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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Dec 1909, p. 2

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Y ufave Cugh ec:mhCi "~a e Mark Mis Clrk Sut.Gra Ce Hos- p-i, Toronto, Vrites t.hey have used it with the bestresllts- eTeacher ritetI-mus Uca gon retie." we have nover rendan aitsment HUe tmat. 1-avee, renter lIL may seemi g"nest neetiin tUe oris any cu- trp schw!Vl eahrwetan rend leul anticaiteachotr t ratiwell. Itisneses toe cquine a publie pos,,ed t aui ikecsfle,shom- iug tUe ýfunllengthcfdte straw. It is sggestet tat fIve pnizs esU anrtieti, tUeebe ebing te i- toest tUe yeung in grain gneuing M nu tUe mwenk cf tUeagnicultural tion ant i itis hptîn oite wil 'dp tfer110 Wor posesesa dignity when it is hielpfniýi or benicial te some per- son or cnmnty f, persous. It is 1rrPr frlr no 1na++ae, hnu SUieîi tetirm empljo cd ina surgei- te esg ttUestate er physicp 1 ,,d' mental depressieu which foIllowý,-s a severe mn ni cir You ught Toi K-inow vAboW.- Any inivtion fthat wiI sLv e yo0u .Con ,i6 te ý3 in fuel,isa - pretty impotnt A Good Sîqhool lnbehhto tralin for aarning a gooli za Lry 1 lm Ve Cettra1 BckinOieâ college 0f Toronto, 0ur ine Caýtalo6gue explaina oiire ier-!tity, aridio xaled free on rcqueýt, -T( y0i are interested Ler-1 wite us lthontdela Addreme FPrinci pal, YOR COUÛLIRSEL in Shorhand or Busines wlI bringyo 1 est reaults Il taken at aur oid.establïlh- toi end theoughiy relUable e ool. WViinter term liegles Jan. 4th. Cata- Ico ve free. IBritishÀAmerican Business College Central -7, M C. A B Uldg.Tronto. DOMINION LUNE ROYAL MAIL SEMHP PO1ýRTLAND ME, tu LIVERPOOL REGULAFISIIQ aaflrcu E01 SE? 5 C ETf One less cabin steanerS (caliesi second elase) Sonthwark .. Dec. 25 C .nada.Jan. 8; -Feb. 1?;.ýMar 19; Dmne.Jeu. 29... .Mar, 5 .... A pr. 9; Ratefs cf pasçage Portland to Liverpool - $4.Oand '$15 0i; $.5) ardttonaltoteLondon accedxngt samer, Th b teamrersý carry inly onea cýas of nabi3n psegrte whom1n is given the :aLciomoc a- tioce sucaîted latlime beeýt part of thie vessai. Thiins S,,vlee is very pfpa'ar te those desirug t,,mir a tnp le com foet aiavery reasonab'e va.i 'rtisnd la leos than 12 !bours by rail Tmrcae carled lut 2 ýand .4 bertîed rýooms, l'or Mailinorwation aeppy te M -A. J A ME ,Agc.n t. Allan Linev Royal M ail Steamers CHIRISTMAS SAILINGS. Si. John Halifax Vîrgîian Nov, 23 Niv. 27 O--anp'La-mDec. 4 Vic to0r1n Dec, 10 Dec. 11 1~epenan ee. 17 Dec. 10 BOSTON TO GLASGOW 1, etorilnDec, 10 8 a, m. ,,,ueIrIan L Dec, 24 8 a m. lemian Jan. 7 7 a. m SAILINGS to IAVRE au>d LONDON 4Coi thian Vec. 15 De c. 17 SardtiiianDec, ï9 - Dec. 31 Rates of Passages Aceording to Steamer. In'. Cias.. _.$70.00 .... .$80 0- .. andu pwards. 21fd ...... OU.... $45 00.... .84.50 aud J50.00 $rd ...1660. .$27.5( ...687 F'or particciars of silugs and rates asir M. A. Jnames', C. PRR.S team .erS. F rom St, John, N. B, Froma (West St John.)Lieoo e. l a ke('11Manl toba Nov. 24 Dec, 17 Stamr ec 5 De-.24 SteameIriDýec 10 corsicaIn (hrees) Dc17 Exlri, Steamer from West SIt. joh)n to 'c »aesnge s any, ate 5Ci 2 50 e27 nd n' k"Steanler e 0 io 7 0te To lboik or for ix'rt'mer nomti' C, J? . gnj'~,~.Shr,71Ym~eSre Toüronie ENPS we nave gen nin E nul sue- ject. Wýe set out te tale bout th foti,\ oiy erndfn i atuteun- densantitUeauthr'smeariuganti, t0 e ica o etr rentepitt rpage ti giv intellgent xp"-Ssiun th. a oltyt ren( wl v e, xethe key te-;aIl kuowýIctge,. Tonet ci piy thiat tUe rade is an e'loctin ist, butrthe