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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Dec 1909, p. 3

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Litte Lver rPuls. tOuat Br 8!nturemWof0 6e. a-Salle Wrapper fBow. C ART ERSp IZIN"S eDFa TIEoan aLEXIao* Offie:-ie.ake~ o1,p ficSteetn st re Cail- 1,rI ILI' ONT~ ., . .e . . . or . . Ph.e .8.10. Atver jTrento; r ydieara sen upo Mýiî Ca ad Roa lden, c WP.CLt Itn. Tei. j torIe ofrîs ilmîs nmay iha teasa5d for & teri ' îFweoeyoneala ).U' Ata anuiLen ei an am"cre. ýNotor t, a C, 'l acres wil taased tolI taa tpheaii Appiatt~ fr taY inat b.u ar te th Agn rb- gent0mý or thedtrict su wlc the a4nu tacto apttdl hüah b. etakbi oui. Each~mým sPtta>omî se aCowTpagi@d b>' a fsa of wh&oo, 'hWl be relumnd if tii.e rigute ap'pia fo1 r nt aval but; fot, otherwlee. A oYatY biat!b pzad onl thL mnerokantable t;prit Cf tii e i u 0( rate of Il ve cents ver LTývar lae cf cei!Ii, m 1lgritt whlch ara flot hetg pr î aai furîsisih the distrit aget a Do lu onLae wi th a swer, tae se ts±oia affeet Ti iscat; once ln eactiyar Tis li ia ~5iinuinde the ceai mniningi rY.t o >>' but ýz Itis lee ma aPormlsîad tb pur- i7Caose ha;iev'er alvaltanta surface righs nia> li cssieed essary for the working cf tuec ie ai' tha at of $10 an acre. 1'o ftti iferati0n aippltaation gbould be niaè t th Scary of the DepAcrment of; tis leartr, tta :, r ta an>' A -ent or Sub, W7. W, OY Depity inisarof the Inta:ior. N. B- Unanhorzedpubicaionof ibis ad- Ynp5cf Canadianý, Noirihwest Land A Y eso is sihlsl head cf a .~~~~~~1~~ ,aîy or an aeoelicrs oi d, may s0i<n'srada curce setion ;f avait- alunearjj, in ersn a th Doinon Lands «&ee vr !u'gu o ise district. 1f incdu luoeicaer Of at Ï a 55ýý acre sWei osssd sud occupied _inb or by Ism iter. mlotO. ci.mon dmugsic-,brother orciuer lu ertindisrics, homýesteadaLlr in gon stndig my re-ep a userter eecon losgaicLis homesiead. Price $3.011~~~ pe, acr. ,uies fo id si bomuîea(owd cei- (inctu0dimr time Cime re.- qu ,a pl-i caun lîmsma iatent il sud icull-iefty e eta andtieuteýý'ad iii a d c n e ha pre.empuion P, aeaesmtsdioe tecd ~ ~ pu, li eran itrcs Pce $30 uer 1 i Tis Belinnews note telling e the eloevation cf the cat te officia position in tihe civil service accoin panies a bo(ndont indication o! th( xxav in wici the cusadefor itbi exterminaltioncftsrapii ily a SaiJitarvnoeseîiotel terests cf the pbli baltb, is bue ing lt'Il'd forccoooic encis. Durý ing J itfrst niiiene onths cf thE prosnt earthe impouts cf fane: clos s gl ves igaret casesýý, purs- os, tobccpnces toad similrpar commoities modiae eut cf eath en- WhuenL i s aedthat oney atcle modeofionsidrabl imprtance.d ýig! the at yar id o aed xitbhe ggreait e wired mn tind, it sclartht iunbte uGdeOt bas become ýan coo-itï fo to Ffcnîeal mor tne The iificnty cf oo io su small skins .i being oerclseas in theadesreaei pSopthear pre drices agdnte frat scns ho con bquder mas f ucaactuîesSO ro- Buttabe xfiyute sofit bheineorsdtcal pfail ain tpeoiiteanleilnus dis ese For the pesooestbf- must ho s uterfuge, the reol sonuce Ticse "Pinenar"Inliaton obrinsad sen at tbe1'r sein; skim lk ieasquerades as iiis trade alrady. Seoure dnty ho ave'tisoas lo! assucocarer.4 Butle the fg tres f he buasiness toîl cfaan incranyroitle itons- týry drpreseting ,threecoe metc ra.t oing.e enli; diig andlsawontibtione he elngs ncio disapern ctat admu thersoe. A get lmne peidon-Oy coneto 1vryhig, I e Idl course, 0e admnits, tbore wcre o'ld hus boises at ticeliotela, andi ho dic sec somne ponies buzzing abouit, but "cnonle cf thesecon ever ho otiliz- cd for cavalry, artillery or ex-on rrcunteci infantry purpeses."