t àu1dUp A Eeserve Now ,Now, while -your erigpwri od h o ovr part of it mntc,~ts Reserve that mwill, later on, yield 7, conipetence for old age? 2ou can ecasilyd, t yr1 ual depositing a part of your icn i Estalihed 1873, 0F CANADA 77 Branche2j OneDola uJuparsopens an ac cunt and wiîh sysmntdMsugadCpud Ieette nd 1w i lrap.lv accumulate.' owmar~~v1ira a~l:A N cILN t 1, W. J. WHITz, - --- - -- - -- --- - - - - - - ice wToCredtors (1 E1 7GEO-RGE',LT- y i î tri sown ol '2Bo! vî thle ai uIe ild 0 " e . 1 havirg Mlyr lao ,iperddsagan if e u bitliîs ro' ge uriomes wc îe o o aou tchvethda re d lirie uc undi ied i: ilie ser!Utcf eh(' i Iilcft e' sd e c:~~~~t I eoeWdesa bSIld'day ne3O hir thr i'talîsud Urîîmi, per'Iftedby taluý -tcr rlartlonsh.; cen noi , ta atetbiid2 i îfjjeh d150 t lt l eenii wi pc ib1 t ov ses fte adeeae is. alo i psqsiM. Sonires.To- Miss Susie ilarrsson isite frided ningrotoe overaSunday. MisI la Arvilent win h ct mor twe k eseý7nd.ra ae ~ ~ ~ II['d i i ys r une sa 1'rv D.Pth ic receiuis batvey Jeffrey, MecMas ,ýter Jjniversity, preached in Bpt1jist Cuc Sunday week; Mr. M. Farrow and wife au- teddtheBrwSpnewdig Oshawa has just reolved te build a hosital. The suggestincamie from a woman, and a strong cern- mitseeteck hold cf the idea, and $18,5o ws rasedin tw"o days this we.Tlhe Icc'al magnlates and 01» ly and the !projecýt iswei u- der wa. Oshaa is a trfyand thrv~n tenand haseidny bee,ýntocd with the nepirit. The>. _M. C. A. was udertfaken lin a s*iilar cncrgetic anid large- hatdsense cf responsiluiîy, se chaactrisicof a gcnuinelybui nsliecomnuitby. Railway de- veopments in the district ensure euet future for Oshawa, and mith sucli earnest citizenship, and thýe towýn xiii lie regarded as a ýshow place in the province.-Torontfo Waorld. A unique programme xvas peet e-db the Social Caommittee at the ecaf St. League Monday evenD- ing w cek. The ice-Pres, MissR. OC,nresiý-,,dinig. The chie! feature bcig aComitte Cntetwhen befarej judge and jury, Mr)s. San- desnfor the Chita(Edao Dept., MssMt Gregory forP the Mîssonar, Mr. 1H. Ciisfrthe îe ary ad Mr.1. J. (Clatwor- tyfor the Socal, tried ta prove thtencli ccmnmterepresented wsthekysocf the ,So)ciety. The pastor, as jndge, addrsed the' jury,a he after a carefl onsider- atin A! the evidence taken Nwas aimost un1allnimous in their, decision ini fava--r cf the Mission)jaryComt tee. The, Glory Song was hEartily Su'ng and splendlid imusical numbers given býy Misses Ethel Kirbjy, Pearl and EeaCreskem iand M.Aid- rubve cf 'Pcrontc u,i inomvc,,q reaui j wor>kivin tis Distr>ict. The paper l da el:y a very stirring one andj Raae o Olu ptîOD l showed carefulr(3 ALL ER ELATVESHAD j paration. ALI E R HAD O0 Adicsio oioeled by Mr. Yn the y ear 19.8yeaes ago. Mýrs. C. A twrBlcsok was S. GesnEr, of Belle Isie, N.S., s nasa u-ggesýted that the local leagues c c- condition. Ail berz relatives had died of casoal edan invitation te COnsUnVIptioandthemewsevryindic-ation heDitrctofiers and they