tat Uc is 0bet gsp aeîaryanti quoir'klyI, c con1tents of tUe extract unilr cen- sidleration. iReadiing, says tUe sanie authon, fits us fer whntever caihing- we may choose, anti attends ns splendid means- ef njeymont for al leisure tume, tUe proper use et whieh bas a nmtevial effeci- in tiete- mining tUe characàter cf 'Our lixos. Our si ncone atvie, thon, te al yoiung people is, rn t ot Parents. inteîest, orsL tnthisI But i en Ye ca t ycnn chu tibrles aiity te en.rIfthey thae, aren taught te red ieiiigandtlyi nistenter tete asouse tUe re tanh et tebendkesanti usd- veiop a wý,helesomc appetite for e-! joying the highest picasunos anti' benefits this o orîti offens. cnl cf oltion days wore net lacking iu goed readors, taught by any methrd that w-eulti procure results. Si ney, in anu excellent artice abu tcnching readiug, says: If tue par-l ents are gond reatiers thcy sheuld spend a littie time each djay iný reatiiug te their chiltiren. It isaýi se a geeti plan fer the parent te reati a fcw pages cf nu interestingý book, and then pass it oveýr te tUel childt tecoruplete. Whcn!te chlii dren have reati a bn or a part cf a booke, thcy sheuid luc cn-ourag- cd te teil the story te tUelcitic members efthte famiiy. Thegrae the interest shown by the par st tUe greater tUe intcrest cf the cU1l!- tinen. TUe teling cf the story is alse geod practise lu self -expres- sion. Wc reati a lino the other day- which aIso applies here: 'ed net rcaiiy know a thing until e have toldf some oeelcsc about it." Lot the iparents sornetimes prcienti t) be pupils, the childrcu acting as teachers. If possible, chiltiren at the age- ef 12 y cars should Uc alI lewed te subscribe for onue or more childnen's magazines. -The arrix aI et thc paper through tUe mail in the chilt's name is an occasion cf vital importance and will have a wenderful effeet in stimulating the iuterest iun 'eading. W"e rend thîs tUe other day: "L'ducatcti mothers have edu'catcti chiltiren." Doos that niways hoiti gooti i,'Ne are lu a position te gixe an openion. Chli- dren are al -nys imitaters. If they sec the parents reatinîg it mnust cor tai-iiy have a manketi influence nuý thei;r interPest. Pa,ýrents sheniti ai th nl Uehm.Ne by r tUeb lde oeitliet u teye gete ueet usho werk. Oui ebserv Inas a tac eàmteu srngat ieln adrocte o f emle eucate KC.idneyandW,"!MeicaEd FOIs keeerI W i 1seflinga good many îighlt say, the effects- wcre leos inagical. Headaches and bi1cîsnç diap anad to-day I rcnnn "Frit-a-tives" 1to nMy Custonrs a ' ideal reinedy.' 41 niigbt'aise, add that about t1iree y'ears age Itoas laid up with 1LUM- IIAGO AND SCIATICA-couldni't ge1t out of bed or Iift ceue foo,t over the ether. A good tea oeu f "Fruit-a- tie"Cnred me cf theSe pains and baihdthe Sciaica aadLubao s thut to-day I an as wellaV-er and can lit~~~i tathn ecessaryn hrtrabuying (can befter be doenuthan -t i o. You eau get a better choie. The gondsi have not been picked over so that x na get what is fresh and new. IDo Christmnas shopping now and ax nid the rush1. Doii'tIbe- whceddinto the- be lie, fieus, hatyenare going tei get~ ~ ~ ~ fo nicifrntighmany but- sîes fn.Îfhy evoyn the-, xviii _, vihii lu' gxa Uabeprsn W;e ev'e been adxNiing our: read- ers to patronize Canadian publica- tiens more. Busy Mau'"s Maga- zine is a reaiiy excellent monthlyl ai,$ a y car, published at 10 Fi-ont ht.