- Tbis saci thought, -uthici iî uppcrssost lus bi' inciA leacids te an excýursion in pltalsatire :;"But v s u mut t co!o0' ctvtsadigproa o tnteo tirnsivr iablx ampe'i Manya dcto bassaxed wpi rlas te1rî11 mn is callci. i-Meuhoga. goCi wUtncsruct bi 'her oa xe'esecranyi n ~oo~'a ho;pho na, I op Mne vowulcipett q 1k G'at2e i .5e ct, sc muici~cnpn lc vEg NO0TE S A ND CO0M ME-N T eîcprimntsmod n'tb atsfo)r th( desýtructi(,o frtsin plague in fected and piague rmnnced ports i4 China is quuted asthObasis ýof!v a crcjnst mode b h oeoe of the Germran c ro d f or the goici coat. Hougkolng's o rde pvingfor the- maintenance c o ot last cne cat ilu cdi ousi thre beig requireci in the largei estblshîensis followed. Ir ery pub)icý building in Togc aher pepleconregtesncb ai seluoîs, ospialsuad prisons, cati are te o e pi t as pIorcf the offi cmal establisbmeotjl. l.i addi'tion fortý- igners and ntîo alike are urgec te use the sanmeans cf protec- tien in their bhomesý, tic fear cf thc cf the order. Fren the adminiistra- tive vcpitteoid Fec a iog, "AgoÀatdsre a gooü rat:, ',wIli bho mîftld te readl,À gocci cat is the 000gcttiog ic bad rat.- -3, LMC!n-- - -- - Twch c teMuscles, Lumbago q Ci- tit aebes "sPeeh.'r l ico~a oii wone tie da- erons>' for ortTEE Ilmutationse, b y un-; ecrpulusakes. Gettigenin. 'Bigar ~ gmerus, oet'e issk-pi atrhus satat tios n te ubjetsaid:"N Oeer M0- -L J 0f W e have abunidant evidene in -r>, u ilc ezà -c >0 ,I>0 ltis country, that, motor cars a r eFATFLE t no;w being bought instead of horsýe,i la Buit the day of the horse is bardlypoorlcubrela medr Ald r over y et. He is still indispens3able, loghetrmedte tresa f nÏor inany yearsý there is likely e epe nwbsbuies tbea div isioof(Ab1-'or betweendî ott'yinjutaIodpa imadthe amiumobile whilcb nuil' NE aINCDHum I xic,"mrelst men-ýid "ari it go a tat fihe-,; te O b wokedout according to men' knows ,,titSngtSap hsngn cerchruloi O~~~!ý CeVt. ens\ wndrfl avngo1wbt1e ou 1 0, su thlat whei tise and labouir in hanse- pepehadimtyddntsa czleaniag, steywr àttaaotth o iIICII]RED BLOOI). Whether with fit or cold moubrlaenrs t- water, nctbng get tedi rt t- Ton Will iScier Have It as Long asý off so quic-kiy and wtotDa e btarcn h d You Rave Dyspepsia.ifljury as Sunlight Soap. flowmksH ianuane Use ae ypesa. iIt the Snih a i h'd go avay ! Buttcyrai Jus a log s yu ave dN spep- Follow tii. dircions. t hi or n idwt e -i'yUr focd!will 1net properly di-h siuef-H hcaïocom o)iilefood xiii net be extracted ooccupation.t, 1'i ï abso,,rbed, and impoverishcd c h esn eoecrh cudmnteadoc d watery blood will follow.inaiy d This condlitioýýn may not be app- Whnt seft i uredrd awiele ol , e- ~- a s cthigh, muical "And was A euIt at flrst, but it will cerne ust Ustb-peialc!hetuhtb d assur asthei,,sun will risc agniné- o îl aset tadie