x ili thtsu asging the samrre way. tyt rsodin a lheiu-a. P>sychiue .c h eo:w1ho atnddsaidi ae Psyc'hine wss worYhles; but, telfecte a ise a few we,,eks atgo,-, cam e in wondrflMMe.Egeen yra nftrAas fo cisdeabe aorable com- lette: beariug date Augus 1, 90, rsPmnt Geaereys."I mbeîcyhau hve een Mis Lara antnEnniskîllen, foryearz. My lunga heve neîîroed me sag ol,"Ola.ppyý Day,", that sLneiooyorseaîen. y physiian ai y peaed heLeagueve Ethel tel ml cul nttaeae =11. ltha iwry mas acccmpanist. are seferigfrom Inn Tmàulcand C.eiss mma . Werry, Tyrone, eI!Debil y. gav a fne aper on "Responsibil- FesibyfOsgilîO.ipu eîs t nd Olgto fAssociate De. T. A. SLOCUN 3Membrs." S8e cpened by asking, LIMIED, Whydid ynu become an associate TORNTO memiber TDidycu join hecause sm one else did ea because it look- edeay"RtclThe imeanling cf an a',sscitemember is a "hlelper." H-ave c u beeken '1Ycnr work cantbe donc by anycue cismcod PRONOUCE~ S-KEEN wCll ue you te help bring others PROOUNED I EN to Christ lie lias given yon a mes- _________________________sage and wants yon ta deliver At Are o ou wiiling to miake sacrifice, te; staind critîcism, te wcr_»k with unli- LEGECONVENTION. cneilpeo)pie Be big enonli' tasy ' il,'ansd you lare ur Leagîîelolds Prelitable Cw(ihyu. Vour Ccmandler xiii Meeting at Oshwa. netjudge yen for whiat you re but or hatycu aim te b1). Thefontenthanuaicovenio 11v.S. T. Bartlet.t(,iarante, eof Bowimanilple Dstict Epworh G leal Secretary cf Epwvorth Legewas hel in Oshawa n ed- Leagus, couducted a Round-Table nesday, Jecember lst. The-wea-n(' onncethatbronght forth con- ther ]ýwas ecetinalyfine and the sdrbedicsinon how ta tin- District Leagues were weîrpre-ý duce sueont miembers te take part, sented. Tho eso pne M innman errors cfleaders cf prayer- cal! Street Methodist )Curci, themetng, agood( president aud hcw President, Mr. A. W. Anniîs, oc-t euee eb ? thepr pying the chair and conductig the, sonal canvnas was conidered the onein dvidmsl arrni .best wav iY the Iast instance. Rosy Ch eekhs or yPaule Onie s? A momnent's reflection wxth your -nirror wii.l give the hint as to Ithe cond" ti)n nof your system. Pale Cheeks mIddy Complexion, duIl! eyes, show a poveriy of blood. You reqo re somnethmg to make Ca petfl upyof 1nch> red blocl coret! roCgh ,our vL*is. To esur tîst wi upyfiom 1t he c iyfo,4 G e' 1- i s igoo'ýd wor-img Orde"r Beechaým s Pusaid te oalitodg S"t ts fod açito )smlteth bcc ý m . 'Ilbey sncIea.s= thie up y n impove tho qu yof the blo-od, if YOU are pi, waotî, o1n nc ewdsscf". camsluswl Prepredonl byThoms BechniSt. Helens, acsieEgad SQMd ever-ywhc7 re î a asnd U. S. ALmer&. Ira bxs25 cenzts, syotes a nvigratsiie athe drain ce-o mor e iýt looste from te sys tm '.1h varls, onsbecomnaulcrsal nd anly.You fe omerouasman and know ia- nagte car nnot beat;alue. dWeinvite ail te affIcted Ito sl us;onflden Theyan re fcharge. DonIt let quacks and f'aki'rs rb you cf your bard-iearniea doïlars". M-NO NA M ES USED Wi-IOU0LT W!ITTEN2' CONSENT. TI4REAE~IEDWH PARALYSIS. PeerE.Szoer. fKiaaazoo, Mic.',Él relates bis exptne:I' "Iwas týoubled wýitiî ervou-s Deb;iity ..... for many years. 