~ ~ ~~~n ½it urno L0 1,svîti in mch more of special interestý te theni in its monthiyisus ha-n is found in theoîiayIntd States ]iý,7rgzincs. Yen can safely entier Busy Man's andi yen w111 Uc thanieful, that you uwere told ef its nierits. Canadilars arc net as loyal' to their literarv writers of their own country as they shouiti Uc. ln planning for y our reatiing matter for 1910 try to include more ef the worthiy Canadian publications. Dr. G. Sterling Ry ersen,cfe rento, is authoî'ity for te state- meu,,t that within ten N-caïrs iu Can- cait -w iii Ubpsiblî 0e te trax ci Uy irship t Nithx cemteL, six 'd anti reaonaie sfety -narinîitg anti lesngxith tunch tUe same tegree, j e eotnitythat is nnxr assureti by ecaugIng steaansr. On tUe basis of 0 îiles an heur, it w nuit Uc jios- I ioto cross frein Halifax te Lix- cîpoc (2.100 miles), lu abeut 53 o . A ti ans-Atîsutie voy age, he sexiii net likely Uc undon- tnkr'ý n iti tUes cn uar future, ane ccnting te Dr. PRyerson, but it is not~ ut ailiimprobable that a lineoer arn ships xiii mn tI'em Halifax te MeT nt- cai, sia St. John, N. B. ; frein Motreal te Toronto, anti frein Te- ronto te Winnipeg anti Vancouvet'. Recreation is ueccssary fer all pesons who live Uy their bi-ains or Uvain-fag is sure te ovrtake themn but those vîhe engage most in sport aýre net . usnally the eues wnUeluse their br iost lu au occupation. TUe chage l matie with some titîttînt by the geuciatien noxv isrg itîtoimaihoocianuti xx'n- hetite mch tirue anti thought, cu(j i U regular rutine duties tUe da ci ivigeatiLg te tU nones Ue ye urei ani:gire S( Uclt1at i t ugt-;te tUe race B u sprtsaloe tnd TveptU 1in suôeieoetaverage înteuýisîty, TUe hri-tmasnumbr etTUeface i s p 11wt te pise is sekat CaainTaaieisaslnidrptTU eis colani o(Itei exai ple t te ecelentwor tht cvenjet with a elainmy perspiraL- CatiAla uîiers ilnstrtor ani tîn, tUe muscular sys.,tem is relax- liantes ae nnticin. Feincovr ti, tUe sufferer is nauscateti andi thin is igU lass sometimes voîmits, ani the mental to ce or e d'y aculties anti sensibilities are Uc- anti lueei sanad s etthtiS umbeti se that ne pain is teit, even cf te knti hntUns serUJe tbough boues may be Unokeni anti flesh tenu. Net oriy is. tUe sur face turn'-ti ~ ~ ~ 00 etyCaainpse. oold oc but the actual tein- tiîiy t sîer stnil, kethesant 'ratureocf tUe body, as mneasuned pot' ,anis-t cecpion eta,%ytUe thermometer, is lowered, cîîtcahappeciaînuby ouisVau- smetime s te tUe extent cf txve or cells, aFrechmc, oftUeworkcf hrce degrees. tUe nsient anaian rtit ~.w. heýn shock tiepeutis upen a vie- Monî~etUewhee nmbe istue entmenal moteti suh as fear cupt tCaaia îis ati or1tU, e rcciî, cf sutiiubati no-s, e" pen nsea no njun-y, as tnt ne- art'ts.ceietiin a rairoatiaccident or. sivhen ýshot, tUe sympteins app-ear TORTVRD BY ILES. sutiteniy; but whcîî it folhows n -- surgical operatonu, its appenrauce Coult iki-e Res! Culd net NWeîk! may Uc delayeti several heurs. Its otli net PIay! tiegrea tiepentis net eniy upon the sererity of the injury, but likewise Uni Zo aBu Brougiht Relief. j upen tUe sont et it. 'A bies' on the Ort. sys 1" vas se tertni r y shock than a imuch xse nijury ýte ie1hat 1ceuti"ut get case wheý- n extnemity , or esecn te tUe heati. tho iyugdow, itting, or sad Treatinent et shocie cails for tUe irg.