depixt iIon ohollhtpopesnl ahfrn findigsiocao esîoln a lcnl oî tn tobe yhdbenlii thînikine ~~ promptly urd byé, sing Mi-o-na frsc paln cut.Bt~aot o o hsal e er )f foiveryboldi,-Tan at nce e lek ai tablets, a scientifletetnn n sgtteseii ae.terol mrla n aao surpasseci.Frmhe aorcCmrigndbiesad astbtee 1t stops fermentat, blhn fMs.Weaeact faetif teycould finld smtigxi e gs ad tst ofsou fod lmot poulaio, ad ae ew n nedd mndig;and ifth4ey feund er atoc.or 2ist -l' foear leyee Th mghy onof IMi o-na te ies b oscuie cîn ehngotcdrpithvee lies yvote of thecit1ens f tiflt ahe(ery o te be ble to inigrtead eteethe stomacb ît,.Tho etefo1e îne a te erectcoditonisknown ev-icrae aiyanilweowism rtl. - M-onacuesbybuldngup-by-:ne license. perosc i otthnpoendspcalltt pie it ý agra iesh builder, be- i hsmvmn. Teoe ladh ee rx xa-ee cause it caues )ie tIach te givecunsiouhnknubr470,tebabyswookdhmu more and1p1 er 1xt--itionrtto he11 i lod t uessa n crsikshwing an ices nnwdps-wn ib at work aciwhstlcc d e. anod veiiing pregarcy al toef 25,878, orfour iUrnes as seilerrIlyta dya litileboy)-, mst arimed it. Jry & Lovel-,nnyasin the lcne ie.Th coFo neradlase1on scils Mi o na for io cets a largeices nne ou ubrs-si ohm box.tocln *4p1S. Thel crae ote auec -Is iit really ,foti1 e mn mr gurates ttocue rparpery i Camride duingthe as s pat 15year undr nolicesoibs t'h(, fnperap." answ ýercc now groxvnolmost temanhood xho less like work if Ipecdi '~n boxIEnxe en noe aleadyou sec; so I xvistie as ifIw1 r Il 1bav nehestanc insovng hbai ing the best turne in the xxerld." the conditions inl, lios;f11si "I Isate work," said the littIe 1~ URU CAARU, ASTMAness ndo th n-liens systm, boy, "and I always cry if I bo e t CU -: ASH are far better thonthvvr were do onytbing bard. -Bronchitis, roup, Cousghs and Colds, oir under the saloon i'gm. Does it make the work get donc msoney bacL. Sold and guaranteed by (Signed) quicekrl" asked the umbroila-men- JURY &LOYELL. WALTEIi V. Wn(-,, ("Cao youv wbistle h" aldtric 111E J1IflIlTON YL Long Bac, Caifria l-ubrella mendeýr. 1n196,th ci o og ec HhudSay Icao ' said the ý1-Ca.M le OOr tthat turne -a 3,00I i ow "rytat the next tu 111 onhave -fld ells cf itie îGrand ReIýsults nmoreto 1,0. oe slo t ok, dthe umbrlla 10 of (lo0sing 014.eBarsi.rgietectbdbuonbakdeanseifttdesetep tcup~ane eop aîdw-ilethy n aoo t 3. ardar srsi- tl' bilbt an cid, lbent up-ioig, and readli ûsscri ii te i-ogaLixe, the fen e1]1)1Dry geessoesfentheicoecr's only cotten. f ye Mue~ioe c'~utsan ffrmtiv 4to8, lohîg sors ren 3te7, hustled your wcrk an 0]cilli way, pcu asuc. n i oui' twn a short churches j-7 e1, shel retin would ho ready frtena o t;:ie go, v Itcd te cethe bars, q2 te , ppes 1runite diismuuch sooner." I nue .1tixr nush w,.sai9c Jack5o,,Tnss ï O prl1, 'Think se Y'said tseumbrella- Ibhis phaseif'e rpeiio.It 10,eev'lo nJesî los- monde'. '"Weil, Vien, ià,te yu -iiay net, te lro oi cf plce editsdor.The Chatanlooga advice, I should net xxant te be ti present the eImion.a,. Psscai cf the, ffet of caught in a bard stouin with the Amei'ican cities wic bxemde Ii a ,to uiesprotpeu'ty tmbrella. Do youî happen 'ilte know a test o hef et uuponbisi ess, ba-sesin .Jcks:" ar h1 iat higb the Quoco cf HladY arusing frein eItIitsinig