "-Chedhopper," sud wheu a boy snupposed te ho unfit for auy ethen caliîng, %VaS Made a tarmier. hislanow acknexv- iedged that the farmene is oeeof the mosi impurtant mncuibers utfsuciety, aud bis occupation the rinsiý necesaary fori the genenal 9,ood eftihe country. Iu a neceut addness delivered by the Prosidout et the United States, Mv. Tatt said: "h am ghad te ho in a State in which agriculture is your chiot trade sud occu- pation. We muai admit thai the occupa- tion et the tarmer is among eue or twc moat imp ortant occupations that go te make ibis country great-sud a state whicb is great becanse et it, is eutiihed te recognition as typityiî:,g Amnevicanismi in uts bighest degree. We have arnived ai a time in the developuiont efthiis cunutry, sud the worbd, wbetn old methoda etf agriculture muai ho discarded if we wonld keep up with the 'procession. Laud is becoming ico vainable te ireat it lu the old wastetni way. The profession efthie farnmer bas becoîne a reai scientifie pro- fession, If yen attend the hustitute meetings nexi week yen wihh bear mun mre te advaurage of taîmers as a chass. CAPITAL APPOINTMENT. -Victoria County's Ceuncýl bas nia-de ne misiake in appoiniing PrJinc(ipal G. E. Brodeniel who ton 23 years b as ýbeau ai a the bcsd et Lindsay Pubolic Scboohs,' te the inspeetorate of Easst Victoria, We have ne ps-vn)iby witb appcinting I111gb DISi-JON EST APPLE PACKlING, On more than oeeocso the editoz' of this journial has beeni the vic-tim of dishonest packiug ef apples whon bu1),Ying by the barre!lasud if hie w ero teo giva namnes cf paýrties ceucerued and partie. ulars thut vwero revealed whonl the people who boan honored nme nsd mjako streng cdaim te -nespectability would bide thieir faces fer very shamie, as a former rsiocf this Celinty (lia liu e sa w us wvalkiug up Yonge-st inTere,-nto lastViridaiy. 11e bad beea provert guilty o f ý,trancling peoe -who trnsto.d imi and tnrned suddenly thQ niomnent lie saw us te avoid mieetinxg us. 11e kuew well that we biad neot told thc world seme tiigs that we knew about hlm. The felly, senienaness and financial lsas a rsultof careiessniess or- dis. bonesty or both are well iadicated in a letter jusa ent by Mr. AthrW. Foley, Pouitry Gommissiener cf Edmen. ton, Alta, te bis fathier, Mr. W,,m. Foieoy cf ibis towui. He writes:ý With rot oreoo teOntarie appios comiig ie Ediknonton the most ef wVhicb il have seen- are- a disgrace te the shipper sud to the apple inidustry of Ontarie. Durinig the past tbiree years Y have been called lu bey a numiber ef dealers here lu the city te ex-amine fruit 1sent in from Ontario and 1 have feît Sseriously theo dîsaster that la bouuld ta follow the importation cf sucb inferior ýfruit. Se serýionlsdid th1eso conditions becomie ibat our dealers demtanded Govorumiient inspection bore, and withiin the past week or se at least threeocar bondïs cf Oîîtario apples have been cou- demured by thie fruit inspecter Thrlereý is, ho wover, a more serions aspect ihaa this. In thle windovw cf ûeeof the iead;ig fruit stores in the city hs dis- played appleks for sale. The attenltioti cf the passer-by la cahled te tbomn by a large card which 1States: -Ontarie apples (6 lbs for 2k."« Yeu xili lhave ,sme ides cf 'the quaiity cf these apples wheu 1 tel- you -1 bave fed barrelsa aud barrels equally as good te pigs. In the iutorests of the appfle iudustry o! Ont- ario, it would have been better had the Fruit Groîvers' Association cf Ontario or soe other inuterested body purchased these appies and dumnped them iuto the river, From may conveisation witb. dosiors hore -1 find the), have lest con- fid'(ence in0Ontarie fruit. Ouly yesterday apreuluent denier teild Ime that he would net ouaiidor the purchaseocf Ontaýiriefru,,it witbouit first seoinig it, This is a serions condition that requires ýouisideraitionl. Another dealer said hie would rather purchaso applos frein Ontario, but owing te tule suporior superior qulality ef British Golumrbia fruit lie was fonced te purchase thero. Our dealers are iargely enasteru meen suid haive a warjà placýe in thor earte for OntËarie and wonid faver Ontï.rio'g fruit if tbey got s square deai. TLis applies in the sane or oven greater degree te the consumer, wbo f avers the fiavor cf the Ontario fruit. He is pro- paredte psyasgoed price for gcood fruit sud basas igbt teexpect valuýe for b is Witb the wouderfub deývelopuit that is now takiug place tbrougboùut the West, there is bonnd te be su enormousw, demand for fruit. The B> C. fruit growers sud dosions realize this tact aud are sending lu fruit cf supenier quality sud esiabiisbing a msirk-et. On the ailier baud tme denier sud consumner sud their fruit. I kuow that Ouaniô produces fruit equai te the, besi amd ily such shouhd be osent bore3 if shor wisbes te hohd sud devehop xhat is sure te be s great fruit mlarket bore lu tho future. I bave written yen thus be-. cause 1 realize tbat it la a mlost serionis matier te the fruit districts cf On tarieo, Next year ail being xvelI 1 try ud see thitt somei( good fruit i"s sent bore. The Ou)tarie deiers abouid bhave üsomie waruing cf wbat is bounid te foilow if tbey continue te scrnd1te ie Vest sncb unisatisfactory fruit. If e are ahi alive sud well next Fail I nu il try snd arrange te bave soie ,,sent inIlfnem ýOur homeiand cf Durham su-d see, if w6 eau t esiablisb at heat an uitie con fidence lu Ontario fruit. Mn, John Chaplin wbiile atg hetween trainis aiCalgary, Alta, cshieud ou soume grocers who netail aipîes sudi fonnd conditions even werse t han are descrihed by Mr Arthur W. Foiey in a hetter te bis fathen frem which wme quote seume panagrapha on front page Mn. Chaplin brought soie f the Ontario apples fouud iSpear's grecen'y ini Calgary sud sbo-we em te nus. Theoy are the veriest tratsh sud %we regret te learn ihat they wene ship)ped fromt Brighton, Ont, according te -the brald 0ou ihelibarrel. Ho asys heo uud ceipiaini % envy general amoug the desions inrCalgary. Toadsof hnshels cf fan betteri! applesý are takýen te the evaporators ever'yseen Tru ouir opinion the Caniadian Wo'st efferaý- the beit sud lreiapl aktin ibelî wenld sud it is suicidai te sbip infenrjý