~~~~~~ TU iervtrobt m f icles ot a physiciasa, ton itcon- stregî, e apetie, nticfmild ssts in tUe admninistration cf çroxv- sirete ix . IladsnfeneJse eogci-nl emi(,ies te restere tUe toue, anti ~ ~ ~ ~ tc seactoyjpt! cmet t iLu the rnelaxeti looti sessels, anti day~ ~~~~~1-P butni n ha ou',gbu oîehu aub on bî pues, nti tat ths bai was lto -Te sutterer sheuici net U oe gethr dffenet e oriinîy ont-Uchouldilic flat; he shoniti have mons sene etuhih bni pevei aranti tUe usuai crowd oet tUe usl r or so bati a case as mine ýcuriions shouiti Uc disperseti. The Iagot a supply cf Zaut Buk,, es shoulti Uc shielieti fnom light. ant1bn te uise it rcgnilarly. ot cioths sheulti Uc appliedt tee ,,-O-,~~4-,,c ,r.] +1,,be,,'+ on cictailnlu a feu we i i niu myjjjý'- if be e au suallew, ho shoulti Uc ai- sefcureti . I oeemy cure te Z.ain lewed te siîx a littie hot water. Sti. Lial cntirciy, anti I trust my cx,- m!ulants shoulti Uc giron, if at nîl, pcrienc wil Uc the menus et leatifd- mymdrt quantities. - ing othen suferons te try this great Youth's Companion. hierbai bain." Non eti Uc atidet te this ABOUT TEETI. plain, powerfuh testinmony sasr' onue on1estien-if yen suffen hiec Mr. Chiltircu shoulti Uc traineti when Gl,'acier titi, uhy net getrelief from u s onyyung te chenu thein tecth ne- tie saine source ns Uclie td gulariy, andti te inse cnt thein Zam Enie as Uce trnly say s - is useutU alter ench meai. The bestý "something dtifferent"' to tUe erdinl- otietifice is ehanceal powtier. Be- ary oiutme'nts anti salves. It is a sides cieaniugtlîc teeth it nets as n pou entai comrbinatiociof et Ueiig 'ednroizer. leaving tUe nînuth anti soethîng herbai essencs. No tvesh, anti troc frein any foetiti inierai astiringents or poisons; n odor. There shoulti Uc ne intini- impure anima,ï,l fats. 1gence lu sugar, cantiy, etc. "A It is 'a pros'etýý cure fer inflameti axiet teetlî" is likely te become n, aneas (as li les) errsipeias, ceze- - 'tcayedtototU." mn, uleers, sones, abscesses, colt Tartan 'isn auearthy-likc mnrus- cracks, ehappeti hauts, burvLs, etîts, tatin depositeti on tUe teeth frein sc-alp sores, anti ail skin injuries 1the salira. If, through negecet, it anti disenses. It is the most suit-,UnLs bon allou cd te colect arounti able baliie chihdvcm's rashes. Ail thr venots efthte teeth, it shoulti Uc Dvugiss ati te s t 5' bx o crefuliy scrapeti off wîth seine po-st-frne iroin Zain-Buk UC., To-i sharp instrument. It is best te have ictfor price. a ticntist roînove it. Seme people are se niegligent ns te allow sncb n qnantity te celeet that sevenai H1E lAD LEARNT. teeth Uccome soleltcedti tgether, anti "WUa.t's thut you'vc gel tîlrel" if oeeoe thon tiecays, anti it la usketi Smith's xite shavply. 1uecessany te extnact it, it becomes "En-un, a set, et boxing-glos os, jaliîîost impossible for tUe tieutist ny dea," saiti Smith: "I bought te do se withent remnving ail. thion for Thomas. I really thînk A tiecayedti toth,.however pain- ho, ougbt te Uc instinctet inl the less, srhich Uns a sharp etige, or noble art cf self-defence. I ami go- sxhich lu Ueaking off beaves a peint- iug te teach hlm. Ex'ery bey shoniti1 cd stump behinti it, shouiti Uc at know Uow te tako caneetf'imseit once filieti, as tUe irritation causeti le a turneef Ciongency. Come, tUy the tougue rubbiug upon'iù la Thomas,' into tUe garden; I wili net na frequeu,-t oengin et cancer. It is hurt y ou." 0ehlo wsh the mouth ont ecl Tino (àteni minute s iter; enter timesa ý? day with inihk or magnesia. SIliib"Maria "" Uc cn-ieti. 