the grog- or figures thone-ot~r, and Tbe cdd questionsrpid the sbop, os ntoaiu casi surely eut that predictese ersis prove, boctbiack. ne figure inx theo m tter. To-day, entircre rcngv 'Coursenocti Ili, said. tihe ministors in more thani 100 of Birmingbo, Alabania. Rder -I saw ber picture once," said I th chrchs c Dovor ar prcch-dat cfMarh 2stC. P. Jones, (Lc lîttJo e low. ing on te eopanv~ se, i o-It Eieeohefrinbu L'- "Well," said the unbrella mlend- ng wbat s clled"Word'sTom-gerwrce osfell-'v: "r jibition -r, "i was bcro in H]sd n r'~nceBoy" bi~is he lrs de~suct.eeding ber-,iomnurthat oco upon a turne I saxv oittegr cx îine grnd teptexard a as os r deoie ief efee te uho bad te scouir a greitt many "Dy Dovr."exerientwa Ixgu."Hegoeos ostal plates. I watchcd ber work,, Wehae uce,~i' ecotyon te pa feeercinc ayas ven arce t ine, aod notic- hadtîs usal ry f iss f rv- i-strle buldigs.aodclo~s , ithat she pîdattention te ne)l 011e. oresin taes detrutio sttin, AdaIwek ftc te oe, th1at she sang, and 'lot sheIý of business, etc. u xeinebudsg wr opcoihnrcstook care that eIb Plate nos pol bas ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U sbwihtdec - etub nc îpiassfriî wer ured ished as brigblt as it could bc modle these score-crexo Sah urausawai'hecause e n oeo'W(ri,-a,-,to shine. 1 Iasebcixxodyn The Massacletts ont." wouid oct unideýrstaodnl, if she lîked Staistes f Lberreprte te 'Tio i is tht polîbitonbas te xvork, andi if sle would suot ra- the Leistiatc h olwn in esoofit o ecupt iue u B ther rir and play, instcad cf pol- ficanit factýs (secpae 406 and 47:zr lot i nSrtbAuikie, , ishing ru lonîg at oach piste (1) ThaI 75 Épericent. cf th- aduxî thte sluuns. There iare tum "e.,)wn "h u ibti h u paujpc-s rs f Msschioîs re ad- shacks tîsat "I',referirly saboos Sioild iit ius and tise plaicI were- diýt( t'dteî-'us floquer. adtatn thrbsnescui e rýilî sic asked. 'o'she f(2) Tliiat 96 per centcfai te o wnlliniobt.Butheheeis éý) nIent , 'Ir 1like net te xork, but (3)'ilb-utin 1 p Il e lx. of ailrthe li truc nai x r itBu nt » i shou1i1core,1shxvold oct1like te yel, "is sîi I sing myco; it i, b I work and pOi ne attention te anv o thing but ini busimness,; and Ait wby I take pains to nsend as wel eas3 1 con, ex-en a bent-np umbrefls - nith a Cotton coves'. Tie pooresi uînbrella mendec ias fer a1queir uxili keepdr'y nyeuel a storýnu.'- Týhe tasi 'as d pune, l iiIi, bei ranof onlus crod~wli atl'Ig ad tic îxay; the boothiacolihe thE bocks of tic next pair cf bosa caeulyas be dici the tocs; vbl up,, the street went the po m brela-ienersînging bseîe fui]' "Rlbels, paraolscant boli ors cte raloci ' anicning csp with attw, bi1',11sicdal "Aod wasf 'Seed Citain anid Potaloes. By instr'uction cf the lien. Mn ister cf Agriculture adstibin is being nuade t his seoson cf ~upc cf suPei'îo-l soutsf grain anid p tatoca te Caîmadian farmera foi the soîprox orent of seod. , ie stock for distribution luas boco securcd sixmain- ]y fions tise Expo-rîmentailFrusat Indian ,Hoeail, Ssk, randon, Mnand' Ottawva, Ont. Thte sani piescenist cf oots, srig vieat, ailxpeas, Ildiaoncoin (for en- silge ui), andi potatoos. Tise quuantiiity of ota sent is 4 iba., anci eti wcor barley 5 lbs., suffici- o.nt in ealch