To s;impl ýif yXms shoppinig the fol- Iowiig c' Lassified ist o? articles ïbas Fie taioary, Fancy Baskets Sewing Seýts, Writing Siets, Fountaini relis, ML-usic Rtoils, GloveCae Toil- tet t ,Phot4o Framnes, SaigSets, Brushàes-, Collar and Cuif Box, Jewýe!l Case, Steins, Tobacco Jar, Boy's Ownu Girl's Own, Chiums, Post CardAl bmumsBile, yn lBooks, os Bowl, Vases, Candie Sticks, Mirror,ý, Jardiniere Stands, Sationery, Card recei ver, Maiicure Sets, Letter Scales, Bookýiets, Xmas -0ýCards, post Caids. Ail Itle newevst books in rnt W. T. Allen, 1 le 0.> mook~tore. t e I i DnARLJNGTO'N TAXES NOTICE 1 EREBY QIVEN tat I wili attend Pat Tyrone Post Office, Frn- day, D5cemib9r lOth. For the purpose of receiving taxes. Two per cent w1]' positively be added to ail sums remainin g un- paid on December 14, 190G9. John Reynolds', Collector. Darlington Nov. 29, 1909. 47-2w CIIRIST-MAS POULTRY FAIR ANI) HiORSE 5SHOW WEDNE5DAz, Dyao. 22, 1909. The Bowmanville Chrilýtm-as Pouitry Fair wlll be held lan the Counci, Cham, ber and the Herse Show on Temperance Street in front of Town Hail on Wed- nesda-y, Dec. 22. No entiee or admis- sion tees wi'lIbe charged. $100,00 s CBoig affre n Cash rfzee.Strt mnw t& eed Your pouitry and get your herses in condition. Ti'e prize liet ' 'e "f r", BUTTER. Five Ibs In prints .........$ $2 Five Ps erocic ............2 Ten ibs in crack .. ......... 2 MAPLE GROVE Mr and Mrs Ridi Snowden, town, 1Sundi,ed with f cienids here. Miiier'ti Grip Powderp, Cure. R. M. Mitchell & Co., Druggists. Mr Howard and Mies Ida Bene, New-. castie, spent Suniday with Miss Elva Snowden. If sick headache is mnisery what are Caiter'siLitt]e Liver Pille if they pasi- tively cure it? People who 'lave used thoem prove thie f act. A large number from nhere attended the temperance irally at Ebenezer Sun-. day where excellent reporte were given of the Provincial S S Convention at Toronto. 1 used te be continually tlred; now I arn strong and well-M'Wilier'a Compound [fron Pille dld It SoId by R.. M, Mit- clil & Co., Bowmanvilie. R Siemon and wife attended Thank- offerlng services in town Sunday and visited at W Trewin's .... Mr Sherwood Rundle le attending the Fat Stock shcw ut Guelph ...Robt Moore and vvif e visited friends at Whitby recently.. Mlton Slimaon attended the Epwortb League Convention ut 0Oshawa. New 111e fer a quarter. Millier'a Comn- pound Iron Pille. Seid by R. M. b,,i' - ta C., Bowmanville. 1Report ef S S No 21, Dariington, for1 November; Rames in erder of mûr1t: SOLXN A. The Women's'Instituta meets On Thursday Dec 9 at 2 30 p M at the home of MsJaes VceSubjectE,. Christmas Tboughts, Discussion by niembes; Waste through injudiclous buying, Mrs W TaylorBorne Nursing, Mrs Thom. BakLer, Ail ladies cordially invited to attend The contcst between the sisters and brothers in the Division terminated FrIday niglit. The sieters were vietor- Ions and the boys are providing a mam- maoth oyeter supper for them Friday niglit. Tweive new memibers were added te the Division, W C -Werry acted as judIge. Evtcry member le reý, quested te be presen3t,..H L Paseoe and wvife, Taunten, visited at Grandmna Bogrths,.. TBaker lias sold a fine btneh of Shrapshire Iambe te R Miller, stouffville,.. We woud -advise Young m en who go out driving their lady friends n«etot take a lantern... H w Meredilh'e herse friglitened at T West-i Iakc's thlreshing, outfit and threw hlm and Jas Vice inte this diteh, They es- caped with a few bruises . .- W N Pasece and wife vieited at Eannisridlen recentlv7 ...Annual myeeting fr>r the election cf S S officers at Eidad Wednesday eveni- ing next .M..ýrs Edith VanNest has seld lier tarm. OSHAWA Mrs Jos Craig has beeni visiting tela. tives la Torente. ,Mýrs D White, -Ashourn, visited lier The SXeason's GreatestHoi day Sale of Fursv People of Durham have seidom, if ever, hiad such an *opportunity for- buying' f tirs at reduîced prices as are offe r- ed this Ymonth. We are makirig a Great Clearingý Sale ýA and are givingc money-saving bargains that are of special iP interest to holidaysopes;ntEeaFrbu GOOD FUR$ CI1AP and our guarantee for satisfaction with every ari o 1 matter what the cost may be. Yeu have shown pract. ical appreciation of our franknesad inriynth past, a~nd we promise you in thlis Great Fur Sale, greater reason than ever for your confidence and patronage, Our,ý stock incluides the best. Ç Ladfies' and gents' fur and fur-lined coats, coon coats, wombat coats, caperines, stole's, muifs, ruff8ý, gaontiets, fuir caps, gloves, etc. Exh bIt Irought Heavlest pair.- jBestidreseed pal DUC; 1 MaYuuutjoy. 1-LDra Mouusjiy, n.aue U lauEcu' Duons. ll Ashton*, Mary Aslitonle, Rena Coop. lier mother, Mrs J 0 Guy. .~~er, Edgar Cooper, Lillian Ford, Oilve Mrs W Moore, Hampton, le visitIng- r......... 50c artin (absent.> * Pfeeont every day. her brother, Mr jas Gregory. Liiearts miFflTUeg In this department we have a full and up-to-date range of loes lers, hats, caps, sox, anderwear, shiiîts, suspenders, etc., whie I are, Xmas Presents ad are being cleared at prices whiph aremkno -i Iuly kiuwnUv a large vîrcle Are you contented to pid o or oefrlends -Gie iradfi --long, doing uncongenial noor- ....................nthe K mcculochi ta ath of- Mrs Bel se tas-e usuaiiy asem ihtese persons are ket pit v exposlil 11nalities in nlowing ends andi tour-îa-flands in beautul clrnsa I 75e and 8$1.00. £'If 1 -