1 lay àt to indiscretIon>, and sxesses iu early youIth. 1 becamie veryde pcoen and dedn,'t care ab!ether I workecl oxr ot. ~I ùimatgned everyLcody wtho laooked -at Mcuese ny secret. Imagin3ati-(edreams a,ÀI nh eknd mre-my ba-k iciied, Lad pains ii the f"ý'7'kbac!r of nsy bead, haL(ds and feet were, cold, tired in the mormng, poora~et, flugers Were shaký-ýtYu eys blrr , h loosc, tmemory pour, ete. Numb-nesl the ingera set in and tho doctor tcld mna he feared paralysis X teck aIli kndIs medieines and trîelD many tir,'tý-l physiciaLn, wore an elecinlo -hait for s m'orTEMET tras mo0hs. eatt t 11. Olemens ,for AFTFRTAEAI-MIENT dàive-ote1efc~~i f 5ty11g 1}1rp rayer-s. --T-e---s-r-i"t-- - ___ -"~r uoa:su i Yo \ ., erry Ihe Exeecnors oeth~e progress lias enveioped a lot cf cuir .fdDc.6JSeia)-r ~ AIl.aidpvptersuffer fomcahticks ews for suffering women is that au. aataemnetcfiheil empt! arîor bcing scattered broadcast by Mrs. demar.',sd u heprteiasand pi onis iher-Alodpol ufrfo atksEibehPRcadsfti lc. efanJd Illenatuireo(f tne 8ecn,lîlfsIf any held c f sndden exhanstion, weak heart IEiaehP ihrsc hspae 1,y'tVbcm togther l.h11aVRaiailoI of sncb se- action and prostration.- The best For years si e suffered from that curîities, i i croi, t errilile weakness and those agen- Aw' Àtieis hereby 'nven tha't af er the adin such cases painsse may wcmc know li u cj f Jnavîex 90 he said eoxecu- iuvigoratiug tenie which iN prepu r- Iîzingpan cmywoeko. icraxvii iîooed e1it0)ue te esatýAistfhe e foi fresh icat bec!, Citrate cf She lias feund relief in Dodd's sa eeà d aros1sthîe persous etitied cdfon.Iidney Pis and she wants ail suf- Ille oaigre'zarl to the tdaimos osiiy ef Iron and pure cid Spanîsh Sherry eigwmntko t wleh tthey or their sliltor shalh have badilnn wmn e nw t for th saîtiasIateor anypart tersofte Wne timits li dgston 'For twenty-eight years," says p-rsathe: ersous o! whocse attim ntcsafinand streghestic whole body. IIngher Mrs. Richards, "I suffered from n, t baveCenreceived by them or ther sald $1.OO a bottle.rubl an eoicitorrai îL ie cf srch distilbution. At flic Presbyterian Gnild on RemtsKde rul n Dstcd a ovavleti Sddyc oe Monday evening thc subject for Nuaga e ewa ei ber A. D, 1909. ntd yhueok le a R. R. Loscombe discussion was the most popular ntd yhueek le a J'M.oP%,uLodlscBwnve, 47 4wr 'hy;mu in the bcok af praise, naine-ont e! the question except for a few ~~olleltor. ~~ly, "Rock cf Ages." An excellentmiueatatm.M akahe Suîas V. Hoar, Milton J werry, Executors, papor was rend by Miss A. Lawlor, 9Iondetsep Ilre ai 'l'sroneP 0.Ont.a short address by thc Prosidont,' aînds of nmedicine and had come te Mr. S. Storie, and a recitation th- ocuinthtteewgn TEE? FARMOERIS' OPP*)RTUNITY bearing n flic subjeot, was xveîî cure for me, wlieu rending adver- rendered by Miss Ethel Schoffieid. tisements