'What is itVb"lho asketi. l"Bning me some as- ment anti arnica !" hUc tiadeti, "I have jut ustaineti a littie lujury- te my aerseUt aslaimosttecause pain Mi- sa uil-anmato fei I tUe cyclits. Sma:i fltî(M cotW shemîlti e x et xin tnt t=ge d (x'n e ;tattUecmprssesfori l shuit beu usee,mping ou euea - s oo s Uefls becenies c. muognntoifyiug. ýntp ,a ' aIla etUe Farmer's Ftneuti. -- Tet aise rnrow offthme neat so rapîiy tnat thee rrepot neyer bcm redhot, cannlot burn out, %sboid Uc pralictdçaâlly cverlAsminýg. W eUca't toil oal týhe onsc el !uncs e Supiosc WC send yon o; Cla re Bros. &coe, mitd0Pesto, ont W. H.DUSTANBOMAV A COZY or a Iouuging pIacc to be delightýf-aIy orig~inal mtst partake oetich ornienalin scmce way. 8BRIm n Î(YO uIR W AETS Our fuît uns Mo ew are waitig for your in- Ba8te $71 that carnot bc- surpassed. Undertal"kingreivspompt and personal attlei or niigh.t and we do flot male any extra charge for P HON E ',8. <~ALAN M. WILLIAAA Phone 55 OMNVLE LITEIRAIRY NOTES. The Amorican llcview cf Revievs' contents for Docember: Give Him Another Six Menths, The Su- gar Trust's Frauds, Are Thoe "Men lHigUer Up" ?, Tariff Makos the Recal Trouble, IRefiing, as an Industny; Eack te the Cane-Filtis! Polariscope Freaks, Discourage Dirty Sugar, The Natien's Ui-I ers, The Active SuffrageMoe nient, Ag-ainisithte Standard 011 Company, Telep)hones andi Tele- graphs, Eiumrs ef a Cepper Meng- or, Mr. Rennedy's Munificent Be- quest, The il'cekefeller Hook-Werm Commission, A Tuberculesis 'r-- vcntnrium, Acrenautical Notes, TUei( North Foie Question, Mr. Pcary %-s Own Stery, Count Bennsterf onu Germani Ambitions, TUe Parliament at Ottawa, Cuba vs. Central Ameni- ca, The Lords anti the British Budget, M. Birîand and Parlia- muent, Battie ef the "Scrutins" The Cabinet Change in Spain, Czar Nicholas iu ltaiy, The Doiugs of ritii I jet 'St US ctiwith new idas tAn Clristma, presetnts, Christinas emnbrenitiry, fostivities anti Chistiasccoking, TUe reguhar dprmnsappoar nsý usuai, but inost cf these are big- ger titan lu any other incuth. Ad- dress, Worann' s Hm onni M-,tropolitn Anux (Maison SurNewYok pakwili Uc ,as fu'Àetgond ting yarn-entitieti"GrmesTakes Qont manti,"by Ieuny C. uwlfldx tiser cf 'Son Seanps," "Thae Wnu devers," anti otlitr bg oling a air bocks.Ono Watautthor cf "The Wooiing e 4 sti u nti othertielighttul hbous, enutWcbt n stery caied "An L nexpceti, ,Grautichilti," wInh ooo rt Eruropean larltaments, t'rectems .'close1 te1. '.1- - Ass seas oUeiig a nvitel ize. Befere Greece anti Turkey, Asa S,-parrows'" byvOsien Oliveis a sination of Prince Ito, Confstae ta western nîîuîug camp. Stendy March, TUe Soeiaiist Vote ,"Giaunco's Girl," by Wîl,1ii lu Europe., With portraits, car- Hamilton Osbloriue; W i teons, anti other ilInstratiens. Ad- Duncan Do 't" Uy,-Etin L. Sbn tire ss, TUe Amenacan leîwe "lonySofsn, U lao Ileviews, 13 Aster Place, NwTyrisOl "hnstins ala ode York. by W. CnreyWutny;" False - Ml:ýe,"' hy Clîffont r ssrd;anti M'oman's IIemne Cetpanion fer "TUe Seron Saua, b Pre Dece,-inber.-The aistie tentures Wilc, ae ilexepielyfinle c"f this issue are snku.Atuitois Ulattrebngca Lois Ccx,>, a deiltlfil pageCotes xhe n M ttew rnid CUilti Paintiug ~;lu eosU oseitcaey ie ii mt hr Wihex itUtopgse loigsecïfhl niisso fusey liustrtet hnmi'eîs vrse rs. obu an enst 0îitsln ls amsWhtom ily at n D Wian o cHapI auîusig stoî lu pituî es "Tir Vics,' yE1a;hel1-WI Chnitums Viit ome" Thrc'1' cx, id TUe itte Brthes,' gond Chistassyfieionin li iby tiiii Ayntu-Zngn iiarct1r isse b Mya Klly Zoa Gle,~,ter apes wicha1ehWt ixui IxlbntFeterani on . ar it atiuiqe.Atys~llppn 1,VTeei eil yKte-ctaMgzie ~s ab~gc lue~~~~~~~~~~~7 biatBowat dtci' Sur.Pildiha Ctt U ua ahrii ieu ot and geurasdte0d -To ta CAsAnts Oua Coepu~~ CouaT îsîoCu: -1- -ii .. N:,th.-.,f--cýýi" i f. h, anci G-,-er lune nearu, auct i i 1

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