case te soir ene-twenti- etlî cf an) acre. The samples cf In- diasi coroi, ieas amncipetatooes ieigu 3 lbs. ech. Folloxxing are tiseiva- rie tics: Onats-Banner, Abundance, Dan- isbl lni il uae W'iite Giant Theuanci ollar, busprox ci Whoat. R aieis:led Fife (boas dleus), Mrus Stanle y aod Chelsea (ca-ix- beari ess), Preston, H1uron ,,nd Pmingleý's Champlain (eariy beardoci). Wiiite varieties I White Pife (erbs) Bobs (earlyi beardîcasý). Bori-v. - S vroxu-eci: Mcsurv, Odessa, sudMo fic.Teoed Invincible, Sîandwell aund Canadi- a-i herpe. Fieldi Poas.-Aithur anci Golden Vine. Ituiioi Cns(fer ensilage). Earlv ors Angel cf Midoigit. Coîpto'sEarly and Longfellowx. EryMastodon, and WuieCapi Pottoo. ariy varlities,: 11- Maker. Iue lotos ;ta nousaro e'licrkn 01i v l. aîpl a o 'tt aoc 1mbat Tcsnplsw 3a lay [e idn id a- 'n e gt ýd -cpin m u pingm18818f k.. ~ 1"F i! n W n er " ro B ra n d ~\Syrp" houl be more largely used by QueouSihes to suF an extent thlat hOu1se- -eeping econses es-r n veryway Crown Bran Syrup eaten with bread toast, bcutpudig, ordeo pastry, pri iGessutanin diles At please the -ýpalteL and don't,, ehetthe bd-ihsta areplan, holsom, asily peae n ea-,ily dîges,,tcd andmt he santie time very nolurishing. WoVýnt you try CROWN BADSVRUP>? Wheu you tfiink0of it puity., itswoismees of ail the daiinty and delitful dishes you carnawthit,-when you th-ink cf its fn hnycem ivradcergolden colant, --and ho it w,ýil Save yentrul and bring varie-ty ta every mncal--don't yout think it worth your while to order somîe. Cilcïîdrentirive on it, Aduitsenjoy ht. F 1--W-1 ,ac,.eC-- b:tiýa j Snu - p ai ep te 2, 5, t1 ed2Dair igtawj, ~-l L ESTAMLIHED 1858. ~ 0 Every breede r of lierstock wHil be interested in the latest aazn bissue of Farin & -Dairy. The cover, is in tw colos, the central figure- pl (easi ilg. Tit illustrate's to, a nicet y the poi,ýnts loolked fori'iithCyds dale asý a dlraFter'. The issisel ijlhstrate-d trugotthe subjctsq deaitVwAithare quite in keeping swit thinteess reated. Mhm lrst artile Y Pro . HCS dlemnen and deaesare geting theo bl-ig profits, wietefariner is held cil Stand for (onA a livig age). The artice tson1 uggu'sa a renwdy. A h lg ]litof otherarile ms hiepIfilto'ail who] make theýirli- .ing on the Jiain, and of value tM srfon licesoc enrllist befudin this spcalisu F Far &iar, Publshd At Peter- boro, Ont. Farm&Diris aewodr Pt is lshe r eka'ndcot onl $1a ear. heagaIzine'n ln ers Isueis the eîghth of;a special" series tatgo wIth e rglrsb seription. ThespcalBreer'Is- sue cao he b-had atoffceof t iia tion for MicentÈs a cop ,niswl worili that price samo seafie from skin t and fborie, sîkredî in-o solpee a fork ald sao ihsî n pepper and a litleh-emon juie Butter asao a k!iug dci ch and spread over the bottom aelayeroI hot mrashed pIJotaesptoc Ilthe1- i onk thIi, mToiste.nwith a litteilk ~td cxorwith' anethi-ier layr of otos.Put littie chunk ,of[ut ter on top. Bake the ie ontilHit is quite hot and the surface brcwvned. Serve in the dish in mihich it is baked. It is an appe- tîzing and inexpensive dish. Stuiffed Oraniges.--Cut oranges im afrrunovc p1uý11lp, eut in sma]lý 1 piecs, egeherwith pineaple andý- creamn.

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