led me te try Dodd's A sledt orotunti tsup!rnUt iss Elorna Becker sanig " ocf îeyPi.Inwsepel d Ahe rgulr reun e t0the farm h iges" v effcctiveiy. r crcflreshcd e1 07vry mrning. th3 cgclr reemu 0! he f-rn , Podd's Kiduey Pis are al the me- o)flered to thý)Éeewho eau compeote for the Srpie not te say jindignation, dicine I want. lare csh rizs wlchwil b ~u'euet s fit iyticgooi popi hee oor The womiau wlio liashlItliy Kid- the Outerloovicil inerFarti ie opposiion,,,show-,n by the in)di xiinyrkowtcpi n be hcil,,u Guelphi on D I;be 6htecator te ïlcl oto.If i'S passinjg wnes tnt make lý hc pýnife arly 10th, 19,09 Abouît eI4 (0wl eefdsrnet e nintelligenit joýur oîilvig ods înyP ments which ioYdeth pinIpl redserinevr mra rfoniliin __________ Sheoep J, 8ine and Pouiltry, asudalohîsinpxthficnhiseysois MST L7,UJRUSPRSN seeds. JThe Fair caons et a UnVeutenoke n iîmr aops h se746cn willo the fi:tilog eau b-e donC loal iistrsund otPritepe i most lxuies rison in tic duriiîg cheosiack time cff4i nd ceari1 nc 1 xorer 1r-thirefors t sae wrldis in Jpn about fiffeen wlnter while lb. few daa peyit io tc~u e rmfetril rlsfo oi.l lcmdfc snd prof Tolble unitge Write A.f Find fý,LT Ut1iament ildngSh cery- trocs, vwhere aLrc scen ornýa- ToroAo, ra prii, 118% rin iitr.-MisIee etlponds with water hiles, anis- _______________________ isOcae faie Colee t s h palatial prison. Tic celis hom; owrdCoe, ToV ýranto-, at! aespccsand aircy. Tic iighting ~ok' cttn oo Cmpun is aters;M.D.M euiO truliu is by electnicity, and1c Thogret UenffoTone, ndgoae HllTornto xvtlfninci; ficnpntmetsare furnishedmx Reglaorowhchwnsuca cant Lndsyviiting fiud a iot anudcold water be"iug dcpend. Sold, Oie thrue deirnef aiIodege (f ieeu pipearuo 8 nS r"d;M.A ul axugrosanot. ig scemlts te "ieS ' r o . ~oldu~ al druggstsorseTcetr il i itr r.W uîgt aetcsjuui i CP~i n ecip c prde j*~ ~~~oMis Pnn Mculoui, uon pleat. fct,âtnem. heiprul and uplftng cîtaracter, thatj the aim cf each member should lie to help in this direction and to rea- lize the importance of soul winning. There is no greater factor in accom- plishing this than praver. She pointed out that the District pro- grammes should be incentives to local leagues for suggestions and help. She reviewedti he duties of each District officer, as outiined in the constitution, giving food for thought and suggestion for the new members of the executive in the coming year, which, if taken and' followed out, will give a new im- petus and a greater symipathy to the Proper attention to the liairI and scalp is the best preventive of baldniess. An ocaionl p- plication of Bearinýe Hair Pom- ade keeps the scalp ini Xealthy- condition. It 1InrislI eýs the thle nat a1ouoftehed groY h 50 cts a jair at your A simfle ffciereeyfo nayutl lintie: A cvoloud with a vasenebsu astherdra s for ng auebcccsreeyo wella frto5 ht tyat home. 25C. -- box. D AVs 1,IAWItrENl;C l, ,Mot r cP.! prescut, witl an attent ion thaf may prove dangerons. China is lcarning about cuir oducational systemi and our constitutionai gaverument, sic is building a uavy, gntlering anu airmy, mannfacturing firc-arms, and gun-powde~r, building railroads andi t ciegrapi hunes, and incrcasiug lier post offices. Tic Viceroy las ord- ered a number cf copies o! tic New Testament for fIe young men ta study in cennection with tieclcas- sies. China is moviug fowards mcd- cm nntionload.Ilier eyes are-tnmn- cd ta fie western world, nskiug, Wlint lave you ta give usl If lies çxvith fie Christian nations tb say if sic shahl receive spiritual feaching. lr. tic past it was vcry difficuit for' fie missionnry ta enter this country wifh fie gospel, but ccxv aneceau have an opportunîity cf speakicg te bnndLiýýreds, and as tic milronds are exton-,dod tîrougl tiec connfry if is Igcinig te bc casier stili to reacli gueternmbors o!ftiesopee :Ifed cftic 'dICh '1ina and 1er cioec dors I iroduce f0 të,yen tus ppof -n1y ny ot1be'cnIlrs. Chinlasfi f )Iower cffie lioi Spirt ad acnoxledgd1i. Tisý Curian oprniy t ar orwork mb tnt-mccI., Mrs (1e.)A.R.Sanoro Isangasoo FerY Nf IsmraeI," anId a qj1utettecopo ecd cf Ms .A.HaoMisFn die sang "Oe Seoty Sl Toui. 11vU . .Brietgvenvr lelpfladrsso "i Lnu tnt rw. oxa lnoit -ao tnLi cLaneo ii s -yren-e-. Second Vice-Ms. iH. J. Werry, Ecniskilion. Thirdl Vice-Mr. E. A. Leveil, Fojurti Vice-Miss Gertie Lang- mnid, Zion. Fiffli Vice-Miss Edua Menu, Orano. Sccrtaryý-Mr. W. H. Mcore, Hiampton. Treasurer-Mr. J. E. Elliotf, Cadmus. pesll.Tic f-rr-t ca soud i lartroeitflate cfhfli sftmac u tebstpearte fer tn ups sPree' e glnetaePil. enm i usefor ycars lina- ILieu ladigplc in medýici-no. A trial will altest Ibeir Value. A CARPEINTER WANTED. Conference Ixepre sen tatnve-Rvev. It was m'dnight, and the front Tý H-. P. Anderson, Hampton. door bell rangn Çrioiy1,. Ahad Summer School Represctative- adr0 ihsagyadumn M A. J. Loga 1n, Oshawa. ageable wihsers, wa thrust out cf the chamber wido, nd a vouce that fitted the beard inquired: The Pili That Leads Them Al.- 'WThat is it?" Pils are the most portable aud "Oh, is tMrc llegins' " came compact of ailmedirines, and when a shrill voi frn the sade.cfthe easy to take are Mh moàt act'ept doorway beiow. ale of preparatones. Btthey 'Ye01C rnut ttet hei pwertehone- "Pease come te Our huse jua-t Prlar. Au Parmelee's IVegetahielna vqick as you scn- Puis are thecst popularMn1 cfai I iMtadotr, a cavrpen- pis thiey must f11iiy m-neet 1'1 tr.Ir. Higins vs wod"ors quirements. Accuratey cornu- bio,"ad ewn dowîcamne ced and comipnoed elcf igriens 'da wHiiha 0iani proven tebe ffete ruin ng "Plase shr,' said the luttin, the digestive ergaus thereà MoCourcc, " nus ynwewant. Pa a.nd su rer imedicine te bechad anywhere(. mais sî!1ut up iri the11oidinedý, and we ca't gp!tLterpon !' Thie man who î atscf his wil,ý ý lingnerss Ado M S uts n ilt imes he "Do yn boe1iài tre it neI rict ) ip tu,"ý DH-V.E1% FOOD-VAL 7E. C C A'ý to he thriftyhousevie. BREKFSTSUpFLE'ý CFULDREN and ccouomy in -s. Ekp e S."